Add Writers.Tables helper functions and types, add tests for those (#6655)

Add Writers.Tables helper functions and types, add tests for those

The Writers.Tables module contains an AnnTable type that is a pandoc
Table with added inferred information that should be enough for
writers (in particular the HTML writer) to operate on without having
to lay out the table themselves.

The toAnnTable and fromAnnTable functions in that module convert
between AnnTable and Table. In addition to producing an AnnTable with
coherent and well-formed annotations, the toAnnTable function also
normalizes its input Table like the table builder does.

Various tests ensure that toAnnTable normalizes tables exactly like
the table builder, and that its annotations are coherent.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Despres 2020-09-05 17:36:51 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3935c9c5c4
commit 10c6c411f9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
6 changed files with 554 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -12,3 +12,8 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
type: git
tag: 8e9ca37802120f32ececac752d73463e2fc86811

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@ -553,6 +553,7 @@ library
@ -820,6 +821,7 @@ test-suite test-pandoc
if os(windows)
cpp-options: -D_WINDOWS
default-language: Haskell2010

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@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Tables
Copyright : Copyright 2020 Christian Despres
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Christian Despres <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Definitions and helper functions for an intermediate 'AnnTable' type,
which annotates the existing 'Table' types with additional inferred
information. For use in writers that need to know the details of
columns that cells span, row numbers, and the cells that are in the
row head.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Tables
( toAnnTable
, fromAnnTable
, AnnTable(..)
, AnnTableHead(..)
, AnnTableBody(..)
, AnnTableFoot(..)
, AnnHeaderRow(..)
, AnnBodyRow(..)
, RowNumber(..)
, AnnRowHead
, AnnRowBody
, AnnCell(..)
, ColNumber(..)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
hiding ( (<>) )
import Data.Generics ( Data
, Typeable
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
-- | An annotated table type, corresponding to the 'Table' constructor
-- and the HTML @\<table\>@ element. It records the data of the
-- columns that cells span, the cells in the row head, the row numbers
-- of rows, and the column numbers of cells, in addition to the data
-- in a 'Table'. The type itself does not enforce any guarantees about
-- the consistency of this data. Use 'toAnnTable' to produce an
-- 'AnnTable' from a pandoc 'Table'.
data AnnTable = AnnTable Attr Caption [ColSpec] AnnTableHead [AnnTableBody] AnnTableFoot
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
-- | An annotated table head, corresponding to 'TableHead' and the
-- HTML @\<thead\>@ element.
data AnnTableHead = AnnTableHead Attr [AnnHeaderRow]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
-- | An annotated table body, with an intermediate head and body,
-- corresponding to 'TableBody' and the HTML @\<tbody\>@ element.
data AnnTableBody = AnnTableBody Attr RowHeadColumns [AnnHeaderRow] [AnnBodyRow]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
-- | An annotated table foot, corresponding to 'TableFoot' and the
-- HTML @\<tfoot\>@ element.
data AnnTableFoot = AnnTableFoot Attr [AnnHeaderRow]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
-- | An annotated header row, corresponding to 'Row' and the HTML
-- @\<tr\>@ element, and also recording the row number of the row. All
-- the cells in an 'AnnHeaderRow' are header (@\<th\>@) cells.
data AnnHeaderRow = AnnHeaderRow Attr RowNumber [AnnCell]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
