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Commit graph

1755 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
4e7d63cf09 Remove assigning block type to -1 when disabling them
This fixes a regression where moving platforms had no collision. Because
their width and height would be maintained, but their type would be -1.
(Also because I didn't test enough.)

In #565, I decided to set blocks' types to -1 when disabling them, to be
a bit safer in case there was some code that used block types but not
their width and heights. However, this means that when blocks get
disabled and re-created in the platform update loops, their types get
set to -1, which effectively also disables their collision.

In the end, I'll just have to compromise and remove setting blocks to
type -1. Because in a better world, we shouldn't be destroying and
creating blocks constantly just to move some platforms - however, fixing
such a fundamental problem is beyond the scope of at least 2.3 (there's
also the fact that this problem also results in some bugs that are a
part of compatibility, whether we like it or not). So I'll just remove
the -1.
2021-02-19 18:21:40 -05:00
cd5408e396 Fix potential out-of-bounds in next_split_s() wrt buffer length
next_split_s() could potentially commit out-of-bounds indexing if the
amount of source data was bigger than the destination data.

This is because the size of the source data passed in includes the null
terminator, so if 1 byte is not subtracted from it, then after it passes
through the VVV_min(), it will index 1 past the end of the passed buffer
when null-terminating it.

In contrast, the other argument of the VVV_min() does not need 1
subtracted from it, because that length does not include a null
terminator (next_split() returns the length of the substring, after all;
not the length of the substring plus 1).

(The VVV_min() here also shortens the range of values to the size of an
int, but we'll probably make size_t versions anyway; plus who really
cares about supporting massively-sized buffers bigger than 2 billion
bytes in length? That just doesn't make sense.)
2021-02-19 17:17:24 -05:00
72b8afcf7d Print if PHYSFS_enumerate() has an error
If PHYSFS_enumerate() isn't successful, we now print that it wasn't
successful, and print the PhysFS error message. (We should get that
logging thing going sometime...)
2021-02-19 07:12:13 -05:00
83976016c7 Refactor level dir listing to not use STL data marshalling
Note that level dir listing still uses plenty of STL (including the end
product - the `LevelMetaData` struct - which, for the purposes of 2.3,
is okay enough (2.4 should remove STL usage entirely)); it's just that
the initial act of iterating over the levels directory no longer takes
four or SIX(!!!) heap allocations (not counting reallocations and other
heap allocations this patch does not remove), and no longer does any
data marshalling.

Like text splitting, and binary blob extra indice grabbing, the current
approach that FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() uses is a temporary
std::vector of std::strings as a middleman to store all the filenames,
and the game iterates over that std::vector to grab each level metadata.
Except, it's even worse in this case, because PHYSFS_enumerateFiles()
ALREADY does a heap allocation. Oh, and
FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() gets called two or three times. Yeah,
let me explain:

1. FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() calls PHYSFS_enumerateFiles().

2. PHYSFS_enumerateFiles() allocates an array of pointers to arrays of
   chars on the heap. For each filename, it will:

   a. Allocate an array of chars for the filename.

   b. Reallocate the array of pointers to add the pointer to the above
      char array.

      (In this step, it also inserts the filename in alphabetically -
      without any further allocations, as far as I know - but this is a
      COMPLETELY unnecessary step, because we are going to sort the list
      of levels by ourselves via the metadata title in the end anyways.)

3. FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() iterates over the PhysFS list, and
   allocates an std::vector on the heap to shove the list into. Then,
   for each filename, it will:

   a. Allocate an std::string, initialized to "levels/".

   b. Append the filename to the std::string above. This will most
      likely require a re-allocation.

   c. Duplicate the std::string - which requires allocating more memory
      again - to put it into the std::vector.

      (Compared to the PhysFS list above, the std::vector does less
      reallocations; it however will still end up reallocating a certain
      amount of times in the end.)

4. FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() will free the PhysFS list.

5. Then to get the std::vector<std::string> back to the caller, we end
   up having to reallocate the std::vector again - reallocating every
   single std::string inside it, too - to give it back to the caller.

And to top it all off, FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() is guaranteed
to either be called two times, or three times. This is because
editorclass::getDirectoryData() will call editorclass::loadZips(), which
will unconditionally call FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames(), then call
it AGAIN if a zip was found. Then once the function returns,
getDirectoryData() will still unconditionally call
FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames(). This smells like someone bolting
something on without regard for the whole picture of the system, but
whatever; I can clean up their mess just fine.

So, what do I do about this? Well, just like I did with text splitting
and binary blob extras, make the final for-loop - the one that does the
actual metadata parsing - more immediate.

So how do I do that? Well, PhysFS has a function named
PHYSFS_enumerate(). PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(), in fact, uses this function
internally, and is basically just a wrapper with some allocation and

PHYSFS_enumerate() takes in a pointer to a function, which it will call
for every single entry that it iterates over. It also lets you pass in
another arbitrary pointer that it leaves alone, which I use to pass
through a function pointer that is the actual callback.

So to clarify, there are two callbacks - one callback is passed through
into another callback that gets passed through to PHYSFS_enumerate().

The callback that gets passed to PHYSFS_enumerate() is always the same,
but the callback that gets passed through the callback can be different
(if you look at the calling code, you can see that one caller passes
through a normal level metadata callback; the other passes through a zip
file callback).

Furthermore, I've also cleaned it up so that if editorclass::loadZips()
finds a zip file, it won't iterate over all the files in the levels
directory a third time. Instead, the level directory only gets iterated
over twice - once to check for zips, and another to load every level
plus all zips; the second time is when all the heap allocations happen.

And with that, level list loading now uses less STL templated stuff and
much less heap allocations.

Also, ed.directoryList basically has no reason to exist other than being
a temporary std::vector, so I've removed it. This further decreases
memory usage, depending on how many levels you have in your levels
folder (I know that I usually have a lot and don't really ever clean it
up, lol).

Lastly, in the callback passed to PhysFS, `builtLocation` is actually no
longer hardcoded to just the `levels` directory, since instead we now
use the `origdir` variable that PhysFS passes us. So that's good, too.
2021-02-19 07:12:13 -05:00
532dbee4fd Contextualize PHYSFS_mountHandle() failure output
If PHYSFS_mountHandle() failed to mount a zip file, we would print
PhysFS's error message straight, without any surrounding context. This
seems a little weird, and doesn't maximize understanding for readers;
I've made it so now the error message is "Could not mount <zip file>:
<PhysFS error>".
2021-02-19 07:12:13 -05:00
f22691c32a Remove hardcoded check for "data" in level dir listing
When Ethan added PhysFS to the game, he put in a hardcoded check (marked
with a FIXME) that explicitly removed all filenames that were "data"
returned by PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(). Apparently this was due to a weird
bug with the function putting in "data" strings in its output in PhysFS
2.0.3; however, the game now uses PhysFS 3.0.2, and I could not
reproduce this bug on my system. (I also tested, and this also
straight-up ignores legitimate level filenames that just happen to be
"data" (without the .vvvvvv extension).)

After talking with Ethan in Discord DMs, I asked if we could remove this
check, and he said that we could. So I'm doing it now.
2021-02-19 07:12:13 -05:00
bf97e23fb6 Add static keywords to replace_all and tag finder funcs
These functions will never be used outside editor.cpp; they should
therefore be marked with the `static` keyword.
2021-02-19 07:12:13 -05:00
141181dee7 Refactor extra binary blob tracks to not use STL data marshalling
Just like I refactored text splitting to no longer use std::vectors,
std::strings, or temporary heap allocations, decreasing memory usage and
improving performance; there's no reason to use a temporary
heap-allocated std::vector to grab all extra binary blob indices, when
instead the iteration can just be more immediate.

Instead, what I've done is replaced binaryBlob::getExtra() with
binaryBlob::nextExtra(), which takes in a pointer to an index variable,
and will increment the index variable until it reaches an extra track.
After the caller processes the extra track, it is the caller's
responsibility to increment the variable again before passing it back to

This avoids all heap allocations and brings down the memory usage of
processing extra tracks.
2021-02-19 07:07:39 -05:00
7a02f174ac Add option to not use bundled TinyXML-2, PhysFS, and UTF8-CPP
If you configure the build with -DBUNDLE_DEPENDENCIES=OFF, then VVVVVV
will dynamically link with TinyXML-2 and PhysicsFS instead of using the
bundled source code in third_party/ and statically linking with them.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like distros package LodePNG, and LodePNG
isn't intended to be packaged, so we can't dynamically link with it, nor
can we use some system LodePNG header files somewhere else because those
don't exist.

UTF8-CPP is a special case, because no matter what, it's going to be
statically linked with the binary (it doesn't come as a shared object
file in any way). So with -DBUNDLE_DEPENDENCIES=OFF, we will use the
system UTF8-CPP header files instead of the bundled ones, but it will
still be statically linked in with the binary.

The main motivation for doing this is so if VVVVVV ever gets packaged in
distros, distro maintainers would be more likely to accept it if there
was an option to compile the game without bundled dependencies. Also, it
discourages modifying the third-party dependencies we have, because it's
always possible for someone to compile those dependencies without our
changes, with this CMake option.
2021-02-17 09:05:11 -05:00
3927bb9713 Fix entity and block indices after destroying them
This patch restores some 2.2 behavior, fixing a regression caused by the
refactor of properly using std::vectors.

In 2.2, the game allocated 200 items in obj.entities, but used a system
where each entity had an `active` attribute to signify if the entity
actually existed or not. When dealing with entities, you would have to
check this `active` flag, or else you'd be dealing with an entity that
didn't actually exist. (By the way, what I'm saying applies to blocks
and obj.blocks as well, except for some small differing details like the
game allocating 500 block slots versus obj.entities's 200.)

As a consequence, the game had to use a separate tracking variable,
obj.nentity, because obj.entities.size() would just report 200, instead
of the actual amount of entities. Needless to say, having to check for
`active` and use `obj.nentity` is a bit error-prone, and it's messier
than simply using the std::vector the way it was intended. Also, this
resulted in a hard limit of 200 entities, which custom level makers ran
into surprisingly quite often.

2.3 comes along, and removes the whole system. Now, std::vectors are
properly being used, and obj.entities.size() reports the actual number
of entities in the vector; you no longer have to check for `active` when
dealing with entities of any sort.

But there was one previous behavior of 2.2 that this system kind of
forgets about - namely, the ability to have holes in between entities.
You see, when an entity got disabled in 2.2 (which just meant turning
its `active` off), the indices of all other entities stayed the same;
the indice of the entity that got disabled stays there as a hole in the
array. But when an entity gets removed in 2.3 (previous to this patch),
the indices of every entity afterwards in the array get shifted down by
one. std::vector isn't really meant to be able to contain holes.

Do the indices of entities and blocks matter? Yes; they determine the
order in which entities and blocks get evaluated (the highest indice
gets evaluated first), and I had to fix some block evaluation order
stuff in previous PRs.

And in the case of entities, they matter hugely when using the
recently-discovered Arbitrary Entity Manipulation glitch (where crewmate
script commands are used on arbitrary entities by setting the `i`
attribute of `scriptclass` and passing invalid crewmate identifiers to
the commands). If you use Arbitrary Entity Manipulation after destroying
some entities, there is a chance that your script won't work between 2.2
and 2.3.

The indices also still determine the rendering order of entities
(highest indice gets drawn first, which means lowest indice gets drawn
in front of other entities). As an example: let's say we have the player
at 0, a gravity line at 1, and a checkpoint at 2; then we destroy the
gravity line and create a crewmate (let's do Violet).

If we're able to have holes, then after removing the gravity line, none
of the other indices shift. Then Violet will be created at indice 1, and
will be drawn in front of the checkpoint.

But if we can't have holes, then removing the gravity line results in
the indice of the checkpoint shifting down to indice 1. Then Violet is
created at indice 2, and gets drawn behind the checkpoint! This is a
clear illustration of changing the behavior that existed in 2.2.

However, I also don't want to go back to the `active` system of having
to check an attribute before operating on an entity. So... what do we
do to restore the holes?

Well, we don't need to have an `active` attribute, or modify any
existing code that operates on entities. Instead, we can just set the
attributes of the entities so that they naturally get ignored by
everything that comes into contact with it. For entities, we set their
invis to true, and their size, type, and rule to -1 (the game never uses
a size, type, or rule of -1 anywhere); for blocks, we set their type to
-1, and their width and height to 0.

obj.entities.size() will no longer necessarily equal the amount of
entities in the room; rather, it will be the amount of entity SLOTS that
have been allocated. But nothing that uses obj.entities.size() needs to
actually know the amount of entities; it's mostly used for iterating
over every entity in the vector.

Excess entity slots get cleaned up upon every call of
mapclass::gotoroom(), which will now deallocate entity slots starting
from the end until it hits a player, at which point it will switch to
disabling entity slots instead of removing them entirely.

The entclass::clear() and blockclass::clear() functions have been
restored because we need to call their initialization functions when
reusing a block/entity slot; it's possible to create an entity with an
invalid type number (it creates a glitchy Viridian), and without calling
the initialization function again, it would simply not create anything.

After this patch is applied, entity and block indices will be restored
to how they behaved in 2.2.
2021-02-16 19:31:23 -05:00
99276d7cdd Fix using ii instead of i in script serialization
Otherwise this results in an infinite loop. Whoops.
2021-02-16 00:13:39 -05:00
b243b116c9 Fix VVV_isxdigit() accepting A-Za-z instead of A-Fa-f
This function accepted more characters than it should have. (I made the
same mistake on my PR to SDL, embarassingly enough...)
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
3225be6d9e Fix is_number() accepting "-" as a number
The function would accept the string "-" as a number, when it isn't one.

To fix this, don't put it as part of the loop, just add another special
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
28caa994e9 Add a blank line to the end of is_number()
This is to be consistent with is_positive_num().
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
4a853fec97 Add a blank line to the end of is_positive_num()
The return statement is too close to the block above it, so I want to
space it out for aesthetics.
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
30b0fc828f Change is_number() increment to pre-increment
This is also to be consistent with is_positive_num().
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
62533300b0 Change is_number() iterator type to size_t
This is to be consistent with is_positive_num().
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
7ea70ad1d6 Fix is_number() returning true for empty strings
Just like is_positive_num(), an empty string is not a number.

I've also decided to unroll iteration 0 of the loop here so readability
is improved; this happens to also knock out the whole "accepting empty
string" thing, too.
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
b9bf2be436 Fix is_positive_num() returning true for empty strings
To account for empty strings, we simply have to special-case them.
Simple as that.

This was also a problem with the previous std::string implementation of
this function; regardless, this is fixed now.
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
89bddf98b6 Refactor is_positive_num() to use C-strings
This makes the future move to C easier, as well as just shows that it's
plain unnecessary to use an std::string here.
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
825dbac228 Make const the 'hex' argument of is_positive_num()
Always good to get in the habit of clearly marking arguments you won't
mutate as const. Makes the code easier to read.
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
62808ca97a Remove unnecessary static_cast in is_number()
Just like is_positive_num(), the implicit conversion here is completely
okay, and adding an explicit cast here introduces noise.
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
623f4edc6e Remove unnecessary static_casts in is_positive_num()
The implicit conversion is completely okay. Adding an explicit cast here
just creates noise for the reader to filter out.
2021-02-15 23:50:08 -05:00
84ac4a40c1 Refactor loading arrays from XML to not use the STL
The current way "arrays" from XML files are loaded (before this commit
is applied) goes something like this:

1. Read the buffer of the contents of the tag using TinyXML-2.

2. Allocate a buffer on the heap of the same size, and copy the
   existing buffer to it. (This is what the statement `std::string
   TextString = pText;` does.)

3. For each delimiter in the heap-allocated buffer...

   a. Allocate another buffer on the heap, and copy the characters from
      the previous delimiter to the delimiter you just hit.

   b. Then allocate the buffer AGAIN, to copy it into an std::vector.

4. Then re-allocate every single buffer YET AGAIN, because you need to
   make a copy of the std::vector in split() to return it to the caller.

As you can see, the existing way uses a lot of memory allocations and
data marshalling, just to split some text.

The problem here is mostly making a temporary std::vector of split text,
before doing any actual useful work (most likely, putting it into an
array or ANOTHER std::vector - if the latter, then that's yet another
memory allocation on top of the memory allocation you already did; this
memory allocation is unavoidable, unlike the ones mentioned earlier,
which should be removed).

So I noticed that since we're iterating over the entire string once
(just to shove its contents into a temporary std::vector), and then
basically iterating over it again - why can't the whole thing just be
more immediate, and just be iterated over once?

So that's what I've done here. I've axed the split() function (both of
them, actually), and made next_split() and next_split_s().

next_split() will take an existing string and a starting index, and it
will find the next occurrence of the given delimiter in the string. Once
it does so, it will return the length from the previous starting index,
and modify your starting index as well. The price for immediateness is
that you're supposed to handle keeping the index of the previous
starting index around in order to be able to use the function; updating
it after each iteration is also your responsibility.

(By the way, next_split() doesn't use SDL_strchr(), because we can't get
the length of the substring for the last substring. We could handle this
special case specifically, but it'd be uglier; it also introduces
iterating over the last substring twice, when we only need to do it

next_split_s() does the same thing as next_split(), except it will copy
the resulting substring into a buffer that you provide (along with its
size). Useful if you don't particularly care about the length of the

All callers have been updated accordingly. This new system does not make
ANY heap allocations at all; at worst, it allocates a temporary buffer
on the stack, but that's only if you use next_split_s(); plus, it'd be a
fixed-size buffer, and stack allocations are negligible anyway.

This improves performance when loading any sort of XML file, especially
loading custom levels - which, on my system at least, I can noticeably
tell (there's less of a freeze when I load in to a custom level with
lots of scripts). It also decreases memory usage, because the heap isn't
being used just to iterate over some delimiters when XML files are
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
52959396bb Remove unneeded comments from scriptclass::scriptclass()
These comments were probably remnants of some late-night coding session
or something. Anyway, they're not needed; there's nothing to do with SDL
here, and the "Init" is obvious because the function is a constructor.
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
a113662050 Clean up resetting editor contents and scripts
Contents and scripts should be reset in editorclass::reset(); there's no
reason to reset them again right before you load them from an XML file
in editorclass::load().

Additionally, the resets now consistently use SDL_zeroa() (for contents)
and scriptclass::clearcustom() (for scripts).
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
fe77ada160 Clean up comments in script XML parsing code
I'm partial to slash-asterisk-style comments, so I'll use those here.
Also, having a space after the start of comments is good. I've also
removed the "Add the script if we have a preceding header" comments
since it can be inferred by reading the surrounding code.
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
4f224e1657 Clean up whitespace in script XML parsing code
There is now a space between all 'if's and their opening parentheses.
I've also cleaned up the blank line spacing so the code looks better.
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
ca973a6547 Unindent from collapsing empty pText check
As always, the diff algorithms do terribly with unindentation, so I'm
doing the actual unindenting in this commit.
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
8d5829dd26 Remove indentation level from checking for empty pText
Instead of checking the length() of an std::string, just check if
pText[0] is equal to '\0'.

This will have to be done anyway, because I'm going to get rid of the
std::string allocation here, and I noticed this inefficiency in the
indentation, so I'm going to remove it.

The actual unindent will be done in the next commit.
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
968bb5f960 De-duplicate <customlevelscore> loading to use LOAD_ARRAY_RENAME()
This now means every XML array loading is done with common,
re-duplicated code. The only exceptions to this are special cases other
than the the majority of cases; the majority being a simple matter of
reading an array of integers and putting it into another array.

Seems like the only reason I hadn't caught the <customlevelscore> tag
until now was because I was focused on de-duplicating all the array
loads in Game::loadstats() and below, forgetting about
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
6dc423e78e Move LOAD_ARRAY[_RENAME] macros to before loadcustomlevelstats()
In order to be able to use the LOAD_ARRAY() and LOAD_ARRAY_RENAME()
macros in Game::loadcustomlevelstats(), they have to be moved to earlier
in the file.
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
3fcdc084d0 Refactor editor gotoroom shortcut to not use split()
Even if split() didn't use the STL, using this function here is a bit
unnecessary, because a simple SDL_strchr() suffices. Refactoring split()
to not use the STL will break this caller anyway, so I might as well
just refactor this to not use split() in the first place.

This refactor also properly checks if the inputs are valid integers. And
since split() is no longer used, it also rejects inputs ending with a
trailing comma as being invalid, too; this didn't happen previously.
It's intentional that I used is_number() here instead of
is_positive_num(), thus accepting negative numbers; in the future it
might be possible to have negative room coordinates.
2021-02-15 23:24:31 -05:00
fe8d163041 Fix reading uninitialized memory when creating Menu::levellist
Valgrind reported this.

The error here is that the buffer here is only guaranteed to be
initialized up until (and including) the null-terminator, by
SDL_snprintf(). Iterating over the entire allocated buffer is bad and I
should feel bad as the girl who wrote this code; doing that reads
uninitialized memory and passes it to SDL_tolower().

As a bonus, the iterator increment is now a preincrement instead of a
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
3226d4f312 Free loaded file in editorclass::getLevelMetadata()
This fixes memory leaking every single time a file gets loaded(!) when
the list of custom levels gets loaded(!!!), which Valgrind reports. This
memory leak is completely my bad; 2.2 properly frees the loaded file,
and VCE uses an std::unique_ptr - which I decided to ignore and not
think about why it would be there.

It's safe to do this free after uMem gets copied into std::string;
although, in the future, I *am* thinking about refactoring this function
(and the tag finder function) to not use std::strings, and I'll have to
be careful to make sure that the memory management with the file is
correct when I do so.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
16fef54ae1 Pass 1 to Mix_LoadMUS_RW() in MusicTrack::MusicTrack()
This makes the freesrc argument of Mix_LoadMUS_RW() 1 instead of 0. If
the argument is nonzero, then the passed SDL_RWops will be automatically
freed when m_music is freed, too.

I don't know why this was 0 before. Setting it to 1 fixes a memory leak
that Valgrind reports (which turns into an actual leak every time custom
assets are mounted or unmounted).
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
8052f61cef Check if file can't be loaded in SoundTrack::SoundTrack()
This adds a check that the pointer passed to
FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory() isn't NULL, and if it is, just returns
early in the function, instead of continuing later and producing a
different, slightly-misleading error message.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
f401cc6230 Unconditionally call FILESYSTEM_freeMemory() in SoundTrack constructor
Previously, it was guarded behind a check for the length, which is... I
guess still perfectly fine behavior, but there's no reason to have a
length check here; FILESYSTEM_freeMemory() uses SDL_free(), which does a
check that the pointer passed is non-NULL (the pointer that is passed
here, despite not being initialized upon declaration, is guaranteed to
be initialized by FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory() anyway, so).
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
b19daebeef Bail for all SDL_malloc() failures
Following Ethan's example of bailing (calling VVV_exit()) if
binaryBlob::unPackBinary() couldn't allocate memory, I've searched
through and found every SDL_malloc(), then made sure that if it returned
NULL, the caller would bail (because you can't do much when you're out
of memory).

There should probably be an error message printed when the process is
out of memory, but unPackBinary() doesn't print an error message for
being out of memory, so this can probably be added later. (Also we don't
really have a logging system, I'd like to have something like that added
in first before adding more messages.)

Also, this doesn't account for any allocators used by STL stuff, but
we're working on removing the STL, and allocation failure just results
in an abort anyway, so there's not really a problem there.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
8aa5bb8aab Clean up all program close paths to use VVV_exit()
Wow, there are a lot of these. All of these exit paths now use
VVV_exit() instead, which attempts to save unlock.vvv and settings.vvv,
and also frees all resources so Valgrind is happy. This is a good thing,
because previously unlock.vvv/settings.vvv wouldn't be written to if we
decided to bail for a given reason.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
de1e773b7f Remove <string.h> #include from main.cpp
We no longer use libc string functions, instead preferring SDL's; this
unused include should be removed.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
d39fe96cf2 Move Script.cpp <limits.h> #include to proper place
It should be between the include of the corresponding header file for
the source file (Script.h) and the includes of other local header files
(the files that are specific to this codebase only); this is the
convention that includes in all other source files follow.

However, it seems like I misplaced this, so I'm fixing it now.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
4964cb7bc3 Add VVV_exit()
This is just a function that calls the cleanup() in main.cpp, as well as
calls exit().

I would have liked to use SDL_ExitProcess() here, because that function
has ifdefs for different runtime environments. But alas, it's an
internal function and isn't exported. Ah well; exit() seems to be fine
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
efbaeeffde Clean up all leftover resources in cleanup()
If there's a resource that doesn't otherwise need to be cleaned up and
is still alive upon program shutdown, then it should go in cleanup().

This cleans up Screen, GraphicsResources, Graphics buffers, Graphics
tiles, and musicclass audio upon program shutdown.

Even we technically don't NEED to clean these resources up ourselves
(the kernel is going to get rid of all of it anyway, else it'd be a
security problem), I'm doing this because otherwise Valgrind will
complain about these, and then it'd be difficult to see which memory
leaks are real and which are just "well this isn't really a leak but you
haven't freed this thing when the process exited, and that's technically
what a memory leak is".

These are all resources whose cleanup functions can be safely called
even if they haven't initialized anything yet.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
39e316828e Add NULL guards to Game::savestats() and savesettings()
This is so those functions can safely be called when
graphics.screenbuffer is NULL.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
1f1b39a77a Free base tilesheet image after processing it
This isn't a memory leak (not even Valgrind complains), because it gets
properly cleaned up in GraphicsResources::destroy(). Still, it's memory
that is just laying around not being used, and in the name of
deallocating things as soon as you no longer need them, we should
deallocate the base tilesheet images after we split all of them into

This reduces the memory cost of all tilesheet images by half, since we
were essentially keeping around duplicates for nothing; this doesn't
really have much of an impact with conventional tilesheet sizes, since
they're usually small enough, but since 2.3 allowed for tilesheet images
of any size, this is a pretty big deal for really big tilesheet images.

