mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-06-26 14:38:30 +02:00
Terry Cavanagh 72d018ea04 Update mobile version to mobile v2.2.1
The android version just got a much needed update to fix some resolution issues on devices with cutouts.

It turns out the mobile source was actually pretty out of date, like 3 versions out of date! This commit brings it up to date.

All the changes have just been about keeping the game running on modern devices, though. The biggest change was adding the Starling library to the project, which made the game GPU powered and sped the whole thing up.
2022-12-02 18:19:58 +01:00

382 lines
16 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.utils
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import starling.errors.AbstractClassError;
/** A utility class containing methods related to the Matrix class. */
public class MatrixUtil
// helper objects
private static var sRawData:Vector.<Number> =
new <Number>[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
private static var sRawData2:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(16, true);
private static var sPoint3D:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var sMatrixData:Vector.<Number> =
new <Number>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
/** @private */
public function MatrixUtil() { throw new AbstractClassError(); }
/** Converts a 2D matrix to a 3D matrix. If you pass an <code>out</code>-matrix,
* the result will be stored in this matrix instead of creating a new object. */
public static function convertTo3D(matrix:Matrix, out:Matrix3D=null):Matrix3D
if (out == null) out = new Matrix3D();
sRawData[ 0] = matrix.a;
sRawData[ 1] = matrix.b;
sRawData[ 4] = matrix.c;
sRawData[ 5] = matrix.d;
sRawData[12] = matrix.tx;
sRawData[13] = matrix.ty;
return out;
/** Converts a 3D matrix to a 2D matrix. Beware that this will work only for a 3D matrix
* describing a pure 2D transformation. */
public static function convertTo2D(matrix3D:Matrix3D, out:Matrix=null):Matrix
if (out == null) out = new Matrix();
out.a = sRawData2[ 0];
out.b = sRawData2[ 1];
out.c = sRawData2[ 4];
out.d = sRawData2[ 5];
out.tx = sRawData2[12];
out.ty = sRawData2[13];
return out;
/** Determines if the matrix is an identity matrix. */
public static function isIdentity(matrix:Matrix):Boolean
return matrix.a == 1.0 && matrix.b == 0.0 && matrix.c == 0.0 && matrix.d == 1.0 &&
matrix.tx == 0.0 && matrix.ty == 0.0;
/** Determines if the 3D matrix is an identity matrix. */
public static function isIdentity3D(matrix:Matrix3D):Boolean
var data:Vector.<Number> = sRawData2;
return data[ 0] == 1.0 && data[ 1] == 0.0 && data[ 2] == 0.0 && data[ 3] == 0.0 &&
data[ 4] == 0.0 && data[ 5] == 1.0 && data[ 6] == 0.0 && data[ 7] == 0.0 &&
data[ 8] == 0.0 && data[ 9] == 0.0 && data[10] == 1.0 && data[11] == 0.0 &&
data[12] == 0.0 && data[13] == 0.0 && data[14] == 0.0 && data[15] == 1.0;
/** Transform a point with the given matrix. */
public static function transformPoint(matrix:Matrix, point:Point,
return transformCoords(matrix, point.x, point.y, out);
/** Transforms a 3D point with the given matrix. */
public static function transformPoint3D(matrix:Matrix3D, point:Vector3D,
return transformCoords3D(matrix, point.x, point.y, point.z, out);
/** Uses a matrix to transform 2D coordinates into a different space. If you pass an
* <code>out</code>-point, the result will be stored in this point instead of creating
* a new object. */
public static function transformCoords(matrix:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number,
if (out == null) out = new Point();
out.x = matrix.a * x + matrix.c * y + matrix.tx;
out.y = matrix.d * y + matrix.b * x + matrix.ty;
return out;
/** Uses a matrix to transform 3D coordinates into a different space. If you pass a
* 'resultVector', the result will be stored in this vector3D instead of creating a
* new object. */
public static function transformCoords3D(matrix:Matrix3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number,
if (out == null) out = new Vector3D();
out.x = x * sRawData2[0] + y * sRawData2[4] + z * sRawData2[ 8] + sRawData2[12];
out.y = x * sRawData2[1] + y * sRawData2[5] + z * sRawData2[ 9] + sRawData2[13];
out.z = x * sRawData2[2] + y * sRawData2[6] + z * sRawData2[10] + sRawData2[14];
out.w = x * sRawData2[3] + y * sRawData2[7] + z * sRawData2[11] + sRawData2[15];
return out;
