mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 19:39:45 +01:00
It's really dumb that these array names aren't plural when they should be, because they contain more than one thing.
360 lines
8.5 KiB
360 lines
8.5 KiB
#ifndef GRAPHICS_H
#define GRAPHICS_H
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "GraphicsResources.h"
#include "GraphicsUtil.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "Textbox.h"
#include "TowerBG.h"
class Graphics
void init(void);
void destroy(void);
void create_buffers(const SDL_PixelFormat* fmt);
void destroy_buffers(void);
GraphicsResources grphx;
int bfontlen(uint32_t ch);
int font_idx(uint32_t ch);
bool Makebfont(void);
void drawhuetile(int x, int y, int t);
void huetilesetcol(int t);
Uint32 bigchunkygetcol(int t);
void drawgravityline(int t);
bool MakeTileArray(void);
bool MakeSpriteArray(void);
bool maketelearray(void);
void drawcoloredtile(int x, int y, int t, int r, int g, int b);
void drawmenu(int cr, int cg, int cb, bool levelmenu = false);
void processfade(void);
void setfade(const int amount);
void drawfade(void);
void setwarprect(int a, int b, int c, int d);
void createtextboxreal(
const std::string& t,
int xp,
int yp,
int r,
int g,
int b,
bool flipme
void createtextbox(
const std::string& t,
int xp,
int yp,
int r,
int g,
int b
void createtextboxflipme(
const std::string& t,
int xp,
int yp,
int r,
int g,
int b
void textboxcenterx(void);
int textboxwidth(void);
void textboxmoveto(int xo);
void textboxcentery(void);
void textboxadjust(void);
void addline(const std::string& t);
void textboxtimer(int t);
void textboxremove(void);
void textboxremovefast(void);
void textboxactive(void);
void drawtextbox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b);
void drawpixeltextbox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b);
void drawcrewman(int x, int y, int t, bool act, bool noshift =false);
int crewcolour(const int t);
void cutscenebars(void);
void cutscenebarstimer(void);
void setbars(const int position);
void drawpartimage(int t, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp);
void drawimage(int t, int xp, int yp, bool cent=false);
void drawimagecol(int t, int xp, int yp, bool cent= false);
void updatetextboxes(void);
void drawgui(void);
void drawsprite(int x, int y, int t, int r, int g, int b);
void drawsprite(int x, int y, int t, Uint32 c);
void printcrewname(int x, int y, int t);
void printcrewnamestatus(int x, int y, int t);
void printcrewnamedark(int x, int y, int t);
void map_tab(int opt, const std::string& text, bool selected = false);
void map_option(int opt, int num_opts, const std::string& text, bool selected = false);
void do_print(int x, int y, const std::string& text, int r, int g, int b, int a, int scale);
void Print(int _x, int _y, const std::string& _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen = false);
void PrintAlpha(int _x, int _y, const std::string& _s, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen = false);
bool next_wrap(size_t* start, size_t* len, const char* str, int maxwidth);
bool next_wrap_s(char buffer[], size_t buffer_size, size_t* start, const char* str, int maxwidth);
void PrintWrap(int x, int y, const char* str, int r, int g, int b, bool cen, int linespacing, int maxwidth);
void bprint(int x, int y, const std::string& t, int r, int g, int b, bool cen = false);
void bprintalpha(int x, int y, const std::string& t, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen = false);
int len(const std::string& t);
void bigprint( int _x, int _y, const std::string& _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen = false, int sc = 2 );
void bigbprint(int x, int y, const std::string& s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen = false, int sc = 2);
void drawspritesetcol(int x, int y, int t, int c);
void flashlight(void);
void screenshake(void);
void updatescreenshake(void);
int screenshake_x;
int screenshake_y;
void render(void);
void renderwithscreeneffects(void);
void renderfixedpre(void);
void renderfixedpost(void);
bool Hitest(SDL_Surface* surface1, point p1, SDL_Surface* surface2, point p2);
