Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-09-20 21:37:26 +02:00
Ally 64be7dbd53
Refactor colors in internal commands
Originally this started as a "deduplicate a bunch of duplicated code in script commands" PR,
but as I was working on that, I discovered there's a lot more that needs to be done than
just deduplication.
Anything which needs a crewmate entity now calls `getcrewmanfromname(name)`, and anything which
just needs the crewmate's color calls `getcolorfromname(name)`. This was done to make sure that
everything works consistently and no copy/pasting is required. Next is the fallback; instead of
giving up and doing various things when it can't find a specific color, it now attempts to treat
the color name as an ID, and if it can't then it returns -1, where each individual command handles
that return value. This means we can keep around AEM -- a bug used in custom levels -- by not
doing anything with the return value if it's -1.

Also, for some reason, there were two `crewcolour` functions, so I stripped out the one in
entityclass and left (and modified) the one in the graphics class, since the graphics class also
has the `crewcolourreal` function.
2021-08-31 15:09:51 -07:00

2048 lines
46 KiB

#include "Map.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "GlitchrunnerMode.h"
#include "Graphics.h"
#include "MakeAndPlay.h"
#include "Music.h"
#include "Script.h"
#include "UtilityClass.h"
//Start here!
colstatedelay = 0;
colsuperstate = 0;
spikeleveltop = 0;
spikelevelbottom = 0;
oldspikeleveltop = 0;
oldspikelevelbottom = 0;
warpx = false;
warpy = false;
extrarow = 0;
showteleporters = false;
showtargets = false;
showtrinkets = false;
finalmode = false;
finalstretch = false;
cursorstate = 0;
cursordelay = 0;
towermode = false;
cameraseekframe = 0;
resumedelay = 0;
final_colormode = false;
final_colorframe = 0;
final_colorframedelay = 0;
final_mapcol = 0;
final_aniframe = 0;
final_aniframedelay = 0;
customwidth=20; customheight=20;
custommmxoff=0; custommmyoff=0; custommmxsize=0; custommmysize=0;
rcol = 0;
//This needs to be in map instead!
invincibility = false;
//We init the lookup table:
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(vmult); i++)
vmult[i] = i * 40;
//We create a blank map
SDL_memset(contents, 0, sizeof(contents));
SDL_memset(roomdeaths, 0, sizeof(roomdeaths));
SDL_memset(roomdeathsfinal, 0, sizeof(roomdeathsfinal));
tileset = 0;
ypos = 0;
oldypos = 0;
background = 0;
cameramode = 0;
cameraseek = 0;
minitowermode = false;
roomtexton = false;
nexttowercolour_set = false;
//Areamap starts at 100,100 and extends 20x20
const int mapclass::areamap[] = {
int mapclass::intpol(int a, int b, float c)
return static_cast<int>(a + ((b - a) * c));
void mapclass::setteleporter(int x, int y)
point temp;
temp.x = x;
temp.y = y;
void mapclass::settrinket(int x, int y)
point temp;
temp.x = x;
temp.y = y;
void mapclass::resetmap(void)
//clear the explored area of the map
SDL_memset(explored, 0, sizeof(explored));
void mapclass::resetnames(void)
//Reset all the special names
specialnames[0] = "Rear Window";
specialnames[1] = "On the Waterfront";
specialnames[2] = "The Untouchables";
specialnames[3] = "Television Newsveel";
specialnames[4] = "Vwitched";
specialnames[5] = "Gvnsmoke";
specialnames[6] = "Please enjoy these repeats";
specialnames[7] = "Try Jiggling the Antenna";
glitchmode = 0;
glitchdelay = 0;
void mapclass::transformname(int t)
//transform special names into new ones, one step at a time
case 3:
//Television Newsveel -> The 9 O'Clock News
if (specialnames[3] == "Television Newsveel")
specialnames[3] = "Television Newsvel";
else if (specialnames[3] == "Television Newsvel")
specialnames[3] = "TelevisvonvNewsvel";
else if (specialnames[3] == "TelevisvonvNewsvel")
specialnames[3] = "TvlvvvsvonvNevsvel";
else if (specialnames[3] == "TvlvvvsvonvNevsvel")
specialnames[3] = "vvvvvvsvovvNe svel";
else if (specialnames[3] == "vvvvvvsvovvNe svel")
specialnames[3] = "vhv vvv'vvovv vevl";
else if (specialnames[3] == "vhv vvv'vvovv vevl")
specialnames[3] = "vhv V v'Cvovv vewv";
else if (specialnames[3] == "vhv V v'Cvovv vewv")
specialnames[3] = "vhe 9 v'Cvovv vewv";
else if (specialnames[3] == "vhe 9 v'Cvovv vewv")
specialnames[3] = "vhe 9 v'Cvovv Newv";
else if (specialnames[3] == "vhe 9 v'Cvovv Newv")
specialnames[3] = "The 9 O'Cvovk Newv";
else if (specialnames[3] == "The 9 O'Cvovk Newv")
specialnames[3] = "The 9 O'Clock News";
case 4:
//Vwitched -> Dial M for Murder
if (specialnames[4] == "Vwitched")
specialnames[4] = "Vwitvhed";
else if (specialnames[4] == "Vwitvhed")
specialnames[4] = "vVwivcvedv";
else if (specialnames[4] == "vVwivcvedv")
specialnames[4] = "vvvwMvcvMdvv";
else if (specialnames[4] == "vvvwMvcvMdvv")
specialnames[4] = "DvvvwMvfvvMdvvv";
else if (specialnames[4] == "DvvvwMvfvvMdvvv")
specialnames[4] = "Dvav Mvfvr Mdvvvv";
else if (specialnames[4] == "Dvav Mvfvr Mdvvvv")
specialnames[4] = "Diav M for Mdrver";
else if (specialnames[4] == "Diav M for Mdrver")