/** Appends a skew transformation to a matrix (angles in radians). The skew matrix
* has the following form:
* <pre>
* | cos(skewY) -sin(skewX) 0 |
* | sin(skewY) cos(skewX) 0 |
* | 0 0 1 |
* </pre>
public static function skew(matrix:Matrix, skewX:Number, skewY:Number):void
var sinX:Number = Math.sin(skewX);
var cosX:Number = Math.cos(skewX);
var sinY:Number = Math.sin(skewY);
var cosY:Number = Math.cos(skewY);
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * cosY - matrix.b * sinX,
matrix.a * sinY + matrix.b * cosX,
matrix.c * cosY - matrix.d * sinX,
matrix.c * sinY + matrix.d * cosX,
matrix.tx * cosY - matrix.ty * sinX,
matrix.tx * sinY + matrix.ty * cosX);
/** Prepends a matrix to 'base' by multiplying it with another matrix. */
public static function prependMatrix(base:Matrix, prep:Matrix):void
base.setTo(base.a * prep.a + base.c * prep.b,
base.b * prep.a + base.d * prep.b,
base.a * prep.c + base.c * prep.d,
base.b * prep.c + base.d * prep.d,
base.tx + base.a * prep.tx + base.c * prep.ty,
base.ty + base.b * prep.tx + base.d * prep.ty);
/** Prepends an incremental translation to a Matrix object. */
public static function prependTranslation(matrix:Matrix, tx:Number, ty:Number):void
matrix.tx += matrix.a * tx + matrix.c * ty;
matrix.ty += matrix.b * tx + matrix.d * ty;
/** Prepends an incremental scale change to a Matrix object. */
public static function prependScale(matrix:Matrix, sx:Number, sy:Number):void
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * sx, matrix.b * sx,
matrix.c * sy, matrix.d * sy,
matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
/** Prepends an incremental rotation to a Matrix object (angle in radians). */
public static function prependRotation(matrix:Matrix, angle:Number):void
var sin:Number = Math.sin(angle);
var cos:Number = Math.cos(angle);
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * cos + matrix.c * sin, matrix.b * cos + matrix.d * sin,
matrix.c * cos - matrix.a * sin, matrix.d * cos - matrix.b * sin,
matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
/** Prepends a skew transformation to a Matrix object (angles in radians). The skew matrix
* has the following form:
* <pre>
* | cos(skewY) -sin(skewX) 0 |
* | sin(skewY) cos(skewX) 0 |
* | 0 0 1 |
* </pre>
public static function prependSkew(matrix:Matrix, skewX:Number, skewY:Number):void
var sinX:Number = Math.sin(skewX);
var cosX:Number = Math.cos(skewX);
var sinY:Number = Math.sin(skewY);
var cosY:Number = Math.cos(skewY);
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * cosY + matrix.c * sinY,
matrix.b * cosY + matrix.d * sinY,
matrix.c * cosX - matrix.a * sinX,
matrix.d * cosX - matrix.b * sinX,
matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
/** Converts a Matrix3D instance to a String, which is useful when debugging. Per default,
* the raw data is displayed transposed, so that the columns are displayed vertically. */
public static function toString3D(matrix:Matrix3D, transpose:Boolean=true,
if (transpose) matrix.transpose();
if (transpose) matrix.transpose();
return "[Matrix3D rawData=\n" + formatRawData(sRawData2, 4, 4, precision) + "\n]";
/** Converts a Matrix instance to a String, which is useful when debugging. */
public static function toString(matrix:Matrix, precision:int=3):String
sRawData2[0] = matrix.a; sRawData2[1] = matrix.c; sRawData2[2] = matrix.tx;
sRawData2[3] = matrix.b; sRawData2[4] = matrix.d; sRawData2[5] = matrix.ty;
return "[Matrix rawData=\n" + formatRawData(sRawData2, 3, 2, precision) + "\n]";
private static function formatRawData(data:Vector.<Number>, numCols:int, numRows:int,
precision:int, indent:String=" "):String
var result:String = indent;
var numValues:int = numCols * numRows;
var highestValue:Number = 0.0;
var valueString:String;
var value:Number;
for (var i:int=0; i<numValues; ++i)
value = Math.abs(data[i]);
if (value > highestValue) highestValue = value;
var numChars:int = highestValue.toFixed(precision).length + 1;
for (var y:int=0; y<numRows; ++y)
for (var x:int=0; x<numCols; ++x)
value = data[numCols * y + x];
valueString = value.toFixed(precision);
while (valueString.length < numChars) valueString = " " + valueString;
result += valueString;
if (x != numCols - 1) result += ", ";
if (y != numRows - 1) result += "\n" + indent;
return result;
/** Updates the given matrix so that it points exactly to pixel boundaries. This works
* only if the object is unscaled and rotated by a multiple of 90 degrees.
