mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-06-18 10:38:31 +02:00
Terry Cavanagh 72d018ea04 Update mobile version to mobile v2.2.1
The android version just got a much needed update to fix some resolution issues on devices with cutouts.

It turns out the mobile source was actually pretty out of date, like 3 versions out of date! This commit brings it up to date.

All the changes have just been about keeping the game running on modern devices, though. The biggest change was adding the Starling library to the project, which made the game GPU powered and sped the whole thing up.
2022-12-02 18:19:58 +01:00

2533 lines
120 KiB

import flash.geom.Point;
import starling.textures.Texture;
public function titlerender(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, map:mapclass, game:gameclass, obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
if (!game.menustart) {
tr = 164 - (help.glow / 2) - Math.random() * 4;
tg = 164 - (help.glow / 2) - Math.random() * 4;
tb = 164 - (help.glow / 2) - Math.random() * 4;
temp = 100;
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 0 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 1 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 2 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 3 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 4 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 5 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print(5, 135, "[ tap to start ]", tr, tg, tb, true);
//dwgfx.print(5, 195, "ACTION = Space, Z, or V", tr*0.5, tg*0.5, tb*0.5, true);
//dwgfx.print(5, 215, "Press CTRL-F for Fullscreen", tr, tg, tb, true);
/*dwgfx.print(5, 5, "IGF WIP Build, 29th Oct '09", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 200, "Game by Terry Cavanagh", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 210, "Music by Magnus Palsson", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 220, "Roomnames by Bennett Foddy", tr, tg, tb, true);*/
}else {
if(!game.colourblindmode) dwgfx.drawtowerbackgroundsolo(map);
tr = map.r - (help.glow / 4) - Math.random() * 4;
tg = map.g - (help.glow / 4) - Math.random() * 4;
tb = map.b - (help.glow / 4) - Math.random() * 4;
if (tr < 0) tr = 0; if(tr>255) tr=255;
if (tg < 0) tg = 0; if(tg>255) tg=255;
if (tb < 0) tb = 0; if(tb>255) tb=255;
temp = 30+20;
if (game.currentmenuname == "mainmenu") {
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 0 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 1 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 2 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 3 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 4 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 5 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 320 - 8 * 11, 2, "more games", tr / 2, tg / 2, tb / 2);
dwgfx.print( 320 - 8 * 8, 230, "credits", tr / 2, tg / 2, tb / 2);
dwgfx.print( 8, 230, "options", tr / 2, tg / 2, tb / 2);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "options") {
if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Accessibility", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Disable screen effects, enable", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "slowdown modes or invincibility", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Unlock Play Modes", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Unlock parts of the game normally", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "unlocked as you progress", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 2) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Clear Data", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Delete your save data", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "and unlocked play modes", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "graphicoptions") {
if (game.advanced_mode) {
if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Screen Mode", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Change between windowed", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "and fullscreen modes", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 20, "Enable Hardware", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, "Acceleration", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Uses graphics hardware to manually", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 95, "manage screen scaling. Can cause", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "slowdown on some computers.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 2) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Screen Scaling", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Manually adjust scaling ratio. Full", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "scaling can cause distortions if", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "screen smoothing is disabled.", tr, tg, tb, true);
switch(game.advanced_scaling) {
case 0: dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "[Full] x1 x2 x3 x4 ", tr, tg, tb, true); break;
case 1: dwgfx.print( -1, 105, " Full [x1] x2 x3 x4 ", tr, tg, tb, true); break;
case 2: dwgfx.print( -1, 105, " Full x1 [x2] x3 x4 ", tr, tg, tb, true); break;
case 3: dwgfx.print( -1, 105, " Full x1 x2 [x3] x4 ", tr, tg, tb, true); break;
case 4: dwgfx.print( -1, 105, " Full x1 x2 x3 [x4]", tr, tg, tb, true); break;
} else if (game.currentmenuoption == 3) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Screen Smoothing", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Scales the screen evenly, but", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "causes a blurring effect.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Screen Mode", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Change between windowed", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "and fullscreen modes", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 20, "Disable Hardware", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, "Acceleration", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "May improve fullscreen performance on", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 95, "some computers. Provides additional", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "scaling and smoothing options.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 50, "VVVVVV is a game by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( 40, 65, "Terry Cavanagh", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.drawimagecol(7, -1, 86, tr *0.75, tg *0.75, tb *0.75, true);
//dwgfx.print( 40, 85, "http://www.distractionware.com", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 120, "and features music by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( 40, 135, "Magnus Palsson", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.drawimagecol(8, -1, 156, tr *0.75, tg *0.75, tb *0.75, true);
//dwgfx.print( 40, 155, "http://souleye.madtracker.net", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits2") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 30, "Roomnames are by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( 40, 45, "Bennett Foddy", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.drawimagecol(9, -1, 66, tr*0.75, tg *0.75, tb *0.75, true);
//dwgfx.print( 40, 80, "http://www.distractionware.com", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( -1, 100, "Beta Testing by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( 40, 110, "Sam Kaplan", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( 40, 130, "Pauli Kohberger", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 160, "Ending Picture by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( 40, 170, "Pauli Kohberger", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits3") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 20, "VVVVVV is supported by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 40, 30, "the following patrons", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80-16, 40+20, "Anders Ekermo", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80-12, 54+20, "Andreas K|mper", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80-8, 68+20, "Anthony Burch", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80-4, 82+20, "Bennett Foddy", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 96+20, "Brendan O'Sullivan", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+4, 110+20, "Christopher Armstrong", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+8, 124+20, "Daniel Benmergui", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+12, 138+20, "David Pittman", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+16, 152+20, "Ian Bogost", tr, tg, tb);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits4") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 20, "VVVVVV is supported by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 40, 30, "the following patrons", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80-16, 20+40, "Ian Poma", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80-12, 34+40, "Jaz McDougall", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80-8, 48+40, "John Faulkenbury", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80-4, 62+40, "Jonathan Whiting", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 76+40, "Kyle Pulver", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+4, 90+40, "Markus Persson", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+8, 104+40, "Nathan Ostgard", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+12, 118+40, "Nick Easler", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80+16, 132+40, "Stephen Lavelle", tr, tg, tb);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits5") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 20, "and also by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 40,"Adam Wendt", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 50,"Andreas J{rgensen", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 60,"}ngel Louzao Penalva", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 70,"Ashley Burton", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 80,"Aubrey Hesselgren", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 90,"Bradley Rose", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 100,"Brendan Urquhart", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 110,"Chris Ayotte", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 120,"Christopher Zamanillo", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 130,"Daniel Schuller", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 140,"Hybrid Mind Studios", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 150,"Emilie McGinley", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 160,"Francisco Solares", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 170,"Hal Helms", tr, tg, tb);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits6") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 20, "and also by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 40,"Hayden Scott-Baron", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 50,"Hermit Games", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 60,"Ido Yehieli", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 70,"Jade Vault Games", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 80,"James Andrews", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 90,"James Riley", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 100,"James Hsieh", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 110,"Jasper Byrne", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 120,"Jedediah Baker", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 130,"Jens Bergensten", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 140,"Jeremy J. Penner", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 150,"Jeremy Peterson", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 160,"Jim McGinley", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 170,"Jonathan Cartwright", tr, tg, tb);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits7") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 20, "and also by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 40,"John Nesky", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 50,"Jos Yule", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 60,"Jose Flores", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 70,"Josh Bizeau", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 80,"Joshua Buergel", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 90,"Joshua Hochner", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 100,"Kurt Ostfeld", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 110,"Magnus Palsson", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 120,"Mark Neschadimenko", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 130,"Matt Antonellis", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 140,"Matthew Reppert", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 150,"Michael Falkensteiner", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 160,"Michael Vendittelli", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 170,"Mike Kasprzak", tr, tg, tb);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits8") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 20, "and also by", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 70,"Mitchel Stein", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 80,"Sean Murray", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 90,"Simon Michael", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 100,"Simon Schmid", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 110,"Stephen Maxwell", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 120,"Swing Swing Submarine", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 130,"Tam Toucan", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 140,"Terry Dooher", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 150,"Tim W.", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 80, 160,"Timothy Bragan", tr, tg, tb);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "credits9") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 20, "and thanks also to:", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.bigprint(80, 60, "You!", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 100, "Your support makes it possible", tr, tg, tb,true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 110,"for me to continue making the", tr, tg, tb,true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 120,"games I want to make, now", tr, tg, tb,true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 130, "and into the future.", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( 80, 150,"Thank you!", tr, tg, tb,true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "setinvincibility") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 90, "Warning! Enabling invincibility", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 100, "requires a game restart, and will", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 110, "delete your current saves.", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 120, "Is this ok?", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "setslowdown1") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 90, "Warning! Changing the game speed", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 100, "requires a game restart, and will", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 110, "delete your current saves.", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 120, "Is this ok?", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "setslowdown2") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 40, "Game Speed", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Select a new game speed below.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (stage.frameRate==30) { dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is normal.", tr/2, tg/2, tb/2, true);
}else if (stage.frameRate==24){ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is at 80%", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (stage.frameRate==18){ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is at 60%", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (stage.frameRate==12){ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is at 40%", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "newgamewarning") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 100-32, "Are you sure? This will", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 110-32, "delete your current saves...", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "cleardatamenu") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 100-32, "Are you sure you want to", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 110-32, "delete all your saved data?", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "startnodeathmode") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 45, "Good luck!", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 80, "You cannot save in this mode.", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 100, "Would you like to disable the", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 112, "cutscenes during the game?", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "accessibility") {
