2018-09-22 21:36:09 +02:00

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#+TITLE: Introduction to Cytoscape
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt in French :class lang-lifted
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt return home :class home
This is a short (3 to 4 hours) lab session in which students learn
some basic usage patterns of [[][Cytoscape]], a state of the art tool for
analysis of biological networks. The lab assignment proposes following
the [[][Cytoscape tutorial]], one of the [[][tutorials on styles]], and then
requires the students to use Cytoscape to analyse a signalling pathway
related to breast cancer and to formulate non-trivial conclusions.
The slides defining the objectives of this lab session can be found
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt image of Creative Commons Attribution Alone licence :class ccby
The materials of this course are distributed under the [[][Creative
Commons Attribution Alone licence]].
* Local Variables :noexport:
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