When a list occurs at the beginning of a definition list definition,
it can start on the same line as the label, which looks bad.
Fix that by starting such lists with an `\item[]`.
* Fix hlint suggestions, update hlint.yaml
Most suggestions were redundant brackets. Some required
The .hlint.yaml file had a small typo, and didn't ignore camelCase
suggestions in certain modules.
Writers.Tables is now Writers.AnnotatedTable. All of the types and
functions in it have had the "Ann" removed from them. Now it is
expected that the module be imported qualified.
Add Writers.Tables helper functions and types, add tests for those
The Writers.Tables module contains an AnnTable type that is a pandoc
Table with added inferred information that should be enough for
writers (in particular the HTML writer) to operate on without having
to lay out the table themselves.
The toAnnTable and fromAnnTable functions in that module convert
between AnnTable and Table. In addition to producing an AnnTable with
coherent and well-formed annotations, the toAnnTable function also
normalizes its input Table like the table builder does.
Various tests ensure that toAnnTable normalizes tables exactly like
the table builder, and that its annotations are coherent.
Instead rely on the markdown writer with appropriate extensions.
Export writeCommonMark variant from Markdown writer.
This changes a few small things in rendering markdown,
e.g. w/r/t requiring backslashes before spaces inside
Screen readers read an image's `alt` attribute and the figure caption,
both of which come from the same source in pandoc. The figure caption is
hidden from screen readers with the `aria-hidden` attribute. This
improves accessibility.
For HTML4, where `aria-hidden` is not allowed, pandoc still uses an
empty `alt` attribute to avoid duplicate contents.
Closes: #6491
The reader now parses the contents of the markdown cell to a Pandoc
structure, but *also* stores the raw markdown in a `source`
attribute on the cell Div. When we convert back to markdown,
this attribute is stripped off and the original source is used.
When we convert to other formats, the attribute is usually
ignored (though it will come through in HTML as a `data-source`
attribute, not unhelpfully).
I'll note some potential drawbacks of this approach:
- It makes it impossible to use pandoc to clean up or
change the contents of markdown cells, e.g.
going from `+smart` to `-smart`.
- There may be formats where the addition of the `source`
attribute is problematic. I can't think of any, though.
The lines of unknown keywords, like `#+SOMEWORD: value` are no longer
read as metadata, but kept as raw `org` blocks. This ensures that more
information is retained when round-tripping org-mode files;
additionally, this change makes it possible to support non-standard org
extensions via filters.
The behavior of the `#+AUTHOR` and `#+KEYWORD` export settings has
changed: Org now allows multiple such lines and adds a space between the
contents of each line. Pandoc now always parses these settings as meta
inlines; setting values are no longer treated as comma-separated lists.
Note that a Lua filter can be used to restore the previous behavior.
`#+DESCRIPTION` lines are treated as text with markup. If multiple such
lines are given, then all lines are read and separated by soft
Closes: #6485