The `RawInline` case in `inlineToAsciiDoc` currenty looks like this:
inlineToAsciiDoc _ il@(RawInline f s)
| f == "asciidoc" = return $ literal s
| otherwise = do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return empty
| otherwise = return empty
Notice how there are there are two overlapping `otherwise` guards.
The second `otherwise` guard is completely unreachable, so this patch
removes it.
Closes#5849. Previously biblatex citations were only grouped if
there was no prefix. This patch allows them to be grouped in
subgroups split by prefixes and suffixes, which allows better citation
* Remove unnecessary fmaps and only do toMilliseconds once
* Share the input tuple intead of making a new one
* Lift return out of if
* Simplify case statements
* Lift DottedNum out of the case statements
* Use st instead of mbs
* Use setState instead of updateState now that we have the whole state around
New formats:
- `jats_archiving` for the "Archiving and Interchange Tag Set",
- `jats_publishing` for the "Journal Publishing Tag Set", and
- `jats_articleauthoring` for the "Article Authoring Tag Set."
The "jats" output format is now an alias for "jats_archiving".
Closes: #6014
from T.P.Writers.HTML (where they were unexported) to
T.P.XML (where they are now exported).
[API change: new exported functions]
This allows these sets to be used elsewhere, e.g.
in the HTML reader.
* Avoid duplicating the dash case
* Pull common functions out of case branches
* Make sure list lengths are only calculated once
* Use unless
* Simplify parseURIReference' and avoid an unnecessary call to length
* Use <$> instead of reimplementing it
* Use swap instead of reimplementing it
* Remove eta-expansion that's been unnecessary since 90f5dd8
* Use tailDef instead of reimplementing it
* Use second instead of fmap, per @tarleb
* Use concatMap instead of reimplementing it
* Replace an unnecessary multi-way if with a regular if
* Use sortOn instead of sortBy and comparing
* Use guards instead of lots of indents for if and else
* Remove redundant do blocks
* Extract common functions from both branches of maybe
Whenever both the Nothing and the Just branch of maybe do the same
function, do that function on the result of maybe instead.
* Use fmap instead of reimplementing it from maybe
* Use negative forms instead of negating the positive forms
* Use mapMaybe instead of mapping and then using catMaybes
* Use zipWith instead of mapping over the result of zip
* Use unwords instead of reimplementing it
* Use <$ instead of <$> and const
* Replace case of Bool with if and else
* Use find instead of listToMaybe and filter
* Use zipWithM instead of mapM and zip
* Inline lambda wrappers into the real functions
* We get zipWithM from Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
* Use maybe instead of fromMaybe and fmap
I'm not sure how this one slipped past me.
* Increase a bit of indentation
Eventually it would be worth adding a parameter to
makeSections so this could be done at that level;
then it would also affect other writers that construct
TOC manually.
+ Add RunningFilter, FilterCompleted constructors to LogMessage
+ When verbose mode is specified (verbosity == INFO), print a
notice when running a filter and when a filter completes (including
Anywhere "maybe" is used with "id" as its second argument, using
"fromMaybe" instead will simplify the code. Conversely, anywhere
"fromMaybe" is used with the result of "fmap" or "<$>" as its second
argument, using "maybe" instead will simplify the code.
There's currently `unless`, `not`, and `notParaOrPlain` in the same
expression, which is a rather confusing triple negative. Replace
`notParaOrPlain` with `paraOrPlain` and switch to `all` from `any`
to clean this up.
The intent of that commit was to parse unknown LaTeX
enivronments as verbatim if they can't be parsed normally,
avoiding crashes on environments that allow unescaped
underscores and the like. But the fix didn't completely
work: it worked for raw TeX in markdown but not when
reading LaTeX. This change fixes that.
See #6034. Closes#6093.