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synced 2025-02-01 21:55:01 +01:00
Update Catalan language files to more recent version
Some more strings have already been added since the update, but it's easy to track.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 35 additions and 35 deletions
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, Doctor." translation="Tot això m’aclapara una mica, doctora."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Where do I begin?" translation="Per on començo?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press ENTER to check where you are on the map!" translation="Recorda que pots prémer Retorn per a veure on ets del mapa!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press {b_map} to check where you are on the map!" translation="" buttons="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press {b_map} to check where you are on the map!" translation="Recorda que pots prémer {b_map} per a veure on ets del mapa!" buttons="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Look for areas where the rest of the crew might be..." translation="Cerca zones on pugui haver-hi altres tripulants..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If you get lost, you can get back to the ship from any teleporter." translation="Si et perds, pots tornar a la nau a partir de qualsevol teletransportador."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="And don't worry! We'll find everyone!" translation="I no pateixis! Segur que trobarem tothom!"/>
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<action_hint>Prem Espai, Z o V per a seleccionar</action_hint>
<!-- Same as above, but for a gamepad button (hard limit 40 8x8 characters) -->
<gamepad_hint>Press {button} to select</gamepad_hint>
<gamepad_hint>Prem {button} per a seleccionar</gamepad_hint>
<!-- Enable automatic word wrapping instead of having to manually insert newlines -->
@ -213,8 +213,8 @@
<string english="Toggle whether you interact with prompts using ENTER or E." translation="Commuta si s’interacciona|fent servir Retorn o E." explanation="prompts: see the `Press {button} to talk to .../activate terminal/teleport` below" max="38*3"/>
<string english="E" translation="E" explanation="keyboard key E. Speedrunner options menu"/>
<string english="ENTER" translation="Retorn" explanation="keyboard key ENTER. Speedrunner options menu"/>
<string english="ESC" translation="" explanation="keyboard key ESC"/>
<string english="ACTION" translation="" explanation="the ACTION key is either the SPACE key, Z or V (this is explained on the title screen). It's used in strings like `Press ACTION to advance text`"/>
<string english="ESC" translation="Esc" explanation="keyboard key ESC"/>
<string english="ACTION" translation="Acció" explanation="the ACTION key is either the SPACE key, Z or V (this is explained on the title screen). It's used in strings like `Press ACTION to advance text`"/>
<string english="Interact button: {button}" translation="Botó d’interacció: {button}" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) is filled in for {button}. Speedrunner options menu" max="38*2"/>
<string english="fake load screen" translation="pantalla de càrrega" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Fake Load Screen" translation="Pantalla de càrrega" explanation="title, allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off" max="20"/>
@ -421,14 +421,14 @@
<string english="Are you sure you want to show the levels path? This may reveal sensitive information if you are streaming." translation="Segur que vols mostrar el camí|de la carpeta de nivells?|Si estàs emetent en directe, pot ser|que es mostri informació delicada." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="The levels path is:" translation="El camí dels nivells és:" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="[ Press ACTION to Start ]" translation="[ Prem Acció per a començar ]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="38*2"/>
<string english="[ Press {button} to Start ]" translation="" explanation="title screen. Expect `ACTION`" max="38*2"/>
<string english="[ Press {button} to Start ]" translation="[ Prem {button} per a començar ]" explanation="title screen. Expect `ACTION`" max="38*2"/>
<string english="ACTION = Space, Z, or V" translation="Acció = Espai, Z o V" explanation="title screen" max="38*3"/>
<string english="[Press ENTER to return to editor]" translation="[Prem Retorn per a tornar a l’editor]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to return to editor]" translation="" explanation="`to editor` is sorta redundant" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to return to editor]" translation="[Prem {button} per a tornar a l’editor]" explanation="`to editor` is sorta redundant" max="40"/>
<string english="- Press ACTION to advance text -" translation="- Prem Acció per a avançar el text -" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="- Press {button} to advance text -" translation="" explanation="to dismiss a textbox. Expect `ACTION`" max="40"/>
<string english="- Press {button} to advance text -" translation="- Prem {button} per a avançar el text -" explanation="to dismiss a textbox. Expect `ACTION`" max="40"/>
<string english="Press ACTION to continue" translation="Prem Acció per a continuar" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="34"/>
<string english="Press {button} to continue" translation="" explanation="Expect `ACTION`" max="34"/>
<string english="Press {button} to continue" translation="Prem {button} per a continuar" explanation="Expect `ACTION`" max="34"/>
<string english="Current Time" translation="Temps actual" explanation="super gravitron, stopwatch time" max="20"/>
<string english="Best Time" translation="Millor temps" explanation="super gravitron, best stopwatch time" max="20"/>