void drawentities(void);
void drawentity(const int i, const int yoff);
void drawtrophytext(void);
void bigrprint(int x, int y, const std::string& t, int r, int g, int b, bool cen = false, float sc = 2);
void bigbrprint(int x, int y, const std::string& t, int r, int g, int b, bool cen = false, float sc = 2);
void drawtele(int x, int y, int t, Uint32 c);
Uint32 getRGBA(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a);
Uint32 getRGB(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b);
Uint32 getRGB(Uint32 _col);
Uint32 RGBf(int r, int g, int b);
void setcolreal(Uint32 t);
void drawbackground(int t);
void updatebackground(int t);
bool shouldrecoloroneway(const int tilenum, const bool mounted);
void drawtile3( int x, int y, int t, int off, int height_subtract = 0 );
void drawtile2( int x, int y, int t );
void drawtile( int x, int y, int t );
void drawtowertile( int x, int y, int t );
void drawtowertile3( int x, int y, int t, TowerBG& bg_obj );
void drawmap(void);
void drawforetile(int x, int y, int t);
void drawforetile2(int x, int y, int t);
void drawforetile3(int x, int y, int t, int off);
void drawrect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b);
void drawtowermap(void);
void drawtowerspikes(void);
bool onscreen(int t);
bool reloadresources(void);
bool tiles1_mounted;
bool tiles2_mounted;
bool minimap_mounted;
void menuoffrender(void);
void drawtowerbackground(const TowerBG& bg_obj);
void updatetowerbackground(TowerBG& bg_obj);
void setcol(int t);
void drawfinalmap(void);
colourTransform ct;
int rcol;
int m;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> images;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> tele;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> tiles;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> tiles2;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> tiles3;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> entcolours;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> sprites;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> flipsprites;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> bfont;
std::vector <SDL_Surface*> flipbfont;
bool flipmode;
bool setflipmode;
bool notextoutline;
//buffer objects. //TODO refactor buffer objects
SDL_Surface* backBuffer;
Screen* screenbuffer;
SDL_Surface* menubuffer;
SDL_Surface* foregroundBuffer;
SDL_Surface* tempBuffer;
SDL_Surface* warpbuffer;
SDL_Surface* warpbuffer_lerp;
TowerBG towerbg;
TowerBG titlebg;
SDL_Rect tiles_rect;
SDL_Rect sprites_rect;
SDL_Rect line_rect;
SDL_Rect tele_rect;
SDL_Rect towerbuffer_rect;
SDL_Rect prect;
SDL_Rect footerrect;
SDL_Surface* footerbuffer;
int linestate, linedelay;
int backoffset;
bool backgrounddrawn, foregrounddrawn;
int menuoffset;
int oldmenuoffset;
bool resumegamemode;
SDL_Rect warprect;
int crewframe;
int crewframedelay;
int fademode;
int fadeamount;
int oldfadeamount;
int fadebars[15];
int ingame_fademode;
bool trinketcolset;
int trinketr, trinketg, trinketb;
std::vector <textboxclass> textboxes;
bool showcutscenebars;
int cutscenebarspos;
int oldcutscenebarspos;
static const int numstars = 50;
SDL_Rect stars[numstars];
int starsspeed[numstars];
static const int numbackboxes = 18;
int spcol, spcoldel;
SDL_Rect backboxes[numbackboxes];
int backboxvx[numbackboxes];
int backboxvy[numbackboxes];
float backboxint[numbackboxes];
int warpskip, warpfcol, warpbcol;
bool translucentroomname;
std::map<int, int> font_positions;
SDL_Surface* ghostbuffer;
float inline lerp(const float v0, const float v1)
return v0 + alpha * (v1 - v0);
float alpha;
Uint32 col_crewred;
Uint32 col_crewyellow;
Uint32 col_crewgreen;
Uint32 col_crewcyan;
Uint32 col_crewblue;
Uint32 col_crewpurple; //actually pink
Uint32 col_crewinactive;
Uint32 col_clock;
Uint32 col_trinket;
int col_tr;
int col_tg;
int col_tb;
void updatetitlecolours(void);
bool kludgeswnlinewidth;
Uint32 crewcolourreal(int t);
char error[128];
char error_title[128]; /* for SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox */
extern Graphics graphics;
#endif /* GRAPHICS_H */