mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-06-18 10:38:31 +02:00
Terry Cavanagh 72d018ea04 Update mobile version to mobile v2.2.1
The android version just got a much needed update to fix some resolution issues on devices with cutouts.

It turns out the mobile source was actually pretty out of date, like 3 versions out of date! This commit brings it up to date.

All the changes have just been about keeping the game running on modern devices, though. The biggest change was adding the Starling library to the project, which made the game GPU powered and sped the whole thing up.
2022-12-02 18:19:58 +01:00

1303 lines
54 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.utils
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent;
import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.media.SoundChannel;
import flash.media.SoundTransform;
import flash.net.FileReference;
import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.system.ImageDecodingPolicy;
import flash.system.LoaderContext;
import flash.system.System;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.describeType;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
import starling.core.Starling;
import starling.events.Event;
import starling.events.EventDispatcher;
import starling.text.BitmapFont;
import starling.text.TextField;
import starling.textures.AtfData;
import starling.textures.Texture;
import starling.textures.TextureAtlas;
import starling.textures.TextureOptions;
/** Dispatched when all textures have been restored after a context loss. */
[Event(name="texturesRestored", type="starling.events.Event")]
/** Dispatched when an URLLoader fails with an IO_ERROR while processing the queue.
* The 'data' property of the Event contains the URL-String that could not be loaded. */
[Event(name="ioError", type="starling.events.Event")]
/** Dispatched when an URLLoader fails with a SECURITY_ERROR while processing the queue.
* The 'data' property of the Event contains the URL-String that could not be loaded. */
[Event(name="securityError", type="starling.events.Event")]
/** Dispatched when an XML or JSON file couldn't be parsed.
* The 'data' property of the Event contains the name of the asset that could not be parsed. */
[Event(name="parseError", type="starling.events.Event")]
/** The AssetManager handles loading and accessing a variety of asset types. You can
* add assets directly (via the 'add...' methods) or asynchronously via a queue. This allows
* you to deal with assets in a unified way, no matter if they are loaded from a file,
* directory, URL, or from an embedded object.
* <p>The class can deal with the following media types:
* <ul>
* <li>Textures, either from Bitmaps or ATF data</li>
* <li>Texture atlases</li>
* <li>Bitmap Fonts</li>
* <li>Sounds</li>
* <li>XML data</li>
* <li>JSON data</li>
* <li>ByteArrays</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>For more information on how to add assets from different sources, read the documentation
* of the "enqueue()" method.</p>
* <strong>Context Loss</strong>
* <p>When the stage3D context is lost (and you have enabled 'Starling.handleLostContext'),
* the AssetManager will automatically restore all loaded textures. To save memory, it will
* get them from their original sources. Since this is done asynchronously, your images might
* not reappear all at once, but during a timeframe of several seconds. If you want, you can
* pause your game during that time; the AssetManager dispatches an "Event.TEXTURES_RESTORED"
* event when all textures have been restored.</p>
* <strong>Error handling</strong>
* <p>Loading of some assets may fail while the queue is being processed. In that case, the
* AssetManager will dispatch events of type "IO_ERROR", "SECURITY_ERROR" or "PARSE_ERROR".
* You can listen to those events and handle the errors manually (e.g., you could enqueue
* them once again and retry, or provide placeholder textures). Queue processing will
* continue even when those events are dispatched.</p>
* <strong>Using variable texture formats</strong>
* <p>When you enqueue a texture, its properties for "format", "scale", "mipMapping", and
* "repeat" will reflect the settings of the AssetManager at the time they were enqueued.