<string english="Next Trophy at 5 seconds" translation="Pròxim trofeu a 5 segons" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
<string english="New Record!" translation="Nou rècord!" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="New Trophy!" translation="Nou trofeu!" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="[Press ENTER to stop]" translation="[Prem Retorn per a aturar-lo]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to stop]" translation="" explanation="stop super gravitron" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to stop]" translation="[Prem {button} per a aturar-lo]" explanation="stop super gravitron" max="40"/>
<string english="SUPER GRAVITRON" translation="SUPERGRAVITRÓ" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="SUPER GRAVITRON HIGHSCORE" translation="PUNTUACIÓ MÀXIMA AL SUPERGRAVITRÓ" explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="MAP" translation="MAPA" explanation="in-game menu" max="8"/>
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
<string english="[ GRAVITRON ]" translation="[ GRAVITRÓ ]" explanation="in-game menu" max="40"/>
<string english="NO SIGNAL" translation="NO HI HA SENYAL" explanation="map screen. So like a TV/computer monitor" max="29"/>
<string english="Press ACTION to warp to the ship." translation="Prem Acció per a teletransportar-te|a la nau" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Press {button} to warp to the ship." translation="" explanation="spaceship. Warp = teleport. Expect `ACTION`" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Press {button} to warp to the ship." translation="Prem {button} per a teletransportar-te|a la nau" explanation="spaceship. Warp = teleport. Expect `ACTION`" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Missing..." translation="No hi és..." case="1" explanation="this male crew member is missing" max="15"/>
<string english="Missing..." translation="No hi és..." case="2" explanation="this female crew member is missing" max="15"/>
<string english="Missing..." translation="No hi és..." case="3" explanation="Viridian is missing (final level). You could even fill in something like `Uh-oh...` here if you really have to specify gender otherwise - everyone else is rescued, but the player is missing" max="15"/>
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
<string english="ERROR: Could not save settings file!" translation="ERROR: No s’ha pogut desar|el fitxer de configuració!" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Game saved ok!" translation="La partida s’ha desat!" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*2"/>
<string english="[Press ACTION to save your game]" translation="[Prem Acció per a desar la partida]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to save your game]" translation="" explanation="in-game menu. Expect `ACTION`" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to save your game]" translation="[Prem {button} per a desar la partida]" explanation="in-game menu. Expect `ACTION`" max="40"/>
<string english="(Note: The game is autosaved at every teleporter.)" translation="(Nota: La partida es desa automàticament a cada teletransportador.)" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Last Save:" translation="Desada per darrera vegada a:" explanation="in-game menu" max="40"/>
<string english="Return to main menu?" translation="Vols tornar al menú principal?" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*4"/>
@ -522,10 +522,10 @@
<string english="change author" translation="canvia l’autor" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change description" translation="canvia la descripció" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change website" translation="canvia el lloc web" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change font" translation="" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="Level Font" translation="" explanation="title, editor, font that a custom level will show up in. You can select a language name here (like Chinese or Japanese which have different fonts, or `other`)" max="20"/>
<string english="Select the language in which the text in this level is written." translation="" explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Font: " translation="" explanation="level options, followed by name of font (mind the space)" max="14"/>
<string english="change font" translation="canvia la font" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="Level Font" translation="Font del nivell" explanation="title, editor, font that a custom level will show up in. You can select a language name here (like Chinese or Japanese which have different fonts, or `other`)" max="20"/>
<string english="Select the language in which the text in this level is written." translation="Selecciona la llengua en què està escrit el text d’aquest nivell." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Font: " translation="Font: " explanation="level options, followed by name of font (mind the space)" max="14"/>
<string english="Map Music" translation="Música del mapa" explanation="title, editor, music that starts playing when a level is started. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music" max="20"/>
<string english="Current map music:" translation="Música del mapa actual:" explanation="editor, followed by the number and name of a song, or `No background music`. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music" max="38*2"/>
<string english="No background music" translation="No hi ha música de fons" explanation="editor, level starts with no song playing" max="38*2"/>
@ -556,21 +556,21 @@
<string english="Unknown" translation="Desconegut" explanation="by Unknown [author]"/>
