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synced 2024-12-22 17:49:43 +01:00
After discussing with Ally and Dav, we came to the agreement that this is basically useless since the prompt will always be centered and take up most of the horizontal space of the screen. And the x-position was only added as an offset because at some point, there was a missing space from the side of the "- Press ENTER to Teleport -" prompt, and the offset was there so people could mimic the prompt accordingly. But that was fixed at some point, so it's useless now.
209 lines
4.4 KiB
209 lines
4.4 KiB
#ifndef ENTITY_H
#define ENTITY_H
#include <SDL.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Maths.h"
#include "Ent.h"
#include "BlockV.h"
#include "Game.h"
BLOCK = 0,
SAFE = 4,
CYAN = 0,
PURPLE = 20,
YELLOW = 14,
RED = 15,
GREEN = 13,
BLUE = 16,
GRAY = 19,
class entityclass
void init(void);
void resetallflags(void);
void fatal_top(void)
createblock(DAMAGE, -8, -8, 384, 16);
void fatal_bottom(void)
createblock(DAMAGE, -8, 224, 384, 16);
void fatal_left(void)
createblock(DAMAGE, -8, -8, 16, 260);
void fatal_right(void)
createblock(DAMAGE, 312, -8, 16, 260);
int swncolour(int t );
void swnenemiescol(int t);
void gravcreate(int ypos, int dir, int xoff = 0, int yoff = 0);
void generateswnwave(int t);
void createblock(int t, int xp, int yp, int w, int h, int trig = 0, const std::string& script = "", bool custom = false);
bool disableentity(int t);
void removeallblocks(void);
void disableblock(int t);
void disableblockat(int x, int y);
void moveblockto(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int w, int h);
void removetrigger(int t);
void copylinecross(std::vector<entclass>& linecrosskludge, int t);
void revertlinecross(std::vector<entclass>& linecrosskludge, int t, int s);
void createentity(int xp, int yp, int t, int meta1, int meta2,
int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4);
void createentity(int xp, int yp, int t, int meta1, int meta2,
int p1, int p2);
void createentity(int xp, int yp, int t, int meta1, int meta2,
int p1);
void createentity(int xp, int yp, int t, int meta1, int meta2);
void createentity(int xp, int yp, int t, int meta1);
void createentity(int xp, int yp, int t);
bool updateentities(int i);
void animateentities(int i);
void animatehumanoidcollision(int i);
int getcompanion(void);
int getplayer(void);
int getscm(void);
int getlineat(int t);
int getcrewman(int t, int fallback = 0);
int getcustomcrewman(int t);
int getteleporter(void);
bool entitycollide(int a, int b);
bool checkdamage(bool scm = false);
int checktrigger(int* block_idx);
int checkactivity(void);
bool checkplatform(const SDL_Rect& temprect, int* px, int* py);
bool checkblocks(const SDL_Rect& temprect, float dx, float dy, int dr, bool skipdirblocks);
bool checktowerspikes(int t);
bool checkwall(bool invincible, const SDL_Rect& temprect, float dx, float dy, int dr, bool skipblocks, bool skipdirblocks);
bool checkwall(bool invincible, const SDL_Rect& temprect);
float hplatformat(int px, int py);
bool entityhlinecollide(int t, int l);
bool entityvlinecollide(int t, int l);
bool entitywarphlinecollide(int t, int l);
bool entitywarpvlinecollide(int t, int l);
void customwarplinecheck(int i);
float entitycollideplatformroof(int t);
float entitycollideplatformfloor(int t);
bool entitycollidefloor(int t);
bool entitycollideroof(int t);
bool testwallsx(int t, int tx, int ty, bool skipdirblocks);
bool testwallsy(int t, int tx, int ty);
void applyfriction(int t, float xrate, float yrate);
void updateentitylogic(int t);
void entitymapcollision(int t);
void movingplatformfix(int t, int j);
void entitycollisioncheck(void);
void collisioncheck(int i, int j, bool scm = false);
void stuckprevention(int t);
std::vector<entclass> entities;
int k;
std::vector<blockclass> blocks;
bool flags[100];
bool collect[100];
bool customcollect[100];
int platformtile;
bool vertplatforms, horplatforms;
// :(
bool nearelephant, upsetmode;
int upset;
//Trophy Text
int trophytext, trophytype;
int oldtrophytext;
//Secret lab scripts
int altstates;
//Custom stuff
int customenemy;
int customplatformtile;
bool customwarpmode, customwarpmodevon, customwarpmodehon;
std::string customscript;
bool customcrewmoods[Game::numcrew];
std::string customactivitycolour;
std::string customactivitytext;
int customactivitypositiony;
extern entityclass obj;
#endif /* ENTITY_H */