* This means that you can enqueue a bunch of textures, then change the settings and enqueue
* some more. Like this:</p>
* <listing>
* var appDir:File = File.applicationDirectory;
* var assets:AssetManager = new AssetManager();
* assets.textureFormat = Context3DTextureFormat.BGRA;
* assets.enqueue(appDir.resolvePath("textures/32bit"));
* assets.textureFormat = Context3DTextureFormat.BGRA_PACKED;
* assets.enqueue(appDir.resolvePath("textures/16bit"));
* assets.loadQueue(...);</listing>
public class AssetManager extends EventDispatcher
// This HTTPStatusEvent is only available in AIR
private static const HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS:String = "httpResponseStatus";
private var _starling:Starling;
private var _numLostTextures:int;
private var _numRestoredTextures:int;
private var _numLoadingQueues:int;
private var _defaultTextureOptions:TextureOptions;
private var _checkPolicyFile:Boolean;
private var _keepAtlasXmls:Boolean;
private var _keepFontXmls:Boolean;
private var _numConnections:int;
private var _verbose:Boolean;
private var _queue:Array;
private var _textures:Dictionary;
private var _atlases:Dictionary;
private var _sounds:Dictionary;
private var _xmls:Dictionary;
private var _objects:Dictionary;
private var _byteArrays:Dictionary;
/** helper objects */
private static var sNames:Vector.<String> = new <String>[];
/** Regex for name / extension extraction from URL. */
private static const NAME_REGEX:RegExp = /([^\?\/\\]+?)(?:\.([\w\-]+))?(?:\?.*)?$/;
/** Create a new AssetManager. The 'scaleFactor' and 'useMipmaps' parameters define
* how enqueued bitmaps will be converted to textures. */
public function AssetManager(scaleFactor:Number=1, useMipmaps:Boolean=false)
_defaultTextureOptions = new TextureOptions(scaleFactor, useMipmaps);
_textures = new Dictionary();
_atlases = new Dictionary();
_sounds = new Dictionary();
_xmls = new Dictionary();
_objects = new Dictionary();
_byteArrays = new Dictionary();
_numConnections = 3;
_verbose = true;
_queue = [];
/** Disposes all contained textures, XMLs and ByteArrays.
* <p>Beware that all references to the assets will remain intact, even though the assets
* are no longer valid. Call 'purge' if you want to remove all resources and reuse
* the AssetManager later.</p>
public function dispose():void
for each (var texture:Texture in _textures)
for each (var atlas:TextureAtlas in _atlases)
for each (var xml:XML in _xmls)
for each (var byteArray:ByteArray in _byteArrays)
// retrieving
/** Returns a texture with a certain name. The method first looks through the directly
* added textures; if no texture with that name is found, it scans through all
* texture atlases. */
public function getTexture(name:String):Texture
if (name in _textures) return _textures[name];
for each (var atlas:TextureAtlas in _atlases)
var texture:Texture = atlas.getTexture(name);
if (texture) return texture;
return null;
/** Returns all textures that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically
* (especially useful for "MovieClip"). */
public function getTextures(prefix:String="", out:Vector.<Texture>=null):Vector.<Texture>
if (out == null) out = new <Texture>[];
for each (var name:String in getTextureNames(prefix, sNames))
out[out.length] = getTexture(name); // avoid 'push'
sNames.length = 0;
return out;
/** Returns all texture names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically. */
public function getTextureNames(prefix:String="", out:Vector.<String>=null):Vector.<String>
out = getDictionaryKeys(_textures, prefix, out);
for each (var atlas:TextureAtlas in _atlases)
atlas.getNames(prefix, out);
return out;
/** Returns a texture atlas with a certain name, or null if it's not found. */
public function getTextureAtlas(name:String):TextureAtlas
return _atlases[name] as TextureAtlas;
/** Returns all texture atlas names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
* If you pass an <code>out</code>-vector, the names will be added to that vector. */
public function getTextureAtlasNames(prefix:String="", out:Vector.<String>=null):Vector.<String>
return getDictionaryKeys(_atlases, prefix, out);
/** Returns a sound with a certain name, or null if it's not found. */
public function getSound(name:String):Sound
return _sounds[name];
/** Returns all sound names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
* If you pass an <code>out</code>-vector, the names will be added to that vector. */
public function getSoundNames(prefix:String="", out:Vector.<String>=null):Vector.<String>
return getDictionaryKeys(_sounds, prefix, out);
/** Generates a new SoundChannel object to play back the sound. This method returns a
* SoundChannel object, which you can access to stop the sound and to control volume. */
public function playSound(name:String, startTime:Number=0, loops:int=0,
if (name in _sounds)
return getSound(name).play(startTime, loops, transform);
return null;
/** Returns an XML with a certain name, or null if it's not found. */
public function getXml(name:String):XML
return _xmls[name];
/** Returns all XML names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
* If you pass an <code>out</code>-vector, the names will be added to that vector. */
public function getXmlNames(prefix:String="", out:Vector.<String>=null):Vector.<String>
return getDictionaryKeys(_xmls, prefix, out);
/** Returns an object with a certain name, or null if it's not found. Enqueued JSON
* data is parsed and can be accessed with this method. */
public function getObject(name:String):Object
return _objects[name];
/** Returns all object names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
* If you pass an <code>out</code>-vector, the names will be added to that vector. */
public function getObjectNames(prefix:String="", out:Vector.<String>=null):Vector.<String>
return getDictionaryKeys(_objects, prefix, out);
/** Returns a byte array with a certain name, or null if it's not found. */
public function getByteArray(name:String):ByteArray
return _byteArrays[name];
/** Returns all byte array names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
* If you pass an <code>out</code>-vector, the names will be added to that vector. */
public function getByteArrayNames(prefix:String="", out:Vector.<String>=null):Vector.<String>
return getDictionaryKeys(_byteArrays, prefix, out);
// direct adding
/** Register a texture under a certain name. It will be available right away.
