// ================================================================================================= // // Starling Framework // Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved. // // This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it // in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement. // // ================================================================================================= package starling.filters { import flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFormat; import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; import flash.geom.Matrix3D; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import starling.core.Starling; import starling.core.starling_internal; import starling.display.DisplayObject; import starling.display.Stage; import starling.events.Event; import starling.events.EventDispatcher; import starling.rendering.FilterEffect; import starling.rendering.IndexData; import starling.rendering.Painter; import starling.rendering.VertexData; import starling.textures.Texture; import starling.textures.TextureSmoothing; import starling.utils.MatrixUtil; import starling.utils.Padding; import starling.utils.Pool; import starling.utils.RectangleUtil; /** Dispatched when the settings change in a way that requires a redraw. */ [Event(name="change", type="starling.events.Event")] /** Dispatched every frame on filters assigned to display objects connected to the stage. */ [Event(name="enterFrame", type="starling.events.EnterFrameEvent")] /** The FragmentFilter class is the base class for all filter effects in Starling. * All filters must extend this class. You can attach them to any display object through the * filter property. * *

A fragment filter works in the following way:

  1. The object to be filtered is rendered into a texture.
  2. *
  3. That texture is passed to the process method.
  4. *
  5. This method processes the texture using a FilterEffect subclass * that processes the input via fragment and vertex shaders to achieve a certain * effect.
  6. *
  7. If the filter requires several passes, the process method may execute the * effect several times, or even make use of other filters in the process.
  8. *
  9. In the end, a quad with the output texture is added to the batch renderer. * In the next frame, if the object hasn't changed, the filter is drawn directly * from the render cache.
  10. *
  11. Alternatively, the last pass may be drawn directly to the back buffer. That saves * one draw call, but means that the object may not be drawn from the render cache in * the next frame. Starling makes an educated guess if that makes sense, but you can * also force it to do so via the alwaysDrawToBackBuffer property.
  12. *
* *

All of this is set up by the basic FragmentFilter class. Concrete subclasses * just need to override the protected method createEffect and (optionally) * process. Multi-pass filters must also override numPasses.

* *

Typically, any properties on the filter are just forwarded to an effect instance, * which is then used automatically by process to render the filter pass. * For a simple example on how to write a single-pass filter, look at the implementation of * the ColorMatrixFilter; for a composite filter (i.e. a filter that combines * several others), look at the GlowFilter. *

* *

Beware that a filter instance may only be used on one object at a time!

* *

Animated filters

* *

The process method of a filter is only called when it's necessary, i.e. * when the filter properties or the target display object changes. This means that you cannot * rely on the method to be called on a regular basis, as needed when creating an animated * filter class. Instead, you can do so by listening for an ENTER_FRAME-event. * It is dispatched on the filter once every frame, as long as the filter is assigned to * a display object that is connected to the stage.

* *


* *

Per default, whenever the target display object is changed in any way (i.e. the render * cache fails), the filter is reprocessed. However, you can manually cache the filter output * via the method of the same name: this will let the filter redraw the current output texture, * even if the target object changes later on. That's especially useful if you add a filter * to an object that changes only rarely, e.g. a TextField or an Image. Keep in mind, though, * that you have to call cache() again in order for any changes to show up.

