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mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2025-01-11 03:19:46 +01:00
Terry Cavanagh 72d018ea04 Update mobile version to mobile v2.2.1
The android version just got a much needed update to fix some resolution issues on devices with cutouts.

It turns out the mobile source was actually pretty out of date, like 3 versions out of date! This commit brings it up to date.

All the changes have just been about keeping the game running on modern devices, though. The biggest change was adding the Starling library to the project, which made the game GPU powered and sped the whole thing up.
2022-12-02 18:19:58 +01:00

2133 lines
82 KiB

package {
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
import bigroom.input.KeyPoll;
import flash.system.fscommand;
public class scriptclass {
public var GAMEMODE:int = 0;
public var TITLEMODE:int = 1;
public var CLICKTOSTART:int = 2;
public var FOCUSMODE:int = 3;
public var MAPMODE:int = 4;
public var TELEPORTERMODE:int = 5;
public var GAMECOMPLETE:int = 6;
public var GAMECOMPLETE2:int = 7;
public var EDITORMODE:int = 8;
include "includes/scripts.as";
include "includes/terminalscripts.as";
public function scriptclass():void {
for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
commands.push(new String);
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
words.push(new String);
txt.push(new String);
position = 0; scriptlength = 0; scriptdelay = 0;
running = false;
public function clearcustom():void{
editor.customscript.length = 0;
public function add(t:String):void {
commands[scriptlength] = t;
public function tokenize(t:String):void {
j = 0; tempword = "";
for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
currentletter = t.substr(i, 1);
if (currentletter == "(" || currentletter == ")" || currentletter == ",") {
words[j] = tempword;
words[j] = words[j].toLowerCase();
j++; tempword = "";
}else if (currentletter == " ") {
//don't do anything - i.e. strip out spaces.
}else {
tempword += currentletter;
if (tempword != "") {
words[j] = tempword;
public function run(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass, music:musicclass):void {
while(running && scriptdelay<=0 && !game.pausescript){
if (position < scriptlength) {
//Let's split or command in an array of words
//For script assisted input
game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false;
//Ok, now we run a command based on that string
if (words[0] == "moveplayer") {
//USAGE: moveplayer(x offset, y offset)
i = obj.getplayer();
obj.entities[i].xp += int(words[1]);
obj.entities[i].yp += int(words[2]);
scriptdelay = 1;
}else if (words[0] == "warpdir"){
var temprx:int = int(words[1]) - 1;
var tempry:int = int(words[2]) - 1;
var curlevel:int = temprx + (editor.maxwidth * (tempry));
editor.level[curlevel].warpdir = int(words[3]);
//If screen warping, then override all that:
dwgfx.backgrounddrawn = false;
//Do we update our own room?
if (game.roomx - 100 == temprx && game.roomy - 100 == tempry) {
map.warpx = false; map.warpy = false;
if (editor.level[curlevel].warpdir == 0) {
map.background = 1;
}else if(editor.level[curlevel].warpdir==1){
dwgfx.rcol = editor.getwarpbackground(temprx, tempry);
}else if(editor.level[curlevel].warpdir==2){
dwgfx.rcol = editor.getwarpbackground(temprx,tempry);
}else if(editor.level[curlevel].warpdir==3){
map.warpx=true; map.warpy=true;
map.background = 5;
dwgfx.rcol = editor.getwarpbackground(temprx,tempry);
}else if (words[0] == "ifwarp"){
if (editor.level[int(words[1]) - 1 + (editor.maxwidth * (int(words[2]) - 1))].warpdir == int(words[3])) {
}else if (words[0] == "destroy"){
for (var edi:int = 0; edi < obj.nentity; edi++) {
if(obj.entities[edi].type==9) obj.entities[edi].active=false;
if(obj.entities[edi].type==10) obj.entities[edi].active=false;
}else if(words[1]=="warptokens"){
for (edi = 0; edi < obj.nentity; edi++) {
if(obj.entities[edi].type==11) obj.entities[edi].active=false;
}else if(words[1]=="platforms"){
for (edi = 0; edi < obj.nentity; edi++) {
if(obj.entities[edi].rule==2 && obj.entities[edi].animate==100) obj.entities[edi].active=false;
}else if (words[0] == "customiftrinkets"){
if (game.trinkets >= int(words[1])) {
load("custom_" + words[2]);
}else if (words[0] == "customiftrinketsless"){
if (game.stat_trinkets < int(words[1])) {
load("custom_" + words[2]);
}else if (words[0] == "customifflag"){
if (obj.flags[int(words[1])] == 1) {
load("custom_" + words[2]);
}else if (words[0] == "custommap"){
if (words[1] == "on") {
map.customshowmm = true;
}else if (words[1] == "off") {
map.customshowmm = false;
}else if (words[0] == "delay") {
//USAGE: delay(frames)
scriptdelay = int(words[1]);
}else if (words[0] == "flag") {
obj.changeflag(int(words[1]), 1);
}else if(words[2]=="off"){
obj.changeflag(int(words[1]), 0);
}else if (words[0] == "flash") {
//USAGE: flash(frames)
game.flashlight = int(words[1]);
}else if (words[0] == "shake") {
//USAGE: shake(frames)
game.screenshake = int(words[1]);
}else if (words[0] == "walk") {
//USAGE: walk(dir,frames)
if (words[1] == "left") {
game.press_left = true;
}else if (words[1] == "right") {
game.press_right = true;
scriptdelay = int(words[2]);
}else if (words[0] == "flip") {
game.press_action = true;
scriptdelay = 1;
}else if (words[0] == "tofloor") {
game.press_action = true;
scriptdelay = 1;
}else if (words[0] == "playef") {
music.playef(int(words[1]), int(words[2]));
}else if (words[0] == "play") {
}else if (words[0] == "stopmusic") {
}else if (words[0] == "resumemusic") {
}else if (words[0] == "musicfadeout") {
}else if (words[0] == "musicfadein") {
music.musicfadein = 90;
}else if (words[0] == "trinketscriptmusic"){
}else if (words[0] == "gotoposition") {
//USAGE: gotoposition(x position, y position, gravity position)
i = obj.getplayer();
obj.entities[i].xp = int(words[1]);
obj.entities[i].yp = int(words[2]);
game.gravitycontrol = int(words[3]);
}else if (words[0] == "gotoroom") {
//USAGE: gotoroom(x,y) (manually add 100)
map.gotoroom(int(words[1])+100, int(words[2])+100, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
}else if (words[0] == "cutscene") {
dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
}else if (words[0] == "endcutscene") {
dwgfx.showcutscenebars = false;
}else if (words[0] == "untilbars") {
if (dwgfx.showcutscenebars) {
if (dwgfx.cutscenebarspos < 360) { scriptdelay = 1; position--; }
}else {
if (dwgfx.cutscenebarspos > 0) { scriptdelay = 1; position--; }
}else if (words[0] == "text") {
//oh boy
//first word is the colour.
