As part of my work in #535, I've noticed that 2.3 currently with 2.2
loop order doesn't have interpolated cutscene bars. This is because
cutscene bars in 2.3 get updated at the start of the frame, which
interpolates them correctly until the render functions are put in their
proper place.
There is, however, a somewhat bigger issue, outside the scope of #535,
where cutscene bars always get updated regardless of which gamemode you
are in. Previously in 2.2 and previous, cutscene bars only got updated
in GAMEMODE and TELEPORTERMODE; sometime during 2.3, the cutscene bars
timer got pulled out of all the individual game modes and moved to the
very start of the loop. (I was probably the one who did this change;
I've been caught in a trap of my own devising.)
Thus, going to MAPMODE during the cutscene bars animation doesn't keep
their position paused like it would in 2.2. This is also categorically a
more-than-visual change, since the untilbars() script command depends
on the cutscene bars timer. I see no reason for the cutscene bars to
behave differently in this way than 2.2; #535 would also end up doing
the same fix more-or-less anyway.
Since TELEPORTERMODE currently uses the same renderfixed function as
MAPMODE, I've had to add a teleporterrenderfixed() that just calls
maprenderfixed(), but also does the cutscene bars timer.
This moves the responsibility of toggling fullscreen when any of the
three toggle fullscreen keybinds are pressed (F11, Alt+Enter, Alt+F)
directly into key.Poll() itself, and not its caller (which is main() -
more specifically, fixedloop()). Furthermore, the fullscreen toggle
itself has been moved to a separate function that key.Poll() just calls,
to prevent cluttering key.Poll() with more business logic (the function
is already quite big enough as it is).
As part of my work in re-removing the 1-frame input delay in #535, I'm
moving the callsite of key.Poll() around, and I don't want to have to
lug this block of code around with it. I'd rather refactor it upfront
than touch any more lines than necessary in that PR.
ClearSurface() is less verbose than doing it the old way, and also
conveys intent clearer. Plus, some of these FillRect()s had hardcoded
width and height values, whereas ClearSurface() doesn't - meaning this
change also has better future-proofing, in case the widths and heights
of the surfaces involved change in the future.
Apparently in C, if you have `void test();`, it's completely okay to do
`test(2);`. The function will take in the argument, but just discard it
and throw it away. It's like a trash can, and a rude one at that. If you
declare it like `void test(void);`, this is prevented.
This is not a problem in C++ - doing `void test();` and `test(2);` is
guaranteed to result in a compile error (this also means that right now,
at least in all `.cpp` files, nobody is ever calling a void parameter
function with arguments and having their arguments be thrown away).
However, we may not be using C++ in the future, so I just want to lay
down the precedent that if a function takes in no arguments, you must
explicitly declare it as such.
I would've added `-Wstrict-prototypes`, but it produces an annoying
warning message saying it doesn't work in C++ mode if you're compiling
in C++ mode. So it can be added later.
Note that level dir listing still uses plenty of STL (including the end
product - the `LevelMetaData` struct - which, for the purposes of 2.3,
is okay enough (2.4 should remove STL usage entirely)); it's just that
the initial act of iterating over the levels directory no longer takes
four or SIX(!!!) heap allocations (not counting reallocations and other
heap allocations this patch does not remove), and no longer does any
data marshalling.
Like text splitting, and binary blob extra indice grabbing, the current
approach that FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() uses is a temporary
std::vector of std::strings as a middleman to store all the filenames,
and the game iterates over that std::vector to grab each level metadata.
Except, it's even worse in this case, because PHYSFS_enumerateFiles()
ALREADY does a heap allocation. Oh, and
FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() gets called two or three times. Yeah,
let me explain:
1. FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() calls PHYSFS_enumerateFiles().
2. PHYSFS_enumerateFiles() allocates an array of pointers to arrays of
chars on the heap. For each filename, it will:
a. Allocate an array of chars for the filename.
b. Reallocate the array of pointers to add the pointer to the above
char array.
(In this step, it also inserts the filename in alphabetically -
without any further allocations, as far as I know - but this is a
COMPLETELY unnecessary step, because we are going to sort the list
of levels by ourselves via the metadata title in the end anyways.)
3. FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() iterates over the PhysFS list, and
allocates an std::vector on the heap to shove the list into. Then,
for each filename, it will:
a. Allocate an std::string, initialized to "levels/".
b. Append the filename to the std::string above. This will most
likely require a re-allocation.
c. Duplicate the std::string - which requires allocating more memory
again - to put it into the std::vector.
(Compared to the PhysFS list above, the std::vector does less
reallocations; it however will still end up reallocating a certain
amount of times in the end.)
4. FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() will free the PhysFS list.
5. Then to get the std::vector<std::string> back to the caller, we end
up having to reallocate the std::vector again - reallocating every
single std::string inside it, too - to give it back to the caller.
And to top it all off, FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() is guaranteed
to either be called two times, or three times. This is because
editorclass::getDirectoryData() will call editorclass::loadZips(), which
will unconditionally call FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames(), then call
it AGAIN if a zip was found. Then once the function returns,
getDirectoryData() will still unconditionally call
FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames(). This smells like someone bolting
something on without regard for the whole picture of the system, but
whatever; I can clean up their mess just fine.
So, what do I do about this? Well, just like I did with text splitting
and binary blob extras, make the final for-loop - the one that does the
actual metadata parsing - more immediate.
So how do I do that? Well, PhysFS has a function named
PHYSFS_enumerate(). PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(), in fact, uses this function
internally, and is basically just a wrapper with some allocation and
PHYSFS_enumerate() takes in a pointer to a function, which it will call
for every single entry that it iterates over. It also lets you pass in
another arbitrary pointer that it leaves alone, which I use to pass
through a function pointer that is the actual callback.
So to clarify, there are two callbacks - one callback is passed through
into another callback that gets passed through to PHYSFS_enumerate().
The callback that gets passed to PHYSFS_enumerate() is always the same,
but the callback that gets passed through the callback can be different
(if you look at the calling code, you can see that one caller passes
through a normal level metadata callback; the other passes through a zip
file callback).
Furthermore, I've also cleaned it up so that if editorclass::loadZips()
finds a zip file, it won't iterate over all the files in the levels
directory a third time. Instead, the level directory only gets iterated
over twice - once to check for zips, and another to load every level
plus all zips; the second time is when all the heap allocations happen.
And with that, level list loading now uses less STL templated stuff and
much less heap allocations.
Also, ed.directoryList basically has no reason to exist other than being
a temporary std::vector, so I've removed it. This further decreases
memory usage, depending on how many levels you have in your levels
folder (I know that I usually have a lot and don't really ever clean it
up, lol).
Lastly, in the callback passed to PhysFS, `builtLocation` is actually no
longer hardcoded to just the `levels` directory, since instead we now
use the `origdir` variable that PhysFS passes us. So that's good, too.
Wow, there are a lot of these. All of these exit paths now use
VVV_exit() instead, which attempts to save unlock.vvv and settings.vvv,
and also frees all resources so Valgrind is happy. This is a good thing,
because previously unlock.vvv/settings.vvv wouldn't be written to if we
decided to bail for a given reason.
This is just a function that calls the cleanup() in main.cpp, as well as
calls exit().
I would have liked to use SDL_ExitProcess() here, because that function
has ifdefs for different runtime environments. But alas, it's an
internal function and isn't exported. Ah well; exit() seems to be fine
If there's a resource that doesn't otherwise need to be cleaned up and
is still alive upon program shutdown, then it should go in cleanup().
This cleans up Screen, GraphicsResources, Graphics buffers, Graphics
tiles, and musicclass audio upon program shutdown.
Even we technically don't NEED to clean these resources up ourselves
(the kernel is going to get rid of all of it anyway, else it'd be a
security problem), I'm doing this because otherwise Valgrind will
complain about these, and then it'd be difficult to see which memory
leaks are real and which are just "well this isn't really a leak but you
haven't freed this thing when the process exited, and that's technically
what a memory leak is".
These are all resources whose cleanup functions can be safely called
even if they haven't initialized anything yet.