-- | An annotated body row, corresponding to 'Row' and the HTML
-- @\<tr\>@ element, and also recording its row number and separating
-- the row head cells from the row body cells.
data AnnBodyRow = AnnBodyRow Attr RowNumber AnnRowHead AnnRowBody
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
-- | The row number of a row. Note that rows are numbered continuously
-- from zero from the start of the table, so the first row in a table
-- body, for instance, may have a large 'RowNumber'.
newtype RowNumber = RowNumber Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic, Num, Enum)
-- | The head of a body row; the portion of the row lying in the stub
-- of the 'TableBody'. Its cells correspond to HTML @\<th\>@ cells.
type AnnRowHead = [AnnCell]
-- | The body of a body row; the portion of the row lying after the
-- stub of the 'TableBody'. Its cells correspond to HTML @\<td\>@
-- cells.
type AnnRowBody = [AnnCell]
-- | An annotated table cell, wrapping a 'Cell' with its 'ColNumber'
-- and the 'ColSpec' data for the columns that the cell spans.
data AnnCell = AnnCell (NonEmpty ColSpec) ColNumber Cell
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
-- | The column number of a cell, meaning the column number of the
-- first column that the cell spans, if the table were laid on a
-- grid. Columns are numbered starting from zero.
newtype ColNumber = ColNumber Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic, Num, Enum)
-- | Convert a 'Table' to an 'AnnTable'. This function also performs
-- the same normalization that the 'table' builder does (fixing
-- overlapping cells, cells that protrude out of their table section,
-- and so on). If the input table happens to satisfy the conditions
-- that 'table' guarantees, then the resulting 'AnnTable' will be
-- identical, save for the addition of the inferred table information.
:: Attr
-> Caption
-> [ColSpec]
-> TableHead
-> [TableBody]
-> TableFoot
-> AnnTable
toAnnTable attr cap cs th tbs tf = AnnTable attr cap cs th' tbs' tf'
(th', tbs', tf') = fst $ evalRWS (annotateTable th tbs tf) (cs, length cs) 0
-- | Internal monad for annotating a table, passing in the 'ColSpec'
-- data for the table, the grid width, and the current 'RowNumber' to
-- be referenced or updated.
type AnnM a = RWS ([ColSpec], Int) () RowNumber a
incRowNumber :: AnnM RowNumber
incRowNumber = do
rn <- get
put $ rn + 1
return rn
:: TableHead
-> [TableBody]
-> TableFoot
-> AnnM (AnnTableHead, [AnnTableBody], AnnTableFoot)
annotateTable th tbs tf = do
th' <- annotateTableHead th
tbs' <- traverse annotateTableBody tbs
tf' <- annotateTableFoot tf
return (th', tbs', tf')
annotateTableHead :: TableHead -> AnnM AnnTableHead
annotateTableHead (TableHead attr rows) =
AnnTableHead attr <$> annotateHeaderSection rows
annotateTableBody :: TableBody -> AnnM AnnTableBody
annotateTableBody (TableBody attr rhc th tb) = do
twidth <- asks snd
let rhc' = max 0 $ min (RowHeadColumns twidth) rhc
th' <- annotateHeaderSection th
tb' <- annotateBodySection rhc' tb
return $ AnnTableBody attr rhc' th' tb'
annotateTableFoot :: TableFoot -> AnnM AnnTableFoot
annotateTableFoot (TableFoot attr rows) =
AnnTableFoot attr <$> annotateHeaderSection rows
annotateHeaderSection :: [Row] -> AnnM [AnnHeaderRow]
annotateHeaderSection rows = do
colspec <- asks fst
let hangcolspec = (1, ) <$> colspec
annotateHeaderSection' hangcolspec id $ clipRows rows
annotateHeaderSection' oldHang acc (Row attr cells : rs) = do
let (_, newHang, cells', _) =
annotateRowSection 0 oldHang $ cells <> repeat emptyCell
n <- incRowNumber
let annRow = AnnHeaderRow attr n cells'
annotateHeaderSection' newHang (acc . (annRow :)) rs
annotateHeaderSection' _ acc [] = return $ acc []
annotateBodySection :: RowHeadColumns -> [Row] -> AnnM [AnnBodyRow]
annotateBodySection (RowHeadColumns rhc) rows = do
colspec <- asks fst
