Fix --number-offset with HTML TOC.

Eventually it would be worth adding a parameter to
makeSections so this could be done at that level;
then it would also affect other writers that construct
TOC manually.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2020-02-05 17:19:46 -08:00
parent 0a4f49d370
commit 9c12024e07

View file

@ -247,7 +247,8 @@ pandocToHtml opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let authsMeta = map stringifyHTML $ docAuthors meta
let dateMeta = stringifyHTML $ docDate meta
slideVariant <- gets stSlideVariant
let sects = makeSections (writerNumberSections opts) Nothing $
let sects = adjustNumbers opts $
makeSections (writerNumberSections opts) Nothing $
if slideVariant == NoSlides
then blocks
else prepSlides slideLevel blocks
@ -594,15 +595,23 @@ figure opts attr txt (s,tit) = do
else H.div ! A.class_ "figure" $ mconcat
[nl opts, img, nl opts, capt, nl opts]
showSecNum :: [Int] -> Text
showSecNum = T.intercalate "." . map tshow
getNumber :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> Text
getNumber opts (_,_,kvs) =
showSecNum $ zipWith (+) num (writerNumberOffset opts ++ repeat 0)
adjustNumbers :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> [Block]
adjustNumbers opts doc =
if all (==0) (writerNumberOffset opts)
then doc
else walk go doc
num = maybe [] (map (fromMaybe 0 . safeRead) . T.split (=='.')) $
lookup "number" kvs
go (Header level (ident,classes,kvs) lst) =
Header level (ident,classes,map fixnum kvs) lst
go x = x
fixnum ("number",num) = ("number",
showSecNum $ zipWith (+)
(writerNumberOffset opts ++ repeat 0)
(map (fromMaybe 0 . safeRead) $
T.split (=='.') num))
fixnum (k,v) = (k,v)
showSecNum = T.intercalate "." . map tshow
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to HTML.
blockToHtml :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Block -> StateT WriterState m Html
@ -821,9 +830,9 @@ blockToHtml opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
else do
contents <- blockListToHtml opts blocks
return $ H.blockquote $ nl opts >> contents >> nl opts
blockToHtml opts (Header level attr@(_,classes,_) lst) = do
blockToHtml opts (Header level attr@(_,classes,kvs) lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
let secnum = getNumber opts attr
let secnum = fromMaybe mempty $ lookup "number" kvs
let contents' = if writerNumberSections opts && not (T.null secnum)
&& "unnumbered" `notElem` classes
then (H.span ! A.class_ "header-section-number"