It doesn't feel quite write leaving all the buffer creation code in
main(), even though it's perfectly okay to do so and it doesn't result
in any memory mismanagement that Valgrind can report; so I'm factoring
all of it out to a separate function, Graphics::create_buffers().
As a bonus, we no longer have to keep qualifying with `graphics.` in the
buffer creation code, which is nice.
This call to Makebfont() always existed, but ever since 2.3's per-level
custom assets were added, graphics.reloadresources() also calls
graphics.Makebfont(), meaning this call is unnecessary. Calling it twice
results in graphics.bfont and graphics.flipbfont having twice the number
of elements, until custom assets get mounted (or unmounted, technically).
During 2.3 development, there's been a gradual shift to using SDL stdlib
functions instead of libc functions, but there are still some libc
functions (or the same libc function but from the STL) in the code.
Well, this patch replaces all the rest of them in one fell swoop.
SDL's stdlib can replace most of these, but its SDL_min() and SDL_max()
are inadequate - they aren't really functions, they're more like macros
with a nasty penchant for double-evaluation. So I just made my own
VVV_min() and VVV_max() functions and placed them in Maths.h instead,
then replaced all the previous usages of min(), max(), std::min(),
std::max(), SDL_min(), and SDL_max() with VVV_min() and VVV_max().
Additionally, there's no SDL_isxdigit(), so I just implemented my own
SDL has SDL_malloc() and SDL_free(), but they have some refcounting
built in to them, so in order to use them with LodePNG, I have to
replace the malloc() and free() that LodePNG uses. Which isn't too hard,
I did it in a new file called ThirdPartyDeps.c, and LodePNG is now
compiled with the LODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS definition.
Lastly, I also refactored the awful strcpy() and strcat() usages in
PLATFORM_migrateSaveData() to use SDL_snprintf() instead. I know save
migration is getting axed in 2.4, but it still bothers me to have
something like that in the codebase otherwise.
Without further ado, here is the full list of functions that the
codebase now uses:
- SDL_strlcpy() instead of strcpy()
- SDL_strlcat() instead of strcat()
- SDL_snprintf() instead of sprintf(), strcpy(), or strcat() (see above)
- VVV_min() instead of min(), std::min(), or SDL_min()
- VVV_max() instead of max(), std::max(), or SDL_max()
- VVV_isxdigit() instead of isxdigit()
- SDL_strcmp() instead of strcmp()
- SDL_strcasecmp() instead of strcasecmp() or Win32 strcmpi()
- SDL_strstr() instead of strstr()
- SDL_strlen() instead of strlen()
- SDL_sscanf() instead of sscanf()
- SDL_getenv() instead of getenv()
- SDL_malloc() instead of malloc() (replacing in LodePNG as well)
- SDL_free() instead of free() (replacing in LodePNG as well)
This variable seems to have been intended to make sure
game.savestatsandsettings() was called at the end of the frame, or make
sure that it didn't get called more than once per frame. I don't see any
frame ordering-related reason why it needs to be called specifically at
the end of the frame (the function doesn't modify any state), so it's
more plausible that it was added to make sure it didn't get called more
than one per frame.
However, upon further analysis, none of the code paths where
game.savemystats is used ever calls or sets game.savemystats more than
once, and a majority of the code directly calls
game.savestatsandsettings() anyway, so there's no reason for this
variable to exist. If we ever need to make sure it doesn't get called
more than once, and there's no way to change the code paths around to
prevent it otherwise, we can use the defer callbacks system that I added
to #535, when it gets merged.
This patch cleans up unnecessary exports from header files (there were
only a few), as well as adds the static keyword to all symbols that
aren't exported and are specific to a file. This helps the linker out in
not doing any unnecessary work, speeding it up and avoiding silent
symbol conflicts (otherwise two symbols with the same name (and
type/signature in C++) would quietly resolve as okay by the linker).
Line clipping and second-frame edge-flipping have been broken since #539
was merged (d910c5118d). The cause of this
is moving the onground/onroof code around.
A proper loop order fix is going to come once #535 gets finalized and
merged, so this is a stopgap measure just to make sure people don't
report that line clipping or second-frame edge-flipping are broken in
current builds of 2.3.