let colspec' = (1, ) <$> colspec
let (stubspec, bodyspec) = splitAt rhc colspec'
normalizeBodySection' stubspec bodyspec id $ clipRows rows
normalizeBodySection' headHang bodyHang acc (Row attr cells : rs) = do
let (colnum, headHang', rowStub, cells') =
annotateRowSection 0 headHang $ cells <> repeat emptyCell
let (_, bodyHang', rowBody, _) = annotateRowSection colnum bodyHang cells'
n <- incRowNumber
let annRow = AnnBodyRow attr n rowStub rowBody
normalizeBodySection' headHang' bodyHang' (acc . (annRow :)) rs
normalizeBodySection' _ _ acc [] = return $ acc []
-- | Lay out a section of a 'Table' row on a grid row, annotating the
-- cells with the 'ColSpec' data for the columns that they
-- span. Performs the same normalization as 'placeRowSection'.
:: ColNumber -- ^ The current column number
-> [(RowSpan, ColSpec)] -- ^ The overhang of the previous grid row,
-- with column data
-> [Cell] -- ^ The cells to annotate
-> (ColNumber, [(RowSpan, ColSpec)], [AnnCell], [Cell]) -- ^ The new
-- column
-- number,
-- overhang,
-- annotated
-- cells,
-- and
-- remaining
-- cells
annotateRowSection !colnum oldHang cells
-- If the grid has overhang at our position, try to re-lay in
-- the next position.
| (o, colspec) : os <- oldHang
, o > 1
= let (colnum', newHang, newCell, cells') =
annotateRowSection (colnum + 1) os cells
in (colnum', (o - 1, colspec) : newHang, newCell, cells')
-- Otherwise if there is any available width, place the cell and
-- continue.
| c : cells' <- cells
, (h, w) <- getDim c
, w' <- max 1 w
, (w'', cellHang@(chStart : chRest), oldHang') <- splitCellHang h w' oldHang
= let c' = setW w'' c
annCell = AnnCell (snd <$> chStart :| chRest) colnum c'
colnum' = colnum + ColNumber (getColSpan w'')
(colnum'', newHang, newCells, remainCells) =
annotateRowSection colnum' oldHang' cells'
in (colnum'', cellHang <> newHang, annCell : newCells, remainCells)
-- Otherwise there is no room in the section
| otherwise
= (colnum, [], [], cells)
getColSpan (ColSpan x) = x
getDim (Cell _ _ h w _) = (h, w)
setW w (Cell a b h _ c) = Cell a b h w c
-- | In @'splitCellHang' rs cs coldata@, with @rs@ the height of a
-- cell that lies at the beginning of @coldata@, and @cs@ its width
-- (which is not assumed to fit in the available space), return the
-- actual width of the cell (what will fit in the available space),
-- the data for the columns that the cell spans (including updating
-- the overhang to equal @rs@), and the remaining column data.
:: RowSpan
-> ColSpan
-> [(RowSpan, ColSpec)]
-> (ColSpan, [(RowSpan, ColSpec)], [(RowSpan, ColSpec)])
splitCellHang h n = go 0
go acc ((1, spec) : ls) | acc < n =
let (acc', hang, ls') = go (acc + 1) ls in (acc', (h, spec) : hang, ls')
go acc l = (acc, [], l)
-- | Convert an 'AnnTable' to a 'Table'. This is the inverse of
-- 'toAnnTable' on well-formed tables (i.e. tables satisfying the
-- guarantees of 'table').
:: AnnTable -> (Attr, Caption, [ColSpec], TableHead, [TableBody], TableFoot)
fromAnnTable (AnnTable attr cap cs th tbs tf) = (attr, cap, cs, th', tbs', tf')
th' = fromAnnTableHead th
tbs' = map fromAnnTableBody tbs
tf' = fromAnnTableFoot tf
fromAnnTableHead :: AnnTableHead -> TableHead
fromAnnTableHead (AnnTableHead attr rows) =
TableHead attr $ fromAnnHeaderRow <$> rows
fromAnnTableBody :: AnnTableBody -> TableBody
fromAnnTableBody (AnnTableBody attr rhc th tb) =
TableBody attr rhc (fromAnnHeaderRow <$> th) (fromAnnBodyRow <$> tb)
fromAnnTableFoot :: AnnTableFoot -> TableFoot
fromAnnTableFoot (AnnTableFoot attr rows) =
TableFoot attr $ fromAnnHeaderRow <$> rows
fromAnnHeaderRow :: AnnHeaderRow -> Row
fromAnnHeaderRow (AnnHeaderRow attr _ cells) = Row attr $ fromAnnCell <$> cells
fromAnnBodyRow :: AnnBodyRow -> Row
fromAnnBodyRow (AnnBodyRow attr _ rh rb) =
Row attr ((fromAnnCell <$> rh) <> (fromAnnCell <$> rb))
fromAnnCell :: AnnCell -> Cell
fromAnnCell (AnnCell _ _ c) = c