It's okay to do this, even though they also get freed in
GraphicsResources::destroy(), because SDL_FreeSurface() does a NULL
check on the pointer passed to it, and we set the pointer to NULL after
freeing the surfaces.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
6077015fdc Guard PHYSFS_deinit() with PHYSFS_isInit()
A quick glance at PhysFS source code will show that PhysFS will bail if
PHYSFS_deinit() is called if it's not initialized.

"Bail" here just means setting an error code and returning early, so
it's not that bad. Still, it's the principle of the thing, and I just
want to ensure that FILESYSTEM_deinit() can be safely called no matter
if the filesystem hasn't initialized yet; having an error set by PhysFS
kind of taints the whole safety thing, even if it does nothing wrong,

(although, speaking of which, we should be handling all errors by
PhysFS, but that's for later...)
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
951e1653a6 Move cleanup code to separate function
I will need to re-use this code, so it's best that it not be
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
de26596d54 Fix FIXME comments with outdated referents in Screen.cpp
These FIXME comments are still correct about code duplication, but
they're incorrect about where exactly the original code is after the
original code got moved around. So I've fixed them to refer to the
correct locations.

We really should get around to de-duplicating the code mentioned in
these comments...
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
a3ad7b73f3 Add Screen::destroy()
In order to have squeaky-clean memory management, we'll need to clean up
all the things that Screen allocates. This is the function to call to do
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
7f3ebda8ea Clear musicWriteBlob after writing BinaryMusic.vvv
Since musicWriteBlob is a temporary object that gets destroyed at the
end of musicclass::init(), in order to make sure we don't leak memory
and lose all the pointers to the blocks we just allocated in
musicWriteBlob, we need to call its clear() method after writing
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
77748f29f9 Separate musicReadBlob into mmmmmm_blob and pppppp_blob
musicReadBlob was used for both MMMMMM and PPPPPP soundtracks. This
causes a memory leak if you have mmmmmm.vvv installed, because the
pointers holding each allocated block of MMMMMM would be lost when
PPPPPP got loaded. Valgrind complains about this memory leak.

This is in contrast to 2.2 and previous behavior, where musicReadBlob
was only a temporary object instead of being held in musicclass.
However, this wasn't really a memory leak (moreso something that just
didn't get cleaned up when closing the game), but it did get turned into
a leak when per-level assets mounting and unmounting got introduced in
2.3 (loading a level with custom assets after starting the game with an
mmmmmm.vvv, or exiting out of a level that had an mmmmmm.vvv, would
cause the game to leak memory). Leo recognized this, and moved
musicReadBlob onto musicclass in a separate 2.3 PR, but either he didn't
think about what was happening here too closely, or he didn't use
Valgrind, because he forgot about the memory leak caused by re-using the
same binaryBlob for PPPPPP and MMMMMM.

So instead, just use two different binaryBlob objects for MMMMMM and
PPPPPP. That way, no memory leaks happen.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
f39174b3e3 Refactor TRACK_NAMES to take in a blob parameter
I'm going to introduce another binaryBlob object in to the mix, and I
want to be able to re-use an existing FOREACH_TRACK #define without
having to copy-paste it again. So, TRACK_NAMES now takes in a blob
parameter, which will be passed to the temporary FOREACH_TRACK #define.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
0ea1a0e28e Move musicclass cleanup to separate function musicclass::destroy()
This removes the music cleanup code from musicclass::init(), and
requires that we also call destroy() in Graphics::reloadresources().

This is because we'll need to re-use the musicclass cleanup code
elsewhere, and we don't want to copy-paste the cleanup code. Or at
least, I don't (but I'm not a game dev, game devs copy-paste all the
friggin' time).
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
b3679ce1e5 Fix brace style of Graphics::font_idx()
This really should be next-line brace, as is (most of) the rest of the
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
a505059719 Move Graphics buffer creation to new func create_buffers()
It doesn't feel quite write leaving all the buffer creation code in
main(), even though it's perfectly okay to do so and it doesn't result
in any memory mismanagement that Valgrind can report; so I'm factoring
all of it out to a separate function, Graphics::create_buffers().

As a bonus, we no longer have to keep qualifying with `graphics.` in the
buffer creation code, which is nice.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
5595bb0964 Add Graphics::destroy_buffers()
These destroy all the buffers that are created on the Graphics class.
Since these buffers can't be created at the same time as the rest of
Graphics is (due to the fact that they require knowing the pixel format
of the game screen), they can't be destroyed at the same as the rest of
Graphics is, either.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
3fe1870b32 Move Graphics cleanup to new function Graphics::destroy()
This makes it so this cleanup code can be re-used without copy-pasting
it over and over again.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
c955ce4380 Remove making new GraphicsResources object in reloadresources()
This is a very complicated way of zeroing out grphx (instead of using
SDL_zero()), which itself is completely unnecessary because grphx.init()
gets called immediately afterwards anyway.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
1140f3cae3 Fix brace style of Graphics::reloadresources()
It should be next-line brace, not same-line brace. Even in a codebase
that uses same-line braces everywhere, I still prefer having next-line
braces inside functions (because they're at the top level, and you can't
next them). But regardless, this should still be next-line brace like
(most of) the rest of the codebase.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
7ffafc8f4d Remove grphx.init() from Graphics::init()
grphx.init() is going to be called again (after grphx.destroy()) in
graphics.reloadresources() anyway, so there's no reason to have it here.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
70b9ffe6a5 Tidy up binaryBlob initialization to use SDL_zeroa()
It's simpler and more concise than writing out the SDL_memset() in full,
which means you're less likely to screw up those lines of code.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
bd97378862 Unconditionally free and zero in binaryBlob::clear()
The function previously conditionally freed a m_memblocks pointer if its
corresponding m_headers was valid. This makes me slightly worried about
the possibility that memory would be allocated, but the header would
still be marked as invalid.

I don't see how that could happen, but it's better to be safe than
sorry. SDL_free() does a guaranteed NULL pointer check (like most SDL
functions), so it's okay to pass NULL pointers to it.

Just to be sure, I'm also zeroing m_memblocks and m_headers after
freeing everything in the function.
2021-02-15 23:07:35 -05:00
Ethan Lee
47df6c9d66 Ignore resize events for unfocused windows 2021-02-14 22:51:07 -05:00
39abcfa8d9 Fix unreachable code warnings
MSVC complains about these, doesn't seem like GCC does. These can be
safely removed because they're unreachable, and they always follow a
case-switch or similar that has a default case which this code is a
duplicate of anyway. (Unless it isn't, in which case all the better to
remove it, becausee otherwise it looks misleading or confusing to casual
glances at the code.)
2021-02-14 16:48:27 -05:00
a2ba37a1a4 Fix out-of-bounds indexing with malformed XML entities in find_tag()
find_tag() would commit out-of-bounds indexing if someone made a level
file with malformed XML entity encodings in the metadata tags.

This would happen if the end of the string followed immediately after an
ampersand and hash, or if there wasn't a semicolon ending an XML entity.

Valgrind complains about these, so I've fixed it.
2021-02-11 19:45:33 -05:00
5de7c180ea Give static storage duration to radix in ss_toi()
Since the value is a const value that reads from an integer literal, it
should be static so we read it directly from storage instead of copying
2021-02-08 09:44:29 -05:00
09841ef3a5 Don't mutate the decimal place in ss_toi()
This fixes a bug where "12" gets properly evaluated as 12, but "148"
gets evaluated as 1408. It's because `place` gets multiplied by `radix`
again, so `retval` gets multipled by 100 instead of 10.

There's no reason to have a `place` variable, so I've removed it
entirely. This simplifies the function a little bit.
2021-02-08 09:44:29 -05:00
adbae16666 Clean up script header check in editorclass::load()
The previous person who wrote this (a girl named Misa) clearly didn't
understand the reason why you couldn't compare line[line.length()-1]
directly to a string literal. It's because the former is a char, and the
latter is a pointer to a char. Both are ints, so it compiles fine, but
it doesn't do what you want it to.

Why not just make the latter a char instead of a string literal? Well,
because you can, but also I clearly didn't think this through earlier,
so that's why I didn't do it in the first place.

But this is fixed now.
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
4728f64e3a Remove commented-out "version 1" code from editorclass::load()
Search results for terms in this code, such as the split() function,
become annoying false-positives. So it's better to just remove it
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
06cc5afe27 Pass input of UtilityClass::GCString() by const reference
This avoids an unnecessary copy of the input std::vector, since we don't
need to modify it for anything. This cuts down on unnecessary memory
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
46b0257cf1 Refactor ss_toi() to not use stringstreams
Apart from the std::string, this function no longer uses the STL.

ss_toi() is a simple function - it converts the input into an int,
taking as many digits as possible until it reaches a non-digit
character, at which point it stops. It's trivial to implement this
without the STL.

I could've used Int() here, but that would've required copying the
string to a temporary buffer to insert a null-terminator (we can't just
use a pointer-and-length data type either, the string functions don't
operate like that - one disadvantage of C strings!). Instead, I decided
to implement my own conversion to int here, because I don't think the
way we humans write our Arabic numerals is going to change anytime soon.

Also, the std::string input is now passed by const reference, instead of
making a copy - cutting down on unnecessary memory operations.
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
e1ae25b29b Use case-switch inside GCChar() instead of if-else tree
A case-switch here takes up less lines (at least with next-line brace
style) and doesn't repeat the 'button ==' part over and over.
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
eea37046ef Add constness to GCChar() input and switch position of asterisk
I personally like putting the asterisk with the type, because despite
the language parsing the asterisk as a part of the name, the pointer
part is clearly a part of the return type of the function. Also,
put constness here, to indicate that the input won't be modified inside
the function.
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
3cd18b337a Remove comment from GCChar()
This comment indicates that the function is used by
UtilityClass::GCString(). Which is unnecessary, because the reader can
trivially search for usages of GCChar in the file itself (the 'static'
preceding the function should be a good enough hint) - and if there
aren't any, then the reader will know the function is unused, whereas if
they read the comment, they would have been under the assumption that it
wasn't used. (There might also a compiler warning about it being unused,
which would be more confusing if the comment was still there.)

Point is, comments can get outdated, so removing the comment here makes
the code more self-documenting.
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
f9fa56a08a Remove unused cctype #include from UtilityClass.cpp
This header used to be needed for isxdigit(), but ever since we switched
to using our own VVV_isxdigit(), we don't need it anymore.
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
ef4418a7cb Remove commented-out code in Game::gameclock()
This code involves stringstreams, which causes a false-positive any time
I ripgrep for stringstream in the codebase.
2021-02-07 18:30:13 -05:00
3bc3b59378 Re-fix glitchy y-position when spawning onto a conveyor
This is a re-do of 942217f871 (#509), but
with a more conservative fix that only resets the player's newxp and
newyp when they respawn from a checkpoint or spawn in to the map.

Unlike the previous patch, if the player were to suddenly collide with a
conveyor or horizontally-moving platform during gameplay, their
y-position would revert back to the intended next y-position of the
previous frame. But this is the same behavior as before, I haven't ever
seen such a contrived situation come up, and this behavior is probably
more preferable for gameplay than actually going to the conveyor, so
it's fine.

I also decided to reset newxp here, and not just newyp, because while
resetting newyp seems to be enough, it's safer to also reset newxp (and
so future readers won't question why only newyp is reset but not newxp).

I tested this and it once again fixes the death loop issue from earlier,
while also still allowing for that Trench Warfare trick to be possible
(I tested it with the libTAS movie I mentioned in #606; it syncs fine).
There are no other known regressions resulting from this fix
2021-02-01 19:51:55 -05:00
a406b99f4b Revert "Fix glitchy y-position when colliding with a conveyor"
This reverts commit 942217f871.

This fix (of a regression of a fix) has a regression where immediately
flipping off of horizontally-moving platforms or conveyors will no
longer provide you with a "boost" given certain vertical pixel

The regression that this fix fixed will be fixed another way.

Fixes #606.
2021-02-01 19:51:55 -05:00
b5ef10cae5 Consistently use Screen::GetWindowSize 2021-01-18 13:10:22 -05:00
46d8599f62 Use SDL_GetRendererOutputSize instead of SDL_GetWindowSize
SDL_GetRendererOutputSize will always return the actual size, even in
some obscure HiDPI/macOS cases.
2021-01-18 13:10:06 -05:00
d9fff2a8c3 Set SDL window as DPI-aware
This works on macOS, Wayland, and a few more esoteric platforms. X11
doesn't have a concept of DPI-awareness. Note that with this flag
SDL_GetWindowSize() isn't guaranteed to return the actual window size.
2021-01-18 13:09:47 -05:00
a32fc4a307 Improve support for retextured checkpoints and terminals in the editor
Retextured checkpoints have always been in the game, but clicking on
them in the editor would lead to them losing their retextured-ness. So,
checkpoints should be left alone if their p1 isn't either 0 or 1. Also,
they don't show up properly in the editor, so that's fixed, too.

Retextured and flipped terminals were added in 2.3, and show up properly
in-game, but don't properly show up in the editor, either. So now they
show up in the editor. Additionally, clicking on them will flip the
terminal as well, but only if its p1 is 0 or 1, just like checkpoints
now do.
2021-01-18 13:07:32 -05:00
afba320083 Remove duplicate graphics.Makebfont() in main()
This call to Makebfont() always existed, but ever since 2.3's per-level
custom assets were added, graphics.reloadresources() also calls
graphics.Makebfont(), meaning this call is unnecessary. Calling it twice
results in graphics.bfont and graphics.flipbfont having twice the number
of elements, until custom assets get mounted (or unmounted, technically).
2021-01-18 13:06:59 -05:00
adbab6355b Free data upon failure in LoadImage()
Otherwise, if SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() returned NULL, then this memory
would be leaked.
2021-01-18 13:06:43 -05:00
626aac59fb Fix No Death Mode results being reset before being shown
This does the same thing as the last commit, but for No Death Mode
instead of Time Trials. Whenever you die in No Death Mode, or complete
it, all the relevant variables get copied to variables prefixed with
'ndmresult' that never get reset by script.hardreset(), and these
variables are what titlerender() use, instead of the "live" ones.
2021-01-18 13:06:15 -05:00
4d7baa9e9e Fix Time Trial results being reset before being shown
This makes it so when a Time Trial gets completed, all the relevant
variables get copied onto variables prefixed with 'timetrialresult',
which never get reset by script.hardreset(). Then titlerender() will use
those variables accordingly.
2021-01-18 13:06:15 -05:00
ee0ba8a723 Clean up all exit paths to the menu to use common code
There are multiple different exit paths to the main menu. In 2.2, they
all had a bunch of copy-pasted code. In 2.3 currently, most of them use
game.quittomenu(), but there are some stragglers that still use
hand-copied code.

This is a bit of a problem, because all exit paths should consistently
have FILESYSTEM_unmountassets(), as part of the 2.3 feature of per-level
custom assets. Furthermore, most (but not all) of the paths call
script.hardreset() too, and some of the stragglers don't. So there could
be something persisting through to the title screen (like a really long
flash/shake timer) that could only persist if exiting to the title
screen through those paths.

But, actually, it seems like there's a good reason for some of those to
not call script.hardreset() - namely, dying or completing No Death Mode
and completing a Time Trial presents some information onscreen that
would get reset by script.hardreset(), so I'll fix that in a later

So what I've done for this commit is found every exit path that didn't
already use game.quittomenu(), and made them use game.quittomenu(). As
well, some of them had special handling that existed on top of them
already having a corresponding entry in game.quittomenu() (but the path
would take the special handling because it never did game.quittomenu()),
so I removed that special handling as well (e.g. exiting from a custom
level used returntomenu(Menu::levellist) when quittomenu() already had
that same returntomenu()).

The menu that exiting from the level editor returns to is now handled in
game.quittomenu() as well, where the map.custommode branch now also
checks for map.custommodeforreal. Unfortunately, it seems like entering
the level editor doesn't properly initialize map.custommode, so entering
the level editor now initializes map.custommode, too.

I've also taken the music.play(6) out of game.quittomenu(), because not
all exit paths immediately play Presenting VVVVVV, so all exit paths
that DO immediately play Presenting VVVVVV now have music.play(6)
special-cased for them, which is fine enough for me.

Here is the list of all exit paths to the menu:
- Exiting through the pause menu (without glitchrunner mode)
- Exiting through the pause menu (with glitchrunner mode)
- Completing a custom level
- Completing a Time Trial
- Dying in No Death Mode
- Completing No Death Mode
- Completing an Intermission replay
- Exiting from the level editor
- Completing the main game
2021-01-18 13:06:15 -05:00
07cc5f68ac Remove commented-out code from gamestates 3101 and 3500
Comments in general don't get verified by the compiler, but
commented-out code is even worse. Especially since this looks to be
outdated code.

As always, if we need some of this code, then we can just look back in
the Git history.
2021-01-18 13:06:15 -05:00
f06701ff90 Fix wrong function being used for musicclass::play() check
2021-01-16 15:37:22 -05:00
This fixes a segfault, because we would then pass compressed image data
to SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat() in LoadImage(). I didn't test my previous
PR. Whoops.
2021-01-14 06:31:30 -05:00
9c9433d21a Disable MSVC warnings about implicit conversion
Implicit conversion warnings happen all over the codebase, but there's
no reason to warn on all of them, and adding casts everywhere is
annoying to read and patently unnecessary.

MSVC is the only compiler that has this warning (GCC even on -Wall
-Wextra doesn't warn about implicit conversions), so disable it for
2021-01-14 06:30:22 -05:00
fad3bab2d0 Initialize bcol and bcol2 in Graphics::drawbackground()
While compiling in release mode, GCC warns about these two potentially
being used uninitialized further down. The only way this could happen is
if the case-switches below didn't match up with a case, which would
require the game to be in an invalid state (and have invalid values for
rcol and spcol), but it's better to be safe than sorry.
2021-01-13 22:47:12 -05:00
2a781083e9 Disable unneeded LodePNG features
The only thing we need LodePNG for is to decode a PNG that we've already
loaded into memory. We handle the filesystem part ourselves, so we don't
need LodePNG's filesystem functions; we don't encode images, and we
don't use the zlib functions. So disable all of those.
2021-01-13 22:44:52 -05:00
769f99f590 Reduce dependency on libc functions
During 2.3 development, there's been a gradual shift to using SDL stdlib
functions instead of libc functions, but there are still some libc
functions (or the same libc function but from the STL) in the code.

Well, this patch replaces all the rest of them in one fell swoop.

SDL's stdlib can replace most of these, but its SDL_min() and SDL_max()
are inadequate - they aren't really functions, they're more like macros
with a nasty penchant for double-evaluation. So I just made my own
VVV_min() and VVV_max() functions and placed them in Maths.h instead,
then replaced all the previous usages of min(), max(), std::min(),
std::max(), SDL_min(), and SDL_max() with VVV_min() and VVV_max().

Additionally, there's no SDL_isxdigit(), so I just implemented my own

SDL has SDL_malloc() and SDL_free(), but they have some refcounting
built in to them, so in order to use them with LodePNG, I have to
replace the malloc() and free() that LodePNG uses. Which isn't too hard,
I did it in a new file called ThirdPartyDeps.c, and LodePNG is now
compiled with the LODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS definition.

Lastly, I also refactored the awful strcpy() and strcat() usages in
PLATFORM_migrateSaveData() to use SDL_snprintf() instead. I know save
migration is getting axed in 2.4, but it still bothers me to have
something like that in the codebase otherwise.

Without further ado, here is the full list of functions that the
codebase now uses:

- SDL_strlcpy() instead of strcpy()
- SDL_strlcat() instead of strcat()
- SDL_snprintf() instead of sprintf(), strcpy(), or strcat() (see above)
- VVV_min() instead of min(), std::min(), or SDL_min()
- VVV_max() instead of max(), std::max(), or SDL_max()
- VVV_isxdigit() instead of isxdigit()
- SDL_strcmp() instead of strcmp()
- SDL_strcasecmp() instead of strcasecmp() or Win32 strcmpi()
- SDL_strstr() instead of strstr()
- SDL_strlen() instead of strlen()
- SDL_sscanf() instead of sscanf()
- SDL_getenv() instead of getenv()
- SDL_malloc() instead of malloc() (replacing in LodePNG as well)
- SDL_free() instead of free() (replacing in LodePNG as well)
2021-01-12 14:02:31 -05:00
b944d2d847 Fix editor tool menu inconsistencies
This patch de-duplicates the tool drawing code a bit in the menu that
gets brought up when you press Space in the level editor, as well as
fixes several bugs related to the fact that the original author(s) of
the code decided to copy-paste everything. (It was most likely Terry,
judging by the distinct lack of whitespace between tokens in the code.)

There are two "pages" of tools that get shown when you open the tool
menu, according to your currently-selected tool.

1. On the first page, your currently-selected tool gets a brighter
   outline. However, on the second page, the code to draw the outline over
   your currently-selected tool is missing. So I've fixed that.

2. On the first page, the glyph indicator next to the tool icon also
   gets brighter when you have that tool selected. However, on the
   second page, the code that drew the brighter-colored indicator got
   ran before the code that drew the normal-colored indicator, so this
   was never shown. This is also fixed.

3. The glyph indicator of the gravity line tool didn't get brighter when
   you had it selected, due to its special-cased copy-pasted code
   drawing its brighter color before drawing its normal color. This has
   also been fixed.

4. Lastly, the tool menu no longer draws the brighter-colored glyphs on
   top of the normal-colored glyphs. Instead, the menu will simply draw
   the brighter-colored glyphs and will not draw the normal-colored
   glyphs in the first place. This is because double-drawing text like
   this will look bad if the user has a custom font.png that has
   translucent pixels, like I do.

All of these bugs have been fixed by paying off the technical debt of
copy-pasting code.
2021-01-12 13:42:16 -05:00
Run CI on CentOS 7 (#574) 2021-01-11 00:30:15 -05:00
b1558f574c Remove game.savemystats
This variable seems to have been intended to make sure
game.savestatsandsettings() was called at the end of the frame, or make
sure that it didn't get called more than once per frame. I don't see any
frame ordering-related reason why it needs to be called specifically at
the end of the frame (the function doesn't modify any state), so it's
more plausible that it was added to make sure it didn't get called more
than one per frame.

However, upon further analysis, none of the code paths where
game.savemystats is used ever calls or sets game.savemystats more than
once, and a majority of the code directly calls
game.savestatsandsettings() anyway, so there's no reason for this
variable to exist. If we ever need to make sure it doesn't get called
more than once, and there's no way to change the code paths around to
prevent it otherwise, we can use the defer callbacks system that I added
to #535, when it gets merged.
2021-01-11 00:26:14 -05:00
17d06f06be Remove map.finalx/y and map.customx/y
These variables basically serve no purpose. map.customx and map.customy
are clearly never used. map.finalx and map.finaly, on the other hand,
are basically always game.roomx and game.roomy respectively if
map.finalmode is on, and if it's off, then they don't matter.

Also, there are some weird and redundant variable assignments going on
with these; most notably in map.gotoroom(), where rx/ry (local
variables) get assigned to finalx/finaly, then finalx/finaly get
assigned to game.roomx/game.roomy, then finalx/finaly get assigned to
rx/ry. If finalx/finaly made a difference, then there'd be no need to
assign finalx/finaly back to rx/ry. So it makes the code clearer to
remove these weird bits of code.
2021-01-11 00:24:59 -05:00
b571fa0919 Add F9 "reload resources" hotkey to list of hotkeys in Shift menu
2.3's per-level assets feature also added a hotkey to reload the custom
assets of the level you're currently editing in the editor, so you
wouldn't have to re-load the level yourself. This hotkey is F9, but
however, it hasn't been documented in the hotkey list brought up by
pressing Shift, until now.
2021-01-11 00:21:50 -05:00
e9c62ea9a3 Clean up unnecessary exports and add static keywords
This patch cleans up unnecessary exports from header files (there were
only a few), as well as adds the static keyword to all symbols that
aren't exported and are specific to a file. This helps the linker out in
not doing any unnecessary work, speeding it up and avoiding silent
symbol conflicts (otherwise two symbols with the same name (and
type/signature in C++) would quietly resolve as okay by the linker).
2021-01-10 12:23:59 -05:00
fdee4007f7 Move gamerenderfixed() in between gameinput() and gamelogic()
Line clipping and second-frame edge-flipping have been broken since #539
was merged (d910c5118d). The cause of this
is moving the onground/onroof code around.

A proper loop order fix is going to come once #535 gets finalized and
merged, so this is a stopgap measure just to make sure people don't
report that line clipping or second-frame edge-flipping are broken in
current builds of 2.3.
2021-01-09 20:16:19 -05:00
979c5e3aa4 Fix attempts to place enemy/plat bounds & scripts with bad corner order
There is a certain ordering of which corners you click on to place enemy
and platform boundaries, and script boxes. You must first click on the
top-left corner, then click on the bottom-right corner. The visual box
that is drawn after you've first clicked on the top-left corner clearly
shows this intended way of doing things.

However, it seems like despite the visuals, the game didn't properly
prevent you from clicking on the corners in the wrong way. If you placed
it from top-right to bottom-left, or bottom-left to top-right, then the
game would place the boxes accordingly, and they would have a weird
shape where two of its opposite sides would just be missing. But,
placing them from bottom-right to top-left is prevented accordingly.