* If the name was already taken, the existing texture will be disposed and replaced
* by the new one. */
public function addTexture(name:String, texture:Texture):void
log("Adding texture '" + name + "'");
if (name in _textures)
log("Warning: name was already in use; the previous texture will be replaced.");
_textures[name] = texture;
/** Register a texture atlas under a certain name. It will be available right away.
* If the name was already taken, the existing atlas will be disposed and replaced
* by the new one. */
public function addTextureAtlas(name:String, atlas:TextureAtlas):void
log("Adding texture atlas '" + name + "'");
if (name in _atlases)
log("Warning: name was already in use; the previous atlas will be replaced.");
_atlases[name] = atlas;
/** Register a sound under a certain name. It will be available right away.
* If the name was already taken, the existing sound will be replaced by the new one. */
public function addSound(name:String, sound:Sound):void
log("Adding sound '" + name + "'");
if (name in _sounds)
log("Warning: name was already in use; the previous sound will be replaced.");
_sounds[name] = sound;
/** Register an XML object under a certain name. It will be available right away.
* If the name was already taken, the existing XML will be disposed and replaced
* by the new one. */
public function addXml(name:String, xml:XML):void
log("Adding XML '" + name + "'");
if (name in _xmls)
log("Warning: name was already in use; the previous XML will be replaced.");
_xmls[name] = xml;
/** Register an arbitrary object under a certain name. It will be available right away.
* If the name was already taken, the existing object will be replaced by the new one. */
public function addObject(name:String, object:Object):void
log("Adding object '" + name + "'");
if (name in _objects)
log("Warning: name was already in use; the previous object will be replaced.");
_objects[name] = object;
/** Register a byte array under a certain name. It will be available right away.
* If the name was already taken, the existing byte array will be cleared and replaced
* by the new one. */
public function addByteArray(name:String, byteArray:ByteArray):void
log("Adding byte array '" + name + "'");
if (name in _byteArrays)
log("Warning: name was already in use; the previous byte array will be replaced.");
_byteArrays[name] = byteArray;
// removing
/** Removes a certain texture, optionally disposing it. */
public function removeTexture(name:String, dispose:Boolean=true):void
log("Removing texture '" + name + "'");
if (dispose && name in _textures)
delete _textures[name];
/** Removes a certain texture atlas, optionally disposing it. */
public function removeTextureAtlas(name:String, dispose:Boolean=true):void
log("Removing texture atlas '" + name + "'");
if (dispose && name in _atlases)
delete _atlases[name];
/** Removes a certain sound. */
public function removeSound(name:String):void
log("Removing sound '"+ name + "'");
delete _sounds[name];
/** Removes a certain Xml object, optionally disposing it. */
public function removeXml(name:String, dispose:Boolean=true):void
log("Removing xml '"+ name + "'");
if (dispose && name in _xmls)
delete _xmls[name];
/** Removes a certain object. */
public function removeObject(name:String):void
log("Removing object '"+ name + "'");
delete _objects[name];
/** Removes a certain byte array, optionally disposing its memory right away. */
public function removeByteArray(name:String, dispose:Boolean=true):void
log("Removing byte array '"+ name + "'");
if (dispose && name in _byteArrays)
delete _byteArrays[name];
/** Empties the queue and aborts any pending load operations. */
public function purgeQueue():void
_queue.length = 0;
/** Removes assets of all types (disposing them along the way), empties the queue and
* aborts any pending load operations. */
public function purge():void
log("Purging all assets, emptying queue");
_textures = new Dictionary();
_atlases = new Dictionary();
_sounds = new Dictionary();
_xmls = new Dictionary();
_objects = new Dictionary();
_byteArrays = new Dictionary();
// queued adding
/** Enqueues one or more raw assets; they will only be available after successfully
* executing the "loadQueue" method. This method accepts a variety of different objects:
* <ul>
* <li>Strings or URLRequests containing an URL to a local or remote resource. Supported
* types: <code>png, jpg, gif, atf, mp3, xml, fnt, json, binary</code>.</li>
* <li>Instances of the File class (AIR only) pointing to a directory or a file.