//if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 40, "Accessibility", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (!game.colourblindmode) { dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Backgrounds are ON.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else{ dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Backgrounds are OFF.", tr/2, tg/2, tb/2, true); }
//}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) {
//dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 40, "Screen Effects", tr, tg, tb, true);
//dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Disables screen shakes and flashes.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (!game.noflashingmode) { dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Screen Effects are ON.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else{ dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Screen Effects are OFF.", tr/2, tg/2, tb/2, true); }
/*}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 2) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 40, "Invincibility", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Provided to help disabled gamers", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "explore the game. Can cause glitches.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (map.invincibility) { dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Invincibility is ON.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else{ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Invincibility is off.", tr/2, tg/2, tb/2, true); }
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 3) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 40, "Game Speed", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "May be useful for disabled gamers", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "using one switch devices.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (stage.frameRate==30) { dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is normal.", tr/2, tg/2, tb/2, true);
}else if (stage.frameRate==24){ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is at 80%", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (stage.frameRate==18){ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is at 60%", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (stage.frameRate==12){ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Game speed is at 40%", tr, tg, tb, true); }
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "playint1" || game.currentmenuname == "playint2") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 25, "Who do you want to play", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 35, "the level with?", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "playmodes") {
if (!game.mobilemenu) {
if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Time Trials", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Replay any level in the game in", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "a competitive time trial mode.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (swfStage.frameRate < 30 || map.invincibility) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Time Trials are not available", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 115, "with slowdown or invincibility.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Intermissions", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Replay the intermission levels.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (!game.unlock[15] && !game.unlock[16]) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 95, "TO UNLOCK: Complete the", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "intermission levels in-game.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 2) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "No Death Mode", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Play the entire game", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "without dying once.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (swfStage.frameRate < 30 || map.invincibility) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "No death mode is not available", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 115, "with slowdown or invincibility.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (!game.unlock[17]) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "TO UNLOCK: Achieve an S-rank or", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 115, "above in at least 4 time trials.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 3) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Flip Mode", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Flip the entire game vertically.", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Compatible with other game modes.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.unlock[18]) {
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) { dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Currently ENABLED!", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else{ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Currently Disabled.", tr/2, tg/2, tb/2, true); }
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "TO UNLOCK: Complete the game.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "flipmode_mobile") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Flip Mode", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "Flip the entire game vertically.", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Compatible with other game modes.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.unlock[18]) {
if (dwgfx.setflipmode) { dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Currently ENABLED!", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else{ dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "Currently Disabled.", tr/2, tg/2, tb/2, true); }
dwgfx.print( -1, 105, "TO UNLOCK: Complete the game.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "youwannaquit") {
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Are you sure you want to quit?", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "continue") {
if (dwgfx.crewframedelay <= 0) {
dwgfx.crewframedelay = 8;
dwgfx.crewframe = (dwgfx.crewframe + 1) % 2;
if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) {
//Show teleporter save info
dwgfx.drawpixeltextbox(25, 65-20, 270, 90, 34,12, 65, 185, 207,0,4);
dwgfx.bigprint(-1, 20, "Tele Save", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 80-20, game.tele_currentarea, 25, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(169-(3*42)+(i*42), 95-20, i, game.tele_crewstats[i], help, true);
dwgfx.print(160 - 84, 132-20, game.tele_gametime, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.print(160 + 40, 132-20, help.number(game.tele_trinkets), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(50, 126-20, 50, 18, help);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(175, 126-20, 22, 18, help);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) {
//Show quick save info
dwgfx.drawpixeltextbox(25, 65-20, 270, 90, 34,12, 65, 185, 207,0,4);
dwgfx.bigprint(-1, 20, "Quick Save", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 80-20, game.quick_currentarea, 25, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(169-(3*42)+(i*42), 95-20, i, game.quick_crewstats[i], help, true);
dwgfx.print(160 - 84, 132-20, game.quick_gametime, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.print(160 + 40, 132-20, help.number(game.quick_trinkets), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(50, 126-20, 50, 18, help);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(175, 126-20, 22, 18, help);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "gameover" || game.currentmenuname == "gameover2") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 25, "GAME OVER", tr, tg, tb, true, 3);
if (dwgfx.crewframedelay <= 0) {
dwgfx.crewframedelay = 8;
dwgfx.crewframe = (dwgfx.crewframe + 1) % 2;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(169-(3*42)+(i*42), 68, i, game.crewstats[i], help, true);
tempstring = "You rescued " + help.number(game.crewrescued()) + " crewmates";
dwgfx.print(0, 100, tempstring, tr, tg, tb, true);
tempstring = "and found " + help.number(game.trinkets) + " trinkets.";
dwgfx.print(0, 110, tempstring, tr, tg, tb, true);
tempstring = "You managed to reach:";
dwgfx.print(0, 145, tempstring, tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 155, game.hardestroom, tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.crewrescued() == 1) { tempstring = "Keep trying! You'll get there!";
}else if (game.crewrescued() == 2) { tempstring = "Nice one!";
}else if (game.crewrescued() == 3) { tempstring = "Wow! Congratulations!";
}else if (game.crewrescued() == 4) { tempstring = "Incredible!";
}else if (game.crewrescued() == 5) { tempstring = "Unbelievable! Well done!";
}else if (game.crewrescued() == 6) { tempstring = "Er, how did you do that?";
dwgfx.print(0, 190, tempstring, tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "nodeathmodecomplete" || game.currentmenuname == "nodeathmodecomplete2") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 8, "WOW", tr, tg, tb, true, 4);
if (dwgfx.crewframedelay <= 0) {
dwgfx.crewframedelay = 8;
dwgfx.crewframe = (dwgfx.crewframe + 1) % 2;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(169-(3*42)+(i*42), 68, i, game.crewstats[i], help, true);
tempstring = "You rescued all the crewmates!";
dwgfx.print(0, 100, tempstring, tr, tg, tb, true);
tempstring = "And you found " + help.number(game.trinkets) + " trinkets.";
dwgfx.print(0, 110, tempstring, tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 160, "A new trophy has been awarded and", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 170, "placed in the secret lab to", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 180, "acknowledge your achievement!", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "timetrialcomplete" || game.currentmenuname == "timetrialcomplete2"
|| game.currentmenuname == "timetrialcomplete3" || game.currentmenuname == "timetrialcomplete4") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 20, "Results", tr, tg, tb, true, 3);
tempstring = game.resulttimestring(help) + " / " + game.partimestring(help);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(30, 80-15, 50, 22, help);
dwgfx.print(65, 80-15, "TIME TAKEN:", 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.print(65, 90-15, tempstring, tr, tg, tb);
if (game.timetrialresulttime <= game.timetrialpar) {
dwgfx.print(220, 85-15, "+1 Rank!", 255, 255, 255);
tempstring = String(game.deathcounts);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(30-4, 80+20-4, 12, 22, help);
dwgfx.print(65, 80+20, "NUMBER OF DEATHS:", 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.print(65, 90+20, tempstring, tr, tg, tb);
if (game.deathcounts == 0) {
dwgfx.print(220, 85+20, "+1 Rank!", 255, 255, 255);
tempstring = String(game.trinkets) + " of " + String(game.timetrialshinytarget);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(30, 80+55, 22, 22, help);
dwgfx.print(65, 80+55, "SHINY TRINKETS:", 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.print(65, 90+55, tempstring, tr, tg, tb);
if (game.trinkets >= game.timetrialshinytarget) {
dwgfx.print(220, 85+55, "+1 Rank!", 255, 255, 255);
if (game.currentmenuname == "timetrialcomplete2" || game.currentmenuname == "timetrialcomplete3") {
dwgfx.bigprint( 100, 175, "Rank:", tr, tg, tb, false, 2);
if (game.currentmenuname == "timetrialcomplete3"){
switch(game.timetrialrank) {
case 0: dwgfx.bigprint( 195, 165, "B", 255, 255, 255, false, 4); break;
case 1: dwgfx.bigprint( 195, 165, "A", 255, 255, 255, false, 4); break;
case 2: dwgfx.bigprint( 195, 165, "S", 255, 255, 255, false, 4); break;
case 3: dwgfx.bigprint( 195, 165, "V", 255, 255, 255, false, 4); break;
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlockmenutrials") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Unlock Time Trials", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "You can unlock each time", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "trial seperately.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "timetrials") {
if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Space Station 1", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.besttimes[0] == -1) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Not yet attempted", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print( 16, 65, "BEST TIME ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 75, "BEST SHINY ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 85, "BEST LIVES ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 65, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[0], help), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 75, String(game.besttrinkets[0])+"/2", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 85, String(game.bestlives[0]), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 65, "PAR TIME 1:15", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 85, "Best Rank", tr, tg, tb);
switch(game.bestrank[0]) {
case 0: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "B", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 1: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "A", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 2: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "S", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 3: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "V", 225, 225, 225); break;
}else {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "???", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 60, "TO UNLOCK:", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Rescue Violet", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Find three trinkets", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "The Laboratory", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.besttimes[1] == -1) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Not yet attempted", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print( 16, 65, "BEST TIME ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 75, "BEST SHINY ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 85, "BEST LIVES ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 65, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[1], help), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 75, String(game.besttrinkets[1])+"/4", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 85, String(game.bestlives[1]), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 65, "PAR TIME 2:45", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 85, "Best Rank", tr, tg, tb);
switch(game.bestrank[1]) {
case 0: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "B", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 1: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "A", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 2: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "S", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 3: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "V", 225, 225, 225); break;
}else {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "???", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 60, "TO UNLOCK:", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Rescue Victoria", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Find six trinkets", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 2) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "The Tower", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.besttimes[2] == -1) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Not yet attempted", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print( 16, 65, "BEST TIME ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 75, "BEST SHINY ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 85, "BEST LIVES ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 65, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[2], help), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 75, String(game.besttrinkets[2])+"/2", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 85, String(game.bestlives[2]), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 65, "PAR TIME 1:45", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 85, "Best Rank", tr, tg, tb);
switch(game.bestrank[2]) {
case 0: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "B", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 1: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "A", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 2: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "S", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 3: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "V", 225, 225, 225); break;
}else {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "???", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 60, "TO UNLOCK:", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Rescue Vermilion", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Find nine trinkets", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 3) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Space Station 2", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.besttimes[3] == -1) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Not yet attempted", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print( 16, 65, "BEST TIME ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 75, "BEST SHINY ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 85, "BEST LIVES ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 65, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[3], help), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 75, String(game.besttrinkets[3])+"/5", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 85, String(game.bestlives[3]), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 65, "PAR TIME 3:20", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 85, "Best Rank", tr, tg, tb);