specialnames[4] = "Dial M for Murder";
case 5:
//Gvnsmoke -> Gunsmoke 1966
if (specialnames[5] == "Gvnsmoke")
specialnames[5] = "Gvnsmove";
else if (specialnames[5] == "Gvnsmove")
specialnames[5] = "Gvnvmovevv";
else if (specialnames[5] == "Gvnvmovevv")
specialnames[5] = "Gunvmove1vv6";
else if (specialnames[5] == "Gunvmove1vv6")
specialnames[5] = "Vunsmoke 19v6";
else if (specialnames[5] == "Vunsmoke 19v6")
specialnames[5] = "Gunsmoke 1966";
case 6:
//Please enjoy these repeats -> In the Margins
if (specialnames[6] == "Please enjoy these repeats")
specialnames[6] = "Please envoy theve repeats";
else if (specialnames[6] == "Please envoy theve repeats")
specialnames[6] = "Plse envoy tse rvpvas";
else if (specialnames[6] == "Plase envoy these rvpeas")
specialnames[6] = "Plse envoy tse rvpvas";
else if (specialnames[6] == "Plse envoy tse rvpvas")
specialnames[6] = "Vl envoy te rvevs";
else if (specialnames[6] == "Vl envoy te rvevs")
specialnames[6] = "Vv evo tv vevs";
else if (specialnames[6] == "Vv evo tv vevs")
specialnames[6] = "Iv vhv Mvrvivs";
else if (specialnames[6] == "Iv vhv Mvrvivs")
specialnames[6] = "In the Margins";
case 7:
//Try Jiggling the Antenna -> Heaven's Gate
if (specialnames[7] == "Try Jiggling the Antenna")
specialnames[7] = "Try Viggling the Antenna";
else if (specialnames[7] == "Try Viggling the Antenna")
specialnames[7] = "TryJivglvng theAvtevna";
else if (specialnames[7] == "TryJivglvng theAvtevna")
specialnames[7] = "Tvvivglvng thAvtvvv";
else if (specialnames[7] == "Tvvivglvng thAvtvvv")
specialnames[7] = "Vvvgglvnv tvnvva";
else if (specialnames[7] == "Vvvgglvnv tvnvva")
specialnames[7] = "Vvavvnvs vvtv";
else if (specialnames[7] == "Vvavvnvs vvtv")
specialnames[7] = "Veavvn's Gvte";
else if (specialnames[7] == "Veavvn's Gvte")
specialnames[7] = "Heaven's Gate";
glitchdelay = 5;
std::string mapclass::getglitchname(int x, int y)
//Returns the name in the final area.
if (roomname == "glitch")
//8 Cases!
//First, the three "glitches"
if (glitchdelay <= -5)
glitchmode = (glitchmode + 1) % 2;
glitchdelay = 0;
if (glitchmode == 0) glitchdelay = 20 +int(fRandom() * 10);
if (x == 42 && y == 51)
if (glitchmode == 0)
return specialnames[0];
else return "Rear Vindow";
else if (x == 48 && y == 51)
if (glitchmode == 0)
return specialnames[1];
else return "On the Vaterfront";
else if (x == 49 && y == 51)
if (glitchmode == 0)
return specialnames[2];
else return "The Untouchavles";
else if (roomname == "change")
if (finalstretch)
if (x == 45 && y == 51) transformname(3);
if (x == 46 && y == 51) transformname(4);
if (x == 47 && y == 51) transformname(5);
if (x == 50 && y == 53) transformname(6);
if (x == 50 && y == 54) transformname(7);
if (x == 45 && y == 51) return specialnames[3];
if (x == 46 && y == 51) return specialnames[4];
if (x == 47 && y == 51) return specialnames[5];
if (x == 50 && y == 53) return specialnames[6];
if (x == 50 && y == 54) return specialnames[7];
return roomname;
return roomname;
return roomname;
void mapclass::initmapdata(void)
if (custommode)
//Set up static map information like teleporters and shiny trinkets.
setteleporter(0, 0);
setteleporter(0, 16);
setteleporter(2, 4);
setteleporter(2, 11);
setteleporter(7, 9);
setteleporter(7, 15);
setteleporter(8, 11);
setteleporter(10, 5);
setteleporter(11, 4);
setteleporter(13, 2);
setteleporter(13, 8);
setteleporter(14, 19);
setteleporter(15, 0);
setteleporter(17, 12);
setteleporter(17, 17);
setteleporter(18, 1);
setteleporter(18, 7);
settrinket(14, 4);
settrinket(13, 6);
settrinket(11, 12);
settrinket(15, 12);
settrinket(14, 11);
settrinket(18, 14);
settrinket(11, 7);
settrinket(9, 2);
settrinket(9, 16);
settrinket(2, 18);
settrinket(7, 18);
settrinket(6, 1);
settrinket(17, 3);
settrinket(10, 19);
settrinket(5, 15);
settrinket(1, 10);
settrinket(3, 2);
settrinket(10, 8);
void mapclass::initcustommapdata(void)
#if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS)
for (size_t i = 0; i < edentity.size(); i++)
const edentities& ent = edentity[i];
if (ent.t != 9)
const int rx = ent.x / 40;
const int ry = ent.y / 30;
settrinket(rx, ry);
int mapclass::finalat(int x, int y)
//return the tile index of the final stretch tiles offset by the colour difference
if (contents[x + vmult[y]] == 740)
//Special case: animated tiles
if (final_mapcol == 1)
int offset;
if (game.noflashingmode)
offset = 0;
offset = int(fRandom() * 11) * 40;
return 737 + offset;
int offset;
if (game.noflashingmode)
offset = 0;
offset = final_aniframe * 40;
return contents[x + vmult[y]] - (final_mapcol * 3) + offset;
else if (contents[x + vmult[y]] >= 80)
return contents[x + vmult[y]] - (final_mapcol * 3);
return contents[x + vmult[y]];
int mapclass::maptiletoenemycol(int t)
//returns the colour index for enemies that matches the map colour t
case 0:
return 11;
case 1:
return 6;
case 2:
return 8;
case 3:
return 12;
case 4:
return 9;
case 5:
return 7;
case 6:
return 18;
return 11;
void mapclass::changefinalcol(int t)
//change the map to colour t - for the game's final stretch.
