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Added Latin American Spanish localisation

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TerryCavanagh 2024-01-31 18:36:57 +01:00
parent 448c4a5514
commit a6b8b90f3c
10 changed files with 2220 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<cutscene id="intro" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Uh oh..." translation="Ay, no..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Is everything ok?" translation="¿Todo bien?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="No! We&apos;ve hit some kind of interference..." translation="¡No! Chocamos con una especie de interferencia..."/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Something&apos;s wrong! We&apos;re going to crash!" translation="¡Algo va mal! ¡Vamos a estrellarnos!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Evacuate!" translation="¡Evacúen!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh no!" translation="¡Ay, no!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Everyone off the ship!" translation="¡Todos fuera de la nave!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="This shouldn&apos;t be happening!" translation="¡Esto no debería estar pasando!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Phew! That was scary!" translation="¡Fiu! ¡Qué miedo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="At least we all escaped, right guys?" translation="Al menos escapamos todos, ¿no, compas?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="...guys?" translation="¿Compas?..."/>
<cutscene id="firststeps" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I wonder why the ship teleported me here alone?" translation="¿Por qué la nave me habrá teletransportado solo a mí?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I hope everyone else got out ok..." translation="Espero que los demás hayan salido sin problema..."/>
<cutscene id="communicationstation" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Violet! Is that you?" translation="¡Violeta! ¿Eres tú?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain! You&apos;re ok!" translation="¡Comandante, estás bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Something has gone horribly wrong with the ship&apos;s teleporter!" translation="¡Le pasó algo malísimamente malo al teletransportador de la nave!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I think everyone has been teleported away randomly! They could be anywhere!" translation="¡Creo que teletransportó a todos a lugares al azar! ¡Podrían estar en cualquier parte!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Oh no!" translation="¡Ay, no!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I&apos;m on the ship - it&apos;s damaged badly, but it&apos;s still intact!" translation="Estoy en la nave... ¡Tiene una avería muy fea, pero sigue intacta!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Where are you, Captain?" translation="¿Dónde estás, comandante?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I&apos;m on some sort of space station... It seems pretty modern..." translation="En una especie de estación espacial... Parece bastante moderna..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="There seems to be some sort of interference in this dimension..." translation="Al parecer, en esta dimensión hay una especie de interferencia..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I&apos;m broadcasting the coordinates of the ship to you now." translation="Te estoy enviando una transmisión con las coordenadas de la nave."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I can&apos;t teleport you back, but..." translation="No puedo teletransportarte de vuelta, pero..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If YOU can find a teleporter anywhere nearby, you should be able to teleport back to me!" translation="Si encuentras un teletransportador por ahí cerca, ¡podrías volver aquí conmigo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Ok! I&apos;ll try to find one!" translation="Bien. ¡Intentaré encontrar uno!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Good luck, Captain!" translation="¡Buena suerte, comandante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I&apos;ll keep trying to find the rest of the crew..." translation="Seguiré buscando al resto de la tripulación..."/>
<cutscene id="trenchwarfare" explanation="player finds Trench Warfare trinket, if no trinkets found yet">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Ohh! I wonder what that is?" translation="¡Aah! ¿Qué será eso?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I probably don&apos;t really need it, but it might be nice to take it back to the ship to study..." translation="Seguro no lo necesito, pero estaría genial llevarlo de vuelta a la nave para su estudio..."/>
<cutscene id="newtrenchwarfare" explanation="player finds Trench Warfare trinket, if other trinket already found">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Oh! It&apos;s another one of those shiny things!" translation="¡Ah! ¡Otra de esas cosas brillantes!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I probably don&apos;t really need it, but it might be nice to take it back to the ship to study..." translation="Seguro no lo necesito, pero estaría genial llevarlo de vuelta a la nave para su estudio..."/>
<cutscene id="teleporterback" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="A teleporter!" translation="¡Un teletransportador!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I can get back to the ship with this!" translation="¡Con esto puedo volver a la nave!"/>
<cutscene id="levelonecomplete_ending" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="bigopenworld" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="So, Doctor - have you any idea what caused the crash?" translation="Entonces, doctora... ¿sabes qué causó el choque?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="There&apos;s some sort of bizarre signal here that&apos;s interfering with our equipment..." translation="Hay una especie de señal extraña que interfiere con nuestro equipo..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="It caused the ship to lose its quantum position, collapsing us into this dimension!" translation="Fue lo que provocó que la nave perdiera su posición cuántica, ¡y por eso caímos en esta dimensión!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh no!" translation="¡Ay, no!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="But I think we should be able to fix the ship and get out of here..." translation="Pero creo que es posible arreglar la nave y salir de aquí..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="... as long as we can find the rest of the crew." translation="Siempre que encontremos al resto de la tripulación."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="We really don&apos;t know anything about this place..." translation="La verdad es que no sabemos nada de este lugar..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Our friends could be anywhere - they could be lost, or in danger!" translation="Nuestros amigos podrían andar por cualquier parte... ¡Podrían estar perdidos o en peligro!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Can they teleport back here?" translation="¿Pueden teletransportarse aquí de nuevo?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Not unless they find some way to communicate with us!" translation="No, ¡a menos que encuentren la forma de comunicarse con nosotros!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="We can&apos;t pick up their signal and they can&apos;t teleport here unless they know where the ship is..." translation="No podemos detectar su señal, y ellos no pueden teletransportarse hasta aquí, a menos que sepan dónde está la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="So what do we do?" translation="Entonces, ¿qué hacemos?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="We need to find them! Head out into the dimension and look for anywhere they might have ended up..." translation="¡Tenemos que encontrarlos! Adéntrate en la dimensión y busca en cualquier lugar donde puedan haber terminado..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok! Where do we start?" translation="¡Bien! ¿Por dónde empezamos?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Well, I&apos;ve been trying to find them with the ship&apos;s scanners!" translation="Bueno, ¡estuve tratando de encontrarlos con los escáneres de la nave!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="It&apos;s not working, but I did find something..." translation="No funcionó, pero sí encontré otra cosa..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="These points show up on our scans as having high energy patterns!" translation="¡Estos puntos que aparecen en los escáneres tienen patrones de energía altísimos!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="There&apos;s a good chance they&apos;re teleporters - which means they&apos;re probably built near something important..." translation="Es muy probable que sean teletransportadores, lo que implica que seguro se construyeron cerca de algo importante..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="They could be a very good place to start looking." translation="Pueden ser un buen punto de partida."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok! I&apos;ll head out and see what I can find!" translation="Genial. ¡Voy a ver qué encuentro!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I&apos;ll be right here if you need any help!" translation="Si necesitas ayuda, ¡aquí me tienes!"/>
<cutscene id="bigopenworldskip" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I&apos;ll be right here if you need any help!" translation="Si necesitas ayuda, ¡aquí me tienes!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_intro" explanation="***ENTER is OUTDATED***">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;m feeling a bit overwhelmed, Doctor." translation="Siento que me gana el agobio, doctora."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Where do I begin?" translation="¿Por dónde empiezo?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press ENTER to check where you are on the map!" translation="¡Recuerda que puedes pulsar la tecla ENTRAR para comprobar tu posición en el mapa!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press {b_map} to check where you are on the map!" translation="¡Recuerda que puedes oprimir {b_map} para comprobar tu posición en el mapa!" buttons="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Look for areas where the rest of the crew might be..." translation="Busca lugares donde pueda estar el resto de la tripulación..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If you get lost, you can get back to the ship from any teleporter." translation="Si te pierdes, puedes volver a la nave desde cualquier teletransportador."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="And don&apos;t worry! We&apos;ll find everyone!" translation="Y no te preocupes, ¡encontraremos a todo el mundo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Everything will be ok!" translation="¡Todo estará bien!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_3" explanation="only one player string is shown">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Are you doing ok, Captain?" translation="¿Estás bien, comandante?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;m worried about Victoria, Doctor!" translation="¡Me preocupa Victoria, doctora!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;m worried about Vitellary, Doctor!" translation="¡Me preocupa Vainilla, doctora!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;m worried about Verdigris, Doctor!" translation="¡Me preocupa Verdigrís, doctora!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;m worried about Vermilion, Doctor!" translation="¡Me preocupa Viñal, doctora!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;m worried about you, Doctor!" translation="¡Me preocupas tú, doctora!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Oh - well, don&apos;t worry, they&apos;ll show up!" translation="Ah... Bueno, no te preocupes, ¡ya aparecerán!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Here! Have a lollipop!" translation="¡Toma, una paleta!"/>
<cutscene id="trinketcollector" explanation="if no trinkets found yet">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="This seems like a good place to store anything I find out there..." translation="Este parece un buen lugar para almacenar todo lo que encuentre..."/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Victoria loves to study the interesting things we find on our adventures!" translation="¡A Victoria le encanta estudiar las cosas que encontramos en nuestras aventuras!"/>
<cutscene id="newtrinketcollector" explanation="if at least one trinket found">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="This seems like a good place to store those shiny things." translation="Este parece un buen lugar para almacenar esas cosas brillantes."/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Victoria loves to study the interesting things we find on our adventures!" translation="¡A Victoria le encanta estudiar las cosas que encontramos en nuestras aventuras!"/>
<cutscene id="new2trinketcollector" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I hope she&apos;s ok..." translation="Espero que esté bien..."/>
<cutscene id="rescuegreen" explanation="nuance: `she&apos;s BACK on the ship` means more `she&apos;s home` and not `she has returned to the ship`. She has never left the ship">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Captain! I&apos;ve been so worried!" translation="Comandante, ¡estaba muy preocupado!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Chief Verdigris! You&apos;re ok!" translation="¡Ingeniero Verdigrís, estás bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I&apos;ve been trying to get out, but I keep going around in circles..." translation="Estuve intentando salir, pero no paro de dar vueltas..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;ve come from the ship. I&apos;m here to teleport you back to it." translation="Vengo de la nave. Estoy aquí para teletransportarte de vuelta."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Is everyone else alright? Is Violet..." translation="¿Los demás están bien? ¿Y Violeta?..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="She&apos;s fine - she&apos;s back on the ship!" translation="Está bien, ¡ya volvió a la nave!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Oh! Great - Let&apos;s get going, then!" translation="¡Ah, genial! ¡Vamos, entonces!"/>
<cutscene id="rescueblue" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh no! Captain! Are you stuck here too?" translation="¡Ay, no! Comandante, ¿tú tampoco encuentras la forma de salir de aquí?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="It&apos;s ok - I&apos;m here to rescue you!" translation="No pasa nada, ¡vine para rescatarte!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Let me explain everything..." translation="Ya te explico todo..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="What? I didn&apos;t understand any of that!" translation="¿Qué? ¡No entendí nada!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh... well, don&apos;t worry." translation="Ah... Bueno, no te preocupes."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Follow me! Everything will be alright!" translation="Sígueme. ¡Todo va a ir bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Sniff... Really?" translation="Ay... ¿Seguro?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Ok then!" translation="¡Bueno, está bien!"/>
<cutscene id="rescuered" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Am I ever glad to see you! I thought I was the only one to escape the ship..." translation="¡Cómo me alegro de verte! Pensaba que era el único que había escapado de la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Vermilion! I knew you&apos;d be ok!" translation="¡Viñal! ¡Sabía que estarías bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="So, what&apos;s the situation?" translation="Y bien, ¿cuál es la situación?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I see! Well, we&apos;d better get back then." translation="¡Ya veo! Bueno, será mejor que volvamos entonces."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="There&apos;s a teleporter in the next room." translation="Hay un teletransportador en la siguiente sala."/>
<cutscene id="rescueyellow" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Ah, Viridian! You got off the ship alright too?" translation="¡Ah, Viridián! ¿Tú también lograste escapar a salvo de la nave?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="It&apos;s good to see you&apos;re alright, Professor!" translation="¡Me alegra verte vivito y coleando, profesor!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Is the ship ok?" translation="¿La nave está bien?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="It&apos;s badly damaged, but Violet&apos;s been working on fixing it." translation="Tiene una avería fea, pero Violeta está trabajando para arreglarla."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We could really use your help..." translation="Nos vendría muy bien tu ayuda..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Ah, of course!" translation="¡Ah, por supuesto!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="The background interference in this dimension prevented the ship from finding a teleporter when we crashed!" translation="Cuando chocamos, la interferencia de fondo de esta dimensión impidió que la nave encontrara un teletransportador."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="We&apos;ve all been teleported to different locations!" translation="¡Todos terminamos teletransportados en lugares diferentes!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Er, that sounds about right!" translation="Eh, ¡tiene todo el sentido!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Let&apos;s get back to the ship, then!" translation="¡Volvamos a la nave, entonces!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="After you, Captain!" translation="¡Después de ti, comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Waaaa!" translation="¡Aaaaah!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain! Are you ok?" translation="¡Comandante! ¿Estás bien?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I&apos;m ok... this... this isn&apos;t the ship..." translation="Estoy bien... Este... este lugar no es la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Where are we?" translation="¿Dónde estamos?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Waaaa!" translation="¡Aaaaah!" case="2"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Something&apos;s gone wrong... We should look for a way back!" translation="Algo salió mal... ¡Tenemos que encontrar la manera de volver!"/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Follow me! I&apos;ll help you!" translation="Sígueme, ¡yo te ayudo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Promise you won&apos;t leave without me!" translation="¡Prométeme que no te marcharás sin mí!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I promise! Don&apos;t worry!" translation="¡Te lo prometo! No te preocupes."/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Are you ok down there, Doctor?" translation="¿Todo bien por ahí abajo, doctora?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I wanna go home!" translation="¡Quiero irme a casa!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Where are we? How did we even get here?" translation="¿Dónde estamos? ¿Cómo llegamos aquí?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Well, Violet did say that the interference in the dimension we crashed in was causing problems with the teleporters..." translation="Bueno, Violeta dijo que la interferencia en la dimensión en la que chocamos causaba problemas con los teletransportadores..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I guess something went wrong..." translation="Calculo que algo salió mal..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="But if we can find another teleporter, I think we can get back to the ship!" translation="Pero si encontramos otro teletransportador, ¡creo que podremos volver a la nave!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Sniff..." translation="Ayy..."/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_4" explanation="the split paths merge">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain! Captain! Wait for me!" translation="¡Comandante! ¡Comandante, espérame!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Please don&apos;t leave me behind! I don&apos;t mean to be a burden!" translation="¡No me dejes, por favor! ¡No quiero ser una carga!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I&apos;m scared!" translation="¡Tengo miedo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh... don&apos;t worry Victoria, I&apos;ll look after you!" translation="Ah... No te preocupes, Victoria, ¡yo te cuido!"/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="We&apos;re never going to get out of here, are we?" translation="No vamos a salir nunca de aquí, ¿verdad?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I.. I don&apos;t know..." translation="Eh... No lo sé..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I don&apos;t know where we are or how we&apos;re going to get out..." translation="No sé dónde estamos ni cómo vamos a salir..."/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="We&apos;re going to be lost forever!" translation="¡Vamos a andar perdidos para siempre!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok, come on... Things aren&apos;t that bad." translation="Vamos, vamos... No todo está perdido."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I have a feeling that we&apos;re nearly home!" translation="¡Tengo la sensación de que ya casi estamos en casa!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We can&apos;t be too far from another teleporter!" translation="¡Seguro que hay otro teletransportador por aquí cerca!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I hope you&apos;re right, captain..." translation="Espero que tengas razón, comandante..."/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain! You were right! It&apos;s a teleporter!" translation="¡Comandante, tenías razón! ¡Es un teletransportador!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Phew! You had me worried for a while there... I thought we were never going to find one." translation="¡Fiuuu! Admito que estaba empezando a preocuparme... Pensé que nunca encontraríamos uno."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="What? Really?" translation="¿Qué? ¿En serio?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Anyway, let&apos;s go back to the ship." translation="Como sea, volvamos a la nave."/>