switch(game.bestrank[3]) {
case 0: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "B", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 1: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "A", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 2: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "S", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 3: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "V", 225, 225, 225); break;
}else {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "???", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 60, "TO UNLOCK:", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Rescue Vitellary", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Find twelve trinkets", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 4) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "The Warp Zone", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.besttimes[4] == -1) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Not yet attempted", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print( 16, 65, "BEST TIME ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 75, "BEST SHINY ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 85, "BEST LIVES ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 65, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[4], help), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 75, String(game.besttrinkets[4])+"/1", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 85, String(game.bestlives[4]), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 65, "PAR TIME 2:00", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 85, "Best Rank", tr, tg, tb);
switch(game.bestrank[4]) {
case 0: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "B", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 1: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "A", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 2: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "S", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 3: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "V", 225, 225, 225); break;
}else {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "???", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 60, "TO UNLOCK:", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Rescue Verdigris", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Find fifteen trinkets", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuoption == 5) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "The Final Level", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.besttimes[5] == -1) {
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Not yet attempted", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print( 16, 65, "BEST TIME ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 75, "BEST SHINY ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 16, 85, "BEST LIVES ", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 65, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[5], help), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 75, String(game.besttrinkets[5])+"/1", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 110, 85, String(game.bestlives[5]), tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 65, "PAR TIME 2:15", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.print( 170, 85, "Best Rank", tr, tg, tb);
switch(game.bestrank[5]) {
case 0: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "B", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 1: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "A", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 2: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "S", 225, 225, 225); break;
case 3: dwgfx.bigprint( 275, 82, "V", 225, 225, 225); break;
}else {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "???", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 60, "TO UNLOCK:", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "Complete the game", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 85, "Find eighteen trinkets", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "gamecompletecontinue") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 25, "Congratulations!", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.print( -1, 45, "Your save files have been updated.", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 110, "If you want to keep exploring", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 120, "the game, select CONTINUE", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 130, "from the play menu.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlockmenu") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 25, "Unlock Play Modes", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.print( -1, 55, "From here, you may unlock parts", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 65, "of the game that are normally", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 75, "unlocked as you play.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlocktimetrial") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, "Congratulations!", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.print( -1, 125, "Your have unlocked", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 135, "a new Time Trial.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlocktimetrials") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, "Congratulations!", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.print( -1, 125, "Your have unlocked some", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 135, "new Time Trials.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlocknodeathmode") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, "Congratulations!", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.print( -1, 125, "Your have unlocked", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 135, "No Death Mode.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlockflipmode") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, "Congratulations!", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.print( -1, 125, "Your have unlocked", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 135, "Flip Mode.", tr, tg, tb, true);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlockintermission") {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, "Congratulations!", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
dwgfx.print( -1, 125, "Your have unlocked", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 135, "the intermission levels.", tr, tg, tb, true);
switch(game.mainmenu) {
case 0:
dwgfx.print(5, 115, "[ NEW GAME ]", tr, tg, tb, true);
case 1:
if (game.telesummary == "") {
dwgfx.print(5, 115, "[ no teleporter save ]", tr/3, tg/3, tb/3, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(5, 115, "[ RESTORE FROM LAST TELEPORTER ]", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 125, game.telesummary, tr, tg, tb, true);
case 2:
if (game.quicksummary == "") {
dwgfx.print(5, 115, "[ no quicksave ]", tr/3, tg/3, tb/3, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(5, 115, "[ RESTORE FROM LAST QUICKSAVE ]", tr, tg, tb, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 125, game.quicksummary, tr, tg, tb, true);
tr = tr * .8;
tg = tg * .8;
tb = tb * .8;
if (tr < 0) tr = 0; if(tr>255) tr=255;
if (tg < 0) tg = 0; if(tg>255) tg=255;
if (tb < 0) tb = 0; if(tb>255) tb=255;
if (game.currentmenuname == "timetrials" || game.currentmenuname == "unlockmenutrials") {
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help, 15);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "unlockmenu") {
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help, 15);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "playmodes") {
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help, 20);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "mainmenu") {
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help, 15);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "playerworlds"){
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help, 15);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "levellist"){
//dwgfx.drawlevelmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, 5);
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help, 5);
}else if (game.currentmenuname == "fullscreenmenu"){
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help, 15);
dwgfx.drawmenu(game, tr, tg, tb, help);
//dwgfx.print(5, 228, "Left/Right to Choose, V to Select", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.showloadingnotice && dwgfx.fademode == 1) {
dwgfx.print(-1, 120, "LOADING", 196, 196, 196, true);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
public function gamecompleterender(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
if(!game.colourblindmode) dwgfx.drawtowerbackgroundsolo(map);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
//dwgfx.drawsprite((160-96)+ i * 32, 10, 23, 96+(i*10)+(Math.random()*16), 196-(help.glow)-(Math.random()*16), 255 - (help.glow*2));
tr = map.r - (help.glow / 4) - Math.random() * 4;
tg = map.g - (help.glow / 4) - Math.random() * 4;
tb = map.b - (help.glow / 4) - Math.random() * 4;
if (tr < 0) tr = 0; if(tr>255) tr=255;
if (tg < 0) tg = 0; if(tg>255) tg=255;
if (tb < 0) tb = 0; if(tb>255) tb=255;
//rendering starts... here!
if (dwgfx.onscreen(220 + game.creditposition)) {
temp = 220 + game.creditposition;
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 0 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 1 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 2 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 3 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 4 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.drawsprite((160 - 96) + 5 * 32, temp, 23, tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(290 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 290 + game.creditposition, "Starring", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(320 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(70, 320 + game.creditposition, 0, true, help);
dwgfx.print(100, 330 + game.creditposition, "Captain Viridian", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(350 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(70, 350 + game.creditposition, 1, true, help);
dwgfx.print(100, 360 + game.creditposition, "Doctor Violet", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(380 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(70, 380 + game.creditposition, 2, true, help);
dwgfx.print(100, 390 + game.creditposition, "Professor Vitellary", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(410 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(70, 410 + game.creditposition, 3, true, help);
dwgfx.print(100, 420 + game.creditposition, "Officer Vermilion", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(440 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(70, 440 + game.creditposition, 4, true, help);
dwgfx.print(100, 450 + game.creditposition, "Chief Verdigris", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(470 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(70, 470 + game.creditposition, 5, true, help);
dwgfx.print(100, 480 + game.creditposition, "Doctor Victoria", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(540 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 540 + game.creditposition, "Credits", tr, tg, tb, true, 3);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(600 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.print(40, 600 + game.creditposition, "Created by", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.bigprint(60, 610 + game.creditposition, "Terry Cavanagh", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(640 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.print(40, 640 + game.creditposition, "With Music by", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.bigprint(60, 650 + game.creditposition, "Magnus Palsson", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(680 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.print(40, 680 + game.creditposition, "Rooms Named by", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.bigprint(60, 690 + game.creditposition, "Bennett Foddy", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(720 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.print(40, 720 + game.creditposition, "Beta Testing by", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.bigprint(60, 730 + game.creditposition, "Sam Kaplan", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.bigprint(60, 750 + game.creditposition, "Pauli Kohberger", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(780 + game.creditposition)) {
dwgfx.print(40, 780 + game.creditposition, "Ending Picture by", tr, tg, tb);
dwgfx.bigprint(60, 790 + game.creditposition, "Pauli Kohberger", tr, tg, tb);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(870 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 870 + game.creditposition, "Patrons", tr, tg, tb, true, 3);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(910 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 910 + game.creditposition,"Anders Ekermo", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(920 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 920 + game.creditposition,"Andreas K|mper", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(930 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 930 + game.creditposition,"Anthony Burch", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(940 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 940 + game.creditposition,"Bennett Foddy", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(950 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 950 + game.creditposition,"Brendan O'Sullivan", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(960 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 960 + game.creditposition,"Christopher Armstrong", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(970 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 970 + game.creditposition,"Daniel Benmergui", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(980 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 980 + game.creditposition,"David Pittman", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(990 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 990 + game.creditposition,"Ian Bogost", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1000 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1000 + game.creditposition,"Jaz McDougall", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1010 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1010 + game.creditposition,"John Faulkenbury", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1020 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1020 + game.creditposition,"Jonathan Whiting", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1030 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1030 + game.creditposition,"Kyle Pulver", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1040 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1040 + game.creditposition,"Markus Persson", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1050 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1050 + game.creditposition,"Nathan Ostgard", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1060 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1060 + game.creditposition,"Nick Easler", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1070 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1070 + game.creditposition,"Stephen Lavelle", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1090 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print( -1, 1090 + game.creditposition, "and", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1110 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1110 + game.creditposition,"Adam Wendt", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1110 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1120 + game.creditposition,"Andreas J{rgensen", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1120 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1130 + game.creditposition,"}ngel Louzao Penalva", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1130 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1140 + game.creditposition,"Ashley Burton", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1140 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1150 + game.creditposition,"Aubrey Hesselgren", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1150 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1160 + game.creditposition,"Bradley Rose", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1160 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1170 + game.creditposition,"Brendan Urquhart", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1170 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1180 + game.creditposition,"Chris Ayotte", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1180 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1190 + game.creditposition,"Christopher Zamanillo", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1190 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1200 + game.creditposition,"Daniel Schuller", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1200 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1210 + game.creditposition,"Hybrid Mind Studios", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1210 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1220 + game.creditposition,"Emilie McGinley", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1220 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1230 + game.creditposition,"Francisco Solares", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1230 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1240 + game.creditposition,"Hal Helms", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1240 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1250 + game.creditposition,"Hayden Scott-Baron", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1250 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1260 + game.creditposition,"Hermit Games", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1260 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1270 + game.creditposition,"Ido Yehieli", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1270 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1280 + game.creditposition,"Jade Vault Games", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1280 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1290 + game.creditposition,"James Andrews", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1290 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1300 + game.creditposition,"James Riley", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1300 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1310 + game.creditposition,"James Hsieh", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1310 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1320 + game.creditposition,"Jasper Byrne", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1320 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1330 + game.creditposition,"Jedediah Baker", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1330 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1340 + game.creditposition,"Jens Bergensten", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1340 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1350 + game.creditposition,"Jeremy J. Penner", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1350 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1360 + game.creditposition,"Jeremy Peterson", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1360 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1370 + game.creditposition,"Jim McGinley", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1370 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1380 + game.creditposition,"Jonathan Cartwright", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1380 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1390 + game.creditposition,"John Nesky", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1390 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1400 + game.creditposition,"Jos Yule", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1400 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1410 + game.creditposition,"Jose Flores", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1410 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1420 + game.creditposition,"Josh Bizeau", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1420 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1430 + game.creditposition,"Joshua Buergel", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1430 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1440 + game.creditposition,"Joshua Hochner", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1440 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1450 + game.creditposition,"Kurt Ostfeld", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1450 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1460 + game.creditposition, "Magnus Palsson", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1460 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1470 + game.creditposition,"Mark Neschadimenko", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1470 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1480 + game.creditposition,"Matt Antonellis", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1480 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1490 + game.creditposition,"Matthew Reppert", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1490 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1500 + game.creditposition,"Michael Falkensteiner", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1500 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1510 + game.creditposition,"Michael Vendittelli", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1510 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1520 + game.creditposition,"Mike Kasprzak", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1520 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1530 + game.creditposition,"Mitchel Stein", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1530 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1540 + game.creditposition,"Sean Murray", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1540 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1550 + game.creditposition,"Simon Michael", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1550 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1560 + game.creditposition,"Simon Schmid", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1560 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1570 + game.creditposition,"Stephen Maxwell", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1570 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1580 + game.creditposition,"Swing Swing Submarine", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1580 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1590 + game.creditposition,"Tam Toucan", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1590 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1600 + game.creditposition,"Terry Dooher", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1600 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print(-1, 1610 + game.creditposition,"Tim W.", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1610 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.print( -1, 1620 + game.creditposition, "Timothy Bragan", tr, tg, tb, true);
if (dwgfx.onscreen(1760 + game.creditposition)) dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 1760 + game.creditposition, "Thanks for playing!", tr, tg, tb, true, 2);
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
public function gamecompleterender2(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
dwgfx.drawimage(10, 0, 0);
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if (j == game.creditposy) {
if (i > game.creditposx) {
dwgfx.drawfillrect(i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0);
if (j > game.creditposy) {
dwgfx.drawfillrect(i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0);
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
public function gamerender(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
if(!game.colourblindmode) dwgfx.drawbackground(map.background, map);
if (map.final_colormode) {
for (i = 0; i < obj.nentity; i++) {
//Is this entity on the ground? (needed for jumping)
if (obj.entities[i].active) {
if (obj.entities[i].rule == 0 || obj.entities[i].rule >= 6 || obj.entities[i].type == 55) {
if (obj.entitycollidefloor(map, i)) {obj.entities[i].onground = 2;
}else { obj.entities[i].onground--;}
if (obj.entitycollideroof(map, i)) {obj.entities[i].onroof = 2;
}else { obj.entities[i].onroof--; }
//Animate the entities
obj.animateentities(i, game, help);
dwgfx.drawentities(map, obj, help);
}else {
/*for(i=0; i<obj.nblocks; i++){
if (obj.blocks[i].active) {
dwgfx.backbuffer.fillRect(obj.blocks[i].rect, 0xDDDDDD);
//dwgfx.drawminimap(game, map);
if (map.extrarow == 0 || (map.custommode && map.roomname != "")) {
dwgfx.drawfillrect(dwgfx.footerrect.x, dwgfx.footerrect.y, dwgfx.footerrect.width, dwgfx.footerrect.height, 0);
if (map.finallevel) {
map.glitchname = map.getglitchname(game.roomx, game.roomy);
dwgfx.print(5, 231, map.glitchname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 231, map.roomname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
if (map.roomtexton) {
//Draw room text!
for (i = 0; i < map.roomtextnumlines; i++) {
dwgfx.print(map.roomtextx[i]*8, (map.roomtexty[i]*8), map.roomtext[i], 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
if(map.custommode && !map.custommodeforreal){
//Return to level editor
dwgfx.bprint(5, 5, "[Press ENTER to return to editor]", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
if (game.advancetext) dwgfx.print(5, 228, "- Tap screen to advance text -", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if (game.advancetext) dwgfx.print(5, 5, "- Tap screen to advance text -", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if (game.readytotele > 100 && !game.advancetext && game.hascontrol && !script.running && !game.intimetrial) {
i = obj.getplayer();
dwgfx.print(5, 20, "- Press ENTER to Teleport -", game.readytotele - 20 - (help.glow / 2), game.readytotele - 20 - (help.glow / 2), game.readytotele, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(5, 210, "- Press ENTER to Teleport -", game.readytotele - 20 - (help.glow / 2), game.readytotele - 20 - (help.glow / 2), game.readytotele, true);
if (game.swnmode) {
if (game.swngame == 0) {
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swntimer);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 20, tempstring, 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
}else if (game.swngame == 1) {
if (game.swnmessage == 0) {
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swntimer);
dwgfx.print( 10, 10, "Current Time", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false);
dwgfx.bigprint( 25, 24, tempstring, 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false, 2);
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swnrecord);
dwgfx.print( 240, 10, "Best Time", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false);
dwgfx.bigrprint( 300, 24, tempstring, 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false, 2);
switch(game.swnbestrank) {
case 0: dwgfx.print( -1, 204, "Next Trophy at 5 seconds", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true); break;
case 1: dwgfx.print( -1, 204, "Next Trophy at 10 seconds", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true); break;
case 2: dwgfx.print( -1, 204, "Next Trophy at 15 seconds", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true); break;
case 3: dwgfx.print( -1, 204, "Next Trophy at 20 seconds", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true); break;
case 4: dwgfx.print( -1, 204, "Next Trophy at 30 seconds", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true); break;
case 5: dwgfx.print( -1, 204, "Next Trophy at 1 minute", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true); break;
case 6: dwgfx.print( -1, 204, "All Trophies collected!", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true); break;
}else if (game.swnmessage == 1) {
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swntimer);
dwgfx.print( 10, 10, "Current Time", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false);
dwgfx.bigprint( 25, 24, tempstring, 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false, 2);
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swnrecord);
if (int(game.deathseq / 5) % 2 == 1) {
dwgfx.print( 240, 10, "Best Time", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false);
dwgfx.bigrprint( 300, 24, tempstring, 128 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 128 - (help.glow / 2), false, 2);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 200, "New Record!", 128 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 128 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
}else if (game.swnmessage >= 2) {
if (game.swnmessage == 2) game.swnmessage = 0;
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swntimer);
dwgfx.print( 10, 10, "Current Time", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false);
dwgfx.bigprint( 25, 24, tempstring, 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false, 2);
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swnrecord);
dwgfx.print( 240, 10, "Best Time", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false);
dwgfx.bigrprint( 300, 24, tempstring, 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), false, 2);
if (int(game.swnmessage / 5) % 2 == 1) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 200, "New Trophy!", 220 - (help.glow), 128 - (help.glow), 128 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
dwgfx.print( 20, 228, "[Press ENTER to stop]", 160 - (help.glow / 2), 160 - (help.glow / 2), 160 - (help.glow / 2), true);
}else if(game.swngame==2){
if (int(game.swndelay / 15) % 2 == 1 || game.swndelay >= 120) {
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "Survive for", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 10, "60 seconds!", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
}else {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 10, "Survive for", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 30, "60 seconds!", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
}else if(game.swngame==7){
if (game.swndelay >= 60) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 20, "SUPER GRAVITRON", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swnrecord);
dwgfx.print( 240, 190, "Best Time", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.bigrprint( 300, 205, tempstring, 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
}else if (int(game.swndelay / 10) % 2 == 1) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 20, "SUPER GRAVITRON", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 2);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 200, "GO!", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 3);
if (game.intimetrial && dwgfx.fademode==0) {
//Draw countdown!
if (game.timetrialcountdown > 0) {
if (game.timetrialcountdown < 30) {
if (int(game.timetrialcountdown / 4) % 2 == 0) dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "Go!", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else if (game.timetrialcountdown < 60) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "1", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else if (game.timetrialcountdown < 90) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "2", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else if (game.timetrialcountdown < 120) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "3", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else {
//Draw OSD stuff
dwgfx.bprint(6, 18, "TIME :", 255,255,255);
dwgfx.bprint(6, 30, "DEATH:", 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.bprint(6, 42, "SHINY:", 255,255,255);
dwgfx.bprint(56, 18, game.timestring(help), 196, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(56, 18, game.timestring(help), 196, 196, 196);
dwgfx.bprint(56, 30, String(game.deathcounts), 196, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(56, 30, String(game.deathcounts), 196, 196, 196);
dwgfx.bprint(56, 42, String(game.trinkets) + " of " +String(game.timetrialshinytarget), 196, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(56, 42, String(game.trinkets) + " of " +String(game.timetrialshinytarget), 196, 196, 196);
dwgfx.bprint(195, 214, "PAR TIME:", 80, 80, 80);
dwgfx.bprint(275, 214, game.partimestring(help), 80, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(195, 214, "PAR TIME:", 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.bprint(275, 214, game.partimestring(help), 196, 196, 196);
if (game.activeactivity > -1) {
//dwgfx.backbuffer.fillRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 18), 0x000000);
game.activity_lastprompt = obj.blocks[game.activeactivity].prompt;
game.activity_r = obj.blocks[game.activeactivity].r;
game.activity_g = obj.blocks[game.activeactivity].g;
game.activity_b = obj.blocks[game.activeactivity].b;
if(game.act_fade<5) game.act_fade=5;
dwgfx.drawtextbox(16, 4, 36, 3, game.activity_r*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_g*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_b*(game.act_fade/10));
dwgfx.print(5, 12, game.activity_lastprompt, game.activity_r*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_g*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_b*(game.act_fade/10), true);
}else {
dwgfx.drawtextbox(16, 4, 36, 3, game.activity_r*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_g*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_b*(game.act_fade/10));
dwgfx.print(5, 12, game.activity_lastprompt, game.activity_r*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_g*(game.act_fade/10), game.activity_b*(game.act_fade/10), true);
if (obj.trophytext > 0) {
dwgfx.drawtrophytext(obj, help);
* For creating graphical buttons!
