<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<stringenglish="LOADING... {percent|digits=2|spaces}%"translation="ŜARGADO... {percent|digits=2|spaces}%"explanation="on loading screen. {percent} = number from 0-100"max="26"/>
<stringenglish="Game paused"translation="Ludo estas paŭzigita"explanation="pause screen"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="[click to resume]"translation="[alklaku por daŭrigi]"explanation="pause screen"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press M to mute in game"translation="Premu M por silentigi la ludon"explanation="pause screen"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press N to mute music only"translation="Premu N por silentigi nur muzikon"explanation="pause screen"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="MAKE AND PLAY EDITION"translation="ELDONO MAKE AND PLAY"explanation=""max="27"/>
<stringenglish="[MMMMMM Mod Installed]"translation="[MMMMMM instalita]"explanation=""max="32"/>
<stringenglish="play"translation="ludi"explanation="main menu option"/>
<stringenglish="levels"translation="niveloj"explanation="main menu option"/>
<stringenglish="options"translation="agordoj"explanation="main menu option"/>
<stringenglish="translator"translation="tradukado"explanation="main menu option"/>
<stringenglish="credits"translation="agnoskoj"explanation="main menu option"/>
<stringenglish="quit"translation="eliri"explanation="main menu option"/>
<stringenglish="gameplay"translation="ludado"explanation="options menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Gameplay Options"translation="Agordoj de ludado"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Adjust various gameplay settings."translation="Alĝustigi diversajn agordojn de ludado."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="graphics"translation="grafikoj"explanation="options menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Graphics Options"translation="Agordoj de grafikoj"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Adjust screen settings."translation="Agordi la ekranon."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="audio"translation="sono"explanation="options menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Audio Options"translation="Agordoj de sono"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Adjust volume settings and soundtrack."translation="Agordi laŭtecon kaj sontrakon."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="continue from teleporter"translation="daŭrigi de teleportilo"explanation="menu option, game save that was made at a teleporter"/>
<stringenglish="Tele Save"translation="Tel.-konservaĵo"explanation="title, game save that was made at a teleporter"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="continue from quicksave"translation="daŭrigi de rapidkonservaĵo"explanation="menu option, game save that was made freely from the menu (at any checkpoint)"/>
<stringenglish="Quick Save"translation="Rapidkonservaĵo"explanation="title, game save that was made freely from the menu (at any checkpoint)"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="unlock play modes"translation="malŝlosi ludreĝimojn"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Unlock Play Modes"translation="Malŝlosi ludreĝimojn"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Unlock parts of the game normally unlocked as you progress."translation="Malŝlosi partojn de la ludo, kiuj normale malŝlosiĝas laŭprogrese."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="From here, you may unlock parts of the game that are normally unlocked as you play."translation="Ĉi tie, vi povas malŝlosi partojn de la ludo, kiuj normale malŝlosiĝas laŭprogrese."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Rebind your controller's buttons and adjust sensitivity."translation="Reagordi butonojn kaj ŝanĝi sentemon."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Delete your main game save data and unlocked play modes."translation="Forigi viajn konservdatumojn kaj malŝlositajn ludreĝimojn de la ĉefa ludo."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Delete your custom level save data and completion stars."translation="Forigi viajn konservdatumojn kaj kompletigo-stelojn de ludantniveloj."explanation="completion stars: when completing a level you get either 1 or 2 stars"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure? This will delete your current saves..."translation="Ĉu vi certas? Tio forigos viajn nunajn konservaĵojn..."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to delete all your saved data?"translation="Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas forigi ĉiujn konservitaĵojn?"explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to delete your quicksave?"translation="Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas forigi vian rapidkonservaĵon?"explanation="only the quicksave of a custom level"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Choose letterbox/stretch/integer mode."translation="Elekti poŝtkestan/streĉan/entjeran reĝimon."explanation="See the `Current mode` explanations for more details on the modes"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Current mode: INTEGER"translation="Nuna reĝimo: ENTJERA"explanation="integer (whole number) mode only enlarges the game in exact multiples of 320x240"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Current mode: STRETCH"translation="Nuna reĝimo: STREĈA"explanation="stretch mode just stretches the game to fill the window content"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Current mode: LETTERBOX"translation="Nuna reĝimo: POŜTKESTA"explanation="letterbox mode enlarges the game to the window, but adds black bars to make the aspect ratio 4:3"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="resize to nearest"translation="plej proksima skalo"explanation="menu option. The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480"/>
<stringenglish="Resize to Nearest"translation="Plej proksima skalo"explanation="title. The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Resize to the nearest window size that is of an integer multiple."translation="Tio ŝanĝos la grandon al la plej proksima fenestro-grando entjer-multobla."explanation="The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="You must be in windowed mode to use this option."translation="Vi devas uzi fenestran reĝimon por uzi tion ĉi."explanation="The game cannot be in fullscreen to resize the window"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="toggle analogue"translation="baskuligi analogecon"explanation="menu option, analogue mode simulates distortion from bad signal"/>
<stringenglish="Analogue Mode"translation="Analoga reĝimo"explanation="title, analogue mode simulates distortion from bad signal"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture."translation="Via televidilo funkcias sen problemo. Ne klopodu ĝustigi la bildigon."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Change whether the game runs at 30 or over 30 FPS."translation="Ŝanĝi ĉu la ludo ruliĝas je 30 aŭ super 30 kadroj sekunde."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="With Music by"translation="Kun muziko de"explanation="credits"max="30"/>
<stringenglish="Rooms Named by"translation="Nomis ĉambrojn"explanation="credits"max="30"/>
<stringenglish="C++ Port by"translation="Porto al C++ de"explanation="credits"max="30"/>
<stringenglish="Patrons"translation="Subtenintoj"explanation="credits, people who donated a certain amount before the game originally released"max="13"/>
<stringenglish="VVVVVV is supported by the following patrons"translation="VVVVVV estas subtenita de la sekvaj homoj"explanation="credits"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="and also by"translation="kaj ankaŭ de"explanation="credits, VVVVVV is also supported by the following people"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="and"translation="kaj"explanation="credits. This list of names, AND furthermore, this other list of names"max="38"/>