The bug comes down to a simple use of "or", instead of the correct
"and". This isn't the first time the wrong conjunction was used in a
conditional... (8260bb2696, #136)

Since the code block that the if-statement guards is the code that will
execute if the corners placed were correct, the if-statement thus should
be written in the positive case and use a more restrictive "and",
instead of the negative case, which would use a more looser "or". There
are less cases that are correct than cases which are incorrect - in this
case, there is only 1 correct way of doing things (top-left to
bottom-right), compared to 3 incorrect ways of doing things (top-right
to bottom-left, bottom-left to top-right, bottom-right to top-left) - so
when thinking of positive cases, you should be using "and".

Or, you can always just test it. This bug has been in the game since
2.0, so it seems like no one just tested that incorrect input actually
didn't work.
2021-01-09 11:00:53 -05:00
d271907f8c Fix Secret Lab Time Trial trophies having wrong colors
Ever since 2.0, the colors of some of the Time Trial trophies in the
Secret Lab don't correspond to the crewmate of the given level. The
trophy for the Tower uses Victoria's color, and the Lab trophy uses
Vermilion's color. The Space Station 2 trophy uses Viridian's color, and
the Final Level trophy uses Vitellary's color.

This doesn't appear to be intentional, and it would be odd if it was,
since this game matches the colors everywhere else (each zone on the map
is colored with their respective crewmate in mind, for instance). Also,
the Lab trophy has the sad expression, which is Victoria's trait - it
would be weird if this was intended for Vermilion instead.

But the biggest piece of evidence that this was unintentional is the
corresponding comment for each color in Graphics::setcol(). It mislabels
yellow as cyan, cyan as yellow, blue as red, and red as blue.

To fix this, I simply have to set the correct color for each trophy in
case 25 of entityclass::createentity(). I could fix it in
Graphics::setcol() itself, but custom levels might depend on those
certain colors being the way they are, so it's a safer bet to just fix
it in the trophy creation case itself.

The diff of this might look weird. Even though all I'm doing is changing
some value assignments around, it looks like the "patience" algorithm
thinks I'm moving a whole case of the trophy switch-case around.
2021-01-08 15:17:36 -08:00
952a130595 Fix Shift+F1 from Space Station tileset not switching to Ship
So... it looks like being able to switch through tilesets backwards has
been in 2.3 for a while, guess no one just uses 2.3 or the level editor
that much. It seems like it's always been broken, too.

If you were on the Space Station tileset (tileset 0), pressing Shift+F1
would keep you on the Space Station tileset instead of switching to the
Ship (tileset 4).

It looks like the problem here was mixing size_t and int together - so
the modulus operation promoted the left-hand side to size_t, which is
unsigned, so the -1 turned into SIZE_MAX, which is 18446744073709551615
on my system. You'll note that that ends in a 5, so the number is
divisible by 5, meaning taking it modulo 5 leads to 0. So the tileset
would be kept at 0.

At least unsigned integer underflow/overflow is properly defined, so
there's no UB here. Just careless type mixing going on.

The solution is to make the modulus an int instead of a size_t. This
introduces an implicit conversion, but I don't care because my compiler
doesn't warn about it, and implicit conversion warnings ought to be
disabled on MSVC anyway.
2021-01-08 18:13:45 -05:00
3dd1dcc131 Move mapclass r/g/b variables off onto TowerBG
This fixes a bug where if you entered a tower before watching the
credits sequence, the credits sequence would have mismatched text and
background colors.

This bug happened because entering a tower modified the r/g/b attributes
of mapclass, and updated graphics.towerbg, without updating
graphics.titlebg too. Then gamecompleterender() uses the r/g/b
attributes of mapclass.

The solution is to put the r/g/b attributes on TowerBG instead. That
way, entering a tower will only modify the r/g/b attributes used to
render towers, and won't affect the r/g/b attributes used to render the
credits sequence.

Additionally, I also de-duplicated the case-switch that updated the
r/g/b attributes based off of the current colstate, because it got
copy-pasted twice, leading to three instances of one piece of code.
2021-01-07 21:15:34 -05:00
6b18e3875d Move title screen color initialization to main()
This fixes a bug where if you completed a custom level during
command-line playtesting, when returning to the title screen, the
background would be red and the text would be white.

This is because playtesting skips over the code path of pressing ACTION
to start the game and advance to the title screen, and the code path of
that ACTION press specifically initializes the title screen colors to

This is also caused by the fact that completing a custom level doesn't
call map.nexttowercolour(), but my guess is that the intent there was
that the player would select a custom level, complete it, and return to
the title screen on the same screen with the same colors, so I decided
not to add a map.nexttowercolour() there.

Instead, I've moved the cyan color initialization to main(), so that it
is always executed no matter what, and doesn't require you to take a
specific code path to do it.
2021-01-05 21:20:58 -05:00
5e557ffd1a Fix regression with playing the same track after it fades out
With commit 48313169b6 (PR #453),
AllyTally added a single-case patch for a regression, instead of fixing
it at its root cause.

In fact, that commit only fixes the music if Presenting VVVVVV is
playing while exiting to the menu, not if you enter a level that plays
Presenting VVVVVV - so it only fixes it going one way, and not going the
other way around; neither fixing also all the other cases this could

It doesn't, say, fix the case where you are exited to the menu
automatically after collecting the last crewmate in the level (or if the
level calls gamestate 1013 itself), which is what happens in my MIRA-VIU
TAS video at the end, and which I noted in the description of that video
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYQO4ePbYW4&t=111 ).

So, the problem here is that when musicclass::play() is called, it sees
that currentsong is the same as its input, and decides that since the
music is already playing, it shouldn't play the music again. Thus, the
music fades out, and we get silence instead of the music playing again.

But I said this was a regression. Why didn't this happen in 2.2? Well,
it's because of the fact that 2.2 sets currentsong to -1 (no music
playing at all) immediately when starting a fadeout, and not when the
fadeout completes (commit facb079b35,
PR #316). As you can imagine, this discrepancy could lead to bugs, given
that the game would think that music wasn't playing when in actuality it
was, but fixing this bug could also break code that expected this wrong
behavior. And in this case, it has.

So to properly fix the root cause of this, instead of naïvely
single-case patching out every case that comes up randomly, in
musicclass::play(), the function will now ignore if the input given is
the same as currentsong if the music is currently fading out.
2021-01-04 19:16:35 -05:00
d5763640a8 Revert hardcoded check for track 6 when quitting to menu
This reverts commit 48313169b6, "Don't
fade music out when returning to the menu if it's Presenting VVVVVV".

This commit is being reverted because it is only a single-case patch -
that is, it fixes only a single symptom of the bug, and not its
underlying cause.
2021-01-04 19:16:35 -05:00
8e5714439a Unindent musicclass::play() from previous two commits
As always, the actual unindenting happens in a separate commit in order
to minimize diff noise.
2021-01-04 05:09:23 -05:00
f64cf4f831 Invert t comparison with -1 and un-nest rest of function
This is also another conditional where the rest of the function is
nested. Furthermore, in order to not repeat ourselves, I've also decided
to unconditionally assign currentsong to t, because if t is -1
currentsong gets assigned to -1 anyway - so it's the same thing, but
it's much easier to see and think about.
2021-01-04 05:09:23 -05:00
fe5bacfdc2 Invert currentsong check and un-nest rest of function
This removes an indentation level, and makes it easier to reason about
the function since you essentially now view it as the function returning
right there.
2021-01-04 05:09:23 -05:00
96c479a11f Fix whitespace inconsistency in musicclass::play()
Spaces are used around operators and keywords accordingly, and blank
lines are used to visually separate lines of code from each other.
2021-01-04 05:09:23 -05:00
ff3e390352 Remove unused function editorclass::warpzonematch()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
a5e5c19913 Remove unused function editorclass::warpzoneedgetile()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
54ff36da97 Remove unused function Graphics::textboxmove()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
ca904a4d7c Remove unused function Graphics::textboxcenter()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
b3305e4820 Remove unused function SoundSystem::playMusic()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
945961c1fb Remove unused function editorclass::placetile()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
916a19c09c Remove unused function KeyPoll::isUp()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
ad34e95128 Remove unused function entityclass::fixfriction()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
a656f4c4d8 Remove unused function edentclear()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
9b3bf69491 Remove unused function Graphics::drawentcolours()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
6261fa51e9 Remove unused function Graphics::RPrint()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
42106cb59a Remove unused function Graphics::PrintOff()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
0e0f5c47a5 Remove unused function FlipSurfaceHorizontal()
This function was marked as unused by cppcheck.
2021-01-02 09:06:42 -05:00
6795856431 Use SDL_fabsf where std::abs was previously used 2021-01-01 22:37:46 -05:00
91c3e6cbc5 Revert "Document SDL_abs vs. SDL_fabs"
This reverts commit 8c472ed73d.
2021-01-01 22:37:46 -05:00
8c472ed73d Document SDL_abs vs. SDL_fabs 2021-01-01 21:10:16 -05:00
c4893a133f Use SDL_abs instead of std::abs
This prevents issues when calling std::abs with a float on some older
compilers. While it would normally be promoted to an int, std::abs is
special due to being overloaded despite being a C function. This can
cause errors due to the compiler being unable to find a float overload.
SDL_abs doesn't have this problem, since it's a normal C function.
2021-01-01 21:10:16 -05:00
775ac4c40c Fix bringing up map menu during gamemode(teleporter)
When gamemode(teleporter) gets run in a script, it brings up a read-only
version of the teleporter screen, intended only for displaying rooms on
the minimap.

However, ever since 2.3 allowed bringing up the map screen during
cutscenes (in order to prevent softlocks), bringing up the map screen
during this mode would (1) do an unnecessary animation of suddenly
switching back to the game and bringing up the menu screen again (even
though the menu screen has already been brought up), and (2) would let
you close the menu entirely and go back to GAMEMODE, thus
unintentionally closing the teleporter screen and kind of ruining the

To fix this, when you bring up the map screen, it will instead instantly
transition to the map screen. And when you bring it down, it will also
instantly transition back to the teleporter screen.

But that's not all. The previous behavior was actually kind of a nice
failsafe, in that if you somehow got stuck in a state where a script ran
gamemode(teleporter), but stopped running before it could take you out
of that mode by running gamemode(game), then you could return to
GAMEMODE yourself by bringing up the map screen and then bringing it
back down. So I've made sure to keep that failsafe behavior, only as
long as there isn't a script running.
2020-12-28 21:12:51 -05:00
0eddd2d015 De-duplicate menu animation code when bringing up map screen
When bringing up the map screen, the game does a small menu animation
where the menu comes in from the bottom. The code to calculate the menu
offset is copy-pasted everywhere, so I thought I'd de-duplicate it to
make my life easier when working with it. I also included the
game.gamestate assignment in the de-duplicated function, so it would be
easier for a future bugfix.

At the same time, I'm also removing all the BlitSurfaceStandard()s that
copied menubuffer to backBuffer. The red flag is that this blit happened
for every single entry point to MAPMODE and TELEPORTERMODE, except for
the script command gamemode(teleporter). Pressing Enter to bring up the
map screen, pressing Enter to quit the Super Gravitron, pressing Esc to
bring up the pause screen, and pressing Enter to bring up the teleporter
screen all do this blit, so if this blit was there to fix a bug, then
there's a bug with using the script command gamemode(teleporter)... but,
as far as I can tell, there isn't.

That's because the blit basically does nothing. All the blit does is
copy menubuffer onto backBuffer. Then the next thing that happens is
that either maprender() or teleporterrender() will be called, and the
first thing that those functions will always do is fill backBuffer with
solid black, completely overriding the previous blit. So that's why
removing this blit won't have any effect, and it can be safely removed
for code clarity.
2020-12-28 19:55:23 -05:00
c52a274a7a Reset invis and lifeseq when loading in, in mapclass::resetplayer()
When I did #569, I forgot that taking out the code path that set the
player's invis to false meant that the player would still be invisible
upon loading back in to the game if they exited the game while
invisible. Taking out that code path also meant that if game.lifeseq was
nonzero, it wouldn't be reset properly, either. So this fixes those
2020-12-28 16:43:13 -05:00
385f9d244e Fix player being invisible upon loading into game again
When I did #567, I didn't test it. And I should have tested it, because
it made the player invisible. This is because map.resetplayer() also
sets the invis attribute of the player to true as well, and I only undid
it setting game.lifeseq to 10.

So instead, I'll just add a flag to map.resetplayer() that by default
doesn't set game.lifeseq or the player's invis attribute. And I tested
it this time, and it works fine. I tested both respawning after death
and exiting to the menu and loading in the game again.
2020-12-28 16:22:13 -05:00
eb7b540346 Fix no-draw frames when exiting a level with custom assets
When exiting a level, music.init() gets called again, and every time it
gets called after the first time it gets called, it will free all music

To do so, it calls Mix_FreeMusic(). Unfortunately, if there is music
fading, Mix_FreeMusic() will call SDL_Delay(), which will result in
annoying no-draw frames. Meaning, the screen freezes and doesn't draw
anything, and has to wait a bit before continuing.

Here's the relevant piece of code from SDL2_mixer's music.c:

    if (music == music_playing) {
        /* Wait for any fade out to finish */
        while (music->fading == MIX_FADING_OUT) {
        if (music == music_playing) {

This is especially annoying if you're a TASer, because no-draw frames in
a libTAS movie aren't guaranteed to last for a consistent number of
frames when you change your inputs around.

After this patch, as long as your computer can unmount and re-mount
assets fast enough (it doesn't seem like mine can, unfortunately), then
you won't get any freezes when exiting a level that has custom assets.
(This freeze didn't happen when loading a level because the title screen
music fadeout upon pressing ACTION had enough time to fully complete
before the level got loaded.)
2020-12-28 16:01:05 -05:00
11302b600a Consistently set lifeseq to 0 when startgamemode() is called
There's a small inconsistency where the first time you load in to the
game, game.lifeseq is at 0, but when you exit to the menu and load in
again, game.lifeseq becomes 10. This is visible as Viridian blinking
when loading in only after the first time you load in, and this also
means that after the first time you load in, you also have to wait 5
frames before being able to move Viridian.

The reason for this inconsistency is because on the first time you load
in to the game, there are no entities loaded in obj.entities yet, so the
game creates a player entity, and doesn't mess with game.lifeseq. When
you exit and then load in for the second time, obj.entities contains at
least one entity (all the entities from the room you just exited out of
- map.gotoroom() hasn't even been called yet, so it doesn't even check
for only the player entity), so the game calls map.resetplayer()
instead, and map.resetplayer() sets game.lifeseq to 10.

There's even an inconsistency to this inconsistency - when you die in No
Death Mode, all entities will be removed from obj.entities, so the next
time you load in to the game, game.lifeseq will be 0.

This inconsistency is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, but
it still bothers me, so I'm going to fix it.
2020-12-28 08:49:39 -05:00
054c24a7c2 Add official, M&P, no custom levels, and no editor builds to CI
CI builds were added to this repository on the first day it was
released, and haven't really been touched since then. And since then,
2.3 has added NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS, NO_EDITOR, and OFFICIAL_BUILD builds to
the CMake file.

On top of the MAKEANDPLAY define already existing, this means CI
coverage is a bit sparse - covering compile failures for changes made to
most of the codebase, except for Steam and GOG, and not covering compile
failures if certain parts of the code get stripped out. And people do
forget to check for those configurations as well.

These mess of configurations is kind of a wake-up call to refactor and
generalize the code a bit, because we would probably be able to get rid
of at least two of these (Make & Play, and no-custom-levels) by making
it so custom levels behave indistinguishably from the main game. But,
that's something to do in 2.4. At the very least, we should cover these
in CI right now.

On a small note, I had to add a MAKEANDPLAY configure option to the
CMake file to be able to easily configure a Make & Play build from the
CI runner. This option shouldn't really be used otherwise, so I added a
note to it telling people to consider modifying MakeAndPlay.h instead.
2020-12-27 11:18:54 -05:00
3eb3c30817 Use SDL_arraysize() - 1 to take length of INTERIM_COMMIT
Since INTERIM_COMMIT is a char array whose size we know for sure at
compile time, and which we also know is an array (instead of being a
pointer), we can take the SDL_arraysize() of it. However,
SDL_arraysize() doesn't account for the null terminator unlike
SDL_strlen(), so we'll have to do it ourselves. But at least we are
guaranteed to get a constant value at compile time, unlike if we use
SDL_strlen(), which would be repeatedly evaluating a constant value at

To my knowledge, there's no equivalent SDL_arraysize() for constant
strings, and a quick `rg` (ripgrep) for "sizeof" in the SDL include/
folder doesn't show anything like that. So we'll just have to use the
SDL_arraysize() - 1 and deal with it.
2020-12-26 00:57:51 -05:00
e6238849cb Update commit hash every time it changes, not just when CMake is re-ran
The commit hash is now properly updated every time it gets changed, and
not just when CMake gets re-ran.

For this to work, we need to use a few CMake tricks. We add a custom
target with ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(), which is apparently always considered
out-of-date (but I had to add a BYPRODUCTS line to get it to actually
work), and we use the target to run a .cmake file every time we build.
Also, VVVVVV needs to depend on this custom target, to ensure that the
game gets built AFTER the version gets generated - otherwise there'll be
an error. So we do an ADD_DEPENDENCIES() after the ADD_EXECUTABLE() for

This file, version.cmake, is just the Version.h.out generation that I
added previously, but the important thing about all of this is that if
the contents of Version.h.out doesn't change, and thus if the commit
hash hasn't changed, then CMake will never recompile and relink anything
at all. (At least with the Ninja generator.)

On a small note, since the Version.h.out generation is now a separate
script that is guaranteed to get ran on every single build, while the
Git FIND_PACKAGE() gets ran only at configure time, it is possible for
the cached path of the Git executable to get out of date. Fixing this
requires a simple re-configure (ideally), but in case it wasn't fixed,
the INTERIM_COMMIT and COMMIT_DATE variables would get set to empty
strings instead of containing a value. To prevent this from happening,
I've removed ERROR_QUIET from the EXECUTE_PROCESS() calls in
version.cmake, because it's better to explicitly error if the Git
executable wasn't found than implicitly carry on like nothing happened.
2020-12-26 00:15:47 -05:00
02a45f9cbc Don't recompile all files when the commit hash is changed
The previous implementation of showing the commit hash on the title
screen used a preprocessor definition added at CMake time to pass the
hash and date. This was passed for every file compiled, so if the date
or hash changed, then every file would be recompiled. This is especially
annoying if you're working on the game and switching branches all the
time - the game has at least 50 source files to recompile!

To fix this, we'll switch to using a generated file, named
Version.h.out, that only gets included by the necessary files (which
there is only one of - Render.cpp). It will be autogenerated by CMake
(by using CONFIGURE_FILE(), which takes a templated file and does a
find-and-replace on it, not unlike C macros), and since there's only one
file that includes it, only one file will need to be recompiled when it

And also to prevent Version.h.out being a required file, it will only be
included if necessary (i.e. OFFICIAL_BUILD is off). Since the C
preprocessor can't ignore non-existing include files and will always
error on them, I wrapped the #include in an #ifdef VERSION_H_EXISTS, and
CMake will add the VERSION_H_OUT_EXISTS define when generating
Version.h.out. The wrapper is named Version.h, so any file
that #includes the commit hash and date should #include Version.h
instead of Version.h.out.

As an added bonus, I've also made it so CMake will print "This is
interim commit [HASH] (committed [DATE])" at configure time if the game
is going to be compiled with an interim commit hash.

Now, there is also the issue that the commit hash change will only be
noticed in the first place if CMake needs to be re-ran for anything, but
that's a less severe issue than requiring recompilation of 50(!) or so
2020-12-25 20:17:01 -05:00
a6c3b3432c Fix kludge_ingametemp being assigned after menu creation
While working on #535, I noticed this bug.

When going to Graphic Options or Game Options from the pause menu,
kludge_ingametemp was intended to save the current menu stack frame
BEFORE either of those menus got created. However, it was actually
assigned afterwards, meaning kludge_ingametemp would always be either
Menu::graphicoptions or Menu::options.

This meant that the returntomenu() in returntopausemenu() would always
attempt to return to the current in-game menu, and seeing as it's the
same menu, would re-create the menu, instead of returning to the
previous menu before it.

This patch also fixes a potential source of a trivial memory leak, if
someone were to keep entering and exiting Graphic Options or Game
Options from the pause menu. It would keep piling up duplicate Graphic
Options or Game Options stack frames, which would never get removed.
However, they do get removed when you exit to the menu properly, by
returntomenu() again, so this doesn't seem like that serious of an
issue, but it's still good to fix.
2020-12-25 17:13:03 -05:00
e3aa768034 De-duplicate script.running checks
While I was working on #535, I noticed that all the call sites of
script.run() have the exact same code, namely:

    if (script.running)

I figured, why not move the script.running check into the function
itself? That way, we won't have to duplicate the check every single
time, and we don't risk forgetting to add the check and causing a bug
because of that.

The check was already duplicated once since 2.0 (it's used in both
GAMEMODE and TELEPORTERMODE), and with the fix of the two-frame delay in
2.3, it's now duplicated twice, leading to THREE instances of this check
in the code, when there should be only one.
2020-12-24 12:01:37 -05:00
cbf3da312f Fix segfault when settings.vvv or unlock.vvv is missing
To fix this bug, all we have to do is just pass the existing
ScreenSettings* that we have in loadstats() to savestats(), and in
loadsettings() to savesettings().

Fixes #556. Depends on #558.
2020-12-21 20:16:45 -05:00
55163e90d5 Allow Game::savestats() to accept a pointer to ScreenSettings
Another step to fix the bug #556 is to allow Game::savestats() to accept
a pointer to an existing ScreenSettings struct. This entails refactoring
Game::savesettings() and Game::serializesettings() to accept the
function as well, along with adding Screen::GetSettings() so the
settings of the current Screen can be easily grabbed.
2020-12-21 20:15:30 -05:00
b62908f0f4 Refactor Game::savestats() to not use a default argument
In order to be able to fix the bug #556, I'm planning on adding
ScreenSettings* to the settings.vvv write function. However, that
entails adding another argument to Game::savesettings(), which is going
to be really messy given the default argument of Game::savestats().
That, combined with the fact that the code comment at the site of the
implementation of Game::savestats() being wrong (!!!), leads me to
believe that using default function arguments here isn't worth it.

Instead, what I've done is made it so callers are explicit about whether
or not they're calling savestats(), savesettings(), or both at the same
time. If they are calling both at the same time, then they will be using
a new function named savestatsandsettings().

In short, these are the interface changes:
 * bool Game::savestats(bool) has been removed
 * bool Game::savestatsandsettings() has been added
 * void Game::savestats_menu() has been renamed to
   void Game::savestatsandsettings_menu()
 * All previous callers of bool Game::savestats() are now using bool
 * The one caller of bool Game::savestats(bool) is now using bool
2020-12-21 19:37:34 -05:00
96d397060c Allow pressing ACTION to skip fake loading screen
While there already exists an option to skip the fake loading screen
entirely (without requiring an ACTION press), there are several reasons
for including this option as well:

 * So people upgrading from 2.2 won't have to sit through the fake
   loading screen the first time they open 2.3.

 * So if people are too lazy to use the existing option, they can use
   this one instead.

 * So tool-assisted speedruns (TASes) of this game can skip the fake
   loading screen without requiring an existing settings.vvv beforehand.

   This last one is the biggest reason for me, since I'm not sure what
   TASVideos.org rules are regarding existing save files, but with this
   change nobody has to worry about their rules and can safely just
   press ACTION to skip the fake loading screen automatically.
2020-12-20 15:19:22 -08:00
04da8085a3 Simplify lua-esque assignment
`success = success && savesettings();` is now changed to
`success &= savesettings();`. It's bitwise, and I think C++ should have
had a &&= for completeness, but it shouldn't matter here.
2020-12-18 14:16:53 -05:00
09986c90f7 Make indentation in settings saving error consistent with rest of cases 2020-12-18 14:16:53 -05:00
444074a931 Add error messages for failed writes to disk of settings
Changing settings would most of the time attempt to save unlock.vvv and
now also settings.vvv, but there would be no feedback whether the files
have been saved successfully or not. Now, if saving fails when changing
settings in the menu, a warning message will be shown. The setting will
still be applied of course, but the user will be informed it couldn't
be saved. This message can be silenced until the game is restarted,
because I can imagine this could get very annoying when someone already
knows their settings aren't writeable.

Also, some options didn't even save settings in the first place. These
are turning off invincibility, and by coincidence precisely all the
options in the advanced options menu. I made sure these options now do
2020-12-18 14:16:53 -05:00
d910c5118d Move all fixed-timestep render updates to new file RenderFixed.cpp
As part of fixing #464, I'll need to move these pieces of code around
easily. In #220 I just kind of shoved them awkwardly in whatever
fixed function would be last called in the gamestate loop, which I
shouldn't have done as I've now had to make formal fixed-render
functions anyway. Because these fixed functions need to be called
directly before a render function, and I'm fixing the order to put
render functions in their proper place, so I need to be able to move
these around easily, and making them function calls instead of inlined
makes them easier to manipulate.
2020-12-18 12:01:02 -05:00
634a41d80d Maintain game.swnmode until all gravitron squares are offscreen
Today, I saw a video posted by Chelito on the VVVVVV speedrunning
Discord where he died inside a gravitron square over and over after the
Gravitron in Intermission 2 ended.


This is caused by the fact that after the Gravitron ends, the game no
longer considers you to be inside swnmode, so it won't move the enemies
offscreen when you die.

