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mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-09-20 21:37:26 +02:00
Misa ce1e212317 Prevent updating an entity if updateentities() removed it
Otherwise, this would result in the game updating an entity twice, which
isn't good. This is most noticeable in the Gravitron, where many
Gravitron squares are created and destroyed at a time, and it's
especially noticeable during the part near the end of the Gravitron
where the pattern is two Gravitron squares, one at the top and bottom,
and then two Gravitron squares in the middle afterwards. The timing is
just right such that the top one of the two middle ones would be
misaligned with the bottom one of the two when a Gravitron square gets
outside the screen.

To do this, I changed entityclass::updateentities() into a bool, and
made every single caller check its return value. I only needed to do
this for the ones preceding updateentitylogic() and
entitymapcollision(), but I wanted to play it safe and be defensive, so
I did it for the disappearing platform kludge, as well as the
updateentities() within the updateentities() function.
2020-05-05 17:22:47 -04:00

214 lines
4 KiB

#ifndef ENTITY_H
#define ENTITY_H
#include "Maths.h"
#include "Ent.h"
#include "BlockV.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#define removeentity_iter(index) { obj.removeentity(index); index--; }
#define removeblock_iter(index) { obj.removeblock(index); index--; }
BLOCK = 0,
SAFE = 4,
class entityclass
void init();
void resetallflags();
void fatal_top()
createblock(DAMAGE, -8, -8, 384, 16);
void fatal_bottom()
createblock(DAMAGE, -8, 224, 384, 16);
void fatal_left()
createblock(DAMAGE, -8, -8, 16, 260);
void fatal_right()
createblock(DAMAGE, 312, -8, 16, 260);
int swncolour(int t );
void swnenemiescol(int t);
void gravcreate(int ypos, int dir, int xoff = 0, int yoff = 0);
void generateswnwave(int t);
void createblock(int t, int xp, int yp, int w, int h, int trig = 0);
void removeentity(int t);
void removeallblocks();
void removeblock(int t);
void removeblockat(int x, int y);
void removetrigger(int t);
void copylinecross(int t);
void revertlinecross(int t, int s);
bool gridmatch(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p11, int p21, int p31, int p41);
int crewcolour(int t);
void createentity(float xp, float yp, int t, float vx = 0, float vy = 0,
int p1 = 0, int p2 = 0, int p3 = 320, int p4 = 240 );
bool updateentities(int i);
void animateentities(int i);
int getcompanion();
int getplayer();
int getscm();
int getlineat(int t);
int getcrewman(int t);
int getcustomcrewman(int t);
int getteleporter();
void rectset(int xi, int yi, int wi, int hi);
void rect2set(int xi, int yi, int wi, int hi);
bool entitycollide(int a, int b);
bool checkdamage();
bool scmcheckdamage();
void settemprect(int t);
int checktrigger();
int checkactivity();
int getgridpoint(int t);
bool checkplatform();
bool checkblocks();
bool checktowerspikes(int t);
bool checkwall();
float hplatformat();
int yline(int a, int b);
bool entityhlinecollide(int t, int l);
bool entityvlinecollide(int t, int l);
bool entitywarphlinecollide(int t, int l);
bool entitywarpvlinecollide(int t, int l);
void customwarplinecheck(int i);
float entitycollideplatformroof(int t);
float entitycollideplatformfloor(int t);
bool entitycollidefloor(int t);
bool entitycollideroof(int t);
bool testwallsx(int t, int tx, int ty);
bool testwallsy(int t, float tx, float ty);
void fixfriction(int t, float xfix, float xrate, float yrate);
void applyfriction(int t, float xrate, float yrate);
void updateentitylogic(int t);
void entitymapcollision(int t);
void movingplatformfix(int t);
void scmmovingplatformfix(int t);
void hormovingplatformfix(int t);
void entitycollisioncheck();
std::vector<entclass> entities;
std::vector<entclass> linecrosskludge;
point colpoint1, colpoint2;
int tempx, tempy, tempw, temph, temp, temp2;
//public var tempx:int, tempy:int, tempw:int, temph:int, temp:int, temp2:int;
int tpx1, tpy1, tpx2, tpy2;
SDL_Rect temprect, temprect2;
int x, k;
float dx, dy, dr;
int px, py, linetemp;
int activetrigger;
std::vector<blockclass> blocks;
std::vector<bool> flags;
std::vector<bool> collect;
std::vector<bool> customcollect;
bool skipblocks, skipdirblocks;
int platformtile;
bool vertplatforms, horplatforms;
// :(
bool nearelephant, upsetmode;
int upset;
//Trophy Text
int trophytext, trophytype;
//Secret lab scripts
int altstates;
//Custom stuff
int customenemy;
int customplatformtile;
bool customwarpmode, customwarpmodevon, customwarpmodehon;
std::string customscript;
int customcrewmoods[6];
extern entityclass obj;
#endif /* ENTITY_H */