<stringenglish="GitHub Contributors"translation="Kod-kontribuantoj"explanation="credits. This doesn't _really_ need `GitHub` specifically, it could be replaced with `Code`"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="With contributions on GitHub from"translation="Kun kontribuoj ĉe GitHub de"explanation="credits"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="and thanks also to:"translation="kaj dankon ankaŭ al:"explanation="credits, and thanks also to ... you!"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="You!"translation="Vi!"explanation="credits, and thanks also to ... you!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Your support makes it possible for me to continue making the games I want to make, now and into the future."translation="Via subteno ebligas por mi daŭre fari la ludojn, kiujn mi volas fari, nun kaj estontecen."explanation="credits"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="You cannot save in this mode."translation="Vi ne povas konservi ĉi-reĝime."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Would you like to disable the cutscenes during the game?"translation="Ĉu vi volas malebligi la interscenojn dumlude?"explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Flip is bound to: "translation="Renversiĝo agordita al: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Enter is bound to: "translation="ENTER agordita al: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Menu is bound to: "translation="Menuo agordita al: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Restart is bound to: "translation="Rekomenco agordita al: "explanation="in-game death key to restart at checkpoint. Controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Interact is bound to: "translation="Interago agordita al: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Some options that are useful for translators and developers."translation="Kelkaj agordoj utilaj por tradukistoj kaj disvolvigistoj."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="maintenance"translation="prizorgado"explanation="menu option, menu that allows you to apply maintenance to translations"/>
<stringenglish="open lang folder"translation="malfermi dosierujon lang"explanation="menu option. Button that opens the folder with language files (which is called lang) in a file explorer"/>
<stringenglish="Sync all language files after adding new strings."translation="Sinkronigi ĉiujn lingvodosierojn post aldoni novajn ĉenojn."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Enable room name translation mode, so you can translate room names in context. Press I for invincibility."translation="Ebligi reĝimon de ĉambronom-tradukado, por ilin traduki laŭ cirkonstanco. Premu I por nevundebleco."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="You have not enabled room name translation mode!"translation="Vi ne ebligis la reĝimon de ĉambronoma tradukado!"explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="Cycle through most menus in the game. The menus will not actually work, all options take you to the next menu instead. Press Escape to stop."translation="Cikli tra la plejparto da menuoj en la ludo. La menuoj ne vere funkcios; ĉiuj elektoj anstataŭe prenos vin al sekva menuo. Premu eskapklavon por fini."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Display all text boxes from cutscenes.xml. Only tests the basic appearance of each individual text box."translation="Montras ĉiujn tekstskatolojn en cutscenes.xml. Ĉi tio nur testas la bazan aspekton de ĉiu aparta tekstskatolo."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="from clipboard"translation="de tondujo"explanation="menu option, paste script name from clipboard"/>
<stringenglish="Explore the rooms of any level in the game, to find all room names to translate."translation="Esplori la ĉambrojn de iu ajn nivelo en la ludo, por trovi ĉiujn tradukendajn ĉambronomojn."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Find translations that don't fit within their defined bounds."translation="Trovi tradukojn, kiuj tro longas por la difinitaj limoj."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="No text overflows found!"translation="Neniuj troaj tekstoj troviĝis!"explanation="limits check. no strings go outside their max bounds"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="No text overflows left!"translation="Neniuj troaj tekstoj restas!"explanation="limits check. we have seen all strings that go outside their max bounds"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Note that this detection isn't perfect."translation="Notu, ke la detektado ne estas perfekta."explanation="limits check"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="sync language files"translation="sinkronigi lingvodosierojn"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Sync language files"translation="Sinkronigado"explanation="title, translation maintenance menu"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Merge all new strings from the template files into the translation files, keeping existing translations."translation="Kunfandi ĉiujn novajn ĉenojn de la ŝablonaj dosieroj en la tradukdosierojn, konservante ekzistantajn tradukojn."explanation="translation maintenance menu"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="language statistics"translation="statistikoj de lingvo"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Count the amount of untranslated strings for this language."translation="Nombrigi la kvanton da netradukitaj ĉenoj por tiu ĉi lingvo."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Count the amount of untranslated strings for each language."translation="Nombrigi la kvanton da netradukitaj ĉenoj por ĉiu lingvo."explanation="translation maintenance menu"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="If new strings were added to the English template language files, this feature will insert them in the translation files for all languages. Make a backup, just in case."translation="Se novaj ĉenoj aldoniĝis al la anglalingvaj ŝablonaj lingvodosieroj, tiu ĉi trajto enigos ilin en la tradukdosierojn por ĉiuj lingvoj. Faru savkopion, por certeco."explanation="translation maintenance menu"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Full syncing EN→All:"translation="Plena sinkronigo EN→Ĉiuj"explanation="translation maintenance menu. The following list of language files can be fully synced from English to all other languages by pressing this button - new strings will be inserted in all languages"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Syncing not supported:"translation="Sinkronigon ne subtenas:"explanation="translation maintenance menu. The following list of language files are untouched by the sync button"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="All other gameplay settings."translation="Ĉiuj aliaj agordoj de ludado."explanation="description for advanced options"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="unfocus pause"translation="elfokusiĝ-paŭzo"explanation="menu option. Turns the pause screen on/off, which shows up when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto pause screen"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus Pause"translation="Elfokusiĝ-paŭzo"explanation="title. Turns the pause screen on/off, which shows up when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto pause screen"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle if the game will pause when the window is unfocused."translation="Baskuligi ĉu la ludo paŭziĝos, kiam la fenestro elfokusiĝas."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus pause is OFF"translation="Elfokusiĝ-paŭzo estas MALŜALTA"explanation="Making another window active will not show the pause screen."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus pause is ON"translation="Elfokusiĝ-paŭzo estas ŜALTA"explanation="Making another window active will show the pause screen."