To fix this, after the Gravitron ends, the game will switch to swngame
8, where it will keep you inside swnmode until all gravitron squares are
offscreen. This means that gravitron squares that are onscreen after the
Gravitron ends will be moved offscreen if you die, preventing the above
death loop from happening.
2020-12-18 10:03:24 -05:00
db0c38711c Visually remove all other tabs in SAVE-only enter screen
This commit does this:
> Yeah, it'd be better if all the other options were gone, and "[SAVE]"
> would be re-centered in the middle of the screen.
2020-12-18 10:03:10 -05:00
679b590da5 Restrict the ENTER menu to saving while in a cutscene
PR #468 made it so you can use the menus while in a cutscene, in order
to counteract softlocks. However, this has resulted in more
unintentional behavior:
- `gamemode(teleporter)` breaks when opening the ENTER menu (Misa
  mentioned this)
- The player can now interrupt shakes and walks, and have their timers
  run out before resuming the cutscene
- After completing the game, the player can warp to the ship while a
  dialogue is active, and prevent themselves from advancing text (plus
  it's always rude to just teleport away while someone's talking)
- The player can peek at the map before hidecoordinates is run, and can
  also peek at what the game does with missing/rescued crewmates during

This commit fixes the latter two issues. While a script is running,
only the SAVE tab is now available. Therefore the player can still get
themselves out of softlocks as intended, but they do things like
looking at the map or teleporting away during a cutscene.
2020-12-18 10:03:10 -05:00
fb19787489 Remove duplicate game.controllerSensitivity proxy
It wasn't a direct duplicate of key.sensitivity, but it was still
basically the same thing. Although to be fair, at least the case-switch
conversion didn't get duplicated everywhere unlike game.slowdown.

So now key.sensitivity functions the same as game.controllerSensitivity,
and it only gets converted to its actual value whenever a joystick input
happens in key.Poll(), unlike previously where it got converted every
single frame on the title screen (there was even a comment that said
"TODO bit wasteful doing this every poll").
2020-12-18 10:02:18 -05:00
bc9dff8c2a Remove game.gameframerate as duplicate of game.slowdown
game.gameframerate seems to exist for converting the value of
game.slowdown into an actual timestep value, when really the timestep
value should just use game.slowdown directly with a fast lookup table.
Otherwise, there's a bunch of duplicated game.slowdown case-switches
everywhere, which adds up to a large, annoying pile should the values be
changed in the future. But now the duplicate variable has been removed,
and with it, all the copy-pasted case-switches.

Also, the game speed text rendering in Menu::accessibility and
Menu::setslowdown has been factored out to a function and de-duplicated
as well.
2020-12-18 10:02:18 -05:00
ee44f81d4c Remove duplicate using-MMMMMM variable from Game
game.usingmmmmmm was a duplicate of music.usingmmmmmm, and has been
2020-12-18 10:02:18 -05:00
40b7ddda05 Remove duplicate screen configuration variables
There were some duplicate Screen configuration variables that were on
Game, when there didn't need to be.

 - game.fullScreenEffect_badSignal is a duplicate of
 - game.fullscreen is a duplicate of !graphics.screenbuffer->isWindowed
 - game.stretchMode is a duplicate of graphics.screenbuffer->stretchMode
 - game.useLinearFilter is a duplicate of

These duplicate variables have been removed now.

I put indentation when handling the ScreenSettings struct in main() so
the local doesn't live for the entirety of main() (which is the entirety
of the program).
2020-12-18 10:02:18 -05:00
af11f6936a Factor out screen settings to ScreenSettings struct
It's a bit annoying to pass each screen setting individually, would be
nice if we could just wrap it up in a nice struct and pass that instead.
2020-12-18 10:02:18 -05:00
ce203812ad Don't hardcode offset of interim commit print
Apparently, the amount of digits in a commit hash that git will output
varies depending on how many objects are in the repository that the hash
gets pulled from. The more objects, the more digits needed to avoid a
hash collision.


So that means we'll have to dynamically account for the length of the
commit hash in order to get it properly right-aligned with the rest of
the text.
2020-11-20 22:18:59 -05:00
3f76f5164b Replace release mode conditional with OFFICIAL_BUILD
There are probably going to be situations where we'll want to compile in
release mode, but still want the hash and don't want Steam/GOG enabled.
So Ethan can use OFFICIAL_BUILD when tagging major versions of the game.
2020-11-20 21:18:29 -05:00
ebe074e308 Add commit hash and date to title screen
The commit hash and date are now shown above the version number in the
bottom-right of the title screen. They both automatically go away when
compiled in release mode.


This is useful to easily figure out which commit someone is on whenever
they report an issue, without having to ask them to do `git show` or
2020-11-20 21:18:29 -05:00
2b6d8b8090 Include math.h instead of cmath 2020-11-17 12:17:04 -05:00
c646360961 Include SDL2 as system header 2020-11-17 12:17:04 -05:00
12e3c579ed Don't set music.usingmmmmmm to true when (un)loading custom assets
For some reason, music.usingmmmmmm automatically gets set to true in
musicclass::init(). I assume this was because it would get re-assigned
by game.usingmmmmmm in the game startup code anyway, but now that
musicclass::init() can be called more than once, this variable will just
get set to true when it shouldn't be, causing a confusing desync just
like the one I described in my previous commit, where you would have
PPPPPP or MMMMMM on the title screen, but closing the game and
re-launching it would play the other soundtrack instead.

Again, these duplicate variables should be removed, but that's going to
be a separate patch. In the meantime, I'm removing this variable
2020-11-12 19:11:13 -05:00
98ef7a8675 Don't reset entire musicclass when mounting and unmounting assets
musicclass::init() re-initializes every attribute of musicclass
unnecessarily, when initialization should be put in a constructor
instead. This is bad, because music.init() gets called whenever we enter
and exit a custom level that has assets.

Otherwise, this would result in a bug where music.usingmmmmmm would be
reset, causing you to revert to PPPPPP on the title screen whenever you
enter a level with MMMMMM selected and exit it.

This also causes a confusing desync between game.usingmmmmmm and
music.usingmmmmmm since the values of the two variables are now
different (these duplicate variables should probably be removed, too,
and a lot of other duplicate variables like these exist, too, which are
a real headache). Which means despite MMMMMM playing on the title
screen, exiting the game and re-launching it will play PPPPPP instead.
What's even more is that going to game options and switching to PPPPPP
will play PPPPPP, but afterwards launching and re-entering will play
MMMMMM. Again, having duplicate variables is very bad, and should
probably be fixed, but that's a separate patch.
2020-11-12 19:11:13 -05:00
f93ce4ea4a Fix Prize for the Reckless moving platform losing its block when...
...you die and the platform's x-coordinate is to the left of x=152.
Which means if you die and the platform isn't completely clear of the
space of its adjacent disappearing platform.

The block needs to be updated accordingly with calls to
obj.nocollisionat() and obj.moveblockto(), else the block will simply be
left behind and the platform will no longer have any collision. This is
in contrast to 2.2 behavior, where the platform would simply
unconditionally create a new block, which would actually end up with a
duplicate block since the previous block didn't get cleaned up, but this
didn't cause any problems because the room was carefully designed so you
would never be able to touch that previous block after you died and
respawned at the checkpoint. But it's still there.

I also added comments to document what this kludge code did, because
otherwise it would be mysterious to readers who are unfamiliar with it.

Fixes #543.
2020-11-12 17:06:31 -05:00
434a672ac4 Fix edentities not rendering at all in the editor
What's the difference between a slash sign and a percent sign? Well, a
percent sign is just a slash sign with two extra oranges in between, but
those two oranges make a huuuuge difference...
2020-11-07 20:14:18 -05:00
7687440273 Use SDL_abs() instead of libc abs() in ApplyFilter()
Always good to use the SDL stdlib where possible.
2020-11-07 19:41:25 -05:00
1a2dd787f3 Interpolate scrolling in Analogue Mode filter
I can't really make the filter update only every timestep, because it's
per-pixel and operates on deltaframes too, so it TECHNICALLY runs faster
in over-30-FPS mode than not. That said, it's not really noticeable, the
filter doesn't look bad for updating more often or anything. However, I
can at least interpolate the scrolling, so it's smooth in over-30-FPS
2020-11-07 19:41:25 -05:00
65a5dbe3a3 De-duplicate titleupdatetextcol() in gamecompletelogic()
Originally this function was made because it needed to be exported to
gameinput(), but this piece of code is actually also used in
gamecompletelogic(). So it's good to de-duplicate it here, too.
2020-11-07 18:26:50 -05:00
bf29c48640 Remove unneeded titlebg assignments when going to in-game settings
These were needed when the title and tower background shared the same
buffer, but since #522 got merged, these are no longer necessary.
2020-11-07 16:36:06 -05:00
6f4e89e336 Remove unneeded tdrawback/backgrounddrawn assigns in returntopausemenu
Assigning these variables is now wholly unnecessary ever since #522 got
merged, and in fact setting graphics.backgrounddrawn to false actually
causes the warp background to "skip" when the map screen gets closed. So
this fixes that bug, too.
2020-11-07 16:25:04 -05:00
5759408ded Remove Game::shouldreturntopausemenu
This kludge variable was used to re-set the warp background after coming
back from the in-game settings menus. But since #522 got merged, this
has no longer been necessary.
2020-11-07 16:25:04 -05:00
d997fae27a Use SDL_fmodf() instead of libc fmodf()
Always good to use the SDL stdlib where possible.
2020-11-06 20:53:05 -05:00
5faa86baae Add x-room = 13 check to entity 1 behave 13
This check is clearly meant for destroying the factory clouds in the
room "Level Complete!" in the main game, but it covers all rooms on row
8, instead of only (13,8). Adding an x-room check restricts this
behavior to only (13,8).

Trinket9 reported that this weird behavior of destroying specifically
above y-position 60 was undesirable, since they were creating an enemy
with this `behave` in a room on row 8 and it kept disappearing
2020-11-06 15:06:11 -05:00
05b7a38f76 Clean up don't-quick-fade signaling
First, the variable has been inverted, because it's bad practice to have
booleans with negative names. Secondly, instead of magically setting a
signaling variable when calling fadeout(), fadeout() now has a parameter
to set the quick_fade attribute, which is much cleaner than doing the
magical assignment that could potentially look unrelated.
2020-11-06 06:09:31 -05:00
87af9bba04 Merge fadeoutqueuesong into nicechange
fadeoutqueuesong basically does the same thing as nicechange - they both
queue a song to be played when the current track is done fading out.
Except, for some reason, I decided to add fadeoutqueuesong instead of
using the existing nicechange/nicefade system.

This has consequences where fadeoutqueuesong would step on the toes of
nicechange. In the case of #390, nicechange would say "let's play
Potential for Anything" when entering the Super Gravitron, but
fadeoutqueuesong had previously said "let's play Pipe Dream" because of
the player having just exited the Super Gravitron. fadeoutqueuesong took
priority because it came first in musicclass::processfade(), and when it
called play(), the Mix_PlayingMusic() in the nicechange check afterwards
would say music would already be playing at that point, so the
nicechange wouldn't take effect.

In the end, the solution is to just merge the new system into the
already-existing system.

Fixes #390.
2020-11-06 06:09:31 -05:00
410d80b731 Fix song 0/7 check using num_pppppp_tracks instead of num_mmmmmm_tracks
Just looked over this and had to do a double-take. It should be
num_mmmmmm_tracks, not num_pppppp_tracks, because MMMMMM comes first in
the vector of music tracks.
2020-11-06 06:09:31 -05:00
9698b42432 Initialize nicechange to -1 for consistency
The game uses -1 to denote "no song" elsewhere, especially when a
niceplay() has finished processing and it sets nicechange to -1 there,
2020-11-06 06:09:31 -05:00
c1ca57e096 Change nicefade to bool instead of int
If it's treated like a bool, why shouldn't it be one?
2020-11-06 06:09:31 -05:00
f0b9bdc007 Fix niceplay() check having hardcoded number of MMMMMM tracks
The number of MMMMMM tracks is no longer guaranteed to be 16 anymore,
and instead it should use num_mmmmmm_tracks.
2020-11-06 06:09:31 -05:00
93775ecde2 Fix ACTION press processing on same frame as fade ticks to 0
Here's what causes #401: After the fade to menu delay ticks down to 0,
the game calls game.quittomenu(), but the rest of mapinput() still
executes. This means that the block that detects your ACTION press gets
executed, because there's a check that fadetomenudelay is less than or
equal to 0, and, well, it is.

So if you've pressed ACTION on the exact frame that it counts down to 0,
then the game detects your ACTION press, then processes it accordingly,
and then sets the fadetomenudelay, which means it'll get reactivated the
next time you open the map screen. But at this point, you get sent to
TITLEMODE, because game.quittomenu() set game.gamestate accordingly.
(This is why resetting game.fadetomenu or game.fadetomenudelay in
game.quittomenu() or script.hardreset() won't fix this bug.)

The solution here is to add a game.fadetomenu check to the ACTION press

Same-frame state transition logic is hard... actually, any sort of thing
where two things happen on the same frame is really annoying.

This also applies to fadetolab and fadetolabdelay, too.

Fixes #401.
2020-11-06 06:06:45 -05:00
5aa8b99113 Move all settings to settings.vvv
The game previously did this dumb thing where it lumped in all its
settings with its file that tracked your records and unlocks,
`unlock.vvv`. It wasn't really an issue, until 2.3 came along and added
a few settings, suddenly making a problem where 2.3 settings would be
reset by chance if you decided to touch 2.2.

The solution to this is to move all settings to a new file,
`settings.vvv`. However, for compatibility with 2.2, settings will still
be written to `unlock.vvv`.

The game will prioritize reading from `settings.vvv` instead of
`unlock.vvv`, so if there's a setting that's missing from `unlock.vvv`,
no worries there. But if `settings.vvv` is missing, then it'll read
settings from `unlock.vvv`. As well, if `unlock.vvv` is missing, then
`settings.vvv` will be read from instead (I explicitly tested for this,
and found that I had to write special code to handle this case,
otherwise the game would overwrite the existing `settings.vvv` before
reading from it; kids, make sure to always test your code!).

Closes #373 fully.
2020-11-04 12:06:57 -05:00
9e1ba97f63 Fix style of showmousecursor boolean check
Same-line brace (but not previous-line brace) AND an unnecessary boolean
comparison to constant boolean? Two-for-one whammy.
2020-11-04 12:06:57 -05:00
27b28ca55e Fix oldreadytotele not being set in gotoroom()
This fixes a deltaframe glitch where the "- Press ENTER to Teleport -"
prompt would show up for a split second if you exited the game while the
prompt was fully faded in, and then re-entered it.
2020-11-04 08:39:26 -05:00
3ce442459e Fix conveyor check in collisioncheck() always being true
cppcheck said: "Logical disjunction always evaluates to true".

Yes. Yes it does. Whoops. I learned how to specify ranges like this in
high school math and still screw it up...
2020-11-04 08:38:54 -05:00
3434ad8777 Fix variables shadowing other variables
In C++, when you have two variables in different scopes with the same
name, the inner scope wins. Except you have to be really careful because
sometimes they're not (#507). So it's better to just always have unique
variable names and make sure to never clash a name with a variable in an
outer scope - after all, the C++ compiler and standard might be fine
with it, but that doesn't mean humans can't make mistakes reading or
writing it.

Usually I just renamed the inner variables, but for tx/ty in editor.cpp,
I just got rid of the ridiculous overcomplicated modulo calculations and
replaced them with actual simple modulo calculations, because the
existing ones were just ridiculous. Actually, somebody ought to find
every instance of the overcomplicated modulos and replace them with the
actual good ones, because it's really stupid, quite frankly...
2020-11-04 08:38:19 -05:00
6de14d95ee Don't unset Flip Mode when deleting all data in M&P
Whenever you delete all your save data, your settings aren't changed at
all, and you could resave them if you fiddled with a setting somewhere.
But the full game doesn't count Flip Mode as a setting, instead it
counts it as an unlock. This means deleting your save data would unset
Flip Mode in M&P, which would seem weird because in M&P it's just a
simple setting.

For consistency, Flip Mode shouldn't be unset when deleting save data in
2020-11-04 01:00:49 -05:00
4ebf89e844 Add error message if quicksave fails 2020-11-03 22:05:26 -05:00
5dbb90c7fd Add error message if telesave fails
At least, whenever it would say "Game Saved", it now instead gives an
error message if saving is not successful.
2020-11-03 22:05:26 -05:00
4570140a6a Fix teleporter sprites sometimes being solid colors
This commit fixes a bug that also sometimes occurred in 2.2, where the
teleporter sprite would randomly turn into a solid color and just be a
solid circle with no detail.

Why did this happen? The short answer is an incorrect lower bound when
clamping the teleporter sprite index in `Graphics::drawtele()`. The long
answer is bad RNG with the teleporter animation code. This commit fixes
the short answer, because I do not want to mess with the long answer.

So, here is what would happen: the teleporter's `tile` would be 6. The
teleporter code decrements its `framedelay` each frame. Then when it
reached a `framedelay` of 0, it would call `fRandom()` and essentially
ask for a random number between 0 and 6. If the RNG ended up being
greater than or equal to 4, then it would set its `walkingframe` to -5.
At the end of the routine, the teleporter's `drawframe` ends up being
its `tile` plus its `walkingframe`. So having a `walkingframe` of -5
here is fine, because its `tile` is 6.

Until it isn't. When its `tile` becomes 2, it still keeps its
`walkingframe` around. The code that runs when its `tile` is 2 does have
the possibility of completely resetting its `walkingframe` to be in
bounds (in bounds after its `tile` is added), but that only runs when
its `framedelay` is 0, and in the meantime it'll just use the previous

So you could have a `walkingframe` of -5, plus a `tile` of 2, which
produces a `drawframe` of -3. Then `Graphics::drawtele()` will clamp
that to 0, which just means it'll draw the teleporter backing, and the
teleporter backing is a simple solid color, so the teleporter will end
up being completely and fully solid.

To fix this, I just made `Graphics::drawtele()` clamp to 1 on the lower
bound, instead of 0. So if it ever gets passed a negative teleporter
index, it'll just draw the normal teleporter sprite instead, which is
2020-11-03 19:12:31 -05:00
25d00b9ba6 Fix crewmates being drawn behind other entities
This fixes the draw order by drawing all other entities first, before
then drawing all humanoids[1] after, including the player afterwards.

This is actually a regression fix from #191. When I was testing this, I
was thinking about where get a crewmate in front of another entity in
the main game, other than the checkpoints in Intermission 1. And then I
thought about the teleporters, because I remember the pre-Deep Space
cutscene in Dimension Open looking funny because Vita ended up being
behind the teleporter. (Actually, a lot of the cutscenes of Dimension
Open look funny because of crewmates standing behind terminals.)

So then I tried to get crewmates in front of teleporters. It actually
turns out that you can't do it for most of them... except for Verdigris.
And then that's what I realized why there was an oddity in WarpClass.cpp
when I was removing the `active` system from the game - for some reason,
the game put a hole in `obj.entities` between the teleporter and the
player when loading the room Murdering Twinmaker. In a violation of
Chesterton's Fence (the principle that you should understand something
before removing it), I shrugged it off and decided "there's no way to
support having holes with my new system, and having holes is probably
bad anyway, so I'm going to remove this and move on". The fact that
there wasn't any comments clarifying the mysterious code didn't help
(but, this *was* 2.2 code after all; have you *seen* 2.2 code?!).

And it turns out that this maneuver was done so Verdigris would fill
that hole when he got created, and Verdigris being first before the
teleporter would mean he would be drawn in front of the teleporter,
instead of being behind it. So ever since
b1b1474b7b got merged, there has actually
been a regression from 2.2 where Verdigris got drawn behind the
teleporter in Murdering Twinmaker, instead of properly being in front of
it like in 2.2 and previous.

This patch fixes that regression, but it actually properly fixes it
instead of hacking around with the `active` system.

Closes #426.

[1]: I'm going to go on a rant here, so hear me out. It's not explicitly
stated that the characters in VVVVVV are human. So, given this
information, what do we call them? Well, the VVVVVV community (at least
the custom levels one, I don't think the speedrunning community does
this or is preoccupied with lore in the first place) decided to call
them "villis", because of the roomname "The Villi People" - which is
only one blunder in a series of awful headcanons based off of the
assumption that the intent of Bennett Foddy (who named the roomnames)
was to decree some sort of lore to the game. Another one being
"Verdigris can't flip" because of "Green Dudes Can't Flip". Then an OC
(original character) got named based off of "The Voon Show" too. And so
on and so forth.
2020-11-03 13:31:56 -05:00
733d0dad80 Add entclass::ishumanoid()
"Humanoid" is just a word for "crewmate or player" but without having to
say "crewmate or player". This is just to make it so humanoids get drawn
after all other entities get drawn, meaning humanoids will be drawn on
2020-11-03 13:31:56 -05:00
d05fbe8687 Unindent drawentity() from previous commit
This unindent is done in a separate commit to minimize diff noise.
2020-11-03 13:31:56 -05:00
e809cc0615 Factor out entity drawing to separate function
This makes it easy to re-use without duplicating code.
2020-11-03 13:31:56 -05:00
fd53278163 Add bounds check to drawgravityline()
I noticed that this function didn't have a bounds check, so I added one.
Just in case.
2020-11-03 13:31:56 -05:00
081030fb2f Make some variables const in drawentities()
I'm going to refactor drawing an entity out to a separate function, and
since I'm going to do that, I might as well make some things const to
clarify intent first and foremost and possibly improve performance or
compiler optimization.
2020-11-03 13:31:56 -05:00
688b23b85d Standardize on using reference to tilesvec/spritesvec instead of pointer
This cleans up the code readability a bit, as it's nicer to use
reference syntax when indexing an array instead of that ugly pointer
2020-11-03 13:31:56 -05:00
5eab074e4d Remember loaded custom level and read from it when saving
My previous custom level forwards compatibility would only work if you
saved to the same filename as you read from. But what if you saved to a
new filename? Well, your extra XML is lost.

Not to worry, I've introduced a variable that remembers the filepath of
the currently-loaded level (the existing `filename` attribute is kind of
weird and not really suited for this purpose, so). I tried to make it a
simple `const char*`, but it turns out that's bad when you take the
`c_str()` of an `std::string` that then gets destroyed, so it's best to
use `std::string` in an `std::string` world.

So now when you save a level, it'll attempt to open the original file,
and if that doesn't exist then your extra XML gets lost anyway, but I
shouldn't be expected to keep your XML if you delete the original file.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
3f954a169a Add XML forwards compatibility to custom level files
Custom level files now have forwards compatibility - except that some
XML objects will simply discard contents and attributes they don't see
fit. For instance, edentities and level properties will not preserve
newer attributes or contents.

This is because preserving them would require having to track the XML
object as part of the edentity internally, because the edentity might
change places or even be deleted throughout the course of editing
someone's level.

I opted to not add support for preserving objects like these, because
frankly, the put-everything-in-one-file level format was and still is a
terrible idea, and we should probably switch to a new format in the
future that isn't single-file. So when that happens, there won't be a
need to preserve XML attributes on edentities.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
ab446790e8 Axe BoolToString() in favor of int casts
When I encountered this function, I asked myself, why make a dedicated
function instead of casting to int?

Well, as it turns out, you can't just cast to int, because you have to
convert it to a string by doing help.String(number).c_str(), like all
the other ints. So it's actually more wasteful to do it the normal way
instead of using BoolToString().

That is, until my recent changes came along and made it so that you can
just provide an int and it'll automatically be converted to a string, no
questions asked. Now, it's more optimal to do a straight cast to int
instead of having to go through a middleman function. So this function
is getting axed in favor of casting to int instead.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
58795a1381 Add XML forwards compatibility to custom level quicksaves
Now these files might have things added to them in the future? I'm not
so sure. But at least they're XML forwards-compatible now.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
0eb39644c1 Add XML forwards compatibility to tsave.vvv and qsave.vvv
These files are probably not of much consequence. The main game isn't
going to have things to be added to it anytime soon.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
17b8d0308e Add XML forwards compatibility to unlock.vvv
This file is probably the biggest one, as there will be more settings
added in the future and we don't want people's settings to be erased. Of
course, this file will be migrated to a settings.vvv sometime later in
2.3 in order to prevent 2.2 from erasing 2.3 settings.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
43e57f5483 Add XML forwards compatibility to levelstats.vvv
Not that hard to do for the smallest XML file in the game.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
cb2f72fd8e Add XMLUtils.cpp and XMLUtils.h
These XML functions will be useful for de-duplicating copy-pasted XML
handling code, while also making it so elements will get updated in
place instead of being thrown out and starting from scratch every time a
file is saved.
2020-11-03 13:30:53 -05:00
a1957fa518 Remove kludge_to_bg() and bg_to_kludge()
Now that tower, title, and horizontal/veritcal warp backgrounds all use
separate buffers, there's no longer any need to temporarily store
variables as a workaround for the buffers stepping on each other.
2020-11-03 13:25:03 -05:00
bda92ad0bd Move horizontal/vertical warp backgrounds to separate buffers
Instead of using the same tower buffer that gets used for towers, use a
separate buffer instead so there's no risk of stepping on the tower
buffer's toes at the wrong point in time.