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@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ flags:
- '.'
- pandoc-types-1.21
- git:
commit: 8e9ca37802120f32ececac752d73463e2fc86811
- pandoc-citeproc-
- rfc5051-0.2
- texmath-

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@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Writers.Tables
Copyright : 2020 Christian Despres
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Christian Despres <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Tests for the table helper functions.
module Tests.Writers.Tables
( tests
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( testCase
, (@?=)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( QuickCheckTests(..)
, Property
, Testable
, conjoin
, forAll
, testProperty
, (===)
, vectorOf
, choose
, arbitrary
, elements
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ( )
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Tables
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [testGroup "toAnnTable" $ testAnnTable <> annTableProps]
getSpec :: AnnCell -> [ColSpec]
getSpec (AnnCell colspec _ _) = F.toList colspec
catHeaderSpec :: AnnHeaderRow -> [ColSpec]
catHeaderSpec (AnnHeaderRow _ _ x) = concatMap getSpec x
catBodySpec :: AnnBodyRow -> [ColSpec]
catBodySpec (AnnBodyRow _ _ x y) = concatMap getSpec x <> concatMap getSpec y
-- Test if the first list can be obtained from the second by deleting
-- elements from it.
isSubsetOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isSubsetOf (x : xs) (y : ys) | x == y = isSubsetOf xs ys
| otherwise = isSubsetOf (x : xs) ys
isSubsetOf [] _ = True
isSubsetOf _ [] = False
testAnnTable :: [TestTree]
testAnnTable =
[testCase "annotates a sample table properly" $ generated @?= expected]
spec1 = (AlignRight, ColWidthDefault)
spec2 = (AlignLeft, ColWidthDefault)
spec3 = (AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault)
spec = [spec1, spec2, spec3]
cl a h w = Cell (a, [], []) AlignDefault h w []
rws = map $ Row nullAttr
th = TableHead nullAttr . rws
tb n x y = TableBody nullAttr n (rws x) (rws y)
tf = TableFoot nullAttr . rws
initialHeads = [[cl "a" 1 1, cl "b" 3 2], [cl "c" 2 2, cl "d" 1 1]]
initialTB1 = tb 1
[[], [cl "e" 5 1, cl "f" (-7) 0]]
[[cl "g" 4 3, cl "h" 4 3], [], [emptyCell]]
initialTB2 = tb 2 [] [[cl "i" 4 3, cl "j" 4 3]]
generated = toAnnTable nullAttr
(th initialHeads)
[initialTB1, initialTB2]
(tf initialHeads)
acl al n a h w =
AnnCell (NonEmpty.fromList al) n $ Cell (a, [], []) AlignDefault h w []
emptyAnnCell al n = acl al n "" 1 1
ahrw = AnnHeaderRow nullAttr
abrw = AnnBodyRow nullAttr
ath = AnnTableHead nullAttr
atb = AnnTableBody nullAttr
atf = AnnTableFoot nullAttr
finalTH = ath
[ ahrw 0 [acl [spec1] 0 "a" 1 1, acl [spec2, spec3] 1 "b" 2 2]
, ahrw 1 [acl [spec1] 0 "c" 1 1]
finalTB1 = atb
[ ahrw
[emptyAnnCell [spec1] 0, emptyAnnCell [spec2] 1, emptyAnnCell [spec3] 2]
, ahrw
[acl [spec1] 0 "e" 1 1, acl [spec2] 1 "f" 1 1, emptyAnnCell [spec3] 2]
[ abrw 4 [acl [spec1] 0 "g" 3 1] [acl [spec2, spec3] 1 "h" 3 2]
, abrw 5 [] []
, abrw 6 [] []
finalTB2 =
atb 2 [] [abrw 7 [acl [spec1, spec2] 0 "i" 1 2] [acl [spec3] 2 "j" 1 1]]
finalTF = atf
[ ahrw 8 [acl [spec1] 0 "a" 1 1, acl [spec2, spec3] 1 "b" 2 2]
, ahrw 9 [acl [spec1] 0 "c" 1 1]
expected =
AnnTable nullAttr emptyCaption spec finalTH [finalTB1, finalTB2] finalTF
withColSpec :: Testable prop => ([ColSpec] -> prop) -> Property
withColSpec = forAll arbColSpec
arbColSpec = do
cs <- choose (1 :: Int, 6)
((,) <$> arbitrary <*> elements
[ColWidthDefault, ColWidth (1 / 3), ColWidth 0.25]
annTableProps :: [TestTree]
annTableProps =
localOption (QuickCheckTests 50)
<$> [ testProperty "normalizes like the table builder" propBuilderAnnTable
, testProperty "has valid final cell columns" propColNumber
, testProperty "has valid first row column data" propFirstRowCols
, testProperty "has valid all row column data" propColSubsets
, testProperty "has valid cell column data lengths"
-- The property that toAnnTable will normalize a table identically to
-- the table builder. This should mean that toAnnTable is at least as
-- rigorous as Builder.table in that respect without repeating those
-- tests here (see the pandoc-types Table tests for examples).
propBuilderAnnTable :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property
propBuilderAnnTable th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs ->
convertTable (table emptyCaption cs th tbs tf)
=== convertAnnTable (toAnnTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf)
convertTable blks = case toList blks of
[Table _ _ colspec a b c] -> Right (colspec, a, b, c)