//First up, the tiles. This is just a setting:
final_mapcol = t;
int temp = 6 - t;
//Next, entities
for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.entities.size(); i++)
if (obj.entities[i].type == 1) //something with a movement behavior
if (obj.entities[i].animate == 10 || obj.entities[i].animate == 11) //treadmill
obj.entities[i].tile = 907 + (temp * 80);
obj.entities[i].tile = 911 + ((temp-3) * 80);
if(obj.entities[i].animate == 10) obj.entities[i].tile += 40;
else if (obj.entities[i].isplatform)
obj.entities[i].tile = 915+(temp*40);
else //just an enemy
obj.entities[i].colour = maptiletoenemycol(temp);
else if (obj.entities[i].type == 2) //disappearing platforms
obj.entities[i].tile = 915+(temp*40);
void mapclass::setcol(TowerBG& bg_obj, const int r1, const int g1, const int b1 , const int r2, const int g2, const int b2, const int c)
bg_obj.r = intpol(r1, r2, c / 5);
bg_obj.g = intpol(g1, g2, c / 5);
bg_obj.b = intpol(b1, b2, c / 5);
void mapclass::updatebgobj(TowerBG& bg_obj)
const int check = bg_obj.colstate % 5; //current state of phase
const int cmode = (bg_obj.colstate - check) / 5; // current colour transition;
case 0:
setcol(bg_obj, 255, 93, 107, 255, 255, 93, check);
case 1:
setcol(bg_obj, 255, 255, 93, 159, 255, 93, check);
case 2:
setcol(bg_obj, 159, 255, 93, 93, 245, 255, check);
case 3:
setcol(bg_obj, 93, 245, 255, 177, 93, 255, check);
case 4:
setcol(bg_obj, 177, 93, 255, 255, 93, 255, check);
case 5:
setcol(bg_obj, 255, 93, 255, 255, 93, 107, check);
bg_obj.tdrawback = true;
void mapclass::setbgobjlerp(TowerBG& bg_obj)
bg_obj.bypos = ypos / 2;
bg_obj.bscroll = (ypos - oldypos) / 2;
void mapclass::updatetowerglow(TowerBG& bg_obj)
if (colstatedelay <= 0 || colsuperstate > 0)
if (colsuperstate > 0) bg_obj.colstate--;
if (bg_obj.colstate >= 30) bg_obj.colstate = 0;
const int check = bg_obj.colstate % 5;
if (check == 0)
colstatedelay = 45;
colstatedelay = 0;
if (colsuperstate > 0) colstatedelay = 0;
void mapclass::nexttowercolour(void)
/* Prevent cycling title BG more than once per frame. */
if (nexttowercolour_set)
nexttowercolour_set = true;
if (graphics.titlebg.colstate >= 30) graphics.titlebg.colstate = 0;
void mapclass::settowercolour(int t)
if (graphics.titlebg.colstate >= 30) graphics.titlebg.colstate = 0;
bool mapclass::spikecollide(int x, int y)
if (invincibility) return false;
if (tower.at(x,y,0)>= 6 && tower.at(x,y,0) <= 11) return true;
return false;
bool mapclass::collide(int x, int y)
if (towermode)
if (tower.at(x, y, 0) >= 12 && tower.at(x, y, 0) <= 27) return true;
if (invincibility)
if (tower.at(x, y, 0) >= 6 && tower.at(x, y, 0) <= 11) return true;
else if (tileset == 2)
if (y == -1) return collide(x, y + 1);
if (y == 29+extrarow) return collide(x, y - 1);
if (x == -1) return collide(x + 1, y);
if (x == 40) return collide(x - 1, y);
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 40 || y >= 29 + extrarow) return false;
if (contents[x + vmult[y]] >= 12 && contents[x + vmult[y]] <= 27) return true;
if (invincibility)
if (contents[x + vmult[y]] >= 6 && contents[x + vmult[y]] <= 11) return true;
if (y == -1) return collide(x, y + 1);
if (y == 29+extrarow) return collide(x, y - 1);
if (x == -1) return collide(x + 1, y);
if (x == 40) return collide(x - 1, y);
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 40 || y >= 29+extrarow) return false;
if (contents[x + vmult[y]] == 1) return true;
if (tileset==0 && contents[x + vmult[y]] == 59) return true;
if (contents[x + vmult[y]]>= 80 && contents[x + vmult[y]] < 680) return true;
if (contents[x + vmult[y]] == 740 && tileset==1) return true;
if (invincibility)
if (contents[x + vmult[y]]>= 6 && contents[x + vmult[y]] <= 9) return true;
if (contents[x + vmult[y]]>= 49 && contents[x + vmult[y]] <= 50) return true;
if (tileset == 1)
if (contents[x + vmult[y]]>= 49 && contents[x + vmult[y]] < 80) return true;
return false;
void mapclass::settile(int xp, int yp, int t)
if (xp >= 0 && xp < 40 && yp >= 0 && yp < 29+extrarow)
contents[xp + vmult[yp]] = t;
int mapclass::area(int _rx, int _ry)
if (finalmode)
return 6;
int lookup = (_rx - 100) + ((_ry - 100) * 20);
if(_rx-100>=0 && _rx-100<20 && _ry-100>=0 && _ry-100<20){
return areamap[lookup];
return 6;
bool mapclass::isexplored(const int rx, const int ry)
const int roomnum = rx + ry*20;
if (INBOUNDS_ARR(roomnum, explored))
return explored[roomnum];
return false;
void mapclass::setexplored(const int rx, const int ry, const bool status)
const int roomnum = rx + ry*20;
if (INBOUNDS_ARR(roomnum, explored))
explored[roomnum] = status;
void mapclass::exploretower(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
setexplored(9, i, true);
void mapclass::hideship(void)
//remove the ship from the explored areas
setexplored(2, 10, false);
setexplored(3, 10, false);
setexplored(4, 10, false);
setexplored(2, 11, false);
setexplored(3, 11, false);
setexplored(4, 11, false);
void mapclass::showship(void)
//show the ship in the explored areas
setexplored(2, 10, true);
setexplored(3, 10, true);
setexplored(4, 10, true);
setexplored(2, 11, true);
setexplored(3, 11, true);
setexplored(4, 11, true);