This commit combined with the previous one fixes #369.
2020-11-03 13:25:03 -05:00
70f3d457dd Move title usages of towerbg to titlebg
With the previous commit in place, we can now simply move some usages of
the previous towerbg to use a separate object instead. That way, we
don't have to mess with a monolithic state, or some better way to phrase
what I just said, and we instead have two separate objects that can
coexist side-by-side.
2020-11-03 13:25:03 -05:00
72c048d71e Refactor tower background to use a separate object instead
Previously, the tower background was controlled by a disparate set of
attributes on Graphics and mapclass, and wasn't really encapsulated. (If
that's what that word means, I don't particularly care about
object-oriented lingo.) But now, all relevant things that a tower
background has has been put into a TowerBG struct, so it will be easy to
make multiple copies without having to duplicate the code that handles
2020-11-03 13:25:03 -05:00
20207e2098 Remove unused attributes author/description/title from editorclass
The author, description, and title of the level are actually stored on
the EditorData instance. These attributes do nothing and should be
2020-11-03 12:00:08 -05:00
d9e3e523b7 Move check/cmode temporary vars off of mapclass
Yet another set of temporary variables is on a global class when they
shouldn't be. These two are only used in tower background functions and
are never used anywhere else, so they're clearly temporaries.
2020-11-02 19:53:44 -05:00
8d8a5d8f57 Fix copy-paste error with SetSurfaceBlendMode of towerbuffer_lerp
Whoops. But I'm not sure if not explicitly setting the blend mode of
towerbuffer_lerp actually did anything bad or not.
2020-11-02 16:26:39 -05:00
20e02f014b Move temporary bcol/bcol2 off of Graphics
Looks like I had missed yet another two temporary variables that were
actually globals on the Graphics class. Glad I caught these ones.
2020-11-02 16:05:52 -05:00
25ae117f6a Remove unused attribute Graphics::tl
For some reason, this `tl` is a `point`? But the only other time the
name `tl` is used elsewhere in the code is a float on a `textboxclass`.
Regardless, this is unused.
2020-11-02 16:05:52 -05:00
06103cc4ca Remove now-unused function mapclass::RGB()
This function was only used in assigments to mapclass::towercol. But
that variable is unused, and has been removed, so after removing that
variable, this one is unused, too.
2020-11-02 15:22:10 -05:00
9a9f3f57d5 Remove unused variable mapclass::towercol
This variable is written to, but is never actually read. Writing to a
variable doesn't really do anything unless you read from it somewhere
2020-11-02 15:22:10 -05:00
f847ec7c59 Fix tower background interpolation when scrolling from top
On the deltaframes of the tower background, there would be "pixel bleed"
if the tower background would be scrolling from the top. This is because
there wouldn't be any more pixels from above the screen to grab, because
the background rendering functions didn't draw any pixels above the
screen. But they couldn't draw any pixels above the screen, because that
was simply the end of the buffer. But now that the buffer is expanded,
we can now draw above the screen, and fix this glitchy interpolation
2020-11-02 14:02:00 -05:00
b98c99fd7a Add 8 pixels of padding above and left of towerbuffer[_lerp]
In order to fix the weird title screen pixels at the top on deltaframes,
we'll need to have a bit more space at the top. Also to the left, in
case we need a background to scroll from the left in the future.
2020-11-02 14:02:00 -05:00
39c88a3c1c Clean up bounds checks and style for customifflag/flag/ifflag/ifcrewlost
These commands now use the INBOUNDS_ARR() macro to convey intent, and to
make sure that if the size of the array changes in the future, that the
bounds check wouldn't end up being wrong. Also fixed some code style for
the flag() and ifcrewlost() commands.
2020-11-02 13:27:04 -05:00
61fc06bc3b Disable hardcoded (10,5) no-follow rule in custom levels
Scripting crewmates apparently have a specific hardcoded rule in their
follow-player code that makes it so if they're in (10,5) and are to the
left of the line x=155, they will refuse to continue following the
player. This was clearly done to make it so Vitellary in the main game
wouldn't overlap the teleporter, and that was clearly done to make it so
it wouldn't look like he would go behind the teleporter, which would
look weird (I also noticed this in #513).

I stumbled across this code and thought that just like other weird
main-game code that shouldn't apply in custom levels (#136, #137, #144),
this should be fixed, too.
2020-11-01 23:15:00 -05:00
c590c4b436 Reload window icon when mounting and unmounting assets
The window icon is simply another asset that can be customized by level
makers. And in fact, one of my levels changes the window icon. It's
simply named VVVVVV.png, but it doesn't sit in the graphics folder,
rather it sits in the root VVVVVV directory.

I noticed that this asset was missed when per-level assets loading was
added, so I decided to add it in.

There's a NULL check on screenbuffer because reloadresources() gets
called before screenbuffer's init() does.
2020-11-01 13:59:13 -05:00
6d8b8d08b9 Factor out icon loading to Screen::LoadIcon()
This is so it can be called multiple times without having to duplicate
2020-11-01 13:59:13 -05:00
c371d30509 Re-add original oldxp/oldyp assignments in gotoroom()
The intent of #504 was to make it so oldxp/oldyp would never be messed
with for over-30-FPS stuff, but I forgot that I changed these
assignments in my over-30-FPS patch when I was doing #504. So these
assignments have been restored to the way they were in 2.2, and is
fixed now.
2020-11-01 08:30:07 -05:00
3a8b381dbc Fix lerpoldxp/yp not being updated in setenemy and setenemyroom
I forgot to fix these when I was doing #504.
2020-11-01 08:29:33 -05:00
f95dbd8426 Disable nocollisionat() for conveyors
While my previous commit fixes the glitchy y-position when you get stuck
inside a conveyor, I noticed that getting inside a conveyor seems to
always push the player out, despite conveyors sharing the same code with
moving platforms, which has code to temporarily disable their own
collision when the player gets stuck inside them, so that the player
DOESN'T get pushed out.

Well, it turns out that the reason this happens is because conveyors in
a room that get placed during mapclass::loadlevel() get tile 1 placed
underneath them. This is mostly so moving platforms will collide with
them, because otherwise platforms don't collide with other platforms,
and a conveyor is considered a platform.

This means that a conveyor without any tiles behind it will simply get
the player stuck if they get inside it, and the player won't be pushed
out. This is bad, because conveyors don't move, so they'll be stuck
there forever until they press R (or save, quit, and load). This
situation doesn't come up in the main game, but it COULD come up in
custom levels that use the internal createentity() command to create
conveyors that don't have any tiles behind them.

It seems good to fix this as well, while we're at it fixing conveyor
physics, so I'm fixing this as well.
2020-10-31 19:07:58 -04:00
942217f871 Fix glitchy y-position when colliding with a conveyor
There is this issue with conveyors where if you collide with them, your
intended next y-position doesn't get updated to the position of the
conveyor, and then your y-position gets set to your intended next
y-position. This also applies to horizontally moving platforms.

This bug used to not produce any problems, if at all, until #502 got
merged. Since then, respawning from checkpoints that are on conveyors
would sometimes not update your y-position at all, making it possible to
get stuck inside a death loop that would require you to exit the game
and re-enter it.

But you can always reliably create this bug simply by going into the
editor and placing down a conveyor and checkpoint on top of each other.
Then enter and exit playtesting a bunch of times, and you'll notice the
glitchy y-position Viridian keeps taking on.

The root cause of this is how the game moves the player whenever they
stand on the top or bottom of a conveyor (or a horizontally moving
platform). The game sets their intended next x-position (newxp), then
calls obj.entitymapcollision() on them. This would be okay, except their
intended next y-position (newyp) doesn't get set along with their newxp,
so entitymapcollision() will use the wrong newyp, then find that there
is nothing that will collide with the player at that given newyp, then
update the yp of the player to the wrong newyp.

So, the platform logic simply doesn't set the player's newyp. Why does
the player have the wrong newyp? It's because moving platforms (and
conveyors) are updated first before all other entities are, and this
includes the code that checks the player for collisions with moving
platforms. That's right: the moving platform collision code gets ran
before the player properly gets updated. This means that the game will
use the newyp of the previous frame, which could be anything, really,
but it most likely just means the intended next y-position of the player
gets canceled, leaving the player with the same y-position they had

Okay, but this bug only seems to happen when you put a checkpoint inside
a conveyor (or a moving platform that hasn't started moving yet) and
start playtesting from it, so why doesn't this bug happen more often,
then? Well, it's probably because of luck and coincidence. Most of the
time, if you're colliding with a conveyor or horizontally moving
platform, you probably have a correct newyp from the previous frame of
the game, so there'd be no problems. And before #502 got merged, this
previous frame would be provided by the player having to fall to the
surface due to the y-offset of their savepoint. However, if you make it
so that you immediately teleport on to a conveyor (because you died),
then this bug will rear its ugly head.
2020-10-31 19:07:58 -04:00
70e82dfe12 Fix "name lookup of ‘i’ changed" warning in editor.cpp
I got this warning during compilation because there were two nested for
loops both defining i. Better to have different names to make sure some
compilers won't overwrite the outer variable with the inner one.
2020-10-13 22:39:12 -04:00
b8a4b4dfe7 Restore previous oldxp/oldyp variables in favor of lerpoldxp/lerpoldyp
I was investigating a desync in my Nova TAS, and it turns out that
the gravity line collision functions check for the `oldxp` and `oldyp`
of the player, i.e. their position on the previous frame, along with
their position on the current frame. So, if the player either collided
with the gravity line last frame or this frame, then the player collided
with the gravity line this frame.

Except, that's not actually true. It turns out that `oldxp` and `oldyp`
don't necessarily always correspond to the `xp` and `yp` of the player
on the previous frame. It turns out that your `oldyp` will be updated if
you stand on a vertically moving platform, before the gravity line
collision function gets ran. So, if you were colliding with a gravity
line on the previous frame, but you got moved out of there by a
vertically moving platform, then you just don't collide with the gravity
line at all.

However, this behavior changed in 2.3 after my over-30-FPS patch got
merged (#220). That patch took advantage of the existing `oldxp` and
`oldyp` entity attributes, and uses them to interpolate their positions
during rendering to make everything look real smooth.

Previously, `oldxp` and `oldyp` would both be updated in
`entityclass::updateentitylogic()`. However, I moved it in that patch to
update right before `gameinput()` in `main.cpp`.

As a result, `oldyp` no longer gets updated whenever the player stands
on a vertically moving platform. This ends up desyncing my TAS.

As expected, updating `oldyp` in `entityclass::movingplatformfix()` (the
function responsible for moving the player whenever they stand on a
vertically moving platform) makes it so that my TAS syncs, but the
visuals are glitchy when standing on a vertically moving platform. And
as much as I'd like to get rid of gravity lines checking for whether
you've collided with them on the previous frame, doing that desyncs my
TAS, too.

In the end, it seems like I should just leave `oldxp` and `oldyp` alone,
and switch to using dedicated variables that are never used in the
physics of the game. So I'm introducing `lerpoldxp` and `lerpoldyp`, and
replacing all instances of using `oldxp` and `oldyp` that my over-30-FPS
patch added, with `lerpoldxp` and `lerpoldyp` instead.

After doing this, and applying #503 as well, my Nova TAS syncs after
some minor but acceptable fixes with Viridian's walkingframe.
2020-10-11 16:19:26 -04:00
e8084fe699 Remove now-unused entityclass::hormovingplatformfix()
This function is no longer used after I removed it in favor of using
2020-10-11 16:18:30 -04:00
99297659ee Restore platform evaluation order to 2.2
This commit restores the evaluation order of moving platforms and conveyors to
be what it was in 2.2. The evaluation order changed in 2.3 after the patchset
to improve the handling of the `obj.entities` and `obj.blocks` vectors (#191).

By evaluation order, I'm talking about the order in which platforms and
conveyors will be evaluated (and thus will take priority) if Viridian stands
on both a conveyor or platform at once, and they either have different speeds
or are pointing in different directions. Nowhere in the main game is there a
place where you can stand on two different conveyors/platforms at once, so
this is solely within the territory of custom levels, which is my specialty.

So what caused this evaluation order to change? Well, every moving platform
and conveyor in the game is actually made up of two objects: an entity, and a
block. The entity is the part that moves around, and the block is the part
that actually has the collision.

But if the entity is the part that moves around, and entities and blocks are
in entirely separate vectors, how is the block part going to move along with
it? Well, maybe you'd guess some sort of unique ID system, but spend some time
digging around the code and you won't find any trace of any (there's no
attribute on an entity to store such an ID, for starters).

Instead, what the game does is actually remove all blocks that coincide with
the exact top-left corner of the entity, and then create a new one. Destroying
and creating blocks like this all the time is hugely wasteful, but hey, it

So why did the evaluation order change in 2.3? Well, to understand that,
you'll need to understand 2.2's `active` system. Instead of having an object
be real simply by virtue of it existing, 2.2 had this system where the object
was only real if it had its `active` attribute set to true. In other words,
you would be looking at a fake object that didn't actually exist if its
`active` attribute was false.

On the surface, this doesn't seem that bad. But this can lead to "holes" in a
given vector of objects. A hole is simply an inactive object neighbored by
active objects (or the inactive object could be the first one in the vector,
but then have an active object immediately following it).

If you have a vector of 3 objects, all of them active, then removing the
second one will result in the vector containing an active object, followed by
an inactive object, followed by an active one. However, since the switch to
more properly use vectors instead of relying on this `active` system, there's
no longer any way for holes to exist in a vector. Properly removing an object
from a vector will just shift the rest of the objects down, so if we remove
the second object after the vector fix, then this will simply move the third
object into the slot of where the second object used to be.

So, what happens if you destroy a block and then create a new one in the
`active` system? Let's say that your `obj.blocks` looks like this, and here
I'm denoting each block by writing out its coordinates:

    [30,60] [70,90] [80,100]

and that you want to update the position of the second one, because the entity
that that blocks belongs to has been updated. Okay, so, you delete that block,
which then makes things look like this:

    [30,60] [-] [80,100]

and then afterwards, you create a new block with the updated position,
resulting in this:

    [30,60] [74,90] [80,100]

Since `entityclass::createblock()` will find the first block slot that has a
false `active` attribute, it puts the new object in the same slot as the old
one. What has been essentially done here is that the slot of the block has
basically been reserved for the new block with the new position. Here, the
evaluation order of each block will stay the same.

But then 2.3 comes along and changes things up. So we start with an
`obj.blocks` like this again:

    [30,60] [70,90] [80,100]

and we want to update the second block, like before. So we remove the second
block, resulting in this:

    [30,60] [80,100]

It should be obvious that unlike before, where the third block stayed in the
third slot, the third block has now been moved to the second slot. But
continuing on; we are now going to create the new block with its updated
position, resulting in this:

    [30,60] [80,100] [70,90]

At this point, we can see that the evaluation order of these blocks has been
changed due to the fact that the third block has now been moved to the slot
that was previously the slot of the second block.

So what can we do about this? Well, we can basically emulate what VVVVVV did
in 2.2, which is disable a block without actually removing it - except I'm not
going to reintroduce an `active` attribute or anything. I'll disable the
collision of all blocks at a certain position by setting their widths and
heights to 0, and then re-enable them later by finding the first block at that
same position, updating its position, and re-assigning its width and height

The former is what `entityclass::nocollisionat()` does; the latter is what
`entityclass::moveblockto()` does. The former mimicks turning off the `active`
attribute of all blocks sharing a certain top-left corner; the latter mimicks
creating a new block - and it will only do this for one block, because
`entityclass::createblock()` in 2.2 only looked for the first block with a
false `active` attribute.

Now, some quirks relied on the previous behavior of destroying and creating
blocks, but all of these quirks have been preserved with the way I implemented
this fix.

The first quirk is that platforms passing through 0,0 will destroy all spike
hitboxes, script boxes, activity zones, and one-way hitboxes in the room. The
hitboxes of moving platforms, disappearing platforms, 1x1 quicksand, and
conveyors will not be affected.

This is a consequence of the fact that the former group uses the `x` and `y`
of their `rect`, while the latter group uses the `xp` and `yp` attributes. So
the `xp` and `yp` of the former are both 0. Meaning, a platform passing
through 0,0 destroys them all.

Having these separate coordinates seems like an artifact from the Flash days.
(And furthermore, there's an unused `x` and `y` attribute on all blocks,
making for technically three separate sets of coordinates! This should
probably be cleaned up, except for what I'm about to say...) But actually, if
you merge both sets of coordinates into one, this lets moving platforms
destroy script boxes and activity zones if it passes through the top-left
corner of them, which is probably far worse than the destruction being
localized to a specific coordinate that would never likely be reached

This quirk is preserved just fine without any special-casing, because instead
of destroying all blocks at 0,0, they just get disabled, which does the same
job. This quirk seems trivial to fix if I made it so that the position of a
platform's block was updated instantaneously instead of having one step to
disable it and another step to re-enable it, but I aim to preserve as much
quirks as possible.

The second quirk is that a moving platform passing through the top-left corner
of a disappearing platform or 1x1 quicksand will destroy the block of that
disappearing platform. This is because, again, when a moving platform updates,
it destroys all blocks at its previous position, not just only one block. This
is automatically preserved because this commit just disables the block of the
disappearing platform instead of removing it. Just like the last one, this
quirk seems extremely trivial to fix, and this time by simply making it so
`entityclass::nocollisionat()` would have a `break` statement, i.e. only
disabling the first block it finds instead of all blocks it finds, but I want
to keep all quirks that are possible to keep.

The last quirk is that, apparently, in order to prevent pushing the player
vertically out of a moving platform if they get inside of one, the game
destroys the block of the moving platform. If I had missed this edge case,
then the block would've been destroyed, leaving the moving platform with no
collision. But I caught it in my testing, so the block gets disabled instead
of destroyed. Also, it seems obtuse for those who don't understand why a
platform's block gets destroyed or disabled whenever the player collides with
it in `entityclass::collisioncheck()`, so I've put up a comment documenting it
as well.

The different platform evaluation order desyncs my Nova TAS, but after
applying this patchset and #504, my TAS syncs fine (save for the different
walkingframe from starting immediately on the ground instead of in the air
(#502), but that's minor and can be easily fixed).

I've attached a test level to the pull request for this commit (#503) to
demonstrate that this patchset not only fixes platform evaluation order, but
preserves some bugs and quirks with the existing block system.

The first room demonstrates the fixed platform evaluation order, by stepping
on the conveyors that both point into each other. In 2.2, Viridian will move
to the right of the background pillar, but in 2.3, Viridian will move to the
left of the pillar. However, after applying this patch, Viridian will now move
to the right of the pillar once again.

The second room demonstrates that the platform-passing-through-0,0 trick still
works (as explained above).

The last room demonstrates that platforms passing through the top-left corners
of disappearing platforms or 1x1 quicksand will remove the blocks of those
entities, causing Viridian to immediately pass through them. This trick is
still preserved after my patchset is applied.
2020-10-11 16:18:30 -04:00
c83132f4fa Add entityclass::moveblockto()
This function will restore a block's hitbox after it has been disabled
by `entityclass::nocollisionat()`.
2020-10-11 16:18:30 -04:00
d8cee4866e Add entityclass::nocollisionat()
This function will disable a block instead of removing it entirely,
mimicking the previous `active` system of 2.2.
2020-10-11 16:18:30 -04:00
b3b1a0696b Unindent entity update loops from previous commit
This unindent is done in a separate commit to minimize diff noise.
2020-10-11 16:18:30 -04:00
7e04908cd4 Collapse and invert if-statements in entity logic loops
This makes the code easier to read by reducing the amount of indentation
it has.
2020-10-11 16:18:30 -04:00
c56cf009e7 Use SDL_abs() instead of libc abs() in Logic.cpp
There are other instances where SDL_abs() should be used, but I'm fine
with at least fixing these for now.
2020-10-11 16:18:30 -04:00
71c8c54313 Clean up music handling to one place
Previously, setting the actual volume of the music was all over the
place. Which isn't bad, but when I added being able to press N to mute
the music specifically, I should've made it so that there would be a
volume variable somewhere that the game looks at if the music is
unmuted, and otherwise sets the actual volume to 0 if the game is muted.

This resulted in things like #400 and #505 and having to add a bunch of
special-cased checks like game.musicmuted and game.completestop. But
instead of adding a bunch of special-case code, just make it so there's
a central place where Mix_VolumeMusic() actually gets called, and if
some piece of code wants to set the music volume, they can set
music.musicVolume. But the music handling logic in main.cpp gets the
final say on whether to listen to music.musicVolume, or to mute the game

This is how the music handling code should have been from the start
(when pressing N to mute the music was added).

Fixes #505.
2020-10-11 16:16:57 -04:00
d0b3cfa08c Don't hardcode MIX_MAX_VOLUME value of 128
The value of the macro might not change in the future, but it's there
for a reason. That reason being to improve code readability, because
otherwise 128 would just be a magic number that plopped in out of
nowhere. Sometimes the game uses MIX_MAX_VOLUME, other times it uses
128, so to be consistent I'm just going to enforce MIX_MAX_VOLUME
2020-10-11 16:16:57 -04:00
ba04c361c6 Revert "Fix #400"
This reverts commit cf5ad166e3.

My implementation will make it so single-case patches like this commit
won't be necessary anymore (there's no need to add a special-case check
for game.musicmuted, the way that I'm gonna do it). In fact, it's better
if I just revert the commit entirely.
2020-10-11 16:16:57 -04:00
7b7c7b2dc7 Fix inconsistencies with y-positions of spawns
It seems like the start point of a custom level and all checkpoints in
the game end up putting your spawn point one pixel away from the surface
it touches, which seems like an oversight. I'm going to enforce some
consistency here and make it so that all spawn points, whenever you
start from a start point or a checkpoint, will always be correctly
positioned flush with the surface they're standing on, and not one pixel
more or less than that.
2020-10-06 02:24:51 -04:00
dfdad165f5 Fix spawning from an exotic checkpoint setting invalid gravitycontrol
An exotic checkpoint is a checkpoint with a sprite that is neither the
flipped checkpoint nor unflipped checkpoint. More specifically, it's a
checkpoint whose edentity p1 attribute is something other than 0 or 1.

Normally, whenever you touch an exotic checkpoint in-game, your
savepoint's y-position and gravitycontrol don't get touched. However, in
the editor, spawning from an exotic checkpoint means that your
gravitycontrol gets set to a value that is neither 0 nor 1. In this
invalid gravitycontrol state, Viridian is treated like they're flipped,
but they cannot unflip.

This is an inconsistency between the editor and in-game, so I'm fixing
it. Now, spawning from an exotic checkpoint in the editor will just set
your gravitycontrol to 0, i.e. unflipped.
2020-10-06 02:24:51 -04:00
b4a0acc01d Fix onground/onroof taking 1 frame after landing on vertical plat
So, 77a636509b fixed the fact that you
only got 1 frame of onground/onroof when standing on a vertical moving
platform, but removing those lines entirely means that it takes 1 frame
before the onground/onroof of 2 actually takes effect. This desyncs my
Nova TAS, so it seems important to fix.
2020-10-06 02:16:49 -04:00
77a636509b Remove duplicate onroof/onground assignment for vertical moving plats
The onroof/onground attributes are used to determine if the player is
standing on a surface and is eligible to flip. Most notably, it is an
integer and not a boolean, and it starts at 2, giving the player 2
frames to edge-flip, i.e. they can still flip 2 frames after walking off
an edge.

However, these attributes are unnecessarily reassigned in
movingplatformfix() (which is the function that deals exclusively with
vertically-moving platforms; horizontal moving platforms get their own
hormovingplatformfix()). Whoever wrote this misunderstood what
onroof/onground meant; they thought that they were booleans, and so set
them to true, instead of the proper value of 2. This ends up setting
onroof/onground to 1 instead of 2, causing a discrepancy with vertical
moving platforms and the rest of the surfaces in the game.

The bigger mistake here is duplicating code that never needed to be
duplicated. The onroof/onground assignment in gamelogic() works
perfectly fine for vertical moving platforms. Indeed, after testing it
with libTAS, I can confirm that removing the duplicate assignments
restores being able to edge-flip off of moving platforms with 2 frames
of leeway, instead of only 1 frame. It also doesn't change how long it
takes for the onroof/onground to get set when the player is recognized
as standing on a vertically-moving platform, either.

And so, it's better to not duplicate this code, because when you
duplicate it you run the risk of making a mistake, as I just
2020-09-28 15:46:41 -04:00
733cad723b Remove unused attributes from entclass
These attributes were `jumping` and `jumpframe`. Removal of unused
attributes makes reading the code easier.
2020-09-28 15:45:53 -04:00
cbceeccf78 Clean up and prevent unnecessary qualifiers to self
By "unnecessary qualifiers to self", I mean something like using the
'game.' qualifier for a variable on the Game class when you're inside a
function on the Game class itself. This patch is to enforce consistency
as most of the code doesn't have these unnecessary qualifiers.

To prevent further unnecessary qualifiers to self, I made it so the
extern in each header file can be omitted by using a define. That way,
if someone writes something referring to 'game.' on a Game function,
there will be a compile error.

However, if you really need to have a reference to the global name, and
you're within the same .cpp file as the implementation of that object,
you can just do the extern at the function-level. A good example of this
is editorinput()/editorrender()/editorlogic() in editor.cpp. In my
opinion, they should probably be split off into their own separate file
because editor.cpp is getting way too big, but this will do for now.
2020-09-28 01:34:40 -04:00
571ad1f7d8 Move all temporary variables off of entityclass
This is a refactor that simply moves all temporary variables off of
entityclass, and makes it so they are no longer global variables. This
makes the resulting code easier to understand as it is less entangled
with global state.

These attributes were:
 - colpoint1
 - colpoint2
 - tempx
 - tempy
 - tempw
 - temph
 - temp
 - temp2
 - tpx1
 - tpy1
 - tpx2
 - tpy2
 - temprect
 - temprect2
 - x (actually unused)
 - dx
 - dy
 - dr
 - px
 - py
 - linetemp
 - activetrigger
 - skipblocks
 - skipdirblocks

Most of these attributes were assigned before any of the times they were
used, so it's easy to prove that ungloballing them won't change any
behaviors. However, dx, dy, dr, and skipblocks are a bit more tricky to
analyze. They relate to blocks, with dx, dy, and dr more specifically
relating to one-way tiles. So after some testing with the quirks of
one-way tiles, it seems that the jankiness of one-way tiles haven't
changed at all, either.

