<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<stringenglish="LOADING... {percent|digits=2|spaces}%"translation="LÄDT... {percent|digits=2|spaces}%"explanation="on loading screen. {percent} = number from 0-100"max="26"/>
<stringenglish="continue from teleporter"translation="vom teleporter aus fortsetzen"explanation="menu option, game save that was made at a teleporter"/>
<stringenglish="Tele Save"translation="Tele-Spielstand"explanation="title, game save that was made at a teleporter"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="continue from quicksave"translation="schnellspeicherstand laden"explanation="menu option, game save that was made freely from the menu (at any checkpoint)"/>
<stringenglish="Quick Save"translation="Schnellspeichern"explanation="title, game save that was made freely from the menu (at any checkpoint)"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="unlock play modes"translation="spielmodi freischalten"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Unlock Play Modes"translation="Modi freischalten"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Unlock parts of the game normally unlocked as you progress."translation="Schalte Teile des Spiels frei, die sonst beim Durchspielen freigeschaltet werden."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="From here, you may unlock parts of the game that are normally unlocked as you play."translation="Von hier kannst du Teile des Spiels freischalten, die ansonsten im Laufe des Spiels freigeschaltet werden."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Rebind your controller's buttons and adjust sensitivity."translation="Belege deine Controller-Knöpfe neu."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Can not change the language while a textbox is displayed in-game."translation="Du kannst die Sprache nicht ändern, während ein Textfeld im Spiel angezeigt wird."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Delete your main game save data and unlocked play modes."translation="Löscht deine Spielstände im Hauptspiel und freigeschaltete Spielmodi."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Delete your custom level save data and completion stars."translation="Löscht deine Spielstände für eigene Level und Sterne."explanation="completion stars: when completing a level you get either 1 or 2 stars"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure? This will delete your current saves..."translation="Bist du sicher? Das wird deinen aktuellen Spielstand löschen..."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to delete all your saved data?"translation="Willst du wirklich alle gespeicherten Daten löschen?"explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to delete your quicksave?"translation="Willst du wirklich deinen Schnellspeicherstand löschen?"explanation="only the quicksave of a custom level"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="no! don't delete"translation="nein! nicht löschen"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="yes, delete everything"translation="ja, alles löschen"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Choose letterbox/stretch/integer mode."translation="Wähle Letterbox-/Stretch-/Integer-Modus."explanation="See the `Current mode` explanations for more details on the modes"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Current mode: INTEGER"translation="Aktueller Modus: INTEGER"explanation="integer (whole number) mode only enlarges the game in exact multiples of 320x240"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Current mode: STRETCH"translation="Aktueller Modus: STRETCH"explanation="stretch mode just stretches the game to fill the window content"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Current mode: LETTERBOX"translation="Aktueller Modus: LETTERBOX"explanation="letterbox mode enlarges the game to the window, but adds black bars to make the aspect ratio 4:3"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="resize to nearest"translation="größe zum nächsten"explanation="menu option. The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480"/>
<stringenglish="Resize to Nearest"translation="Größe zum nächsten"explanation="title. The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Resize to the nearest window size that is of an integer multiple."translation="Ändere zur nächsten Fenstergröße, die ein ganzzahliges Vielfaches davon ist."explanation="The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="You must be in windowed mode to use this option."translation="Du kannst diese Option nur im Fenstermodus verwenden."explanation="The game cannot be in fullscreen to resize the window"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="toggle analogue"translation="analogmodus umschalten"explanation="menu option, analogue mode simulates distortion from bad signal"/>
<stringenglish="Analogue Mode"translation="Analogmodus"explanation="title, analogue mode simulates distortion from bad signal"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture."translation="Es ist alles in Ordnung mit deinem Fernsehgerät. Versuche nicht, das Bild zu justieren."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="toggle fps"translation="fps umschalten"explanation="menu option, kind of a misnomer, toggle between 30 FPS and more than 30 FPS"/>
<stringenglish="Change whether the game runs at 30 or over 30 FPS."translation="Wähle, ob das Spiel mit 30 FPS oder mehr laufen soll."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="With Music by"translation="Mit Musik von"explanation="credits"max="30"/>
<stringenglish="Rooms Named by"translation="Raumnamen von"explanation="credits"max="30"/>
<stringenglish="C++ Port by"translation="C++ Port von"explanation="credits"max="30"/>
<stringenglish="Patrons"translation="Förderer"explanation="credits, people who donated a certain amount before the game originally released"max="13"/>
<stringenglish="VVVVVV is supported by the following patrons"translation="VVVVVV wird von den folgenden Personen gefördert"explanation="credits"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="and also by"translation="und auch von"explanation="credits, VVVVVV is also supported by the following people"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="and"translation="und"explanation="credits. This list of names, AND furthermore, this other list of names"max="38"/>
<stringenglish="GitHub Contributors"translation="GitHub-Beitragende"explanation="credits. This doesn't _really_ need `GitHub` specifically, it could be replaced with `Code`"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="and thanks also to:"translation="vielen Dank auch an:"explanation="credits, and thanks also to ... you!"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="You!"translation="Dich!"explanation="credits, and thanks also to ... you!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Your support makes it possible for me to continue making the games I want to make, now and into the future."translation="Dank deiner Unterstützung kann ich weiterhin die Spiele entwickeln, die ich machen will! Jetzt und in Zukunft!"explanation="credits"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="You cannot save in this mode."translation="In diesem Modus kannst du nicht speichern."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Would you like to disable the cutscenes during the game?"translation="Willst du die Zwischensequenzen ausschalten?"explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Flip is bound to: "translation="Flippen ist belegt mit: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Enter is bound to: "translation="Enter ist belegt mit: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Menu is bound to: "translation="Menü ist belegt mit: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Restart is bound to: "translation="Neustart ist belegt mit: "explanation="in-game death key to restart at checkpoint. Controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Interact is bound to: "translation="Interagieren ist belegt mit: "explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Some options that are useful for translators and developers."translation="Optionen, die für Übersetzer und Entwickler nützlich sind."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="maintenance"translation="wartung"explanation="menu option, menu that allows you to apply maintenance to translations"/>