<cutscene id="int1green_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Huh? This isn&apos;t the ship..." translation="¿Eh? Esto no es la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Captain! What&apos;s going on?" translation="¡Comandante! ¿Qué está pasando?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I... I don&apos;t know!" translation="No... ¡No lo sé!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Where are we?" translation="¿Dónde estamos?"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Uh oh, this isn&apos;t good... Something must have gone wrong with the teleporter!" translation="Ay, esto no pinta bien... ¡Debe haber pasado algo con el teletransportador!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok... no need to panic!" translation="Bueno... ¡Que no cunda el pánico!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Let&apos;s look for another teleporter!" translation="¡Busquemos otro teletransportador!"/>
<cutscene id="int1green_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Let&apos;s go this way!" translation="¡Vamos por aquí!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="After you, Captain!" translation="¡Después de ti, comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="int1green_3" explanation="just like in rescuegreen, `Violet is back on the ship` does not mean she was ever off the ship and has *returned* to it. Or maybe Verdigris thinks Violet was warped off the ship as well just like him and she *has* made her way back to the ship?">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="So Violet&apos;s back on the ship? She&apos;s really ok?" translation="Entonces, ¿Violeta volvió a la nave? ¿De verdad que está bien?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="She&apos;s fine! She helped me find my way back!" translation="¡Está bien! ¡Hasta me ayudó a volver a mí!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Oh, phew! I was worried about her." translation="Ah, ¡uf! Estaba preocupado por ella."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Captain, I have a secret..." translation="Comandante, tengo un secreto..."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I really like Violet!" translation="¡Violeta me gusta mucho!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Is that so?" translation="¿Ah, sí?"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Please promise you won&apos;t tell her!" translation="¡Pero prométeme que no le dirás nada!"/>
<cutscene id="int1green_4" explanation="the split paths merge">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Hey again!" translation="¡Hola!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hey!" translation="¡Ey!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Are you doing ok?" translation="¿Están bien?"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I think so! I really hope we can find a way back to the ship..." translation="¡Creo que sí! Espero que encontremos la manera de volver a la nave..."/>
<cutscene id="int1green_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="So, about Violet..." translation="Y, en cuanto a Violeta..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Um, yeah?" translation="Em... ¿sí?"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Do you have any advice?" translation="¿Algún consejo?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh!" translation="¡Ah!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hmm..." translation="Mmm..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Um... you should... be yourself!" translation="Emm... Deberías... ¡ser tú mismo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Oh." translation="Ah."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Thanks Captain!" translation="¡Gracias, comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="int1green_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="So, do you think you&apos;ll be able to fix the ship?" translation="Bueno, ¿crees que podrás reparar la nave?"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Depends on how bad it is... I think so, though!" translation="Depende de lo mal que esté... ¡Pero creo que sí!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="It&apos;s not very hard, really. The basic dimensional warping engine design is pretty simple, and if we can get that working we shouldn&apos;t have any trouble getting home." translation="En realidad no es tan difícil. El diseño del motor de distorsión dimensional es bastante sencillo. Si logramos que funcione, no deberíamos tener problemas para volver a casa."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh! Good!" translation="¡Ah, genial!"/>
<cutscene id="int1green_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Finally! A teleporter!" translation="Por fin, ¡un teletransportador!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I was getting worried we wouldn&apos;t find one..." translation="Empezaba a preocuparme de que no encontráramos ninguno..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Let&apos;s head back to the ship!" translation="¡Volvamos a la nave!"/>
<cutscene id="int1red_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Wow! Where are we?" translation="¡Apa! ¿Dónde estamos?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="This... isn&apos;t right... Something must have gone wrong with the teleporter!" translation="Esto... no pinta bien... ¡Le debe haber pasado algo al teletransportador!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Oh well... We can work it out when we get back to the ship!" translation="Ay, changos... ¡Podemos solucionarlo cuando volvamos a la nave!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Let&apos;s go exploring!" translation="¡Vamos a explorar!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok then!" translation="¡De acuerdo!"/>
<cutscene id="int1red_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Follow me!" translation="¡Yo marco el camino!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Aye aye, Captain!" translation="¡Sí, mi comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="int1red_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Hey Viridian... how did the crash happen, exactly?" translation="Oye, Viridián... ¿cómo pasó lo del choque?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh, I don&apos;t really know - some sort of interference..." translation="Ah, no lo tengo muy claro... Algo como una interferencia..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="...or something sciencey like that. It&apos;s not really my area." translation="O una de esas cosas bien científicas. No son lo mío."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Ah! Well, do you think we&apos;ll be able to fix the ship and go home?" translation="¡Ah! Bueno, ¿crees que podremos reparar la nave y volver a casa?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Of course! Everything will be ok!" translation="Claro. ¡Todo irá bien!"/>
<cutscene id="int1red_4" explanation="the split paths merge">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Hi again! You doing ok?" translation="¡Hola de nuevo! ¿Todo bien?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I think so! But I really want to get back to the ship..." translation="¡Creo que sí! Pero tengo muchas ganas de volver a la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="We&apos;ll be ok! If we can find a teleporter somewhere we should be able to get back!" translation="¡Estaremos bien! Si encontramos un teletransportador en alguna parte, podremos volver."/>
<cutscene id="int1red_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Are we there yet?" translation="¿Falta mucho?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We&apos;re getting closer, I think..." translation="Creo que estamos cerca..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I hope..." translation="Espero..."/>
<cutscene id="int1red_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I wonder where we are, anyway?" translation="Una buena pregunta en este momento es: ¿dónde estamos?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="This seems different from that dimension we crashed in, somehow..." translation="Esta parece una dimensión diferente de la que caímos, en cierto modo..."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I dunno... But we must be close to a teleporter by now..." translation="No sé... Pero ya debemos estar cerca de un teletransportador..."/>
<cutscene id="int1red_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We&apos;re there!" translation="¡Ya estamos!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="See? I told you! Let&apos;s get back to the ship!" translation="¿Ves? ¡Te lo dije! ¡Volvamos a la nave!"/>
<cutscene id="int1yellow_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Oooh! This is interesting..." translation="¡Aaah! Qué interesante..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain! Have you been here before?" translation="Comandante, ¿habías estado aquí antes?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="What? Where are we?" translation="¿Qué? ¿Dónde estamos?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I suspect something deflected our teleporter transmission! This is somewhere new..." translation="Sospecho que algo desvió la transmisión de nuestro teletransportador. Este es un lugar nuevo..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh no!" translation="¡Ay, no!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We should try to find a teleporter and get back to the ship..." translation="Deberíamos buscar un teletransportador y volver a la nave..."/>
<cutscene id="int1yellow_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Follow me!" translation="¡Ya voy yo delante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Right behind you, Captain!" translation="¡Yo te sigo, comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="int1yellow_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="What do you make of all this, Professor?" translation="¿Qué piensas de todo esto, profesor?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I&apos;m guessing this dimension has something to do with the interference that caused us to crash!" translation="Supongo que esta dimensión tiene algo que ver con la interferencia que causó el accidente."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Maybe we&apos;ll find the cause of it here?" translation="A lo mejor encontramos la causa aquí."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh wow! Really?" translation="¡Guau! ¿En serio?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Well, it&apos;s just a guess. I&apos;ll need to get back to the ship before I can do any real tests..." translation="Bueno, solo es una suposición. Para poder hacer pruebas de verdad tengo que volver a la nave..."/>
<cutscene id="int1yellow_4" explanation="the split paths merge, and Vitellary sees a checkpoint">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Ohh! What was that?" translation="¡Aaah! ¿Qué fue eso?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="What was what?" translation="¿Qué fue eso?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="That big... C thing! I wonder what it does?" translation="Esa cosa enorme... ¡con forma de C! ¿Qué hará?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Em... I don&apos;t really know how to answer that question..." translation="Emm... La verdad es que no sé cómo responder a esa pregunta..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="It&apos;s probably best not to acknowledge that it&apos;s there at all." translation="Seguramente sea mejor ignorarla y ya."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Maybe we should take it back to the ship to study it?" translation="¿Y si la llevamos a la nave para estudiarla?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We really shouldn&apos;t think about it too much... Let&apos;s keep moving!" translation="No creo que tengamos que darle muchas vueltas... ¡Sigamos avanzando!"/>
<cutscene id="int1yellow_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="You know, there&apos;s something really odd about this dimension..." translation="¿Sabes? Hay algo muy raro en esta dimensión..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Yeah?" translation="¿Tú crees?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="We shouldn&apos;t really be able to move between dimensions with a regular teleporter..." translation="No deberíamos movernos entre dimensiones con un teletransportador común y corriente..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Maybe this isn&apos;t a proper dimension at all?" translation="¿Y si esta no es una dimensión en sí misma?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Maybe it&apos;s some kind of polar dimension? Something artificially created for some reason?" translation="A lo mejor es una especie de dimensión opuesta. Una que alguien creó de manera artificial por algún motivo."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I can&apos;t wait to get back to the ship. I have a lot of tests to run!" translation="Qué ganas que tengo de volver a la nave... ¡Tengo muchas pruebas por hacer!"/>
<cutscene id="int1yellow_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I wonder if there&apos;s anything else in this dimension worth exploring?" translation="¿Habrá algo más en esta dimensión que valga la pena explorar?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Maybe... but we should probably just focus on finding the rest of the crew for now..." translation="Tal vez... Pero, por ahora, lo mejor sería concentrarnos en encontrar al resto de la tripulación..."/>
<cutscene id="int1yellow_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="At last!" translation="¡Por fin!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Let&apos;s go back to the ship!" translation="¡Volvamos a la nave!"/>
<cutscene id="intermission_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Uh oh..." translation="Ay, no..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Not again!" translation="¡No de nuevo!"/>
<cutscene id="int2intro_blue" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Victoria? Where are you?" translation="¿Victoria? ¿Dónde estás?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Help!" translation="¡Socorro!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hang on! I&apos;ll save you!" translation="¡Aguanta! ¡Te salvaré!"/>
<cutscene id="int2intro_green" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Verdigris? Where are you?" translation="¿Verdigrís? ¿Dónde estás?"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Aaagghh!" translation="¡Aaaahhh!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hang on! I&apos;ll save you!" translation="¡Aguanta! ¡Te salvaré!"/>
<cutscene id="int2intro_red" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Vermilion? Where are you?" translation="¿Viñal? ¿Dónde estás?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Wheeeee!" translation="¡Uiiiiiii!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hang on! I&apos;ll save you!" translation="¡Aguanta! ¡Te salvaré!"/>
<cutscene id="int2intro_yellow" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Vitellary? Where are you?" translation="¿Vainilla? ¿Dónde estás?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hang on! I&apos;ll save you!" translation="¡Aguanta! ¡Te salvaré!"/>
<cutscene id="int2_blue" explanation="after gravitron">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I think I&apos;m going to be sick..." translation="Creo que voy a vomitar..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I feel dizzy..." translation="Qué mareo..."/>
<cutscene id="int2_green" explanation="after gravitron">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Phew! You&apos;re ok!" translation="¡Buf! ¡Estás bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I feel dizzy..." translation="Qué mareo..."/>
<cutscene id="int2_red" explanation="after gravitron">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Again! Let&apos;s go again!" translation="¡Otra vez! ¡Vamos de nuevo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I feel dizzy..." translation="Qué mareo..."/>
<cutscene id="int2_yellow" explanation="after gravitron">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="That was interesting, wasn&apos;t it?" translation="Eso estuvo interesante, ¿no?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I feel dizzy..." translation="Qué mareo..."/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="... I hope Verdigris is alright." translation="Espero que Verdigrís esté bien..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If you can find him, he&apos;d be a big help fixing the ship!" translation="Si lo encuentras, ¡nos sería de gran ayuda para arreglar la nave!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Chief Verdigris is so brave and ever so smart!" translation="¡El ingeniero Verdigrís es tan valiente e inteligente!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Welcome back, Captain!" translation="¡Hola de nuevo, comandante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I think Victoria is quite happy to be back on the ship." translation="Creo que Victoria está bastante contenta de haber vuelto a la nave."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="She really doesn&apos;t like adventuring. She gets very homesick!" translation="No le gusta nada irse de aventuras. ¡Se pone muy nostálgica!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_5" explanation="only one of the last 6 strings is shown">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Vermilion called in to say hello!" translation="Viñal llamó para saludar."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He&apos;s really looking forward to helping you find the rest of the crew!" translation="¡Se muere de ganas de ayudarte a encontrar al resto de la tripulación!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He&apos;s really looking forward to helping you find Victoria!" translation="¡Se muere de ganas de ayudarte a encontrar a Victoria!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He&apos;s really looking forward to helping you find Vitellary!" translation="¡Se muere de ganas de ayudarte a encontrar a Vainilla!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He&apos;s really looking forward to helping you find Verdigris!" translation="¡Se muere de ganas de ayudarte a encontrar a Verdigrís!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He&apos;s really looking forward to helping you find Vermilion!" translation="¡Se muere de ganas de ayudarte a encontrar a Viñal!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He&apos;s really looking forward to helping you find you!" translation="¡Se muere de ganas de ayudar a encontrarte!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain! You found Verdigris!" translation="¡Comandante, encontraste a Verdigrís!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Thank you so much!" translation="¡Muchas gracias!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I&apos;m glad Professor Vitellary is ok!" translation="¡Me alegro de que el profesor Vainilla esté bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He had lots of questions for me about this dimension." translation="Me hizo un montón de preguntas sobre esta dimensión."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He&apos;s already gotten to work with his research!" translation="¡Ya se puso manos a la obra con su investigación!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_intermission1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Doctor, something strange happened when we teleported back to the ship..." translation="Doctora, pasó algo raro mientras nos teletransportábamos a la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We got lost in another dimension!" translation="¡Nos perdimos en otra dimensión!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Oh no!" translation="¡Ay, no!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Maybe that dimension has something to do with the interference that caused us to crash here?" translation="Puede que esa dimensión tenga algo que ver con la interferencia que causó el choque."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I&apos;ll look into it..." translation="Voy a investigarlo..."/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_intermission2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Doctor! Doctor! It happened again!" translation="¡Doctora, doctora! ¡Volvió a pasar!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="The teleporter brought us to that weird dimension..." translation="El teletransportador nos llevó a esa dimensión extraña..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Hmm, there&apos;s definitely something strange happening..." translation="Mmm, no cabe duda de que está pasando algo raro..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If only we could find the source of that interference!" translation="¡Si al menos pudiéramos encontrar la fuente de la interferencia...!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_intermission3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Doctor, something strange has been happening when we teleport back to the ship..." translation="Doctora, pasa algo raro cuando nos teletransportamos a la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We keep getting brought to another weird dimension!" translation="¡Sigue trayéndonos a otra dimensión extraña!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Oh no!" translation="¡Ay, no!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Maybe that dimension has something to do with the interference that caused us to crash here?" translation="Puede que esa dimensión tenga algo que ver con la interferencia que causó el choque."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Hmm, there&apos;s definitely something strange happening..." translation="Mmm, no cabe duda de que está pasando algo raro..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If only we could find the source of that interference!" translation="¡Si al menos pudiéramos encontrar la fuente de la interferencia...!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_8" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Hey Captain! Now that you&apos;ve turned off the source of the interference, we can warp everyone back to the ship instantly, if we need to!" translation="¡Ey, comandante! Ahora que ya apagaste la fuente de la interferencia, ¡podemos teletransportar a todo el mundo a la nave al instante si lo necesitamos!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Any time you want to come back to the ship, just select the new SHIP option in your menu!" translation="Cuando quieras volver a la nave, solo tienes que seleccionar la nueva opción &quot;NAVE&quot; en el menú."/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I&apos;m an engineer!" translation="¡Soy ingeniero!"/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I think I can get this ship moving again, but it&apos;s going to take a while..." translation="Creo que puedo volver a poner la nave en movimiento, pero me llevará un rato..."/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Victoria mentioned something about a lab? I wonder if she found anything down there?" translation="¿Victoria no mencionó algo sobre un laboratorio? Me pregunto si habrá encontrado algo ahí abajo."/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Vermilion&apos;s back! Yey!" translation="¡Viñal volvió! ¡Bien!"/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="The Professor had lots of questions about this dimension for me..." translation="El profesor tenía muchas preguntas que hacerme sobre esta dimensión..."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="We still don&apos;t really know that much, though." translation="Pero aún no sabemos mucho."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Until we work out what&apos;s causing that interference, we can&apos;t go anywhere." translation="Hasta que no descubramos qué está causando esa interferencia, no podremos ir a ninguna parte."/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I&apos;m so glad that Violet&apos;s alright!" translation="¡Me alegro tanto de que Violeta esté bien!"/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="That other dimension we ended up in must be related to this one, somehow..." translation="Esa otra dimensión en la que terminamos debe estar conectada con esta de algún modo..."/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_8" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="The antenna&apos;s broken! This is going to be very hard to fix..." translation="¡La antena está rota! Va a ser muy difícil arreglarla..."/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_9" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="It looks like we were warped into solid rock when we crashed!" translation="¡Parece que terminamos incrustados en roca sólida tras el choque!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Hmm. It&apos;s going to be hard to separate from this..." translation="Mmm. Va a ser difícil separarnos de esa cosa..."/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_10" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="The ship&apos;s all fixed up. We can leave at a moment&apos;s notice!" translation="La nave está arreglada. ¡Podemos partir en cualquier momento!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Don&apos;t worry, Sir!" translation="¡No te preocupes, compa!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="We&apos;ll find a way out of here!" translation="¡Encontraremos la manera de salir de aquí!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I hope Victoria is ok..." translation="Espero que Victoria esté bien..."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="She doesn&apos;t handle surprises very well..." translation="No le gustan mucho las sorpresas..."/>