void mapclass::resetplayer(void)
void mapclass::resetplayer(const bool player_died)
bool was_in_tower = towermode;
if (game.roomx != game.saverx || game.roomy != game.savery)
gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery);
game.deathseq = -1;
int i = obj.getplayer();
if(INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities))
obj.entities[i].vx = 0;
obj.entities[i].vy = 0;
obj.entities[i].ax = 0;
obj.entities[i].ay = 0;
obj.entities[i].xp = game.savex;
obj.entities[i].yp = game.savey;
//Fix conveyor death loop glitch
obj.entities[i].newxp = obj.entities[i].xp;
obj.entities[i].newyp = obj.entities[i].yp;
obj.entities[i].dir = game.savedir;
obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
if (player_died)
game.lifeseq = 10;
obj.entities[i].invis = true;
obj.entities[i].invis = false;
if (!GlitchrunnerMode_less_than_or_equal(Glitchrunner2_2))
obj.entities[i].size = 0;
obj.entities[i].cx = 6;
obj.entities[i].cy = 2;
obj.entities[i].w = 12;
obj.entities[i].h = 21;
// If we entered a tower as part of respawn, reposition camera
if (!was_in_tower && towermode)
ypos = obj.entities[i].yp - 120;
if (ypos < 0)
ypos = 0;
oldypos = ypos;
game.scmhurt = false; //Just in case the supercrewmate is fucking this up!
if (game.supercrewmate)
if (game.roomx == game.scmprogress + 41)
game.scmprogress = game.roomx - 41;
game.scmprogress = game.roomx - 40;
if (game.scmprogress != 0)
game.scmmoveme = true;
game.scmmoveme = false;
void mapclass::warpto(int rx, int ry , int t, int tx, int ty)
gotoroom(rx, ry);
game.teleport = false;
if (INBOUNDS_VEC(t, obj.entities))
obj.entities[t].xp = tx * 8;
obj.entities[t].yp = (ty * 8) - obj.entities[t].h;
obj.entities[t].lerpoldxp = obj.entities[t].xp;
obj.entities[t].lerpoldyp = obj.entities[t].yp;
game.gravitycontrol = 0;
void mapclass::gotoroom(int rx, int ry)
int roomchangedir;
std::vector<entclass> linecrosskludge;
//First, destroy the current room
game.activetele = false;
game.readytotele = 0;
game.oldreadytotele = 0;
//Ok, let's save the position of all lines on the screen
for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.entities.size(); i++)
if (obj.entities[i].type == 9)
//It's a horizontal line
if (obj.entities[i].xp <= 0 || (obj.entities[i].xp + obj.entities[i].w) >= 312)
//it's on a screen edge
obj.copylinecross(linecrosskludge, i);
/* Disable all entities in the room, and deallocate any unnecessary entity slots. */
/* However don't disable player entities, but do preserve holes between them (if any). */
bool player_found = false;
for (int i = obj.entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
/* Iterate in reverse order to prevent unnecessary indice shifting */
if (obj.entities[i].rule == 0)
player_found = true;
if (!player_found)
obj.entities.erase(obj.entities.begin() + i);
game.door_up = rx + ((ry - 1) * 100);
game.door_down = rx + ((ry + 1) * 100);
game.door_right = rx + 1 + (ry * 100);
game.door_left = rx -1 + (ry * 100);
if (rx < game.roomx)
roomchangedir = 0;
roomchangedir = 1;
if (finalmode)
//Ok, what way are we moving?
game.roomx = rx;
game.roomy = ry;
if (game.roomy < 10)
game.roomy = 11;
if(game.roomx>=41 && game.roomy>=48 && game.roomx<61 && game.roomy<68 )
game.currentroomdeaths = roomdeathsfinal[game.roomx - 41 + (20 * (game.roomy - 48))];
game.currentroomdeaths = 0;
//Final level for time trial
if (game.intimetrial)
if (game.roomx == 46 && game.roomy == 54) music.niceplay(15); //Final level remix
#if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS)
else if (custommode)
game.roomx = rx;
game.roomy = ry;
if (game.roomx < 100) game.roomx = 100 + ed.mapwidth-1;
if (game.roomy < 100) game.roomy = 100 + ed.mapheight-1;
if (game.roomx > 100 + ed.mapwidth-1) game.roomx = 100;
if (game.roomy > 100 + ed.mapheight-1) game.roomy = 100;
game.roomx = rx;
game.roomy = ry;
if (game.roomx < 100) game.roomx = 119;
if (game.roomy < 100) game.roomy = 119;
if (game.roomx > 119) game.roomx = 100;
if (game.roomy > 119) game.roomy = 100;
game.currentroomdeaths = roomdeaths[game.roomx - 100 + (20 * (game.roomy - 100))];
//Alright, change music depending on where we are:
music.changemusicarea(game.roomx - 100, game.roomy - 100);
int temp = rx + (ry * 100);
loadlevel(game.roomx, game.roomy);
//Do we need to reload the background?
bool redrawbg = game.roomx != game.prevroomx || game.roomy != game.prevroomy;
graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; //Used for background caching speedup
graphics.foregrounddrawn = false; //Used for background caching speedup
game.prevroomx = game.roomx;
game.prevroomy = game.roomy;
//a very special case: if entering the communication room, room 13,4 before tag 5 is set, set the game state to a background
//textbox thingy. if tag five is not set when changing room, reset the game state. (tag 5 is set when you get back to the ship)
if(!game.intimetrial && !custommode)
if (!obj.flags[5] && !finalmode)
game.state = 0;
if (game.roomx == 113 && game.roomy == 104)
game.state = 50;
//Ok, kludge to fix lines in crossing rooms - if we're intersecting a gravity line right now, let's
//set it to an inactive state.