Unfortunately, the attribute k is clearly used without being assigned
beforehand, so I can't move it off of entityclass. It's the same story
with the attribute k that Graphics has, too.
2020-09-27 19:08:37 -04:00
695e720c1c Prevent typing pipes in the script editor
This prevents users from being confused whenever they type a pipe in the
script editor, then save the level and load it again and see their
script lines unexpectedly splitting in two. Now if you attempt to type a
pipe, it simply won't happen at all.

Fixes #379.
2020-09-27 18:45:02 -04:00
25f27d502a Prevent undefined behavior with integer under/overflow with help.Int()
It's possible that SDL_atoi() could call the libc atoi(), and if a
string is provided that's too large to fit into an integer, then that
would result in undefined behavior. To avoid this, use SDL_strtol()
2020-09-27 17:05:00 -04:00
605b8a427c Make 'custom_' check more readable
Instead of copying to a temporary string, just use SDL_strncmp(). Also,
I checked the blame, and apparently I committed the line that used
strcmp() instead of SDL_strcmp(), for whatever reason. But that's fixed
2020-09-27 16:31:40 -04:00
fe56764fbc Don't use bounds check for checktrigger() in twoframedelayfix()
This is like the previous patch, but for twoframedelayfix(), because I
forgot to read the comment that talked about twoframedelayfix().
2020-09-25 18:07:19 -04:00
c8f000af02 Don't use bounds check for result of checktrigger(), it's a gamestate
checktrigger() returns a gamestate number, not the index of an entity.

2020-09-25 18:00:18 -04:00
a38faad156 Add bounds checks to indexing of global "temporary" variable k
For some reason, the variable `k` is on entityclass and gets mutated in
createentity() and createblock(). Then updateentities() uses it without
checking if it's valid, because either `k` or the size of `entities`
could have changed in the meantime. To fix any potential undefined
behavior, these bounds checks should be added.
2020-09-25 17:16:15 -04:00
990ee63a6e Fix brace style in Graphics::Makebfont() and Graphics::bfontlen()
Seriously, Leo, why did you have to use braces like this...
2020-09-25 16:33:54 -04:00
2e78eab92f Clear font_positions if there is no font.txt
This fixes a bug where font_positions wouldn't get cleared after exiting
a custom level that had a font.txt if it didn't exist in the default
graphics, leading to messed-up-looking font rendering.

This bug was originally discovered by Ally.
2020-09-25 16:33:54 -04:00
96be0fc7a9 Fix unwinnable save from rescuing Violet out of order
You're intended to rescue Violet first, and not second, third, or
fourth, and especially not last.

If you rescue her second, third, or fourth, your crewmate progress will
be reset, but you won't be able to re-rescue them again. This is because
Vitellary, Verdigris, Victoria, and Vermilion will be temporarily marked
as rescued during the `bigopenworld` cutscene, so duplicate versions of
them don't spawn during the cutscene, and then will be marked as missing
later to undo it.

This first issue can be trivially fixed by simply toggling flags to
prevent duplicates of them from spawning during the cutscene instead of
fiddling with their rescue statuses.

However, there is still another issue. If you rescue Violet last, then
you won't be warped to the Final Level, meaning you can't properly
complete the game. This can be fixed by adding a `crewrescued() == 6`
check to the Space Station 1 Level Complete cutscene. There is
additionally a temporary unrescuing of Violet so she doesn't get
duplicated during the `bigopenworld` cutscene, and I've had to move that
to the start of the `bigopenworld` and `bigopenworldskip` scripts,
otherwise the `crewrescued() == 6` check won't work properly.

I haven't added hooks for Intermission 1 or 2 because you're not really
meant to play the intermissions with Violet (but you probably could
anyway, there'd just be no dialogue).

Oh, and the pre-Final Level cutscene expects the player to already be
hidden before it starts playing, but if you rescue Violet last the
player is still visible, so I've fixed that. But there still ends up
being two Violets, so I'll probably replace it with a special cutscene
later that's not so nonsensical.
2020-09-25 14:02:09 -04:00
3ffe1b2e3b Add bounds-check to entcolours in editor rendering
I have no idea why neither conveyors and moving and disappearing
platforms rendered in the editor or in-game use
Graphics::drawentcolours(), but this needs to be bounds-checked just as
I did for the in-game rendering function.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
c325085ddb Fix up trinket and coin ID bounds checks
Trinket IDs weren't being bounds-checked upon creation, and coin IDs
weren't being bounds-checked upon pickup. But now they both are.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
140861a79d Add bounds checks to both versions of Graphics::drawsprite()
For some reason, I forgot to add bounds checks to these functions. Well,
I'm glad I caught it, anyways.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
76d6a3536b Bounds check all entity getters that can return 0
The entity getters I'm referring to are entityclass::getscm(),
entityclass::getlineat(), entityclass::getcrewman(), and

Even though the player should always exist, and the player should always
be indice 0, I wouldn't want to make that assumption. I've been wrong

Also, these functions returning 0 lull you into a false sense of
security. If you assume that commands using these functions are fine,
you'll forget about the fact that `i` in those commands could be
potentially anything, given an invalid argument. In fact, it's possible
to index createactivityzone(), flipgravity(), and customposition()
out-of-bounds by setting `i` to anything! Well, WAS possible. I fixed it
so now they can't.

Furthermore, in the game.scmmoveme block in gamelogic(), obj.getplayer()
wasn't even checked, even though it's been checked in all other places.
I only caught it just now because I wanted to bounds-check all usages of
obj.getscm(), too, and that game.scmmove block also used obj.getscm()
without bounds-checking it as well.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
19a8352775 Don't hardcode 400 in editorclass::save()
That way, if the size of `level` changes, this code won't end up being
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
f02dcbfdad Don't manually write out INBOUNDS_ARR() checks
When this is done, there is potential for a mistake to occur when
writing out the bounds check, which is eliminated when using the macro
instead. Luckily, this doesn't seem to have happened, but what's even
worse is I hardcoded 400 instead of using SDL_arraysize(ed.level), so if
the size of ed.level the bounds checks would all be wrong, which
wouldn't be good. But that's fixed now, too.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
7b20d90446 Don't manually write out INBOUNDS_VEC() checks
This is because if they are manually written out, they are more likely
to contain mistakes.

In fact, after further review, there are several functions with
incorrect manually-written bounds checks:
 * entityclass::entitycollide()
 * entityclass::removeentity()
 * entityclass::removeblock()
 * entityclass::copylinecross()
 * entityclass::revertlinecross()

All of those functions forgot to do 'greater than or equal to' instead
of 'greater than' when comparing against the size of the vector. So they
were erroneous. But they are now fixed.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
32b6de729d Use SDL_arraysize() instead of writing out array length
Using the macro makes it less likely that there will be a mistake when
writing out the array length.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
b34be3f1ac Use explicit INBOUNDS_VEC() instead of checking sentinel -1
It's better to do INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) instead of 'i > -1'.

'i > -1' is used in cases like obj.getplayer(), which COULD return a
sentinel value of -1 and so correct code will have to check that value.
However, I am now of the opinion that INBOUNDS_VEC() should be used and
isn't unnecessary.

Consider the case of the face() script command: it's not enough to check
i > -1, you should read the routine carefully. Because if you look
closely, you'll see that it's not guaranteed that 'i' will be initialized
at all in that command. Indeed, if you call face() with invalid
arguments, it won't be. And so, 'i' could be something like 215, and
that would index out-of-bounds, and that wouldn't be good. Therefore,
it's better to have the full bounds check instead of checking only one
bounds. Many commands are like this, after some searching I can also
name position(), changemood(), changetile(), changegravity(), etc.

It also makes the code more explicit. Now you don't have to wonder what
-1 means or why it's being checked, you can just read the 'INBOUNDS' and
go "oh, that checks if it's actually inbounds or not".
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
b925352864 Reduce scope of 'j' in screen transition companion logic
Reducing the scope of the variable makes analysis easier - for example,
we can now see it is always initialized before being used.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
a098448e89 Remove unused variable from gamestate 115
For some reason it called obj.getplayer() and did nothing with the
result. Weird. But it does say "Test script for space station" above.

Removing this fixes an 'unused variable' warning.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
fad0071966 Reduce scope of temporary variables in Game::updatestate()
With the scope of these variables reduced, it makes analyzing this
function easier, as you can now clearly see all temporary variables are
actually initialized before they're used.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
7ed495c373 Rename INBOUNDS() macro to INBOUNDS_VEC()
Since there's an INBOUNDS_ARR() macro, it's much better to specify the
macro for the vector is a macro for the vector, to avoid confusion.

All usages of this macro have been renamed accordingly.
2020-09-25 13:51:47 -04:00
fae14f4e98 De-duplicate stuck prevention for the player/SCM
Stuck prevention (pushing the player/supercrewmate out if they are
inside a wall) has been factored out into its own function, so it's no
longer copy-pasted but slightly tweaked just for the supercrewmate.
2020-09-25 13:37:38 -04:00
5e29d676e9 Use case-switch for entityclass::collisioncheck()
This makes each case in the function less verbose.
2020-09-25 13:37:38 -04:00
b5806c8bb0 De-duplicate entity collision checks for player/SCM
The entity collision check routine has been factored out into its own
function, so it no longer needs to be copy-pasted for the supercrewmate.
2020-09-25 13:37:38 -04:00
ceaee392e5 De-duplicate vertical moving platform fix for player/SCM
Instead of having two separate functions to move entities along vertical
moving platforms, one for the player and one for the supercrewmate, they
have been consolidated into one function.
2020-09-25 13:37:38 -04:00
1c5b72410a De-duplicate spike hitbox checks for player/SCM
The spike hitbox check is now one function for both the player and the
supercrewmate, instead of being two separate functions.
2020-09-25 13:37:38 -04:00
Fix entities in the Warp Zone's gray tileset not being gray in the editor (#480)
In-level, they were made to be gray in #323. The editor does not reflect this however; they're still shown as
green. For the same reasons in #323, this adds special cases to draw the entities as gray.
Closes #372.
Also, I changed my name in contributors.txt to be my username as I didn't feel comfortable with it being my name.

Co-authored-by: Misa <ness.of.onett.earthbound@gmail.com>
2020-09-25 13:35:03 -04:00
7fcc1c8cdc De-duplicate reading/writing main game telesave/quicksave
The game has four different functions for the same XML schema:
Game::loadtele(), Game::savetele(), Game::loadquick(), and
Game::savequick(). This essentially means one XML schema has been
copy-pasted three different times.

I can at least trim that number down to being copy-pasted only one time
by de-duplicating the reading and writing part. So both Game::loadtele()
and Game::loadquick() now use Game::readmaingamesave(), and
Game::savetele() and Game::savequick() now use

This will make it take less work to add XML forwards compatibility
2020-09-25 13:32:41 -04:00
e01efbec89 Remove tzann's trailing whitespace from Graphics.cpp
This trailing whitespace was introduced by tzann in commit
8aac6a758d. It might be because he used
Visual Studio.
2020-09-25 13:30:59 -04:00
1a3577e196 Add kludge to fix rendering of gravity lines in a gotoroom
Due to #464, standing inside a gravity line during a gotoroom that
occurs every frame will end up with the gravity line being gray instead
of being white. To temporarily fix this (until #464 is properly fixed),
I decided to add some kludge that colors it white if its onentity is 1.
I tested this patch with gravity lines in both constant-gotoroom and
normal environments, and it seems to be fine for both.
2020-09-25 13:30:59 -04:00
d1fd910bdb Fix flipgravity() rule conversion being inverted
In 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2, calling flipgravity() on an entity that wasn't
rule 6 would change it to rule 7. In 2.3 currently, doing this will only
change it to rule 7 if it's already rule 6, starting with the
introduction of the change where if an entity was rule 7 it would be
changed to rule 6.

The crewmate conversion trick has been restored, but converting an
entity to a crewmate will change its rule to 6, not 7 like in pre-2.3.
If you want it to be changed to rule 7 instead of 6, you'd have to call
flipgravity() twice in 2.3 and only once in pre-2.3, which would make
maintaining compatibility between versions a bit harder.

So to fix this, I'm inverting it so that if you call flipgravity() on an
entity that isn't rule 7, it will be converted to rule 7, and only if
it's rule 7 will it be converted to rule 6.
2020-09-24 02:47:53 -04:00
5b9a8e5f08 Allow calling flipgravity() on duplicate player entities
This is a followup to b7cf6855b0 and

In 2.2, if you had a duplicate player entity, there'd be no way to get
rid of it. Except for the recently-discovered Arbitrary Entity
Manipulation glitch, where you set `i` to the indice of the entity and
call flipgravity() on it, turning its rule to 7 and making it no longer
a player entity.

However, I patched this useful mechanic out when I made it so that you'd
no longer be able to convert entities with rule 0 to rule 6
(10ed0058fd, upheld in
b7cf6855b0), because doing so would mean
being able to softlock the game by not having any player entity.

So, in this patch, I'm making it so that you CAN convert duplicate
player entities to crewmates (and thus basically destroy them), but you
can't do that to the TRUE player entity (i.e. the first entity indice
that has rule 0, which is basically always indice 0).
2020-09-17 23:49:00 -04:00
42010f8f42 Fix default Graphics::setcol() value having no alpha
This patch fixes a regression caused by commit

When you spawn a crewmate with an invalid color, by doing something like
`createentity(100,100,18,-1,0)` (here the color is -1, which is
invalid), a white crewmate with the color of solid white (255, 255, 255)
would appear.

That is, until AllyTally came along and committed commit
6b1a7ebce6 (Make "[Press ENTER to
return to editor]" fade out after a bit) (PR #158). Then after that
commit, it would seem like the crewmate didn't appear, but in reality
they were just invisible, because they had an invisible color.

As part of Ally's changes, to properly support drawing text with a
certain amount of alpha, she made BlitSurfaceColoured() account for the
alpha of the color given instead of only caring about the RGB of the
color, discarding the alpha, and using the alpha of the surface it was
drawing instead. This effectively made it so the alpha of whatever it
was drawing would be 255 all the time, except for if you had custom
textures and your custom textures had translucent pixels.

However, the default color set by Graphics::setcol() if you didn't
provide a valid color index was 0xFFFFFF. Which is only (255, 255, 255)
but ends up having an alpha value of 0 (because it's actually
0x00FFFFFF). And all colors drawn with alpha 0 end up being drawn with
alpha 0 after 6b1a7ebce6. So
invalid-colored entities will end up being invisible.

To fix this, I just decided to add alpha to the default value instead.
In addition, I used getRGB() to be consistent with all the other colors
in the function.
2020-09-17 10:13:46 -04:00
Add space after lines terminated by a colon in scripts (#479) 2020-09-14 20:34:12 -04:00
dcf1a81e80 Fix duplicate levels in levelstats if you don't have a higher score
This is a regression from 25779606b4
(PR #74).

On the one hand, I should've thought this through carefully when
implementing the fix for the lower-score overwrite bug. On the other
hand, flibit didn't seem to notice either. And on the third hand, no one
else seems to have noticed, when they have had over 8 months to do so.
Not even the person who originally reported the lower-score overwrite
bug and also reported other bugs I hadn't noticed (e.g. the "You have
rescued a crewmate!" in Flip Mode) noticed this bug, which I believe was
weee50. But to be fair, he does seem to be less active nowadays.

On the fourth hand, I only realized the cause of the duplicate bug after
stepping through it in GDB, instead of just looking at it and going "hey
wait a minute" earlier. I'm surprised it didn't take me longer to
realize the problem.

I'm not sure what all these hands mean anymore, or where I'm getting
extra hands from. Whatever. This regression is fixed now.
2020-09-13 01:33:13 -04:00
1d40bbdbc7 Restore pre-2.1 warp bypass glitch in glitchrunner mode
So, I was staring at VVVVVV code one day, as I usually do, and I noticed
that warp lines had this curious code in entityclass::updateentities()
that set their statedelay to 2, and I thought, hm, maybe the pre-2.1
warp line bypass is caused by this statedelay. And, it doesn't seem like
this is the primary code used to detect if the player collides with warp
lines, the actual code is commented with "Rewritten system for mobile
update" and bolted-on in gamelogic() instead of properly being in

So, after getting tripped up on the misleading indentation of that
"Rewritten system" block, I removed the rewritten system, re-added
collision detection for rule 7 (horizontal warp lines), and after
checking the resulting behavior, it appears to be nearly identical to
that of warp lines in 2.0.

You see, if you use warp lines to flip up from the top of the screen
onto the bottom of the screen, close to the edge of the bottom of the
screen, Viridian's head will display on the top of the screen in 2.0. In
2.1 and later, this doesn't happen, confirming that my theory is
correct. I also performed warp line bypass multiple times in 2.0 and
with my restored code, and it is pretty much the exact same behavior.

So now, the pre-2.1 warp line bypass glitch has been re-enabled in
glitchrunner mode.
2020-09-09 22:05:43 -04:00
23434f0842 Fix misleading indentation in obj.customwarpmode block
This misleading indentation makes it really easy to misanalyze this
block as only containing the statements up to obj.customwarplinecheck(),
when in reality it contains everything up to the modifying of
map.warpx/map.warpy. I have made this misanalysis just now in my attempt
to figure out the pre-2.1 warp line bypass glitch, and I don't like it.
So I'm fixing this indentation now.
2020-09-09 22:05:43 -04:00
b7cf6855b0 Restore entity-to-crewmate conversion trick
So there's this trick that I recently discovered, since many script
commands don't initialize `i` it's possible to use them to manipulate
arbitrary entities by specifying their indice.

This means in 2.2 you can convert entities to pseudo-crewmates by
changing their rule to 6. Except in 2.3, this was fixed when I fixed the
command to work on flipped crewmates as well. So I'm restoring this
functionality, but I recognize the protection that my previous change to
the command did in preventing levels from destroying the player entity
by changing the player's rule to something nonzero, so instead of
removing the if-conditional entirely, I'm making it so that it will only
set the rule if the entity's rule isn't 0.
2020-09-09 10:02:09 -04:00
760f1e8e5a Don't hardcode SDL_CreateRGBSurface BitsPerPixel/mask args
For some reason, GetSubSurface() and ApplyFilter() were hardcoding the
bits-per-pixel and/or mask arguments to SDL_CreateRGBSurface(). I've
made them simply re-use the bits-per-pixel and masks of the input
surfaces they operate on, but the bits-per-pixel should always be 32 and
masks should always go first-byte alpha, second-byte red, third-byte
green, fourth-byte blue.
2020-09-08 16:16:40 -04:00
8af9007b5f Axe SDL_BYTEORDER checks
The game usually runs on little-endian anyways, but even if it did run
on big-endian, it doesn't check endianness everywhere so these checks
are useless. Furthermore, the code should be written so that endianness
doesn't matter in the first place.
2020-09-08 16:16:40 -04:00
68a54d2594 Axe endian_swap() function and template
Neither of these were used anywhere, so to simplify the code and prevent
having potentially broken code that's never shown to be broken because
it's never tested, I'm removing these.
2020-09-08 16:16:40 -04:00
90150a9fad Use clamp() macro to clamp colors in Graphics::bigrprint()
All other graphics functions use this macro instead of writing out the
clamping manually, so this one should, too.
2020-09-08 16:15:50 -04:00
efc9d4ea80 Remove duplicate color-clamping code from Graphics::bigrprint()
For some reason, there's some color-clamping code in this function
directly after already-existing color-clamping code. This code dates
back to 2.2. And also, there's a smaller lower-bound of -1 for the red
channel, despite the fact that this smaller value doesn't matter because
the red would get clamped to 0 by the first code anyway.

So even if this was put here for some strange reason, it doesn't matter
because it doesn't do anything anyway.
2020-09-08 16:15:50 -04:00
a6a8173e20 Prevent same-frame infinite loops in scripts
It's trivially easy to send the scripting system into an infinite loop
on the same frame (i.e. without any script delay in between, i.e. within
the same execution of script.run()). Just take a look at these two



The hashes are to prevent the scripting system from parsing iftrinkets()
using the internal version instead of the simplified version, because
after doing a simplified iftrinkets(), the parser will (to oversimplify)
execute the last line of the script as internal.

Anyway, sending the game into an infinite loop like this will cause the
Not Responding dialog on Windows.

So to prevent this from happening, I've added an execution counter to
scriptclass::run(). If it gets too high, we're in an infinite loop and
so we stop running the script.
2020-09-08 15:57:21 -04:00
662a658cf6 Optimize entity collision checking to O(n)
I noticed that if I have a large amount of entities in the room, the
game starts to freeze and one frame would take a very long time. I
identified an obvious cause of this, which is that the entity collision
checking in entityclass::entitycollisioncheck() is O(n²), n being the
number of entities in the room.

But it doesn't need to be O(n²). The only entities you need to check
against all other entities are the player and the supercrewmate. You
don't need to "test entity to entity" if 99% of the pairs of entities
you're checking don't involve the player or supercrewmate.

How do we make it O(n)? Well, just hoist the rule 0 and type 14 checks
out of the inner for-loop. That way, the inner for-loop won't be
unconditionally ran, meaning that in most cases it will always be O(n).
However, if you start having large amounts of duplicate player or
supercrewmate entities (I don't know why you would), it would start
approaching O(n²), but I feel like that's fair in that case. But most of
the time, it will be O(n).

So that's how collision checking is now O(n) instead.
2020-09-07 23:03:34 -04:00
d4336b9a33 Hoist Enter check out of script.running clause
This fixes the fact that an Enter release during a "- Press ACTION to
advacne text -" prompt wouldn't be properly registered.
2020-09-07 20:47:33 -04:00
69337009b8 Remove fademode conditional from map screen
There's not really any good reason to prevent this action during a fade
animation. That just makes the fade timer one more potential contributor
to a softlock.

I'm leaving the fademode conditional on the Time Trial quick restart,
though - removing it would mean being able to quick restart during a
fade-in, and thus being able to spam Enter over and over to keep
re-starting the fade animation, which looks goofy.
2020-09-07 20:47:33 -04:00
fd19b4e5d8 Hoist Enter/Esc presses out of player entity for-loop
The hooks to bring up the map screen, pause screen, quit from Super
Gravitron, restart Time Trial, and commit suicide have now been hoisted
out of the for-loop that checked for a player entity. None of these
actions require a player entity, and there's no good reason to take away
your control from any of these actions, especially being able to quit to
the menu. The only actions inside the for-loop now are activating a
terminal and activating a teleporter, both of which require a player
entity to be standing in front of a terminal or teleporter, and both of
which have good reasons to be temporarily disabled.
2020-09-07 20:47:33 -04:00
610f4e7782 Move crewmate drawframe fix to entity creation instead of loadlevel
This makes it so the fix for crewmates' drawframes being wrong for
1-frame is fixed for all crewmates regardless of when they get created.
Sure, crewmates created in mapclass::loadlevel() have their drawframes
fixed there, but for crewmates that get created from scripting (such as
Violet when gotorooming to the Ship teleporter room after Space Station
1), this fix doesn't apply to them. But now it does, and Violet will no
longer be facing the wrong way for 1 frame when teleporting to the Ship
teleporter room in the Space Station 1 Level Complete cutscene.
2020-09-07 20:46:01 -04:00
Terry Cavanagh
Merge pull request #467 from InfoTeddy/general-improvements
Remove checks to prevent having both warp lines/BGs in editor
2020-09-06 14:46:56 +10:30
9de3aba94b Fix sprite of player if they are stuck in a wall
If the player is stuck in a wall (which shouldn't happen in the first
place), their sprite would always default to being flipped, even if they
were unflipped.

Being stuck in a wall is characterized by having both positive onfloor
and onground.
2020-09-06 00:13:16 -04:00
d677ba3837 Remove checks to prevent having both warp lines/BGs in editor
It's perfectly acceptable to have both warp lines and a warping
background in the same room. Many levels do this exact thing, I would
say at least 30 or so levels, many of them popular and played by many,
and this has never caused any issues at all.

All that having both warp lines and warp BG does is make it so the
warping of the warping background gets overriden by the warp lines, but
make it so the background is still a warp background. So in effect, you
can have a warp background without any warping. This is perfectly
defined behavior. Except, for whatever reason, it's unintentional, and
the editor tries to prevent you from doing it.

Key word being "tries". The code to prevent having both warp types is
bugged (at least when you change the warp BG. The check when you place
warp lines seems to be solid). It compares the p1 and p2 attributes of
warp lines to the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the room, despite p1
and p2 having nothing to do with room coordinates. p1 is the type of the
warp line and should be treated as an enum, and p2 is the offset of the
warp line from the top/left of the screen. This results in this check
sometimes working if you're unlucky, but never actually working properly
most of the time. This means people can first place warp lines, and then
change the warp background later, to have both warp lines and a warp

Having these checks just further complicates the code, makes it more
error-prone, and just inconveniences people when they want to do
something that's perfectly fine to do. So it's best if we just remove
these checks.
2020-09-05 20:02:27 -07:00
6658a46b2e Fix 1-frame render glitch with running teleport scripts
Fixes #402 (Violet appearing 1 frame after the Ship teleporter room

The root cause of this bug is due to the game loop order changes made
with the over-30-FPS patch. 2.2's game loop order was gameinput(),
gamerender(), then gamelogic(). In 2.3, gamerender() was moved to the end
as it required special code to render more than 30 frames a second. So
2.3's game loop order is gameinput(), gamelogic(), then gamerender().