* Directories will be scanned recursively for all supported types.</li>
* <li>Classes that contain <code>static</code> embedded assets.</li>
* <li>If the file extension is not recognized, the data is analyzed to see if
* contains XML or JSON data. If it's neither, it is stored as ByteArray.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Suitable object names are extracted automatically: A file named "image.png" will be
* accessible under the name "image". When enqueuing embedded assets via a class,
* the variable name of the embedded object will be used as its name. An exception
* are texture atlases: they will have the same name as the actual texture they are
* referencing.</p>
* <p>XMLs that contain texture atlases or bitmap fonts are processed directly: fonts are
* registered at the TextField class, atlas textures can be acquired with the
* "getTexture()" method. All other XMLs are available via "getXml()".</p>
* <p>If you pass in JSON data, it will be parsed into an object and will be available via
* "getObject()".</p>
public function enqueue(...rawAssets):void
for each (var rawAsset:Object in rawAssets)
if (rawAsset is Array)
enqueue.apply(this, rawAsset);
else if (rawAsset is Class)
var typeXml:XML = describeType(rawAsset);
var childNode:XML;
if (_verbose)
log("Looking for static embedded assets in '" +
(typeXml.@name).split("::").pop() + "'");
for each (childNode in typeXml.constant.(@type == "Class"))
enqueueWithName(rawAsset[childNode.@name], childNode.@name);
for each (childNode in typeXml.variable.(@type == "Class"))
enqueueWithName(rawAsset[childNode.@name], childNode.@name);
else if (getQualifiedClassName(rawAsset) == "flash.filesystem::File")
if (!rawAsset["exists"])
log("File or directory not found: '" + rawAsset["url"] + "'");
else if (!rawAsset["isHidden"])
if (rawAsset["isDirectory"])
enqueue.apply(this, rawAsset["getDirectoryListing"]());
else if (rawAsset is String || rawAsset is URLRequest)
log("Ignoring unsupported asset type: " + getQualifiedClassName(rawAsset));
/** Enqueues a single asset with a custom name that can be used to access it later.
* If the asset is a texture, you can also add custom texture options.
* @param asset The asset that will be enqueued; accepts the same objects as the
* 'enqueue' method.
* @param name The name under which the asset will be found later. If you pass null or
* omit the parameter, it's attempted to generate a name automatically.
* @param options Custom options that will be used if 'asset' points to texture data.
* @return the name with which the asset was registered.
public function enqueueWithName(asset:Object, name:String=null,
var filename:String = null;
if (getQualifiedClassName(asset) == "flash.filesystem::File")
filename = asset["name"];
asset = decodeURI(asset["url"]);
if (name == null) name = getName(asset);
if (options == null) options = _defaultTextureOptions.clone();
else options = options.clone();
log("Enqueuing '" + (filename || name) + "'");
name: name,
asset: asset,
options: options
return name;
/** Loads all enqueued assets asynchronously. The 'onProgress' function will be called
* with a 'ratio' between '0.0' and '1.0', with '1.0' meaning that it's complete.