if (words[1] == "cyan") { r = 164; g = 164; b = 255;
}else if (words[1] == "player") { r = 164; g = 164; b = 255;
}else if (words[1] == "red") { r = 255; g = 60; b = 60;
}else if (words[1] == "green") { r = 144; g = 255; b = 144;
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { r = 255; g = 255; b = 134;
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { r = 95; g = 95; b = 255;
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { r = 255; g = 134; b = 255;
}else if (words[1] == "gray") { r = 174; g = 174; b = 174;
}else {
//use a gray
r = 174; g = 174; b = 174;
//next are the x,y coordinates
textx = int(words[2]);
texty = int(words[3]);
//Number of lines for the textbox!
txtnumlines = int(words[4]);
for (i = 0; i < txtnumlines; i++) {
txt[i] = commands[position];
}else if (words[0] == "position") {
//are we facing left or right? for some objects we don't care, default at 0.
j = 0;
//the first word is the object to position relative to
if (words[1] == "player") {
i = obj.getplayer();
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") {
i = obj.getcrewman(0);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "purple") {
i = obj.getcrewman(1);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") {
i = obj.getcrewman(2);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "red") {
i = obj.getcrewman(3);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "green") {
i = obj.getcrewman(4);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "blue") {
i = obj.getcrewman(5);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "centerx") {
words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1;
textx = -500;
}else if (words[1] == "centery") {
words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1;
texty = -500;
}else if (words[1] == "center") {
words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1;
textx = -500; texty = -500;
//next is whether to position above or below
if (words[2] == "above") {
if (j == 1) { //left
textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later
texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 16 - (txtnumlines*8);
}else if (j == 0) { //Right
textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16;
texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 18 - (txtnumlines * 8);
}else {
if (j == 1) { //left
textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later
texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26;
}else if (j == 0) { //Right
textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16;
texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26;
}else if (words[0] == "customposition") {
//are we facing left or right? for some objects we don't care, default at 0.
j = 0;
//the first word is the object to position relative to
if (words[1] == "player"){
i = obj.getcustomcrewman(0);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "cyan"){
i = obj.getcustomcrewman(0);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "purple"){
i = obj.getcustomcrewman(1);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "yellow"){
i = obj.getcustomcrewman(2);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "red"){
i = obj.getcustomcrewman(3);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "green"){
i = obj.getcustomcrewman(4);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "blue"){
i = obj.getcustomcrewman(5);
j = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[1] == "centerx"){
words[2] = "donothing";
j = -1;
textx = -500;
}else if (words[1] == "centery"){
words[2] = "donothing";
j = -1;
texty = -500;
}else if (words[1] == "center"){
words[2] = "donothing";
j = -1;
textx = -500;
texty = -500;
if (i == 0 && words[1] != "player" && words[1] != "cyan") {
//Requested crewmate is not actually on screen
words[2] = "donothing";
j = -1;
textx = -500;
texty = -500;
//next is whether to position above or below
if (words[2] == "above"){
if (j == 1) //left
textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later
texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 16 - (txtnumlines*8);
else if (j == 0) //Right
textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16;
texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 18 - (txtnumlines * 8);
if (j == 1) //left
textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later
texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26;
else if (j == 0) //Right
textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16;
texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26;
}else if (words[0] == "backgroundtext") {
game.backgroundtext = true;
}else if (words[0] == "flipme") {
if(dwgfx.flipmode) texty += 2*(120 - texty);
}else if (words[0] == "speak_active") {
//Ok, actually display the textbox we've initilised now!
dwgfx.createtextbox(txt[0], textx, texty, r, g, b);
if (txtnumlines > 1) {
for (i = 1; i < txtnumlines; i++) {
//the textbox cannot be outside the screen. Fix if it is.
if (textx <= -1000) {
//position to the left of the player
textx += 10000;
textx -= dwgfx.textboxwidth();
textx += 16;
if (textx == -500) {
if (texty == -500) {
if (!game.backgroundtext) {
game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true;
if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86)
|| key.isDown(Keyboard.UP) || key.isDown(Keyboard.DOWN)) {
game.jumpheld = true;
if (game.mobilemenu) {
if (game.controlstyle == 0) {
for (var vti:int = 0; vti < key.touchPoints; vti++) {
if (key.touchid[vti] != key.controlstick) {
game.jumpheld = true;
if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
game.jumpheld = true;
}else {
if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
game.jumpheld = true;
game.backgroundtext = false;
}else if (words[0] == "speak") {
//Exactly as above, except don't make the textbox active (so we can use multiple textboxes)
dwgfx.createtextbox(txt[0], textx, texty, r, g, b);
if (txtnumlines > 1) {
for (i = 1; i < txtnumlines; i++) {
//the textbox cannot be outside the screen. Fix if it is.
if (textx <= -1000) {
//position to the left of the player
textx += 10000;
textx -= dwgfx.textboxwidth();
textx += 16;
if (textx == -500) {
if (texty == -500) {
if (!game.backgroundtext) {
game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true;
if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86)
|| key.isDown(Keyboard.UP) || key.isDown(Keyboard.DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true;
game.backgroundtext = false;
}else if (words[0] == "endtext") {
game.hascontrol = true;
game.advancetext = false;
}else if (words[0] == "endtextfast") {
game.hascontrol = true;
game.advancetext = false;
}else if (words[0] == "do") {
//right, loop from this point
looppoint = position;
loopcount = int(words[1]);
}else if (words[0] == "loop") {
//right, loop from this point
if (loopcount > 0) {
position = looppoint;
}else if (words[0] == "vvvvvvman") {
//Create the super VVVVVV combo!
i = obj.getplayer();
obj.entities[i].xp = 30;
obj.entities[i].yp = 46;
obj.entities[i].size = 13;
obj.entities[i].colour = 23;
obj.entities[i].cx = 36;// 6;
obj.entities[i].cy = 12+80;// 2;
obj.entities[i].h = 126-80;// 21;
}else if (words[0] == "undovvvvvvman") {
//Create the super VVVVVV combo!