x -> Left x
convertAnnTable x = case fromAnnTable x of
(_, _, colspec, a, b, c) -> Right (colspec, a, b, c)
-- The property of toAnnTable that if the last cell in the first row
-- of a table section has ColSpan w and ColNumber n, then w + n is the
-- width of the table.
propColNumber :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property
propColNumber th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs ->
let twidth = length cs
AnnTable _ _ _ ath atbs atf =
toAnnTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf
in conjoin
$ [colNumTH twidth ath]
<> (colNumTB twidth <$> atbs)
<> [colNumTF twidth atf]
colNumTH n (AnnTableHead _ rs) = firstly (isHeaderValid n) rs
colNumTB n (AnnTableBody _ _ rs ts) =
firstly (isHeaderValid n) rs && firstly (isBodyValid n) ts
colNumTF n (AnnTableFoot _ rs) = firstly (isHeaderValid n) rs
isHeaderValid n (AnnHeaderRow _ _ x) = isSegmentValid n x
isBodyValid n (AnnBodyRow _ _ _ x) = isSegmentValid n x
firstly f (x : _) = f x
firstly _ [] = True
lastly f [x ] = f x
lastly f (_ : xs) = lastly f xs
lastly _ [] = True
isSegmentValid twidth cs = flip lastly cs
$ \(AnnCell _ (ColNumber n) (Cell _ _ _ (ColSpan w) _)) -> n + w == twidth
-- The property of an AnnTable from toAnnTable that if the NonEmpty
-- ColSpec data of the cells in the first row of a table section are
-- concatenated, the result should equal the [ColSpec] of the entire
-- table.
propFirstRowCols :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property
propFirstRowCols th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs ->
let AnnTable _ _ _ ath atbs atf =
toAnnTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf
in conjoin
$ [firstRowTH cs ath]
<> (firstRowTB cs <$> atbs)
<> [firstRowTF cs atf]
firstly f (x : _) = f x
firstly _ [] = True
firstHeaderValid cs = firstly $ \r -> cs == catHeaderSpec r
firstBodyValid cs = firstly $ \r -> cs == catBodySpec r
firstRowTH cs (AnnTableHead _ rs) = firstHeaderValid cs rs
firstRowTB cs (AnnTableBody _ _ rs ts) =
firstHeaderValid cs rs && firstBodyValid cs ts
firstRowTF cs (AnnTableFoot _ rs) = firstHeaderValid cs rs
-- The property that in any row in an AnnTable from toAnnTable, the
-- NonEmpty ColSpec annotations on cells, when concatenated, form a
-- subset (really sublist) of the [ColSpec] of the entire table.
propColSubsets :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property
propColSubsets th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs ->
let AnnTable _ _ _ ath atbs atf =
toAnnTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf
in conjoin
$ subsetTH cs ath
<> concatMap (subsetTB cs) atbs
<> subsetTF cs atf
subsetTH cs (AnnTableHead _ rs) = map (subsetHeader cs) rs
subsetTB cs (AnnTableBody _ _ rs ts) =
map (subsetHeader cs) rs <> map (subsetBody cs) ts
subsetTF cs (AnnTableFoot _ rs) = map (subsetHeader cs) rs
subsetHeader cs r = catHeaderSpec r `isSubsetOf` cs
subsetBody cs r = catBodySpec r `isSubsetOf` cs
-- The property that in any cell in an AnnTable from toAnnTable, the
-- NonEmpty ColSpec annotation on a cell is equal in length to its
-- ColSpan.
propCellColLengths :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property
propCellColLengths th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs ->
let AnnTable _ _ _ ath atbs atf =
toAnnTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf
in conjoin $ cellColTH ath <> concatMap cellColTB atbs <> cellColTF atf
cellColTH (AnnTableHead _ rs) = concatMap cellColHeader rs
cellColTB (AnnTableBody _ _ rs ts) =
concatMap cellColHeader rs <> concatMap cellColBody ts
cellColTF (AnnTableFoot _ rs) = concatMap cellColHeader rs
cellColHeader (AnnHeaderRow _ _ x) = fmap validLength x
cellColBody (AnnBodyRow _ _ x y) = fmap validLength x <> fmap validLength y
validLength (AnnCell colspec _ (Cell _ _ _ (ColSpan w) _)) =
length colspec == w

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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import qualified Tests.Writers.Org
import qualified Tests.Writers.Plain
import qualified Tests.Writers.Powerpoint
import qualified Tests.Writers.RST
import qualified Tests.Writers.Tables
import qualified Tests.Writers.TEI
import Tests.Helpers (findPandoc)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (inDirectory)
@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ tests pandocPath = testGroup "pandoc tests"
, testGroup "FB2" Tests.Writers.FB2.tests
, testGroup "PowerPoint" Tests.Writers.Powerpoint.tests
, testGroup "Ms" Tests.Writers.Ms.tests
, testGroup "Tables" Tests.Writers.Tables.tests
, testGroup "Readers"
[ testGroup "LaTeX" Tests.Readers.LaTeX.tests