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 20, 20, 8*7, dwgfx.b_size, "BACK", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 20, 80, 8*7, dwgfx.b_size, "BACK", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
* /
//dwgfx.rprint(5, 231, String(game.coins), 255 - help.glow/2, 255 - help.glow/2, 196, true);
//dwgfx.drawhuetile(311, 230, 48, 1);
//Level complete image
//if (game.state >= 3007) {
// dwgfx.drawimage(0, 0, 12, true);
//state changes
game.test = true;
if (game.teststring != String(game.state)) trace(game.state);
game.teststring = String(game.state);
//Detail entity info for debuging
for (i = 0; i < obj.nentity; i++) {
game.tempstring = String(obj.entities[i].type) +", (" + String(obj.entities[i].xp) + "," + String(obj.entities[i].yp) + ")";
game.tempstring += " state:" +obj.entities[i].state + ", delay:" + obj.entities[i].statedelay;
dwgfx.print(5, 5 + i * 8, game.tempstring, 255, 255, 255);
game.test = true;
game.teststring = String(int(obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].xp)) + "," + String(int(obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].yp));
game.teststring += " [" + String(game.roomx) + "," + String(game.roomy) + "]";
//game.test = true;
//game.teststring = "Current room deaths: " + String(game.currentroomdeaths);
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
public function maprender(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
//draw screen alliteration
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 0, 320, 12, 0, 0, 0);
temp = map.area(game.roomx, game.roomy);
if (temp < 2 && !map.custommode && dwgfx.fademode == 0) {
if (game.roomx >= 102 && game.roomx <= 104 && game.roomy >= 110 && game.roomy <= 111) {
dwgfx.print(5, 2, "The Ship", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 2, "Dimension VVVVVV", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else {
if (map.finallevel) {
map.glitchname = map.getglitchname(game.roomx, game.roomy);
dwgfx.print(5, 2, map.glitchname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 2, map.roomname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
//Background color
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 12, 320, 240, 10, 24, 26);
if (dwgfx.crewframedelay <= 0) {
dwgfx.crewframedelay = 8;
dwgfx.crewframe = (dwgfx.crewframe + 1) % 2;
//dwgfx.drawtextbox( -10, 212, 42, 3, 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 212, 320, 24, 11, 31, 35);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 212, 320, 2, 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 215, 320, 1, 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 230, 320, 1, 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 232, 320, 2, 65, 185, 207);
switch(game.menupage) {
case 0:
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 65, 185, 207);
if (game.insecretlab) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "GRAV", 32, 92, 104);
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "SHIP", 32, 92, 104);
}else{ dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "CREW", 32, 92, 104);}
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 32, 92, 104);
}else {
dwgfx.print(30 - 8, 220, "[MAP]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
if (game.insecretlab) { dwgfx.print(103, 220, "GRAV", 64, 64, 64);
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) { dwgfx.print(103, 220, "SHIP", 64,64,64);
}else{ dwgfx.print(103, 220, "CREW", 64,64,64);}
dwgfx.print(185-4, 220, "STATS", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(258, 220, "SAVE", 64, 64, 64);
if (map.finalmode || (map.custommode && !map.customshowmm)) {
//draw the map image
dwgfx.drawpixeltextbox(35, 16, 250, 190, 32,24, 65, 185, 207,4,0);
dwgfx.drawimage(1, 40, 21, false);
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
dwgfx.drawimage(2, 40 + (i * 12), 21 + (j * 9), false);
dwgfx.print(-1, 105, "NO SIGNAL", 245, 245, 245, true);
}else if(map.custommode){
//draw the map image
dwgfx.drawcustompixeltextbox(35 + map.custommmxoff, 16 + map.custommmyoff, map.custommmxsize + 10, map.custommmysize + 10, (map.custommmxsize + 10) / 8, (map.custommmysize + 10) / 8, 65, 185, 207, 4, 0);
dwgfx.drawpartimage(dwgfx.customminimap as Texture, 40 + map.custommmxoff, 21 + map.custommmyoff, map.custommmxsize, map.custommmysize);
//Black out here
for (j = 0; j < map.customheight; j++){
for (i = 0; i < map.customwidth; i++){
//Draw the fog of war on the map
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + 12 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff+21 + 9 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff + 40 + 12 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff + 21 + 9 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + 12 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff+ 21 + 9 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff + 40 + 12 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff + 21 + 9 + (j * 36), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36)+18, false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + 12 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36)+18, false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff+21 + 9 + (j * 36)+18, false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff + 40 + 12 + (i * 48), map.custommmyoff + 21 + 9 + (j * 36) + 18, false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36)+18, false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + 12 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 36)+18, false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff+21 + 9 + (j * 36)+18, false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + 12 + (i * 48) + 24, map.custommmyoff+21 + 9+ (j * 36)+18, false);
}else if(map.customzoom==2){
for (j = 0; j < map.customheight; j++){
for (i = 0; i < map.customwidth; i++){
if (map.explored[i + (j * 20)] == 0) {
//Draw the fog of war on the map
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 24), map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 18), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + 12 + (i * 24), map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 18), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 24), map.custommmyoff+21 + 9 + (j * 18), false);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + 12 + (i * 24), map.custommmyoff+21 + 9+ (j * 18), false);
for (j = 0; j < map.customheight; j++){
for (i = 0; i < map.customwidth; i++){
//Draw the fog of war on the map
dwgfx.drawimage(2, map.custommmxoff+40 + (i * 12), map.custommmyoff+21 + (j * 9), false);
if (map.cursorstate == 0){
if (map.cursordelay > 10){
map.cursorstate = 1;
map.cursordelay = 0;
}else if (map.cursorstate == 1){
if (map.cursordelay > 30) map.cursorstate = 2;
}else if (map.cursorstate == 2){
//normal size maps
if (int(map.cursordelay / 4) % 2 == 0){
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 48) +map.custommmxoff, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 36)+map.custommmyoff , 48 , 36 , 255,255,255);
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 48) + 2+map.custommmxoff, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 36) + 2+map.custommmyoff, 48 - 4, 36 - 4, 255,255,255);
}else if (map.cursorstate == 2){
if (int(map.cursordelay / 15) % 2 == 0){
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 48) + 2+map.custommmxoff, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 36) + 2+map.custommmyoff, 48 - 4, 36 - 4, 16, 245 - (help.glow), 245 - (help.glow));
}else if(map.customzoom==2){
if (int(map.cursordelay / 4) % 2 == 0){
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 24)+map.custommmxoff , 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 18)+map.custommmyoff , 24 , 18 , 255,255,255);
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 24) + 2+map.custommmxoff, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 18) + 2+map.custommmyoff, 24 - 4, 18 - 4, 255,255,255);
}else if (map.cursorstate == 2){
if (int(map.cursordelay / 15) % 2 == 0){
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 24) + 2+map.custommmxoff, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 18) + 2+map.custommmyoff, 24 - 4, 18 - 4, 16, 245 - (help.glow), 245 - (help.glow));
if (int(map.cursordelay / 4) % 2 == 0){
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12)+map.custommmxoff , 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 9)+map.custommmyoff , 12 , 9 , 255,255,255);
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2+map.custommmxoff, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 9) + 2+map.custommmyoff, 12 - 4, 9 - 4, 255,255,255);
}else if (map.cursorstate == 2){
if (int(map.cursordelay / 15) % 2 == 0){
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2+map.custommmxoff, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 9) + 2+map.custommmyoff, 12 - 4, 9 - 4, 16, 245 - (help.glow), 245 - (help.glow));
}else {
//draw the map image
dwgfx.drawpixeltextbox(35, 16, 250, 190, 32,24, 65, 185, 207,4,0);
dwgfx.drawimage(1, 40, 21, false);
//black out areas we can't see yet
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
//dwgfx.drawfillrect(10 + (i * 12), 21 + (j * 9), 12, 9, 16, 16, 16);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, 40 + (i * 12), 21 + (j * 9), false);
//draw the coordinates
if (game.roomx == 109) {
//tower!instead of room y, scale map.ypos
/*if (map.ypos > (0.57 * (680 * 8))) {
i = int(map.ypos - (0.57 * (680 * 8)));
i = int((i / (0.43 * (680 * 8)))*9);
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2, 21 + i + 2, 12 - 4, 9 - 4, 16, 245 - (help.glow * 2), 245 - (help.glow * 2));
if (map.cursorstate == 0) {
if (map.cursordelay > 10) { map.cursorstate = 1; map.cursordelay = 0; }
}else if (map.cursorstate == 1) {
if (int(map.cursordelay / 4) % 2 == 0) {
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) , 21 , 12, 180, 255,255,255);
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2 , 21 + 2, 12 - 4, 180 - 4, 255,255,255);
if (map.cursordelay > 30) map.cursorstate = 2;
}else if (map.cursorstate == 2) {
if (int(map.cursordelay / 15) % 2 == 0) {
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2 , 21 + 2, 12 - 4, 180 - 4,16, 245 - (help.glow), 245 - (help.glow));
}else {
if (map.cursorstate == 0) {
if (map.cursordelay > 10) { map.cursorstate = 1; map.cursordelay = 0; }
}else if (map.cursorstate == 1) {
if (int(map.cursordelay / 4) % 2 == 0) {
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) , 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 9) , 12 , 9 , 255,255,255);
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 9) + 2, 12 - 4, 9 - 4, 255,255,255);
if (map.cursordelay > 30) map.cursorstate = 2;
}else if (map.cursorstate == 2) {
if (int(map.cursordelay / 15) % 2 == 0) {
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 9) + 2, 12 - 4, 9 - 4, 16, 245 - (help.glow), 245 - (help.glow));
//draw legend details
for (i = 0; i < map.numteleporters; i++) {
if (map.showteleporters && map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x + (20 * map.teleporters[i].y)] > 0) {
temp = 1126 + map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x + (20 * map.teleporters[i].y)];
if (dwgfx.flipmode) temp += 3;
dwgfx.drawtile(40 + 3 + (map.teleporters[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.teleporters[i].y * 9), temp);
}else if(map.showtargets && map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x+(20*map.teleporters[i].y)]==0){
temp = 1126 + map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x + (20 * map.teleporters[i].y)];
if (dwgfx.flipmode) temp += 3;
dwgfx.drawtile(40 + 3 + (map.teleporters[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.teleporters[i].y * 9), temp);
//dwgfx.drawtile(40+3 + (map.teleporters[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.teleporters[i].y * 9), 1086); //for shiny trinkets, do later
if (map.showtrinkets) {
for (i = 0; i < map.numshinytrinkets; i++) {
if (obj.collect[i] == 0) {
temp = 1086;
if (dwgfx.flipmode) temp += 3;
dwgfx.drawtile(40 + 3 + (map.shinytrinkets[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.shinytrinkets[i].y * 9), temp);
case 1:
if (game.insecretlab) {
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "GRAV", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 32, 92, 104);
}else {
dwgfx.print(30, 220, "MAP", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(103-8, 220, "[GRAV]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
dwgfx.print(185-4, 220, "STATS", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(258, 220, "SAVE", 64, 64, 64);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 174, "SUPER GRAVITRON HIGHSCORE", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swnrecord);
dwgfx.print( 240, 124, "Best Time", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.bigrprint( 300, 94, tempstring, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true, 2);
switch(game.swnbestrank) {
