When exiting from a game-gamestate which may have been entered through a
varying amount of menus, the solution is to not use Game::returnmenu(),
and to instead have a way to go back to a certain given menu.
This commit fixes a bug where the second, third, and fourth tiles of
moving platforms would render offset from the first tile if the moving
platform hit the top or left edge of the screen.
This is due to the fact that SDL_BlitSurface() will end up changing the
coordinates of the rectangle we pass to it to be 0 if they're negative,
but only after it's already been drawn. Previously, we kept re-using the
same rectangle each time we drew each segment of the moving platform,
but since it only changes the draw rectangle after it's already been
drawn, the first tile shows up fine, but not the rest of the tiles,
hence resulting in an offset.
To fix this, we do the same thing as we did for drawing the "really big
sprite" (size-type 9): just reset the rectangle we use every time we
draw a segment of the moving platform.
They're literally the exact same thing, except one is 4 and the other
has an 8. No need to have all that copy-pasted code.
Actually, the only other difference was that size-type 8 set the
drawRect to sprites_rect instead of tiles_rect for some reason? Even
though it doesn't matter, anyway, because SDL_BlitSurface() only cares
about the X and Y you pass it, not the width and height, which is the
only difference between tiles_rect and sprites_rect.
To make sure that people wouldn't wonder where size-type 8 went if they
saw a blank space between size-type 7 and size-type 9, I kept the
size-type 8 conditional, but inside it is just a comment telling you to
go to size-type 2.
Instead of copy-pasting all the BlitSurfaceStandard()s all over again,
just make the referenced vector a pointer that changes depending on
There's a noticeable seam in the horizontal and warp backgrounds
whenever you enter a new room. Entering a new room triggers the game to
re-draw the entire warp background instead of simply scrolling what it
already has. This seam is the result of the initial background draw
being misaligned with the rest of the scrolling.
If you get out your measuring tools, you'll see that it's misaligned by
exactly 3 pixels (this applies to both horizontal and vertical warping).
If you look at the part of the code where the game draws fresh warping
textures after scrolling the existing ones offscreen, you'll see it
starts with an offset of 317, which is exactly 320 minus 3. And for
vertical, it uses 237, which is exactly 240 minus 3.
This is where the misalignment comes from. Since the incoming textures
are drawn 3 pixels to the left, but the initial draw isn't, this results
in a misalignment and causes the seam.
To fix this, draw the initial draw of the horizontal and vertical warp
backgrounds 3 pixels to the left.
It looks like one bracket got out-of-place for whatever reason. This
doesn't affect the case-switch at all, due to how case-switches work,
but it's still weird to look at.
Indentation has been updated accordingly.
Some custom levels have their own custom music and sync that music to
scripted cutscenes, which is actually pretty impressive. However,
they've always run into a small thorn, which is that you can easily
desync the music by unfocusing the game, because the audio will keep
playing when the game is unfocused.
This should remove that thorn by pausing the audio on unfocus, and
resuming when focused, so that the music can no longer desync, but you
can still pause the game by unfocusing it.
This is yet another feature in VCE that hasn't been upstreamed until
It looks like this variable was originally intended to keep track of th
volume of the game, but then it was used as a boolean in main.cpp to
make sure the game didn't call Mix_Volume() and Mix_VolumeMusic() every
However, it is now a problem, because I put the music mute handling code
in the very branch that game.globalsound protects against, but since
game.globalsound is here, if I mute the music, then mute the whole game,
then unmute the music, and then unmute the whole game, sound effects
will no longer be muted but the music will still be muted, until I mute
and unmute the whole game again. This is annoying and inconsistent, so
I'm removing this check from the 'if (!game.muted)' branch.
Plus, given that the Mix_VolumeMusic() and Mix_Volume() calls happen
every frame if the game is muted anyways, it doesn't seem to be a
problem to call these every frame.
These do basically nothing. The only time they're used is
getGlobalSound() in an if-statement in main.cpp, but all that
if-conditional does is call setGlobalSound() anyway, which is something
that doesn't really have any side effects. So I'm removing these vars to
simplify the code.
This is for people who want to use their own soundtrack while playing
the game, but who don't want to mute the sound effects as well.
This feature was added to VCE, but it was added in the strangest way. It
was made an option in "game options" instead of being a keybind, and I
don't know why.
The environment variable SteamTenfoot corresponds with the game running
in Steam Big Picture mode or SteamOS if it is defined. There's a
certification process for both full controller support and Big Picture
mode, and being able to launch a file window in Big Picture mode is an
instant cert failure.
Have to add some includes and put these behind some ifdefs, of course.
I'm pretty sure FreeBSD and OpenBSD and Haiku are POSIX enough that the
"open" command will work on them, too.
I would've loved to make FILESYSTEM_openDirectoryEnabled a simple bool
instead of a function, but I ran into issues with putting it in the
FileSystemUtils header file, so I'll just make it a function and call it
a day.