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="unfocus audio pause"translation="elfokusiĝ-sonpaŭzo"explanation="menu option. Allows the user to choose whether the music should pause, or continue to play, when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto audio pause"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus Audio"translation="Sono je elfokusiĝo"explanation="title. Allows the user to choose whether the music should pause, or continue to play, when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto audio pause"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle if the audio will pause when the window is unfocused."translation="Baskuligi ĉu sono paŭziĝos, kiam elfokusiĝas la fenestro."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus audio pause is OFF"translation="Elfokuziĝa sonpaŭzo estas MALŜALTA"explanation="Making another window active will leave the music keep playing."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus audio pause is ON"translation="Elfokuziĝa sonpaŭzo estas ŜALTA"explanation="Making another window active will pause the music."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle the in-game timer outside of time trials."translation="Baskuligi la enludan tempomontron ekster tempoprovoj."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="In-Game Timer is ON"translation="Enluda tempomontro estas ŜALTA"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="In-Game Timer is OFF"translation="Enluda tempomontro estas MALŜALTA"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Interact Button"translation="Interaga butono"explanation="title, lets the user change the key for interacting with objects or crewmates"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle whether you interact with prompts using ENTER or E."translation="Baskuligi ĉu interagi al invitoj per aŭ ENTER aŭ E."explanation="prompts: see the `Press {button} to talk to .../activate terminal/teleport` below"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="E"translation="E"explanation="keyboard key E. Speedrunner options menu"/>
<stringenglish="ACTION"translation="AGOKLAVON"explanation="the ACTION key is either the SPACE key, Z or V (this is explained on the title screen). It's used in strings like `Press ACTION to advance text`"/>
<stringenglish="Interact button: {button}"translation="Interaga butono: {button}"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) is filled in for {button}. Speedrunner options menu"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Fake Load Screen"translation="Falsa ŝarĝekrano"explanation="title, allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Disable the fake loading screen which appears on game launch."translation="Malebligi la falsan ŝargekranon, kiu aperas lanĉante la ludon."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Fake loading screen is OFF"translation="Falsa ŝarĝekrano estas MALŜALTA"explanation="allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Fake loading screen is ON"translation="Falsa ŝarĝekrano estas ŜALTA"explanation="allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="room name background"translation="ĉambronoma fono"explanation="menu option, background behind room names"/>
<stringenglish="Room Name BG"translation="Fono de ĉambronomo"explanation="title, background behind room names"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Lets you see through what is behind the name at the bottom of the screen."translation="Ebligi vidi tion, kio estas malantaŭ la nomo ĉe la ekranmalsupro"explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room name background is TRANSLUCENT"translation="Ĉambronoma fono estas TRAVIDEBLA"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Room name background is OPAQUE"translation="Ĉambronoma fono estas NETRAVIDEBLA"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Access some advanced settings that might be of interest to speedrunners."translation="Iuj altnivelaj agordoj, utilaj por kurludistoj."explanation="description for speedrunner options"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="glitchrunner mode"translation="cimkurluda reĝimo"explanation="menu option, a glitchrunner is a speedrunner who takes advantage of glitches to run through the game faster"/>
<stringenglish="Glitchrunner Mode"translation="Cimkurluda reĝimo"explanation="title, a glitchrunner is a speedrunner who takes advantage of glitches to run through the game faster"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Re-enable glitches that existed in previous versions of the game."translation="Reebligi cimojn, kiuj ekzistis en antaŭaj versioj de la ludo."explanation="glitchrunner mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Glitchrunner mode is OFF"translation="Cimkurluda reĝimo estas MALŜALTA"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Glitchrunner mode is {version}"translation="Cimkurluda reĝimo estas {version}"explanation="a version number is filled in for {version}, such as 2.0 or 2.2"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Select a new glitchrunner version below."translation="Elektu novan version por cimkurludado ĉi-sube."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="none"translation="neniu"explanation="menu option, do not emulate any older version"/>
<stringenglish="2.0"translation="2.0"explanation="VVVVVV version number for glitchrunner mode"/>
<stringenglish="2.2"translation="2.2"explanation="VVVVVV version number for glitchrunner mode"/>
<stringenglish="input delay"translation="enig-prokrasto"explanation="menu option, enable 1 frame of delay after pressing input"/>
<stringenglish="Input Delay"translation="Prokrasto de enigoj"explanation="title, enable 1 frame of delay after pressing input"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Re-enable the 1-frame input delay from previous versions of the game."translation="Reebligi la 1-kadran enigprokraston de pli-fruaj versioj de la ludo."explanation="input delay"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Input delay is ON"translation="Enigprokrasto estas ŜALTA"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Input delay is OFF"translation="Enigprokrasto estas MALŜALTA"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Disable animated backgrounds in menus and during gameplay."translation="Malebligi animaciajn fonojn en menuoj kaj dum ludado."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Backgrounds are ON."translation="Fonoj estas ŜALTAJ."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Backgrounds are OFF."translation="Fonoj estas MALŜALTAJ."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Explore the game freely without dying. (Can cause glitches.)"translation="Esplori la ludon libere kaj senmorte. (Cimoj eble okazos.)"explanation="invincibility mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Invincibility is ON."translation="Nevundebleco estas ŜALTA."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Invincibility is OFF."translation="Nevundebleco estas MALŜALTA."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to enable invincibility?"translation="Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas ebligi nevundeblecon?"explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="no, return to options"translation="ne, reen al agordoj"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Who do you want to play the level with?"translation="Kun kiu vi volas ludi la nivelon?"explanation="choose your NPC companion"max="38*8"/>