In hindsight, I could have preserved the game loop order, but this would
require some more complex code in the game loop than what is there
currently. Fixing it now would fix rendering glitches such as this one
(along with being able to remove script.dontrunnextframe with the
two-frame-delay fix), but it could also introduce new rendering glitches
we don't yet know about. After discussing this in Discord DMs with
flibit, we agreed that the game loop order should be fixed in 2.4

When the game teleports you, gamelogic() runs script.teleport(). This
function will gotoroom to the teleporter destination, then it loads the
teleport script. Some teleport scripts (such as levelonecomplete, which
creates Violet) expect that their entities will be created, and more
generally that their script will be ran, on the same frame that the
gotoroom happens, i.e. by the time that the next gamerender() happens,
i.e. script.run() should be ran before the next gamerender() happens.
This would be true on the old game loop order, but with the new game
loop order, gamerender() gets ran directly after gamelogic() with no
script.run() in between.

To fix this, I did the same thing I did with the two-frame-delay fix
(#317), where I ran the script for that frame, but in order to prevent
running it twice I set script.dontrunnextframe to true.
2020-09-05 18:17:59 -04:00
c29d7c7d14 De-duplicate activity zone rendering, don't ignore act_fade
This is a follow-up to #421.

The game would draw the activity zone if there was one active at all,
and would ignore game.act_fade. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but
since #421, it's possible that there could be an active activity zone
but game.act_fade would still be 5. This would happen if you entered a
new activity zone while a cutscene was running.

To fix this, just make it so that the prompt gets drawn on its own and
only depends on the state of game.act_fade (or game.prev_act_fade), and
won't be unconditionally drawn if there's an active activity zone. As a
bonus, this de-duplicates the drawing of the activity prompt, so it's no
longer copy-pasted.
2020-08-24 22:02:58 -04:00
cf53de9ed5 Move text entry start to script open instead of script list open
This fixes a bug where opening a script, then closing the script but not
exiting the script list, then opening a script again (it can be the same
script as before) would result in you being unable to type in the
script. You would have to close the script, then close the script list,
then re-open the script list in order to be able to type properly.

This was caused by the fact that key.enabletextentry() was being called
when the script list was opened, but key.disabletextentry() was being
called when closing a script. So the fix for this is to simply move the
key.enabletextentry() to its proper place, which is when the script is
being opened, and not when the script list is.
2020-08-17 19:30:09 -04:00
743eb3f3d6 Add custommode check to mapclass::twoframedelayfix()
This is to ensure that this function only has an effect inside custom
levels. It might do something weird or bad in the main game.
2020-08-17 15:14:22 -04:00
77b47a3c7e Fix compatibility with levels that rely on gamestate-based script boxes
Some levels rely specifically on the fact that certain script boxes are
loaded using gamestates, instead of directly loading the script and
bypassing the gamestate system. Then weird things could happen. This
restores compatibility with those levels.

mapclass::twoframedelayfix() doesn't need to be updated because the
point of that function is to bypass the gamestate system entirely
2020-08-17 15:14:22 -04:00
fb6635abec Remove script.hardreset() when restarting Time Trial
There's not really any need for it to be there. It gets called when the
Time Trial restarts, as restarting the Time Trial calls
script.startgamemode(), which calls script.hardreset() anyway.

Furthermore, since script.hardreset() is removed, we can also remove two
lines that are meant to work around the fact that everything gets reset,
which is now no longer the case.

Fixes #367.
2020-08-14 23:07:02 -04:00
c95b95f5b7 Check rw in musicclass::init()
It's possible that SDL_RWFromMem could return NULL, and if this is the
case, then we really shouldn't be passing it to MusicTrack().
2020-08-14 09:51:19 -04:00
6bed5fc88c Check divisor in musicclass::play()
Previously, it was assuming that the number of PPPPPP/MMMMMM tracks
would always be 16, since if that wasn't the case... then the game would
rudely and abruptly segfault when attempting to load the file. Huh.

But now that the game properly deals with invalid headers, it's possible
for the number of tracks to be 0. So I'll need to remove this
2020-08-14 09:51:19 -04:00
4bfd9de371 Check index of tracks in musicclass::init()
It's possible that musicReadBlob.getIndex() could return the sentinel
value of -1 in case the header with that name is invalid, in which case
we should simply not do anything. Otherwise it'll lead to segfaults. I
opted to do the full bounds check just to be safe, too.

For further safety, I hardcoded the max number of headers, 128, less, so
128 is copy-pasted less and in the future if it needs to be changed
it'll only have to be changed in one place.
2020-08-14 09:51:19 -04:00
e481c75404 Use SDL stdlib funcs for free/malloc/strcmp
It's always good to have less of a dependency on a libc.
2020-08-14 09:51:19 -04:00
cf8442b12c Add bounds checks to getSize() and getAddress()
It's all too easy for someone to pass in a bad index and index out of
bounds, so we need to prevent that from happening.
2020-08-14 09:51:19 -04:00
6991b2045d Set valid to false if size is bogus
This is to prevent callers from parsing bogus sizes. If they listen to
the -1 sentinel value, at least...
2020-08-14 09:51:19 -04:00
7903b8967e Check valid in binaryBlob::getIndex()
The binary blob shouldn't return an index if it ends up being invalid.
That could cause a whole lot of issues if musicclass ends up parsing the
resulting struct.

With all that said, though, musicclass doesn't check the -1 sentinel
value anyway, even though it should, but that'll be fixed later.
2020-08-14 09:51:19 -04:00
751e621c14 Fix aggressive glitchrunner hardreset causing issues quitting to menu
This fixes the bug where in glitchrunner mode, quitting to the menu
would always put you back at the play menu on the first option, instead
of the menu you entered the game from.

The problem is the script.hardreset() that gets called before the game
actually quits to the menu, so when Game::quittomenu() gets called to
quit to the menu, all the variables that keep track of whether you're in
a certain gamemode, such as game.insecretlab and map.custommode, all get
prematurely reset before that function can read them and put you back to
the correct menu.

The solution here is to simply reset only what's needed when quitting to
the menu. Specifically, in order for credits warp to work,
script.running needs to be set to false and all the text boxes need to
be removed. Text boxes need to be gone so the "- Press ACTION to advance
text -" prompt will stay up without a text box, enabling the player to
increment the gamestate at will by pressing ACTION, and the script needs
to stop running so further text boxes don't spawn in.

Fixes #389.
2020-08-13 23:51:43 -04:00
d7040b23d0 Axe manual state trackers and use SDL_IsTextInputActive()
After looking at pull request #446, I got a bit annoyed that we have TWO
variables, key.textentrymode and ed.textentry, that we rolled ourselves
to track the state of something SDL already provides us a function to
easily query: SDL_IsTextInputActive(). We don't need to have either of
these two variables, and we shouldn't.

So that's what I do in this patch. Both variables have been axed in
favor of using this function, and I just made a wrapper out of it, named

For bonus points, this gets rid of the ugly NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS and
NO_EDITOR ifdef in main.cpp, since text entry is enabled when entering
the script list and disabled when exiting it. This makes the code there
easier to read, too.

Furthermore, apparently key.textentrymode was initialized to *true*
instead of false... for whatever reason. But that's gone now, too.

Now, you'd think there wouldn't be any downside to using
SDL_IsTextInputActive(). After all, it's a function that SDL itself
provides, right?

Wrong. For whatever reason, it seems like text input is active *from the
start of the program*, meaning that what would happen is I would go into
the editor, and find that I can't move around nor place tiles nor
anything else. Then I would press Esc, and then suddenly become able to
do those things I wanted to do before.

I have no idea why the above happens, but all I can do is to just insert
an SDL_StopTextInput() immediately after the SDL_Init() in main.cpp. Of
course, I have to surround it with an SDL_IsTextInputActive() check to
make sure I don't do anything extraneous by stopping input when it's
already stopped.
2020-08-13 17:51:38 -04:00
48313169b6 Don't fade music out when returning to the menu if it's Presenting VVVVVV
Otherwise, the Presenting VVVVVV for the menu wouldn't play at all.
2020-08-13 10:08:20 -04:00
Nichole Mattera
d865c37951 Fixed the title screen showing up when going to graphics options while playtesting. 2020-08-13 10:03:48 -04:00
Nichole Mattera
ab323a7550 Simplified the fixes. 2020-08-12 23:07:13 -04:00
Nichole Mattera
51119d4394 Adding myself as a contributor. 2020-08-12 23:07:13 -04:00
Nichole Mattera
2ddd7a96fb Fix issues with hotkey during text inputs. 2020-08-12 23:07:13 -04:00
4d5a0e2cb0 Fix other array decay too
2020-08-09 13:39:12 -04:00
Nichole Mattera
b4da818e8c Missed adding the option to the createmenu method. 2020-08-08 19:10:31 -04:00
Nichole Mattera
1376e65b5d Added ability to bind restart to a controller. 2020-08-08 19:02:14 -04:00
af88aee7c0 Disable pressing R in No Death Mode
All that pressing R does in No Death Mode is end your run. As a result,
it'll only be pressed by accident, so it's better to just disable it

It's not even useful to quick-restart, because it's faster to quit and
go through the menu again than it is to wait through the Game Over

Additionally, I removed the `game.deathseq<=0` conditional because it's
unnecessary due to the if-statement already being inside a
`game.deathseq == -1` conditional.
2020-08-08 16:42:19 -04:00
Nichole Mattera
f4d247f7b6 Fixed controllers not being able to navigate the map and menu with up and down buttons. 2020-08-08 16:41:53 -04:00
688f759967 Fix array decay in PLATFORM_getOSDirectory()
2020-08-07 17:55:18 -04:00
609ceb782c Clean up strcat()s/strcpy()s, EXCEPT for migrateSaveData()
strcat()s and strcpy()s have been replaced with SDL_snprintf() where
possible, to clearly convey the intent of just building a string that
looks a certain way, instead of spanning it out over multiple lines.

Where there's not really a good way to avoid strcat()/strcpy() (e.g. in
PLATFORM_getOSDirectory()), they will at least be replaced with
SDL_strlcat() and SDL_strlcpy(), which are safer functions and are less
likely to have issues with null termination.

I decided not to bother with PLATFORM_migrateSaveData(), because it's
going to be axed in 2.4 anyways.
2020-08-07 10:36:39 -04:00
ce2eba1649 Fix inefficient baseDir non-empty check
There's no need to call a string function and have function call
overhead if you remember how C strings work: they have a null
terminator. So if the first char in a string is a null terminator, then
the string is completely empty. So you don't need to call that function.
2020-08-07 10:36:39 -04:00
7478b68dd7 Fix basedir trailing path separator check
The previous check by mwpenny had a few issues:

(a) It was completely overcomplicated for no good reason, and was
basically a Rube Goldberg machine. The original check was...

   (1) Creating an std::string of the last char of 'output'...
   (2) ...except instead of using the normal std::string constructor, it
       was using the one where you pass in a number and a char to create
       a string that's just that char repeated N times... except this
       was only used to create a 1-length string.
   (3) Converted that std::string to a C string.
   (4) Then passed it to strcmp(), despite the string at this point
       being only one byte and you could just compare the char values

    The original check could've just been:
        output[SDL_strlen(output) - 1] == *pathSep

(b) Use of libc strcmp() and strlen() instead of SDL_strcmp() and

Now, actually, PHYSFS_getDirSeparator() happens to be a char array and
not a single char, so mwpenny was going in the right direction by using
strcmp() after all. Except it doesn't seem like he thought about the
fact that PHYSFS_getDirSeparator() could be multiple bytes instead of
one, and so he ended up making the first argument to strcmp() always be
a one-byte char array.

So there's issue (c), which is that it assumes the path separator is one
byte instead of multiple.

This commit fixes all of these issues with the trailing path separator
2020-08-07 10:36:39 -04:00
d1938a151f Add fallback parameter to UtilityClass::Int()
If necessary, the caller can provide a fallback to be returned in case
the input given isn't a valid integer, instead of having to duplicate
the is_number() check.
2020-08-07 01:00:49 -04:00
78e87effe7 Replace all usages of atoi() with help.Int()
This will prevent any undefined behavior that might occur as a result of
having invalid input passed into atoi().
2020-08-07 01:00:49 -04:00
037065910f Add UtilityClass::Int()
This is simply a wrapper function around SDL_atoi(), because SDL_atoi()
could call libc atoi(), and whether or not invalid input passed into the
libc atoi() is undefined behavior depends on the given libc. So it's
safer to just add a wrapper function that checks that the string given
isn't bogus.
2020-08-07 01:00:49 -04:00
502d597aeb Add is_number()
This will be used to check if a string is a valid integer. So negative
numbers are accepted, unlike is_positive_num().
2020-08-07 01:00:49 -04:00
b8b616e282 Replace std::is[x]digit() with non-STL versions
std::isdigit() can be replaced with SDL_isdigit(), but there's no
equivalent for std::isxdigit() in the SDL standard library. So we'll
just use libc isxdigit() instead, it's fine.
2020-08-07 01:00:49 -04:00
43cf3c4f19 Remove allowspecial, replace with opaqueness check
When I added the over-30-FPS mode, I kept running into this problem
where the special images of text boxes would render during the
deltaframes of fade-in/fade-out animations, even though they shouldn't
be. So I simply added a flag to the text box that enables drawing these
special images.

However, this doesn't solve the problem fully, and there's still a small
chance that a special-image text box could draw another special image
during its deltaframes. It's really rare and you have to have your
deltaframe luck juuuuuust right (or you could use libTAS, probably), but
it helps to be in 40% slowmode and have a high refresh rate (which, if
it isn't a multiple of 30, you should disable VSync, too, in order to
not have a low framerate).

So instead, special images will only be drawn if the text box has fully
faded in completely. That solves the issue completely.
2020-08-06 22:12:15 -04:00
2710ebeff9 Fix silent music saves playing MMMMMM track 15 if...
This commit fixes a bug that's existed since MMMMMM was added (so, 2.2),
where if you quicksaved in a custom level while no music was playing,
then quit and loaded that quicksave, and you were using PPPPPP while
having MMMMMM available, it would play MMMMMM track 15, even though the
game intends for the music to simply be silent.

This is due to the same bug that lets you play MMMMMM tracks if you're
on PPPPPP - musicclass::play() does a modulo, but C++ modulo is not
guaranteed to be positive given negative inputs, so the 16-track offset
is added to a negative number, resulting in targeting the MMMMMM
soundtrack instead of PPPPPP.

That exploit doesn't harm anyone and shouldn't be fixed, EXCEPT it
causes a problem in this specific case. But this bug can be fixed
without removing that exploit.

Note that I made the check do not-equal to -1 instead of greater-than
-1, so levels that intend on using track -2, -3, -4, etc. upon loading a
quicksave will still work as their creator intended. It's just that
specifically -1 is patched out, just to fix this issue.
2020-08-06 22:11:11 -04:00
79fd3e1d36 Remove -1,-1 offset from ScaleSurface()
For some reason, ScaleSurface() was drawing each pixel one pixel up and
to the left from its actual position. I have no idea why.

But this was causing an issue where pixels would just be dropped,
because they would be drawn outside of the temporary SDL_Surface from
which the scaled surface would be drawn onto. Also, the offset just
creates a visual one-pixel offset in the result for no reason. So I'm
just removing it.

Big Viridian also suffered from this one-pixel offset, so now they will
no longer look like they're floating above the ground when standing on
the floor.
2020-08-06 22:10:47 -04:00
5f776faba7 Ax ScaleSurfaceSlow() in favor of ScaleSurface()
ScaleSurfaceSlow() uses DrawPixel() instead of SDL_FillRect() to scale a
given surface, which is slow and inefficient, and makes it less likely
that the game could be moved to SDL_Render.

Unfortunately, it has this weird -1,-1 offset, but that will be fixed in
the next commit.
2020-08-06 22:10:47 -04:00
57dca99a4e Ax OverlaySurfaceKeyed(), set proper foregroundBuffer blend mode
So, earlier in the development of 2.0, Simon Roth (I presume)
encountered a problem: Oh no, all my backgrounds aren't appearing! And
this is because my foregroundBuffer, which contains all the drawn tiles,
is drawing complete black over it!

So he had a solution that seems ingenius, but is actually really really
hacky and super 100% NOT the proper solution. Just, take the
foregroundBuffer, iterate over each pixel, and DON'T draw any pixel
that's 0xDEADBEEF. 0xDEADBEEF is a special signal meaning "don't draw
this pixel". It is called a 'key'.

Unfortunately, this causes a bug where translucent pixels on tiles
(pixels between 0% and 100% opacity) didn't get drawn correctly. They
would be drawn against this weird blue color.

Now, in #103, I came across this weird constant and decided "hey, this
looks awfully like that weird blue color I came across, maybe if I set
it to 0x00000000, i.e. complete and transparent black, the issue will be
fixed". And it DID appear to be fixed. However, I didn't look too
closely, nor did I test it that much, and all that ended up doing was
drawing the pixels against black, which more subtly disguised the
problem with translucent pixels.

So, after some investigation, I noticed that BlitSurfaceColoured() was
drawing translucent pixels just fine. And I thought at the time that
there was something wrong with BlitSurfaceStandard(), or something.
Further along later I realized that all drawn tiles were passing through
this weird OverlaySurfaceKeyed() function. And removing it in favor of a
straight SDL_BlitSurface() produced the bug I mentioned above: Oh no,
all the backgrounds don't show up, because my foregroundBuffer is
drawing pure black over them!

Well... just... set the proper blend mode for foregroundBuffer. It

Then you don't have to worry about your transparency at all. If you did
it right, you won't have to resort this hacky color-keying business.

2020-08-06 22:10:30 -04:00
1a64e9c528 Remove unnecessary cursor toggling when toggling fullscreen
For some reason, the cursor would be either disabled and re-enabled if
you switched to windowed mode, or it would be always enabled if you
switched to fullscreen mode. This only happened when you toggled
fullscreen using the Alt+Enter, Alt+F, or F11 keybinds, and the
fullscreen option in graphic options doesn't have this problem.

This cursor toggling business seems like an arcane incantation back in
the days of SDL1.2, now since no longer necessary with SDL2. However,
after some testing, it seems like removing these indecipherable runes
don't cause any harm, so I'm going to remove them.

Fixes #371.
2020-08-06 22:08:20 -04:00
5de6f22175 Use SDL_max/min instead of std::max/min in Graphics::Hitest()
In an effort to reduce STL usage, this should be done.
2020-08-04 15:59:21 -04:00
2d71881321 Clean up superfluous no-intersection return logic
It's not necessary to say 'return false' twice.
2020-08-04 15:59:21 -04:00
627e971e90 Remove unnecessary intersectRect() function
This function checked the intersection of rectangles, but it used floats
for some reason when its only caller used ints. There's already an
intersection function (UtilityClass::intersects()), so we should be
using that one instead in order to minimize code duplication.

Graphics::Hitest() is used for per-pixel collision detection, directly
checking the pixels of both entities' sprites. I checked with one of my
TASes and it still syncs, so I'm pretty sure this won't cause any
2020-08-04 15:59:21 -04:00
154e81292e Crop bottom tower spikes so they don't get drawn behind room name
If you have the translucent room name option enabled, you'd always be
seeing the spikes at the bottom of the screen hidden behind the room
name. This patch makes it so that the spikes get carefully cropped so
they only appear above the room name when the player gets close to the
bottom of the screen.
2020-08-04 00:06:45 -04:00
f544e95e85 Fix INBOUNDS() check for Graphics::drawtile3()
The function was not actually checking the number that would end up
being used to index the tiles3 vector, and as a result there could
potentially be out-of-bounds indexing. But this is fixed now.
2020-08-03 22:42:21 -04:00
6704675189 Remove half-second delay when exiting to menu in glitchrunner mode
The half-second delay comes from the fact that the game uses
graphics.resumegamemode to go back to GAMEMODE. This system waits for
graphics.menuoffset to reach a certain threshold before actually going
back (this is the animation of the map screen being brought down). To
speed it up, I'll just set graphics.menuoffset directly.

I could've directly set game.gamestate to GAMEMODE, but I wanted to be
safe and use the existing system instead.
2020-08-03 01:07:42 -04:00
690929d29a Fix dupe stack frame when creating unlock notif menu
The samemenu argument to createmenu() just has to be set to true so
another stack frame doesn't get added.

Fixes #415.
2020-08-03 01:06:54 -04:00
30123e700d Print error and return if given invalid command-line arg
This is helpful to know if the user either spelled an arg wrong, or
spelled it right but nothing is happening.
2020-08-03 00:39:58 -04:00
8af37bc693 Remove zeroed arrays from tower functions in M&P
This removes the arrays of zeroes that still take up space in the
binary. It doesn't seem like the compiler optimizes or compresses these
zeroes anyway, so just remove them instead, and make
load()/loadminitower()/loadminitower2() no-op functions. The
minitower/contents arrays are already initialized zeroed-out, anyway, so
there's no need to keep these other arrays around.

This saves exactly 72 kilobytes of memory and binary size.
2020-08-03 00:29:15 -04:00
f07a8d2143 Move tele/activity/trophytext conds to collision detection
This moves the teleporter, activity prompt, and trophy text "don't draw"
conditionals to the part where the game checks collision with them,
instead of whenever the game draws them.

This makes it so that the game smoothly does the fade-in/fade-out
animation instead of suddenly stopping rendering them whenever their
"don't draw" conditions apply. Now, the "Press ENTER to activate
terminal" prompt will no longer suddenly disappear whenever you activate
one, and the "- Press ENTER to Teleport -" prompt will smoothly fade
back in after teleporting, instead of suddenly popping in on screen.
2020-08-03 00:12:15 -04:00
95d4465e3e Fix bounding logic for enemies
When I refactored custom level entity creation logic earlier, I forgot
to account for enemy bounds, so enemies would take on the same bounds as
platforms. But this is fixed now.
2020-08-02 23:57:55 -04:00
70ad0003e1 Initialize bx1/by1/bx2/by2 in custom entity creation
When I compile in release mode, GCC complains that these variables MAY
be uninitialized when it comes time to create the moving platform
entity. I can't think of any way that it could be uninitialized and
testing my release build seemed to be fine, but I'm initializing these
variables just to be sure.
2020-08-02 23:57:55 -04:00
a35bc9d8dc Remove unnecessary externs from network func forward decls
Forward declarations are already externed, there's no need to have an
extern keyword here.
2020-08-02 23:43:55 -04:00
bf64b95416 Ifdef out network code for M&P
M&P contains network code despite M&P not being a Steam/GOG release (as
Steam/GOG releases are full releases of the game, not
custom-levels-only releases).

While unlocking achievements is already ifdef'd out in M&P, let's remove
the network code entirely to make sure people can't do other shenanigans
with M&P builds, and also to have a smaller binary size.
2020-08-02 23:43:55 -04:00
cec1a99d3b Don't draw activity zone or trophy text when cutscene is running
This fixes a possible graphical issue where the "Press ENTER to activate
terminal" prompt gets drawn on top of the "- Press ACTION to advance
text -" prompt, which looks bad. Trophy text gets drawn on top, too, so
there's a check there as well.

I've also made it so the activity prompt doesn't get drawn if the player
doesn't have control. After all, what use is it to say "press ENTER" if
the player isn't allowed to?
2020-08-02 22:48:06 -04:00
4adcf7013c Reposition game time and trinket count in game save box
The game time is moved a little to the left, and the trinket count a
little to the right. To fix #376 for real, the trinket count is now
positioned automatically based on its length. The trinket icon is now
also displayed at the far right (instead of to the left of the count)
for better symmetry, and so that switching between tele save and quick
save doesn't make the trinket icon move if the trinket counts have
different lengths.
2020-08-02 20:22:23 -04:00
6c02095d99 Make game save box 16 pixels wider
While I'm going to fix #376 anyway to make longer numbers (like Seventy
Eight) fit, I decided to also make the box a little wider in advance of
the game being localized, those extra chars could be a lifesaver, while
you wouldn't really notice the difference if you play the game in
2020-08-02 20:22:23 -04:00
3aa407e981 Add catch-all softlock protection
What this simply does is make it so that in the event that
game.hascontrol is somehow set to false when there isn't a cutscene
running (i.e. when game.state is 0 and script.running is false), it gets
set back to true again.

There's many ways to interrupt a gamestate and/or a running script, most
notably telejumping and doing a screen transition in the middle of the
animation, interrupting it.

This implements the first part of my idea in this comment:
2020-08-02 20:21:02 -04:00
563b10b666 Fix Direct Mode selection square not moving with tile selection drawer
Closes TerryCavanagh#386.
2020-08-01 17:36:32 -04:00
d813956879 add newline at the end of game.cpp 2020-08-01 16:09:24 -04:00
0cc765ce7d replace stray tab with spaces
whoops, recently reinstalled windows so my editor settings still arent perfect yet
2020-08-01 16:09:24 -04:00
48d7523e34 fix tab instead of spaces 2020-08-01 16:09:24 -04:00
06e5eb38d9 Fix #380
Achievements could be unlocked in custom levels/make and play, so this adds the wrapper function `game.unlockAchievement` which calls `NETWORK_unlockAchievement` if `map.custommode` is false.
Also, this function and `Game::unlocknum` have both been `ifdef`ed to be empty if MAKEANDPLAY is defined.
2020-08-01 16:09:24 -04:00
c8b4c0f1e7 Fix #199
This makes the modifiers for removing tiles only work if you're using tools 0 or 1 (wall or background). In the future it might be worth it to add some extra subtools for spikes, but for now this should be fine.
Also, there was a small inconsistency with the tool drawn and the tool used. If you started holding down V, then started holding down Z, you would place tiles like you're holding V (9x9) but your cursor would look like you're holding Z (3x3). The `if` chain for drawing the resized cursors has been flipped around for this.
2020-08-01 16:09:24 -04:00
720cd7642a fix #382 and fix #370 2020-08-01 16:09:24 -04:00
cf5ad166e3 Fix #400 2020-08-01 16:09:24 -04:00
a4c1ffee12 Fix checkpoint starts in editor 2020-07-29 14:45:28 -04:00
Tynan Richards
Wrap entities (#408)
Make entities able to wrap both vertically and horizontally, also add a case for when entities are wrapping both directions at the same time
2020-07-29 12:17:28 -04:00
178951e5e1 Added myself to contributors list 2020-07-29 10:04:27 -04:00
11ef68bea2 Change back the order of entity creation 2020-07-29 10:04:27 -04:00
b4bac64361 Also change oldyp so there's no deltaframe issues 2020-07-29 10:04:27 -04:00
e48fef4fe5 Fix the 'Game Complete' trophy stand so it no longer hovers above the ground. Also update comments in Otherlevel.cpp to reflect what entities are actually being created. 2020-07-29 10:04:27 -04:00
e2321f84b9 Add check for singular trinkets and crewmates in NDM game over screen 2020-07-28 21:54:35 -04:00
6c04f56099 Don't savestats() every frame of New Record animation
Otherwise, this would cause immense slowdown during the New Record
animation that plays when you die, as the game would be writing
unlock.vvv every frame.