//Alright! So, let's look at our lines from the previous rooms, and determine if any of them are actually
temp = obj.getplayer();
if(INBOUNDS_VEC(temp, obj.entities))
obj.entities[temp].oldxp = obj.entities[temp].xp;
obj.entities[temp].oldyp = obj.entities[temp].yp;
obj.entities[temp].lerpoldxp = obj.entities[temp].xp - int(obj.entities[temp].vx);
obj.entities[temp].lerpoldyp = obj.entities[temp].yp - int(obj.entities[temp].vy);
for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.entities.size(); i++)
if (obj.entities[i].type == 9)
//It's a horizontal line
if (obj.entities[i].xp <= 0 || obj.entities[i].xp + obj.entities[i].w >= 312)
//it's on a screen edge
for (size_t j = 0; j < linecrosskludge.size(); j++)
if (obj.entities[i].yp == linecrosskludge[j].yp)
//y's match, how about x's?
//we're moving left:
if (roomchangedir == 0)
if (obj.entities[i].xp + obj.entities[i].w >= 312 && linecrosskludge[j].xp <= 0)
obj.revertlinecross(linecrosskludge, i, j);
if (obj.entities[i].xp <= 0 && linecrosskludge[j].xp + linecrosskludge[j].w >= 312)
obj.revertlinecross(linecrosskludge, i, j);
std::string mapclass::currentarea(int t)
case 0:
return "Dimension VVVVVV";
case 1:
return "Dimension VVVVVV";
case 2:
return "Laboratory";
case 3:
return "The Tower";
case 4:
return "Warp Zone";
case 5:
return "Space Station";
case 6:
return "Outside Dimension VVVVVV";
case 7:
return "Outside Dimension VVVVVV";
case 8:
return "Outside Dimension VVVVVV";
case 9:
return "Outside Dimension VVVVVV";
case 10:
return "Outside Dimension VVVVVV";
case 11:
return "The Tower";
return "???";
static void copy_short_to_int(int* dest, const short* src, const size_t size)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
dest[i] = src[i];
void mapclass::loadlevel(int rx, int ry)
int t;
if (!finalmode)
setexplored(rx - 100, ry - 100, true);
if (rx == 109 && !custommode)
roomtexton = false;
obj.platformtile = 0;
obj.vertplatforms = false;
obj.horplatforms = false;
roomname = "";
hiddenname = "";
background = 1;
warpx = false;
warpy = false;
towermode = false;
ypos = 0;
oldypos = 0;
extrarow = 0;
spikeleveltop = 0;
spikelevelbottom = 0;
oldspikeleveltop = 0;
oldspikelevelbottom = 0;
//Custom stuff for warplines
if (finalmode)
t = 6;
//check if we're in the towers
if (rx == 49 && ry == 52)
//entered tower 1
t = 7;
else if (rx == 49 && ry == 53)
//re entered tower 1
t = 8;
else if (rx == 51 && ry == 54)
//entered tower 2
t = 9;
else if (rx == 51 && ry == 53)
//re entered tower 2
t = 10;
else if (custommode)
t= 12;
t = area(rx, ry);
if (t == 3)
//correct position for tower
if (ry == 109)
//entered from ground floor
int player = obj.getplayer();
if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities))
obj.entities[player].yp += (671 * 8);
ypos = (700-29) * 8;
oldypos = ypos;
cameramode = 0;
graphics.towerbg.colstate = 0;
colsuperstate = 0;
else if (ry == 104)
//you've entered from the top floor
ypos = 0;
oldypos = ypos;
cameramode = 0;
graphics.towerbg.colstate = 0;
colsuperstate = 0;
if (t < 2) //on the world map, want to test if we're in the secret lab
if (rx >= 116)
if (ry >= 105)
if (ry <= 107)
if (rx == 119 && ry == 105)
//Ah, this is just a normal area
//in the secret lab! Crazy background!