<cutscene id="talkred_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I don&apos;t know how we&apos;re going to get this ship working again!" translation="¡No sé cómo vamos a volver a poner esta nave en marcha!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Chief Verdigris would know what to do..." translation="El ingeniero Verdigrís sabría qué hacer..."/>
<cutscene id="talkred_4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I wonder what caused the ship to crash here?" translation="¿Qué provocó que la nave chocara aquí?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="It&apos;s the shame the Professor isn&apos;t here, huh? I&apos;m sure he could work it out!" translation="Qué pena que el profesor no esté aquí, ¿verdad? ¡Estoy seguro de que él podría solucionarlo!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="It&apos;s great to be back!" translation="¡Qué lindo estar de vuelta!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I can&apos;t wait to help you find the rest of the crew!" translation="¡Me brotan las ganas de ayudarte a encontrar al resto de la tripulación!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="It&apos;ll be like old times, huh, Captain?" translation="Será como en los viejos tiempos, ¿eh, comandante?"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="It&apos;s good to have Victoria back with us." translation="Qué bueno que Victoria esté con nosotros de nuevo."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="She really seems happy to get back to work in her lab!" translation="¡Parece muy feliz de volver al trabajo en su laboratorio!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I think I saw Verdigris working on the outside of the ship!" translation="¡Creo que vi a Verdigrís trabajando en la parte exterior de la nave!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_8" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="You found Professor Vitellary! All right!" translation="¡Encontraste al profesor Vainilla! ¡Genial!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="We&apos;ll have this interference thing worked out in no time now!" translation="¡Solucionaremos eso de la interferencia enseguida!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_9" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="That other dimension was really strange, wasn&apos;t it?" translation="Esa otra dimensión era muy extraña, ¿no?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I wonder what caused the teleporter to send us there?" translation="¿Por qué nos mandó allí el teletransportador?"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_10" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Heya Captain!" translation="¡Ey, comandante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="This way looks a little dangerous..." translation="Este camino parece algo peligroso..."/>
<cutscene id="talkred_11" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I&apos;m helping!" translation="¡Estoy ayudando!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_12" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Hey Captain!" translation="¡Ey, Comandante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I found something interesting around here - the same warp signature I saw when I landed!" translation="Encontré algo interesante por aquí: ¡la misma señal de teletransporte que vi cuando aterricé!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Someone from the ship must be nearby..." translation="Debe haber alguien de la nave cerca..."/>
<cutscene id="talkred_13" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="This dimension is pretty exciting, isn&apos;t it?" translation="Esta dimensión es bastante interesante, ¿verdad?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I wonder what we&apos;ll find?" translation="¿Qué cosas encontraremos por aquí?"/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Any signs of Professor Vitellary?" translation="¿Alguna señal del profesor Vainilla?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Sorry, not yet..." translation="Lo siento, pero todavía no..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I hope he&apos;s ok..." translation="Espero que esté bien..."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Thanks so much for saving me, Captain!" translation="¡Muchas gracias por salvarme, comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I&apos;m so glad to be back!" translation="¡Me alegro mucho de estar de vuelta!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="That lab was so dark and scary! I didn&apos;t like it at all..." translation="¡Ese laboratorio era muy sombrío y siniestro! No me gustó ni un poquito..."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Vitellary&apos;s back? I knew you&apos;d find him!" translation="¿Vainilla volvió? ¡Sabía que lo encontrarías!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I mean, I admit I was very worried that you wouldn&apos;t..." translation="A ver, admito que me preocupaba mucho que tú no..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="or that something might have happened to him..." translation="O que algo le hubiera pasado..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="sniff..." translation="Ay..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Doctor Victoria? He&apos;s ok!" translation="¿La doctora Victoria? ¡Está bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh! Sorry! I was just thinking about what if he wasn&apos;t?" translation="¡Ah, lo siento! Estaba pensando en qué pasaría si no fuera el caso..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Thank you, Captain!" translation="¡Gracias, comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="You found Vermilion! Great!" translation="¡Encontraste a Viñal! ¡Qué bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I wish he wasn&apos;t so reckless!" translation="¡Ojalá no fuera tan insensato!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="He&apos;ll get himself into trouble..." translation="Se va a meter en líos..."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Verdigris is ok! Violet will be so happy!" translation="¡Verdigrís está bien! ¡Violeta va a estar muy feliz!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I&apos;m happy!" translation="¡Qué feliz estoy!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Though I was very worried..." translation="Aunque me preocupaba mucho..."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Why did the teleporter send us to that scary dimension?" translation="¿Por qué será que el teletransportador nos mandó a esa dimensión tan horrible?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="What happened?" translation="¿Qué pasó?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I don&apos;t know, Doctor..." translation="No lo sé, doctora..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Why?" translation="¿Por qué?..."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_8" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Heya Captain!" translation="¡Ey, comandante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Are you going to try and find the rest of these shiny things?" translation="¿Vas a intentar encontrar el resto de estas cosas brillantes?"/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Hey Captain, I found this in that lab..." translation="Oye, comandante, encontré esto en ese laboratorio..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Any idea what it does?" translation="¿Sabes para qué sirve?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Sorry, I don&apos;t know!" translation="Lo siento, no lo sé."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="They seem important, though..." translation="Pero sí que parecen importantes..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Maybe something will happen if we find them all?" translation="A lo mejor pasa algo si las encontramos todas."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain! Come have a look at what I&apos;ve been working on!" translation="Comandante, ¡ven a ver en lo que estuve trabajando!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="It looks like these shiny things are giving off a strange energy reading!" translation="¡Parece que estas cosas brillantes emiten una energía extraña!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="So I analysed it..." translation="Así que las analicé..."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain! Come have a look at what I&apos;ve been working on!" translation="Comandante, ¡ven a ver en lo que estuve trabajando!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I found this in that lab..." translation="Encontré esto en aquel laboratorio..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="It seemed to be giving off a weird energy reading..." translation="Parecía emitir una energía algo extraña..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="So I analysed it..." translation="Así que lo analicé..."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...and I was able to find more of them with the ship&apos;s scanner!" translation="¡Y encontré más con el escáner de la nave!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="If you get a chance, it might be worth finding the rest of them!" translation="Si tienes la oportunidad, ¡puede que valga la pena encontrar las demás!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Don&apos;t put yourself in any danger, though!" translation="Pero no te pongas en peligro."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...but it looks like you&apos;ve already found all of them in this dimension!" translation="¡Pero parece que ya encontraste todas las de esta dimensión!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh? Really?" translation="¿Ah, sí? ¿En serio?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Yeah, well done! That can&apos;t have been easy!" translation="Sí, ¡buen trabajo! Debe haber sido difícil."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...and they&apos;re related. They&apos;re all a part of something bigger!" translation="Y están relacionadas. ¡Forman parte de algo más grande!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh? Really?" translation="¿Ah, sí? ¿En serio?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Yeah! There seem to be twenty variations of the fundamental energy signature..." translation="¡Sí! Parece que hay veinte variantes de esta energía fundamental..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Wait..." translation="Momento..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Does that mean you&apos;ve found all of them?" translation="¿Eso significa que las encontraste todas?"/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I&apos;m making some fascinating discoveries, captain!" translation="¡Estoy descubriendo cosas fascinantes, comandante!"/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="This isn&apos;t like any other dimension we&apos;ve been to, Captain." translation="No se parece a ninguna otra dimensión en la que hayamos estado, comandante."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="There&apos;s something strange about this place..." translation="Este lugar tiene algo raro..."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain, have you noticed that this dimension seems to wrap around?" translation="Comandante, ¿te fijaste en que esta dimensión parece cíclica?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Yeah, it&apos;s strange..." translation="Sí, es extraño..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It looks like this dimension is having the same stability problems as our own!" translation="¡Parece que esta dimensión tiene los mismos problemas de estabilidad que la nuestra!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I hope we&apos;re not the ones causing it..." translation="Espero que no sea por culpa nuestra..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="What? Do you think we might be?" translation="¿Qué? ¿Crees que podríamos ser los causantes de todo esto?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="No no... that&apos;s very unlikely, really..." translation="No, no... Es muy poco probable, de verdad..."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="My guess is that whoever used to live here was experimenting with ways to stop the dimension from collapsing." translation="Yo creo que quien viviera aquí estaba experimentando con formas de evitar que la dimensión colapsara."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It would explain why they&apos;ve wrapped the edges..." translation="Eso explicaría que los bordes se toquen entre sí y formen un círculo..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Hey, maybe that&apos;s what&apos;s causing the interference?" translation="Oye, ¿será eso lo que causa la interferencia?"/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I wonder where the people who used to live here have gone?" translation="¿Adónde se habrá ido la gente que vivía aquí?"/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I think it&apos;s no coincidence that the teleporter was drawn to that dimension..." translation="No creo que sea coincidencia que el teletransportador tenga cierta atracción con esa dimensión..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="There&apos;s something there. I think it might be causing the interference that&apos;s stopping us from leaving..." translation="Ahí hay algo. Creo que podría estar causando la interferencia que nos impide marcharnos..."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I&apos;m glad Verdigris is alright." translation="Me alegro de que Verdigrís esté bien."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It&apos;ll be a lot easier to find some way out of here now that we can get the ship working again!" translation="¡Será mucho más fácil encontrar una manera de salir ahora que la nave vuelve a funcionar!"/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_8" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Ah, you&apos;ve found Doctor Victoria? Excellent!" translation="Ah, ¿encontraste a la doctora Victoria? ¡Perfecto!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I have lots of questions for her!" translation="¡Tengo muchas preguntas que hacerle!"/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_9" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Vermilion says that he was trapped in some sort of tunnel?" translation="Viñal dice que estaba atrapado en una especie de túnel."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Yeah, it just seemed to keep going and going..." translation="Sí, parecía que no tuviera fin..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Interesting... I wonder why it was built?" translation="Interesante... ¿Para qué lo habrán construido?"/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_10" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It&apos;s good to be back!" translation="¡Qué bien estar de vuelta!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I&apos;ve got so much work to catch up on..." translation="Tengo mucho trabajo atrasado..."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_11" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I know it&apos;s probably a little dangerous to stay here now that this dimension is collapsing..." translation="Sé que quizás sea un poco peligroso quedarnos aquí ahora que la dimensión está colapsando..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...but it&apos;s so rare to find somewhere this interesting!" translation="¡pero no todos los días se topa uno con un lugar tan interesante!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Maybe we&apos;ll find the answers to our own problems here?" translation="Podríamos encontrar respuestas para nuestros propios problemas aquí."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_trinket1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain! I&apos;ve been meaning to give this to you..." translation="¡Comandante! Quería darte esto..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Professor! Where did you find this?" translation="¡Profesor! ¿De dónde lo sacaste?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Oh, it was just lying around that space station." translation="Bueno, estaba en esa estación espacial."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It&apos;s a pity Doctor Victoria isn&apos;t here, she loves studying that sort of thing..." translation="Es una pena que la doctora Victoria no esté aquí. Le encanta estudiar estas cosas..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Any idea what it does?" translation="¿Sabes para qué sirve?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Nope! But it is giving off a strange energy reading..." translation="¡Nop! Pero emite una energía muy extraña..."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_trinket2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...so I used the ship&apos;s scanner to find more of them!" translation="Así que usé el escáner de la nave para encontrar más."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...Please don&apos;t let them distract you from finding Victoria, though!" translation="¡Pero no dejes que estas cosas te distraigan de tu misión de encontrar a Victoria!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I hope she&apos;s ok..." translation="Espero que esté bien..."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_trinket3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Can&apos;t seem to detect any more of them nearby, though." translation="Pero parece que no detecta más en las inmediaciones."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Maybe you&apos;ve found them all?" translation="A lo mejor las encontraste todas."/>
<cutscene id="finallevel_teleporter" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Welcome back!" translation="¡Por fin de vuelta!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="..." translation="..."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Um, where&apos;s Captain Viridian?" translation="Em, ¿dónde está Viridián?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="... Hello?" translation="¿Hola?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Is anyone there?" translation="¿Hay alguien ahí?"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_finallevel" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="* DIMENSIONAL STABILITY GENERATOR *
[ Currently Generating ]
Maximum Stability
[ Status ]
[ En funcionamiento ]
Estabilidad máxima
[ Estado ]
PREPARADO _" tt="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Aha! This must be what&apos;s causing the interference!" translation="¡Ajá! ¡Esto debe ser lo que causaba la interferencia!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I wonder if I can turn it off?" translation="¿Podré apagarlo?"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="WARNING: Disabling the Dimensional Stability Generator may lead to instability! Are you sure you want to do this?" translation="AVISO: ¡Deshabilitar el generador de estabilidad dimensional podría causar inestabilidad! ¿Confirmas que quieres continuar?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Yes!" translation="¡Sí!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Seriously! The whole dimension could collapse! Just think about this for a minute!
Are you really sure you want to do this?" translation="¡En serio! ¡La dimensión entera podría colapsar! Piénsalo con calma.