<stringenglish="open lang folder"translation="sprachordner öffnen"explanation="menu option. Button that opens the folder with language files (which is called lang) in a file explorer"/>
<stringenglish="Sync all language files after adding new strings."translation="Synchronisiere alle Sprachdateien, nachdem du neue Strings hinzugefügt hast."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Enable room name translation mode, so you can translate room names in context. Press I for invincibility."translation="Aktiviere den Raumnamen-Übersetzungsmodus, damit du Raumnamen im Kontext übersetzen kannst. Drücke i für Unbesiegbarkeit."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="You have not enabled room name translation mode!"translation="Du hast den Raumnamen-Übersetzungsmodus nicht aktiviert!"explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="Cycle through most menus in the game. The menus will not actually work, all options take you to the next menu instead. Press Escape to stop."translation="Zeige die meisten Spielmenüs an. Die Menüs funktionieren nicht. Drücke ESC zum Anhalten."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Display all text boxes from cutscenes.xml. Only tests the basic appearance of each individual text box."translation="Zeigt alle Textboxen aus cutscenes.xml an. Testet nur das allgemeine Erscheinungsbild jeder Textbox."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="from clipboard"translation="aus der zwischenablage"explanation="menu option, paste script name from clipboard"/>
<stringenglish="Explore the rooms of any level in the game, to find all room names to translate."translation="Erkunde die Räume jeden Levels im Spiel, um alle übersetzbaren Raumnamen zu finden."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Find translations that don't fit within their defined bounds."translation="Finde Übersetzungen, die nicht passen."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="No text overflows found!"translation="Keine Textüberläufe gefunden!"explanation="limits check. no strings go outside their max bounds"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="No text overflows left!"translation="Keine Textüberläufe übrig!"explanation="limits check. we have seen all strings that go outside their max bounds"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Note that this detection isn't perfect."translation="Beachte, dass die Erkennung nicht perfekt ist."explanation="limits check"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="sync language files"translation="sprachdateien synchronisieren"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Sync language files"translation="Sprachen-Synchro"explanation="title, translation maintenance menu"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Merge all new strings from the template files into the translation files, keeping existing translations."translation="Führe alle neuen Strings aus den Vorlagendateien in die Übersetzungsdateien ein und behalte dabei die bestehenden Übersetzungen bei."explanation="translation maintenance menu"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Count the amount of untranslated strings for this language."translation="Zählt die Anzahl der unübersetzten Strings für diese Sprache."explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Count the amount of untranslated strings for each language."translation="Zählt die Anzahl der unübersetzten Strings für jede Sprache."explanation="translation maintenance menu"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="If new strings were added to the English template language files, this feature will insert them in the translation files for all languages. Make a backup, just in case."translation="Wenn neue Strings zu den englischen Vorlagendateien hinzugefügt wurden, fügt diese Funktion sie in die Übersetzungsdateien für alle Sprachen ein. Mach ein Backup, nur für den Fall."explanation="translation maintenance menu"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Full syncing EN→All:"translation="Volle Synchronisation EN→Alle:"explanation="translation maintenance menu. The following list of language files can be fully synced from English to all other languages by pressing this button - new strings will be inserted in all languages"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Syncing not supported:"translation="Synchronisation nicht unterstützt:"explanation="translation maintenance menu. The following list of language files are untouched by the sync button"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="All other gameplay settings."translation="Alle anderen Spieleinstellungen."explanation="description for advanced options"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="unfocus pause"translation="pause beim fokusverlust"explanation="menu option. Turns the pause screen on/off, which shows up when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto pause screen"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus Pause"translation="Fokusverlust"explanation="title. Turns the pause screen on/off, which shows up when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto pause screen"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle if the game will pause when the window is unfocused."translation="Schalte um, ob das Spiel pausiert, wenn das Fenster nicht fokussiert ist."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus pause is OFF"translation="Pause beim Fokusverlust ist AUS"explanation="Making another window active will not show the pause screen."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus pause is ON"translation="Pause beim Fokusverlust ist AN"explanation="Making another window active will show the pause screen."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="unfocus audio pause"translation="audiopause beim fokusverlust"explanation="menu option. Allows the user to choose whether the music should pause, or continue to play, when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto audio pause"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus Audio"translation="Fokusverlust"explanation="title. Allows the user to choose whether the music should pause, or continue to play, when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto audio pause"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle if the audio will pause when the window is unfocused."translation="Schalte um, ob der Ton pausiert, wenn das Fenster nicht fokussiert ist."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus audio pause is OFF"translation="Audiopause beim Fokusverlust ist AUS"explanation="Making another window active will leave the music keep playing."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Unfocus audio pause is ON"translation="Audiopause beim Fokusverlust ist AN"explanation="Making another window active will pause the music."max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="toggle in-game timer"translation="timer im spiel umschalten"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="In-Game Timer"translation="Timer im Spiel"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle the in-game timer outside of time trials."translation="Ändere den Timer im Spiel außerhalb von Time Trials."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="In-Game Timer is ON"translation="Timer im Spiel ist AN"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="In-Game Timer is OFF"translation="Timer im Spiel ist AUS"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Show the original English word enemies regardless of your language setting."translation="Zeigt die englischen Feindworte unabhängig von deiner Spracheinstellung."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Sprites are currently translated"translation="Sprites sind derzeit übersetzt"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Sprites are currently ALWAYS ENGLISH"translation="Sprites sind derzeit IMMER ENGLISCH"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Interact Button"translation="Interagieren-Knopf"explanation="title, lets the user change the key for interacting with objects or crewmates"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Toggle whether you interact with prompts using ENTER or E."translation="Schalte um, ob du mit ENTER oder E zum Interagieren verwendest."explanation="prompts: see the `Press {button} to talk to .../activate terminal/teleport` below"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="E"translation="E"explanation="keyboard key E. Speedrunner options menu"/>