<string english="Tile:" translation="Peça:" explanation="editor, selected " max="34"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on top left" translation="CAPSA DE SCRIPT:|Fes clic a la part superior esquerra" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the first corner" translation="" explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="39*3"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the first corner" translation="CAPSA DE SCRIPT:|Fes clic a la primera cantonada" explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="39*3"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on bottom right" translation="CAPSA DE SCRIPT:|Fes clic a la part inferior dreta" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the last corner" translation="" explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="39*3"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the last corner" translation="CAPSA DE SCRIPT:|Fes clic a l’última cantonada" explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="39*3"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on top left" translation="LÍMITS D’ENEMIC:|Fes clic a la part superior esquerra" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the first corner" translation="" explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the first corner" translation="LÍMITS D’ENEMIC:|Fes clic a la primera cantonada" explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on bottom right" translation="LÍMITS D’ENEMIC:|Fes clic a la part inferior dreta" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the last corner" translation="" explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the last corner" translation="LÍMITS D’ENEMIC:|Fes clic a l’última cantonada" explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on top left" translation="LÍMITS DE PLATAFORMA:|Fes clic a la part superior esquerra" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the first corner" translation="" explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the first corner" translation="LÍMITS DE PLATAFORMA:|Fes clic a la primera cantonada" explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on bottom right" translation="LÍMITS DE PLATAFORMA:|Fes clic a la part inferior dreta" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the last corner" translation="" explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the last corner" translation="LÍMITS DE PLATAFORMA:|Fes clic a l’última cantonada" explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Click on top left" translation="Fes clic a la part superior esquerra" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="Click on the first corner" translation="" explanation="" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Click on the first corner" translation="Fes clic a la primera cantonada" explanation="" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Click on bottom right" translation="Fes clic a la part inferior dreta" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="Click on the last corner" translation="" explanation="" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Click on the last corner" translation="Fes clic a l’última cantonada" explanation="" max="39*3"/>
<string english="**** VVVVVV SCRIPT EDITOR ****" translation="*** EDITOR DE SCRIPTS DE VVVVVV ***" explanation="supposed to look like a Commodore 64 screen" max="36"/>
<string english="PRESS ESC TO RETURN TO MENU" translation="PREM ESC PER A TORNAR AL MENÚ" explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor, TO MENU is redundant" max="36"/>
<string english="NO SCRIPT IDS FOUND" translation="NO S’HA TROBAT CAP ID DE SCRIPT" explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor, basically NO SCRIPTS FOUND" max="36"/>
@ -584,25 +584,25 @@
<string english="3: Spikes" translation="3: Punxes" explanation="editor tool" max="32"/>
<string english="4: Trinkets" translation="4: Lluentons" explanation="editor tool. Shiny trinkets/collectibles" max="32"/>
<string english="5: Checkpoint" translation="5: Punts de control" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="5: Checkpoints" translation="" explanation="editor tool. You restart at the last checkpoint after death" max="32"/>
<string english="5: Checkpoints" translation="5: Punts de control" explanation="editor tool. You restart at the last checkpoint after death" max="32"/>
<string english="6: Disappear" translation="6: Desapareixedors" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="6: Disappearing Platforms" translation="" explanation="editor tool. Platform that disappears when you step on it (disappearing platform, crumbling platform)" max="32"/>
<string english="6: Disappearing Platforms" translation="6: Plataformes esvaívoles" explanation="editor tool. Platform that disappears when you step on it (disappearing platform, crumbling platform)" max="32"/>
<string english="7: Conveyors" translation="7: Cintes" explanation="editor tool. Conveyor belt" max="32"/>
<string english="8: Moving" translation="8: Plataformes mòbils" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="8: Moving Platforms" translation="" explanation="editor tool. Moving platform" max="32"/>
<string english="8: Moving Platforms" translation="8: Plataformes mòbils" explanation="editor tool. Moving platform" max="32"/>
<string english="9: Enemies" translation="9: Enemics" explanation="editor tool" max="32"/>
<string english="0: Grav Line" translation="0: Línies de gravetat" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="0: Gravity Lines" translation="" explanation="editor tool. Gravity line, which flips your gravity when touching it" max="32"/>
<string english="0: Gravity Lines" translation="0: Línies de gravetat" explanation="editor tool. Gravity line, which flips your gravity when touching it" max="32"/>