To fix this, I just put it under the same if-guard as the
music.playef(), since the sound effect also only plays once. But I have
to watch out for frame ordering and make sure the record is actually set
before I call game.savestats(), and then of course I have to move
game.swnmessage = 1 over because that's the variable being checked in
the conditional.
2020-07-27 19:21:18 -04:00
18b7d1ca14 Set oldxp/oldyp when player teleports through warp token
This fixes the bug where it would appear as if they "zipped" to the
destination from the warp token.

Fixes #384.
2020-07-21 18:13:50 -04:00
ff8d616438 Use INBOUNDS() check for mapclass::warpto()
There's a lot of places where the INBOUNDS() check is spelled out
instead of using the macro, before the macro was introduced. Also the
macro should probably be renamed INBOUNDS_VEC() to be consistent.
2020-07-21 18:13:50 -04:00
fdb01adc68 Set oldxp/oldyp when being teleported around during teleport
This fixes the bug where Viridian would appear to "zip" when they would
be teleported to the position of the teleporter before being flung out
of it.

As discussed in #393, I've also set the oldxp/oldyp when Viridian is
temporarily positioned in the center of the room, even though at this
point they should already be invisible. This is just to be safe.

Fixes #393.
2020-07-21 18:06:41 -04:00
52f7a587fe Separate includes into sections and alphabetize them
Okay, so basically here's the include layout that this game now
consistently uses:

[The "main" header file, if any (e.g. Graphics.h for Graphics.cpp)]
[blank line]
[All system includes, such as tinyxml2/physfs/utfcpp/SDL]
[blank line]
[All project includes, such as Game.h/Entity.h/etc.]

And if applicable, another blank line, and then some special-case
include screwy stuff (take a look at editor.cpp or FileSystemUtils.cpp,
for example, they have ifdefs and defines with their includes).
2020-07-19 21:37:40 -04:00
b108e28c5a Remove unnecessary EditorData constructor stub
It's useless anyway because `std::string`s get initialized
2020-07-19 21:37:40 -04:00
58308f9826 Remove unused time stuff from editor.cpp
It was never used and didn't do anything. It looks like it was intended
to be used but I guess time ran out or something, but it's too late now
and level files don't have timestamps or anything, so might as well just
remove it.

Good thing too, because asctime() is apparently deprecated.
2020-07-19 21:37:40 -04:00
b5ff65c84e Remove unnecessary includes from header files
Including a header file inside another header file means a bunch of
files are going to be unnecessarily recompiled whenever that inner
header file is changed. So I minimized the amount of header files
included in a header file, and only included the ones that were
necessary (system includes don't count, I'm only talking about includes
from within this project). Then the includes are only in the .cpp files

This also minimizes problems such as a NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS build failing
because some file depended on an include that got included in editor.h,
which is another benefit of removing unnecessary includes from header
2020-07-19 21:37:40 -04:00
d455e38715 Use angle brackets for including tinyxml2.h
Since TinyXML2 is a third-party dependency, we should use angle brackets
and treat it like one.
2020-07-19 21:37:40 -04:00
2af396fb30 Consistently use angle brackets for SDL.h includes
That's how it should be done, because the SDL headers aren't going to be
installed in this repository. The game was a bit inconsistent before but
now it isn't anymore.
2020-07-19 21:37:40 -04:00
6c85fae339 Change all tilemaps to be short[1200] instead of int[1200]
This removes around megabyte from the binary, so a stripped -Og binary
went from 4.0 megabytes to 2.9 megabytes, and an unstripped -O0 binary
went from 8.1 megabytes to 7.1 megabytes, which means I can now finally
upload an unstripped -O0 binary to Discord without having to give money
to Discord for their dumb Nitro thing or whatever.
2020-07-19 16:25:53 -04:00
df96b2a594 Fix softlock using tele while in its hitbox post-rescue/intermission
There were many different ways I could've fixed it, but one thing that
stood out to me was the fact that touching the teleporter wasn't
guaranteed to set its onentity to 0, even though it should be. So now,
every time Viridian touches the teleporter, the teleporter's onentity
will be set to 0, and thus there's no chance of the teleporter
interrupting its own teleport animation and softlocking the game.

We should still do what I suggested in #391, namely setting
game.hascontrol to true if the game is in gamestate 0 and script.running
is false, and also always allowing Esc/Enter to be pressed regardless of
game.hascontrol. But this softlock is fixed now.

Fixes #391.
2020-07-18 17:41:21 -04:00
af89c52813 Wrap around enemy type when switching enemy types
Whoops. Forgot to do this earlier when adding the Shift+F3 hotkey.
Otherwise the enemy type would become invalid and just turn into the
default square.
2020-07-17 16:32:07 -04:00
fb8cb705da Fix softlock if exiting Super Grav and bringing up map in glitchrunner
The game would softlock if you brought up the map screen or quit screen
after exiting the Super Gravitron to the Secret Lab. This softlock would
only happen if you were in glitchrunner mode.

This is because glitchrunner mode set game.fadetolabdelay when it
shouldn't have, and also checked game.fadetolabdelay when it shouldn't

So I made it so that the game will only set game.fadetolabdelay when not
in glitchrunner mode (I already had a check for game.fadetomenudelay,
too!) and the game will only check for game.fadetomenudelay and
game.fadetolabdelay when not in glitchrunner mode, as well.

I originally made the game check game.fadetomenudelay and
game.fadetolabdelay to prevent being able to re-press ACTION to re-start
the fadeout if the game was already fading out. And I made sure that
this wasn't broken, both in glitchrunner mode and normal mode.
2020-07-16 18:48:08 -04:00
ecf43d05dc Fix undeffing ARG_IS instead of ARG

Noticed this earlier when I was merging upstream back into VCE, and
interestingly enough, it doesn't look like cppcheck warns about
undeffing a non-existent define.
2020-07-15 22:57:50 -04:00
78faea87ba Fix brace style and spacing in custom loadlevel()
I don't know who wrote this code originally, but it's extremely obvious
that it was a different person than who wrote the rest of the code.
Anyway, I fixed the spacing and braces so everything is smushed together
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
ccb3d6e974 Use case-switch for warpdir checking
Also, there's no need to put the entire warpdir checking in an
'if(room.warpdir>0)' statement. If any of the cases is jumped to, then
you already know that's true.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
2938db057b Unindent case labels in room tileset case-switch
Again, best practice is to put the case labels on the same indentation
level as the switch itself.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
01f6a97ed0 Fix and update comments for edentities
"Threadmills" are now properly called "conveyors". I don't know why they
were called "threadmills" anyway, the proper spelling is "treadmills".
Also, warp line `p1`s of 0 and 3 are now properly labeled, as well as
the trinket edentity.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
f8e23119bf Use case-switch for warp line creation
No need to repeat the left part of a conditional if we can just use
case-switches instead.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
c7ea684c08 Use enum names instead of raw values in createblock() calls
It makes it clearer if the enum names are used instead of their values.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
a2f20e7e49 De-duplicate enemy/platform bounding box logic
It was basically being copy-pasted twice, which isn't good.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
0ec38ad0f8 Get rid of unnecessary roomname logic
Just set the map roomname to the roomname of the room. It's completely
redundant to set the roomname to an empty string and check if the
roomname of the room is empty.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
2558cccd40 Fix 'break' statements in other cases not being inside braces
It just looks bad visually, so I'm fixing it.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
2646642664 Add braces to case 12 custom level loading
I do this because we declare-and-initialize some variables in the case.
This isn't strictly necessary, since there's no cross-initialization
errors since it's the last case in the switch, but I'd just like to be
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
71a989707e De-duplicate and add safety check to ed.level reference
Instead of repeating 'ed.level[curlevel]' (or even worse, you type in
that giant expression inside the brackets instead of reusing
'curlevel'), why not just type 'room'? As an added bonus, I added bounds
checks so 'room' is always guaranteed to point to an existing object.

There are some levels that index 'ed.level' out of bounds, and I'd like
to make their behavior properly defined instead of being undefined. One
of the things usually true about out-of-bounds rooms is that they're
always tiles2.png (that means an edlevelclass tileset that isn't 0),
because the chance of the memory location being exactly 0 is smaller
than it being nonzero. So the out-of-bounds room has tileset 1.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
729f24d732 De-duplicate reference to edentity
'edentity[edi]' is a bit long-winded when you really just want to access
the attributes of the edentity. How about just 'ent'?
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
4b6406d08e Unindent case labels in entity creation
Everyone knows that best practice is to put case labels on the same line
as the switch statement...
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
fd2ee96c49 Clean up tsx/tsy initialization
Again, it used this severely overcomplicated expression for god knows
what reason. I've replaced it with a simpler one. Also it's const just
to indicate intent.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
d591c77088 De-duplicate expressions of actual coordinates for edentities
Previously it copy-pasted this god-awful overcomplicated expression
(possibly for cursed ActionScript legacy reasons?) everywhere, instead
of putting it in a variable, or even just using a simpler one like the
one I replaced it with.

Now the obj.createentity() and obj.createblock() calls are much nicer.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
34b0e2c812 Unindent ending for-loop brace
It's rather unnecessary to have it be on the same level as the ending
brace for the case-switch.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
8b8f9b3389 Negate edentity room check and use a continue
This reduces the brace level by one, meaning the indentation level is no
longer semi-misleading.
2020-07-15 12:21:12 -04:00
Ethan Lee
264279d17a Warning fix for uninitialized prefix 2020-07-15 12:11:23 -04:00
Ethan Lee
b302e4dbbb Valgrind warning fix 2020-07-15 12:09:24 -04:00
Ethan Lee
5ff5ae7294 mmmmmm is initialized earlier in init() 2020-07-15 11:58:00 -04:00
f8190439a9 Reset ed.roomnamehide to 0 when exiting playtesting
Now if your cursor was at the bottom of the screen when you entered
playtesting but then was moved to the top during playtesting, when you
exit, the roomname won't instantly disappear and then sheepishly rise
back up again.

And if your cursor was at the bottom of the screen when you entered
playtesting, and exited still being that way, the roomname will rise
back down again and won't instantly disappear.

Both of these behaviors make the roomname movement much more continuous
than it was previously, and it feels smoother and less janky.
2020-07-15 11:45:29 -04:00
def540d184 Reset ed.notedelay when exiting playtesting
It's not very useful to show a message that was relevant only when you
started playtesting.
2020-07-15 11:45:29 -04:00
22d556f4be Disable "Game Saved" text box in custommode
Also, use inspecial() instead of writing out each part of the
conditional separately. This just basically adds the insecretlab
conditional to the if-statement, which shouldn't be a big deal.
2020-07-15 11:45:29 -04:00
13e260bf50 Fix pressing Esc in teleporter menu going to quit screen
When I added the new pause menu, I forgot to make pressing Esc in the
teleporter menu go to the new pause menu instead. But it's fixed now.
2020-07-15 11:45:29 -04:00
5f131b426b Allow pressing Enter on teleporters during playtesting
There's no reason you shouldn't be allowed to press Enter on teleporters
during playtesting.

Well, except that you can press Esc in the teleporter menu in order to
go to the pause menu, which isn't intended in playtesting. But I can
just add a check there so that pressing Esc closes the teleporter menu
instead, it's fine.
2020-07-15 11:45:28 -04:00
846c6f61d4 Use .clear() when removing text boxes in reset functions
graphics.textbox.clear() should be used instead of
graphics.textboxremove() or graphics.textboxremovefast(), because even
with graphics.textboxremovefast(), you'll still have to process at least
one frame of GAMEMODE logic before the text boxes are actually properly
removed, and this caused a 1-frame glitch when exiting playtesting with
text boxes on-screen and then re-entering playtesting.

Technically I could've only fixed it in Game::returntoeditor(), but I
wanted to be safe, so I also fixed it in scriptclass::hardreset(), too.
2020-07-15 11:45:28 -04:00
7fada0548b Set ed.settingskey to true when returning to editor
This fixes a bug where the settings menu would immediately be brought up
if you used Esc to exit playtesting, unless you were an incredible ninja
and only pressed it for exactly one frame.
2020-07-15 11:45:28 -04:00
6c52b79ddf Set ed.keydelay to 6 when returning to editor
This fixes an annoying bug where if you use Up or Down to press ACTION
on the "All crewmates rescued!" dialogue whenever you rescue the last
crewmate during playtesting, it'll move you to the room above or below
you. This is because ed.keydelay isn't set to 6 (which is the standard
value that it gets set to whenever you press most keys in the editor),
but now it is.
2020-07-15 11:45:28 -04:00
1caabe374b Fix return to editor via crewmate rescue not using shouldreturntoeditor
The shouldreturntoeditor variable is supposed to be used because it
fixes the warp background not being reset if you exit into a
horizontally/vertically warping room with a different background. It
also properly resets other variables, which is good, too.
2020-07-15 11:45:28 -04:00
2506127a17 Directly execute scripts if script boxes have a non-empty script field
Instead of using gamestates, just directly use the 'script' attribute of
a script box if it is non-empty.

This is accomplished by having to return the index of the block that the
player collides with, so callers can inspect the 'script' attribute of
the block themselves, and do their logic accordingly.
2020-07-15 11:24:25 -04:00
ca9e4c8f6e Only set game.customscript if index is inbounds
game.customscript is an unnecessary middleman, but it will be kept
around for compatibility reasons. However, it's still possible to crash
the game, so I'm adding this bounds check.
2020-07-15 11:24:25 -04:00
8c42f82317 Set script attribute of custom level script boxes
To avoid going through gamestates, we'll need to carry the name of the
script on the script box itself. And to do that, we'll need to set the
'script' attribute of script boxes when translating edentities into real
entities in custom levels.
2020-07-15 11:24:25 -04:00
5e94239967 Optimize 30-mode FPS loop to use SDL_Delay()
This patch optimizes the loop used to limit the framerate in 30-FPS-only
mode so that it uses SDL_Delay() instead of an accumulator. This means
that the game will take up less CPU power in 30-FPS-only mode. This also
means that the game loop code has been simplified, so there's only two
while-loops, and only two places where game.over30mode is checked, thus
leading to easier-to-understand logic.

Using an accumulator here would essentially mean busywaiting until the
34 millisecond timer was up. (The following is just what leo60228 told
me.) Busywaiting is bad because it's inefficient. The operating system
assumes that if you're busywaiting, you're performing a complex
calculation and handles your process accordingly. And this is why
sleeping was invented, so you could busywait without taking up
unnecessary CPU time.
2020-07-14 00:44:42 -04:00
Ethan Lee
11312976fc Fall back to default settings when screenbuffer is not present 2020-07-13 16:09:48 -04:00
47eba09edb Fix missing newline on printf for customsavequick() failure
A missing newline in a printf() is annoying, it means the next line of
output is concatenated to the previous one.
2020-07-11 17:52:26 -04:00
582aaa587e Don't remove non-player entities in scriptclass::hardreset()
When I moved duplicate player entity removal to
scriptclass::hardreset(), I also inadvertently made it so all non-player
entities got removed as well, even though this wasn't my intent. And
thus, pressing Enter to restart a time trial removes every entity except
the player, since it calls script.hardreset().

The time trial script.hardreset() is bad for other reasons (see #367),
however it's still a good idea to reset only what's needed in
2020-07-11 15:29:33 -04:00
199a8f45d6 Fix -playmusic command line option not working
There's a bug where playtesting from Ved doesn't properly play the music
of the level, due to no fault with Ved.

This was because the music was being faded out by
scriptclass::startgamemode() case 23 after main() called music.play().
To fix this, just call music.play() when all the other variables are
being set in Game::customloadquick().
2020-07-11 15:03:37 -04:00
15319b9ed0 Fix being able to circumvent not-in-Flip-Mode detection
So you get a trophy and achievement for completing the game in Flip
Mode. Which begs the question, how does the game know that you've played
through the game in Flip Mode the entire way, and haven't switched it
off at any point? It looks like if you play normally all the way up
until the checkpoint in V, and then turn on Flip Mode, the game won't
give you the trophy. What gives?

Well, actually, what happens is that every time you press Enter on a
teleporter, the game will set flag 73 to true if you're NOT in Flip
Mode. Then when Game Complete runs, the game will check if flag 73 is
off, and then give you the achievement and trophy accordingly.

However, what this means is that you could just save your game before
pressing Enter on a teleporter, then quit and go into options, turn on
Flip Mode, use the teleporter, then save your game (it's automatically
saved since you just used a teleporter), quit and go into options, and
turn it off. Then you'd get the Flip Mode trophy even though you haven't
actually played the entire game in Flip Mode.

Furthermore, in 2.3 you can bring up the pause menu to toggle Flip Mode,
so you don't even have to quit to circumvent this detection.

To fix both of these exploits, I moved the turning on of flag 73 to
starting a new game, loading a quicksave, and loading a telesave (cases
0, 1, and 2 respectively in scriptclass::startgamemode()). I also added
a Flip Mode check to the routine that runs whenever you exit an options
menu back to the pause menu, so you can't circumvent the detection that
way, either.
2020-07-10 21:35:47 -04:00
90929d80ea Fix wrong Tower music when toggling Flip Mode from in-game options
The music for the Tower is supposed to be ecroF evitisoP in Flip Mode,
and Positive Force when not in Flip Mode. However, if you go to the
options from the pause menu and toggle Flip Mode, the music isn't

Fixing this is pretty simple, just check the current area if not in a
custom level and play the correct track accordingly when toggling Flip
Mode from in-game.
2020-07-10 21:33:52 -04:00
b419601b41 De-duplicate gamestates 300..336
Gamestates 300..336 are used to start scripts in custom levels. However,
it looks like instead of having the cases have common code, each
individual case was copy-pasted numerous times, which is pretty
2020-07-09 21:55:35 -04:00
Ethan Lee
82666a1875 Set both filter and vsync hints with override priority 2020-07-08 21:43:05 -04:00
3932c75acc Remove unnecessary stub destructors
It's a bit misleading to have these stub destructors when they don't do
anything special.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
307cdefb8e Remove duplicate advancetext/fullScreenEffect_badSignal initializations
They're already initialized in the constructor above, I have no idea why
they're here.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
6b0b86d434 Remove unused attribute advanced_mode from Game
This attribute does absolutely nothing. In fact, it does so much nothing
I can safely remove reading and writing it!
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
7128e9c3ac Remove unnecessary string initializations from constructors
std::string is one of those special types that has a constructor that
just initializes itself to a blank state automatically. This means all
`std::string`s are by default already `""`, so there's no need to set
them. And in fact, cppcheck throws out warnings about performance due to
initializing `std::string`s this way.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
7703b2c1c2 Ensure that all member attributes are initialized
I ran the game through cppcheck and it spat out a bunch of member
attributes that weren't being initialized. So I initialized them.

In the previous version of this commit, I added constructors to
GraphicsResources, otherlevelclass, labclass, warpclass, and finalclass,
but flibit says this changes the code flow enough that it's risky to
merge before 2.4, so I got rid of those constructors, too.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
3b6867243b Remove useless attribute rcol from finalclass
The rcol of finalclass is always 6, so there's no reason to have an
attribute there as if you could change it or anything.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
876c120ed8 Remove unused coin attributes from finalclass and warpclass
Looks like coins were basically a scrapped mechanic, although I'm not
sure what these attributes were for. I guess counting the number of
coins in each room? But why, when you can just make a function to count
them automatically? Whatever.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
63f6784cfe Remove unused <vector> include from Otherlevel.h
I forgot to do this earlier in my previous pull request de-vectoring
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
420bc38dff Move Roomtext struct to Map.h
This is a more appropriate place for it, because it's never used in
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
5e8ca20d02 Remove block type enum from Otherlevel.h
I have no idea why this is here. It should already be included from
Entity.h, anyway. There's no reason to copy-paste it.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
ec960b0f95 Remove roomtext from otherlevelclass
Since it's unused, it's better to just delete it because there's no way
to test it to see if it's buggy or not.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
a698d3a6f8 Remove unused vars relating to esc/keybuffer from KeyPoll
These attributes were escapeWasPressedPreviously, keyentered, and

Don't know why they were here or what they were intended to be for.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
5eab43a655 Initialize saveDir and levelDir in FileSystemUtils.cpp
This is just in case these values happen to be used without being
initialized or anything. I vaguely recall someone reporting an issue
where they didn't have a "Documents" folder on Windows and their level
folder ended up being a garbage path, so it's good to do this.
2020-07-08 19:14:21 -04:00
Ethan Lee
2716296a10 Haiku: Keep the option visible, but note the bug 2020-07-08 14:43:04 -04:00
Ethan Lee
86fde7bf99 More VSync Haiku hackery 2020-07-08 14:38:55 -04:00
Ethan Lee
d3f9a36941 Refactor startup to load config before calling Screen::init 2020-07-08 14:30:57 -04:00
Ethan Lee
f8bb8cde32 HACK: Disable VSync option for Haiku 2020-07-08 14:06:45 -04:00
09e15db878 Fix Vitellary looking left for one frame in "Now Stay Close To Me..."
There's a bug in the cutscene that plays if your companion is Vitellary
in the room "Now Stay Close To Me...". The relevant gamestate is
gamestate 43, which for Vitellary calls the script `int1yellow_4`.

When Vitellary says the text box "That big... C thing! I wonder what it
does?", Terry intended for Vitellary to change his facing direction to
the left, as you can see with the command `changedir(yellow,0)` in the
original scripting. `changedir()` just changes the `dir` attribute of an
entity, and a `dir` of 0 means face left and a `dir` of 1 means face

Then when Vitellary says "Maybe we should take it back to the ship to
study it?", Terry intended for him to face rightwards once again, as
indicated by the `changedir(yellow,1)` command.

Unfortunately, what happens instead is that when Vitellary says the
first text box ("That big... C thing! I wonder what it does?"), he turns
left for precisely one frame, and then afterwards goes back to facing
right. Then the second text box comes around, but he's already facing
right. How come?

Well, the problem here is that Vitellary's AI for "follow Viridian" is
overriding his `dir` attribute. Vitellary's AI says "get close to
Viridian", but Vitellary is already close enough to them that he stays
put. However, he still turns to face them as part of that AI.

To fix that, we need to put him in the AI mode that specifically says to
face left, with the command `changeai(yellow,faceleft)`. That way, he no
longer has the AI mode of following Viridian, and he will actually look
left for the intended duration instead of only looking left for one

But then we have another problem. When the cutscene ends, Vitellary no
longer follows Viridian. I mean it makes sense - we just placed him in
"only face left" mode, not "follow Viridian" mode! And this is not
merely a visual problem, because Vitellary is a supercrewmate and the
game won't let the player walk off the screen if Vitellary isn't
offscreen yet.

To fix THAT issue, we'll need to put Vitellary back in "follow Viridian"
mode. It turns out that the `changeai()` command was more intended for
scripting crewmates (entity type 12), NOT supercrewmates (entity type
14). As such, the command assumes that you'll want state numbers that
apply to entity type 12, such as 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, even though the
only one that applies to entity type 14 is state 0, and every other
state number just makes it so that the entity doesn't move an inch. And
specifying faceleft/faceright is just state number 17.

Luckily, we can still pass the raw state number to `changeai()`, we
don't have to use its intended names. So I do a `changeai(yellow,0)` to
set Vitellary's state number back to 0 when it comes time to make him
face right again.

As a bonus, I added comments to the changed lines. This is a semi-obtuse
method of scripting, so it's always good to clarify.
2020-07-08 07:18:04 -04:00
Matt Penny
5ce2c04ea4 Fix 'Prize for the Reckless' spikes when switching game modes
The spikes are removed if the game is in no death or time trial mode,
however the removal is accomplished by modifying a static array. So if
the player switches to no death or time trial mode and switches back to
regular play, the spikes will no longer be present until the game is

This simple fix writes the spikes back to the static array if the game
is not in no death or time trial mode. Another option is to maintain 2
static arrays - one with the spikes and one without - but that is
needlessly wasteful and prone to mistakes (one array updated but not the
2020-07-06 22:04:04 -04:00
e6f3dab2e1 Make std::string-using script funcs pass around const references
This makes it so that whenever a string is passed into these functions,
it's no longer needlessly copied.
2020-07-06 11:19:24 -04:00
d480c1011c Make scriptclass::load(other) rely less on std::string
Instead of comparing against an std::string (which is heavily
templated), just use good ol' SDL_strcmp().
2020-07-06 11:19:24 -04:00
9398e9f1f0 Remove duplicate talkgreen_2 script and alarmon/alarmoff commands
For some reason, there were just exact duplicates of the talkgreen_2
script and alarmon/alarmoff commands. I have no idea why, but cppcheck
identified them.
2020-07-06 11:19:24 -04:00