<stringenglish="Replay any level in the game in a competitive time trial mode."translation="Reludi ajnan nivelon en la ludo en konkura tempoprova reĝimo."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="Time Trials are not available with slowdown or invincibility."translation="Tempoprovoj ne estas ludeblaj kun malrapidigo aŭ nevundebleco."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="unlock time trials"translation="malŝlosi tempoprovojn"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Unlock Time Trials"translation="Tempoprovoj"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="You can unlock each time trial separately."translation="Vi povas malŝlosi ĉiun tempoprovon aparte."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="TO UNLOCK: Complete the intermission levels in-game."translation="POR MALŜLOSI: Finu la interaktajn nivelojn enlude."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="no death mode"translation="mortula reĝimo"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="No Death Mode"translation="Mortula reĝimo"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Play the entire game without dying once."translation="Ludi la tutan ludon sen morti eĉ unu fojon."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="No Death Mode is not available with slowdown or invincibility."translation="Mortula reĝimo ne estas ludebla kun malrapidigo aŭ nevundebleco."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="unlock no death mode"translation="malŝlosi mortulan reĝimon"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="TO UNLOCK: Achieve an S-rank or above in at least 4 time trials."translation="POR MALŜLOSI: Atingu S-rangon aŭ pli bonan en almenaŭ 4 tempoprovoj."explanation="ranks are B A S V, see below"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="flip mode"translation="renversa reĝimo"explanation="menu option, mirrors the entire game vertically"/>
<stringenglish="Flip Mode"translation="Renversa reĝimo"explanation="title, mirrors the entire game vertically"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Flip the entire game vertically."translation="Renversi la tutan ludon vertikale."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Flip the entire game vertically. Compatible with other game modes."translation="Renversi la tutan ludon vertikale. Tio ĉi funkcias kun aliaj ludreĝimoj."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="You managed to reach:"translation="Vi sukcesis atingi:"explanation="you managed to reach the following room"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Keep trying! You'll get there!"translation="Klopodadu! Vi certe sukcesos!"explanation="player died before managing to save anybody"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Nice one!"translation="Bone farite!"explanation="player died after saving one crewmate"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Er, how did you do that?"translation="Be, kiel vi faris tion?"explanation="player died even though they were finished, lol"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="You rescued all the crewmates!"translation="Vi savis ĉiujn skipanojn!"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="A new trophy has been awarded and placed in the secret lab to acknowledge your achievement!"translation="Vi premiiĝis per nova trofeo, kiu aperas en la sekreta labo por agnoski vian atingegon!"explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="[Trinkets found]"translation="[Kolektaĵoj trovitaj]"explanation="amount of shiny trinkets found"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="[Number of Deaths]"translation="[Nombro da mortoj]"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="{n_trinkets} of {max_trinkets}"translation="{n_trinkets} el {max_trinkets}"explanation="ex: 2 of 5"/>
<stringenglish="{n_trinkets|wordy} out of {max_trinkets|wordy}"translation="{n_trinkets|wordy|upper} el {max_trinkets|wordy}"explanation="ex: One out of Twenty, see numbers.xml. You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."max="34"/>
<stringenglish="{savebox_n_trinkets|wordy}"translation="{savebox_n_trinkets|wordy|upper}"explanation="trinket count in telesave/quicksave information box. You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."/>
<stringenglish="{gamecomplete_n_trinkets|wordy}"translation="{gamecomplete_n_trinkets|wordy|upper}"explanation="trinket count on Game Complete screen (after Trinkets Found:) You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."/>
<stringenglish="+1 Rank!"translation="+1 rango!"explanation="time trial rank was upgraded (B → A → S → V). B is minimum, which is purposefully high (see it as 7/10) - S is a popular rank above A in a lot of games, so VVVVVV added a rank above that."max="12"/>
<stringenglish="Find three trinkets"translation="Trovi tri kolektaĵojn"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Find six trinkets"translation="Trovi ses kolektaĵojn"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Find nine trinkets"translation="Trovi naŭ kolektaĵojn"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Find twelve trinkets"translation="Trovi dek du kolektaĵojn"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Find fifteen trinkets"translation="Trovi dek kvin kolektaĵojn"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Find eighteen trinkets"translation="Trovi dek ok kolektaĵojn"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="RECORDS"translation="REKORDOJ"explanation="followed by a list of personal bests for TIME, SHINY and LIVES. So `records` as in `world records`, except for yourself"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Your save files have been updated."translation="Viaj konservdosieroj estas ĝisdatigitaj."explanation="player completed game"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="If you want to keep exploring the game, select CONTINUE from the play menu."translation="Se vi volas daŭre esplori la ludon, elektu DAŬRIGI en la ludmenuo."explanation=""max="38*9"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked a new Time Trial."translation="Vi malŝlosis novan tempoprovon."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked some new Time Trials."translation="Vi malŝlosis novajn tempoprovojn."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked No Death Mode."translation="Vi malŝlosis mortulan reĝimon."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked Flip Mode."translation="Vi malŝlosis renversan reĝimon."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked the intermission levels."translation="Vi malŝlosis la interaktajn nivelojn."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="play a level"translation="ludi nivelon"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="open level folder"translation="malfermi nivelujon"explanation="menu option. Button that opens the folder with level files in a file explorer"/>
<stringenglish="show level folder path"translation="montri indikon al nivelujo"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="back to levels"translation="reen al niveloj"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="To install new player levels, copy the .vvvvvv files to the levels folder."translation="Por instali novajn nivelojn, kopiu la dosierojn .vvvvvv al la nivel-dosierujo."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to show the levels path? This may reveal sensitive information if you are streaming."translation="Ĉu vi vere volas montri la dosierindikon? Tio eble malkaŝos konfidencajn informojn se vi elsendas."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="[Press {button} to return to editor]"translation="[Premu {button} por reveni al redaktilo]"explanation="`to editor` is sorta redundant"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="- Press {button} to advance text -"translation="- Premu {button} por daŭrigi -"explanation="to dismiss a textbox. Expect `ACTION`"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to warp to the ship."translation="Premu {button} por teleportiĝi al la ŝipo."explanation="spaceship. Warp = teleport. Expect `ACTION`"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Missing..."translation="Mankas..."case="1"explanation="this male crew member is missing"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Missing..."translation="Mankas..."case="2"explanation="this female crew member is missing"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Missing..."translation="Mankas..."case="3"explanation="Viridian is missing (final level). You could even fill in something like `Uh-oh...