<stringenglish="ACTION"translation="HANDLUNG"explanation="the ACTION key is either the SPACE key, Z or V (this is explained on the title screen). It's used in strings like `Press ACTION to advance text`"/>
<stringenglish="Interact button: {button}"translation="Handlungstaste: {button}"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) is filled in for {button}. Speedrunner options menu"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Fake Load Screen"translation="Ladebildschirm"explanation="title, allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Disable the fake loading screen which appears on game launch."translation="Entfernt den falschen Ladebildschirm, der beim Spielstart erscheint."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Fake loading screen is OFF"translation="Falscher Ladebildschirm ist AUS"explanation="allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Fake loading screen is ON"translation="Falscher Ladebildschirm ist AN"explanation="allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="room name background"translation="raumnamenhintergrund"explanation="menu option, background behind room names"/>
<stringenglish="Room Name BG"translation="Raumnamen"explanation="title, background behind room names"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Lets you see through what is behind the name at the bottom of the screen."translation="Lässt dich sehen, was sich hinter dem Namen am unteren Rand des Bildschirms verbirgt."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room name background is TRANSLUCENT"translation="Raumnamen-Hintergrund ist DURCHSICHTIG"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Room name background is OPAQUE"translation="Raumnamen-Hintergrund ist UNDURCHSICHTIG"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Access some advanced settings that might be of interest to speedrunners."translation="Greife auf erweiterte Einstellungen zu, die für Speedrunner interessant sind."explanation="description for speedrunner options"max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="glitchrunner mode"translation="glitchrunner-modus"explanation="menu option, a glitchrunner is a speedrunner who takes advantage of glitches to run through the game faster"/>
<stringenglish="Glitchrunner Mode"translation="Glitchrunner-Modus"explanation="title, a glitchrunner is a speedrunner who takes advantage of glitches to run through the game faster"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Re-enable glitches that existed in previous versions of the game."translation="Aktiviere Glitches wieder, die in früheren Versionen des Spiels vorhanden waren."explanation="glitchrunner mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Glitchrunner mode is OFF"translation="Glitchrunner-Modus ist AUS"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Glitchrunner mode is {version}"translation="Glitchrunner-Modus ist {version}"explanation="a version number is filled in for {version}, such as 2.0 or 2.2"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Select a new glitchrunner version below."translation="Wähle eine neue Glitchrunner-Version."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="none"translation="keine"explanation="menu option, do not emulate any older version"/>
<stringenglish="2.0"translation="2.0"explanation="VVVVVV version number for glitchrunner mode"/>
<stringenglish="2.2"translation="2.2"explanation="VVVVVV version number for glitchrunner mode"/>
<stringenglish="input delay"translation="eingabeverzögerung"explanation="menu option, enable 1 frame of delay after pressing input"/>
<stringenglish="Input Delay"translation="Eingabeverzögerung"explanation="title, enable 1 frame of delay after pressing input"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Re-enable the 1-frame input delay from previous versions of the game."translation="Reaktiviere die 1-Frame-Eingabeverzögerung aus früheren Versionen des Spiels."explanation="input delay"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Input delay is ON"translation="Eingabeverzögerung ist AN"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Input delay is OFF"translation="Eingabeverzögerung ist AUS"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Disable animated backgrounds in menus and during gameplay."translation="Deaktiviere animierte Hintergründe in Menüs und während des Spielens."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Backgrounds are ON."translation="Hintergründe sind AN."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Backgrounds are OFF."translation="Hintergründe sind AUS."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Explore the game freely without dying. (Can cause glitches.)"translation="Erforsche das Spiel, ohne zu sterben. (Kann Glitches verursachen.)"explanation="invincibility mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Invincibility is ON."translation="Unbesiegbarkeit ist AN."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Invincibility is OFF."translation="Unbesiegbarkeit ist AUS."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to enable invincibility?"translation="Willst du die Unbesiegbarkeit wirklich aktivieren?"explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="no, return to options"translation="nein, zurück zu optionen"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Who do you want to play the level with?"translation="Mit wem willst du den Level spielen?"explanation="choose your NPC companion"max="38*8"/>
<stringenglish="Replay any level in the game in a competitive time trial mode."translation="Wiederhole jeden Level des Spiels im "Time Trials" Wettbewerb."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="Time Trials are not available with slowdown or invincibility."translation="Bei den Time Trials stehen Verlangsamung und Unbesiegbarkeit nicht zur Verfügung."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="unlock time trials"translation="time trials freischalten"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Unlock Time Trials"translation="Time Trials"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="You can unlock each time trial separately."translation="Du kannst jedes Time Trial separat freischalten."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="TO UNLOCK: Complete the intermission levels in-game."translation="ZUM FREISCHALTEN: Beende die Pausenlevels im Spiel."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="no death mode"translation="keine-tode-modus"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="No Death Mode"translation="Keine-Tode-Modus"explanation="title"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Play the entire game without dying once."translation="Spiele das gesamte Spiel, ohne ein einziges Mal zu sterben."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="No Death Mode is not available with slowdown or invincibility."translation="Der Keine-Tode-Modus kann nicht mit Verlangsamung oder Unbesiegbarkeit gespielt werden."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="unlock no death mode"translation="keine-tode-modus freischalten"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="TO UNLOCK: Achieve an S-rank or above in at least 4 time trials."translation="ZUM FREISCHALTEN: Erhalten einen S-Rang oder besser in mindestens 4 Time Trials."explanation="ranks are B A S V, see below"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="flip mode"translation="flipp-modus"explanation="menu option, mirrors the entire game vertically"/>