i = obj.getplayer();
obj.entities[i].xp = 100;
obj.entities[i].size = 0;
obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
obj.entities[i].cx = 6;
obj.entities[i].cy = 2;
obj.entities[i].h = 21;
}else if (words[0] == "createentity") {
obj.createentity(game, int(words[1]), int(words[2]), int(words[3]), int(words[4]), int(words[5]));
}else if (words[0] == "createcrewman") {
if (words[3] == "cyan") { r=0;
}else if (words[3] == "red") { r=15;
}else if (words[3] == "green") { r=13;
}else if (words[3] == "yellow") { r=14;
}else if (words[3] == "blue") { r=16;
}else if (words[3] == "purple") { r=20;
}else if (words[3] == "gray") { r=19;
}else { r = 19; }
//convert the command to the right index
if (words[5] == "followplayer") words[5] = "10";
if (words[5] == "followpurple") words[5] = "11";
if (words[5] == "followyellow") words[5] = "12";
if (words[5] == "followred") words[5] = "13";
if (words[5] == "followgreen") words[5] = "14";
if (words[5] == "followblue") words[5] = "15";
if (words[5] == "followposition") words[5] = "16";
if (words[5] == "faceleft") { words[5] = "17"; words[6] = "0"; }
if (words[5] == "faceright") {words[5] = "17"; words[6] = "1"; }
if (words[5] == "faceplayer") { words[5] = "18"; words[6] = "0"; }
if (words[5] == "panic") { words[5] = "20"; words[6] = "0"; }
if (int(words[5]) >= 16) {
obj.createentity(game, int(words[1]), int(words[2]), 18, r, int(words[4]), int(words[5]), int(words[6]));
obj.createentity(game, int(words[1]), int(words[2]), 18, r, int(words[4]), int(words[5]));
}else if (words[0] == "changemood") {
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
if (int(words[2]) == 0) {
obj.entities[i].tile = 0;
}else {
obj.entities[i].tile = 144;
}else if (words[0] == "changecustommood"){
if (words[1] == "player"){
obj.customcrewmoods[0] = int(words[2]);
}else if (words[1] == "cyan"){
}else if (words[1] == "customcyan"){
}else if (words[1] == "red"){
}else if (words[1] == "green"){
}else if (words[1] == "yellow"){
}else if (words[1] == "blue"){
}else if (words[1] == "purple"){
}else if (words[1] == "pink"){
if (int(words[2]) == 0){
obj.entities[i].tile = 0;
obj.entities[i].tile = 144;
}else if (words[0] == "changetile") {
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
obj.entities[i].tile = int(words[2]);
}else if (words[0] == "flipgravity") {
//not something I'll use a lot, I think. Doesn't need to be very robust!
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
obj.entities[i].rule =7;
obj.entities[i].tile = 6;
}else if (words[0] == "changegravity") {
//not something I'll use a lot, I think. Doesn't need to be very robust!
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
obj.entities[i].tile +=12;
}else if (words[0] == "changedir") {
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
if (int(words[2]) == 0) {
obj.entities[i].dir = 0;
}else {
obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
}else if (words[0] == "alarmon") {
game.alarmon = true; game.alarmdelay = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "alarmoff") {
game.alarmon = false;
}else if (words[0] == "changeai") {
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
if (words[2] == "followplayer") words[2] = "10";
if (words[2] == "followpurple") words[2] = "11";
if (words[2] == "followyellow") words[2] = "12";
if (words[2] == "followred") words[2] = "13";
if (words[2] == "followgreen") words[2] = "14";
if (words[2] == "followblue") words[2] = "15";
if (words[2] == "followposition") words[2] = "16";
if (words[2] == "faceleft") { words[2] = "17"; words[3] = "0"; }
if (words[2] == "faceright") { words[2] = "17"; words[3] = "1"; }
obj.entities[i].state = int(words[2]);
if (obj.entities[i].state == 16) {
}else if (obj.entities[i].state == 17) {
}else if (words[0] == "alarmon") {
game.alarmon = true; game.alarmdelay = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "alarmoff") {
game.alarmon = false;
}else if (words[0] == "activateteleporter") {
i = obj.getteleporter();
obj.entities[i].tile = 6;
obj.entities[i].colour = 102;
}else if (words[0] == "changecolour") {
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
if (words[2] == "cyan") { obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
}else if (words[2] == "red") { obj.entities[i].colour = 15;
}else if (words[2] == "green") { obj.entities[i].colour = 13;
}else if (words[2] == "yellow") { obj.entities[i].colour = 14;
}else if (words[2] == "blue") { obj.entities[i].colour = 16;
}else if (words[2] == "purple") { obj.entities[i].colour = 20;
}else if (words[2] == "teleporter") { obj.entities[i].colour = 102;
}else if (words[0] == "squeak") {
if (words[1] == "player") { music.playef(11, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { music.playef(11, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { music.playef(16, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { music.playef(12, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { music.playef(14, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { music.playef(13, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { music.playef(15, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "cry") { music.playef(2, 10);
}else if (words[1] == "terminal") { music.playef(20, 10);
}else if (words[0] == "blackout") {
game.blackout = true;
}else if (words[0] == "blackon") {
game.blackout = false;
}else if (words[0] == "mobilecontrolsfixmap") {
map.explored[6 + (10 * 20)] = 0;
map.explored[7 + (10 * 20)] = 0;
map.explored[8 + (10 * 20)] = 0;
map.explored[5 + (9 * 20)] = 0;
map.explored[6 + (9 * 20)] = 0;
map.explored[7 + (9 * 20)] = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "domobilecontrols") {
if (game.mobilemenu && game.controlstyle == 0) {
if (game.showcontroltutorial == 0) {
game.showcontroltutorial = 1; game.savemystats = true;