` here if you really have to specify gender otherwise - everyone else is rescued, but the player is missing"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Rescued!"translation="Savita!"case="1"explanation="this male crew member is not missing anymore"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Rescued!"translation="Savita!"case="2"explanation="this female crew member is not missing anymore"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="[Press {button} to save your game]"translation="[Premu {button} por konservi la ludon]"explanation="in-game menu. Expect `ACTION`"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="(Note: The game is autosaved at every teleporter.)"translation="(Notu: la ludo aŭtomate konserviĝas ĉe ĉiu teleportilo.)"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Do you want to quit? You will lose any unsaved progress."translation="Ĉu vi volas eliri? Vi perdos ĉiun nekonservitan progreson."explanation="in-game menu"max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="Do you want to return to the secret laboratory?"translation="Ĉu vi volas reveni al la sekreta laboratorio?"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="no, keep playing"translation="ne, ludu plu"explanation="in-game menu option"max="28"/>
<stringenglish="[ NO, KEEP PLAYING ]"translation="[ NE, LUDU PLU ]"explanation="in-game menu option"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="yes, quit to menu"translation="jes, eliru al menuo"explanation="in-game menu option"max="24"/>
<stringenglish="[ YES, QUIT TO MENU ]"translation="[ JES, ELIRU AL MENUO ]"explanation="in-game menu option"max="28"/>
<stringenglish="yes, return"translation="jes, revenu"explanation="in-game menu option"max="24"/>
<stringenglish="[ YES, RETURN ]"translation="[ JES, REVENU ]"explanation="in-game menu option"max="28"/>
<stringenglish="no, return"translation="ne, revenu"explanation="quit program menu option"/>
<stringenglish="yes, quit"translation="jes, eliru"explanation="quit program menu option"/>
<stringenglish="return to game"translation="reveni al ludo"explanation="pause menu option"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="quit to menu"translation="eliri al menuo"explanation="pause menu option"max="19"/>
<stringenglish="Press Left/Right to choose a Teleporter"translation="Premu ←/→ por elekti teleportilon"explanation="tight fit, so maybe `Left/Right: choose teleporter`, or use ←/→"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to Teleport"translation="Premu {button} por teleportiĝi"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="- Press {button} to Teleport -"translation="- Premu {button} por teleportiĝi -"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to explode"translation="Premu {button} por eksplodi"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. This was for testing, but people sometimes find it in custom levels"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Violet"translation="Premu {button} por paroli kun Violeto"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Vitellary"translation="Premu {button} por paroli kun Vitelario"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Vermilion"translation="Premu {button} por paroli kun Vermiljo"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Verdigris"translation="Premu {button} por paroli kun Verdigriso"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Victoria"translation="Premu {button} por paroli kun Viktoria"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to activate terminal"translation="Premu {button} por aktivigi terminalon"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to activate terminals"translation="Premu {button} por aktivigi terminalojn"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. there are 3 next to each other in the ship"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to interact"translation="Premu {button} por interagi"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="- Press {button} to skip -"translation="- Premu {button} por preterpasi -"explanation="keyboard key (ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. This prompt is for skipping cutscenes"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Passion for Exploring"translation="Passion for Exploring"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Pushing Onwards"translation="Pushing Onwards"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Positive Force"translation="Positive Force"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Presenting VVVVVV"translation="Presenting VVVVVV"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Potential for Anything"translation="Potential for Anything"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Predestined Fate"translation="Predestined Fate"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Pipe Dream"translation="Pipe Dream"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Popular Potpourri"translation="Popular Potpourri"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Pressure Cooker"translation="Pressure Cooker"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="ecroF evitisoP"translation="ecroF evitisoP"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Map Settings"translation="Mapagordoj"explanation="title, editor, Level Settings, map is kinda inconsistent with everything else"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="edit scripts"translation="redakti skriptojn"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="change music"translation="ŝanĝi muzikon"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="editor ghosts"translation="redaktilaj fantomoj"explanation="level editor menu option. Toggles option to show a repetition of the player's path after playtesting"/>
<stringenglish="Editor ghost trail is OFF"translation="Redaktilaj fantomoj estas MALŜALTAJ"explanation="level editor. Repetition of the player's path after playtesting is disabled"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Editor ghost trail is ON"translation="Redaktilaj fantomoj estas ŜALTAJ"explanation="level editor. Repetition of the player's path after playtesting is enabled"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="load level"translation="ŝarĝi nivelon"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="save level"translation="konservi nivelon"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="quit to main menu"translation="eliri al ĉefa menuo"explanation="level editor menu option"max="19"/>
<stringenglish="change name"translation="ŝanĝi nomon"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="change author"translation="ŝanĝi aŭtoron"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="change description"translation="ŝanĝi priskribon"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="change website"translation="ŝanĝi retejon"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="change font"translation="ŝanĝi tiparon"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Level Font"translation="Nivela tiparo"explanation="title, editor, font that a custom level will show up in. You can select a language name here (like Chinese or Japanese which have different fonts, or `other`)"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Select the language in which the text in this level is written."translation="Elektu la lingvon, en kiu la teksto en ĉi tiu nivelo estas skribita."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Map Music"translation="Fonmuziko"explanation="title, editor, music that starts playing when a level is started. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Current map music:"translation="Nuna fonmuziko:"explanation="editor, followed by the number and name of a song, or `No background music`. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="No background music"translation="Neniu"explanation="editor, level starts with no song playing"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="1: Pushing Onwards"translation="1: Pushing Onwards"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="2: Positive Force"translation="2: Positive Force"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="3: Potential for Anything"translation="3: Potential for Anything"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="4: Passion for Exploring"translation="4: Passion for Exploring"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: Pause"translation="N/A: Pause"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="5: Presenting VVVVVV"translation="5: Presenting VVVVVV"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: Plenary"translation="N/A: Plenary"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="6: Predestined Fate"translation="6: Predestined Fate"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: ecroF evitisoP"translation="N/A: ecroF evitisoP"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="7: Popular Potpourri"translation="7: Popular Potpourri"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="8: Pipe Dream"translation="8: Pipe Dream"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="9: Pressure Cooker"translation="9: Pressure Cooker"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="10: Paced Energy"translation="10: Paced Energy"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="11: Piercing the Sky"translation="11: Piercing the Sky"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: Predestined Fate Remix"translation="N/A: Predestined Fate (rearanĝo)"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="?: something else"translation="?: io alia"explanation="editor, song was not recognized"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="next song"translation="sekva melodio"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="previous song"translation="antaŭa melodio"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="back"translation="reen"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Save before quitting?"translation="Ĉu konservi antaŭ ol eliri?"explanation="level editor"max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="yes, save and quit"translation="jes, konservu kaj eliru"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="no, quit without saving"translation="ne, eliru sen konservi"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="return to editor"translation="reen al redaktilo"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the first corner"translation="SKRIPTSKATOLO: Alklaku la unuan angulon"explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the last corner"translation="SKRIPTSKATOLO: Alklaku la lastan angulon"explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the first corner"translation="MALAMIKLIMOJ: Alklaku la unuan angulon"explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the last corner"translation="MALAMIKLIMOJ: Alklaku la lastan angulon"explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the first corner"translation="PLATFORMLIMOJ: Alklaku la unuan angulon"explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the last corner"translation="PLATFORMLIMOJ: Alklaku la lastan angulon"explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="**** VVVVVV SCRIPT EDITOR ****"translation="**** SKRIPTREDAKTILO DE VVVVVV ****"explanation="supposed to look like a Commodore 64 screen"max="36"/>
<stringenglish="PRESS ESC TO RETURN TO MENU"translation="PREMU ESK POR REVENI AL MENUO"explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor, TO MENU is redundant"max="36"/>
<stringenglish="CREATE A SCRIPT WITH EITHER THE TERMINAL OR SCRIPT BOX TOOLS"translation="KREU SKRIPTON PER AŬ TERMINALO AŬ SKRIPT-SKATOLILO"explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor"max="36*5"/>
<stringenglish="CURRENT SCRIPT: {name}"translation="NUNA SKRIPTO: {name}"explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor. Char limit is soft, but the longer this is, the more often users" script names run offscreen. Consider SCRIPT: instead"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Left click to place warp destination"translation="Maldekstraklaku por meti teleport-celon"explanation="warp token: small teleporter with entrance and destination"max="39"/>
<stringenglish="Right click to cancel"translation="Dekstraklaku por nuligi"explanation=""max="39"/>
<stringenglish="{button1} and {button2} keys change tool"translation="Klavoj {button1} kaj {button2} ŝanĝas ilojn"explanation="These keys can be used to switch between tools"max="36"/>
<stringenglish="6: Disappearing Platforms"translation="6: Malaperantaj platformoj"explanation="editor tool. Platform that disappears when you step on it (disappearing platform, crumbling platform)"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="0: Gravity Lines"translation="0: Gravitaj linioj"explanation="editor tool. Gravity line, which flips your gravity when touching it"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="T: Terminals"translation="T: Terminaloj"explanation="editor tool. Computer which can be activated by the player to run a script"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="START"translation="EKEJO"explanation="start point in level editor"max="10"/>
<stringenglish="SPACE ^ SHIFT ^"translation="SPACE ^ SHIFT ^"explanation="editor, indicates both SPACE key and SHIFT key open up menus. ^ is rendered as up arrow"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="F1: Change Tileset"translation="F1: Ŝanĝi kahelaron"explanation="editor shortcut, switch to different tileset"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="F2: Change Colour"translation="F2: Ŝanĝi koloron"explanation="editor shortcut, switch to different tileset color/variant"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="F10: Direct Mode"translation="F10: Rekta reĝimo"explanation="editor shortcut, direct mode is manual tile placing mode, where walls are not automatically made nice"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="W: Change Warp Dir"translation="W: Volviĝa direkto"explanation="editor shortcut, dir=direction, change which edges of the room wrap around. Can be horizontal, vertical or all sides"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="Enter map filename to save as:"translation="Enigu dosiernomon por konservi:"explanation="level editor text input, save level file as"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter map filename to load:"translation="Enigu dosiernomon por ŝargi:"explanation="level editor text input, load level file"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter new room name:"translation="Enigu novan ĉambronomon:"explanation="level editor text input, the name of the room appears at the bottom"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter room coordinates x,y:"translation="Enigu ĉambrokoordinatojn x,y:"explanation="level editor text input, go to another room by its coordinates, for example, 9,15"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter script name:"translation="Enigu skriptnomon:"explanation="level editor text input, enter name of newly created script, or edit the script name of a terminal/script box"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter roomtext:"translation="Enigu ĉambrotekston:"explanation="level editor text input, enter text to place in the room"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Space Station"translation="Kosmostacio"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Space Station Tileset"/>
<stringenglish="Outside"translation="Eksteraĵo"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Outside Tileset"/>
<stringenglish="Lab"translation="Laboratorio"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Lab Tileset"/>
<stringenglish="Warp Zone"translation="Volviĝejo"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Warp Zone Tileset. The Warp Zone got its name because its rooms wrap around, but think Star Trek"/>