<stringenglish="Flip Mode"translation="Flipp-Modus"explanation="title, mirrors the entire game vertically"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Flip the entire game vertically."translation="Flippt das gesamte Spiel vertikal."explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Flip the entire game vertically. Compatible with other game modes."translation="Flippt das gesamte Spiel vertikal. Kompatibel mit anderen Spielmodi."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="You managed to reach:"translation="Du hast erreicht:"explanation="you managed to reach the following room"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Keep trying! You'll get there!"translation="Weiter so, du schaffst das schon!"explanation="player died before managing to save anybody"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Nice one!"translation="Gut gemacht!"explanation="player died after saving one crewmate"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Wow! Congratulations!"translation="Wow! Glückwunsch!"explanation="player died after saving two crewmates"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Incredible!"translation="Unglaublich!"explanation="player died after saving three crewmates"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Unbelievable! Well done!"translation="Genial! Gut gemacht!"explanation="player died after saving four crewmates"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Er, how did you do that?"translation="Äh, wie hast du das denn geschafft?"explanation="player died even though they were finished, lol"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="You rescued all the crewmates!"translation="Du hast alle Crewmitglieder gerettet!"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="A new trophy has been awarded and placed in the secret lab to acknowledge your achievement!"translation="Eine neue Trophäe wurde im Geheimlabor ausgestellt, um deine Leistung zu würdigen!"explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="[Trinkets found]"translation="[Dingsdas gefunden]"explanation="amount of shiny trinkets found"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="[Number of Deaths]"translation="[Tode]"explanation=""max="40"/>
<stringenglish="{n_trinkets} of {max_trinkets}"translation="{n_trinkets} von {max_trinkets}"explanation="ex: 2 of 5"/>
<stringenglish="{n_trinkets|wordy} out of {max_trinkets|wordy}"translation="{n_trinkets|wordy} von {max_trinkets|wordy}"explanation="ex: One out of Twenty, see numbers.xml. You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."max="34"/>
<stringenglish="{savebox_n_trinkets|wordy}"translation="{savebox_n_trinkets|wordy}"explanation="trinket count in telesave/quicksave information box. You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."/>
<stringenglish="{gamecomplete_n_trinkets|wordy}"translation="{gamecomplete_n_trinkets|wordy}"explanation="trinket count on Game Complete screen (after Trinkets Found:) You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."/>
<stringenglish="+1 Rank!"translation="+1 Rang!"explanation="time trial rank was upgraded (B → A → S → V). B is minimum, which is purposefully high (see it as 7/10) - S is a popular rank above A in a lot of games, so VVVVVV added a rank above that."max="12"/>
<stringenglish="Not yet attempted"translation="Noch nicht versucht"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="TO UNLOCK:"translation="ZUM FREISCHALTEN:"explanation="followed by `Rescue XX`/`Complete the game`, and then `Find XX trinkets`"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="RECORDS"translation="REKORDE"explanation="followed by a list of personal bests for TIME, SHINY and LIVES. So `records` as in `world records`, except for yourself"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Your save files have been updated."translation="Deine Spielstände wurden aktualisiert."explanation="player completed game"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="If you want to keep exploring the game, select CONTINUE from the play menu."translation="Wenn du das Spiel weiter erkunden möchtest, wähle im Spielmenü WEITER."explanation=""max="38*9"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked a new Time Trial."translation="Du hast ein neues Time Trial freigeschaltet."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked some new Time Trials."translation="Du hast neue Time Trials freigeschaltet."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked No Death Mode."translation="Du hast den Keine-Tode-Modus freigeschaltet."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked Flip Mode."translation="Du hast den Flipp-Modus freigeschaltet."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="You have unlocked the intermission levels."translation="Du hast die Pausenlevels freigeschaltet."explanation=""max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="play a level"translation="spiele einen level"explanation="menu option"/>
<stringenglish="open level folder"translation="levelordner öffnen"explanation="menu option. Button that opens the folder with level files in a file explorer"/>
<stringenglish="The level editor is not currently supported on Steam Deck, as it requires a keyboard and mouse to use."translation="Der Leveleditor wird derzeit nicht auf dem Steam Deck unterstützt, da er nur mit Tastatur und Maus bedient werden kann."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="The level editor is not currently supported on this device, as it requires a keyboard and mouse to use."translation="Der Leveleditor wird derzeit nicht auf diesem Gerät unterstützt, da er nur mit Tastatur und Maus bedient werden kann."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="To install new player levels, copy the .vvvvvv files to the levels folder."translation="Kopiere die .vvvvvv-Dateien in den Level-Ordner, um neue Spielerlevel zu installieren."explanation=""max="38*5"/>
<stringenglish="Are you sure you want to show the levels path? This may reveal sensitive information if you are streaming."translation="Bist du sicher, dass du den Level-Pfad anzeigen willst? Das könnte sensible Informationen preisgeben, wenn du streamst."explanation=""max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="[Press {button} to return to editor]"translation="[Kehre mit {button} zum Editor zurück]"explanation="`to editor` is sorta redundant"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="- Press {button} to advance text -"translation="- Drücke {button} zum Fortsetzen -"explanation="to dismiss a textbox. Expect `ACTION`"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to warp to the ship."translation="Drücke {button}, um zum Schiff zu warpen."explanation="spaceship. Warp = teleport. Expect `ACTION`"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Missing..."translation="Vermisst..."case="1"explanation="this male crew member is missing"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Missing..."translation="Vermisst..."case="2"explanation="this female crew member is missing"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Missing..."translation="Vermisst..."case="3"explanation="Viridian is missing (final level). You could even fill in something like `Uh-oh...` here if you really have to specify gender otherwise - everyone else is rescued, but the player is missing"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Rescued!"translation="Gerettet!"case="1"explanation="this male crew member is not missing anymore"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Rescued!"translation="Gerettet!"case="2"explanation="this female crew member is not missing anymore"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="(that's you!)"translation="(das bist du!)"explanation="this crew member is you (Viridian)"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Cannot Save in Level Replay"translation="Im Level-Replay kannst du nicht speichern"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Cannot Save in No Death Mode"translation="Im Keine-Tode-Modus kannst du nicht speichern"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="How'd you get here?"translation="Wie bist du hierhin gekommen?"