* <p>When you call this method, the manager will save a reference to "Starling.current";
* all textures that are loaded will be accessible only from within this instance. Thus,
* if you are working with more than one Starling instance, be sure to call
* "makeCurrent()" on the appropriate instance before processing the queue.</p>
* @param onProgress <code>function(ratio:Number):void;</code>
public function loadQueue(onProgress:Function):void
if (onProgress == null)
throw new ArgumentError("Argument 'onProgress' must not be null");
if (_queue.length == 0)
_starling = Starling.current;
if (_starling == null || _starling.context == null)
throw new Error("The Starling instance needs to be ready before assets can be loaded.");
const PROGRESS_PART_ASSETS:Number = 0.9;
var i:int;
var canceled:Boolean = false;
var xmls:Vector.<XML> = new <XML>[];
var assetInfos:Array = _queue.concat();
var assetCount:int = _queue.length;
var assetProgress:Array = [];
var assetIndex:int = 0;
for (i=0; i<assetCount; ++i)
assetProgress[i] = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<_numConnections; ++i)
_queue.length = 0;
addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, cancel);
function loadNextQueueElement():void
if (assetIndex < assetInfos.length)
// increment asset index *before* using it, since
// 'loadQueueElement' could by synchronous in subclasses.
var index:int = assetIndex++;
loadQueueElement(index, assetInfos[index]);
function loadQueueElement(index:int, assetInfo:Object):void
if (canceled) return;
var onElementProgress:Function = function(progress:Number):void
updateAssetProgress(index, progress * 0.8); // keep 20 % for completion
var onElementLoaded:Function = function():void
updateAssetProgress(index, 1.0);
if (assetCount > 0) loadNextQueueElement();
else processXmls();
processRawAsset(assetInfo.name, assetInfo.asset, assetInfo.options,
xmls, onElementProgress, onElementLoaded);
function updateAssetProgress(index:int, progress:Number):void
assetProgress[index] = progress;
var sum:Number = 0.0;
var len:int = assetProgress.length;
for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
sum += assetProgress[i];
onProgress(sum / len * PROGRESS_PART_ASSETS);
function processXmls():void
// xmls are processed separately at the end, because the textures they reference
// have to be available for other XMLs. Texture atlases are processed first:
// that way, their textures can be referenced, too.
xmls.sort(function(a:XML, b:XML):int {
return a.localName() == "TextureAtlas" ? -1 : 1;
setTimeout(processXml, 1, 0);
function processXml(index:int):void
if (canceled) return;
else if (index == xmls.length)
var name:String;
var texture:Texture;
var xml:XML = xmls[index];
var rootNode:String = xml.localName();
var xmlProgress:Number = (index + 1) / (xmls.length + 1);
if (rootNode == "TextureAtlas")
name = getName(xml.@imagePath.toString());
texture = getTexture(name);
if (texture)
addTextureAtlas(name, new TextureAtlas(texture, xml));
removeTexture(name, false);
if (_keepAtlasXmls) addXml(name, xml);
else System.disposeXML(xml);
else log("Cannot create atlas: texture '" + name + "' is missing.");
else if (rootNode == "font")
name = getName(xml.pages.page.@file.toString());
texture = getTexture(name);
if (texture)
log("Adding bitmap font '" + name + "'");
TextField.registerCompositor(new BitmapFont(texture, xml), name);
removeTexture(name, false);
if (_keepFontXmls) addXml(name, xml);
else System.disposeXML(xml);
else log("Cannot create bitmap font: texture '" + name + "' is missing.");
throw new Error("XML contents not recognized: " + rootNode);
setTimeout(processXml, 1, index + 1);
function cancel():void
removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, cancel);
canceled = true;
function finish():void
// We dance around the final "onProgress" call with some "setTimeout" calls here
// to make sure the progress bar gets the chance to be rendered. Otherwise, all
// would happen in one frame.
if (!canceled)
}, 1);
private function processRawAsset(name:String, rawAsset:Object, options:TextureOptions,
onProgress:Function, onComplete:Function):void
var canceled:Boolean = false;
addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, cancel);
loadRawAsset(rawAsset, progress, process);
function process(asset:Object):void
var texture:Texture;
var bytes:ByteArray;
var object:Object = null;
var xml:XML = null;
// the 'current' instance might have changed by now
// if we're running in a set-up with multiple instances.
