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239 lines
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#ifndef MAPGAME_H
#define MAPGAME_H
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "Finalclass.h"
#include "Labclass.h"
#include "Otherlevel.h"
#include "Spacestation2.h"
#include "Tower.h"
#include "TowerBG.h"
#include "WarpClass.h"
struct MapRenderData
int zoom;
int xoff;
int yoff;
int legendxoff;
int legendyoff;
int startx;
int starty;
int width;
int height;
int pixelsx;
int pixelsy;
struct Roomtext
int x, y;
const char* text;
bool rtl;
enum RoomnameType
struct Roomname
int x;
int y;
bool loop;
int flag;
RoomnameType type;
std::vector<std::string> text;
int progress;
int delay;
class mapclass
void destroy(void);
int getwidth(void);
int getheight(void);
int intpol(int a, int b, float c);
void setteleporter(int x, int y);
void settrinket(int x, int y);
void setroomname(const char* name);
void resetmap(void);
void fullmap(void);
void updateroomnames(void);
void initmapdata(void);
void initcustommapdata(void);
void roomnamechange(int x, int y, const char** lines, size_t size);
void roomnameglitch(int x, int y, const char* name, const char* glitch);
int finalat(int x, int y);
int maptiletoenemycol(int t);
void changefinalcol(int t);
void setcol(TowerBG& bg_obj, const int r1, const int g1, const int b1 , const int r2, const int g2, const int b2, const int c);
void updatebgobj(TowerBG& bg_obj);
void setbgobjlerp(TowerBG& bg_obj);
void updatetowerglow(TowerBG& bg_obj);
void nexttowercolour(void);
bool nexttowercolour_set;
void settowercolour(int t);
bool towerspikecollide(int x, int y);
bool collide(int x, int y, bool invincible);
void settile(int xp, int yp, int t);
int area(int _rx, int _ry);
void exploretower(void);
void hideship(void);
void showship(void);
void resetplayer(const bool player_died);
void resetplayer(void);
void warpto(int rx, int ry , int t, int tx, int ty);
void gotoroom(int rx, int ry);
void spawncompanion(void);
const char* currentarea(int roomx, int roomy);
void loadlevel(int rx, int ry);
void twoframedelayfix(void);
int roomdeaths[20 * 20];
int roomdeathsfinal[20 * 20];
static const int areamap[20 * 20];
int contents[40 * 30];
bool explored[20 * 20];
bool isexplored(const int rx, const int ry);
void setexplored(const int rx, const int ry, const bool status);
bool revealmap;
int background;
int rcol;
int tileset;
bool warpx;
bool warpy;
const char* roomname;
bool roomname_special;
bool roomnameset;
const char* hiddenname;
std::vector<Roomname> specialroomnames;
//Special tower stuff
bool towermode;
int ypos;
int oldypos;
int cameramode;
int cameraseek, cameraseekframe;
int resumedelay;
bool minitowermode;
int colstatedelay;
int colsuperstate;
int spikeleveltop, spikelevelbottom;
int oldspikeleveltop, oldspikelevelbottom;
//final level navigation
bool finalmode;
bool finalstretch;
//Variables for playing custom levels
bool custommode;
bool custommodeforreal;
bool customshowmm;
//final level colour cycling stuff
bool final_colormode;
int final_mapcol;
int final_aniframe;
int final_aniframedelay;
int final_colorframe, final_colorframedelay;
//Teleporters and Trinkets on the map
std::vector<SDL_Point> teleporters;
std::vector<SDL_Point> shinytrinkets;
bool showteleporters, showtargets, showtrinkets;
bool roomtexton;
std::vector<Roomtext> roomtext;
otherlevelclass otherlevel;
spacestation2class spacestation2;
labclass lablevel;
finalclass finallevel;
warpclass warplevel;
towerclass tower;
int extrarow;
//Accessibility options
bool invincibility;
//Map cursor
int cursorstate, cursordelay;
//Region system
struct Region
bool isvalid;
int rx;
int ry;
int rx2;
int ry2;
struct Region region[401];
void setregion(int id, int rx, int ry, int rx2, int ry2);
void removeregion(int id);
void changeregion(int id);
int currentregion;
int regionx, regiony;
int regionwidth, regionheight;
MapRenderData get_render_data(void);
extern mapclass map;
#endif /* MAPGAME_H */