mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-06-24 13:38:29 +02:00
Misa b5ff65c84e Remove unnecessary includes from header files
Including a header file inside another header file means a bunch of
files are going to be unnecessarily recompiled whenever that inner
header file is changed. So I minimized the amount of header files
included in a header file, and only included the ones that were
necessary (system includes don't count, I'm only talking about includes
from within this project). Then the includes are only in the .cpp files

This also minimizes problems such as a NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS build failing
because some file depended on an include that got included in editor.h,
which is another benefit of removing unnecessary includes from header
2020-07-19 21:37:40 -04:00

196 lines
3.7 KiB

#ifndef MAPGAME_H
#define MAPGAME_H
#include "Tower.h"
#include "WarpClass.h"
#include "Finalclass.h"
#include "Labclass.h"
#include "Spacestation2.h"
#include "Otherlevel.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Maths.h"
struct Roomtext
int x, y;
std::string text;
class mapclass
int RGB(int red,int green,int blue);
int intpol(int a, int b, float c);
void setteleporter(int x, int y);
void settrinket(int x, int y);
void resetmap();
void resetnames();
void transformname(int t);
std::string getglitchname(int x, int y);
void initmapdata();
void initcustommapdata();
int finalat(int x, int y);
int maptiletoenemycol(int t);
void changefinalcol(int t);
void setcol(const int r1, const int g1, const int b1 , const int r2, const int g2, const int b2, const int c);
void updatetowerglow();
void nexttowercolour();
void settowercolour(int t);
bool spikecollide(int x, int y);
bool collide(int x, int y);
void settile(int xp, int yp, int t);
int area(int _rx, int _ry);
void exploretower();
void hideship();
void showship();
void resetplayer();
void warpto(int rx, int ry , int t, int tx, int ty);
void gotoroom(int rx, int ry);
std::string currentarea(int t);
void loadlevel(int rx, int ry);
void twoframedelayfix();
int roomdeaths[20 * 20];
int roomdeathsfinal[20 * 20];
static const int areamap[20 * 20];
short contents[40 * 30];
bool explored[20 * 20];
int vmult[30];
int background;
int rcol;
int tileset;
bool warpx;
bool warpy;
std::string roomname;
std::string hiddenname;
//Special tower stuff
bool towermode;
float ypos;
float oldypos;
int bypos;
int cameramode;
int cameraseek, cameraseekframe;
int resumedelay;
bool minitowermode;
int scrolldir;
//This is the old colour cycle
int r, g,b;
int check, cmode;
int towercol;
int colstate, colstatedelay;
int colsuperstate;
int spikeleveltop, spikelevelbottom;
int oldspikeleveltop, oldspikelevelbottom;
bool tdrawback;
int bscroll;
//final level navigation
int finalx;
int finaly;
bool finalmode;
bool finalstretch;
//Variables for playing custom levels
bool custommode;
bool custommodeforreal;
int customx, customy;
int customwidth, customheight;
int custommmxoff, custommmyoff, custommmxsize, custommmysize;
int customzoom;
bool customshowmm;
std::string specialnames[8];
int glitchmode;
int glitchdelay;
std::string glitchname;
//final level colour cycling stuff
bool final_colormode;
int final_mapcol;
int final_aniframe;
int final_aniframedelay;
int final_colorframe, final_colorframedelay;
//Teleporters and Trinkets on the map
std::vector<point> teleporters;
std::vector<point> shinytrinkets;
bool showteleporters, showtargets, showtrinkets;
bool roomtexton;
std::vector<Roomtext> roomtext;
otherlevelclass otherlevel;
spacestation2class spacestation2;
labclass lablevel;
finalclass finallevel;
warpclass warplevel;
towerclass tower;
int extrarow;
//Accessibility options
bool invincibility;
//Map cursor
int cursorstate, cursordelay;
int kludge_bypos;
int kludge_colstate;
int kludge_scrolldir;
void inline bg_to_kludge()
kludge_bypos = bypos;
kludge_colstate = colstate;
kludge_scrolldir = scrolldir;
void inline kludge_to_bg()
bypos = kludge_bypos;
colstate = kludge_colstate;
scrolldir = kludge_scrolldir;
extern mapclass map;
#endif /* MAPGAME_H */