Ipnyb: allow lossless round-tripping of markdown cell content.

The reader now parses the contents of the markdown cell to a Pandoc
structure, but *also* stores the raw markdown in a `source`
attribute on the cell Div.  When we convert back to markdown,
this attribute is stripped off and the original source is used.
When we convert to other formats, the attribute is usually
ignored (though it will come through in HTML as a `data-source`
attribute, not unhelpfully).

I'll note some potential drawbacks of this approach:

- It makes it impossible to use pandoc to clean up or
  change the contents of markdown cells, e.g.
  going from `+smart` to `-smart`.

- There may be formats where the addition of the `source`
  attribute is problematic.  I can't think of any, though.

Closes #5408.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2020-06-30 12:12:55 -07:00
parent 35a18bb654
commit efbc205031
3 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ cellToBlocks opts lang c = do
case cellType c of
Ipynb.Markdown -> do
Pandoc _ bs <- walk fixImage <$> readMarkdown opts source
return $ B.divWith ("",["cell","markdown"],kvs)
let kvs' = ("source", source) : kvs
return $ B.divWith ("",["cell","markdown"],kvs')
$ B.fromList bs
Ipynb.Heading lev -> do
Pandoc _ bs <- readMarkdown opts

View file

@ -102,10 +102,13 @@ extractCells _ [] = return []
extractCells opts (Div (_id,classes,kvs) xs : bs)
| "cell" `elem` classes
, "markdown" `elem` classes = do
let meta = pairsToJSONMeta kvs
let meta = pairsToJSONMeta [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k /= "source"]
(newdoc, attachments) <-
runStateT (walkM addAttachment (Pandoc nullMeta xs)) mempty
source <- writeMarkdown opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing } newdoc
source <- case lookup "source" kvs of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> writeMarkdown opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing }
cellType = Markdown
, cellSource = Source $ breakLines $ T.stripEnd source

View file

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("jupyter",MetaMap (fromList [("nbformat",MetaString "4"),("nbformat_minor",MetaString "5")]))]})
[Div ("",["cell","markdown"],[])
[Div ("",["cell","markdown"],[("source","Lorem ipsum\n===========\n\n**Lorem ipsum** dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc luctus\nbibendum felis dictum sodales.")])
[Header 1 ("lorem-ipsum",[],[]) [Str "Lorem",Space,Str "ipsum"]
,Para [Strong [Str "Lorem",Space,Str "ipsum"],Space,Str "dolor",Space,Str "sit",Space,Str "amet,",Space,Str "consectetur",Space,Str "adipiscing",Space,Str "elit.",Space,Str "Nunc",Space,Str "luctus",SoftBreak,Str "bibendum",Space,Str "felis",Space,Str "dictum",Space,Str "sodales."]]
,Div ("",["cell","code"],[])
[CodeBlock ("",["python"],[]) "print(\"hello\")"]
,Div ("",["cell","markdown"],[])
,Div ("",["cell","markdown"],[("source","Pyout\n-----")])
[Header 2 ("pyout",[],[]) [Str "Pyout"]]
,Div ("",["cell","code"],[("execution_count","2")])
[CodeBlock ("",["python"],[]) "from IPython.display import HTML\nHTML(\"\"\"\n<script>\nconsole.log(\"hello\");\n</script>\n<b>HTML</b>\n\"\"\")"
,Div ("",["output","execute_result"],[("execution_count","2")])
[RawBlock (Format "html") "<script>\nconsole.log(\"hello\");\n</script>\n<b>HTML</b>\nhello"]]
,Div ("",["cell","markdown"],[("tags","[\"foo\",\"bar\"]")])
,Div ("",["cell","markdown"],[("source","Image\n-----\n\nThis image ![the moon](attachment:lalune.jpg) will be included as a cell\nattachment."),("tags","[\"foo\",\"bar\"]")])
[Header 2 ("image",[],[]) [Str "Image"]
,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "image",Space,Image ("",[],[]) [Str "the",Space,Str "moon"] ("lalune.jpg",""),Space,Str "will",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "included",Space,Str "as",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "cell",SoftBreak,Str "attachment."]]]