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="Cannot Save in Secret Lab"translation="Kein Speichern im Geheimlabor möglich"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*7"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not save game!"translation="FEHLER: Konnte das Spiel nicht speichern!"explanation="in-game menu"max="34*2"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not save settings file!"translation="FEHLER: Konnte die eingestellten Optionen nicht speichern!"explanation=""max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="[Press {button} to save your game]"translation="[Speichere mit {button} das Spiel]"explanation="in-game menu. Expect `ACTION`"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="(Note: The game is autosaved at every teleporter.)"translation="(Hinweis: Das Spiel wird bei jedem Teleporter automatisch gespeichert)."explanation="in-game menu"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Return to main menu?"translation="Zurück zum Hauptmenü?"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="Do you want to quit? You will lose any unsaved progress."translation="Willst du aufgeben? Du verlierst alle nicht gespeicherten Fortschritte."explanation="in-game menu"max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="Do you want to return to the secret laboratory?"translation="Willst du zum Geheimlabor zurückkehren?"explanation="in-game menu"max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="no, keep playing"translation="nein, weiterspielen"explanation="in-game menu option"max="28"/>
<stringenglish="[ NO, KEEP PLAYING ]"translation="[ NEIN, WEITERSPIELEN ]"explanation="in-game menu option"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="yes, quit to menu"translation="ja, zurück zum menü"explanation="in-game menu option"max="24"/>
<stringenglish="yes, return"translation="ja, zurück"explanation="in-game menu option"max="24"/>
<stringenglish="[ YES, RETURN ]"translation="[JA, ZURÜCK]"explanation="in-game menu option"max="28"/>
<stringenglish="no, return"translation="nein, zurück"explanation="quit program menu option"/>
<stringenglish="yes, quit"translation="ja, beenden"explanation="quit program menu option"/>
<stringenglish="return to game"translation="zurück zum spiel"explanation="pause menu option"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="quit to menu"translation="zum menü beenden"explanation="pause menu option"max="19"/>
<stringenglish="Press Left/Right to choose a Teleporter"translation="Links/Rechts: Teleporter auswählen"explanation="tight fit, so maybe `Left/Right: choose teleporter`, or use ←/→"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to Teleport"translation="Drücke {button} zum Teleportieren"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="- Press {button} to Teleport -"translation="- Drücke {button} zum Teleportieren -"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to explode"translation="Drücke {button} zum Explodieren"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. This was for testing, but people sometimes find it in custom levels"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Violet"translation="Drücke {button} und rede mit Violet"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Vitellary"translation="Drücke {button} und rede mit Vitellary"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Vermilion"translation="Drücke {button} und rede mit Vermilion"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Verdigris"translation="Drücke {button} und rede mit Verdigris"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to talk to Victoria"translation="Drücke {button} und rede mit Victoria"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to activate terminal"translation="Aktiviere das Terminal mit {button}"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to activate terminals"translation="Drücke {button}, um Terminals zu aktivieren"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. there are 3 next to each other in the ship"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to interact"translation="Drücke {button} zum Interagieren"explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed"max="37"/>
<stringenglish="- Press {button} to skip -"translation="- Drücke {button} zum Überspringen -"explanation="keyboard key (ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. This prompt is for skipping cutscenes"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Passion for Exploring"translation="Passion for Exploring"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Pushing Onwards"translation="Pushing Onwards"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Positive Force"translation="Positive Force"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Presenting VVVVVV"translation="Presenting VVVVVV"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Potential for Anything"translation="Potential for Anything"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Predestined Fate"translation="Predestined Fate"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Pipe Dream"translation="Pipe Dream"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Popular Potpourri"translation="Popular Potpourri"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Pressure Cooker"translation="Pressure Cooker"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="ecroF evitisoP"translation="ecroF evitisoP"explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated"max="37*2"/>
<stringenglish="Map Settings"translation="Karteneinstellungen"explanation="title, editor, Level Settings, map is kinda inconsistent with everything else"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="edit scripts"translation="skripte bearbeiten"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="change music"translation="musik ändern"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="editor ghosts"translation="editor-geister"explanation="level editor menu option. Toggles option to show a repetition of the player's path after playtesting"/>
<stringenglish="Editor ghost trail is OFF"translation="Editor-Geisterspur ist AUS"explanation="level editor. Repetition of the player's path after playtesting is disabled"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="Editor ghost trail is ON"translation="Editor-Geisterspur ist AN"explanation="level editor. Repetition of the player's path after playtesting is enabled"max="40"/>
<stringenglish="load level"translation="level laden"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="save level"translation="level speichern"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="change font"translation="schrift ändern"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Level Font"translation="Level-Schriftart"explanation="title, editor, font that a custom level will show up in. You can select a language name here (like Chinese or Japanese which have different fonts, or `other`)"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Select the language in which the text in this level is written."translation="Wähle die Textsprache für diesen Level aus."explanation=""max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Map Music"translation="Kartenmusik"explanation="title, editor, music that starts playing when a level is started. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Current map music:"translation="Aktuelle Kartenmusik:"explanation="editor, followed by the number and name of a song, or `No background music`. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="No background music"translation="keine Hintergrundmusik"explanation="editor, level starts with no song playing"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="1: Pushing Onwards"translation="1: Pushing Onwards"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="2: Positive Force"translation="2: Positive Force"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="3: Potential for Anything"translation="3: Potential for Anything"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="4: Passion for Exploring"translation="4: Passion for Exploring"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: Pause"translation="N/A: Pause"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="5: Presenting VVVVVV"translation="5: Presenting VVVVVV"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: Plenary"translation="N/A: Plenary"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="6: Predestined Fate"translation="6: Predestined Fate"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: ecroF evitisoP"translation="N/A: ecroF evitisoP"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="7: Popular Potpourri"translation="7: Popular Potpourri"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="8: Pipe Dream"translation="8: Pipe Dream"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="9: Pressure Cooker"translation="9: Pressure Cooker"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="10: Paced Energy"translation="10: Paced Energy"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="11: Piercing the Sky"translation="11: Piercing the Sky"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="N/A: Predestined Fate Remix"translation="N/A: Predestined Fate Remix"explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="?: something else"translation="?: etwas anderes"explanation="editor, song was not recognized"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="next song"translation="nächstes lied"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="previous song"translation="vorheriges lied"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="back"translation="zurück"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Save before quitting?"translation="Vor dem Aufhören speichern?"explanation="level editor"max="38*4"/>
<stringenglish="yes, save and quit"translation="ja, speichern und beenden"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="no, quit without saving"translation="nein, beenden ohne speichern"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="return to editor"translation="zurück zum editor"explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<stringenglish="Untitled Level"translation="Level ohne Titel"explanation=""max="20"/>
<stringenglish="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the first corner"translation="SCRIPT BOX: Klicke auf die erste Ecke"explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the last corner"translation="SCRIPT BOX: Klicke auf die letzte Ecke"explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the first corner"translation="GEGNERGRENZEN: Klicke auf die erste Ecke"explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the last corner"translation="GEGNERGRENZEN: Klicke auf die letzte Ecke"explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the first corner"translation="PLATTFORMGRENZEN: Klicke auf die erste Ecke"explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the last corner"translation="PLATTFORMGRENZEN: Klicke auf die letzte Ecke"explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="**** VVVVVV SCRIPT EDITOR ****"translation="**** VVVVVV SKRIPT-EDITOR ****"explanation="supposed to look like a Commodore 64 screen"max="36"/>
<stringenglish="PRESS ESC TO RETURN TO MENU"translation="DRÜCKE ESC UM ZUM MENÜ ZU BEENDEN"explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor, TO MENU is redundant"max="36"/>
<stringenglish="CREATE A SCRIPT WITH EITHER THE TERMINAL OR SCRIPT BOX TOOLS"translation="ERSTELLE EIN SKRIPT MIT DEM TERMINAL ODER DER SKRIPTBOX"explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor"max="36*5"/>
<stringenglish="CURRENT SCRIPT: {name}"translation="AKTUELLES SCRIPT: {name}"explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor. Char limit is soft, but the longer this is, the more often users" script names run offscreen. Consider SCRIPT: instead"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Left click to place warp destination"translation="Platziere mit Linksklick das Warp-Ziel"explanation="warp token: small teleporter with entrance and destination"max="39"/>
<stringenglish="Right click to cancel"translation="Right click to cancel"explanation=""max="39"/>
<stringenglish="{button1} and {button2} keys change tool"translation="Wechsle das Werkzeug mit {button1} und {button2}"explanation="These keys can be used to switch between tools"max="36"/>
<stringenglish="6: Disappearing Platforms"translation="6: Verschwindende Plattformen"explanation="editor tool. Platform that disappears when you step on it (disappearing platform, crumbling platform)"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="0: Gravity Lines"translation="0: Grav-Linien"explanation="editor tool. Gravity line, which flips your gravity when touching it"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="T: Terminals"translation="T: Terminals"explanation="editor tool. Computer which can be activated by the player to run a script"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="START"translation="START"explanation="start point in level editor"max="10"/>
<stringenglish="SPACE ^ SHIFT ^"translation="LEERTASTE ^ SHIFT ^"explanation="editor, indicates both SPACE key and SHIFT key open up menus. ^ is rendered as up arrow"max="32"/>
<stringenglish="F1: Change Tileset"translation="F1: Tileset ändern"explanation="editor shortcut, switch to different tileset"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="F2: Change Colour"translation="F2: Farbe ändern"explanation="editor shortcut, switch to different tileset color/variant"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="F10: Direct Mode"translation="F10: Direktmodus"explanation="editor shortcut, direct mode is manual tile placing mode, where walls are not automatically made nice"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="W: Change Warp Dir"translation="W: Warprichtung ändern"explanation="editor shortcut, dir=direction, change which edges of the room wrap around. Can be horizontal, vertical or all sides"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="E: Change Roomname"translation="E: Raumnamen ändern"explanation="editor shortcut, the name of the room appears at the bottom"max="25"/>
<stringenglish="Enter map filename to save as:"translation="Zu speichernden Dateinamen eingeben:"explanation="level editor text input, save level file as"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter map filename to load:"translation="Zu ladenden Dateinamen eingeben:"explanation="level editor text input, load level file"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter new room name:"translation="Neuen Raumnamen eingeben:"explanation="level editor text input, the name of the room appears at the bottom"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter room coordinates x,y:"translation="Raumkoordinaten x,y eingeben:"explanation="level editor text input, go to another room by its coordinates, for example, 9,15"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter script name:"translation="Scripnamen eingeben:"explanation="level editor text input, enter name of newly created script, or edit the script name of a terminal/script box"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enter roomtext:"translation="Raumtext eingeben:"explanation="level editor text input, enter text to place in the room"max="39*3"/>
<stringenglish="Space Station"translation="Raumstation"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Space Station Tileset"/>
<stringenglish="Outside"translation="Draußen"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Outside Tileset"/>
<stringenglish="Lab"translation="Labor"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Lab Tileset"/>
<stringenglish="Warp Zone"translation="Warp-Zone"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Warp Zone Tileset. The Warp Zone got its name because its rooms wrap around, but think Star Trek"/>
<stringenglish="Ship"translation="Schiff"explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Ship Tileset. Spaceship"/>