background = 2;
if (rx == 116 && ry == 105) graphics.rcol = 1;
if (rx == 117 && ry == 105) graphics.rcol = 5;
if (rx == 118 && ry == 105) graphics.rcol = 4;
if (rx == 117 && ry == 106) graphics.rcol = 2;
if (rx == 118 && ry == 106) graphics.rcol = 0;
if (rx == 119 && ry == 106) graphics.rcol = 3;
if (rx == 119 && ry == 107) graphics.rcol = 1;
if (rx == 119 && ry == 108 && !custommode)
background = 5;
graphics.rcol = 3;
warpx = true;
warpy = true;
#if !defined(MAKEANDPLAY)
case 0:
case 1: //World Map
tileset = 1;
extrarow = 1;
const short* tmap = otherlevel.loadlevel(rx, ry);
copy_short_to_int(contents, tmap, SDL_arraysize(contents));
roomname = otherlevel.roomname;
hiddenname = otherlevel.hiddenname;
tileset = otherlevel.roomtileset;
case 2: //The Lab
const short* tmap = lablevel.loadlevel(rx, ry);
copy_short_to_int(contents, tmap, SDL_arraysize(contents));
roomname = lablevel.roomname;
tileset = 1;
background = 2;
graphics.rcol = lablevel.rcol;
case 3: //The Tower
graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true;
minitowermode = false;
tower.minitowermode = false;
graphics.towerbg.scrolldir = 0;
roomname = "The Tower";
tileset = 1;
background = 3;
towermode = true;
//All the entities for here are just loaded here; it's essentially one room after all
obj.createentity(48, 5456, 10, 1, 505007); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(224, 4528, 10, 1, 505017); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(232, 4168, 10, 0, 505027); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(280, 3816, 10, 1, 505037); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(152, 3552, 10, 1, 505047); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(216, 3280, 10, 0, 505057); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(216, 4808, 10, 1, 505067); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(72, 3096, 10, 0, 505077); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(176, 2600, 10, 0, 505087); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(216, 2392, 10, 0, 505097); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(152, 1184, 10, 1, 505107); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(152, 912, 10, 1, 505117); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(152, 536, 10, 1, 505127); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(120, 5136, 10, 0, 505137); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(144, 1824, 10, 0, 505147); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(72, 2904, 10, 0, 505157); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(224, 1648, 10, 1, 505167); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(112, 5280, 10, 1, 50517); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(24, 4216, 9, 7); // (shiny trinket)
obj.createentity(280, 3216, 9, 8); // (shiny trinket)
case 4: //The Warpzone
const short* tmap = warplevel.loadlevel(rx, ry);
copy_short_to_int(contents, tmap, SDL_arraysize(contents));
roomname = warplevel.roomname;
tileset = 1;
background = 3;
graphics.rcol = warplevel.rcol;
graphics.backgrounddrawn = false;
warpx = warplevel.warpx;
warpy = warplevel.warpy;
background = 5;
if (warpy) background = 4;
if (warpx) background = 3;
if (warpx && warpy) background = 5;
case 5: //Space station
const short* tmap = spacestation2.loadlevel(rx, ry);
copy_short_to_int(contents, tmap, SDL_arraysize(contents));
roomname = spacestation2.roomname;
tileset = 0;
case 6: //final level
const short* tmap = finallevel.loadlevel(rx, ry);
copy_short_to_int(contents, tmap, SDL_arraysize(contents));
roomname = finallevel.roomname;
tileset = 1;
background = 3;
graphics.backgrounddrawn = false;
if (finalstretch)
background = 6;
warpx = finallevel.warpx;
warpy = finallevel.warpy;
background = 5;
if (warpy) background = 4;
if (warpx) background = 3;
if (warpx && warpy) background = 5;
graphics.rcol = 6;
case 7: //Final Level, Tower 1
graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true;
minitowermode = true;
tower.minitowermode = true;
graphics.towerbg.scrolldir = 1;
roomname = "Panic Room";
tileset = 1;
background = 3;
towermode = true;
ypos = 0;
oldypos = 0;
cameramode = 0;
graphics.towerbg.colstate = 0;
colsuperstate = 0;
case 8: //Final Level, Tower 1 (reentered from below)
graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true;
minitowermode = true;
tower.minitowermode = true;
graphics.towerbg.scrolldir = 1;
roomname = "Panic Room";
tileset = 1;
background = 3;
towermode = true;
int i = obj.getplayer();
if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities))
obj.entities[i].yp += (71 * 8);
ypos = (100-29) * 8;
oldypos = ypos;
cameramode = 0;
graphics.towerbg.colstate = 0;
colsuperstate = 0;}
case 9: //Final Level, Tower 2
graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true;
minitowermode = true;
tower.minitowermode = true;
graphics.towerbg.scrolldir = 0;
roomname = "The Final Challenge";
tileset = 1;
background = 3;
towermode = true;
obj.createentity(56, 556, 11, 136); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(184, 592, 10, 0, 50500); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(184, 644, 11, 88); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(56, 460, 11, 136); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(216, 440, 10, 0, 50501); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(104, 508, 11, 168); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(219, 264, 12, 56); // (vertical gravity line)
obj.createentity(120, 332, 11, 96); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(219, 344, 12, 56); // (vertical gravity line)
obj.createentity(224, 332, 11, 48); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(56, 212, 11, 144); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(32, 20, 11, 96); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(72, 156, 11, 200); // (horizontal gravity line)
int i = obj.getplayer();
if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities))
obj.entities[i].yp += (71 * 8);