<string english="R: Roomtext" translation="R: Textos de la sala" explanation="editor tool. Freely typed text, consider just Text" max="32"/>
<string english="T: Terminal" translation="T: Terminals" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="T: Terminals" translation="" explanation="editor tool. Computer which can be activated by the player to run a script" max="32"/>
<string english="T: Terminals" translation="T: Terminals" explanation="editor tool. Computer which can be activated by the player to run a script" max="32"/>
<string english="Y: Script Box" translation="Y: Capses de script" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="Y: Script Boxes" translation="" explanation="editor tool. Invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="32"/>
<string english="Y: Script Boxes" translation="Y: Capses de script" explanation="editor tool. Invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="32"/>
<string english="U: Warp Token" translation="U: Punts de teletransport" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="U: Warp Tokens" translation="" explanation="editor tool. Small teleporter with entrance and destination" max="32"/>
<string english="U: Warp Tokens" translation="U: Punts de teletransport" explanation="editor tool. Small teleporter with entrance and destination" max="32"/>
<string english="I: Warp Lines" translation="I: Línies cícliques" explanation="editor tool. Makes a room edge be connected to its opposite edge" max="32"/>
<string english="O: Crewmate" translation="O: Tripulants" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="O: Crewmates" translation="" explanation="editor tool. Crewmate that can be rescued" max="32"/>
<string english="O: Crewmates" translation="O: Tripulants" explanation="editor tool. Crewmate that can be rescued" max="32"/>
<string english="P: Start Point" translation="P: Punt d’inici" explanation="editor tool" max="32"/>
<string english="START" translation="INICI" explanation="start point in level editor" max="10"/>
<string english="SPACE ^ SHIFT ^" translation="ESPAI ^ MAJ ^" explanation="editor, indicates both SPACE key and SHIFT key open up menus. ^ is rendered as up arrow" max="32"/>
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
<string english="Now using {area} Tileset" translation="Ara es fa servir el conjunt de peces {area}" explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset of the room to {area} (like Ship, Lab, etc)" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Tileset Colour Changed" translation="S’ha canviat el color|del conjunt de peces" explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset colour/variant of the room" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Enemy Type Changed" translation="S’ha canviat el tipus d’enemic" explanation="level editor, user changed enemy appearance for the room" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Platform speed is now {speed}" translation="" explanation="level editor, user changed speed of platforms for the room" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Platform speed is now {speed}" translation="La velocitat de les plataformes és ara {speed}" explanation="level editor, user changed speed of platforms for the room" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Reloaded resources" translation="S’han recarregat els recursos" explanation="level editor, reloaded graphics assets/resources, music and sound effects" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: Invalid format" translation="ERROR: Format invàlid" explanation="user was supposed to enter something like `12,12`, but entered `as@df`" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Loaded map: {filename}.vvvvvv" translation="S’ha obert el mapa: {filename}.vvvvvv" explanation="successfully loaded level file" max="38*3"/>
@ -666,11 +666,11 @@
<string english="All crewmates rescued!" translation="Has rescatat tothom!" explanation="" max="32"/>
<string english="Game Saved" translation="S’ha desat la partida" explanation="" max="30"/>
<string english="Press arrow keys or WASD to move" translation="Prem les tecles de fletxa o WASD per a moure’t" explanation="" max="32*2"/>
<string english="Press left/right to move" translation="" explanation="" max="32*2"/>
<string english="Press left/right to move" translation="Prem Esquerra/Dreta per a moure’t" explanation="" max="32*2"/>
<string english="Press ACTION to flip" translation="Prem Acció per a invertir-te" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press {button} to flip" translation="" explanation="expect `ACTION`" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press {button} to flip" translation="Prem {button} per a invertir-te" explanation="expect `ACTION`" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press ENTER to view map and quicksave" translation="Prem Retorn per a veure el mapa|i desar ràpidament" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press {button} to view map and quicksave" translation="" explanation="" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press {button} to view map and quicksave" translation="Prem {button} per a veure el mapa|i desar ràpidament" explanation="" max="32*3"/>
<string english="If you prefer, you can press UP or DOWN instead of ACTION to flip." translation="Si ho prefereixes, pots prémer ↑ o ↓ en lloc d’Acció per a invertir-te." explanation="" max="34*3"/>
<string english="Help! Can anyone hear this message?" translation="Ajuda! Algú sent aquest missatge?" explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="Verdigris? Are you out there? Are you ok?" translation="Verdet? Ets allà fora? Estàs bé?" explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
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