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#+TITLE: Sergiu Ivanov
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#+ATTR_HTML: :alt a picture of sergiu ivanov :class me
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt in French :class lang
I am associate professor ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_ranks_in_France#Permanent_positions][maître de conférences]]) at [[http://www.univ-evry.fr/fr/index.html][Université d'Évry,
Paris-Saclay University]]. I do my research at [[https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/en][IBISC]].
Write to me at *=sergiu= $_{dot}$ =ivanov= (at) =univ-evry.fr=* .
This is my [[file:content/me/sivanov-cv-en.pdf][CV]].
Jump to:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class quicklinks
| | [[My News][My News]] | [[Past positions]] | [[Roles][Roles]] |
| | [[Research]] | [[Teaching]] | [[Full contact information]] |
| | [[Publications]] | [[Programming]] | |
* My News
#+ATTR_HTML: :class news
| [2021-10-15 Fri] | The site of the Workshop on Atavistic Theory of Cancer ([[https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/atac2022/][ATAC2022]]) is online. |
| [2021-10-25 Mon] | Rémi Segretain presents our work /Who Plays Complex Music?/ at [[http://www.bibe2021.kg.ac.rs/][BIBE 2021]] in Serbia. |
| [2021-11-10 Wed] | We will present the research in the domain of personalized medicine at IBISC at [[https://www.santexpo.com/][SANTEXPO]] in Paris, at Porte de Versailles. |
| [2021-12-02 Thu] | The night hackathon [[https://www.nuitdelinfo.com/][Nuit de l'Info]] happens at IBGBI, in Évry. |
* Research
I am /currently working/ on
#+ATTR_HTML: :class keylinks
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_medicine][network medicine]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_and_theoretical_biology][theoretical biology]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_life][artificial life]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theoretical_computer_science][theoretical computer science]]
I have /already worked/ on:
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[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bio-inspired_computing][bio-inspired computing]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_language][formal languages]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rewriting#String_rewriting_systems][rewriting]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complexity][complexity]]
I have worked with these (and similar) /formal models/:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class keylinks
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_network][Boolean networks]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_system][membrane (P) systems]] [[http://reactionsystems.org/][reaction systems]]
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Register_machine#Lambek_(1961)_atomizes_Melzak's_model_into_the_Minsky_(1961)_model:_INC_and_DEC-with-test][register machines]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petri_net][Petri nets]]
I am /interested/ in formal and abstract structures, as well as
their various connections to reality.
* Publications
I maintain a [[file:en/publications.org][complete list]] of my publications.
A fairly comprehensive list of my publications is also available on
[[https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/i/Ivanov_0001:Sergiu][my DBLP page]]. A list of my publications with some freely
downloadable full-texts is also available on [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/search/index/?q=sergiu+ivanov][HAL]] ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper_Articles_en_Ligne][a French
scientific archive]]).
My ORCID number is [[https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8653-3814][0000-0002-8653-3814]] and I have a [[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergiu_Ivanov4][ResearchGate
Also, check out this initiative https://nofreeviewnoreview.org/.
* Teaching
Here is a list of courses I prepared, in chronological order:
- [[https://ecampus.paris-saclay.fr/course/view.php?id=21726][introduction to membrane computing]], with [[http://www.cs.us.es/~dorellana/][David Orellana-Martín]] and
[[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ricardo_Graciani_Diaz][Ricardo Graciani]], E-mail me for the password
- [[https://ecampus.paris-saclay.fr/course/view.php?id=27167][introduction to LaTeX and Git]] in French, password: =ppei-l3=
- [[https://ecampus.paris-saclay.fr/course/view.php?id=41960][operating systems]] in French, password: =sye-l3=
- [[file:en/alife-intro.org][a very quick introduction to artificial life]]
- [[file:en/pn-biomodelling.org][Petri nets for biomodelling]]
- [[file:en/cytoscape-intro.org][introduction to Cytoscape]]
- [[file:en/togit.org][To Git or Not to Git]]
- [[file:en/h4life.org][Haskell for Life]]
- [[file:en/os-upec.org][operating systems and networks]]
- [[file:en/parsing-upec.org][basic parsing]]
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt image of Creative Commons Attribution Alone licence :class ccby
All course materials are distributed under the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license][Creative Commons
Attribution Alone licence]], unless specified
** Seminars
Here are some slides from some of my seminars:
- Sequential Reprogramming of Biological Network Fate ([[file:content/seminars/cmsb-extension-beam.pdf][slides]])
- Understanding Evolution: A Methodology for Evaluating the
Extensibility of Boolean Networks’ Structure and Function ([[file:content/seminars/sbn-extension-beam-bioss-ia.pdf][slides]])
- Theory of Computer Science: Why All That Formal Stuff? ([[file:content/seminars/cs-theory.pdf][slides]])
- Universality and Computational Completeness of Controlled Leftist
Insertion-Deletion Systems ([[file:content/seminars/leftist-univ-beam.pdf][slides]])
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt image of Creative Commons Attribution Alone licence :class ccby
These materials are distributed under the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license][Creative Commons
Attribution Alone licence]].
* Programming
I am currently developing [[https://git.marvid.fr/scolobb/dds][dds]], a home-made toolkit for discrete
dynamical systems in [[https://racket-lang.org/][Racket]], a modern Lisp dialect.
In the past, I wrote many lines of Haskell, C++, and Python. Here
is [[https://github.com/scolobb][my GitHub profile]].
* Roles
Together with [[https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/~zehraoui/Farida_Zehraoui.html][Farida Zehraoui]], we manage the work group on
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personalized_medicine][personalized medicine]] /Axe transverse Médecine personnalisée/
Together with [[https://ibisc.univ-evry.fr/~janodet/][Jean-Christophe Janodet]], I am in charge with the first
year of the master's program M1 Computer & Network Systems ([[https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/formation/master/informatique/m1-computer-network-systems][M1 CNS]],
in French).
I am an elected member of the /Council of the [[https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/graduate-schools][Graduate School
"Computer Science"]]/ of the Paris-Saclay University.
I am an elected member of the /Council of IBISC laboratory/.
I co-organise with [[https://info-evry.fr/][Association Info Évry]] the Évry site of the yearly
night hackathon [[https://www.nuitdelinfo.com/][/Nuit de l'Info/]].
I am member of the teaching workgroup of the Administrative Council
of Digital Ressources (/CARI pédagogique/).
* Past positions
- 2016–2017: /Postdoc/ with [[https://sites.google.com/site/nicolasglade/][Nicolas Glade]] on biomechanical modelling
of the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cytoskeleton][cytoskeleton]], with additional focus on unconventional
computing, theoretical biology, and epistemology.
- 2015–2016: [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attaché_Temporaire_d'Enseignement_et_de_Recherche][/ATER/]] at [[http://www.en.u-pec.fr/][Université Paris Est Créteil]].
- 2012–2015: /PhD student/ at [[http://www.en.u-pec.fr/][Université Paris Est Créteil]],
supervised by [[http://lacl.univ-paris12.fr/verlan/][Sergey Verlan]]. I defended [[file:content/phd/ivanov-phd.pdf][my thesis]] entitled
/"On the Power and Universality of Biologically-inspired
Models of Computation"/ in June 2015 ([[file:content/phd/ivanov-phd-beam.pdf][presentation slides]]).
* Full contact information
*Sergiu Ivanov* \\
Room: 319 \\
IBISC - [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=%C3%A9vry%20ibgbi][IBGBI]] – 3rd floor \\
23, boulevard de France \\
91034 Évry, France
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