* * @see starling.rendering.FilterEffect */ public class FragmentFilter extends EventDispatcher { private var _quad:FilterQuad; private var _target:DisplayObject; private var _effect:FilterEffect; private var _vertexData:VertexData; private var _indexData:IndexData; private var _padding:Padding; private var _helper:FilterHelper; private var _resolution:Number; private var _textureFormat:String; private var _textureSmoothing:String; private var _alwaysDrawToBackBuffer:Boolean; private var _cacheRequested:Boolean; private var _cached:Boolean; // helpers private static var sMatrix3D:Matrix3D; /** Creates a new instance. The base class' implementation just draws the unmodified * input texture. */ public function FragmentFilter() { _resolution = 1.0; _textureFormat = Context3DTextureFormat.BGRA; _textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.BILINEAR; // Handle lost context (using conventional Flash event for weak listener support) Starling.current.stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated, false, 0, true); } /** Disposes all resources that have been created by the filter. */ public function dispose():void { Starling.current.stage3D.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated); if (_helper) _helper.dispose(); if (_effect) _effect.dispose(); if (_quad) _quad.dispose(); _effect = null; _quad = null; } private function onContextCreated(event:Object):void { setRequiresRedraw(); } /** Renders the filtered target object. Most users will never have to call this manually; * it's executed automatically in the rendering process of the filtered display object. */ public function render(painter:Painter):void { if (_target == null) throw new IllegalOperationError("Cannot render filter without target"); if (_target.is3D) _cached = _cacheRequested = false; if (!_cached || _cacheRequested) { renderPasses(painter, _cacheRequested); _cacheRequested = false; } else if (_quad.visible) { _quad.render(painter); } } private function renderPasses(painter:Painter, forCache:Boolean):void { if (_helper == null) _helper = new FilterHelper(_textureFormat); if (_quad == null) _quad = new FilterQuad(_textureSmoothing); else { _helper.putTexture(_quad.texture); _quad.texture = null; } var bounds:Rectangle = Pool.getRectangle(); // might be recursive -> no static var var drawLastPassToBackBuffer:Boolean = false; var origResolution:Number = _resolution; var renderSpace:DisplayObject = _target.stage || _target.parent; var isOnStage:Boolean = renderSpace is Stage; var stage:Stage = Starling.current.stage; var stageBounds:Rectangle; if (!forCache && (_alwaysDrawToBackBuffer || _target.requiresRedraw)) { // If 'requiresRedraw' is true, the object is non-static, and we guess that this // will be the same in the next frame. So we render directly to the back buffer. // // -- That, however, is only possible for full alpha values, because // (1) 'FilterEffect' can't handle alpha (and that will do the rendering) // (2) we don't want lower layers (CompositeFilter!) to shine through. drawLastPassToBackBuffer = painter.state.alpha == 1.0; painter.excludeFromCache(_target); } if (_target == Starling.current.root) { // full-screen filters use exactly the stage bounds stage.getStageBounds(_target, bounds); } else { // Unfortunately, the following bounds calculation yields the wrong result when // drawing a filter to a RenderTexture using a custom matrix. The 'modelviewMatrix' // should be used for the bounds calculation, but the API doesn't support this. // A future version should change this to: "getBounds(modelviewMatrix, bounds)" _target.getBounds(renderSpace, bounds); if (!forCache && isOnStage) // normally, we don't need anything outside { stageBounds = stage.getStageBounds(null, Pool.getRectangle()); RectangleUtil.intersect(bounds, stageBounds, bounds); Pool.putRectangle(stageBounds); } } _quad.visible = !bounds.isEmpty(); if (!_quad.visible) { Pool.putRectangle(bounds); return; } if (_padding) RectangleUtil.extend(bounds, _padding.left, _padding.right, _padding.top, _padding.bottom); // integer bounds for maximum sharpness + to avoid jiggling bounds.setTo(Math.floor(bounds.x), Math.floor(bounds.y), Math.ceil(bounds.width), Math.ceil(bounds.height)); _helper.textureScale = Starling.contentScaleFactor * _resolution; _helper.projectionMatrix3D = painter.state.projectionMatrix3D; _helper.renderTarget = painter.state.renderTarget; _helper.targetBounds = bounds; _helper.target = _target; _helper.start(numPasses, drawLastPassToBackBuffer); _quad.setBounds(bounds); _resolution = 1.0; // applied via '_helper.textureScale' already; // only 'child'-filters use resolution directly (in 'process') var wasCacheEnabled:Boolean = painter.cacheEnabled; var input:Texture = _helper.getTexture(); var output:Texture; painter.cacheEnabled = false; // -> what follows should not be cached painter.pushState(); painter.state.alpha = 1.0; painter.state.renderTarget = input; painter.state.setProjectionMatrix(bounds.x, bounds.y, input.root.width, input.root.height, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, stage.cameraPosition); _target.render(painter); // -> draw target object into 'input' painter.finishMeshBatch(); painter.state.setModelviewMatricesToIdentity(); painter.state.clipRect = null; output = process(painter, _helper, input); // -> feed 'input' to actual filter code painter.popState(); painter.cacheEnabled = wasCacheEnabled; // -> cache again if (output) // indirect rendering { painter.pushState(); if (_target.is3D) painter.state.setModelviewMatricesToIdentity(); // -> stage coords else _quad.moveVertices(renderSpace, _target); // -> local coords _quad.texture = output; _quad.render(painter); painter.finishMeshBatch(); painter.popState(); } _helper.target = null; _helper.putTexture(input); _resolution = origResolution; Pool.putRectangle(bounds); } /** Does the actual filter processing. This method will be called with up to four input * textures and must return a new texture (acquired from the helper) that * contains the filtered output. To to do this, it configures the FilterEffect * (provided via createEffect) and calls its render method. * *

In a standard filter, only input0 will contain a texture; that's the * object the filter was applied to, rendered into an appropriately sized texture. * However, filters may also accept multiple textures; that's useful when you need to * combine the output of several filters into one. For example, the DropShadowFilter * uses a BlurFilter to create the shadow and then feeds both input and shadow texture * into a CompositeFilter.

