mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-06-18 10:38:31 +02:00
Terry Cavanagh 72d018ea04 Update mobile version to mobile v2.2.1
The android version just got a much needed update to fix some resolution issues on devices with cutouts.

It turns out the mobile source was actually pretty out of date, like 3 versions out of date! This commit brings it up to date.

All the changes have just been about keeping the game running on modern devices, though. The biggest change was adding the Starling library to the project, which made the game GPU powered and sped the whole thing up.
2022-12-02 18:19:58 +01:00

634 lines
26 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.filters
import flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFormat;
import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import starling.core.Starling;
import starling.core.starling_internal;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
import starling.display.Stage;
import starling.events.Event;
import starling.events.EventDispatcher;
import starling.rendering.FilterEffect;
import starling.rendering.IndexData;
import starling.rendering.Painter;
import starling.rendering.VertexData;
import starling.textures.Texture;
import starling.textures.TextureSmoothing;
import starling.utils.MatrixUtil;
import starling.utils.Padding;
import starling.utils.Pool;
import starling.utils.RectangleUtil;
/** Dispatched when the settings change in a way that requires a redraw. */
[Event(name="change", type="starling.events.Event")]
/** Dispatched every frame on filters assigned to display objects connected to the stage. */
[Event(name="enterFrame", type="starling.events.EnterFrameEvent")]
/** The FragmentFilter class is the base class for all filter effects in Starling.
* All filters must extend this class. You can attach them to any display object through the
* <code>filter</code> property.
* <p>A fragment filter works in the following way:</p>
* <ol>
* <li>The object to be filtered is rendered into a texture.</li>
* <li>That texture is passed to the <code>process</code> method.</li>
* <li>This method processes the texture using a <code>FilterEffect</code> subclass
* that processes the input via fragment and vertex shaders to achieve a certain
* effect.</li>
* <li>If the filter requires several passes, the process method may execute the
* effect several times, or even make use of other filters in the process.</li>
* <li>In the end, a quad with the output texture is added to the batch renderer.
* In the next frame, if the object hasn't changed, the filter is drawn directly
* from the render cache.</li>
* <li>Alternatively, the last pass may be drawn directly to the back buffer. That saves
* one draw call, but means that the object may not be drawn from the render cache in
* the next frame. Starling makes an educated guess if that makes sense, but you can
* also force it to do so via the <code>alwaysDrawToBackBuffer</code> property.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>All of this is set up by the basic FragmentFilter class. Concrete subclasses
* just need to override the protected method <code>createEffect</code> and (optionally)
* <code>process</code>. Multi-pass filters must also override <code>numPasses</code>.</p>
* <p>Typically, any properties on the filter are just forwarded to an effect instance,
* which is then used automatically by <code>process</code> to render the filter pass.
* For a simple example on how to write a single-pass filter, look at the implementation of
* the <code>ColorMatrixFilter</code>; for a composite filter (i.e. a filter that combines
* several others), look at the <code>GlowFilter</code>.
* </p>
* <p>Beware that a filter instance may only be used on one object at a time!</p>
* <p><strong>Animated filters</strong></p>
* <p>The <code>process</code> method of a filter is only called when it's necessary, i.e.
* when the filter properties or the target display object changes. This means that you cannot
* rely on the method to be called on a regular basis, as needed when creating an animated
* filter class. Instead, you can do so by listening for an <code>ENTER_FRAME</code>-event.
* It is dispatched on the filter once every frame, as long as the filter is assigned to
* a display object that is connected to the stage.</p>
* <p><strong>Caching</strong></p>
* <p>Per default, whenever the target display object is changed in any way (i.e. the render
* cache fails), the filter is reprocessed. However, you can manually cache the filter output
* via the method of the same name: this will let the filter redraw the current output texture,
* even if the target object changes later on. That's especially useful if you add a filter
* to an object that changes only rarely, e.g. a TextField or an Image. Keep in mind, though,
* that you have to call <code>cache()</code> again in order for any changes to show up.</p>
* @see starling.rendering.FilterEffect
public class FragmentFilter extends EventDispatcher
private var _quad:FilterQuad;
private var _target:DisplayObject;
private var _effect:FilterEffect;
private var _vertexData:VertexData;
private var _indexData:IndexData;
private var _padding:Padding;
private var _helper:FilterHelper;
private var _resolution:Number;
private var _textureFormat:String;
private var _textureSmoothing:String;
private var _alwaysDrawToBackBuffer:Boolean;
private var _cacheRequested:Boolean;
private var _cached:Boolean;
// helpers
private static var sMatrix3D:Matrix3D;
/** Creates a new instance. The base class' implementation just draws the unmodified
* input texture. */
public function FragmentFilter()
_resolution = 1.0;
_textureFormat = Context3DTextureFormat.BGRA;
_textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.BILINEAR;
// Handle lost context (using conventional Flash event for weak listener support)
onContextCreated, false, 0, true);
/** Disposes all resources that have been created by the filter. */
public function dispose():void
Starling.current.stage3D.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated);
if (_helper) _helper.dispose();
if (_effect) _effect.dispose();
if (_quad) _quad.dispose();
_effect = null;
_quad = null;
private function onContextCreated(event:Object):void
/** Renders the filtered target object. Most users will never have to call this manually;
* it's executed automatically in the rendering process of the filtered display object.