<stringenglish="Ship"translation="Ŝipo"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Ship Tileset. Spaceship"/>
<stringenglish="Now using {area} Tileset"translation="Nun uziĝas kahelaro de {area}"explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset of the room to {area} (like Ship, Lab, etc)"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Tileset Colour Changed"translation="Kahelara koloro ŝanĝiĝis"explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset colour/variant of the room"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enemy Type Changed"translation="Malamika tipo ŝanĝiĝis"explanation="level editor, user changed enemy appearance for the room"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Platform speed is now {speed}"translation="Platforma rapido nun estas {speed}"explanation="level editor, user changed speed of platforms for the room"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Reloaded resources"translation="Resursoj reŝargiĝis"explanation="level editor, reloaded graphics assets/resources, music and sound effects"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Invalid format"translation="ERARO: malĝusta formo"explanation="user was supposed to enter something like `12,12`, but entered `as@df`"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not load level"translation="ERARO: Ne eblis ŝargi nivelon!"explanation="that level could not be loaded, maybe it does not exist"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not save level!"translation="ERARO: Ne eblis konservi nivelon!"explanation="maybe the filename is too long? exclamation mark because you will lose your data if you quit"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Mapsize is now [{width},{height}]"translation="Mapgrando nun estas [{width},{height}]"explanation="editor, the map is now {width} by {height}"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Direct Mode Disabled"translation="Rekta reĝimo malebliĝis"explanation="editor, manual tile placing mode where walls are not automatically made nice, now changed to automatic mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Direct Mode Enabled"translation="Rekta reĝimo ebliĝis"explanation="editor, manual tile placing mode where walls are not automatically made nice, now changed to manual mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Warp lines must be on edges"translation="ERARO: volviĝlinioj estu sur randoj"explanation="level editor, warp lines make a room edge be connected to its opposite edge. So they must be placed on one of the edges, not in the middle"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warps in all directions"translation="Ĉambro volviĝas ĉiudirekte"explanation="level editor, all edges of the room are connected with each other. If the player leaves the room they end up on the other side of the same room."max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warps horizontally"translation="Ĉambro volviĝas horizontale"explanation="level editor, the left and right edges of the room are connected with each other. The player can still go to other rooms on the top and bottom"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warps vertically"translation="Ĉambro volviĝas vertikale"explanation="level editor, the top and bottom edges of the room are connected with each other. The player can still go to other rooms on the left and right"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warping disabled"translation="Ĉambra volviĝo malebliĝis"explanation="level editor, no edges are connected and the player can go to other rooms"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: No checkpoint to spawn at"translation="ERARO: Ne estas konservpunkto ĉi-ĉambre"explanation="we cannot playtest because there is no checkpoint in this room that the player could start (be spawned) at"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Max number of trinkets is 100"translation="ERARO: Altlimo de kolektaĵoj estas 100"explanation="editor, user tried to place another trinket"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Max number of crewmates is 100"translation="ERARO: Altlimo de skipanoj estas 100"explanation="editor, user tried to place another crewmate"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Level quits to menu"translation="Nivelo eliras al menuo"explanation="editor message, user would have been forcefully returned to title screen but wasn't"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Level completed"translation="Fino de nivelo"explanation="editor message, user would have been returned to levels list but wasn't"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Rolled credits"translation="Agnoskoj montriĝis"explanation="editor message, credits would have been shown but weren't"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Time trial completed"translation="Tempoprovo fini"explanation="editor message, time trial complete screen would have been shown but wasn't"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}"translation="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}"explanation="time format H:MM:SS"/>
<stringenglish="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}"translation="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2},{cen|digits=2}"explanation="time format H:MM:SS.CC"/>
<stringenglish="{min}:{sec|digits=2}"translation="{min}:{sec|digits=2}"explanation="time format M:SS"/>
<stringenglish="{min}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}"translation="{min}:{sec|digits=2},{cen|digits=2}"explanation="time format M:SS.CC"/>
<stringenglish="{sec}.{cen|digits=2}"translation="{sec},{cen|digits=2}"explanation="time format S.CC"/>
<stringenglish=".99"translation=",99"explanation="appended to time format for 99/100 seconds (example: 1:15.99). Time trial results"/>
<stringenglish="Level Complete!"translation="Fino de nivelo!"explanation="Might be tight, the exclamation mark may be removed"max="18"/>
<stringenglish="Game Complete!"translation="Fino de ludo!"explanation="Might be tight, the exclamation mark may be removed"max="18"/>
<stringenglish="You have rescued a crew member!"translation="Vi savis skipanon!"explanation="If you need to manually wordwrap: please ensure this has exactly two lines. Ignore the (font-adapted) maximum if it says 1 line."max="30*2"/>
<stringenglish="All Crew Members Rescued!"translation="Ĉiuj skipanoj estas savitaj!"explanation=""max="32"/>
<stringenglish="All crewmates rescued!"translation="Ĉiuj skipanoj estas savitaj!"explanation=""max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Press ENTER to view map and quicksave"translation="Premu ENTER por vidi la mapon kaj rapidkonservi"explanation="***OUTDATED***"max="32*3"/>
<stringenglish="If you prefer, you can press UP or DOWN instead of ACTION to flip."translation="Se vi preferas, eblas premi ↑/↓ por renversiĝi."explanation=""max="34*3"/>
<stringenglish="Help! Can anyone hear this message?"translation="Helpu! Ĉu iu ajn povas aŭdi ĉi tiun mesaĝon?"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Verdigris? Are you out there? Are you ok?"translation="Verdigriso? Ĉu vi estas? Ĉu vi enordas?"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Please help us! We've crashed and need assistance!"translation="Bonvole helpu nin! Ni estas kraŝintaj kaj bezonas asiston!"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Hello? Anyone out there?"translation="Ha lo? Ĉu iu ajn estas?"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="This is Doctor Violet from the D.S.S. Souleye! Please respond!"translation="Jen estas Doktoro Violeto de la kosmoŝipo Souleye! Bonvolu respondi!"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Please... Anyone..."translation="Iu ajn... mi petas..."explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Please be alright, everyone..."translation="Estu enordaj, ĉiuj, mi petas..."explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
You have found a shiny trinket!" translation="Gratulon!