<stringenglish="Now using {area} Tileset"translation="{area}-Tileset wird jetzt verwendet"explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset of the room to {area} (like Ship, Lab, etc)"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Tileset Colour Changed"translation="Tileset-Farbe geändert"explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset colour/variant of the room"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Enemy Type Changed"translation="Feindtyp geändert"explanation="level editor, user changed enemy appearance for the room"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Platform speed is now {speed}"translation="Plattformgeschwindigkeit ist jetzt {speed}"explanation="level editor, user changed speed of platforms for the room"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Reloaded resources"translation="Ressourcen neu geladen"explanation="level editor, reloaded graphics assets/resources, music and sound effects"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Invalid format"translation="FEHLER: ungültiges Format"explanation="user was supposed to enter something like `12,12`, but entered `as@df`"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not load level"translation="FEHLER: kann Level nicht laden"explanation="that level could not be loaded, maybe it does not exist"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not save level!"translation="FEHLER: kann Level nicht speichern!"explanation="maybe the filename is too long? exclamation mark because you will lose your data if you quit"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Mapsize is now [{width},{height}]"translation="Kartengröße ist jetzt [{width},{height}]"explanation="editor, the map is now {width} by {height}"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Direct Mode Disabled"translation="Direkter Modus ausgeschaltet"explanation="editor, manual tile placing mode where walls are not automatically made nice, now changed to automatic mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Direct Mode Enabled"translation="Direkter Modus eingeschaltet"explanation="editor, manual tile placing mode where walls are not automatically made nice, now changed to manual mode"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Warp lines must be on edges"translation="FEHLER: Warplinien müssen an Kanten sein"explanation="level editor, warp lines make a room edge be connected to its opposite edge. So they must be placed on one of the edges, not in the middle"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warps in all directions"translation="Raum warpt in alle Richtungen"explanation="level editor, all edges of the room are connected with each other. If the player leaves the room they end up on the other side of the same room."max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warps horizontally"translation="Raum warpt horizontal"explanation="level editor, the left and right edges of the room are connected with each other. The player can still go to other rooms on the top and bottom"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warps vertically"translation="Raum warpt vertikal"explanation="level editor, the top and bottom edges of the room are connected with each other. The player can still go to other rooms on the left and right"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Room warping disabled"translation="Raumwarping deaktiviert"explanation="level editor, no edges are connected and the player can go to other rooms"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: No checkpoint to spawn at"translation="FEHLER: kein Checkpoint zum Spawnen"explanation="we cannot playtest because there is no checkpoint in this room that the player could start (be spawned) at"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Max number of trinkets is 100"translation="FEHLER: maximale Anzahl von Dingsdas ist 100"explanation="editor, user tried to place another trinket"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Max number of crewmates is 100"translation="FEHLER: maximale Anzahl von Crewmitgliedern ist 100"explanation="editor, user tried to place another crewmate"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Level quits to menu"translation="Level beendet zum Menü"explanation="editor message, user would have been forcefully returned to title screen but wasn't"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Level completed"translation="Level abgeschlossen"explanation="editor message, user would have been returned to levels list but wasn't"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="Time trial completed"translation="Time Trial abgeschlossen"explanation="editor message, time trial complete screen would have been shown but wasn't"max="38*3"/>
<stringenglish="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}"translation="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}"explanation="time format H:MM:SS"/>
<stringenglish="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}"translation="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}"explanation="time format H:MM:SS.CC"/>
<stringenglish="{min}:{sec|digits=2}"translation="{min}:{sec|digits=2}"explanation="time format M:SS"/>
<stringenglish="{min}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}"translation="{min}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}"explanation="time format M:SS.CC"/>
<stringenglish="{sec}.{cen|digits=2}"translation="{sec}.{cen|digits=2}"explanation="time format S.CC"/>
<stringenglish=".99"translation=".99"explanation="appended to time format for 99/100 seconds (example: 1:15.99). Time trial results"/>
<stringenglish="Level Complete!"translation="Level beendet!"explanation="Might be tight, the exclamation mark may be removed"max="18"/>
<stringenglish="Game Complete!"translation="Spiel beendet!"explanation="Might be tight, the exclamation mark may be removed"max="18"/>
<stringenglish="You have rescued a crew member!"translation="Du hast ein Crewmitglied gerettet!"explanation="If you need to manually wordwrap: please ensure this has exactly two lines. Ignore the (font-adapted) maximum if it says 1 line."max="30*2"/>
<stringenglish="All Crew Members Rescued!"translation="Alle Crewmitglieder gerettet!"explanation=""max="32"/>
<stringenglish="Press ENTER to view map and quicksave"translation="Drücke ENTER, um die Karte anzuzeigen und zum Schnellspeichern"explanation="***OUTDATED***"max="32*3"/>
<stringenglish="Press {button} to view map and quicksave"translation="Drücke {button}, um die Karte anzuzeigen und zum Schnellspeichern"explanation=""max="32*3"/>
<stringenglish="If you prefer, you can press UP or DOWN instead of ACTION to flip."translation="Du kannst statt HANDLUNG auch HOCH oder RUNTER drücken, um zu flippen."explanation=""max="34*3"/>
<stringenglish="Help! Can anyone hear this message?"translation="Hilfe! Kann mich irgendjemand hören?"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Verdigris? Are you out there? Are you ok?"translation="Verdigris? Bist du da draußen? Geht es dir gut?"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Please help us! We've crashed and need assistance!"translation="Bitte hilf uns! Wir sind abgestürzt und brauchen Hilfe!"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Hello? Anyone out there?"translation="Hallo? Ist irgendjemand da draußen?"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="This is Doctor Violet from the D.S.S. Souleye! Please respond!"translation="Hier spricht Doktor Violet von der D.S.S. Souleye! Bitte antwortet!"explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Please... Anyone..."translation="Bitte... irgendwer..."explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
<stringenglish="Please be alright, everyone..."translation="Hoffentlich geht es euch allen gut..."explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay"max="25*4"/>
You have found a shiny trinket!" translation="Glückwunsch!
Du hast ein glänzendes Dingsda gefunden!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
You have found a lost crewmate!" translation="Glückwunsch!
Du hast ein verlorenes Crewmitglied gefunden!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
You have found the secret lab!" translation="Glückwunsch!