public function render(painter:Painter):void
if (_target == null)
throw new IllegalOperationError("Cannot render filter without target");
if (_target.is3D)
_cached = _cacheRequested = false;
if (!_cached || _cacheRequested)
renderPasses(painter, _cacheRequested);
_cacheRequested = false;
else if (_quad.visible)
private function renderPasses(painter:Painter, forCache:Boolean):void
if (_helper == null) _helper = new FilterHelper(_textureFormat);
if (_quad == null) _quad = new FilterQuad(_textureSmoothing);
else { _helper.putTexture(_quad.texture); _quad.texture = null; }
var bounds:Rectangle = Pool.getRectangle(); // might be recursive -> no static var
var drawLastPassToBackBuffer:Boolean = false;
var origResolution:Number = _resolution;
var renderSpace:DisplayObject = _target.stage || _target.parent;
var isOnStage:Boolean = renderSpace is Stage;
var stage:Stage = Starling.current.stage;
var stageBounds:Rectangle;
if (!forCache && (_alwaysDrawToBackBuffer || _target.requiresRedraw))
// If 'requiresRedraw' is true, the object is non-static, and we guess that this
// will be the same in the next frame. So we render directly to the back buffer.
// -- That, however, is only possible for full alpha values, because
// (1) 'FilterEffect' can't handle alpha (and that will do the rendering)
// (2) we don't want lower layers (CompositeFilter!) to shine through.
drawLastPassToBackBuffer = painter.state.alpha == 1.0;
if (_target == Starling.current.root)
// full-screen filters use exactly the stage bounds
stage.getStageBounds(_target, bounds);
// Unfortunately, the following bounds calculation yields the wrong result when
// drawing a filter to a RenderTexture using a custom matrix. The 'modelviewMatrix'
// should be used for the bounds calculation, but the API doesn't support this.
// A future version should change this to: "getBounds(modelviewMatrix, bounds)"
_target.getBounds(renderSpace, bounds);
if (!forCache && isOnStage) // normally, we don't need anything outside
stageBounds = stage.getStageBounds(null, Pool.getRectangle());
RectangleUtil.intersect(bounds, stageBounds, bounds);
_quad.visible = !bounds.isEmpty();
if (!_quad.visible) { Pool.putRectangle(bounds); return; }
if (_padding) RectangleUtil.extend(bounds,
_padding.left, _padding.right, _padding.top, _padding.bottom);
// integer bounds for maximum sharpness + to avoid jiggling
bounds.setTo(Math.floor(bounds.x), Math.floor(bounds.y),
Math.ceil(bounds.width), Math.ceil(bounds.height));
_helper.textureScale = Starling.contentScaleFactor * _resolution;
_helper.projectionMatrix3D = painter.state.projectionMatrix3D;
_helper.renderTarget = painter.state.renderTarget;
_helper.targetBounds = bounds;
_helper.target = _target;
_helper.start(numPasses, drawLastPassToBackBuffer);
_resolution = 1.0; // applied via '_helper.textureScale' already;
// only 'child'-filters use resolution directly (in 'process')
var wasCacheEnabled:Boolean = painter.cacheEnabled;
var input:Texture = _helper.getTexture();
var output:Texture;
painter.cacheEnabled = false; // -> what follows should not be cached
painter.state.alpha = 1.0;
painter.state.renderTarget = input;
painter.state.setProjectionMatrix(bounds.x, bounds.y,
input.root.width, input.root.height,
stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, stage.cameraPosition);
_target.render(painter); // -> draw target object into 'input'
painter.state.clipRect = null;
output = process(painter, _helper, input); // -> feed 'input' to actual filter code
painter.cacheEnabled = wasCacheEnabled; // -> cache again
if (output) // indirect rendering
if (_target.is3D) painter.state.setModelviewMatricesToIdentity(); // -> stage coords
else _quad.moveVertices(renderSpace, _target); // -> local coords
_quad.texture = output;
_helper.target = null;
_resolution = origResolution;
/** Does the actual filter processing. This method will be called with up to four input
* textures and must return a new texture (acquired from the <code>helper</code>) that
* contains the filtered output. To to do this, it configures the FilterEffect
* (provided via <code>createEffect</code>) and calls its <code>render</code> method.