case 0: dwgfx.print( -1, 40, "Next Trophy at 5 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 1: dwgfx.print( -1, 40, "Next Trophy at 10 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 2: dwgfx.print( -1, 40, "Next Trophy at 15 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 3: dwgfx.print( -1, 40, "Next Trophy at 20 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 4: dwgfx.print( -1, 40, "Next Trophy at 30 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 5: dwgfx.print( -1, 40, "Next Trophy at 1 minute", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 6: dwgfx.print( -1, 40, "All Trophies collected!", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
dwgfx.print(0, 40, "SUPER GRAVITRON HIGHSCORE", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
tempstring = help.timestring(game.swnrecord);
dwgfx.print( 240, 90, "Best Time", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.bigrprint( 300, 104, tempstring, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true, 2);
switch(game.swnbestrank) {
case 0: dwgfx.print( -1, 174, "Next Trophy at 5 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 1: dwgfx.print( -1, 174, "Next Trophy at 10 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 2: dwgfx.print( -1, 174, "Next Trophy at 15 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 3: dwgfx.print( -1, 174, "Next Trophy at 20 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 4: dwgfx.print( -1, 174, "Next Trophy at 30 seconds", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 5: dwgfx.print( -1, 174, "Next Trophy at 1 minute", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
case 6: dwgfx.print( -1, 174, "All Trophies collected!", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); break;
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) {
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "SHIP", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 32, 92, 104);
}else {
dwgfx.print(30, 220, "MAP", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(103-8, 220, "[SHIP]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
dwgfx.print(185-4, 220, "STATS", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(258, 220, "SAVE", 64, 64, 64);
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.print(0, 80, "Warp to the ship?", 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "WARP", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "WARP", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
dwgfx.print(0, 105, "Press ACTION to warp to the ship.", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else if(map.custommode){
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "CREW", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 32, 92, 104);
}else {
dwgfx.print(30, 220, "MAP", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(103-8, 220, "[CREW]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
dwgfx.print(185-4, 220, "STATS", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(258, 220, "SAVE", 64, 64, 64);
if (dwgfx.flipmode){
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 220-45, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].title, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 220-70, "by " + editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].creator, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 220-80, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].website, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 220-100, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].Desc1, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 220-110, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].Desc2, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 220 - 120, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].Desc3, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(1,220-165, help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-game.crewmates))+ " crewmate remains", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else if(map.customcrewmates-game.crewmates>0){
dwgfx.print(1,220-165, help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-game.crewmates))+ " crewmates remain", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 45, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].title, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 70, "by " + editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].creator, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 80, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].website, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 100, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].Desc1, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 110, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].Desc2, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print( -1, 120, editor.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].Desc3, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(1,165, help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-game.crewmates))+ " crewmate remains", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else if(map.customcrewmates-game.crewmates>0){
dwgfx.print(1,165, help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-game.crewmates))+ " crewmates remain", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "CREW", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 32, 92, 104);
}else {
dwgfx.print(30, 220, "MAP", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(103-8, 220, "[CREW]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
dwgfx.print(185-4, 220, "STATS", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(258, 220, "SAVE", 64, 64, 64);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(16, 32 + (i * 64), 2-i, game.crewstats[2-i], help);
if (game.crewstats[(2-i)]) {
dwgfx.printcrewname(44, 32 + (i * 64)+4+10, 2-i);
dwgfx.printcrewnamestatus(44, 32 + (i * 64)+4, 2-i);
}else {
dwgfx.printcrewnamedark(44, 32 + (i * 64)+4+10, 2-i);
dwgfx.print(44, 32 + (i * 64) + 4, "Missing...", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.drawcrewman(16+160, 32 + (i * 64), (2-i)+3, game.crewstats[(2-i)+3], help);
if (game.crewstats[(2-i)+3]) {
dwgfx.printcrewname(44+160, 32 + (i * 64)+4+10, (2-i)+3);
dwgfx.printcrewnamestatus(44+160, 32 + (i * 64)+4, (2-i)+3);
}else {
dwgfx.printcrewnamedark(44+160, 32 + (i * 64)+4+10, (2-i)+3);
dwgfx.print(44+160, 32 + (i * 64) + 4, "Missing...", 64,64,64);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(16, 32 + (i * 64), i, game.crewstats[i], help);
if (game.crewstats[i]) {
dwgfx.printcrewname(44, 32 + (i * 64)+4, i);
dwgfx.printcrewnamestatus(44, 32 + (i * 64)+4+10, i);
}else {
dwgfx.printcrewnamedark(44, 32 + (i * 64)+4, i);
dwgfx.print(44, 32 + (i * 64) + 4 + 10, "Missing...", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.drawcrewman(16+160, 32 + (i * 64), i+3, game.crewstats[i+3], help);
if (game.crewstats[i+3]) {
dwgfx.printcrewname(44+160, 32 + (i * 64)+4, i+3);
dwgfx.printcrewnamestatus(44+160, 32 + (i * 64)+4+10, i+3);
}else {
dwgfx.printcrewnamedark(44+160, 32 + (i * 64)+4, i+3);
dwgfx.print(44+160, 32 + (i * 64) + 4 + 10, "Missing...", 64,64,64);
case 2:
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 32, 92, 104);
if (game.insecretlab) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "GRAV", 32, 92, 104);
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "SHIP", 32, 92, 104);
}else{ dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "CREW", 32, 92, 104);}
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 32, 92, 104);
}else {
dwgfx.print(30, 220, "MAP", 64,64,64);
if (game.insecretlab) { dwgfx.print(103, 220, "GRAV", 64, 64, 64);
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) { dwgfx.print(103, 220, "SHIP", 64,64,64);
}else{ dwgfx.print(103, 220, "CREW", 64,64,64);}
dwgfx.print(185-12, 220, "[STATS]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
dwgfx.print(258, 220, "SAVE", 64, 64, 64);
if (map.custommode) {
if (dwgfx.flipmode){
dwgfx.print(0, 164, "[Trinkets found]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 152, help.number(game.trinkets) + " out of " + help.number(map.customtrinkets), 96, 96, 96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 114, "[Number of Deaths]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 102, String(game.deathcounts), 96, 96, 96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 64, "[Time Taken]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 52, game.timestring(help), 96, 96, 96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "[Trinkets found]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 64, help.number(game.trinkets) + " out of " + help.number(map.customtrinkets), 96, 96, 96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 102, "[Number of Deaths]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 114, String(game.deathcounts), 96, 96, 96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 152, "[Time Taken]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 164, game.timestring(help), 96, 96, 96, true);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 164, "[Trinkets found]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 152, help.number(game.trinkets) + " out of Twenty", 96,96,96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 114, "[Number of Deaths]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 102, String(game.deathcounts), 96,96,96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 64, "[Time Taken]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 52, game.timestring(help), 96, 96, 96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "[Trinkets found]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 64, help.number(game.trinkets) + " out of Twenty", 96,96,96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 102, "[Number of Deaths]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 114, String(game.deathcounts), 96,96,96, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 152, "[Time Taken]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 164, game.timestring(help), 96, 96, 96, true);
case 3:
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 32, 92, 104);
if (game.insecretlab) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "GRAV", 32, 92, 104);
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "SHIP", 32, 92, 104);
}else{ dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "CREW", 32, 92, 104);}
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.print(30, 220, "MAP", 64,64,64);
if (game.insecretlab) { dwgfx.print(103, 220, "GRAV", 64, 64, 64);
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) { dwgfx.print(103, 220, "SHIP", 64,64,64);
}else{ dwgfx.print(103, 220, "CREW", 64,64,64);}
dwgfx.print(185-4, 220, "STATS", 64,64,64);
dwgfx.print(258 - 8, 220, "[SAVE]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
dwgfx.print(0, 80, "Quit to main menu?", 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 186, "(Note: The game is autosaved", 146, 146, 180, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 174, "at every checkpoint.)", 146, 146, 180, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 174, "(Note: The game is autosaved", 146, 146, 180, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 186, "at every checkpoint.)", 146, 146, 180, true);
if (game.inintermission) {
dwgfx.print(0, 115, "Cannot Save in Level Replay", 146, 146, 180, true);
}else if (game.nodeathmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 115, "Cannot Save in No Death Mode", 146, 146, 180, true);
}else if (game.intimetrial) {
dwgfx.print(0, 115, "Cannot Save in Time Trial", 146, 146, 180, true);
}else if (game.insecretlab) {
dwgfx.print(0, 115, "Cannot Save in Secret Lab", 146, 146, 180, true);
}else if (map.custommode){
if (game.gamesaved){
dwgfx.print(0, 36, "Game saved ok!", 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.drawpixeltextbox(25, 65, 270, 90, 34, 12, 65, 185, 207, 0, 4);
if (dwgfx.flipmode){
dwgfx.print(0, 122, game.customleveltitle, 25, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.print(160 - 84, 78, game.savetime, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.print(160 + 40, 78, help.number(game.savetrinkets), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(50, 74, 50, 18, help);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(175, 74, 22, 18, help);
dwgfx.print(0, 90, game.customleveltitle, 25, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.print(160 - 84, 132, game.savetime, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.print(160 + 40, 132, help.number(game.savetrinkets), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(50, 126, 50, 18, help);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(175, 126, 22, 18, help);
dwgfx.print(0, 80, "[Press ACTION to save your game]", 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - help.glow, true);
}else {