This fixes a bug where if you completed a custom level during
command-line playtesting, when returning to the title screen, the
background would be red and the text would be white.
This is because playtesting skips over the code path of pressing ACTION
to start the game and advance to the title screen, and the code path of
that ACTION press specifically initializes the title screen colors to
This is also caused by the fact that completing a custom level doesn't
call map.nexttowercolour(), but my guess is that the intent there was
that the player would select a custom level, complete it, and return to
the title screen on the same screen with the same colors, so I decided
not to add a map.nexttowercolour() there.
Instead, I've moved the cyan color initialization to main(), so that it
is always executed no matter what, and doesn't require you to take a
specific code path to do it.
While I was working on #535, I noticed that all the call sites of have the exact same code, namely:
if (script.running)
I figured, why not move the script.running check into the function
itself? That way, we won't have to duplicate the check every single
time, and we don't risk forgetting to add the check and causing a bug
because of that.
The check was already duplicated once since 2.0 (it's used in both
GAMEMODE and TELEPORTERMODE), and with the fix of the two-frame delay in
2.3, it's now duplicated twice, leading to THREE instances of this check
in the code, when there should be only one.
In order to be able to fix the bug #556, I'm planning on adding
ScreenSettings* to the settings.vvv write function. However, that
entails adding another argument to Game::savesettings(), which is going
to be really messy given the default argument of Game::savestats().
That, combined with the fact that the code comment at the site of the
implementation of Game::savestats() being wrong (!!!), leads me to
believe that using default function arguments here isn't worth it.
Instead, what I've done is made it so callers are explicit about whether
or not they're calling savestats(), savesettings(), or both at the same
time. If they are calling both at the same time, then they will be using
a new function named savestatsandsettings().
In short, these are the interface changes:
* bool Game::savestats(bool) has been removed
* bool Game::savestatsandsettings() has been added
* void Game::savestats_menu() has been renamed to
void Game::savestatsandsettings_menu()
* All previous callers of bool Game::savestats() are now using bool
* The one caller of bool Game::savestats(bool) is now using bool
While there already exists an option to skip the fake loading screen
entirely (without requiring an ACTION press), there are several reasons
for including this option as well:
* So people upgrading from 2.2 won't have to sit through the fake
loading screen the first time they open 2.3.
* So if people are too lazy to use the existing option, they can use
this one instead.
* So tool-assisted speedruns (TASes) of this game can skip the fake
loading screen without requiring an existing settings.vvv beforehand.
This last one is the biggest reason for me, since I'm not sure what rules are regarding existing save files, but with this
change nobody has to worry about their rules and can safely just
press ACTION to skip the fake loading screen automatically.
As part of fixing #464, I'll need to move these pieces of code around
easily. In #220 I just kind of shoved them awkwardly in whatever
fixed function would be last called in the gamestate loop, which I
shouldn't have done as I've now had to make formal fixed-render
functions anyway. Because these fixed functions need to be called
directly before a render function, and I'm fixing the order to put
render functions in their proper place, so I need to be able to move
these around easily, and making them function calls instead of inlined
makes them easier to manipulate.
game.gameframerate seems to exist for converting the value of
game.slowdown into an actual timestep value, when really the timestep
value should just use game.slowdown directly with a fast lookup table.
Otherwise, there's a bunch of duplicated game.slowdown case-switches
everywhere, which adds up to a large, annoying pile should the values be
changed in the future. But now the duplicate variable has been removed,
and with it, all the copy-pasted case-switches.
Also, the game speed text rendering in Menu::accessibility and
Menu::setslowdown has been factored out to a function and de-duplicated
as well.
There were some duplicate Screen configuration variables that were on
Game, when there didn't need to be.
- game.fullScreenEffect_badSignal is a duplicate of
- game.fullscreen is a duplicate of !graphics.screenbuffer->isWindowed
- game.stretchMode is a duplicate of graphics.screenbuffer->stretchMode
- game.useLinearFilter is a duplicate of
These duplicate variables have been removed now.
I put indentation when handling the ScreenSettings struct in main() so
the local doesn't live for the entirety of main() (which is the entirety
of the program).