ypos = (100-29) * 8;
oldypos = ypos;
cameramode = 0;
graphics.towerbg.colstate = 0;
colsuperstate = 0;
case 10: //Final Level, Tower 2
graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true;
minitowermode = true;
tower.minitowermode = true;
graphics.towerbg.scrolldir = 0;
roomname = "The Final Challenge";
tileset = 1;
background = 3;
towermode = true;
obj.createentity(56, 556, 11, 136); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(184, 592, 10, 0, 50500); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(184, 644, 11, 88); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(56, 460, 11, 136); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(216, 440, 10, 0, 50501); // (savepoint)
obj.createentity(104, 508, 11, 168); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(219, 264, 12, 56); // (vertical gravity line)
obj.createentity(120, 332, 11, 96); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(219, 344, 12, 56); // (vertical gravity line)
obj.createentity(224, 332, 11, 48); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(56, 212, 11, 144); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(32, 20, 11, 96); // (horizontal gravity line)
obj.createentity(72, 156, 11, 200); // (horizontal gravity line)
ypos = 0;
oldypos = 0;
cameramode = 0;
graphics.towerbg.colstate = 0;
colsuperstate = 0;
case 11: //Tower Hallways //Content is held in final level routine
const short* tmap = finallevel.loadlevel(rx, ry);
copy_short_to_int(contents, tmap, SDL_arraysize(contents));
roomname = finallevel.roomname;
tileset = 2;
if (rx == 108)
background = 7;
rcol = 15;
if (rx == 110)
background = 8;
rcol = 10;
if (rx == 111)
background = 9;
rcol = 0;
#if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS)
case 12: //Custom level
const edlevelclass* const room = ed.getroomprop(rx - 100, ry - 100);
game.customcol = ed.getlevelcol(room->tileset, room->tilecol) + 1;
obj.customplatformtile = game.customcol * 12;
switch (room->tileset)
case 0: // Space Station
tileset = 0;
background = 1;
case 1: // Outside
tileset = 1;
background = 1;
case 2: // Lab
tileset = 1;
background = 2;
graphics.rcol = room->tilecol;
case 3: // Warp Zone/intermission
tileset = 1;
background = 6;
case 4: // Ship
tileset = 1;
background = 1;
tileset = 1;
background = 1;
// If screen warping, then override all that:
bool redrawbg = game.roomx != game.prevroomx || game.roomy != game.prevroomy;
if (redrawbg)
graphics.backgrounddrawn = false;
switch (room->warpdir)
case 1:
warpx = true;
background = 3;
graphics.rcol = ed.getwarpbackground(rx - 100, ry - 100);
case 2:
warpy = true;
background = 4;
graphics.rcol = ed.getwarpbackground(rx - 100, ry - 100);
case 3:
warpx = true;
warpy = true;
background = 5;
graphics.rcol = ed.getwarpbackground(rx - 100, ry - 100);
roomname = room->roomname;
extrarow = 1;
const int* tmap = ed.loadlevel(rx, ry);
SDL_memcpy(contents, tmap, sizeof(contents));
roomtexton = false;
// Entities have to be created HERE, akwardly
int tempcheckpoints = 0;
int tempscriptbox = 0;
for (size_t edi = 0; edi < edentity.size(); edi++)
// If entity is in this room, create it
const edentities& ent = edentity[edi];
const int tsx = ent.x / 40;
const int tsy = ent.y / 30;
if (tsx != rx-100 || tsy != ry-100)
const int ex = (ent.x % 40) * 8;
const int ey = (ent.y % 30) * 8;
// Platform and enemy bounding boxes
int bx1 = 0, by1 = 0, bx2 = 0, by2 = 0;
bool enemy = ent.t == 1;
bool moving_plat = ent.t == 2 && ent.p1 <= 4;
if (enemy || moving_plat)
if (enemy)
bx1 = room->enemyx1;
by1 = room->enemyy1;
bx2 = room->enemyx2;
by2 = room->enemyy2;
else if (moving_plat)
bx1 = room->platx1;
by1 = room->platy1;
bx2 = room->platx2;
by2 = room->platy2;
// Enlarge bounding boxes to fix warping entities
if (warpx && bx1 == 0 && bx2 == 320)
bx1 -= 100;
bx2 += 100;
if (warpy && by1 == 0 && by2 == 240)
by1 -= 100;
by2 += 100;
switch (ent.t)
case 1: // Enemies
obj.customenemy = room->enemytype;
obj.createentity(ex, ey, 56, ent.p1, 4, bx1, by1, bx2, by2);
case 2: // Platforms and conveyors
if (ent.p1 <= 4)
obj.createentity(ex, ey, 2, ent.p1, room->platv, bx1, by1, bx2, by2);
else if (ent.p1 >= 5 && ent.p1 <= 8) // Conveyor
obj.createentity(ex, ey, 2, ent.p1 + 3, 4);
case 3: // Disappearing platforms
obj.createentity(ex, ey, 3);
case 9: // Trinkets
obj.createentity(ex, ey, 9, ed.findtrinket(edi));
case 10: // Checkpoints
obj.createentity(ex, ey, 10, ent.p1, (rx + ry*100) * 20 + tempcheckpoints);
case 11: // Gravity Lines
if (ent.p1 == 0) //Horizontal
obj.createentity(ent.p2 * 8, ey + 4, 11, ent.p3);
else //Vertical
obj.createentity(ex + 3, ent.p2 * 8, 12, ent.p3);
case 13: // Warp Tokens
obj.createentity(ex, ey, 13, ent.p1, ent.p2);
case 15: // Collectable crewmate
obj.createentity(ex - 4, ey + 1, 55, ed.findcrewmate(edi), ent.p1, ent.p2);
case 17: // Roomtext!
roomtexton = true;
Roomtext text;
text.x = ex / 8;
text.y = ey / 8;
text.text = ent.scriptname;
case 18: // Terminals
obj.customscript = ent.scriptname;
int usethistile = ent.p1;
int usethisy = ey;
// This isn't a boolean: we just swap 0 and 1 around and leave the rest alone
if (usethistile == 0)
usethistile = 1; // Unflipped
else if (usethistile == 1)
usethistile = 0; // Flipped;
usethisy -= 8;
obj.createentity(ex, usethisy + 8, 20, usethistile);
obj.createblock(ACTIVITY, ex - 8, usethisy + 8, 20, 16, 35);
case 19: //Script Box
if (INBOUNDS_ARR(tempscriptbox, game.customscript))
game.customscript[tempscriptbox] = ent.scriptname;
obj.createblock(TRIGGER, ex, ey, ent.p1 * 8, ent.p2 * 8, 300 + tempscriptbox, "custom_" + ent.scriptname);
case 50: // Warp Lines
switch (ent.p1)
case 0: // Vertical, left
obj.createentity(ex + 4, ent.p2 * 8, 51, ent.p3);
case 1: //Horizontal, right
obj.createentity(ex + 4, ent.p2 * 8, 52, ent.p3);
case 2: //Vertical, top
obj.createentity(ent.p2 * 8, ey + 7, 53, ent.p3);
case 3: // Horizontal, bottom
obj.createentity(ent.p2 * 8, ey, 54, ent.p3);
//do the appear/remove roomname here
//The room's loaded: now we fill out damage blocks based on the tiles.