if (canceled)
// do nothing
else if (asset == null)
else if (asset is Sound)
addSound(name, asset as Sound);
else if (asset is XML)
xml = asset as XML;
if (xml.localName() == "TextureAtlas" || xml.localName() == "font")
addXml(name, xml);
else if (_starling.context.driverInfo == "Disposed")
log("Context lost while processing assets, retrying ...");
setTimeout(process, 1, asset);
return; // to keep CANCEL event listener intact
else if (asset is Bitmap)
texture = Texture.fromData(asset, options);
texture.root.onRestore = function():void
loadRawAsset(rawAsset, null, function(asset:Object):void
if (asset == null) throw new Error("Reload failed");
texture.root.uploadBitmap(asset as Bitmap);
catch (e:Error)
log("Texture restoration failed for '" + name + "': " + e.message);
if (_numLostTextures == _numRestoredTextures)
addTexture(name, texture);
else if (asset is ByteArray)
bytes = asset as ByteArray;
if (AtfData.isAtfData(bytes))
options.onReady = prependCallback(options.onReady, function():void
addTexture(name, texture);
texture = Texture.fromData(bytes, options);
texture.root.onRestore = function():void
loadRawAsset(rawAsset, null, function(asset:Object):void
if (asset == null) throw new Error("Reload failed");
texture.root.uploadAtfData(asset as ByteArray, 0, false);
catch (e:Error)
log("Texture restoration failed for '" + name + "': " + e.message);
if (_numLostTextures == _numRestoredTextures)
else if (byteArrayStartsWith(bytes, "{") || byteArrayStartsWith(bytes, "["))
try { object = JSON.parse(bytes.readUTFBytes(bytes.length)); }
catch (e:Error)
log("Could not parse JSON: " + e.message);
dispatchEventWith(Event.PARSE_ERROR, false, name);
if (object) addObject(name, object);
else if (byteArrayStartsWith(bytes, "<"))
try { xml = new XML(bytes); }
catch (e:Error)
log("Could not parse XML: " + e.message);
dispatchEventWith(Event.PARSE_ERROR, false, name);
addByteArray(name, bytes);
addObject(name, asset);
// avoid that objects stay in memory (through 'onRestore' functions)
asset = null;
bytes = null;
removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, cancel);
function progress(ratio:Number):void
if (!canceled) onProgress(ratio);
function cancel():void
canceled = true;
/** This method is called internally for each element of the queue when it is loaded.
* 'rawAsset' is typically either a class (pointing to an embedded asset) or a string
* (containing the path to a file). For texture data, it will also be called after a
* context loss.
* <p>The method has to transform this object into one of the types that the AssetManager
* can work with, e.g. a Bitmap, a Sound, XML data, or a ByteArray. This object needs to
* be passed to the 'onComplete' callback.</p>
* <p>The calling method will then process this data accordingly (e.g. a Bitmap will be
* transformed into a texture). Unknown types will be available via 'getObject()'.</p>
* <p>When overriding this method, you can call 'onProgress' with a number between 0 and 1
* to update the total queue loading progress.</p>
protected function loadRawAsset(rawAsset:Object, onProgress:Function, onComplete:Function):void
var extension:String = null;
var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = null;
var urlLoader:URLLoader = null;
var urlRequest:URLRequest = null;
var url:String = null;
if (rawAsset is Class)
setTimeout(complete, 1, new rawAsset());
else if (rawAsset is String || rawAsset is URLRequest)
urlRequest = rawAsset as URLRequest || new URLRequest(rawAsset as String);
url = urlRequest.url;
extension = getExtensionFromUrl(url);
urlLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
urlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIoError);
urlLoader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError);
urlLoader.addEventListener(HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS, onHttpResponseStatus);
urlLoader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress);
urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUrlLoaderComplete);
function onIoError(event:IOErrorEvent):void
log("IO error: " + event.text);
dispatchEventWith(Event.IO_ERROR, false, url);
function onSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void
log("security error: " + event.text);
dispatchEventWith(Event.SECURITY_ERROR, false, url);
function onHttpResponseStatus(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void
if (extension == null)
var headers:Array = event["responseHeaders"];
var contentType:String = getHttpHeader(headers, "Content-Type");
if (contentType && /(audio|image)\//.exec(contentType))
extension = contentType.split("/").pop();
function onLoadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void
if (onProgress != null && event.bytesTotal > 0)
onProgress(event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal);
function onUrlLoaderComplete(event:Object):void
var bytes:ByteArray = transformData(urlLoader.data as ByteArray, url);
var sound:Sound;
if (bytes == null)
if (extension)
extension = extension.toLowerCase();
switch (extension)
case "mpeg":
case "mp3":
sound = new Sound();