The game previously did this dumb thing where it lumped in all its
settings with its file that tracked your records and unlocks,
`unlock.vvv`. It wasn't really an issue, until 2.3 came along and added
a few settings, suddenly making a problem where 2.3 settings would be
reset by chance if you decided to touch 2.2.
The solution to this is to move all settings to a new file,
`settings.vvv`. However, for compatibility with 2.2, settings will still
be written to `unlock.vvv`.
The game will prioritize reading from `settings.vvv` instead of
`unlock.vvv`, so if there's a setting that's missing from `unlock.vvv`,
no worries there. But if `settings.vvv` is missing, then it'll read
settings from `unlock.vvv`. As well, if `unlock.vvv` is missing, then
`settings.vvv` will be read from instead (I explicitly tested for this,
and found that I had to write special code to handle this case,
otherwise the game would overwrite the existing `settings.vvv` before
reading from it; kids, make sure to always test your code!).
Closes#373 fully.
Instead of using the same tower buffer that gets used for towers, use a
separate buffer instead so there's no risk of stepping on the tower
buffer's toes at the wrong point in time.
This commit combined with the previous one fixes#369.
With the previous commit in place, we can now simply move some usages of
the previous towerbg to use a separate object instead. That way, we
don't have to mess with a monolithic state, or some better way to phrase
what I just said, and we instead have two separate objects that can
coexist side-by-side.
Previously, the tower background was controlled by a disparate set of
attributes on Graphics and mapclass, and wasn't really encapsulated. (If
that's what that word means, I don't particularly care about
object-oriented lingo.) But now, all relevant things that a tower
background has has been put into a TowerBG struct, so it will be easy to
make multiple copies without having to duplicate the code that handles
I was investigating a desync in my Nova TAS, and it turns out that
the gravity line collision functions check for the `oldxp` and `oldyp`
of the player, i.e. their position on the previous frame, along with
their position on the current frame. So, if the player either collided
with the gravity line last frame or this frame, then the player collided
with the gravity line this frame.
Except, that's not actually true. It turns out that `oldxp` and `oldyp`
don't necessarily always correspond to the `xp` and `yp` of the player
on the previous frame. It turns out that your `oldyp` will be updated if
you stand on a vertically moving platform, before the gravity line
collision function gets ran. So, if you were colliding with a gravity
line on the previous frame, but you got moved out of there by a
vertically moving platform, then you just don't collide with the gravity
line at all.
However, this behavior changed in 2.3 after my over-30-FPS patch got
merged (#220). That patch took advantage of the existing `oldxp` and
`oldyp` entity attributes, and uses them to interpolate their positions
during rendering to make everything look real smooth.
Previously, `oldxp` and `oldyp` would both be updated in
`entityclass::updateentitylogic()`. However, I moved it in that patch to
update right before `gameinput()` in `main.cpp`.
As a result, `oldyp` no longer gets updated whenever the player stands
on a vertically moving platform. This ends up desyncing my TAS.
As expected, updating `oldyp` in `entityclass::movingplatformfix()` (the
function responsible for moving the player whenever they stand on a
vertically moving platform) makes it so that my TAS syncs, but the
visuals are glitchy when standing on a vertically moving platform. And
as much as I'd like to get rid of gravity lines checking for whether
you've collided with them on the previous frame, doing that desyncs my
TAS, too.
In the end, it seems like I should just leave `oldxp` and `oldyp` alone,
and switch to using dedicated variables that are never used in the
physics of the game. So I'm introducing `lerpoldxp` and `lerpoldyp`, and
replacing all instances of using `oldxp` and `oldyp` that my over-30-FPS
patch added, with `lerpoldxp` and `lerpoldyp` instead.
After doing this, and applying #503 as well, my Nova TAS syncs after
some minor but acceptable fixes with Viridian's walkingframe.
Previously, setting the actual volume of the music was all over the
place. Which isn't bad, but when I added being able to press N to mute
the music specifically, I should've made it so that there would be a
volume variable somewhere that the game looks at if the music is
unmuted, and otherwise sets the actual volume to 0 if the game is muted.