¿Confirmas que quieres continuar?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Yes!" translation="¡Sí!" case="2"/>
<cutscene id="finalterminal_finish" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= WARNING =-
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Uh oh..." translation="Ay, chanfle..."/>
<cutscene id="gamecomplete" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Any moment now..." translation="En cualquier momento..."/>
<cutscene id="gamecomplete_ending" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hello!" translation="¡Hola!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!" case="1" pad_right="8"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!" case="2" pad_right="6"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!" case="3" pad_right="4"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!" case="4" pad_right="2"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain!" translation="¡Comandante!" case="5"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="You&apos;re alright!" translation="¡Estás bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I knew you&apos;d be ok!" translation="¡Sabía que estarías bien!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="We were very worried when you didn&apos;t come back..." translation="Nos preocupamos mucho cuando vimos que no volvías..."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="...but when you turned off the source of the interference..." translation="Pero cuando apagaste la fuente de la interferencia..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...we were able to find you with the ship&apos;s scanners..." translation="Pudimos encontrarte con los escáneres de la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="...and teleport you back on board!" translation="¡Y teletransportarte de nuevo a bordo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="That was lucky!" translation="¡Qué suerte la nuestra!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Thanks guys!" translation="¡Gracias, equipo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...it looks like this dimension is starting to destabilise, just like our own..." translation="Parece que esta dimensión está empezando a desestabilizarse, igual que la nuestra..."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="...we can stay and explore for a little longer, but..." translation="Podemos quedarnos a explorar un poco más, pero..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...eventually, it&apos;ll collapse completely." translation="Al final terminará colapsando por completo."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="There&apos;s no telling exactly how long we have here. But the ship&apos;s fixed, so..." translation="No sabemos con precisión cuánto tiempo llevamos aquí, pero la nave está arreglada, así que..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...as soon as we&apos;re ready, we can go home!" translation="En cuanto estemos listos, ¡podemos volver a casa!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="What now, Captain?" translation="¿Qué pasa, comandante?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Let&apos;s find a way to save this dimension!" translation="¡Encontremos la forma de salvar esta dimensión!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="And a way to save our home dimension too!" translation="¡Y la manera de salvar nuestra dimensión de origen también!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="The answer is out there, somewhere!" translation="¡La respuesta está ahí fuera, en alguna parte!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Let&apos;s go!" translation="¡Vamos!"/>
<cutscene id="startepilogue" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Wow! You found all of them!" translation="¡Apa! ¡Las encontraste todas!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Really? Great!" translation="¿De verdad? ¡Genial!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I&apos;ll run some tests and see if I can work out what they&apos;re for..." translation="Haré algunas pruebas y veré si puedo averiguar para qué sirven..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="That... that didn&apos;t sound good..." translation="No me gustó nada ese ruido..."/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Run!" translation="¡Corran!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh no!" translation="¡Ay, no!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Not again!" translation="¡No de nuevo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Wait! It&apos;s stopped!" translation="Un momento... ¡Ya paró!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="This is where we were storing those shiny things? What happened?" translation="¿Es aquí donde guardábamos esas cosas brillantes? ¿Qué pasó?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We were just playing with them, and..." translation="Estábamos jugando con ellas y..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="...they suddenly exploded!" translation="¡de repente explotaron!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="But look what they made! Is that a teleporter?" translation="¡Pero mira lo que formaron! ¿Es un teletransportador?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I think so, but..." translation="Creo que sí, pero..."/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I&apos;ve never seen a teleporter like that before..." translation="Nunca antes había visto un teletransportador así..."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="We should investigate!" translation="¡Deberíamos investigarlo!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="What do you think, Captain?" translation="¿Qué piensas, comandante?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Should we find out where it leads?" translation="¿Deberíamos averiguar adónde lleva?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Let&apos;s go!" translation="¡Vamos!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh no! We&apos;re trapped!" translation="¡Ay, no! ¡Estamos atrapados!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Oh dear..." translation="Ay, cielos..."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hmm... how should we get out of this?" translation="Mmm... ¿Cómo podemos salir de aquí?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="COMBINE!" translation="¡FUSIÓN!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="COMBINE!" translation="¡FUSIÓN!" case="2"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="COMBINE!" translation="¡FUSIÓN!" case="3"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="COMBINE!" translation="¡FUSIÓN!" case="4"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="COMBINE!" translation="¡FUSIÓN!" case="5"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="COMBINE!" translation="¡FUSIÓN!" case="6"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Or, you know... we could have just warped back to the ship..." translation="Bueno, también... nos podríamos haber teletransportado a la nave..."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Wow! What is this?" translation="¡Guau! ¿Y esto?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It looks like another laboratory!" translation="Parece otro laboratorio."/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Let&apos;s have a look around!" translation="¡Echemos un vistazo!"/>
<cutscene id="talkpurple_9" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Look at all this research! This is going to be a big help back home!" translation="Miren todas estas investigaciones... ¡Esto será de gran ayuda cuando ya estemos en casa!"/>
<cutscene id="talkgreen_11" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="I wonder why they abandoned this dimension? They were so close to working out how to fix it..." translation="¿Por qué se fueron de esta dimensión? Estaban muy cerca de descubrir cómo arreglarla..."/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Maybe we can fix it for them? Maybe they&apos;ll come back?" translation="A lo mejor podemos arreglarla por ellos. Quizás, entonces, vuelvan."/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_9" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="This lab is amazing! The scientists who worked here know a lot more about warp technology than we do!" translation="¡Este laboratorio es increíble! Los científicos que trabajaban aquí sabían mucho más sobre tecnologías de teletransporte que nosotros."/>
<cutscene id="talkyellow_12" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain! Have you seen this?" translation="Comandante, ¿viste esto?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="With their research and ours, we should be able to stabilise our own dimension!" translation="Si unimos su investigación y la nuestra, ¡podremos estabilizar nuestra dimensión!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="We&apos;re saved!" translation="¡Estamos salvados!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_14" explanation="super gravitron (difficult minigame)">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Look what I found!" translation="¡Mira lo que encontré!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="It&apos;s pretty hard, I can only last for about 10 seconds..." translation="Es bastante difícil. Solo aguanto como diez segundos..."/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukebox" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= JUKEBOX =-
Songs will continue to play until you leave the ship.
Collect trinkets to unlock new songs!" translation="-= ROCOLA =-
Las canciones seguirán sonando hasta que salgas de la nave.
¡Recoge baratijas para desbloquear canciones nuevas!" centertext="1" padtowidth="264"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
5 Trinkets
Pushing Onwards" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
5 baratijas
Pushing Onwards" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
8 Trinkets
Positive Force" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
8 baratijas
Positive Force" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
10 Trinkets
Presenting VVVVVV" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
10 baratijas
Presenting VVVVVV" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
12 Trinkets
Potential for Anything" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
12 baratijas
Potential for Anything" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock41" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
14 Trinkets
Pressure Cooker" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
14 baratijas
Pressure Cooker" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
16 Trinkets
Predestined Fate" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
16 baratijas
Predestined Fate" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
18 Trinkets
Popular Potpourri" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
18 baratijas
Popular Potpourri" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock7" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
20 Trinkets
Pipe Dream" translation="SIGUIENTE DESBLOQUEO:
20 baratijas
Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-" translation="-= DIARIO PERSONAL =-" padtowidth="280"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Almost everyone has been evacuated from the space station now. The rest of us are leaving in a couple of days, once our research has been completed." translation="Ya se evacuó a casi todo el mundo de la estación espacial. El resto nos marcharemos en un par de días, cuando hayamos terminado la investigación." pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= Notas de la investigación =-" padtowidth="264"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...everything collapses, eventually. It&apos;s the way of the universe." translation="Al final, todo colapsa. Así funciona el universo." centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="I wonder if the generator we set up in the polar dimension is what&apos;s affecting our teleporters?" translation="Me pregunto si el generador que instalamos en la dimensión polar será lo que está afectando nuestros teletransportadores."/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="No, it&apos;s probably just a glitch." translation="No, seguramente no sea más que un fallo técnico."/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_4" explanation="a trinket that&apos;s difficult to get">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-" translation="-= DIARIO PERSONAL =-" padtowidth="280"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Hah! Nobody will ever get this one." translation="¡Ja! Nadie encontrará esto jamás." pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_warp_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...The other day I was chased down a hallway by a giant cube with the word AVOID on it." translation="El otro día, en un pasillo, me persiguió un cubo gigante que llevaba escrita la palabra EVITAR."/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="These security measures go too far!" translation="¡Estas medidas de seguridad se nos están yendo de las manos!"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_warp_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="The only way into my private lab anymore is by teleporter." translation="La única manera que queda de acceder a mi laboratorio privado es con un teletransportador."/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="I&apos;ve made sure that it&apos;s difficult for unauthorised personnel to gain access." translation="Me encargué de que sea difícil acceder para el personal no autorizado."/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= Notas de la investigación =-" padtowidth="264"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... our first breakthrough was the creation of the inversion plane, which creates a mirrored dimension beyond a given event horizon ..." translation="Nuestro primer logro fue inventar un plano de inversión que crea una dimensión espejada más allá de un horizonte de sucesos establecido..." pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= Notas de la investigación =-" padtowidth="264"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...with just a small modification to the usual parameters, we were able to stabilise an infinite tunnel!" translation="¡Tan solo necesitamos una pequeña modificación en los parámetros habituales para estabilizar un túnel infinito!"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= Notas de la investigación =-" padtowidth="264"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... the final step in creating the dimensional stabiliser was to create a feedback loop ..." translation="El último paso para crear el estabilizador dimensional fue crear un bucle de retroalimentación..." pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_4" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= Notas de la investigación =-" padtowidth="264"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...despite our best efforts, the dimensional stabiliser won&apos;t hold out forever. Its collapse is inevitable..." translation="A pesar de nuestros esfuerzos, el estabilizador dimensional no aguantará para siempre. Es inevitable que colapse..." pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Huh? These coordinates aren&apos;t even in this dimension!" translation="¿Eh? ¡Estas coordenadas ni siquiera están en esta dimensión!"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Personal Log =-" translation="-= Diario personal =-" padtowidth="232"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... I&apos;ve had to seal off access to most of our research. Who knows what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands? ..." translation="Tuve que sellar el acceso a la mayor parte de nuestra investigación. ¿Quién sabe lo que podría pasar si cae en las manos equivocadas?..." centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= Notas de la investigación =-" padtowidth="264"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... access to the control center is still possible through the main atmospheric filters ..." translation="Todavía se puede acceder al centro de control mediante los filtros atmosféricos principales..."/>
<cutscene id="terminal_lab_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... it turns out the key to stabilising this dimension was to create a balancing force outside of it!" translation="¡Resulta que la clave para estabilizar esta dimensión era crear una fuerza de compensación fuera de ella!"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Though it looks like that&apos;s just a temporary solution, at best." translation="Aunque parece que, como mucho, es una solución temporal."/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="I&apos;ve been working on something more permanent, but it seems it&apos;s going to be too late..." translation="Estuve trabajando en algo más permanente, pero parece que no llegaré a tiempo..."/>
<cutscene id="terminal_lab_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="?SYNTAX ERROR" translation="?ERROR DE SINTAXIS"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_letsgo" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Now that the ship is fixed, we can leave anytime we want!" translation="Ahora que la nave está arreglada, ¡podemos irnos cuando queramos!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We&apos;ve all agreed to keep exploring this dimension, though." translation="Aunque todos acordamos seguir explorando esta dimensión."/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Who knows what we&apos;ll find?" translation="¿Quién sabe lo que encontraremos?"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_radio" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= SHIP RADIO =-
[ Status ]
Broadcasting" translation="-= RADIO DE LA NAVE =-
[ Estado ]
Transmitiendo" tt="1" centertext="1" pad="2"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_secretlab" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= WARNING =-
The Super-Gravitron is intended for entertainment purposes only." translation="-= AVISO =-
El Supergravitrón está destinado únicamente para fines lúdicos." centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Anyone found using the Super Gravitron for educational purposes may be asked to stand in the naughty corner." translation="Cualquiera que use el Supergravitrón con fines educativos terminará en el rincón con orejas de burro."/>
<cutscene id="terminal_shipcomputer" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= D.S.S. SOULEYE =-
Ship Navigation Controls" translation="-= D.S.S. SOULEYE =-
Controles de navegación de la nave" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Error! Error! Cannot isolate dimensional coordinates! Interference detected!" translation="¡Error! ¡Error! ¡No es posible aislar las coordenadas dimensionales! ¡Interferencia detectada!"/>
<cutscene id="alreadyvisited" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="...oh, I&apos;ve already found this." translation="Ah, yo ya había encontrado esto..."/>
<cutscene id="disableaccessibility" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Please disable invincibility and/or slowdown before entering the Super Gravitron." translation="Desactiva la invencibilidad o la ralentización antes de entrar al Supergravitrón."/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<spritesmask sprite_w="32" sprite_h="32">
<sprite x="4" y="3" w="4"/> <!-- YES -->
<sprite x="3" y="4"/> <!-- OBEY -->
<sprite x="2" y="5" w="2"/> <!-- LIES receiver and LIES -->
<sprite x="4" y="5" w="2"/> <!-- TRUTH -->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- should be lowercase because menu style, and should be in the language itself -->
<nativename>español (latam)</nativename>
<!-- English translation by X -->
<credit>Traducción al español de Latinoamérica por Guido Di Carlo</credit>
<!-- On the language screen, hard limit 40 8x8 characters. Space/Z/V sets this as the language -->
<action_hint>Pulsa Espacio, Z, o V para seleccionar</action_hint>
<!-- Same as above, but for a gamepad button (hard limit 40 8x8 characters) -->
<gamepad_hint>Oprime {button} para seleccionar</gamepad_hint>
<!-- Enable automatic word wrapping instead of having to manually insert newlines -->
<!-- Enable automatic full-caps display of selected menu options ([SELECTED] not selected) -->
<!-- When automatically uppercasing, map i to İ (for Turkish) -->
<!-- When automatically uppercasing, allow ~ to be used to stop the next letter from being uppercased (for Irish) -->
<!-- The indication that a certain menu option or button is selected -->
<menu_select>[ {label} ]</menu_select>
<!-- The filename of the font to use. For example, "font_cn" means font_cn.png and font_cn.fontmeta. -->

