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#+TITLE: Sergiu Ivanov
#+OPTIONS: title:nil
#+ATTR_HTML: :class photo-ref
Déborah Bernard
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt a picture of sergiu ivanov :class me
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt in French :class lang
I am Associate Professor ([[][maître de conférences]]) at [[][Université d'Évry
Paris-Saclay]]. I do my research at [[][IBISC]].
Write to me at   *=sergiu= $_{dot}$ =ivanov= (at)*  .
Here is my moderately long [[file:content/me/sivanov-cv-hdr.pdf][academic CV]].
Jump to:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class quicklinks
| | [[My News][My News]] | [[Past positions]]           | [[Roles][Roles]] |
| | [[Research]] | [[Teaching]] | [[Full contact information]] |
| | [[Publications]]          | [[Programming]] | |
* My News
#+ATTR_HTML: :class news
| [2024-09-23] | End of my stay with [[][Damien Woods]]'s [[][TAPDANCE]] group. |
| [2024-08-06] | Our paper [[][On the spectrum between reaction systems and string rewriting]] is now available online. |
| [2024-05-15] | I [[][join]] [[][Damien Woods]]'s [[][TAPDANCE]] group for 4 months. |
#+ATTR_HTML: :class reading
/Current reading:/ Charles H. Bennett. [[][The Thermodynamics of
Computation—a Review]].
* Research
I am currently /actively working/ on:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class keylinks
[[][DNA nanotechnology]]   [[][natural computing]]   [[][theoretical biology]]  
[[][theoretical computer science]]
I am /also working/ on:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class keylinks
[[][formal languages]]   [[][rewriting]]   [[][network biology]]   [[][complexity]]  
I have worked with these (and similar) /formal models/:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class keylinks
[[][membrane (P) systems]]   [[][Boolean networks]]   [[][reaction systems]]  
[['s_model_into_the_Minsky_(1961)_model:_INC_and_DEC-with-test][register machines]]   [[][Petri nets]]
I am interested in formal and abstract structures, as well as their
various connections to biological reality.
* Publications
Here is a [[file:en/][complete list]] of my publications.
A fairly comprehensive list of my publications is also available on
[[][my DBLP page]]. A list of my publications with some freely
downloadable full-texts is also available on [[][HAL]] ([[][a French
scientific archive]]).
My ORCID number is [[][0000-0002-1537-6508]] and I have a [[][ResearchGate
Also, check out this initiative
** Seminars and talks
Here are some slides from some of my seminars:
- Queens of the Hill ([[file:content/seminars/cmc2023-queens-beam.pdf][slides]])
- P Systems with Reactive Membranes ([[file:content/seminars/cmc2023-fat-beam-Rudi.pdf][slides]])
- The Many Shapes of Polymorphism ([[file:content/seminars/many-shapes.pdf][slides]])
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt image of Creative Commons Attribution Alone licence :class ccby
These materials are distributed under the [[][Creative Commons
Attribution Alone licence]].
* Teaching
Here is a list of courses I prepared, in chronological order:
- [[][computational DNA nanotechnology]], with [[][Damien Regnault]], password:
- [[][introduction to membrane computing]], with [[][David Orellana-Martín]] and
[[][Ricardo Graciani]], E-mail me for the password
- [[][introduction to LaTeX and Git]] in French, password: =ppei-l3=
- [[][operating systems]] in French, password: =sye-l3=
- [[file:en/][a very quick introduction to artificial life]]
- [[file:en/][Petri nets for biomodelling]]
- [[file:en/][introduction to Cytoscape]]
- [[file:en/][To Git or Not to Git]]
- [[file:en/][Haskell for Life]]
- [[file:en/][operating systems and networks]]
- [[file:en/][basic parsing]]
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt image of Creative Commons Attribution Alone licence :class ccby
All course materials are distributed under the [[][Creative Commons
Attribution Alone licence]], unless specified
* Programming
I am currently developing [[][dds]], a home-made toolkit for discrete
dynamical systems in [[][Racket]], a modern Lisp dialect. Here is
[[][my GitHub profile]].
* Roles
I am in charge with the first year of the master's program M1
Computer & Network Systems ([[][M1 CNS]], in French) together with
[[][Jean-Christophe Janodet]].
I manage the work group on [[][personalized medicine]] /Axe transverse
Médecine personnalisée/ at IBISC together with [[][Farida Zehraoui]].
I am a [[][recommender]] for [[][Peer Community In Mathematical and
Computational Biology]].
I am member of the editorial board of the [[][Computer Science Journal
of Moldova]].
I am elected member of the [[][/Research Commission/]] and of the
/Academic Council/ of Université d'Évry.
I am an elected member of the /Council of the [[][Graduate School
"Computer Science"]]/ of the Paris-Saclay University.
I am member of the /Council for Digital Ressources/ (Conseil des
Utilisateurs du Numérique) of the Université d'Évry.
* Past positions
- 20162017: /Postdoc/ with [[][Nicolas Glade]] on biomechanical modelling
of the [[][cytoskeleton]], with additional focus on unconventional
computing, theoretical biology, and epistemology.
- 20152016: [[é_Temporaire_d'Enseignement_et_de_Recherche][/ATER/]] at [[][Université Paris Est Créteil]].
- 20122015: /PhD student/ at [[][Université Paris Est Créteil]],
supervised by [[][Sergey Verlan]]. I defended [[file:content/phd/ivanov-phd.pdf][my thesis]] entitled
/"On the Power and Universality of Biologically-inspired
Models of Computation"/ in June 2015 ([[file:content/phd/ivanov-phd-beam.pdf][presentation slides]]).
* Full contact information
*Sergiu Ivanov* \\
Room: 319 \\
IBISC - [[][IBGBI]] 3rd floor \\
23, boulevard de France \\
91034 Évry, France
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