This resulted in things like #400 and #505 and having to add a bunch of
special-cased checks like game.musicmuted and game.completestop. But
instead of adding a bunch of special-case code, just make it so there's
a central place where Mix_VolumeMusic() actually gets called, and if
some piece of code wants to set the music volume, they can set
music.musicVolume. But the music handling logic in main.cpp gets the
final say on whether to listen to music.musicVolume, or to mute the game
This is how the music handling code should have been from the start
(when pressing N to mute the music was added).
After looking at pull request #446, I got a bit annoyed that we have TWO
variables, key.textentrymode and ed.textentry, that we rolled ourselves
to track the state of something SDL already provides us a function to
easily query: SDL_IsTextInputActive(). We don't need to have either of
these two variables, and we shouldn't.
So that's what I do in this patch. Both variables have been axed in
favor of using this function, and I just made a wrapper out of it, named
For bonus points, this gets rid of the ugly NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS and
NO_EDITOR ifdef in main.cpp, since text entry is enabled when entering
the script list and disabled when exiting it. This makes the code there
easier to read, too.
Furthermore, apparently key.textentrymode was initialized to *true*
instead of false... for whatever reason. But that's gone now, too.
Now, you'd think there wouldn't be any downside to using
SDL_IsTextInputActive(). After all, it's a function that SDL itself
provides, right?
Wrong. For whatever reason, it seems like text input is active *from the
start of the program*, meaning that what would happen is I would go into
the editor, and find that I can't move around nor place tiles nor
anything else. Then I would press Esc, and then suddenly become able to
do those things I wanted to do before.
I have no idea why the above happens, but all I can do is to just insert
an SDL_StopTextInput() immediately after the SDL_Init() in main.cpp. Of
course, I have to surround it with an SDL_IsTextInputActive() check to
make sure I don't do anything extraneous by stopping input when it's
already stopped.
So, earlier in the development of 2.0, Simon Roth (I presume)
encountered a problem: Oh no, all my backgrounds aren't appearing! And
this is because my foregroundBuffer, which contains all the drawn tiles,
is drawing complete black over it!
So he had a solution that seems ingenius, but is actually really really
hacky and super 100% NOT the proper solution. Just, take the
foregroundBuffer, iterate over each pixel, and DON'T draw any pixel
that's 0xDEADBEEF. 0xDEADBEEF is a special signal meaning "don't draw
this pixel". It is called a 'key'.
Unfortunately, this causes a bug where translucent pixels on tiles
(pixels between 0% and 100% opacity) didn't get drawn correctly. They
would be drawn against this weird blue color.
Now, in #103, I came across this weird constant and decided "hey, this
looks awfully like that weird blue color I came across, maybe if I set
it to 0x00000000, i.e. complete and transparent black, the issue will be
fixed". And it DID appear to be fixed. However, I didn't look too
closely, nor did I test it that much, and all that ended up doing was
drawing the pixels against black, which more subtly disguised the
problem with translucent pixels.
So, after some investigation, I noticed that BlitSurfaceColoured() was
drawing translucent pixels just fine. And I thought at the time that
there was something wrong with BlitSurfaceStandard(), or something.
Further along later I realized that all drawn tiles were passing through
this weird OverlaySurfaceKeyed() function. And removing it in favor of a
straight SDL_BlitSurface() produced the bug I mentioned above: Oh no,
all the backgrounds don't show up, because my foregroundBuffer is
drawing pure black over them!
Well... just... set the proper blend mode for foregroundBuffer. It
Then you don't have to worry about your transparency at all. If you did
it right, you won't have to resort this hacky color-keying business.
For some reason, the cursor would be either disabled and re-enabled if
you switched to windowed mode, or it would be always enabled if you
switched to fullscreen mode. This only happened when you toggled
fullscreen using the Alt+Enter, Alt+F, or F11 keybinds, and the
fullscreen option in graphic options doesn't have this problem.
This cursor toggling business seems like an arcane incantation back in
the days of SDL1.2, now since no longer necessary with SDL2. However,
after some testing, it seems like removing these indecipherable runes
don't cause any harm, so I'm going to remove them.
Achievements could be unlocked in custom levels/make and play, so this adds the wrapper function `game.unlockAchievement` which calls `NETWORK_unlockAchievement` if `map.custommode` is false.