game.gamestate = game.CONTROLTUTORIALMODE;
game.controltutorialstate = 0;
game.controltutorialstatedelay = 0;
game.controllerp1 = 0;
game.controllerp2 = 0;
game.controllerp3 = 0;
map.contents[25 + map.vmult[8]] = 495;
map.contents[26 + map.vmult[8]] = 495;
map.contents[34 + map.vmult[8]] = 495;
map.contents[35 + map.vmult[8]] = 495;
map.contents[36 + map.vmult[4]] = 0;
map.contents[37 + map.vmult[4]] = 0;
map.contents[38 + map.vmult[4]] = 0;
map.contents[39 + map.vmult[4]] = 0;
map.contents[36 + map.vmult[5]] = 0;
map.contents[37 + map.vmult[5]] = 0;
map.contents[38 + map.vmult[5]] = 0;
map.contents[39 + map.vmult[5]] = 0;
map.contents[36 + map.vmult[6]] = 0;
map.contents[37 + map.vmult[6]] = 0;
map.contents[38 + map.vmult[6]] = 0;
map.contents[39 + map.vmult[6]] = 0;
map.contents[36 + map.vmult[7]] = 0;
map.contents[37 + map.vmult[7]] = 0;
map.contents[38 + map.vmult[7]] = 0;
map.contents[39 + map.vmult[7]] = 0;
map.contents[3 + map.vmult[7]] = 495;
map.contents[3 + map.vmult[6]] = 495;
map.contents[9 + map.vmult[7]] = 495;
map.contents[9 + map.vmult[6]] = 495;
map.contents[30 + map.vmult[7]] = 495;
map.contents[30 + map.vmult[6]] = 495;
}else if (words[0] == "setcheckpoint") {
i = obj.getplayer();
game.savepoint = 0;
game.savex = obj.entities[i].xp ;
game.savey = obj.entities[i].yp;
game.savegc = game.gravitycontrol;
game.saverx = game.roomx; game.savery = game.roomy;
game.savedir = obj.entities[i].dir;
}else if (words[0] == "gamestate") {
game.state = int(words[1]);
game.statedelay = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "textboxactive") {
}else if (words[0] == "gamemode") {
if (words[1] == "teleporter") {
game.gamestate = 5;
dwgfx.menuoffset = 240; //actually this should count the roomname
if (map.extrarow) dwgfx.menuoffset -= 10;
dwgfx.resumegamemode = false;
game.useteleporter = false; //good heavens don't actually use it
}else if (words[1] == "game") {
dwgfx.resumegamemode = true;
}else if (words[0] == "ifexplored") {
if (map.explored[int(words[1]) + (20 * int(words[2]))] == 1) {
load(words[3]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "iflast") {
if (game.lastsaved==int(words[1])) {
load(words[2]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "ifskip") {
if (game.nocutscenes) {
load(words[1]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "ifflag") {
if (obj.flags[int(words[1])]==1) {
load(words[2]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "ifcrewlost") {
if (game.crewstats[int(words[1])]==false) {
load(words[2]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "iftrinkets") {
if (game.trinkets >= int(words[1])){
load(words[2]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "iftrinketsless") {
if (game.stat_trinkets < int(words[1])){
load(words[2]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "hidecoordinates") {
map.explored[int(words[1]) + (20 * int(words[2]))] = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "showcoordinates") {
map.explored[int(words[1]) + (20 * int(words[2]))] = 1;
}else if (words[0] == "hideship") {
}else if (words[0] == "showship") {
}else if (words[0] == "showsecretlab") {
map.explored[16 + (20 * 5)] = 1;
map.explored[17 + (20 * 5)] = 1;
map.explored[18 + (20 * 5)] = 1;
map.explored[17 + (20 * 6)] = 1;
map.explored[18 + (20 * 6)] = 1;
map.explored[19 + (20 * 6)] = 1;
map.explored[19 + (20 * 7)] = 1;
map.explored[19 + (20 * 8)] = 1;
}else if (words[0] == "hidesecretlab") {
map.explored[16 + (20 * 5)] = 0;
map.explored[17 + (20 * 5)] = 0;
map.explored[18 + (20 * 5)] = 0;
map.explored[17 + (20 * 6)] = 0;
map.explored[18 + (20 * 6)] = 0;
map.explored[19 + (20 * 6)] = 0;
map.explored[19 + (20 * 7)] = 0;
map.explored[19 + (20 * 8)] = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "showteleporters") {
map.showteleporters = true;
}else if (words[0] == "showtargets") {
map.showtargets = true;
}else if (words[0] == "showtrinkets") {
map.showtrinkets = true;
}else if (words[0] == "hideteleporters") {
map.showteleporters = false;
}else if (words[0] == "hidetargets") {
map.showtargets = false;
}else if (words[0] == "hidetrinkets") {
map.showtrinkets = false;
}else if (words[0] == "hideplayer") {
obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].invis = true;
}else if (words[0] == "showplayer") {
obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].invis = false;
}else if (words[0] == "teleportscript") {
game.teleportscript = words[1];
}else if (words[0] == "clearteleportscript") {
game.teleportscript = "";
}else if (words[0] == "nocontrol") {
game.hascontrol = false;
}else if (words[0] == "hascontrol") {
game.hascontrol = true;
}else if (words[0] == "companion") {
game.companion = int(words[1]);
}else if (words[0] == "befadein") {
dwgfx.fadeamount = 0;
dwgfx.fademode= 0;
}else if (words[0] == "fadein") {
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
}else if (words[0] == "fadeout") {
dwgfx.fademode = 2;
}else if (words[0] == "untilfade") {
if (dwgfx.fademode>1) {
scriptdelay = 1; position--;
}else if (words[0] == "entersecretlab") {
game.unlock[8] = true;
game.insecretlab = true;
}else if (words[0] == "leavesecretlab") {
game.insecretlab = false;
}else if (words[0] == "resetgame") {
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.tdrawback = true;
i = obj.getplayer();
obj.entities[i].tile = 0;
game.trinkets = 0; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { obj.collect[i] = 0; obj.customcollect[i] = 0; }
game.deathcounts = 0; game.advancetext = false; game.hascontrol = true;
game.frames = 0; game.seconds = 0; game.minutes = 0; game.hours = 0;
game.gravitycontrol = 0; game.teleport = false; game.companion = 0; game.roomchange = false;
game.teleport_to_new_area = false; game.teleport_to_x = 0; game.teleport_to_y = 0;
game.teleportscript = "";
//get out of final level mode!