sound.loadCompressedDataFromByteArray(bytes, bytes.length);
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
case "png":
case "gif":
var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(_checkPolicyFile);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loaderContext.imageDecodingPolicy = ImageDecodingPolicy.ON_LOAD;
loaderInfo = loader.contentLoaderInfo;
loaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIoError);
loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaderComplete);
loader.loadBytes(bytes, loaderContext);
default: // any XML / JSON / binary data
function onLoaderComplete(event:Object):void
function complete(asset:Object):void
// clean up event listeners
if (urlLoader)
urlLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIoError);
urlLoader.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError);
urlLoader.removeEventListener(HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS, onHttpResponseStatus);
urlLoader.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress);
urlLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUrlLoaderComplete);
if (loaderInfo)
loaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIoError);
loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaderComplete);
// On mobile, it is not allowed / endorsed to make stage3D calls while the app
// is in the background. Thus, we pause queue processing if that's the case.
if (SystemUtil.isDesktop)
SystemUtil.executeWhenApplicationIsActive(onComplete, asset);
// helpers
/** This method is called by 'enqueue' to determine the name under which an asset will be
* accessible; override it if you need a custom naming scheme. Note that this method won't
* be called for embedded assets.
* @param rawAsset either a String, an URLRequest or a FileReference.
protected function getName(rawAsset:Object):String
var name:String;
if (rawAsset is String) name = rawAsset as String;
else if (rawAsset is URLRequest) name = (rawAsset as URLRequest).url;
else if (rawAsset is FileReference) name = (rawAsset as FileReference).name;
if (name)
name = name.replace(/%20/g, " "); // URLs use '%20' for spaces
name = getBasenameFromUrl(name);
if (name) return name;
else throw new ArgumentError("Could not extract name from String '" + rawAsset + "'");
name = getQualifiedClassName(rawAsset);
throw new ArgumentError("Cannot extract names for objects of type '" + name + "'");
/** This method is called when raw byte data has been loaded from an URL or a file.
* Override it to process the downloaded data in some way (e.g. decompression) or
* to cache it on disk.
* <p>It's okay to call one (or more) of the 'add...' methods from here. If the binary
* data contains multiple objects, this allows you to process all of them at once.
* Return 'null' to abort processing of the current item.</p> */
protected function transformData(data:ByteArray, url:String):ByteArray
return data;
/** This method is called during loading of assets when 'verbose' is activated. Per
* default, it traces 'message' to the console. */
protected function log(message:String):void
if (_verbose) trace("[AssetManager]", message);
private function byteArrayStartsWith(bytes:ByteArray, char:String):Boolean
var start:int = 0;
var length:int = bytes.length;
var wanted:int = char.charCodeAt(0);
// recognize BOMs
if (length >= 4 &&
(bytes[0] == 0x00 && bytes[1] == 0x00 && bytes[2] == 0xfe && bytes[3] == 0xff) ||
(bytes[0] == 0xff && bytes[1] == 0xfe && bytes[2] == 0x00 && bytes[3] == 0x00))
start = 4; // UTF-32
else if (length >= 3 && bytes[0] == 0xef && bytes[1] == 0xbb && bytes[2] == 0xbf)
start = 3; // UTF-8
else if (length >= 2 &&
(bytes[0] == 0xfe && bytes[1] == 0xff) || (bytes[0] == 0xff && bytes[1] == 0xfe))
start = 2; // UTF-16
// find first meaningful letter
for (var i:int=start; i<length; ++i)
var byte:int = bytes[i];
if (byte == 0 || byte == 10 || byte == 13 || byte == 32) continue; // null, \n, \r, space
else return byte == wanted;
return false;
private function getDictionaryKeys(dictionary:Dictionary, prefix:String="",
if (out == null) out = new <String>[];
for (var name:String in dictionary)
if (name.indexOf(prefix) == 0)
out[out.length] = name; // avoid 'push'
return out;
private function getHttpHeader(headers:Array, headerName:String):String
if (headers)
for each (var header:Object in headers)
if (header.name == headerName) return header.value;
return null;
/** Extracts the base name of a file path or URL, i.e. the file name without extension. */
protected function getBasenameFromUrl(url:String):String
var matches:Array = NAME_REGEX.exec(url);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) return matches[1];
else return null;
/** Extracts the file extension from an URL. */
protected function getExtensionFromUrl(url:String):String
var matches:Array = NAME_REGEX.exec(url);
if (matches && matches.length > 1) return matches[2];
else return null;
private function prependCallback(oldCallback:Function, newCallback:Function):Function
// TODO: it might make sense to add this (together with "appendCallback")
// as a public utility method ("FunctionUtil"?)