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 186, "(Note: The game is autosaved", 146, 146, 180, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 174, "at every teleporter.)", 146, 146, 180, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 174, "(Note: The game is autosaved", 146, 146, 180, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 186, "at every teleporter.)", 146, 146, 180, true);
if (game.gamesaved) {
dwgfx.print(0, 36, "Game saved ok!", 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.drawpixeltextbox(25, 65, 270, 90, 34,12, 65, 185, 207,0,4);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 132, game.savearea, 25, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(169-(3*42)+(i*42), 98, i, game.crewstats[i], help, true);
dwgfx.print(160 - 84, 78, game.savetime, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.print(160 + 40, 78, help.number(game.savetrinkets), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(50, 74, 50, 18, help);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(175, 74, 22, 18, help);
dwgfx.print(0, 80, game.savearea, 25, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dwgfx.drawcrewman(169-(3*42)+(i*42), 95, i, game.crewstats[i], help, true);
dwgfx.print(160 - 84, 132, game.savetime, 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.print(160 + 40, 132, help.number(game.savetrinkets), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2), 255 - (help.glow / 2));
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(50, 126, 50, 18, help);
dwgfx.drawspritesetcol(175, 126, 22, 18, help);
dwgfx.print(0, 80, "[Press ACTION to save your game]", 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - (help.glow * 2), 255 - help.glow, true);
if (game.quicksummary != "") {
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 110, "Last Save:", 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 100, game.quicksummary, 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 100, "Last Save:", 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 110, game.quicksummary, 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164 - (help.glow / 4), 164, true);
case 10:
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 128, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.print(128, 220, "[ QUIT ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
if (game.intimetrial || game.insecretlab || game.nodeathmode || game.menukludge){
dwgfx.print(0, 135, "Return to main menu?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(0, 142, "Do you want to quit? You will", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 130, "lose any unsaved progress.", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
//dwgfx.print(80-16, 88, "[ NO, KEEP PLAYING ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
//dwgfx.print(80 + 32, 76, "yes, quit to menu", 96, 96, 96);
}else {
if (game.intimetrial || game.insecretlab || game.nodeathmode || game.menukludge) {
dwgfx.print(0, 80, "Return to main menu?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Do you want to quit? You will", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "lose any unsaved progress.", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
//dwgfx.print(80-16, 130, "[ NO, KEEP PLAYING ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
//dwgfx.print(80 + 32, 142, "yes, quit to menu", 96, 96, 96);
case 11:
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 128, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.print(128, 220, "[ QUIT ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
if (game.intimetrial || game.insecretlab || game.nodeathmode || game.menukludge){
dwgfx.print(0, 135, "Return to main menu?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(0, 142, "Do you want to quit? You will", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 130, "lose any unsaved progress.", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(80, 88, "no, keep playing", 96,96,96);
dwgfx.print(80+32-16, 76, "[ YES, QUIT TO MENU ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
if (game.intimetrial || game.insecretlab || game.nodeathmode || game.menukludge) {
dwgfx.print(0, 80, "Return to main menu?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Do you want to quit? You will", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "lose any unsaved progress.", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(80, 130, "no, keep playing", 96,96,96);
dwgfx.print(80+32-16, 142, "[ YES, QUIT TO MENU ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
case 20:
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 128, 220, 11*8, dwgfx.b_size, "GRAVITRON", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.print(128, 220, "[ GRAVITRON ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "the secret laboratory?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Do you want to return to", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
//dwgfx.print(80-16, 142, "[ NO, KEEP PLAYING ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
//dwgfx.print(80 + 32, 130, "yes, return", 96, 96, 96);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
}else {
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Do you want to return to", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "the secret laboratory?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
//dwgfx.print(80-16, 130, "[ NO, KEEP PLAYING ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
//dwgfx.print(80 + 32, 142, "yes, return", 96, 96, 96);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 110, 8 * 6, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
case 21:
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 128, 220, 11*8, dwgfx.b_size, "GRAVITRON", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.print(128, 220, "[ GRAVITRON ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "the secret laboratory?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Do you want to return to", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(80, 142, "no, keep playing", 96, 96, 96);
dwgfx.print(80 + 32-16, 130, "[ YES, RETURN ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
}else {
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Do you want to return to", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "the secret laboratory?", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(80, 130, "no, keep playing", 96, 96, 96);
dwgfx.print(80 + 32-16, 142, "[ YES, RETURN ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
case 30:
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 30 - 8, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "MAP", 32, 92, 104);
if (game.insecretlab) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "GRAV", 32, 92, 104);
}else if (obj.flags[67] == 1 && !map.custommode) { dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "SHIP", 32, 92, 104);
}else{ dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 103, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "CREW", 32, 92, 104);}
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 185-4, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "STATS", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 258, 220, 56, dwgfx.b_size, "QUIT", 32, 92, 104);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (12 * 8)-20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SWIPE", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (4 * 8), 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SIDES", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + (4 * 8)+20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "D-PAD", 32, 92, 104);
switch(game.controlstyle) {
case 0:
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "Current mode: VVVVVV Style", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Swipe on the left side to move", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Tap on the right side to flip", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (12 * 8)-20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SWIPE", 65, 185, 207);
case 1:
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "Current mode: Super Gravitron Style", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Touch the left or right edges to move", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Touch both edges together to flip", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (4 * 8), 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SIDES", 65, 185, 207);
case 2:
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "Current mode: Button Style", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Use the virtual buttons to move", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Tap anywhere else to flip", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + (4 * 8)+20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "D-PAD", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (12 * 8)-20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SWIPE", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (4 * 8), 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SIDES", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + (4 * 8)+20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "D-PAD", 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.print(25, 189, "SENSITIVITY", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(200 - 80, 190, 160, 5, 32, 92, 104);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(200 - 80 + int((155 * 50) / 100) - 1, 190 - 4 - 1, 5 + 2, 5 + 8 + 2, 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(200 - 80 + int((155 * game.controlsensitivity) / 100), 190 - 4, 5, 5 + 8, 65, 185, 207);
switch(game.controlstyle) {
case 0:
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "Current mode: VVVVVV Style", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Swipe on the left side to move", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Tap on the right side to flip", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (12 * 8)-20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SWIPE", 65, 185, 207);
case 1:
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "Current mode: Super Gravitron Style", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Touch the left or right edges to move", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Touch both edges together to flip", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - (4 * 8), 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "SIDES", 65, 185, 207);
case 2:
dwgfx.print(0, 52, "Current mode: Button Style", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 76, "Use the virtual buttons to move", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(0, 88, "Tap anywhere else to flip", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + (4 * 8)+20, 156, 8 * 8, dwgfx.b_size, "D-PAD", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.print(0, 124, "Alternate controls:", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
if (dwgfx.resumegamemode) {
dwgfx.menuoffset += 25;
if (map.extrarow) {
if (dwgfx.menuoffset >= 230) {
dwgfx.menuoffset = 230;
//go back to gamemode!
game.mapheld = true;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
if (dwgfx.menuoffset >= 240) {
dwgfx.menuoffset = 240;
//go back to gamemode!
game.mapheld = true;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
}else if (dwgfx.menuoffset > 0) {
dwgfx.menuoffset -= 25;
if (dwgfx.menuoffset < 0) dwgfx.menuoffset = 0;
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
public function towerrender(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
//Couple of changes for the towermode
if (!game.colourblindmode) {
dwgfx.drawtowermap(game, map);
}else {
for (i = 0; i < obj.nentity; i++) {
//Is this entity on the ground? (needed for jumping)
if (obj.entities[i].active) {
if (obj.entities[i].rule == 0 || obj.entities[i].rule >= 6 || obj.entities[i].type == 55) {
if (obj.entitycollidefloor(map, i)) {obj.entities[i].onground = 2;
}else { obj.entities[i].onground--;}
if (obj.entitycollideroof(map, i)) {obj.entities[i].onroof = 2;
}else { obj.entities[i].onroof--; }
//Animate the entities
obj.animateentities(i, game, help);
dwgfx.drawtowerentities(map, obj, help);
/*for(i=0; i<obj.nblocks; i++){
if (obj.blocks[i].active) {
dwgfx.backbuffer.fillRect(obj.blocks[i].rect, 0xDDDDDD);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
if (game.advancetext) dwgfx.print(5, 228, "- Tap screen to advance text -", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if (game.advancetext) dwgfx.print(5, 5, "- Tap screen to advance text -", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.drawfillrect(dwgfx.footerrect.x, dwgfx.footerrect.y, dwgfx.footerrect.width, dwgfx.footerrect.height, 0);
dwgfx.print(5, 231, map.roomname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
//dwgfx.rprint(5, 231, String(game.coins), 255 - help.glow/2, 255 - help.glow/2, 196, true);
//dwgfx.drawhuetile(311, 230, 48, 1);
if (game.intimetrial && dwgfx.fademode==0) {
//Draw countdown!