map.finalmode = false;
map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
map.finalstretch = false;
}else if (words[0] == "loadscript") {
load(words[1]); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "rollcredits") {
game.gamestate = 6;
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
game.creditposition = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "finalmode") {
map.finalmode = true;
map.finalx = int(words[1]); map.finaly = int(words[2]);
game.roomx = map.finalx; game.roomy = map.finaly;
map.gotoroom(game.roomx, game.roomy, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
}else if (words[0] == "rescued") {
if (words[1] == "red") { game.crewstats[3] = true;
}else if (words[1] == "green") { game.crewstats[4] = true;
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { game.crewstats[2] = true;
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { game.crewstats[5] = true;
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { game.crewstats[1] = true;
}else if (words[1] == "player") { game.crewstats[0] = true;
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { game.crewstats[0] = true;
}else if (words[0] == "missing") {
if (words[1] == "red") { game.crewstats[3] = false;
}else if (words[1] == "green") { game.crewstats[4] = false;
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { game.crewstats[2] = false;
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { game.crewstats[5] = false;
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { game.crewstats[1] = false;
}else if (words[1] == "player") { game.crewstats[0] = false;
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { game.crewstats[0] = false;
}else if (words[0] == "face") {
if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1);
if (words[2] == "player") { j=obj.getplayer();
}else if (words[2] == "cyan") { j=obj.getcrewman(0);
}else if (words[2] == "red") { j=obj.getcrewman(3);
}else if (words[2] == "green") { j=obj.getcrewman(4);
}else if (words[2] == "yellow") { j=obj.getcrewman(2);
}else if (words[2] == "blue") { j=obj.getcrewman(5);
}else if (words[2] == "purple") { j=obj.getcrewman(1);
if (obj.entities[j].xp > obj.entities[i].xp + 5) { obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
}else if (obj.entities[j].xp < obj.entities[i].xp - 5) { obj.entities[i].dir = 0; }
}else if (words[0] == "jukebox") {
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].type == 13 && obj.entities[j].active) {obj.entities[j].colour = 4;}}
if (int(words[1]) == 1) {
obj.createblock(5, 88 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 25);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 88 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 2) {
obj.createblock(5, 128 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 26);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 128 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 3) {
obj.createblock(5, 176 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 27);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 176 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 4) {
obj.createblock(5, 216 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 28);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 216 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 5) {
obj.createblock(5, 88 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 29);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 88 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 6) {
obj.createblock(5, 176 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 30);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 176 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 7) {
obj.createblock(5, 40 - 4, 40, 20, 16, 31);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 40 && obj.entities[j].yp==40) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 8) {
obj.createblock(5, 216 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 32);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 216 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 9) {
obj.createblock(5, 128 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 33);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 128 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (int(words[1]) == 10) {
obj.createblock(5, 264 - 4, 40, 20, 16, 34);
for (j = 0; j < obj.nentity; j++) {if (obj.entities[j].xp == 264 && obj.entities[j].yp==40) {obj.entities[j].colour = 5;}}
}else if (words[0] == "createactivityzone") {
if (words[1] == "red") { i=3;
}else if (words[1] == "green") { i=4;
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=2;
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=5;
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=1;
if (i == 4) {
obj.createblock(5, obj.entities[obj.getcrewman(i)].xp - 32, obj.entities[obj.getcrewman(i)].yp-20, 96, 60, i);
obj.createblock(5, obj.entities[obj.getcrewman(i)].xp - 32, 0, 96, 240, i);
}else if (words[0] == "createrescuedcrew") {
//special for final level cutscene
//starting at 180, create the rescued crewmembers (ingoring violet, who's at 155)
i = 215;
if (game.crewstats[2] && game.lastsaved!=2) {obj.createentity(game, i, 153, 18, 14, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; }
if (game.crewstats[3] && game.lastsaved!=3) {obj.createentity(game, i, 153, 18, 15, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; }
if (game.crewstats[4] && game.lastsaved!=4) {obj.createentity(game, i, 153, 18, 13, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; }
if (game.crewstats[5] && game.lastsaved!=5) {obj.createentity(game, i, 153, 18, 16, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; }
}else if (words[0] == "restoreplayercolour") {
i = obj.getplayer();
obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "changeplayercolour") {
i = obj.getplayer();
if (words[1] == "cyan") { obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
}else if (words[1] == "red") { obj.entities[i].colour = 15;
}else if (words[1] == "green") { obj.entities[i].colour = 13;
}else if (words[1] == "yellow") { obj.entities[i].colour = 14;
}else if (words[1] == "blue") { obj.entities[i].colour = 16;
}else if (words[1] == "purple") { obj.entities[i].colour = 20;
}else if (words[1] == "teleporter") { obj.entities[i].colour = 102;
}else if (words[0] == "altstates") {
obj.altstates = int(words[1]);
}else if (words[0] == "activeteleporter") {
i = obj.getteleporter();
obj.entities[i].colour = 101;
}else if (words[0] == "foundtrinket") {
obj.collect[int(words[1])] = 1;
dwgfx.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174);
dwgfx.addline("You have found a shiny trinket!");
dwgfx.createtextbox(" " + help.number(game.trinkets) + " out of Twenty ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
if (!game.backgroundtext) {
game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true;
if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86)
|| key.isDown(Keyboard.UP) || key.isDown(Keyboard.DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true;
game.backgroundtext = false;
}else if (words[0] == "foundlab") {
dwgfx.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174);
dwgfx.addline("You have found the secret lab!");
if (!game.backgroundtext) {
game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true;
if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86)
|| key.isDown(Keyboard.UP) || key.isDown(Keyboard.DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true;
game.backgroundtext = false;
}else if (words[0] == "foundlab2") {
dwgfx.createtextbox("The secret lab is seperate from", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174);
dwgfx.addline("the rest of the game. You can");
dwgfx.addline("now come back here at any time");
dwgfx.addline("by selecting the new SECRET LAB");
dwgfx.addline("option in the play menu.");
if (!game.backgroundtext) {
game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true;
if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86)
|| key.isDown(Keyboard.UP) || key.isDown(Keyboard.DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true;
game.backgroundtext = false;
}else if (words[0] == "everybodysad") {
for (i = 0; i < obj.nentity; i++) {
if (obj.entities[i].rule == 6 || obj.entities[i].rule == 0) {
obj.entities[i].tile = 144;
}else if (words[0] == "startintermission2") {
map.finalmode = true; //Enable final level mode
map.finalx = 46; map.finaly = 54; //Current
game.savex = 228; game.savey = 129; game.saverx = 53; game.savery = 49;
game.savegc = 0; game.savedir = 0; //Intermission level 2
game.savepoint = 0;
game.gravitycontrol = 0;
map.gotoroom(46, 54, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
}else if (words[0] == "telesave") {
if (!game.intimetrial && !game.nodeathmode && !game.inintermission) {
//game.savetele(map, obj, music, help);
game.savequick(map, obj, music, help);
}else if (words[0] == "createlastrescued") {
if (game.lastsaved==2) { r=14;
}else if (game.lastsaved==3) { r=15;
}else if (game.lastsaved==4) { r=13;
}else if (game.lastsaved==5) { r=16;
}else { r = 19; }
obj.createentity(game, 200, 153, 18, r, 0, 19, 30);
i = obj.getcrewman(game.lastsaved);
obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
}else if (words[0] == "specialline") {
switch(int(words[1])) {
case 1:
txtnumlines = 1;
txt[0] = "I'm worried about " + game.unrescued() + ", Doctor!";
case 2:
txtnumlines = 3;
if (game.crewrescued() < 5) {
txt[1] = "to helping you find the";
txt[2] = "rest of the crew!";
}else {
txtnumlines = 2;
txt[1] = "to helping you find " + game.unrescued() + "!";
}else if (words[0] == "trinketbluecontrol") {
if (game.trinkets == 20 && obj.flags[67] == 1) {
load("talkblue_trinket6"); position--;
}else if (game.trinkets >= 19 && obj.flags[67] == 0) {
load("talkblue_trinket5"); position--;
}else {
load("talkblue_trinket4"); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "trinketyellowcontrol") {
if (game.trinkets >= 19) {
load("talkyellow_trinket3"); position--;
}else {
load("talkyellow_trinket2"); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "redcontrol") {
if (game.insecretlab) {
load("talkred_14"); position--;
}else if (game.roomx != 104) {
if (game.roomx == 100) {
load("talkred_10"); position--;
}else if (game.roomx == 107) {
load("talkred_11"); position--;
}else if (game.roomx == 114) {
load("talkred_12"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1) {
//game complete
load("talkred_13"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[35] == 1 && obj.flags[52] == 0) {
//Intermission level
obj.flags[52] = 1;
load("talkred_9"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[51] == 0) {
//We're back home!