* *

Never create or dispose any textures manually within this method; instead, get * new textures from the provided helper object, and pass them to the helper when you do * not need them any longer. Ownership of both input textures and returned texture * lies at the caller; only temporary textures should be put into the helper.

*/ public function process(painter:Painter, helper:IFilterHelper, input0:Texture=null, input1:Texture=null, input2:Texture=null, input3:Texture=null):Texture { var effect:FilterEffect = this.effect; var output:Texture = helper.getTexture(_resolution); var projectionMatrix:Matrix3D; var bounds:Rectangle = null; var renderTarget:Texture; if (output) // render to texture { renderTarget = output; projectionMatrix = MatrixUtil.createPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(0, 0, output.root.width / _resolution, output.root.height / _resolution, 0, 0, null, sMatrix3D); } else // render to back buffer { bounds = helper.targetBounds; renderTarget = (helper as FilterHelper).renderTarget; projectionMatrix = (helper as FilterHelper).projectionMatrix3D; effect.textureSmoothing = _textureSmoothing; } painter.state.renderTarget = renderTarget; painter.prepareToDraw(); painter.drawCount += 1; input0.setupVertexPositions(vertexData, 0, "position", bounds); input0.setupTextureCoordinates(vertexData); effect.texture = input0; effect.mvpMatrix3D = projectionMatrix; effect.uploadVertexData(vertexData); effect.uploadIndexData(indexData); effect.render(0, indexData.numTriangles); return output; } /** Creates the effect that does the actual, low-level rendering. * Must be overridden by all subclasses that do any rendering on their own (instead * of just forwarding processing to other filters). */ protected function createEffect():FilterEffect { return new FilterEffect(); } /** Caches the filter output into a texture. * *

An uncached filter is rendered every frame (except if it can be rendered from the * global render cache, which happens if the target object does not change its appearance * or location relative to the stage). A cached filter is only rendered once; the output * stays unchanged until you call cache again or change the filter settings. *

* *

Beware: you cannot cache filters on 3D objects; if the object the filter is attached * to is a Sprite3D or has a Sprite3D as (grand-) parent, the request will be silently * ignored. However, you can cache a 2D object that has 3D children!