if (game.timetrialcountdown > 0) {
if (game.timetrialcountdown < 30) {
if (int(game.timetrialcountdown / 4) % 2 == 0) dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "Go!", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else if (game.timetrialcountdown < 60) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "1", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else if (game.timetrialcountdown < 90) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "2", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else if (game.timetrialcountdown < 120) {
dwgfx.bigprint( -1, 100, "3", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true, 4);
}else {
//Draw OSD stuff
dwgfx.bprint(6, 18, "TIME :", 255,255,255);
dwgfx.bprint(6, 30, "DEATH:", 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.bprint(6, 42, "SHINY:", 255,255,255);
dwgfx.bprint(56, 18, game.timestring(help), 196, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(56, 18, game.timestring(help), 196, 196, 196);
dwgfx.bprint(56, 30, String(game.deathcounts), 196, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(56, 30, String(game.deathcounts), 196, 196, 196);
dwgfx.bprint(56, 42, String(game.trinkets) + " of " +String(game.timetrialshinytarget), 196, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(56, 42, String(game.trinkets) + " of " +String(game.timetrialshinytarget), 196, 196, 196);
dwgfx.bprint(195, 214, "PAR TIME:", 80, 80, 80);
dwgfx.bprint(275, 214, game.partimestring(help), 80, 80, 80);
}else {
dwgfx.bprint(195, 214, "PAR TIME:", 255, 255, 255);
dwgfx.bprint(275, 214, game.partimestring(help), 196, 196, 196);
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
public function teleporterrender(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
//draw screen alliteration
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 0, 320, 12, 0, 0, 0);
temp = map.area(game.roomx, game.roomy);
if (temp < 2 && !map.custommode && dwgfx.fademode==0) {
if (game.roomx >= 102 && game.roomx <= 104 && game.roomy >= 110 && game.roomy <= 111) {
dwgfx.print(5, 2, "The Ship", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
dwgfx.print(5, 2, "Dimension VVVVVV", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
}else {
dwgfx.print(5, 2, map.roomname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true);
//Background color
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 12, 320, 240, 10, 24, 26);
//draw the map image
dwgfx.drawpixeltextbox(35, 16, 250, 190, 32,24, 65, 185, 207,4,0);
dwgfx.drawimage(1, 40, 21, false);
//black out areas we can't see yet
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
//dwgfx.drawfillrect(10 + (i * 12), 21 + (j * 9), 12, 9, 16, 16, 16);
dwgfx.drawimage(2, 40 + (i * 12), 21 + (j * 9), false);
//draw the coordinates //current
if (game.roomx == 109) {
//tower!instead of room y, scale map.ypos
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2, 21 + 2, 12 - 4, 180 - 4, 16, 245 - (help.glow * 2), 245 - (help.glow * 2));
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + ((game.roomx - 100) * 12) + 2, 21 + ((game.roomy - 100) * 9) + 2, 12 - 4, 9 - 4, 16, 245 - (help.glow * 2), 245 - (help.glow * 2));
if (game.useteleporter) {
//Draw the chosen destination coordinate!
//draw the coordinates //destination
tempx = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].x;
tempy = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].y;
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + (tempx * 12) + 1, 21 + (tempy * 9) + 1, 12 - 2, 9 - 2, 245 - (help.glow * 2), 16, 16);
dwgfx.drawrect(40 + (tempx * 12) + 3, 21 + (tempy * 9) + 3, 12 - 6, 9 - 6, 245 - (help.glow * 2), 16, 16);
//draw legend details
for (i = 0; i < map.numteleporters; i++) {
if (map.showteleporters && map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x + (20 * map.teleporters[i].y)] > 0) {
temp = 1126 + map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x + (20 * map.teleporters[i].y)];
if (dwgfx.flipmode) temp += 3;
dwgfx.drawtile(40 + 3 + (map.teleporters[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.teleporters[i].y * 9), temp);
}else if(map.showtargets && map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x+(20*map.teleporters[i].y)]==0){
temp = 1126 + map.explored[map.teleporters[i].x + (20 * map.teleporters[i].y)];
if (dwgfx.flipmode) temp += 3;
dwgfx.drawtile(40 + 3 + (map.teleporters[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.teleporters[i].y * 9), temp);
//dwgfx.drawtile(40+3 + (map.teleporters[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.teleporters[i].y * 9), 1086); //for shiny trinkets, do later
if (map.showtrinkets) {
for (i = 0; i < map.numshinytrinkets; i++) {
if (obj.collect[i] == 0) {
temp = 1086;
if (dwgfx.flipmode) temp += 3;
dwgfx.drawtile(40 + 3 + (map.shinytrinkets[i].x * 12), 22 + (map.shinytrinkets[i].y * 9), temp);
if (game.useteleporter && ((help.slowsine%16)>8)) {
//colour in the legend
temp = 1128;
if (dwgfx.flipmode) temp += 3;
dwgfx.drawtile(40 + 3 + (tempx * 12), 22 + (tempy * 9), temp);
if (game.useteleporter) {
if (game.mobilemenu) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 5+10, 220-10, 64, dwgfx.b_size, "LEFT", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 320 - 5 - 64, 220-10, 64, dwgfx.b_size, "RIGHT", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 - 40+4, 220, 64+16, dwgfx.b_size, "TELEPORT", 65, 185, 207);
dwgfx.print(5, 210, "Press Left/Right to choose a Teleporter", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.print(5, 225, "Press ENTER to Teleport", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
if (game.advancetext) dwgfx.print(5, 228, "- Tap screen to advance text -", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if (game.advancetext) dwgfx.print(5, 5, "- Tap screen to advance text -", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
if (dwgfx.resumegamemode) {
dwgfx.menuoffset += 25;
if (map.extrarow) {
if (dwgfx.menuoffset >= 230) {
dwgfx.menuoffset = 230;
//go back to gamemode!
game.mapheld = true;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
if (dwgfx.menuoffset >= 240) {
dwgfx.menuoffset = 240;
//go back to gamemode!
game.mapheld = true;
game.gamestate = GAMEMODE;
}else if (dwgfx.menuoffset > 0) {
dwgfx.menuoffset -= 25;
if (dwgfx.menuoffset < 0) dwgfx.menuoffset = 0;
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
public function controltutorialrender(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, game:gameclass, map:mapclass,
obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
dwgfx.drawbutton(game, help);
//Background color
dwgfx.drawfillrect(0, 0, 320, 240, 10, 24, 26);
for (i = 0; i < obj.nentity; i++) {
//Is this entity on the ground? (needed for jumping)
if (obj.entities[i].active) {
if (obj.entities[i].rule == 0 || obj.entities[i].rule >= 6 || obj.entities[i].type == 55) {
if (obj.entitycollidefloor(map, i)) {obj.entities[i].onground = 2;
}else { obj.entities[i].onground--;}
if (obj.entitycollideroof(map, i)) {obj.entities[i].onroof = 2;
}else { obj.entities[i].onroof--; }
//Animate the entities
obj.animateentities(i, game, help);
dwgfx.drawentities(map, obj, help);
dwgfx.drawtextbox(160-120, 2, 30, 3, 174, 174, 174);
dwgfx.print(5, 10, "-= TOUCHSCREEN CONTROLS =-", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if(game.controltutorialstate>=3 &&game.controltutorialstate<=6){
dwgfx.print(5, 195 + 8, "Swipe and hold on the left side", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
dwgfx.print(5, 205 + 8, "of the screen to move", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if(game.controltutorialstate>=7 &&game.controltutorialstate<=11){
dwgfx.print(5, 200 + 8, "Tap on the right to flip", 220 - (help.glow), 220 - (help.glow), 255 - (help.glow / 2), true);
if (game.controltutorialstate >= 13) {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 210, 8 * 7, dwgfx.b_size, "START", 65, 185, 207);
}else {
dwgfx.drawmobilebutton(game, 160 + 4 - 24, 210, 8 * 7, dwgfx.b_size, "START", 65*1.2, 185*1.2, 207*1.2);
dwgfx.drawmobileimage(0, 0, 70 + ((100 - game.controllerp1) * 3), true);
//Draw touchpoints
if(!game.press_left && !game.press_right){
//- 1 Left hand off
dwgfx.drawmobilehands(1, 56, 106 + ((100 - game.controllerp1) * 3));
}else if(game.press_left){
//- 2 Left hand moving left
if (game.controllerp3 <= 8) {
if(help.slowsine%16>8){ dwgfx.drawrect(116, 120, 16, 16, 255, 255, 255);
}else { dwgfx.drawrect(116+2, 120+2, 16-4, 16-4, 255, 255, 255); }
dwgfx.drawmobilehands(3, 56, 106);
dwgfx.drawmobileimage(7, 136, 120);
if(help.slowsine%16>8){ dwgfx.drawrect(104, 118, 16, 16, 255, 255, 255);
}else { dwgfx.drawrect(104+2, 118+2, 16-4, 16-4, 255, 255, 255); }
dwgfx.drawmobilehands(2, 56, 106);
dwgfx.drawmobileimage(7, 124, 120);
}else if(game.press_right){
//- 3 Left hand moving right
if (game.controllerp3 <= 8) {
if(help.slowsine%16>8){ dwgfx.drawrect(104, 118, 16, 16, 255, 255, 255);
}else { dwgfx.drawrect(104+2, 118+2, 16-4, 16-4, 255, 255, 255); }
dwgfx.drawmobilehands(2, 56, 106);
dwgfx.drawmobileimage(8, 84, 120);
if(help.slowsine%16>8){ dwgfx.drawrect(116, 120, 16, 16, 255, 255, 255);
}else { dwgfx.drawrect(116+2, 120+2, 16-4, 16-4, 255, 255, 255); }
dwgfx.drawmobilehands(3, 56, 106);
dwgfx.drawmobileimage(8, 96, 120);
if (game.controllerp2 > 0) {
if(help.slowsine%16>8){ dwgfx.drawrect(188, 120, 16, 16, 255, 255, 255);
}else { dwgfx.drawrect(188+2, 120+2, 16-4, 16-4, 255, 255, 255); }
dwgfx.drawmobilehands(6, 193, 106);
dwgfx.drawmobilehands(4, 193, 106 + ((100 - game.controllerp1) * 3));
if (game.test) {
dwgfx.print(5, 5, game.teststring, 196, 196, 255, false);
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) {