Vi trovis brilan kolektaĵon!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
You have found a lost crewmate!" translation="Gratulon!
Vi trovis perditan skipanon!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
You have found the secret lab!" translation="Gratulon!
Vi trovis la sekretan labon!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="The secret lab is separate from the rest of the game. You can now come back here at any time by selecting the new SECRET LAB option in the play menu."translation="La sekreta labo estas aparta de la aliaj partoj de la ludo. Eblas reveni ĉi tien iam ajn, elektante SEKRETAN LABON en la ludmenuo."explanation=""max="36*10"/>
<stringenglish="Viridian"translation="Viridiano"explanation="crewmate name (player)"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Starring"translation="Stelumis"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Captain Viridian"translation="Kapitano Viridiano"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Doctor Violet"translation="Doktoro Violeto"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Professor Vitellary"translation="Profesoro Vitelario"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Officer Vermilion"translation="Oficiro Vermiljo"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Chief Verdigris"translation="Ĉefo Verdigriso"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Doctor Victoria"translation="Doktoro Viktoria"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Vitellary will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la planko, Vitelario provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Vermilion will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la planko, Vermiljo provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Verdigris will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la planko, Verdigriso provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Victoria will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la planko, Viktoria provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, your companion will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la planko, via kunulo provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Vitellary will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la plafono, Vitelario provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Vermilion will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la plafono, Vermiljo provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Verdigris will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la plafono, Verdigriso provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Victoria will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la plafono, Viktoria provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, your companion will try to walk to you."translation="Kiam vi staras sur la plafono, via kunulo provos marŝi al vi."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Vitellary will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la planko, Vitelario haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Vermilion will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la planko, Vermiljo haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Verdigris will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la planko, Verdigriso haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Victoria will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la planko, Viktoria haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, your companion will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la planko, via kunulo haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Vitellary will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la plafono, Vitelario haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Vermilion will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la plafono, Vermiljo haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Verdigris will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la plafono, Verdigriso haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Victoria will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la plafono, Viktoria haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, your companion will stop and wait for you."translation="Kiam vi NE staras sur la plafono, via kunulo haltos kaj atendos vin."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="You can't continue to the next room until he is safely across."translation="Ne eblas pluiri al la sekva ĉambro, ĝis kiam li estas sekure transiĝinta."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="You can't continue to the next room until she is safely across."translation="Ne eblas pluiri al la sekva ĉambro, ĝis kiam ŝi estas sekure transiĝinta."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="You can't continue to the next room until they are safely across."translation="Ne eblas pluiri al la sekva ĉambro, ĝis kiam ri estas sekure transiĝinta."explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="Survive for"translation="Travivu"explanation="Gravitron. Line 1/2: Survive for 60 seconds!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="60 seconds!"translation="60 sekundojn!"explanation="Gravitron. Line 2/2: Survive for 60 seconds!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Thanks for"translation="Dankon"explanation="credits. Line 1/2: Thanks for playing!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="playing!"translation="pro ludi!"explanation="credits. Line 2/2: Thanks for playing!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="SPACE STATION 1 MASTERED"translation="KOSMOSTACIO 1 TUTVENKITA"explanation="achievement/trophy title"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="LABORATORY MASTERED"translation="LABORATORIO TUTVENKITA"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="THE TOWER MASTERED"translation="LA TURO TUTVENKITA"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="SPACE STATION 2 MASTERED"translation="KOSMOSTACIO 2 TUTVENKITA"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="FINAL LEVEL MASTERED"translation="FINA NIVELO TUTVENKITA"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial"translation="Obteni rangon V en tiu ĉi tempoprovo"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Complete the game in flip mode"translation="Kompletigi la ludon en renversa reĝimo"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 50 deaths"translation="Venki kun malpli ol 50 mortoj"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 100 deaths"translation="Venki kun malpli ol 100 mortoj"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 250 deaths"translation="Venki kun malpli ol 250 mortoj"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 500 deaths"translation="Venki kun malpli ol 500 mortoj"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Travivi 5 sekundojn en la Supergravitrono"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Travivi 10 sekundojn en la Supergravitrono"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Travivi 15 sekundojn en la Supergravitrono"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Travivi 20 sekundojn en la Supergravitrono"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Travivi 30 sekundojn en la Supergravitrono"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron"translation="Travivi 1 minuton en la Supergravitrono"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE"translation="MAJSTRO DE L' UNIVERSO"explanation="achievement/trophy title - no death mode complete"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Complete the game in no death mode"translation="Kompletigi la ludon en mortula reĝimo"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Something went wrong, but we forgot the error message."translation="Eraro okazis, sed ni forgesis la erarmesaĝon."explanation="the message that is printed in case the game detects an error but there's no error message set"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Could not mount {path}: real directory doesn't exist"translation="Ne eblis munti {path}: vera dosierujo ne ekzistas"explanation="mount: link/attach a directory (folder) in the filesystem into the game's filesystem so we can access it"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Level {path} not found"translation="Nivelo {path} ne troviĝis"explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Error parsing {path}: {error}"translation="Eraro dum analizado de {path}: {error}"explanation="we tried to parse the level file, but failed"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="{filename} dimensions not exact multiples of {width} by {height}!"translation="Dimensioj de {filename} ne estas ekzaktaj obloj de {width} oble {height}!"explanation="filename is something like tiles.png, tiles2.png, etc. and width/height are something like 8, 32, etc.; this is used if the dimensions of a graphics file aren't an exact multiple of the given size (e.g. 8x8, 32x32, etc.)"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not write to language folder! Make sure there is no "lang" folder next to the regular saves."translation="ERARO: Ne eblis skribi en lingvo-dosierujo! Certigu, ke ne estas dosierujo "lang" apud la normalaj konservaĵoj."explanation=""max="38*5"/>