* <p>In a standard filter, only <code>input0</code> will contain a texture; that's the
* object the filter was applied to, rendered into an appropriately sized texture.
* However, filters may also accept multiple textures; that's useful when you need to
* combine the output of several filters into one. For example, the DropShadowFilter
* uses a BlurFilter to create the shadow and then feeds both input and shadow texture
* into a CompositeFilter.</p>
* <p>Never create or dispose any textures manually within this method; instead, get
* new textures from the provided helper object, and pass them to the helper when you do
* not need them any longer. Ownership of both input textures and returned texture
* lies at the caller; only temporary textures should be put into the helper.</p>
public function process(painter:Painter, helper:IFilterHelper,
input0:Texture=null, input1:Texture=null,
input2:Texture=null, input3:Texture=null):Texture
var effect:FilterEffect = this.effect;
var output:Texture = helper.getTexture(_resolution);
var projectionMatrix:Matrix3D;
var bounds:Rectangle = null;
var renderTarget:Texture;
if (output) // render to texture
renderTarget = output;
projectionMatrix = MatrixUtil.createPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(0, 0,
output.root.width / _resolution, output.root.height / _resolution,
0, 0, null, sMatrix3D);
else // render to back buffer
bounds = helper.targetBounds;
renderTarget = (helper as FilterHelper).renderTarget;
projectionMatrix = (helper as FilterHelper).projectionMatrix3D;
effect.textureSmoothing = _textureSmoothing;
painter.state.renderTarget = renderTarget;
painter.drawCount += 1;
input0.setupVertexPositions(vertexData, 0, "position", bounds);
effect.texture = input0;
effect.mvpMatrix3D = projectionMatrix;
effect.render(0, indexData.numTriangles);
return output;
/** Creates the effect that does the actual, low-level rendering.
* Must be overridden by all subclasses that do any rendering on their own (instead
* of just forwarding processing to other filters).
protected function createEffect():FilterEffect
return new FilterEffect();
/** Caches the filter output into a texture.
* <p>An uncached filter is rendered every frame (except if it can be rendered from the
* global render cache, which happens if the target object does not change its appearance
* or location relative to the stage). A cached filter is only rendered once; the output
* stays unchanged until you call <code>cache</code> again or change the filter settings.
* </p>
* <p>Beware: you cannot cache filters on 3D objects; if the object the filter is attached
* to is a Sprite3D or has a Sprite3D as (grand-) parent, the request will be silently
* ignored. However, you <em>can</em> cache a 2D object that has 3D children!</p>
public function cache():void
_cached = _cacheRequested = true;
/** Clears the cached output of the filter. After calling this method, the filter will be
* processed once per frame again. */
public function clearCache():void
_cached = _cacheRequested = false;
// enter frame event
/** @private */
override public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function):void
if (type == Event.ENTER_FRAME && _target)
_target.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
super.addEventListener(type, listener);
/** @private */
override public function removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function):void
if (type == Event.ENTER_FRAME && _target)
_target.removeEventListener(type, onEnterFrame);
super.removeEventListener(type, listener);
private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
// properties
/** The effect instance returning the FilterEffect created via <code>createEffect</code>. */
protected function get effect():FilterEffect
if (_effect == null) _effect = createEffect();
return _effect;
/** The VertexData used to process the effect. Per default, uses the format provided
* by the effect, and contains four vertices enclosing the target object. */
protected function get vertexData():VertexData
if (_vertexData == null) _vertexData = new VertexData(effect.vertexFormat, 4);
return _vertexData;
/** The IndexData used to process the effect. Per default, references a quad (two triangles)
* of four vertices. */
protected function get indexData():IndexData
if (_indexData == null)
_indexData = new IndexData(6);
_indexData.addQuad(0, 1, 2, 3);
return _indexData;
/** Call this method when any of the filter's properties changes.