if (oldCallback == null) return newCallback;
else if (newCallback == null) return oldCallback;
else return function():void
// properties
/** The queue contains one 'Object' for each enqueued asset. Each object has 'asset'
* and 'name' properties, pointing to the raw asset and its name, respectively. */
protected function get queue():Array { return _queue; }
/** Returns the number of raw assets that have been enqueued, but not yet loaded. */
public function get numQueuedAssets():int { return _queue.length; }
/** When activated, the class will trace information about added/enqueued assets.
* @default true */
public function get verbose():Boolean { return _verbose; }
public function set verbose(value:Boolean):void { _verbose = value; }
/** Indicates if a queue is currently being loaded. */
public function get isLoading():Boolean { return _numLoadingQueues > 0; }
/** For bitmap textures, this flag indicates if mip maps should be generated when they
* are loaded; for ATF textures, it indicates if mip maps are valid and should be
* used. @default false */
public function get useMipMaps():Boolean { return _defaultTextureOptions.mipMapping; }
public function set useMipMaps(value:Boolean):void { _defaultTextureOptions.mipMapping = value; }
/** Textures that are created from Bitmaps or ATF files will have the scale factor
* assigned here. @default 1 */
public function get scaleFactor():Number { return _defaultTextureOptions.scale; }
public function set scaleFactor(value:Number):void { _defaultTextureOptions.scale = value; }
/** Textures that are created from Bitmaps will be uploaded to the GPU with the
* <code>Context3DTextureFormat</code> assigned to this property. @default "bgra" */
public function get textureFormat():String { return _defaultTextureOptions.format; }
public function set textureFormat(value:String):void { _defaultTextureOptions.format = value; }
/** Indicates if the underlying Stage3D textures should be created as the power-of-two based
* <code>Texture</code> class instead of the more memory efficient <code>RectangleTexture</code>.
* @default false */
public function get forcePotTextures():Boolean { return _defaultTextureOptions.forcePotTexture; }
public function set forcePotTextures(value:Boolean):void { _defaultTextureOptions.forcePotTexture = value; }
/** Specifies whether a check should be made for the existence of a URL policy file before
* loading an object from a remote server. More information about this topic can be found
* in the 'flash.system.LoaderContext' documentation. @default false */
public function get checkPolicyFile():Boolean { return _checkPolicyFile; }
public function set checkPolicyFile(value:Boolean):void { _checkPolicyFile = value; }
/** Indicates if atlas XML data should be stored for access via the 'getXml' method.
* If true, you can access an XML under the same name as the atlas.
* If false, XMLs will be disposed when the atlas was created. @default false. */
public function get keepAtlasXmls():Boolean { return _keepAtlasXmls; }
public function set keepAtlasXmls(value:Boolean):void { _keepAtlasXmls = value; }
/** Indicates if bitmap font XML data should be stored for access via the 'getXml' method.
* If true, you can access an XML under the same name as the bitmap font.
* If false, XMLs will be disposed when the font was created. @default false. */
public function get keepFontXmls():Boolean { return _keepFontXmls; }
public function set keepFontXmls(value:Boolean):void { _keepFontXmls = value; }
/** The maximum number of parallel connections that are spawned when loading the queue.
* More connections can reduce loading times, but require more memory. @default 3. */
public function get numConnections():int { return _numConnections; }
public function set numConnections(value:int):void { _numConnections = value; }