Turns out there was a little miscommunication with the translator -
they said the option needed to say "Ślōnsko" but were only talking
about correcting the first word, where I thought the whole thing needed
to be replaced.
These strings had been replaced over time and the original versions
marked ***OUTDATED*** to allow for the original wordings to be reused
by the translators who had only translated the original ones.
(See lang/README-programmers.txt.)
Now, these strings have all been updated in every language, so it's
time to clean them up!
These were not in the English or any other language files. They should
be though, so that they can be translated and generally kept track of.
These aren't urgent either, since we have proxy strings that are used
if these are untranslated.
This hasn't been done since before we got some deliveries for 2.4,
so there are a few languages which added apostrophes as ' instead of
' in the XML (which is not wrong, but it gives diff noise whenever
there's a sync since VVVVVV writes them back as '...)
Also, we never synced "[Press {button} to toggle gameplay]" across
language files (now two strings with unfreeze/freeze), but that was
also a pretty last-minute string as far as I remember. Arabic did have
it because that language was added after the string was added, so it
got copied from English. I don't think this one is that urgent to
translate into every language for 2.4.1 since it's pretty well hidden
for most people, and it's surrounded by things that have to be English,
so it's as if it's supposed to be like that. Let's just include these
with whatever the next batch of strings is.
Now that the language files are fairly stable, we should be able to do
this without any accidental reverts taking place (if any do happen, it
should be easy to see and prevent)
*subject to changes
Also, Traditional Chinese is current using the Simplified Chinese graphics, which is acceptable but not ideal:
Obey -> 服從 (ok to use simplified 服从)
Lies -> 謊言 (ok to use simplified 谎言)
The other words are the same for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.