Du hast das Geheimlabor gefunden!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="The secret lab is separate from the rest of the game. You can now come back here at any time by selecting the new SECRET LAB option in the play menu."translation="Das Geheimlabor ist vom Rest des Spiels getrennt. Du kannst jetzt jederzeit hierher zurückkehren, indem du die neue Option GEHEIMLABOR im Spielmenü auswählst."explanation=""max="36*10"/>
<stringenglish="Viridian"translation="Viridian"explanation="crewmate name (player)"max="15"/>
<stringenglish="Vitellary"translation="Vitellary"case="1"explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<stringenglish="Vermilion"translation="Vermilion"case="1"explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<stringenglish="Verdigris"translation="Verdigris"case="1"explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<stringenglish="Victoria"translation="Victoria"case="1"explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<stringenglish="Starring"translation="In den Hauptrollen"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Captain Viridian"translation="Captain Viridian"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Doctor Violet"translation="Doktor Violet"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Professor Vitellary"translation="Professor Vitellary"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Officer Vermilion"translation="Officer Vermilion"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Chief Verdigris"translation="Chief Verdigris"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="Doctor Victoria"translation="Doktor Victoria"explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members"max="27"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Vitellary will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du auf dem Boden stehst, versucht Vitellary, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Vermilion will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du auf dem Boden stehst, versucht Vermilion, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Verdigris will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du auf dem Boden stehst, versucht Verdigris, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, Victoria will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du auf dem Boden stehst, versucht Victoria, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the floor, your companion will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du auf dem Boden stehst, versucht dein Begleiter, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Vitellary will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du an der Decke stehst, versucht Vitellary, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Vermilion will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du an der Decke stehst, versucht Vermilion, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Verdigris will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du an der Decke stehst, versucht Verdigris, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, Victoria will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du an der Decke stehst, versucht Victoria, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're standing on the ceiling, your companion will try to walk to you."translation="Wenn du an der Decke stehst, versucht dein Begleiter, zu dir zu laufen."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Vitellary will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT auf dem Boden stehst, wird Vitellary anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Vermilion will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT auf dem Boden stehst, wird Vermilion anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Verdigris will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT auf dem Boden stehst, wird Verdigris anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, Victoria will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT auf dem Boden stehst, wird Victoria anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the floor, your companion will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT auf dem Boden stehst, wird dein Begleiter anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Vitellary will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT an der Decke stehst, wird Vitellary anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Vermilion will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT an der Decke stehst, wird Vermilion anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Verdigris will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT an der Decke stehst, wird Verdigris anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, Victoria will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT an der Decke stehst, wird Victoria anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="When you're NOT standing on the ceiling, your companion will stop and wait for you."translation="Wenn du NICHT an der Decke stehst, wird dein Begleiter anhalten und auf dich warten."explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="You can't continue to the next room until he is safely across."translation="Du kannst erst in den nächsten Raum gehen, wenn er in Sicherheit ist."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="You can't continue to the next room until she is safely across."translation="Du kannst erst in den nächsten Raum gehen, wenn sie in Sicherheit ist."explanation="Intermission 1"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="You can't continue to the next room until they are safely across."translation="Du kannst erst in den nächsten Raum gehen, wenn sie in Sicherheit sind."explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels"max="34*4"/>
<stringenglish="Survive for"translation="Überlebe"explanation="Gravitron. Line 1/2: Survive for 60 seconds!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="60 seconds!"translation="60 Sekunden!"explanation="Gravitron. Line 2/2: Survive for 60 seconds!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="Thanks for"translation="Danke fürs"explanation="credits. Line 1/2: Thanks for playing!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="playing!"translation="Spielen!"explanation="credits. Line 2/2: Thanks for playing!"max="20"/>
<stringenglish="SPACE STATION 1 MASTERED"translation="RAUMSTATION 1 GEMEISTERT"explanation="achievement/trophy title"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="LABORATORY MASTERED"translation="LABOR GEMEISTERT"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="THE TOWER MASTERED"translation="DEN TURM GEMEISTERT"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="SPACE STATION 2 MASTERED"translation="RAUMSTATION 2 GEMEISTERT"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="WARP ZONE MASTERED"translation="WARP-ZONE GEMEISTERT"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="FINAL LEVEL MASTERED"translation="LETZTER LEVEL GEMEISTERT"explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial"translation="Erhalte Rang V in diesem Time Trial"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Complete the game in flip mode"translation="Beende das Spiel im Flipp-Modus"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 50 deaths"translation="Gewinne und sterbe nicht mehr als 50 mal"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 100 deaths"translation="Gewinne und sterbe nicht mehr als 100 mal"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 250 deaths"translation="Gewinne und sterbe nicht mehr als 250 mal"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Win with less than 500 deaths"translation="Gewinne und sterbe nicht mehr als 500 mal"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Überstehe 5 Sekunden im Super Gravitron"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Überstehe 10 Sekunden im Super Gravitron"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Überstehe 15 Sekunden im Super Gravitron"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Überstehe 20 Sekunden im Super Gravitron"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron"translation="Überstehe 30 Sekunden im Super Gravitron"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron"translation="Überstehe 1 Minute im Super Gravitron"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE"translation="HERRSCHER DES UNIVERSUMS"explanation="achievement/trophy title - no death mode complete"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Complete the game in no death mode"translation="Beende das Spiel im Keine-Tode-Modus"explanation="achievement/trophy description"max="38*2"/>
<stringenglish="Something went wrong, but we forgot the error message."translation="Etwas ist schiefgelaufen, aber wir haben die Fehlermeldung vergessen."explanation="the message that is printed in case the game detects an error but there's no error message set"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Could not mount {path}: real directory doesn't exist"translation="Konnte {Pfad} nicht mounten: echtes Verzeichnis existiert nicht"explanation="mount: link/attach a directory (folder) in the filesystem into the game's filesystem so we can access it"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Level {path} not found"translation="Level {path} nicht gefunden"explanation=""max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="Error parsing {path}: {error}"translation="Fehler beim Parsen von {path}: {error}"explanation="we tried to parse the level file, but failed"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="{filename} dimensions not exact multiples of {width} by {height}!"translation="{filename} Dimensionen nicht genaues Vielfaches von {width} mal {height}!"explanation="filename is something like tiles.png, tiles2.png, etc. and width/height are something like 8, 32, etc.; this is used if the dimensions of a graphics file aren't an exact multiple of the given size (e.g. 8x8, 32x32, etc.)"max="38*6"/>
<stringenglish="ERROR: Could not write to language folder! Make sure there is no "lang" folder next to the regular saves."translation="FEHLER: Konnte nicht in den Sprachordner schreiben! Stelle sicher, dass es keinen "lang"-Ordner neben den regulären Spielständen gibt."explanation=""max="38*5"/>