* This will make sure the filter is redrawn in the next frame. */
protected function setRequiresRedraw():void
if (_target) _target.setRequiresRedraw();
if (_cached) _cacheRequested = true;
/** Indicates the number of rendering passes required for this filter.
* Subclasses must override this method if the number of passes is not <code>1</code>. */
public function get numPasses():int
return 1;
/** Called when assigning a target display object.
* Override to plug in class-specific logic. */
protected function onTargetAssigned(target:DisplayObject):void
{ }
/** Padding can extend the size of the filter texture in all directions.
* That's useful when the filter "grows" the bounds of the object in any direction. */
public function get padding():Padding
if (_padding == null)
_padding = new Padding();
_padding.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, setRequiresRedraw);
return _padding;
public function set padding(value:Padding):void
/** Indicates if the filter is cached (via the <code>cache</code> method). */
public function get isCached():Boolean { return _cached; }
/** The resolution of the filter texture. "1" means stage resolution, "0.5" half the stage
* resolution. A lower resolution saves memory and execution time, but results in a lower
* output quality. Values greater than 1 are allowed; such values might make sense for a
* cached filter when it is scaled up. @default 1
public function get resolution():Number { return _resolution; }
public function set resolution(value:Number):void
if (value != _resolution)
if (value > 0) _resolution = value;
else throw new ArgumentError("resolution must be > 0");
/** The smoothing mode of the filter texture. @default bilinear */
public function get textureSmoothing():String { return _textureSmoothing; }
public function set textureSmoothing(value:String):void
if (value != _textureSmoothing)
_textureSmoothing = value;
if (_quad) _quad.textureSmoothing = value;
/** The format of the filter texture. @default BGRA */
public function get textureFormat():String { return _textureFormat; }
public function set textureFormat(value:String):void
if (value != _textureFormat)
_textureFormat = value;
if (_helper) _helper.textureFormat = value;
/** Indicates if the last filter pass is always drawn directly to the back buffer.
* <p>Per default, the filter tries to automatically render in a smart way: objects that
* are currently moving are rendered to the back buffer, objects that are static are
* rendered into a texture first, which allows the filter to be drawn directly from the
* render cache in the next frame (in case the object remains static).</p>
* <p>However, this fails when filters are added to an object that does not support the
* render cache, or to a container with such a child (e.g. a Sprite3D object or a masked
* display object). In such a case, enable this property for maximum performance.</p>
* @default false
public function get alwaysDrawToBackBuffer():Boolean { return _alwaysDrawToBackBuffer; }
public function set alwaysDrawToBackBuffer(value:Boolean):void
_alwaysDrawToBackBuffer = value;
// internal methods
/** @private */
starling_internal function setTarget(target:DisplayObject):void
if (target != _target)
var prevTarget:DisplayObject = _target;
_target = target;
if (target == null)
if (_helper) _helper.purge();
if (_effect) _effect.purgeBuffers();
if (_quad) _quad.disposeTexture();
if (prevTarget)
prevTarget.filter = null;
prevTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
if (target)
if (hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME))
target.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
import starling.display.Mesh;
import starling.rendering.IndexData;
import starling.rendering.VertexData;
import starling.textures.Texture;
class FilterQuad extends Mesh
private static var sMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
public function FilterQuad(smoothing:String)
var vertexData:VertexData = new VertexData(null, 4);
vertexData.numVertices = 4;
var indexData:IndexData = new IndexData(6);
indexData.addQuad(0, 1, 2, 3);
super(vertexData, indexData);
textureSmoothing = smoothing;
pixelSnapping = false;
override public function dispose():void
public function disposeTexture():void
if (texture)
texture = null;
public function moveVertices(sourceSpace:DisplayObject, targetSpace:DisplayObject):void
if (targetSpace.is3D)
throw new Error("cannot move vertices into 3D space");
else if (sourceSpace != targetSpace)
targetSpace.getTransformationMatrix(sourceSpace, sMatrix).invert(); // ss could be null!
vertexData.transformPoints("position", sMatrix);
public function setBounds(bounds:Rectangle):void
var vertexData:VertexData = this.vertexData;
var attrName:String = "position";
vertexData.setPoint(0, attrName, bounds.x, bounds.y);
vertexData.setPoint(1, attrName, bounds.right, bounds.y);
vertexData.setPoint(2, attrName, bounds.x, bounds.bottom);
vertexData.setPoint(3, attrName, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
override public function set texture(value:Texture):void
super.texture = value;
if (value) value.setupTextureCoordinates(vertexData);