Also, this function and `Game::unlocknum` have both been `ifdef`ed to be empty if MAKEANDPLAY is defined.
Okay, so basically here's the include layout that this game now
consistently uses:
[The "main" header file, if any (e.g. Graphics.h for Graphics.cpp)]
[blank line]
[All system includes, such as tinyxml2/physfs/utfcpp/SDL]
[blank line]
[All project includes, such as Game.h/Entity.h/etc.]
And if applicable, another blank line, and then some special-case
include screwy stuff (take a look at editor.cpp or FileSystemUtils.cpp,
for example, they have ifdefs and defines with their includes).
Including a header file inside another header file means a bunch of
files are going to be unnecessarily recompiled whenever that inner
header file is changed. So I minimized the amount of header files
included in a header file, and only included the ones that were
necessary (system includes don't count, I'm only talking about includes
from within this project). Then the includes are only in the .cpp files
This also minimizes problems such as a NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS build failing
because some file depended on an include that got included in editor.h,
which is another benefit of removing unnecessary includes from header
Noticed this earlier when I was merging upstream back into VCE, and
interestingly enough, it doesn't look like cppcheck warns about
undeffing a non-existent define.
This patch optimizes the loop used to limit the framerate in 30-FPS-only
mode so that it uses SDL_Delay() instead of an accumulator. This means
that the game will take up less CPU power in 30-FPS-only mode. This also
means that the game loop code has been simplified, so there's only two
while-loops, and only two places where game.over30mode is checked, thus
leading to easier-to-understand logic.
Using an accumulator here would essentially mean busywaiting until the
34 millisecond timer was up. (The following is just what leo60228 told
me.) Busywaiting is bad because it's inefficient. The operating system
assumes that if you're busywaiting, you're performing a complex
calculation and handles your process accordingly. And this is why
sleeping was invented, so you could busywait without taking up
unnecessary CPU time.
There's a bug where playtesting from Ved doesn't properly play the music
of the level, due to no fault with Ved.
This was because the music was being faded out by
scriptclass::startgamemode() case 23 after main() called
To fix this, just call when all the other variables are
being set in Game::customloadquick().
The problem we're running into is entirely contained in the Screen - we need to
either decouple graphics context init from Screen::init or we need to take out
the screenbuffer interaction from loadstats (which I'm more in favor of since we
can just pull the config values and pass them to Screen::init later).
Now that you have a mini menu in MAPMODE, it's a bit annoying to have to
deal with the slowed-down timestep when pressing left/right/ACTION
inside it. Especially since going to an options menu restores the
timestep back to normal (because it's in TITLEMODE). Also removed it
from TELEPORTERMODE for consistency.
The Alt+Enter Glitch is a funny glitch where if you press any toggle
fullscreen keybind during a cutscene, Viridian will stop moving (if
they're being moved by a walk()) and ACTION will start being held down
for them. Meaning in most cases you can interrupt a walk and flip at the
same time.
This can obviously break cutscenes if a casual just wants to toggle
fullscreen, so I'm fixing it. But it will be unfixed in glitchrunner
mode in case you want to glitch out custom levels (I know I do).
More information on the Alt+Enter Glitch is available here:
(The page is a bit outdated, some bugs have been fixed in 2.3 already.)
This patch is very kludge-y, but at least it fixes a semi-noticeable
visual issue in custom levels that use internal scripts to spawn
entities when loading a room.
Basically, the problem here is that when the game checks for script
boxes and sets newscript, newscript has already been processed for that
frame, and when the game does load a script, has already
been processed for that frame.
That issue can be fixed, but it turns out that due to my over-30-FPS
game loop changes, there's now ANOTHER visible frame of delay between
room load and entity creation, because the render function gets called
in between the script being loaded at the end of gamelogic() and the
script actually getting run.
So... I have to temporary move to the end of gamelogic()
(in map.twoframedelayfix()), and make sure it doesn't get run next
frame, because double-evaluations are bad. To do that, I have to
introduce the kludge variable script.dontrunnextframe, which does
exactly as it says.
And with all that work, the two-frame (now three-frame) delay is fixed.