<roomnameenglish="I Can't Believe You Got This Far"translation="Wie weit du gekommen bist!"explanation="If you're playing No Death Mode, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Imagine Spikes There, if You Like"translation="Denk dir da einfach Stachel"explanation="If you're playing a time trial, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Rear Window"translation="Fenster zum Hof"explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Rear Vindow"translation="Venster zum Hov"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="On the Waterfront"translation="Die Faust im Nacken"explanation="Named after the 1954 film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="On the Vaterfront"translation="Die Vaust im Nacken"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="The Untouchables"translation="Chicago 1930"explanation="Before it was a film, the Untouchables was a TV series in 1959 (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Television Newsveel"translation="Fernseh-Vochenschau"explanation="Refers to Television Newsreel. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="The 9 O'Clock News"translation="Die Abendnachrichten"explanation="(Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Vwitched"translation="Verliebt in eine Hexe"explanation="Reference to early black and white sitcom Bewitched (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Vwitvhed"translation="VeVieb vn ene Vexe"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="Diav M for Mdrver"translation="BeVi AnrVf MoVd"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="Dial M for Murder"translation="Bei Anruf Mord"explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Gvnsmoke"translation="Rauchende Colts"explanation="Gunsmoke was a black and white Western (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Gunsmoke 1966"translation="Rauchende Colts 1966"explanation="Gunsmoke changed to colour in 1966 (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Please enjoy these repeats"translation="Viel Spaß mit diesen Wiederholungen"explanation="This stage also has a number of rooms which are harder versions of easier challenges, like this one. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Please envoy theve repeats"translation="Viel Spav mit dieen Viederholunge"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="Plse envoy tse rvpvas"translation="Vil Spav mit diee Viederolvnge"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="Vl envoy te rvevs"translation="Vl Vpav mt diev Videvolvng"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="Vv evo tv vevs"translation="Vv Vav vt vv Vivevold"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="Iv vhv Mvrvivs"translation="Tv Vv vt v Viveld"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="In the Margins"translation="Testbild"explanation="Not sure if this has a TV show reference, might just be meant literally (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Try Jiggling the Antenna"translation="Schüttel die Antenne"explanation="(The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Try Viggling the Antenna"translation="Schvttel die Vntenne"explanation=""/>
<roomnameenglish="Veavvn's Gvte"translation="Veavvn's Gvte"explanation="Named after the 1980's film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomnameenglish="Heaven's Gate"translation="Heaven's Gate"explanation="Named after the 1980's film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>