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<number value="0" form="0" english="Zero" translation="cero" translation2=""/>
<number value="1" form="1" english="One" translation="uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="2" form="0" english="Two" translation="dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="3" form="0" english="Three" translation="tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="4" form="0" english="Four" translation="cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="5" form="0" english="Five" translation="cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="6" form="0" english="Six" translation="seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="7" form="0" english="Seven" translation="siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="8" form="0" english="Eight" translation="ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="9" form="0" english="Nine" translation="nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="10" form="0" english="Ten" translation="diez" translation2=""/>
<number value="11" form="0" english="Eleven" translation="once" translation2=""/>
<number value="12" form="0" english="Twelve" translation="doce" translation2=""/>
<number value="13" form="0" english="Thirteen" translation="trece" translation2=""/>
<number value="14" form="0" english="Fourteen" translation="catorce" translation2=""/>
<number value="15" form="0" english="Fifteen" translation="quince" translation2=""/>
<number value="16" form="0" english="Sixteen" translation="dieciséis" translation2=""/>
<number value="17" form="0" english="Seventeen" translation="diecisiete" translation2=""/>
<number value="18" form="0" english="Eighteen" translation="dieciocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="19" form="0" english="Nineteen" translation="diecinueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="20" form="0" english="Twenty" translation="veinte" translation2=""/>
<number value="21" form="0" english="Twenty One" translation="veintiuno" translation2=""/>
<number value="22" form="0" english="Twenty Two" translation="veintidós" translation2=""/>
<number value="23" form="0" english="Twenty Three" translation="veintitrés" translation2=""/>
<number value="24" form="0" english="Twenty Four" translation="veinticuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="25" form="0" english="Twenty Five" translation="veinticinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="26" form="0" english="Twenty Six" translation="veintiséis" translation2=""/>
<number value="27" form="0" english="Twenty Seven" translation="veintisiete" translation2=""/>
<number value="28" form="0" english="Twenty Eight" translation="veintiocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="29" form="0" english="Twenty Nine" translation="veintinueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="30" form="0" english="Thirty" translation="treinta" translation2=""/>
<number value="31" form="0" english="Thirty One" translation="treinta y uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="32" form="0" english="Thirty Two" translation="treinta y dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="33" form="0" english="Thirty Three" translation="treinta y tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="34" form="0" english="Thirty Four" translation="treinta y cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="35" form="0" english="Thirty Five" translation="treinta y cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="36" form="0" english="Thirty Six" translation="treinta y seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="37" form="0" english="Thirty Seven" translation="treinta y siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="38" form="0" english="Thirty Eight" translation="treinta y ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="39" form="0" english="Thirty Nine" translation="treinta y nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="40" form="0" english="Forty" translation="cuarenta" translation2=""/>
<number value="41" form="0" english="Forty One" translation="cuarenta y uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="42" form="0" english="Forty Two" translation="cuarenta y dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="43" form="0" english="Forty Three" translation="cuarenta y tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="44" form="0" english="Forty Four" translation="cuarenta y cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="45" form="0" english="Forty Five" translation="cuarenta y cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="46" form="0" english="Forty Six" translation="cuarenta y seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="47" form="0" english="Forty Seven" translation="cuarenta y siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="48" form="0" english="Forty Eight" translation="cuarenta y ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="49" form="0" english="Forty Nine" translation="cuarenta y nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="50" form="0" english="Fifty" translation="cincuenta" translation2=""/>
<number value="51" form="0" english="Fifty One" translation="cincuenta y uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="52" form="0" english="Fifty Two" translation="cincuenta y dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="53" form="0" english="Fifty Three" translation="cincuenta y tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="54" form="0" english="Fifty Four" translation="cincuenta y cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="55" form="0" english="Fifty Five" translation="cincuenta y cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="56" form="0" english="Fifty Six" translation="cincuenta y seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="57" form="0" english="Fifty Seven" translation="cincuenta y siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="58" form="0" english="Fifty Eight" translation="cincuenta y ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="59" form="0" english="Fifty Nine" translation="cincuenta y nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="60" form="0" english="Sixty" translation="sesenta" translation2=""/>
<number value="61" form="0" english="Sixty One" translation="sesenta y uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="62" form="0" english="Sixty Two" translation="sesenta y dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="63" form="0" english="Sixty Three" translation="sesenta y tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="64" form="0" english="Sixty Four" translation="sesenta y cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="65" form="0" english="Sixty Five" translation="sesenta y cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="66" form="0" english="Sixty Six" translation="sesenta y seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="67" form="0" english="Sixty Seven" translation="sesenta y siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="68" form="0" english="Sixty Eight" translation="sesenta y ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="69" form="0" english="Sixty Nine" translation="sesenta y nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="70" form="0" english="Seventy" translation="setenta" translation2=""/>
<number value="71" form="0" english="Seventy One" translation="setenta y uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="72" form="0" english="Seventy Two" translation="setenta y dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="73" form="0" english="Seventy Three" translation="setenta y tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="74" form="0" english="Seventy Four" translation="setenta y cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="75" form="0" english="Seventy Five" translation="setenta y cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="76" form="0" english="Seventy Six" translation="setenta y seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="77" form="0" english="Seventy Seven" translation="setenta y siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="78" form="0" english="Seventy Eight" translation="setenta y ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="79" form="0" english="Seventy Nine" translation="setenta y nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="80" form="0" english="Eighty" translation="ochenta" translation2=""/>
<number value="81" form="0" english="Eighty One" translation="ochenta y uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="82" form="0" english="Eighty Two" translation="ochenta y dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="83" form="0" english="Eighty Three" translation="ochenta y tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="84" form="0" english="Eighty Four" translation="ochenta y cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="85" form="0" english="Eighty Five" translation="ochenta y cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="86" form="0" english="Eighty Six" translation="ochenta y seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="87" form="0" english="Eighty Seven" translation="ochenta y siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="88" form="0" english="Eighty Eight" translation="ochenta y ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="89" form="0" english="Eighty Nine" translation="ochenta y nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="90" form="0" english="Ninety" translation="noventa" translation2=""/>
<number value="91" form="0" english="Ninety One" translation="noventa y uno" translation2=""/>
<number value="92" form="0" english="Ninety Two" translation="noventa y dos" translation2=""/>
<number value="93" form="0" english="Ninety Three" translation="noventa y tres" translation2=""/>
<number value="94" form="0" english="Ninety Four" translation="noventa y cuatro" translation2=""/>
<number value="95" form="0" english="Ninety Five" translation="noventa y cinco" translation2=""/>
<number value="96" form="0" english="Ninety Six" translation="noventa y seis" translation2=""/>
<number value="97" form="0" english="Ninety Seven" translation="noventa y siete" translation2=""/>
<number value="98" form="0" english="Ninety Eight" translation="noventa y ocho" translation2=""/>
<number value="99" form="0" english="Ninety Nine" translation="noventa y nueve" translation2=""/>
<number value="100" form="0" english="One Hundred" translation="cien" translation2=""/>
<number value="101" form="0"/>
<number value="102" form="0"/>
<number value="103" form="0"/>
<number value="104" form="0"/>
<number value="105" form="0"/>
<number value="106" form="0"/>
<number value="107" form="0"/>
<number value="108" form="0"/>
<number value="109" form="0"/>
<number value="110" form="0"/>
<number value="111" form="0"/>
<number value="112" form="0"/>
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<number value="115" form="0"/>
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<number value="118" form="0"/>
<number value="119" form="0"/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- You can translate these in-game to get better context! See README.txt -->
<roomname x="0" y="18" english="Single-slit Experiment" translation="Experimento de rendija única" explanation="(Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names.)"/>
<roomname x="0" y="19" english="Don&apos;t Flip Out" translation="No le des muchas vueltas" explanation="Flip as in gravity flip, but also the expression in english, as in, keep your cool"/>
<roomname x="1" y="0" english="I&apos;m Sorry" translation="Lo siento" explanation="The room below this one is Please Forgive Me. There is also a secret path to the right which leads to the rooms &apos;Anomaly&apos; and &apos;Purest Unobtainium&apos;."/>
<roomname x="1" y="1" english="Please Forgive Me!" translation="¡Perdóname, por favor!" explanation="The room above this one is I&apos;m Sorry"/>
<roomname x="1" y="17" english="Rascasse" translation="Escórpora" explanation="This is a type of fish with lots of thorny spikes on its back"/>
<roomname x="1" y="18" english="Keep Going" translation="Sigue adelante" explanation="Literally just &apos;Keep Going&apos;, through the room"/>
<roomname x="1" y="19" english="Shuffled Hallway" translation="Pasillo revuelto" explanation="Just describes how the room looks. &apos;Shuffled&apos; as in offset."/>
<roomname x="2" y="0" english="Kids His Age Bounce" translation="A su edad, los niños son como de goma" explanation="An old saying for when e.g. a small child falls out of a tree. A trampoline joke in this case."/>
<roomname x="2" y="1" english="Playing Foosball" translation="¿Jugamos un futbolito?" explanation="This room resembles a Foosball table - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_football"/>
<roomname x="2" y="4" english="Philadelphia Experiment" translation="Experimento Filadelfia" explanation="There is a teleporter in this room. The Philadelphia Experiment is the name of 80&apos;s film about teleportation."/>
<roomname x="2" y="16" english="Get Ready To Bounce" translation="Prepárate para rebotar" explanation="The first room in the Lab zone. In the next room, you immediately come into contact with a gravity line, and flip back up."/>
<roomname x="2" y="17" english="It&apos;s Perfectly Safe" translation="Es completamente seguro" explanation="The second room in the lab zone. Don&apos;t worry, it&apos;s perfectly safe."/>
<roomname x="2" y="18" english="Young Man, It&apos;s Worth the Challenge" translation="Joven, el desafío vale la pena" explanation="Not a reference to anything in particular - Bennett explains that this is just something that his high school chemistry teacher used to say to students. He thinks the teacher was probably misquoting George Bernard Shaw, who said &apos;Life is not meant to be easy, my child - but take courage: it can be delightful.&apos;."/>
<roomname x="2" y="19" english="Double-slit Experiment" translation="Experimento de rendija doble" explanation="(Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names.)"/>
<roomname x="3" y="0" english="Merge" translation="Cuello de botella" explanation="A wide section connecting to a narrower section - merge as in traffic"/>
<roomname x="3" y="1" english="A Difficult Chord" translation="Un acorde difícil" explanation="This room resembles a guitar chord"/>
<roomname x="3" y="4" english="Why So Blue?" translation="Azul que te quiero azul" explanation="The crewmate Victoria is found here. Victoria is always sad! She&apos;s feeling blue."/>
<roomname x="3" y="16" english="Brought to you by the letter G" translation="Por cortesía de la gravedad" explanation="Reference to Seseme Street - also, this room resembles the letter G"/>
<roomname x="3" y="17" english="Thorny Exchange" translation="Intercambio espinoso" explanation="Two people having a polite argument could be described as having a Thorny Exchange of words."/>
<roomname x="3" y="18" english="Square Root" translation="Raíz cuadrada" explanation="This room resembles a Square Root symbol."/>
<roomname x="3" y="19" english="They Call Him Flipper" translation="Las vueltas de la vida" explanation="This is a line from an American TV show intro about a Dolphin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEOeTX1LqM"/>
<roomname x="4" y="0" english="Vibrating String Problem" translation="El problema de la cuerda vibrante" explanation="Another science themed room name, this one has two gravity lines that you bounce between."/>
<roomname x="4" y="1" english="The Living Dead End" translation="Un final apoteósico" explanation="&apos;The living end&apos; is an idiom meaning &apos;the most extreme form of something&apos;, here it&apos;s an extreme dead end, i.e. a cul-de-sac"/>
<roomname x="4" y="2" english="AAAAAA" translation="AAAAAA" explanation="The player falls through this room without having time to stop - AAAAAA suggests a scream in English. Also, it&apos;s six As, like the title."/>
<roomname x="4" y="3" english="Diode" translation="Diodo" explanation="This room can only be passed through in one direction. It resembles the electrical component."/>
<roomname x="4" y="4" english="I Smell Ozone" translation="Aquí huele a ozono" explanation="When you use a photocopier, it produces a distinctive smell (from the Ozone produced). This room has a background pattern that suggests a teleportation has recently happened here."/>
<roomname x="4" y="16" english="Free Your Mind" translation="Libera tu mente" explanation="Reference to the film The Matrix, where Morpheus jumps from the top of a Skyscaper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef_agVIvh0A"/>
<roomname x="4" y="17" english="I Changed My Mind, Thelma..." translation="Una mente brillante" explanation="The room below Free Your Mind. Reference to the film Thelma and Louise, which ends with Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff, sorry, spoilers"/>
<roomname x="4" y="18" english="Hitting the Apex" translation="Cabeza de carrera" explanation="&apos;Hitting the Apex&apos; is the term used by race drivers for the optimal path around a corner"/>
<roomname x="4" y="19" english="Three&apos;s a Crowd" translation="Tres son multitud" explanation="From the expression Two&apos;s Company, Three&apos;s a Crowd. This room has two challenges - the first has two gaps to cross, the second has three."/>
<roomname x="5" y="0" english="Spike Strip Deployed" translation="Barrera de clavos desplegada" explanation="This room has some spikes on a gravity line. The name is a reference to the device that police might use to blow out the tyres of a speeding car."/>
<roomname x="5" y="1" english="Anomaly" translation="Anomalía" explanation="As in, a strange result in science. This room has lots of different colours, unlike other rooms in this stage."/>
<roomname x="5" y="16" english="In a Single Bound" translation="De un salto" explanation="Superman is described as being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound."/>
<roomname x="5" y="17" english="Indirect Jump Vector" translation="Vector de salto indirecto" explanation="If you miss the gap in &apos;In a Single Bound&apos; above, you will end up back in this room - hence, your trajectory was off!"/>
<roomname x="6" y="0" english="Topsy Turvyism" translation="Patas para arriba" explanation="Topsy Turvy is Australian slang for upside down"/>
<roomname x="6" y="1" english="Purest Unobtainium" translation="Unobtainium puro" explanation="Unobtainium is a jokey made up term from science fiction for an impossible substance - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium"/>
<roomname x="6" y="16" english="Barani, Barani" translation="De barani en barani" explanation="A Barani is a technical term for doing a flip on a trampoline"/>
<roomname x="6" y="17" english="Safety Dance" translation="Ella baila sola" explanation="Named after the 80s song by Men Without Hats."/>
<roomname x="7" y="0" english="Standing Wave" translation="Onda estacionaria" explanation="Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names. This one is at the beginning of a section with gravity lines above and below you, before the section begins."/>
<roomname x="7" y="15" english="Entanglement Generator" translation="Generador de entrelazamiento cuántico" explanation="This room contains a teleporter. Entanglement is an idea from quantum mechanics."/>
<roomname x="7" y="16" english="Heady Heights" translation="Con altura" explanation="Just below the highest point in the level."/>
<roomname x="7" y="17" english="Exhausted?" translation="Por un tubo" explanation="This room has an exit that sort of suggests an Exhaust Pipe in a car."/>
<roomname x="7" y="18" english="The Tantalizing Trinket" translation="La baratija tentadora" explanation="You see this Trinket just out of reach as you fall through the room."/>
<roomname x="7" y="19" english="The Bernoulli Principle" translation="Principio de Bernoulli" explanation="Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names - this one is just named after a formula relating to flight."/>
<roomname x="8" y="9" english="Teleporter Divot" translation="Marcas de teletransportador" explanation="There is a pattern in the background of this room that indicates that a teleporter has sent someone to this room"/>
<roomname x="9" y="9" english="The Tower" translation="La torre" explanation="This room is a single vertically scrolling stage, about 20 rooms high. The name is from the Tarot card."/>
<roomname x="10" y="4" english="Seeing Red" translation="Sonrojo" explanation="This is the room that you find the red crewmate in. (Seeing Red is an expression in English about being filled with rage, but that doesn&apos;t really apply here)"/>
<roomname x="10" y="5" english="Energize" translation="¡Teletranspórtame!" explanation="There is a teleporter in this Room. Energize is what they say on Star Trek when they use the teleporters."/>