if (towermode)
for (int j = 0; j < 29 + extrarow; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
//Damage blocks
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] == 6 || contents[i + vmult[j]] == 8)
//sticking up
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8)+4, 8, 4);
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] == 7 || contents[i + vmult[j]] == 9)
//Sticking down
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8), 8, 4);
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] == 49 || contents[i + vmult[j]] == 50)
//left or right
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8)+3, 8, 2);
else if(tileset==1)
//if (contents[i + vmult[j]] >= 6 && contents[i + vmult[j]] <= 9) obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8)+1, 8, 6);
//if (contents[i + vmult[j]] >= 49 && contents[i + vmult[j]] <= 79) obj.createblock(2, (i * 8) + 1, (j * 8) + 1, 6, 6);
if ((contents[i + vmult[j]] >= 63 && contents[i + vmult[j]] <= 74) ||
(contents[i + vmult[j]] >= 6 && contents[i + vmult[j]] <= 9))
//sticking up) {
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] < 10) contents[i + vmult[j]]++;
//sticking up
if(contents[i + vmult[j]]%2==0)
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8), 8, 4);
//Sticking down
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8) + 4, 8, 4);
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] < 11) contents[i + vmult[j]]--;
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] >= 49 && contents[i + vmult[j]] <= 62)
//left or right
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8)+3, 8, 2);
else if(tileset==2)
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] == 6 || contents[i + vmult[j]] == 8)
//sticking up
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8)+4, 8, 4);
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] == 7 || contents[i + vmult[j]] == 9)
//Sticking down
obj.createblock(2, (i * 8), (j * 8), 8, 4);
//Breakable blocks
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] == 10)
contents[i + vmult[j]] = 0;
obj.createentity(i * 8, j * 8, 4);
//Directional blocks
if (contents[i + vmult[j]] >= 14 && contents[i + vmult[j]] <= 17)
obj.createblock(3, i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8, contents[i + vmult[j]]-14);
for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.entities.size(); i++)
if (obj.entities[i].type == 1 && obj.entities[i].behave >= 8 && obj.entities[i].behave < 10)
//put a block underneath
int temp = obj.entities[i].xp / 8.0f;
int temp2 = obj.entities[i].yp / 8.0f;
settile(temp, temp2, 1);
settile(temp+1, temp2, 1);
settile(temp+2, temp2, 1);
settile(temp+3, temp2, 1);
if (obj.entities[i].w == 64)
settile(temp+4, temp2, 1);
settile(temp+5, temp2, 1);
settile(temp+6, temp2, 1);
settile(temp+7, temp2, 1);
//Special scripting: Create objects and triggers based on what crewmembers are rescued.
if (!finalmode && !custommode)
//First up: the extra bits:
//Vermilion's quest:
if (rx == 100 && ry == 105) //On path to verdigris
if (game.crewstats[3] && !game.crewstats[4])
obj.createentity(87, 105, 18, 15, 0, 18);
obj.createblock(5, 87-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 3);
else if (rx == 107 && ry == 100) //victoria
if (game.crewstats[3] && !game.crewstats[5])
obj.createentity(140, 137, 18, 15, 0, 18);
obj.createblock(5, 140-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 3);
else if (rx == 114 && ry == 109)
if (game.crewstats[3] && !game.crewstats[2])
obj.createentity(235, 81, 18, 15, 0, 18);
obj.createblock(5, 235-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 3);
//Verdigris fixing the ship
if (rx == 101 && ry == 109)
if (game.crewstats[4])
if(game.crewrescued()>4 && game.crewrescued()!=6)
obj.createentity(175, 121, 18, 13, 0, 18);
obj.createblock(5, 175-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 4);
else if (rx == 103 && ry == 109)
if (game.crewstats[4])
if(game.crewrescued()<=4 && game.crewrescued()!=6)
obj.createentity(53, 161, 18, 13, 1, 18);
obj.createblock(5, 53-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 4);
if (rx == 104 && ry == 111)
//First: is he rescued?
if (game.crewstats[3])
//If so, red will always be at his post
obj.createentity(107, 121, 18, 15, 0, 18);
//What script do we use?
obj.createblock(5, 107-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 3);
else if (rx == 103 && ry == 111)
//First: is he rescued?
if (game.crewstats[2])
obj.createentity(198, 105, 18, 14, 0, 18);
//What script do we use?
obj.createblock(5, 198-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 2);
else if (rx == 103 && ry == 110)
//First: is he rescued?
if (game.crewstats[4])
obj.createentity(242, 177, 18, 13, 0, 18);
//What script do we use?
obj.createblock(5, 242-32, 177-20, 32+32+32, 40, 4);
else if (rx == 104 && ry == 110)
//First: is she rescued?
if (game.crewstats[1])
obj.createentity(140, 177, 18, 20, 0, 18);
//What script do we use?
obj.createblock(5, 140-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 1);
else if (rx == 102 && ry == 110)
//First: is she rescued?
if (game.crewstats[5])
//A slight varation - she's upside down
obj.createentity(249, 62, 18, 16, 0, 18);
int j = obj.getcrewman(BLUE);
if (INBOUNDS_VEC(j, obj.entities))
obj.entities[j].rule = 7;
obj.entities[j].tile +=6;
//What script do we use?
obj.createblock(5, 249-32, 0, 32+32+32, 240, 5);
void mapclass::twoframedelayfix(void)
// Fixes the two-frame delay in custom levels that use scripts to spawn an entity upon room load.
// Because when the room loads and newscript is set to run, newscript has already ran for that frame,
// and when the script gets loaded script.run() has already ran for that frame, too.
// A bit kludge-y, but it's the least we can do without changing the frame ordering.
if (GlitchrunnerMode_less_than_or_equal(Glitchrunner2_2)
|| !custommode
|| game.deathseq != -1)
int block_idx = -1;
// obj.checktrigger() sets block_idx
int activetrigger = obj.checktrigger(&block_idx);
if (activetrigger <= -1
|| !INBOUNDS_VEC(block_idx, obj.blocks)
|| activetrigger < 300)
game.newscript = obj.blocks[block_idx].script;
game.state = 0;
game.statedelay = 0;