*/ public function cache():void { _cached = _cacheRequested = true; setRequiresRedraw(); } /** Clears the cached output of the filter. After calling this method, the filter will be * processed once per frame again. */ public function clearCache():void { _cached = _cacheRequested = false; setRequiresRedraw(); } // enter frame event /** @private */ override public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function):void { if (type == Event.ENTER_FRAME && _target) _target.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); super.addEventListener(type, listener); } /** @private */ override public function removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function):void { if (type == Event.ENTER_FRAME && _target) _target.removeEventListener(type, onEnterFrame); super.removeEventListener(type, listener); } private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void { dispatchEvent(event); } // properties /** The effect instance returning the FilterEffect created via createEffect. */ protected function get effect():FilterEffect { if (_effect == null) _effect = createEffect(); return _effect; } /** The VertexData used to process the effect. Per default, uses the format provided * by the effect, and contains four vertices enclosing the target object. */ protected function get vertexData():VertexData { if (_vertexData == null) _vertexData = new VertexData(effect.vertexFormat, 4); return _vertexData; } /** The IndexData used to process the effect. Per default, references a quad (two triangles) * of four vertices. */ protected function get indexData():IndexData { if (_indexData == null) { _indexData = new IndexData(6); _indexData.addQuad(0, 1, 2, 3); } return _indexData; } /** Call this method when any of the filter's properties changes. * This will make sure the filter is redrawn in the next frame. */ protected function setRequiresRedraw():void { dispatchEventWith(Event.CHANGE); if (_target) _target.setRequiresRedraw(); if (_cached) _cacheRequested = true; } /** Indicates the number of rendering passes required for this filter. * Subclasses must override this method if the number of passes is not 1. */ public function get numPasses():int { return 1; } /** Called when assigning a target display object. * Override to plug in class-specific logic. */ protected function onTargetAssigned(target:DisplayObject):void { } /** Padding can extend the size of the filter texture in all directions. * That's useful when the filter "grows" the bounds of the object in any direction. */ public function get padding():Padding { if (_padding == null) { _padding = new Padding(); _padding.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, setRequiresRedraw); } return _padding; } public function set padding(value:Padding):void { padding.copyFrom(value); } /** Indicates if the filter is cached (via the cache method). */ public function get isCached():Boolean { return _cached; } /** The resolution of the filter texture. "1" means stage resolution, "0.5" half the stage * resolution. A lower resolution saves memory and execution time, but results in a lower * output quality. Values greater than 1 are allowed; such values might make sense for a * cached filter when it is scaled up. @default 1 */ public function get resolution():Number { return _resolution; } public function set resolution(value:Number):void { if (value != _resolution) { if (value > 0) _resolution = value; else throw new ArgumentError("resolution must be > 0"); setRequiresRedraw(); } } /** The smoothing mode of the filter texture. @default bilinear */ public function get textureSmoothing():String { return _textureSmoothing; } public function set textureSmoothing(value:String):void { if (value != _textureSmoothing) { _textureSmoothing = value; if (_quad) _quad.textureSmoothing = value; setRequiresRedraw(); } } /** The format of the filter texture. @default BGRA */ public function get textureFormat():String { return _textureFormat; } public function set textureFormat(value:String):void { if (value != _textureFormat) { _textureFormat = value; if (_helper) _helper.textureFormat = value; setRequiresRedraw(); } } /** Indicates if the last filter pass is always drawn directly to the back buffer. * *

Per default, the filter tries to automatically render in a smart way: objects that * are currently moving are rendered to the back buffer, objects that are static are * rendered into a texture first, which allows the filter to be drawn directly from the * render cache in the next frame (in case the object remains static).

* *

However, this fails when filters are added to an object that does not support the * render cache, or to a container with such a child (e.g. a Sprite3D object or a masked * display object). In such a case, enable this property for maximum performance.

* * @default false */ public function get alwaysDrawToBackBuffer():Boolean { return _alwaysDrawToBackBuffer; } public function set alwaysDrawToBackBuffer(value:Boolean):void { _alwaysDrawToBackBuffer = value; } // internal methods /** @private */ starling_internal function setTarget(target:DisplayObject):void { if (target != _target) { var prevTarget:DisplayObject = _target; _target = target; if (target == null) { if (_helper) _helper.purge(); if (_effect) _effect.purgeBuffers(); if (_quad) _quad.disposeTexture(); } if (prevTarget) { prevTarget.filter = null; prevTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } if (target) { if (hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME)) target.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); onTargetAssigned(target); } } } } } import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import starling.display.DisplayObject; import starling.display.Mesh; import starling.rendering.IndexData; import starling.rendering.VertexData; import starling.textures.Texture; class FilterQuad extends Mesh { private static var sMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); public function FilterQuad(smoothing:String) { var vertexData:VertexData = new VertexData(null, 4); vertexData.numVertices = 4; var indexData:IndexData = new IndexData(6); indexData.addQuad(0, 1, 2, 3); super(vertexData, indexData); textureSmoothing = smoothing; pixelSnapping = false; } override public function dispose():void { disposeTexture(); super.dispose(); } public function disposeTexture():void { if (texture) { texture.dispose(); texture = null; } } public function moveVertices(sourceSpace:DisplayObject, targetSpace:DisplayObject):void { if (targetSpace.is3D) throw new Error("cannot move vertices into 3D space"); else if (sourceSpace != targetSpace) { targetSpace.getTransformationMatrix(sourceSpace, sMatrix).invert(); // ss could be null! vertexData.transformPoints("position", sMatrix); } } public function setBounds(bounds:Rectangle):void { var vertexData:VertexData = this.vertexData; var attrName:String = "position"; vertexData.setPoint(0, attrName, bounds.x, bounds.y); vertexData.setPoint(1, attrName, bounds.right, bounds.y); vertexData.setPoint(2, attrName, bounds.x, bounds.bottom); vertexData.setPoint(3, attrName, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); } override public function set texture(value:Texture):void { super.texture = value; if (value) value.setupTextureCoordinates(vertexData); } }