obj.flags[51] = 1;
load("talkred_5"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[48] == 0 && game.crewstats[5]) {
//Victoria's back
obj.flags[48] = 1;
load("talkred_6"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[49] == 0 && game.crewstats[4]) {
//Verdigris' back
obj.flags[49] = 1;
load("talkred_7"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[50] == 0 && game.crewstats[2]) {
//Vitellary's back
obj.flags[50] = 1;
load("talkred_8"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[45] == 0 && !game.crewstats[5]) {
obj.flags[45] = 1;
load("talkred_2"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[46] == 0 && !game.crewstats[4]) {
obj.flags[46] = 1;
load("talkred_3"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[47] == 0 && !game.crewstats[2]) {
obj.flags[47] = 1;
load("talkred_4"); position--;
}else {
obj.flags[45] = 0;
obj.flags[46] = 0;
obj.flags[47] = 0;
load("talkred_1"); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "greencontrol") {
if (game.insecretlab) {
load("talkgreen_11"); position--;
}else if (game.roomx == 103 && game.roomy == 109) {
load("talkgreen_8"); position--;
}else if (game.roomx == 101 && game.roomy == 109) {
load("talkgreen_9"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1) {
//game complete
load("talkgreen_10"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[34] == 1 && obj.flags[57] == 0) {
//Intermission level
obj.flags[57] = 1;
load("talkgreen_7"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[53] == 0) {
obj.flags[53] = 1;
load("talkgreen_6"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[54] == 0 && game.crewstats[2]) {
obj.flags[54] = 1;
load("talkgreen_5"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[55] == 0 && game.crewstats[3]) {
obj.flags[55] = 1;
load("talkgreen_4"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[56] == 0 && game.crewstats[5]) {
obj.flags[56] = 1;
load("talkgreen_3"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[58] == 0) {
obj.flags[58] = 1;
load("talkgreen_2"); position--;
load("talkgreen_1"); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "bluecontrol") {
if (game.insecretlab) {
load("talkblue_9"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1) {
//game complete, everything changes for victoria
if (obj.flags[41] == 1 && obj.flags[42] == 0) {
//second trinket conversation
obj.flags[42] = 1;
load("talkblue_trinket2"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[41] == 0 && obj.flags[42] == 0) {
//Third trinket conversation
obj.flags[42] = 1;
load("talkblue_trinket3"); position--;
}else {
//Ok, we've already dealt with the trinket thing; so either you have them all, or you don't. If you do:
if (game.trinkets >= 20) {
load("startepilogue"); position--;
}else {
load("talkblue_8"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[33] == 1 && obj.flags[40] == 0) {
//Intermission level
obj.flags[40] = 1;
load("talkblue_7"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[36] == 0 && game.crewstats[5]) {
//Back on the ship!
obj.flags[36] = 1;
load("talkblue_3"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[41] == 0 && game.crewrescued() <= 4) {
//First trinket conversation
obj.flags[41] = 1;
load("talkblue_trinket1"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[41] == 1 && obj.flags[42] == 0 && game.crewrescued() == 5) {
//second trinket conversation
obj.flags[42] = 1;
load("talkblue_trinket2"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[41] == 0 && obj.flags[42] == 0 && game.crewrescued() == 5) {
//Third trinket conversation
obj.flags[42] = 1;
load("talkblue_trinket3"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[37] == 0 && game.crewstats[2]) {
obj.flags[37] = 1;
load("talkblue_4"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[38] == 0 && game.crewstats[3]) {
obj.flags[38] = 1;
load("talkblue_5"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[39] == 0 && game.crewstats[4]) {
obj.flags[39] = 1;
load("talkblue_6"); position--;
//if all else fails:
//if yellow is found
if (game.crewstats[2]) {
load("talkblue_2"); position--;
load("talkblue_1"); position--;
}else if (words[0] == "yellowcontrol") {
if (game.insecretlab) {
load("talkyellow_12"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1) {
//game complete
load("talkyellow_11"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[32] == 1 && obj.flags[31] == 0) {
//Intermission level
obj.flags[31] = 1;
load("talkyellow_6"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[27] == 0 && game.crewstats[2]) {
//Back on the ship!
obj.flags[27] = 1;
load("talkyellow_10"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[43] == 0 && game.crewrescued() == 5 && !game.crewstats[5]) {
//If by chance we've rescued everyone except Victoria by the end, Vitellary provides you with
//the trinket information instead.