<roomname x="10" y="6" english="Down Under" translation="Bajar abajo" explanation="Australia is sometimes called The Land Down Under because of its position on a globe. You complete this room by going down and under some moving platforms"/>
<roomname x="10" y="7" english="A Deception" translation="Engañabobos" explanation="This room appears trivial at first, but is connected to a difficult trinket challenge"/>
<roomname x="11" y="4" english="Building Apport" translation="Abono de teletransporte" explanation="An &apos;Apport&apos; is a kind of paranormal teleportation. Building Apport is a pun on the concept of &apos;building rapport&apos; (except that to &apos;apport&apos; is to teleport)."/>
<roomname x="11" y="5" english="Frown Upside Down" translation="Voltear la tortilla" explanation="To &apos;Turn that Frown Upside Down&apos; is an expression in English, like &apos;cheer up&apos;, basically means to stop being unhappy"/>
<roomname x="11" y="6" english="Shenanigan" translation="Triquiñuela" explanation="Shenanigan as in a prank, or practical joke. This room is connected to the &apos;Prize for the Reckless&apos; puzzle, and like the room &apos;A Deception&apos;, it appears trivial unless you know the secret"/>
<roomname x="11" y="7" english="Prize for the Reckless" translation="Corran, insensatos" explanation="This room contains a trinket that can only be collected by doing something difficult"/>
<roomname x="11" y="11" english="Conveying a New Idea" translation="Nuevos medios de transporte" explanation="This is the first room you encounter that has conveyor belts in it"/>
<roomname x="11" y="12" english="One Way Room" translation="Sentido único" explanation="Can only be travelled through in one direction"/>
<roomname x="11" y="13" english="Boldly To Go" translation="Hasta el infinito y más allá" explanation="Star Trek reference, this rooms is near the entrance to the space station level"/>
<roomname x="11" y="14" english="The Filter" translation="El filtro" explanation="Like a filter from an air conditioning vent"/>
<roomname x="12" y="3" english="Security Sweep" translation="Barrido de seguridad" explanation="Contains a single, fast moving enemy that moves up and down."/>
<roomname x="12" y="4" english="Gantry and Dolly" translation="Mira por dónde pisas" explanation="Gantry and Dolly are the names for types of cranes that move crates around. This room has two different types of platforms."/>
<roomname x="12" y="5" english="The Yes Men" translation="Los del siempre sí" explanation="Contains a number of enemies with briefcases and the word -YES- for a head. An expression for people who work at large companies and agree a lot with their bosses"/>
<roomname x="12" y="6" english="Stop and Reflect" translation="Para y reflexiona" explanation="Expression meaning to take a moment and think about what you&apos;re doing. In this room, a small puzzle where you need to use the underside of a moving platform to progress."/>
<roomname x="12" y="7" english="V Stitch" translation="Punto en V" explanation="A V Stitch is a type of crochet stitch."/>
<roomname x="12" y="11" english="Upstream Downstream" translation="Río arriba, río abajo" explanation="As in swimming upstream or downstream, with or against a current in a river"/>
<roomname x="12" y="12" english="The High Road is Low" translation="Siempre es mejor bajar antes de subir" explanation="This room has two paths - a high path and a low path. The &apos;low&apos; path leads to a trinket, so the roomname is a sort of clue about which way to go."/>
<roomname x="12" y="13" english="Give Me A V" translation="¡Dame una V!" explanation="Room is in the shape of a big letter V. The roomname suggests the common american cheerleading chant - e.g. Give me an L! Give me an O! Give me a C! Give me an A! Give me an L! Give me an I! Give me an S! Give me an A! Give me a T! Give me an I! Give me an O! Give me an N! What does it spell? LOCALISATION!"/>
<roomname x="12" y="14" english="Outer Hull" translation="Casco exterior" explanation="The entrance to the Space Station 2 level - the outer hull of a space station."/>
<roomname x="13" y="0" english="It&apos;s Not Easy Being Green" translation="No es fácil ser verde" explanation="References a song by Kermit from the Muppets. This room is where you find the green crewmate."/>
<roomname x="13" y="3" english="Linear Collider" translation="Colisionador lineal" explanation="An early room, name is just meant to suggest something sciency. Room contains long, wave like enemies."/>
<roomname x="13" y="4" english="Comms Relay" translation="Sistema de comunicaciones" explanation="This room contains some communication equipment, like a radio."/>
<roomname x="13" y="5" english="Welcome Aboard" translation="Te damos la bienvenida" explanation="The first room in the game"/>
<roomname x="13" y="6" english="Trench Warfare" translation="Guerra de trincheras" explanation="Room contains a couple of pits with soldier-like enemies in them. Loosely references the 1983 videogame Hunchback."/>
<roomname x="13" y="7" english="B-B-B-Busted" translation="¡Cuidado con el bus!" explanation="Room contains a large Bus. &apos;Bus&apos;ted as in &apos;Caught&apos;."/>
<roomname x="13" y="8" english="Level Complete!" translation="¡Nivel completado!" explanation="This room has a teleporter, which is normally found at the end of a level. However this room is midway through the stage."/>
<roomname x="13" y="9" english="Lighter Than Air" translation="Más ligero que el aire" explanation="This room has clouds that rise from the bottom of the screen to the top, which the player is faster than, implying that the player is lighter than air."/>
<roomname x="13" y="10" english="The Solution is Dilution" translation="La solución: dilución" explanation="This room has a factory and pollution clouds in it. Apparently this phrase was once used by industrialists to advocate for not worrying too much about pollution."/>
<roomname x="13" y="11" english="The Cuckoo" translation="El cuco" explanation="This room contains a speaker that emits the word &apos;LIES&apos; over and over. A cuckoo&apos;s call decieves other birds!"/>
<roomname x="13" y="12" english="Backsliders" translation="Moonwalk" explanation="A conveyor belt in this room pushes against you as you try to move, so you slide backwards."/>
<roomname x="13" y="13" english="Select Track" translation="Elige tu camino" explanation="There are two paths you can pick between here"/>
<roomname x="14" y="0" english="Green Dudes Can&apos;t Flip" translation="Los verdes no saben voltear" explanation="You have a green crewmate with you in this room! A reference to the 90&apos;s film &apos;White Guy&apos;s Can&apos;t Jump&apos;."/>
<roomname x="14" y="1" english="This is how it is" translation="Así son las cosas" explanation="literally as in, this is how the mechanic of this stage works - also an expression as in &apos;this is the way things are&apos;"/>
<roomname x="14" y="2" english="That&apos;s Why I Have To Kill You" translation="Y por eso tendré que matarte" explanation="The follows the room named &apos;I love you&apos;. &apos;I love you, that&apos;s why I have to kill you&apos; is kind of a slasher horror trope."/>
<roomname x="14" y="3" english="Atmospheric Filtering Unit" translation="Unidad de filtrado atmosférico" explanation="An early room, looks a bit like an air filter"/>
<roomname x="14" y="4" english="It&apos;s a Secret to Nobody" translation="Es un secreto para nadie" explanation="A reference to the infamous Zelda quote &apos;It&apos;s a secret to everybody&apos;. This room contains the first trinket."/>
<roomname x="14" y="5" english="Conundrum" translation="Enigma" explanation="Conundrum as in puzzle, riddle, problem to be solved"/>
<roomname x="14" y="6" english="Boo! Think Fast!" translation="¡Eh! ¡Piensa rápido!" explanation="Contains a challenge that you need to react very quickly to. You might say &apos;Boo, think fast&apos; if you threw something at someone, expecting them to catch it."/>
<roomname x="14" y="7" english="The Sensible Room" translation="La sala sensata" explanation="Early corridor room containing no challenges. Sensible as in the opposite of Foolish - you might call someone sensible in english if they are excessively cautious."/>
<roomname x="14" y="8" english="The Hanged Man, Reversed" translation="El Colgado, del revés" explanation="Named after the Tarot Card, reversed as in Upside Down. The room contains a stationary enemy which resembles a Wheel of Fortune. The name is supposed to suggest a kind of out-of-place quality."/>
<roomname x="14" y="9" english="Green Grotto" translation="Vestíbulo verde" explanation="A peaceful green room."/>
<roomname x="14" y="10" english="Manic Mine" translation="Mina maníaca" explanation="A reference to the 8-bit game Manic Miner."/>
<roomname x="14" y="11" english="Clarion Call" translation="Canto de sirenas" explanation="A &apos;Clarion Call&apos; is an idiom used when somebody makes a case for a course of action, for example in a politician&apos;s speech, or a call to battle. It sometimes has an association with dishonesty - in this room, the words &apos;LIES&apos; appear over and over."/>
<roomname x="14" y="12" english="Gordian Knot" translation="Nudo gordiano" explanation="As in the Gordian Knot from greek history. A complicated room that can be passed through twice."/>
<roomname x="14" y="13" english="You Chose... Poorly" translation="Elegiste... mal" explanation="This room comes right after a choice between two paths. It&apos;s a quote from an Indiana Jones film."/>
<roomname x="15" y="0" english="Murdering Twinmaker" translation="Viaje al otro lado" explanation="Room contains a teleporter. A &apos;Murdering Twinmaker&apos; is, uh, one way teleportation might work..."/>
<roomname x="15" y="1" english="A Bisected Spiral" translation="Una espiral biseccionada" explanation="Room is a spiral, cut down the middle"/>
<roomname x="15" y="2" english="Take the Red Pill" translation="Toma la pastilla roja" explanation="This is a Matrix reference that hasn&apos;t aged well, lol"/>
<roomname x="15" y="3" english="Traffic Jam" translation="Atasco" explanation="The enemies in this room are Stop Signs"/>
<roomname x="15" y="4" english="Leap of Faith" translation="Salto de fe" explanation="To take a leap of faith means to do something without knowing how it&apos;s going to turn out."/>
<roomname x="15" y="5" english="Solitude" translation="Soledad" explanation="As in being alone, or in this case, lost by yourself"/>
<roomname x="15" y="6" english="Driller" translation="Perforadora" explanation="Technically references the name of a C64 game, but that doesn&apos;t matter much"/>
<roomname x="15" y="7" english="Exhaust Chute" translation="Válvula de escape" explanation="Like a factory exhaust chute for disposing of rubbish"/>
<roomname x="15" y="8" english="Sorrow" translation="Pena" explanation="A difficult room that you might die in a lot"/>
<roomname x="15" y="9" english="doomS" translation="odacip nE" explanation="The room is above &apos;Swoop&apos;, and is a copy of the room rotated 180 degrees! The room name &apos;doomS&apos; is the word &apos;Swoop&apos; rotated 180 degrees. When localising this room, don&apos;t worry too much about trying to keep the meaning of the words Dooms and Swoop, because they&apos;re not that important - instead, focus on picking words that have this 180 degree flip quality!"/>
<roomname x="15" y="10" english="Swoop" translation="En picado" explanation="See the note for room (15,9), doomS."/>
<roomname x="15" y="11" english="Chinese Rooms" translation="La habitación china" explanation="This refers to a famous philosophical argument about artifical intelligence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_room."/>
<roomname x="15" y="12" english="You Just Keep Coming Back" translation="Donde siempre vuelves" explanation="You can pass through this room up to three times, depending on which route you take through the level."/>
<roomname x="15" y="13" english="Hyperspace Bypass 5" translation="Circunvalación hiperespacial 5" explanation="A conveyor belt will take you through this room without you needing to press any buttons, hench the bypass. The phrase Hyperspace Bypass is a reference to Hitchhiker&apos;s Guide to the Galaxy."/>
<roomname x="16" y="0" english="I Love You" translation="Te quiero" explanation="The room contains a couple of heart shaped enemies"/>
<roomname x="16" y="1" english="As you like it" translation="Como gustéis" explanation="This room can be approached in two different equivilent ways, whichever way you like it. &apos;As you like it&apos; is the name of a Shakespeare play."/>
<roomname x="16" y="2" english="Short Circuit" translation="Cortocircuito" explanation="Probably named after the 80s film Short Circuit. Also works because you&apos;ll hit a dead end if you keep walking forwards."/>
<roomname x="16" y="3" english="Twisty Little Passages" translation="Caminos retorcidos" explanation="A maze like room. Refers to the section from the 1976 text game Colossal Cave Adventure - you are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike"/>
<roomname x="16" y="6" english="Quicksand" translation="Arenas movedizas" explanation="Contains lots of dissolving platforms."/>
<roomname x="16" y="7" english="The Tomb of Mad Carew" translation="La tumba de Mad Carew" explanation="A very obscure reference to the C64 game Dizzy"/>
<roomname x="16" y="8" english="Parabolica" translation="Parabólica" explanation="This room contains a section of wall in the shape of a parabolic arch."/>
<roomname x="16" y="9" english="$eeing Dollar $ign$" translation="El color del dólar" explanation="This is a green room that resembles a dollar sign shape"/>
<roomname x="16" y="10" english="What Lies Beneath?" translation="¿Qué habrá abajo?" explanation="The room below this contains enemies in the shape of the word &apos;Lies&apos;. So there&apos;s a double meaning here - as in, a question, &apos;what is below this room&apos;, and that the word LIES is literally beneath this room."/>
<roomname x="16" y="11" english="Spikes Do!" translation="¡Pues pinchos!" explanation="This rooms is below the room named &apos;What lies Beneath?&apos;, and answers the question: Spikes do!"/>
<roomname x="16" y="12" english="Ha Ha Ha Not Really" translation="Ja, ja, ja, en realidad no" explanation="This is a difficult room that follows one called &apos;Plain Sailing from here on&apos;. It&apos;s taunting the player. "/>
<roomname x="16" y="13" english="Plain Sailing from Here On" translation="Por fin un poco de tregua" explanation="This room is at the end of a long section, and promises &apos;Plain Sailing&apos; afterwards, as in, no further challenges. This is a lie"/>
<roomname x="17" y="0" english="As we go up, we go down" translation="Cama arriba, cama abajo" explanation="Named after the 1995 song by Guided by Voices"/>
<roomname x="17" y="1" english="Maze With No Entrance" translation="Un laberinto sin entrada" explanation="This room is a maze which has no entrance, due to the nature of the warping mechanic."/>
<roomname x="17" y="2" english="The Brown Gate" translation="La puerta marrón" explanation="I think this is an Ultima 7 reference? A literal translation is fine here"/>
<roomname x="17" y="3" english="Edge Games" translation="Por los bordes" explanation="Contains a trinket that you get by navigating around the edge of the screen. The use of the word EDGE is deliberate, refering to the trademark of a notoriously litigious individual who sued an indie developer around the time VVVVVV was made"/>
<roomname x="17" y="7" english="Brass Sent Us Under The Top" translation="Soldaditos de plomo" explanation="The enemies in this room look like little army guys"/>
<roomname x="17" y="8" english="The Warning" translation="El aviso" explanation="This room has lots of checkpoints in it. It&apos;s beside the game&apos;s most difficult challenge, the Veni, Vidi, Vici section. The checkpoints don&apos;t really do anything, but they&apos;re a warning of the challenge ahead."/>
<roomname x="17" y="9" english="Just Pick Yourself Down" translation="Es mejor caerte" explanation="A two part room name. From the expression &apos;If you fall down, just pick yourself up&apos;."/>
<roomname x="17" y="10" english="If You Fall Up" translation="Si te levantas" explanation="A two part room name. From the expression &apos;If you fall down, just pick yourself up&apos;."/>
<roomname x="17" y="11" english="Chipper Cipher" translation="Cifras y risas" explanation="Just some nice wordplay. Chipper means &apos;Jolly&apos; or &apos;Happy&apos;."/>
<roomname x="18" y="0" english="Time to get serious" translation="Hora de ponernos serios" explanation="Literal, this is the first room in the stage which is fairly difficult"/>
<roomname x="18" y="1" english="Wheeler&apos;s Wormhole" translation="Agujero de gusano de Wheeler" explanation="Apparently a scientist named John Wheeler coined the phrase &apos;Wormhole&apos;! I just found that out. Anyway, this room has a teleporter in it."/>
<roomname x="18" y="2" english="Sweeney&apos;s Maze" translation="El laberinto de Sweeney" explanation="Contains enemies that move strangly and resemble enemies from ZZT, an old game by Tim Sweeney"/>
<roomname x="18" y="3" english="Mind The Gap" translation="Cuidado con el escalón" explanation="Refers to what train announcers say on the London Underground when you leave the train - mind the gap between the train and the station platform"/>
<roomname x="18" y="7" english="A Wrinkle in Time" translation="Un pliegue en el tiempo" explanation="The name of a 60&apos;s science fiction book. There is a teleporter in this room."/>
<roomname x="18" y="8" english="Getting Here is Half the Fun" translation="A mitad de camino está lo más divertido" explanation="The top of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. When you get to the top, you have to go all the way back down - hence, this room is the halfway point of the challenge."/>
<roomname x="18" y="9" english="Your Bitter Tears... Delicious" translation="Tus lágrimas me resultan... exquisitas" explanation="Part of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. Taunting the player."/>
<roomname x="18" y="10" english="Easy Mode Unlocked" translation="Modo fácil desbloqueado" explanation="Part of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. Taunting the player - the &apos;easy mode&apos; refers to the second passageway on the right side that is easier to take when going back through this room on the way down, but that passageway leads to death."/>
<roomname x="18" y="11" english="Vici!" translation="Vici!" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="12" english="Vidi" translation="Vidi" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="13" english="Veni" translation="Veni" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="14" english="Doing Things The Hard Way" translation="El camino difícil" explanation="The starting room from the Veni, Vidi, Vici! challenge."/>
<roomname x="19" y="0" english="To The Batcave!" translation="¡A la Baticueva!" explanation="The Batcave, as in Batman&apos;s hideout."/>
<roomname x="19" y="1" english="Ascending and Descending" translation="Subidas y bajadas" explanation="Just meant as in literally Ascending and Descending, going up and down. There is a room later in the game called Upstairs, Downstairs, which is a callback to this."/>
<roomname x="19" y="2" english="Shockwave Rider" translation="El jinete de la onda del shock" explanation="Named after a 70&apos;s Science Fiction novel"/>
<roomname x="19" y="3" english="This will make you flip" translation="Te va a dar vueltas la cabeza" explanation="Flip is used here in the sense &apos;Flip out&apos;, as in, to lose your temper"/>
<roomname x="41" y="51" english="1950 Silverstone Grand V" translation="Gran Premio de Silverstone de 1950" explanation="Refers to 1950 Silverstone Grand Prix (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="41" y="52" english="DIY V Repair" translation="Arregla la tele" explanation="DIY TV repair - this room has a television you can interact with, which changes the theme from black and white to colour"/>
<roomname x="41" y="56" english="Now Take My Lead" translation="Ahora, detrás de mí" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="42" y="52" english="Party Time!" translation="¡Hora de divertirse!" explanation="The first room after the black and white section. Doesn&apos;t refer to any TV show."/>
