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#+TITLE: Introduction to Operating Systems and Networks
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt in French :class lang-lifted
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt return home :class home
The course consists of two parts dealing with operating systems and
networks. The goal of the course is to offer an overview of these
topics. The course is designed for 21 two-hour classes, including at
least 4 laboratory assignments. A written test may be planned after
the first part of the course (operating systems) and another one at
the end.
The course and the slides are in French.
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt image of Creative Commons Attribution Alone licence :class ccby
The materials of this course are distributed under the [[][Creative
Commons Attribution Alone licence]].
* CM 1. Operating systems, networks, virtualisation
This part introduces basic ideas used in the domains discussed in
the course. The slides are available [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-cm01.pdf][here]].
* CM 2. Linux: directory structure and command line
This part lists the directories from [[][Filesystem Hierarchy Standard]]
and explains them. Some basic file management commands are then
given and explained. The slides are available [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-cm02.pdf][here]].
* TP 1. Lab assignment 1: the command line
The goal of this assignment is to introduce students to the Linux
command line and also to the usual ways of finding information about
available commands and applications. The text of the assignment is
* CM 3. Rights, links, transformations, search
This part deals with three subjects which are very important in
managing a UNIX-type system: file access rights, symlinks and
hardlinks, and transformations. We will a "transformation" a command
that works well in command chains built using pipes. This part of
the course lists a couple useful transformations (e.g., =head=,
=cut=, =xargs=) and finishes by explaining two very often used
search commands: =grep= and =find=. The slides are available [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-cm03.pdf][here]].
Directory permissions work a bit differently from permissions for
regular files. This section does not cover this difference, but
interested students are invited to take a look at [[][this article]].
* TP 2. Lab assignment 2: the command line 2
This assignment suggests a number of advanced use cases of the
command line and has the goal to help students consolidate the
practical skills in redirection of streams, pipes, and usage of
transformations. The text of the assignment can be found [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-tp02.pdf][here]].
* CM 4. Shell scripts
This section provides a quick overview of the shell scripting
language as a full-fledged programming language. Some basic elements
such as variables, arrays, control structures, and functions are
covered. Several situations are covered in which the code is
evaluated in unintuitive ways. The slides are [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-cm04.pdf][here]].
* TP 3. Lab assignment 3: shell scripts
This assignment considers several typical server administration
tasks, like system monitoring, backup, or local messaging, and
proposes to automate them. The students are also invited to
reimplement a number of basic tools, including a simplified version
of =xargs=. The text of the assignment can be found [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-tp03.pdf][here]].
* CM 5. The OSI model
This section discusses the OSI model: the detailed formal
specification of the organisation of the network stack. An overview
of every layer is provided; the network and the transported layers
are presented in some more detail. A short list of well-known
network protocols concludes the presentation. The slides are
available [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-cm05.pdf][here]].
* CM 6. Network commands
This section briefly introduces some basic concepts behind the
Domain Name System, and particularly the hierarchy of domain names
and DNS servers. Several useful network commands are then listed,
including =ifconfig= and =netcat=. The slides are available [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-cm06.pdf][here]].
* TP 4. Lab assignment 4: network commands
This lab assignment proposes a couple scenarios in which the network
commands shown in the preceding section of the course are
applied. This assignment focusses in particular upon =scp=, =wget=,
and =nc=. The text of the assignment can be found [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-tp04.pdf][here]].
* Course project: a basic network chat
This course project proposes to apply the skills acquired in basic
system administration and networking to implement a primitive text
chatting system. The text of the assignment can be downloaded [[file:../content/courses/os-upec/systemes-reseaux-projet.pdf][here]].
* Local Variables :noexport:
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