obj.flags[43] = 1; obj.flags[42] = 1; obj.flags[41] = 1;
load("talkyellow_trinket1"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[24] == 0 && game.crewstats[5]) {
obj.flags[24] = 1;
load("talkyellow_8"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[26] == 0 && game.crewstats[4]) {
obj.flags[26] = 1;
load("talkyellow_7"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[25] == 0 && game.crewstats[3]) {
obj.flags[25] = 1;
load("talkyellow_9"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[28] == 0) {
obj.flags[28] = 1;
load("talkyellow_3"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[29] == 0) {
obj.flags[29] = 1;
load("talkyellow_4"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[30] == 0) {
obj.flags[30] = 1;
load("talkyellow_5"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[23] == 0) {
obj.flags[23] = 1;
load("talkyellow_2"); position--;
}else {
load("talkyellow_1"); position--;
obj.flags[23] = 0;
}else if (words[0] == "purplecontrol") {
//Controls Purple's conversion
//Crew rescued:
if (game.insecretlab) {
load("talkpurple_9"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1) {
//game complete
load("talkpurple_8"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[17] == 0 && game.crewstats[4]) {
obj.flags[17] = 1;
load("talkpurple_6"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[15] == 0 && game.crewstats[5]) {
obj.flags[15] = 1;
load("talkpurple_4"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[16] == 0 && game.crewstats[3]) {
obj.flags[16] = 1;
load("talkpurple_5"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[18] == 0 && game.crewstats[2]) {
obj.flags[18] = 1;
load("talkpurple_7"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[19] == 1 && obj.flags[20] == 0 && obj.flags[21] == 0) {
//intermission one: if played one / not had first conversation / not played two [conversation one]
obj.flags[21] = 1;
load("talkpurple_intermission1"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[20] == 1 && obj.flags[21] == 1 && obj.flags[22] == 0) {
//intermission two: if played two / had first conversation / not had second conversation [conversation two]
obj.flags[22] = 1;
load("talkpurple_intermission2"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[20] == 1 && obj.flags[21] == 0 && obj.flags[22] == 0) {
//intermission two: if played two / not had first conversation / not had second conversation [conversation three]
obj.flags[22] = 1;
load("talkpurple_intermission3"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[12] == 0) {
//Intro conversation
obj.flags[12] = 1;
load("talkpurple_intro"); position--;
}else if (obj.flags[14] == 0) {
//Shorter intro conversation
obj.flags[14] = 1;
load("talkpurple_3"); position--;
//if all else fails:
//if green is found
if (game.crewstats[4]) {
load("talkpurple_2"); position--;
load("talkpurple_1"); position--;
}else {
running = false;
public function resetgametomenu(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass, music:musicclass):void {
game.gamestate = TITLEMODE;
dwgfx.flipmode = false;
obj.nentity = 0;
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
public function startgamemode(t:int, key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass, music:musicclass):void {
game.showloadingnotice = false;
switch(t) {
case 0: //Normal new game
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.start(obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
dwgfx.cutscenebarspos = 320;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music); }
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 1:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.start(obj, music);
game.loadtele(map, obj, music);
game.gravitycontrol = game.savegc;
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music); }
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 2: //Load Quicksave
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.start(obj, music);
game.loadquick(map, obj, music);
game.gravitycontrol = game.savegc;
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
//a very special case for here needs to ensure that the tower is set correctly
if (map.towermode) {
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
i = obj.getplayer();
map.ypos = obj.entities[i].yp - 120;
map.bypos = map.ypos / 2;
map.cameramode = 0;
map.colsuperstate = 0;
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 3:
//Start Time Trial 1
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nocutscenes = true; game.intimetrial = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 150; game.timetrialparlost = false;
game.timetriallevel = 0; game.timetrialpar = 75; game.timetrialshinytarget = 2;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttrial(game.timetriallevel, obj, music); game.jumpheld = true;
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;//set flipmode
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 4:
//Start Time Trial 2
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nocutscenes = true; game.intimetrial = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 150; game.timetrialparlost = false;
game.timetriallevel = 1; game.timetrialpar = 165; game.timetrialshinytarget = 4;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttrial(game.timetriallevel, obj, music); game.jumpheld = true;
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;//set flipmode
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 5:
//Start Time Trial 3 tow
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nocutscenes = true; game.intimetrial = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 150; game.timetrialparlost = false;
game.timetriallevel = 2; game.timetrialpar = 105; game.timetrialshinytarget = 2;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttrial(game.timetriallevel, obj, music); game.jumpheld = true;
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;//set flipmode
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 6:
//Start Time Trial 4 station
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nocutscenes = true; game.intimetrial = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 150; game.timetrialparlost = false;
game.timetriallevel = 3; game.timetrialpar = 200; game.timetrialshinytarget = 5;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttrial(game.timetriallevel, obj, music); game.jumpheld = true;
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;//set flipmode
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 7:
//Start Time Trial 5 warp
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nocutscenes = true; game.intimetrial = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 150; game.timetrialparlost = false;
game.timetriallevel = 4; game.timetrialpar = 120; game.timetrialshinytarget = 1;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttrial(game.timetriallevel, obj, music); game.jumpheld = true;
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;//set flipmode
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 8:
//Start Time Trial 6// final level!
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nocutscenes = true; game.intimetrial = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 150; game.timetrialparlost = false;
game.timetriallevel = 5; game.timetrialpar = 135; game.timetrialshinytarget = 1;
map.finalmode = true; //Enable final level mode
map.finalx = 46; map.finaly = 54; //Current
map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttrial(game.timetriallevel, obj, music); game.jumpheld = true;
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;//set flipmode
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else { map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 9:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nodeathmode = true;
game.start(obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
dwgfx.cutscenebarspos = 320;
//game.starttest(obj, music);
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 10:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.nodeathmode = true; game.nocutscenes = true;
game.start(obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
dwgfx.cutscenebarspos = 320;
//game.starttest(obj, music);
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 11:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.startspecial(0, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//Secret lab, so reveal the map, give them all 20 trinkets
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
obj.collect[i] = true;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
map.explored[i + (j * 20)] = 1;
game.trinkets = 20;
game.insecretlab = true;
map.showteleporters = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 12:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 2;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 13:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 3;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 14:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 4;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 15:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 5;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 16:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 2;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 17:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 3;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 18:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 4;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 19:
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.lastsaved = 5;
game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true;
game.inintermission = true;
map.finalmode = true; map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 56; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0;
game.startspecial(1, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
if(obj.nentity==0){ obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
}else {map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);}
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 20:
//Level editor
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.gamestate = EDITORMODE;
game.jumpheld = true;
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;//set flipmode
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 21: //play custom level (in editor)
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.customstart(obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
map.custommode = true;
map.customx = 100;
map.customy = 100;
//dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
//dwgfx.cutscenebarspos = 320;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
case 22: //play custom level (in game)
//Initilise the level
//First up, find the start point
game.showloadingnotice = true;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
game.customstart(obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
map.custommodeforreal = true;
map.custommode = true;
map.customx = 100;
map.customy = 100;
//dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
//dwgfx.cutscenebarspos = 320;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
editor.generatecustomminimap(dwgfx, map);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 23: //Continue in custom level
//Initilise the level
//First up, find the start point
game.showloadingnotice = true;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
hardreset(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music);
map.custommodeforreal = true;
map.custommode = true;
map.customx = 100;
map.customy = 100;
game.customstart(obj, music);
game.customloadquick(editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].file_num, map, obj, music);
game.jumpheld = true;
game.gravitycontrol = game.savegc;
//dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
//dwgfx.cutscenebarspos = 320;
//set flipmode
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) dwgfx.flipmode = true;
obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed
map.resetplayer(dwgfx, game, obj, music);
map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
/* Handled by load
editor.generatecustomminimap(dwgfx, map);
dwgfx.fademode = 4;
case 100:
game.savestats(map, dwgfx);
public function teleport(dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass, music:musicclass):void {
//er, ok! Teleport to a new area, so!