<roomname x="42" y="56" english="What Are You Waiting For?" translation="¿Qué esperas?" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="43" y="51" english="The Voon Show" translation="Estudio V" explanation="Named after The Goon Show (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="43" y="52" english="Upstairs, Downstairs" translation="Escaleras arriba, escaleras abajo" explanation="Named after the 70s TV show - but also, refers to the earlier room Ascending and Descending, which this room is an updated version of. (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="43" y="56" english="Don&apos;t Get Ahead of Yourself!" translation="¡No te vayas por tu cuenta!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="44" y="51" english="Vertigo" translation="Vértigo" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="44" y="52" english="Timeslip" translation="Thriller" explanation="Named after the 70s TV show - name also suggests a connection to the earlier room Backsliders, which this room is an updated version of (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="44" y="56" english="Very Good" translation="¡Muy bien!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="45" y="52" english="Three&apos;s Company" translation="Tres son compañía" explanation="Named after the 70s sitcom - but also, suggests a connection to the earlier room Two&apos;s Company, which this room is an updated version of (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="45" y="56" english="Must I Do Everything For You?" translation="¿Es que tengo que hacer todo yo?" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="46" y="54" english="Temporary Fault..." translation="Error temporal..." explanation="Opening room of the final level."/>
<roomname x="46" y="56" english="Now Stay Close To Me..." translation="Ahora no te alejes..." explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="47" y="52" english="Cosmic Creepers" translation="Salem Saberhagen" explanation="Named after the cat from the 70s film Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Not sure why!"/>
<roomname x="47" y="54" english="Do Not Adjust the V-hold" translation="No toquetees los ajustes" explanation="I don&apos;t think V-hold is a real thing, it&apos;s supposed to just suggest &apos;Do not adjust your TV settings&apos;. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="47" y="56" english="...But Not Too Close" translation="¡Tampoco tan cerca!" explanation="In this room, if you go too quickly, your crewmate will walk into spikes."/>
<roomname x="48" y="52" english="The Villi People" translation="Bilis Miguel" explanation="Bennett just thought this room looked &apos;intestinal&apos;. Villi as in part of the intestinal system. Also refers to the 80s band The Village People."/>
<roomname x="48" y="54" english="Regular Service Will Return Shortly" translation="La transmisión regresará en breve" explanation="This is something you might hear on a TV station if they had lost reception. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows. A really, really good way to translate this level would be to use the names of black and white TV shows that are well known in your language, rather than trying to keep the exact meaning of the TV shows used here.)"/>
<roomname x="48" y="56" english="Don&apos;t Be Afraid" translation="No tengas miedo" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="49" y="52" english="Panic Room" translation="Habitación del pánico" explanation="A panic room is a safe room that you can hide in during an emergency, but I don&apos;t think that was Bennett&apos;s intention with this name. This room suddenly starts scrolling as soon as you enter, causing a panic."/>
<roomname x="49" y="54" english="Origami Room" translation="Sala de origami" explanation="As in folded paper - this room is mirrored around the center point."/>
<roomname x="49" y="56" english="Do as I Say..." translation="Haz lo que te digo..." explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="50" y="51" english="The V Stooges" translation="Los V chiflados" explanation="Refers to the 3 Stooges (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="50" y="52" english="1954 World Cup Vinyl" translation="Vinilo del Mundial de 1954" explanation="Refers to the World Cup Final (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="50" y="56" english="...Not as I Do" translation="No lo que hago" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="51" y="53" english="The Final Challenge" translation="El último reto" explanation="One of the last challenges in the game."/>
<roomname x="51" y="56" english="Mind Your Head" translation="Cuidado con la cabeza" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="52" y="53" english="The Last Straw" translation="Un empujoncito más" explanation="One more little challenge, just after the room called The Final Challenge"/>
<roomname x="52" y="56" english="Do Try To Keep Up" translation="No te quedes atrás" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="53" y="48" english="Whee Sports" translation="¡Wiii, esports!" explanation="Refers to Wii Sports, the Nintendo Wii launch title. &apos;Whee&apos; as in what a child might say while going down a slide (this room has a long drop in it)"/>
<roomname x="53" y="49" english="Whizz Down The Shaft" translation="No te duermas en los laureles" explanation="Whizz is Australian slang for doing something quickly, I think"/>
<roomname x="53" y="50" english="The Gravitron" translation="El Gravitrón" explanation="A special arcade section where you have to survive for 60 seconds. Bennett named this one so as to suggest a funfair ride (though not any one in particular)."/>
<roomname x="53" y="51" english="Tunnel of Terror" translation="El túnel del terror" explanation="Another name inspired by funfairs."/>
<roomname x="53" y="52" english="House of Mirrors" translation="La casa de los espejos" explanation="Another name inspired by funfairs."/>
<roomname x="53" y="53" english="W" translation="W" explanation="This room has platforms in a W shape."/>
<roomname x="53" y="56" english="You&apos;re Falling Behind" translation="Te estás quedando atrás" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="54" y="48" english="VVVVVV" translation="VVVVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 6/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="49" english="VVVVV" translation="VVVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 5/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="50" english="VVVV" translation="VVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 4/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="51" english="VVV" translation="VVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 3/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="52" english="VV" translation="VV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 2/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="53" english="V" translation="V" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 1/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="56" english="Class Dismissed!" translation="¡Terminó la clase!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<roomname english="Outer Space" translation="Espacio exterior" explanation="Literally Outer Space"/>
<roomname english="Dimension VVVVVV" translation="Dimensión VVVVVV" explanation="The overall area that the game takes place in."/>
<roomname english="The Ship" translation="La nave" explanation="The dimension exploring spaceship"/>
<roomname english="Secret Lab" translation="Laboratorio secreto" explanation="An endgame section containing achievement trophys"/>
<roomname english="Laboratory" translation="Laboratorio" explanation="One of the stages"/>
<roomname english="The Tower" translation="La torre" explanation="One of the stages"/>
<roomname english="Warp Zone" translation="Zona cíclica" explanation="One of the stages"/>
<roomname english="Space Station" translation="Estación espacial" explanation="One of the stages"/>
<roomname english="Outside Dimension VVVVVV" translation="Fuera de la dimensión VVVVVV" explanation="For rare rooms outside the normal area"/>
<roomname english="???" translation="???" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The Super Gravitron" translation="El Supergravitrón" explanation="An expanded version of the room at 53, 50"/>
<roomname english="I Can&apos;t Believe You Got This Far" translation="Increíble que llegaras tan lejos" explanation="If you&apos;re playing No Death Mode, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<roomname english="Imagine Spikes There, if You Like" translation="Imagínate pinchos, si quieres" explanation="If you&apos;re playing a time trial, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Rear Window" translation="La ventana indiscreta" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Rear Vindow" translation="La ventana vindiscreta" explanation=""/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="On the Waterfront" translation="Nido de ratas" explanation="Named after the 1954 film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="On the Vaterfront" translation="Nido de vatas" explanation=""/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="The Untouchables" translation="Los intocables" explanation="Before it was a film, the Untouchables was a TV series in 1959 (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="The Untouchavles" translation="Los vintocables" explanation=""/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Television Newsveel" translation="Lo que el viento se vevó" explanation="Refers to Television Newsreel. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Television Newsvel" translation="Lo que el viento se vevó" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TelevisvonvNewsvel" translation="Loveelvienvosevevó" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TvlvvvsvonvNevsvel" translation="Lovvelvivnvovevevó" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vvvvvvsvovvNe svel" translation="vvvvvevivnv vevó" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhv vvv&apos;vvovv vevl" translation="Vav vvvvvivv vv vvv V" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhv V v&apos;Cvovv vewv" translation="Vav vvvvvivv ve vvv V" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhe 9 v&apos;Cvovv vewv" translation="Vav vvvvviav ve vvv 9" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhe 9 v&apos;Cvovv Newv" translation="Vav voviviav ve lvv 9" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The 9 O&apos;Cvovk Newv" translation="Lav votiviav ve lvs 9" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The 9 O&apos;Clock News" translation="Las noticias de las 9" explanation="(Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Vwitched" translation="Embruvada" explanation="Reference to early black and white sitcom Bewitched (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Vwitvhed" translation="Vmbruvada" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vVwivcvedv" translation="Vmbruvadv" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vvvwMvcvMdvv" translation="vvvwMvcvMdvv" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="DvvvwMvfvvMdvvv" translation="CvvMdv mvvvtv" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Dvav Mvfvr Mdvvvv" translation="CovM dv mvevte" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Diav M for Mdrver" translation="Cov M de mverte" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Dial M for Murder" translation="Con M de muerte" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Gvnsmoke" translation="Va ley dev revólver" explanation="Gunsmoke was a black and white Western (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Gvnsmove" translation="Va lev vev revólver" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gvnvmovevv" translation="Va lev vev revvlver vv" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gunvmove1vv6" translation="Va lev vev revólver 1vv6" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vunsmoke 19v6" translation="Va lev dev revólver 19v6" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gunsmoke 1966" translation="La ley del revólver 1966" explanation="Gunsmoke changed to colour in 1966 (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Please enjoy these repeats" translation="Disfruten de estas repeticiones" explanation="This stage also has a number of rooms which are harder versions of easier challenges, like this one. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Please envoy theve repeats" translation="Disfruten de esvas repeticiones" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Plse envoy tse rvpvas" translation="Disvr d esva revevivionvv" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vl envoy te rvevs" translation="Vviv eva rvsivons" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vv evo tv vevs" translation="VV eva rvvvs" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Iv vhv Mvrvivs" translation="Vn lvv mvrvvev" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="In the Margins" translation="En los márgenes" explanation="Not sure if this has a TV show reference, might just be meant literally (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Try Jiggling the Antenna" translation="Prueba a sacudir la antena" explanation="(The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Try Viggling the Antenna" translation="Prueba a vacudir la antena" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TryJivglvng theAvtevna" translation="Pruebavavacuvir lavnteva" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Tvvivglvng thAvtvvv" translation="Vvevvavvvcvvr vvntvv" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vvvgglvnv tvnvva" translation="vvvebvvvvcvv lvvtva" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vvavvnvs vvtv" translation="Va vvvrtv dvv vvvlv" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Veavvn&apos;s Gvte" translation="Va vuvvta dvv cvelv" explanation="Named after the 1980&apos;s film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="Heaven&apos;s Gate" translation="La puerta del cielo" explanation="Named after the 1980&apos;s film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<string english="LOADING... {percent|digits=2|spaces}%" translation="CARGANDO... {percent|digits=2|spaces}%" explanation="on loading screen. {percent} = number from 0-100" max="26"/>
<string english="Game paused" translation="Partida en pausa" explanation="pause screen" max="40"/>
<string english="[click to resume]" translation="[haz clic para continuar]" explanation="pause screen" max="40"/>
<string english="Press M to mute in game" translation="Oprime M para silenciar el juego" explanation="pause screen" max="40"/>
<string english="Press N to mute music only" translation="Oprime N para silenciar la música" explanation="pause screen" max="40"/>
<string english="MAKE AND PLAY EDITION" translation="EDICIÓN CREA Y JUEGA" explanation="" max="27"/>
<string english="[MMMMMM Mod Installed]" translation="[Mod MMMMMM instalado]" explanation="" max="32"/>
<string english="play" translation="jugar" explanation="main menu option"/>
<string english="levels" translation="niveles" explanation="main menu option"/>
<string english="options" translation="opciones" explanation="main menu option"/>
<string english="translator" translation="traducción" explanation="main menu option"/>
<string english="credits" translation="créditos" explanation="main menu option"/>
<string english="quit" translation="salir" explanation="main menu option"/>
<string english="gameplay" translation="jugabilidad" explanation="options menu option"/>
<string english="Gameplay Options" translation="Opciones jugabilidad" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Adjust various gameplay settings." translation="Configura varios ajustes de jugabilidad." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="graphics" translation="gráficos" explanation="options menu option"/>
<string english="Graphics Options" translation="Opciones gráficas" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Adjust screen settings." translation="Ajusta la configuración de la pantalla." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="audio" translation="audio" explanation="options menu option"/>
<string english="Audio Options" translation="Opciones de audio" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Adjust volume settings and soundtrack." translation="Ajusta la configuración del volumen y la banda sonora." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Adjust volume settings." translation="Ajusta la configuración del volumen." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="continue" translation="continuar" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="continue from teleporter" translation="continuar desde el teletransportador" explanation="menu option, game save that was made at a teleporter"/>
<string english="Tele Save" translation="Teleguardado" explanation="title, game save that was made at a teleporter" max="20"/>
<string english="continue from quicksave" translation="continuar desde el guardado rápido" explanation="menu option, game save that was made freely from the menu (at any checkpoint)"/>
<string english="Quick Save" translation="Guardado rápido" explanation="title, game save that was made freely from the menu (at any checkpoint)" max="20"/>
<string english="proceed" translation="continuar" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="new game" translation="partida nueva" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="start new game" translation="empezar partida nueva" explanation="menu option, extra confirmation"/>
<string english="secret lab" translation="laboratorio secreto" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="play modes" translation="modos de juego" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="ERROR: No levels found." translation="ERROR: No se encontraron niveles." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: This level has no start point!" translation="ERROR: ¡Este nivel no tiene punto de inicio!" explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="ERROR" translation="ERROR" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="WARNING" translation="AVISO" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="unlock play modes" translation="desbloquear modos de juego" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Unlock Play Modes" translation="Desbloq. modos juego" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Unlock parts of the game normally unlocked as you progress." translation="Desbloquea partes del juego que normalmente se desbloquean según avanzas." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="From here, you may unlock parts of the game that are normally unlocked as you play." translation="Desde aquí, puedes desbloquear partes del juego que normalmente se desbloquean según juegas." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="unlock ship jukebox" translation="desbloquea la rocola de la nave" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="unlock secret lab" translation="desbloquea el laboratorio secreto" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="game pad" translation="control" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Game Pad Options" translation="Opciones de control" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Game Pad" translation="Control" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Rebind your controller&apos;s buttons and adjust sensitivity." translation="Reasigna los botones del control y ajusta su sensibilidad." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Change controller options." translation="Cambia las opciones del control." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="language" translation="idioma" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Language" translation="Idioma" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Change the language." translation="Cambia el idioma." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Can not change the language while a textbox is displayed in-game." translation="No es posible cambiar el idioma mientras se muestra un cuadro de texto en el juego." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="clear main game data" translation="borrar datos de juego" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="clear custom level data" translation="borrar datos de niveles" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Clear Data" translation="Borrar datos" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Delete your main game save data and unlocked play modes." translation="Elimina los datos guardados de tu partida principal y los modos de juego desbloqueados." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Delete your custom level save data and completion stars." translation="Elimina los datos guardados de tu nivel personalizado y las estrellas por completarlo." explanation="completion stars: when completing a level you get either 1 or 2 stars" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Are you sure? This will delete your current saves..." translation="¿Confirmas los cambios? Se eliminarán tus partidas actuales..." explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Are you sure you want to delete all your saved data?" translation="¿Confirmas que quieres eliminar todas tus partidas guardadas?" explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Are you sure you want to delete your quicksave?" translation="¿Confirmas que quieres eliminar tu guardado rápido?" explanation="only the quicksave of a custom level" max="38*7"/>