* @param matrix The matrix to manipulate in place (normally the modelview matrix).
* @param pixelSize The size (in points) that represents one pixel in the back buffer.
public static function snapToPixels(matrix:Matrix, pixelSize:Number):void
// Snapping only makes sense if the object is unscaled and rotated only by
// multiples of 90 degrees. If that's the case can be found out by looking
// at the modelview matrix.
const E:Number = 0.0001;
var doSnap:Boolean = false;
var aSq:Number, bSq:Number, cSq:Number, dSq:Number;
if (matrix.b + E > 0 && matrix.b - E < 0 && matrix.c + E > 0 && matrix.c - E < 0)
// what we actually want is 'Math.abs(matrix.a)', but squaring
// the value works just as well for our needs & is faster.
aSq = matrix.a * matrix.a;
dSq = matrix.d * matrix.d;
doSnap = aSq + E > 1 && aSq - E < 1 && dSq + E > 1 && dSq - E < 1;
else if (matrix.a + E > 0 && matrix.a - E < 0 && matrix.d + E > 0 && matrix.d - E < 0)
bSq = matrix.b * matrix.b;
cSq = matrix.c * matrix.c;
doSnap = bSq + E > 1 && bSq - E < 1 && cSq + E > 1 && cSq - E < 1;
if (doSnap)
matrix.tx = Math.round(matrix.tx / pixelSize) * pixelSize;
matrix.ty = Math.round(matrix.ty / pixelSize) * pixelSize;
/** Creates a perspective projection matrix suitable for 2D and 3D rendering.
* <p>The first 4 parameters define which area of the stage you want to view (the camera
* will 'zoom' to exactly this region). The final 3 parameters determine the perspective
* in which you're looking at the stage.</p>
* <p>The stage is always on the rectangle that is spawned up between x- and y-axis (with
* the given size). All objects that are exactly on that rectangle (z equals zero) will be
* rendered in their true size, without any distortion.</p>
* <p>If you pass only the first 4 parameters, the camera will be set up above the center
* of the stage, with a field of view of 1.0 rad.</p>
public static function createPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(
x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number,
stageWidth:Number=0, stageHeight:Number=0, cameraPos:Vector3D=null,
if (out == null) out = new Matrix3D();
if (stageWidth <= 0) stageWidth = width;
if (stageHeight <= 0) stageHeight = height;
if (cameraPos == null)
cameraPos = sPoint3D;
stageWidth / 2, stageHeight / 2, // -> center of stage
stageWidth / Math.tan(0.5) * 0.5); // -> fieldOfView = 1.0 rad
const focalLength:Number = Math.abs(cameraPos.z);
const offsetX:Number = cameraPos.x - stageWidth / 2;
const offsetY:Number = cameraPos.y - stageHeight / 2;
const far:Number = focalLength * 20;
const near:Number = 1;
const scaleX:Number = stageWidth / width;
const scaleY:Number = stageHeight / height;
// set up general perspective
sMatrixData[ 0] = 2 * focalLength / stageWidth; // 0,0
sMatrixData[ 5] = -2 * focalLength / stageHeight; // 1,1 [negative to invert y-axis]
sMatrixData[10] = far / (far - near); // 2,2
sMatrixData[14] = -far * near / (far - near); // 2,3
sMatrixData[11] = 1; // 3,2
// now zoom in to visible area
sMatrixData[0] *= scaleX;
sMatrixData[5] *= scaleY;
sMatrixData[8] = scaleX - 1 - 2 * scaleX * (x - offsetX) / stageWidth;
sMatrixData[9] = -scaleY + 1 + 2 * scaleY * (y - offsetY) / stageHeight;
-stageWidth /2.0 - offsetX,
-stageHeight/2.0 - offsetY,
return out;
/** Creates a orthographic projection matrix suitable for 2D rendering. */
public static function createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(
x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, out:Matrix=null):Matrix
if (out == null) out = new Matrix();
out.setTo(2.0/width, 0, 0, -2.0/height,
-(2*x + width) / width, (2*y + height) / height);
return out;