//A general rule of thumb: if you teleport with a companion, get rid of them!
game.companion = 0;
i = obj.getplayer(); //less likely to have a serious collision error if the player is centered
obj.entities[i].xp = 150;
obj.entities[i].yp = 110;
if(game.teleport_to_x==17 && game.teleport_to_y==17) obj.entities[i].xp = 88; //prevent falling!
if (game.teleportscript == "levelonecomplete") {
game.teleport_to_x = 2; game.teleport_to_y = 11;
}else if (game.teleportscript == "gamecomplete") {
game.teleport_to_x = 2; game.teleport_to_y = 11;
game.gravitycontrol = 0;
map.gotoroom(100+game.teleport_to_x, 100+game.teleport_to_y, dwgfx, game, obj, music);
j = obj.getteleporter();
obj.entities[j].state = 2;
game.teleport_to_new_area = false;
game.savepoint = obj.entities[j].para;
game.savex = obj.entities[j].xp + 44;
game.savey = obj.entities[j].yp + 44;
game.savegc = 0;
game.saverx = game.roomx; game.savery = game.roomy;
game.savedir = obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].dir;
if(game.teleport_to_x==0 && game.teleport_to_y==0){ game.state = 4020;
}else if(game.teleport_to_x==0 && game.teleport_to_y==16){ game.state = 4030;
}else if(game.teleport_to_x==7 && game.teleport_to_y==9){ game.state = 4040;
}else if(game.teleport_to_x==8 && game.teleport_to_y==11){ game.state = 4050;
}else if(game.teleport_to_x==14 && game.teleport_to_y==19){ game.state = 4030;
}else if(game.teleport_to_x==17 && game.teleport_to_y==12){ game.state = 4020;
}else if(game.teleport_to_x==17 && game.teleport_to_y==17){ game.state = 4020;
}else if(game.teleport_to_x==18 && game.teleport_to_y==7){ game.state = 4060;
}else { game.state = 4010; }
if (game.teleportscript != "") {
game.state = 0;
game.teleportscript = "";
//change music based on location
if (dwgfx.setflipmode && game.teleport_to_x == 11 && game.teleport_to_y == 4) {
music.changemusicarea(game.teleport_to_x, game.teleport_to_y);
if (!game.intimetrial && !game.nodeathmode && !game.inintermission) {
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.createtextbox(" Game Saved ", -1, 202, 174, 174, 174);
dwgfx.createtextbox(" Game Saved ", -1, 12, 174, 174, 174);
game.savetele(map, obj, music, help);
public function hardreset(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass, music:musicclass):void {
game.hascontrol = true;
game.gravitycontrol = 0; game.teleport = false; game.companion = 0; game.roomchange = false;
game.teleport_to_new_area = false; game.teleport_to_x = 0; game.teleport_to_y = 0;
game.teleportscript = "";
game.tapleft = 0; game.tapright = 0;
game.startscript = false; game.newscript = "";
game.alarmon = false; game.alarmdelay = 0; game.blackout = false;
game.useteleporter = false; game.teleport_to_teleporter = 0;
game.nodeathmode = false; game.nocutscenes = false;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
game.crewstats[i] = false;;
game.crewstats[0] = true;
game.lastsaved = 0;
game.deathcounts = 0; game.gameoverdelay = 0;
game.frames = 0; game.seconds = 0; game.minutes = 0; game.hours = 0;
game.gamesaved = false;
game.savetime = "00:00"; game.savearea = "nowhere"; game.savetrinkets = 0;
game.intimetrial = false;
game.timetrialcountdown = 0; game.timetrialshinytarget = 0;
game.timetrialparlost = false; game.timetrialpar = 0; game.timetrialresulttime = 0;
game.totalflips = 0;
game.hardestroom = "Welcome Aboard"; game.hardestroomdeaths = 0; game.currentroomdeaths=0;
game.swnmode = false; game.swntimer = 0; game.swngame = 0;//Not playing sine wave ninja!
game.swnstate = 0; game.swnstate2 = 0; game.swnstate3 = 0; game.swnstate4 = 0; game.swndelay = 0; game.swndeaths = 0;
game.supercrewmate = false; game.scmhurt = false; game.scmprogress = 0; game.scmmoveme = false;
game.swncolstate = 0; game.swncoldelay = 0;
game.swnrank = 0; game.swnmessage = 0;
game.creditposx = 0; game.creditposy = 0; game.creditposdelay = 0;
game.inintermission = false;
game.insecretlab = false;
game.state = 0; game.statedelay = 0;
dwgfx.backgrounddrawn = false;
dwgfx.flipmode = false; //This will be reset if needs be elsewhere
map.warpx = false; map.warpy = false;
map.showteleporters = false; map.showtargets = false; map.showtrinkets = false;
map.finalmode = false; map.finalstretch = false;
map.finalx = 50; map.finaly = 50;
map.final_colormode = false; map.final_colorframe = 0; map.final_colorframedelay = 0;
map.final_mapcol = 0;
map.final_aniframe = 0; map.final_aniframedelay = 0;
map.rcol = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
map.roomdeaths[i] = 0;
map.roomdeathsfinal[i] = 0;
map.explored[i + (j * 20)] = 0;
obj.nearelephant = false;
obj.upsetmode = false; obj.upset = 0;
obj.trophytext = 0 ; obj.trophytype = 0;
obj.altstates = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
obj.flags[i] = false;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++){
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
obj.collect[i] = 0;
obj.customcollect[i] = 0;
if (obj.getplayer() > -1) {
obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].tile = 0;
//Script Stuff
position = 0; scriptlength = 0; scriptdelay = 0;
scriptname = "null"; running = false;
//Script contents
public var commands:Array = new Array();
public var words:Array = new Array();
public var txt:Array = new Array();
public var scriptname:String;
public var position:int, scriptlength:int;
public var looppoint:int, loopcount:int;
public var scriptdelay:int, running:Boolean;
public var tempword:String, currentletter:String;
//Textbox stuff
public var textx:int, texty:int;
public var r:int, g:int, b:int;
public var txtnumlines:int;
public var i:int, j:int, k:int;