This fixes a bug where levels in the levels list duplicate if there's an
invalid file (such as a folder) in the levels directory.
It looks like it happens because we don't free the memory if
PHYSFS_readBytes() encounters an error, even though we should. Then we
get into Undefined Behavior territory and end up reusing memory, and
here it just happens that previously, parsing the entire XML document
for each level file was enough to make the loaded file pointer point to
garbage that would fail the metadata check, but if we optimize it so we
don't parse the entire XML document, it starts reusing memory instead.
To find each individual tag quickly, to optimize levels list loading.
I opted to not read the tags <Created>, <Modified>, and <Modifiers> as
they're actually pretty useless.
Also I've added a tag finder for <MetaData> but it's not meant to be
used directly, it's only used to check that the tag exists.
The problem was, if you were in a time trial and quit, it wouldn't go
back to selecting your current time trial. But also if you were in a
custom level and quit, you would still be on the playerworlds menu.
The problem was twofold: first, I simply wasn't doing the custommode
check. But secondly, I couldn't use map.custommode directly, because
whenever you quit the game aggressively hardreset()s everything
immediately when you press ACTION.
There's probably a good reason for that aggressive hardreset(), so I
won't touch that hardreset() in any way. Instead, I had to introduce two
kludge variables wasintimetrial and wasincustommode to Game, and use
those to do the check proper.
This makes it more convenient if you have a large levels directory, as
some people in the VVVVVV custom levels community do.
On the first page, this option will change to be "last page" instead.
Since the addition of another menu option pushes up the list of levels
too close to the selected level data itself, I've had to move the list
of levels down by 4 pixels (but "next page"/"previous page"/"return to
menu" are still in their same position).
This feature was already added to VCE but hasn't been upstreamed until
This also replaces some createmenu()s with returnmenu()s as needed even
when said createmenu()s already didn't go to the main menu.
Now when you exit the level editor, you'll be selecting the "level
editor" option in "play levels", and if you exit from a level you'll
still be selecting that level in the levels list.
Furthermore, regardless of what you're exiting, your cursor position
will be remembered.
This is to not reset your cursor position every time you return on
something. It's also to automatically keep track of which menu was the
previous menu instead of manually hardcoding said previous menu.
You were able to mismatch the color of the quicksave/telesave summary
and the text/background by pressing Esc when in the "continue" menu,
then pressing ACTION on "no, return".
This commit fixes that bug by putting the map.settowercolour(3) inside
the Menu::continuemenu creation code itself. However, since the
Menu::youwannaquit code does map.nexttowercolour() right after it does
the game.createmenu(), we also need to put the map.nexttowercolour()
before the game.createmenu() beforehand so it doesn't mess up the cyan
color that Menu::continuemenu sets.
Additionally, I removed the map.settowercolour() from the input handling
of Menu::play, as it's superfluous.
This marks pressing ACTION on "next page" in the levels list, credits,
pressing ACTION on "continue" in "You have unlocked" menus, and pressing
ACTION on an unlock option in the unlock menu and time trial unlock menu
as being the same menu.
This is to prevent creating unnecessary stack frames when using said
menu options in those menus.
These aren't necessary, the menu will update regardless. There isn't
even such a call for the mouse cursor toggle option, that's how
unnecessary it is.
Unless it's the main menu, or unless it's not the same menu. Whether or
not the menu is the same is left up to the caller, because some menus
could be the same but use different names, so we can't simply
automatically check that the names are different and assume that they
aren't the same menu.
This temp variable isn't used anywhere else, and even if it was it's set
to something every time it's used, so there's no risk of this commit
breaking any backwards compatibility.
I assume it was so a dev could mark the spot where they needed to put in
the analogue toggle, and they found a unique yet easy to remember
sequence of characters to Ctrl+F as a marker.
Looks like it was a remnant from the Flash days, and the "delete your
saves if you want to use slowdown" was a bit too mean so it stopped
being a thing in the C++ version.
Much more stylistic, you don't need to repeat "game.currentmenuname" for
each case, and you don't need to deal with the dangling first "if" that
doesn't have an "else".
I presume it was meant to have the text of the currently-selected menu
option inside it, before the code switched over to using the indice of
the currently-selected menu instead? Would've been more error-prone to
use the text name directly.
Stringly-typed things are bad, because if you make a typo when typing
out a string, it's not caught at compile-time. And in the case of this
menu system, you'd have to do an excessive amount of testing to uncover
any bugs caused by a typo. Why do that when you can just use an enum and
catch compile-time errors instead?
Also, you can't use switch-case statements on stringly-typed variables.
So every menu name is now in the enum Menu::MenuName, but you can simply
refer to a menu name by just prefixing it with Menu::.
Unfortunately, I've had to change the "continue" menu name to be
"continuemenu", because "continue" is a keyword in C and C++. Also, it
looks like "timetrialcomplete4" is an unused menu name, even though it
was referenced in Render.cpp.