mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-07-07 03:43:27 +02:00
Terry Cavanagh 72d018ea04 Update mobile version to mobile v2.2.1
The android version just got a much needed update to fix some resolution issues on devices with cutouts.

It turns out the mobile source was actually pretty out of date, like 3 versions out of date! This commit brings it up to date.

All the changes have just been about keeping the game running on modern devices, though. The biggest change was adding the Starling library to the project, which made the game GPU powered and sped the whole thing up.
2022-12-02 18:19:58 +01:00

276 lines
10 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.rendering
import flash.display3D.VertexBuffer3D;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import starling.core.Starling;
import starling.utils.StringUtil;
/** Describes the memory layout of VertexData instances, as used for every single vertex.
* <p>The format is set up via a simple String. Here is an example:</p>
* <listing>
* format = VertexDataFormat.fromString("position:float2, color:bytes4");</listing>
* <p>This String describes two attributes: "position" and "color". The keywords after
* the colons depict the format and size of the data that each attribute uses; in this
* case, we store two floats for the position (taking up the x- and y-coordinates) and four
* bytes for the color. (The available formats are the same as those defined in the
* <code>Context3DVertexBufferFormat</code> class:
* <code>float1, float2, float3, float4, bytes4</code>.)</p>
* <p>You cannot create a VertexData instance with its constructor; instead, you must use the
* static <code>fromString</code>-method. The reason for this behavior: the class maintains
* a cache, and a call to <code>fromString</code> will return an existing instance if an
* equivalent format has already been created in the past. That saves processing time and
* memory.</p>
* <p>VertexDataFormat instances are immutable, i.e. they are solely defined by their format
* string and cannot be changed later.</p>
* @see VertexData
public class VertexDataFormat
private var _format:String;
private var _vertexSize:int;
private var _attributes:Vector.<VertexDataAttribute>;
// format cache
private static var sFormats:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
/** Don't use the constructor, but call <code>VertexDataFormat.fromString</code> instead.
* This allows for efficient format caching. */
public function VertexDataFormat()
_attributes = new Vector.<VertexDataAttribute>();
/** Creates a new VertexDataFormat instance from the given String, or returns one from
* the cache (if an equivalent String has already been used before).
* @param format
* Describes the attributes of each vertex, consisting of a comma-separated
* list of attribute names and their format, e.g.:
* <pre>"position:float2, texCoords:float2, color:bytes4"</pre>
* <p>This set of attributes will be allocated for each vertex, and they will be
* stored in exactly the given order.</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Names are used to access the specific attributes of a vertex. They are
* completely arbitrary.</li>
* <li>The available formats can be found in the <code>Context3DVertexBufferFormat</code>
* class in the <code>flash.display3D</code> package.</li>
* <li>Both names and format strings are case-sensitive.</li>
* <li>Always use <code>bytes4</code> for color data that you want to access with the
* respective methods.</li>
* <li>Furthermore, the attribute names of colors should include the string "color"
* (or the uppercase variant). If that's the case, the "alpha" channel of the color
* will automatically be initialized with "1.0" when the VertexData object is
* created or resized.</li>
* </ul>
public static function fromString(format:String):VertexDataFormat
if (format in sFormats) return sFormats[format];
var instance:VertexDataFormat = new VertexDataFormat();
var normalizedFormat:String = instance._format;
if (normalizedFormat in sFormats)
instance = sFormats[normalizedFormat];
sFormats[format] = instance;
sFormats[normalizedFormat] = instance;
return instance;
/** Creates a new VertexDataFormat instance by appending the given format string
* to the current instance's format. */
public function extend(format:String):VertexDataFormat
return fromString(_format + ", " + format);
// query methods
/** Returns the size of a certain vertex attribute in bytes. */
public function getSize(attrName:String):int
return getAttribute(attrName).size;
/** Returns the size of a certain vertex attribute in 32 bit units. */
public function getSizeIn32Bits(attrName:String):int
return getAttribute(attrName).size / 4;
/** Returns the offset (in bytes) of an attribute within a vertex. */
public function getOffset(attrName:String):int
return getAttribute(attrName).offset;
/** Returns the offset (in 32 bit units) of an attribute within a vertex. */
public function getOffsetIn32Bits(attrName:String):int
return getAttribute(attrName).offset / 4;
/** Returns the format of a certain vertex attribute, identified by its name.
* Typical values: <code>float1, float2, float3, float4, bytes4</code>. */
public function getFormat(attrName:String):String
return getAttribute(attrName).format;
/** Returns the name of the attribute at the given position within the vertex format. */
public function getName(attrIndex:int):String
return _attributes[attrIndex].name;
/** Indicates if the format contains an attribute with the given name. */
public function hasAttribute(attrName:String):Boolean
var numAttributes:int = _attributes.length;
for (var i:int=0; i<numAttributes; ++i)
if (_attributes[i].name == attrName) return true;
return false;
// context methods
/** Specifies which vertex data attribute corresponds to a single vertex shader
* program input. This wraps the <code>Context3D</code>-method with the same name,
* automatically replacing <code>attrName</code> with the corresponding values for
* <code>bufferOffset</code> and <code>format</code>. */
public function setVertexBufferAt(index:int, buffer:VertexBuffer3D, attrName:String):void
var attribute:VertexDataAttribute = getAttribute(attrName);
Starling.context.setVertexBufferAt(index, buffer, attribute.offset / 4, attribute.format);
// parsing
private function parseFormat(format:String):void
if (format != null && format != "")
_attributes.length = 0;
_format = "";
var parts:Array = format.split(",");
var numParts:int = parts.length;
var offset:int = 0;
for (var i:int=0; i<numParts; ++i)
var attrDesc:String = parts[i];
var attrParts:Array = attrDesc.split(":");
if (attrParts.length != 2)
throw new ArgumentError("Missing colon: " + attrDesc);
var attrName:String = StringUtil.trim(attrParts[0]);
var attrFormat:String = StringUtil.trim(attrParts[1]);
if (attrName.length == 0 || attrFormat.length == 0)
throw new ArgumentError(("Invalid format string: " + attrDesc));
var attribute:VertexDataAttribute =
new VertexDataAttribute(attrName, attrFormat, offset);
offset += attribute.size;
_format += (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") + attribute.name + ":" + attribute.format;
_attributes[_attributes.length] = attribute; // avoid 'push'
_vertexSize = offset;
_format = "";
/** Returns the normalized format string. */
public function toString():String
return _format;
// internal methods
/** @private */
internal function getAttribute(attrName:String):VertexDataAttribute
var i:int, attribute:VertexDataAttribute;
var numAttributes:int = _attributes.length;
for (i=0; i<numAttributes; ++i)
attribute = _attributes[i];
if (attribute.name == attrName) return attribute;
return null;
/** @private */
internal function get attributes():Vector.<VertexDataAttribute>
return _attributes;
// properties
/** Returns the normalized format string. */
public function get formatString():String
return _format;
/** The size (in bytes) of each vertex. */
public function get vertexSize():int
return _vertexSize;
/** The size (in 32 bit units) of each vertex. */
public function get vertexSizeIn32Bits():int
return _vertexSize / 4;
/** The number of attributes per vertex. */
public function get numAttributes():int
return _attributes.length;