<string english="no! don&apos;t delete" translation="¡No! No lo borres" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="yes, delete everything" translation="Sí, bórralo todo" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="yes, delete save" translation="Sí, borra la partida" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="soundtrack" translation="banda sonora" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Soundtrack" translation="Banda sonora" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Toggle between MMMMMM and PPPPPP." translation="Cambia entre MMMMMM y PPPPPP." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current soundtrack: PPPPPP" translation="Banda sonora actual: PPPPPP" explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Current soundtrack: MMMMMM" translation="Banda sonora actual: MMMMMM" explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="toggle fullscreen" translation="modo de pantalla" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Toggle Fullscreen" translation="Modo de pantalla" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Change to fullscreen/windowed mode." translation="Cambia entre pantalla completa y ventana." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Current mode: FULLSCREEN" translation="Modo actual: PANTALLA COMPLETA" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current mode: WINDOWED" translation="Modo actual: VENTANA" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="scaling mode" translation="modo de escalado" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Scaling Mode" translation="Modo de escalado" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Choose letterbox/stretch/integer mode." translation="Cambia entre modo reducido, estirado o entero." explanation="See the `Current mode` explanations for more details on the modes" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Current mode: INTEGER" translation="Modo actual: ENTERO" explanation="integer (whole number) mode only enlarges the game in exact multiples of 320x240" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current mode: STRETCH" translation="Modo actual: ESTIRADO" explanation="stretch mode just stretches the game to fill the window content" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current mode: LETTERBOX" translation="Modo actual: REDUCIDO" explanation="letterbox mode enlarges the game to the window, but adds black bars to make the aspect ratio 4:3" max="38*2"/>
<string english="resize to nearest" translation="redimensiona al más cercano" explanation="menu option. The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480"/>
<string english="Resize to Nearest" translation="Redim. más cercano" explanation="title. The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480" max="20"/>
<string english="Resize to the nearest window size that is of an integer multiple." translation="Redimensiona al tamaño de ventana más cercano a un múltiplo entero." explanation="The game will be resized to the closest multiple of the normal resolution, 320x240, so for example if your window is 682x493, it will resize to 640x480" max="38*3"/>
<string english="You must be in windowed mode to use this option." translation="Tienes que estar en el modo ventana para usar esta opción." explanation="The game cannot be in fullscreen to resize the window" max="38*2"/>
<string english="toggle filter" translation="filtro de imagen" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Toggle Filter" translation="Filtro de imagen" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Change to nearest/linear filter." translation="Cambia al filtro más nítido o lineal." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Current mode: LINEAR" translation="Modo actual: LINEAL" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current mode: NEAREST" translation="Modo actual: MÁS NÍTIDO" explanation="nearest neighbor filter" max="38*2"/>
<string english="toggle analogue" translation="modo analógico" explanation="menu option, analogue mode simulates distortion from bad signal"/>
<string english="Analogue Mode" translation="Modo analógico" explanation="title, analogue mode simulates distortion from bad signal" max="20"/>
<string english="There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture." translation="No le pasa nada a tu pantalla. No intentes ajustar la imagen." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="toggle fps" translation="configurar fps" explanation="menu option, kind of a misnomer, toggle between 30 FPS and more than 30 FPS"/>
<string english="Toggle 30+ FPS" translation="Más de 30 FPS" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Change whether the game runs at 30 or over 30 FPS." translation="Cambia si el juego funciona a 30 o a más de 30 FPS." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Current mode: 30 FPS" translation="Modo actual: 30 FPS" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current mode: Over 30 FPS" translation="Modo actual: Más de 30 FPS" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="toggle vsync" translation="sincronización vertical" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Toggle VSync" translation="Sinc. vertical" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Turn VSync on or off." translation="Activa o desactiva la sincronización vertical." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current mode: VSYNC OFF" translation="Modo actual: SINCR. VERT. DESACTIVADA" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Current mode: VSYNC ON" translation="Modo actual: SINCR. VERT. ACTIVADA" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="music volume" translation="volumen de música" explanation="audio menu option"/>
<string english="Music Volume" translation="Volumen de música" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Change the volume of the music." translation="Cambia el volumen de la música." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="sound volume" translation="volumen de sonido" explanation="audio menu option"/>
<string english="Sound Volume" translation="Volumen de sonido" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Change the volume of sound effects." translation="Cambia el volumen de los efectos de sonido." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Credits" translation="Créditos" explanation="credits" max="20"/>
<string english="VVVVVV is a game by" translation="VVVVVV es un juego de" explanation="credits" max="40"/>
<string english="and features music by" translation="e incluye música de" explanation="credits" max="40"/>
<string english="Roomnames are by" translation="Nombres de las salas por" explanation="credits" max="40"/>
<string english="C++ version by" translation="Versión en C++ por" explanation="credits" max="40"/>
<string english="Beta Testing by" translation="Testeo beta por" explanation="credits" max="30"/>
<string english="Ending Picture by" translation="Imagen del final por" explanation="credits" max="30"/>
<string english="Created by" translation="Creado por" explanation="credits" max="30"/>
<string english="With Music by" translation="Con música de" explanation="credits" max="30"/>
<string english="Rooms Named by" translation="Nombres de las salas por" explanation="credits" max="30"/>
<string english="C++ Port by" translation="Adaptación a C++ por" explanation="credits" max="30"/>
<string english="Patrons" translation="Mecenas" explanation="credits, people who donated a certain amount before the game originally released" max="13"/>
<string english="VVVVVV is supported by the following patrons" translation="Los siguientes mecenas apoyaron VVVVVV" explanation="credits" max="38*3"/>
<string english="and also by" translation="y también" explanation="credits, VVVVVV is also supported by the following people" max="38*2"/>
<string english="and" translation="y" explanation="credits. This list of names, AND furthermore, this other list of names" max="38"/>
<string english="GitHub Contributors" translation="Colaboradores GitHub" explanation="credits. This doesn&apos;t _really_ need `GitHub` specifically, it could be replaced with `Code`" max="20"/>
<string english="With contributions on GitHub from" translation="Con colaboraciones en GitHub de" explanation="credits" max="40"/>
<string english="and thanks also to:" translation="y también gracias a:" explanation="credits, and thanks also to ... you!" max="38*3"/>
<string english="You!" translation="¡ti!" explanation="credits, and thanks also to ... you!" max="20"/>
<string english="Your support makes it possible for me to continue making the games I want to make, now and into the future." translation="Tu apoyo hace posible que pueda seguir creando los juegos que quiero hacer, ahora y en el futuro." explanation="credits" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Thank you!" translation="¡Gracias!" explanation="credits" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Good luck!" translation="¡Buena suerte!" explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="You cannot save in this mode." translation="No puedes guardar partidas en este modo." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Would you like to disable the cutscenes during the game?" translation="¿Quieres desactivar las cinemáticas durante el juego?" explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="disable cutscenes" translation="desactivar las cinemáticas" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="enable cutscenes" translation="activar las cinemáticas" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="analog stick sensitivity" translation="sensibilidad del stick analógico" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Low" translation="Baja" explanation="analog stick sensitivity, game pad menu"/>
<string english="Medium" translation="Media" explanation="analog stick sensitivity, game pad menu"/>
<string english="High" translation="Alta" explanation="analog stick sensitivity, game pad menu"/>
<string english="bind flip" translation="asignar volteo" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="bind enter" translation="asignar entrar" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="bind menu" translation="asignar menú" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="bind restart" translation="asignar reiniciar" explanation="menu option. In-game death key to restart at checkpoint"/>
<string english="bind interact" translation="asignar interactuar" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Flip is bound to: " translation="Volteo está asignado a: " explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!" max="32"/>
<string english="Enter is bound to: " translation="Entrar está asignado a: " explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!" max="32"/>
<string english="Menu is bound to: " translation="Menú está asignado a: " explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!" max="32"/>
<string english="Restart is bound to: " translation="Reinicio está asignado a: " explanation="in-game death key to restart at checkpoint. Controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!" max="32"/>
<string english="Interact is bound to: " translation="Interactuar está asignado a: " explanation="controller binds, bound to A, B, X, Y, etc. These strings end with a space!" max="32"/>
<string english="ERROR: No language files found." translation="ERROR: No se detectaron archivos de idioma." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Language folder:" translation="Carpeta de idioma:" explanation="" max="39"/>
<string english="Repository language folder:" translation="Carpeta de idioma de repositorio:" explanation="Language folder from the Git repository" max="39"/>
<string english="translator options" translation="opciones para traducción" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Translator options" translation="Opciones traducción" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Some options that are useful for translators and developers." translation="Algunas opciones útiles para traductores y desarrolladores." explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="maintenance" translation="mantenimiento" explanation="menu option, menu that allows you to apply maintenance to translations"/>
<string english="Maintenance" translation="Mantenimiento" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="open lang folder" translation="abrir la carpeta lang" explanation="menu option. Button that opens the folder with language files (which is called lang) in a file explorer"/>
<string english="Sync all language files after adding new strings." translation="Sincronizar todos los archivos de idioma tras añadir contenido nuevo." explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="translate room names" translation="traducir nombres de salas" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Translate rooms" translation="Traducir salas" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Enable room name translation mode, so you can translate room names in context. Press I for invincibility." translation="Activa un modo especial para traducir los nombres de las salas con contexto. Pulsa I para jugar con invencibilidad." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="You have not enabled room name translation mode!" translation="¡No activaste el modo de traducción de nombres de sala!" explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="menu test" translation="prueba de menús" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Menu test" translation="Prueba de menús" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Cycle through most menus in the game. The menus will not actually work, all options take you to the next menu instead. Press Escape to stop." translation="Recorre la mayoría de los menús en el juego. Los menús no funcionan, sino que todas las opciones te llevan al siguiente menú. Pulsa la tecla Escape para parar." explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="cutscene test" translation="prueba de cinemáticas" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Cutscene test" translation="Prueba cinemáticas" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Display all text boxes from cutscenes.xml. Only tests the basic appearance of each individual text box." translation="Muestra todos los cuadros de texto en el archivo cutscenes.xml. Solo prueba la apariencia básica de cada cuadro de texto individual." explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="from clipboard" translation="pegar del portapapeles" explanation="menu option, paste script name from clipboard"/>
<string english="explore game" translation="explora el juego" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Explore game" translation="Explora el juego" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Explore the rooms of any level in the game, to find all room names to translate." translation="Explora las salas de cualquier nivel del juego para ver los nombres de las salas que hay que traducir." explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="limits check" translation="comprobación de límites" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="global limits check" translation="comprobación general de límites" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Limits check" translation="Comprobación límites" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Find translations that don&apos;t fit within their defined bounds." translation="Encuentra traducciones que no caben en el espacio con el que cuentan." explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="No text overflows found!" translation="¡No se encontró texto desbordado!" explanation="limits check. no strings go outside their max bounds" max="38*6"/>
<string english="No text overflows left!" translation="¡No hay más texto desbordado!" explanation="limits check. we have seen all strings that go outside their max bounds" max="38*6"/>
<string english="Note that this detection isn&apos;t perfect." translation="Ten en cuenta que este sistema de detección no es perfecto." explanation="limits check" max="38*6"/>
<string english="sync language files" translation="sincronizar los archivos de idioma" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Sync language files" translation="Sincr. arch. idioma" explanation="title, translation maintenance menu" max="20"/>
<string english="sync" translation="sincronizar" explanation="menu option, verb"/>
<string english="Merge all new strings from the template files into the translation files, keeping existing translations." translation="Fusiona todo el contenido nuevo de los archivos de plantilla en archivos de traducción, manteniendo las traducciones ya existentes." explanation="translation maintenance menu" max="38*6"/>
<string english="language statistics" translation="estadísticas de idioma" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="global statistics" translation="estadísticas globales" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Statistics" translation="Estadísticas" explanation="title, translation maintenance menu" max="20"/>
<string english="Count the amount of untranslated strings for this language." translation="Cuenta la cantidad de strings sin traducir para este idioma." explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="Count the amount of untranslated strings for each language." translation="Cuenta la cantidad de strings sin traducir para cada idioma." explanation="translation maintenance menu" max="38*6"/>
<string english="If new strings were added to the English template language files, this feature will insert them in the translation files for all languages. Make a backup, just in case." translation="Si las nuevas strings se agregaron a los archivos de plantilla de idioma para el inglés, esta función las insertará en los archivos de traducción de todos los idiomas. Haz una copia de seguridad, por si acaso." explanation="translation maintenance menu" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Full syncing EN→All:" translation="Sincronización completa EN→Todos:" explanation="translation maintenance menu. The following list of language files can be fully synced from English to all other languages by pressing this button - new strings will be inserted in all languages" max="40"/>
<string english="Syncing not supported:" translation="Sincronización no compatible:" explanation="translation maintenance menu. The following list of language files are untouched by the sync button" max="40"/>
<string english="advanced options" translation="opciones avanzadas" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Advanced Options" translation="Opciones avanzadas" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="All other gameplay settings." translation="Las demás opciones de jugabilidad." explanation="description for advanced options" max="38*5"/>
<string english="unfocus pause" translation="pausa por desenfoque" explanation="menu option. Turns the pause screen on/off, which shows up when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto pause screen"/>
<string english="Unfocus Pause" translation="Pausa desenfoque" explanation="title. Turns the pause screen on/off, which shows up when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto pause screen" max="20"/>
<string english="Toggle if the game will pause when the window is unfocused." translation="Cambia si el juego se detiene cuando la ventana esté desenfocada." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Unfocus pause is OFF" translation="Pausa por desenfoque DESACTIVADA" explanation="Making another window active will not show the pause screen." max="38*2"/>
<string english="Unfocus pause is ON" translation="Pausa por desenfoque ACTIVADA" explanation="Making another window active will show the pause screen." max="38*2"/>
<string english="unfocus audio pause" translation="pausa de audio por desenfoque" explanation="menu option. Allows the user to choose whether the music should pause, or continue to play, when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto audio pause"/>
<string english="Unfocus Audio" translation="Silenciar al desenf." explanation="title. Allows the user to choose whether the music should pause, or continue to play, when the window is unfocused/inactive (only one window is normally in focus/active at a time). Possible alternative: auto audio pause" max="20"/>
<string english="Toggle if the audio will pause when the window is unfocused." translation="Cambia si el audio se pausa cuando la ventana esté desenfocada." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Unfocus audio pause is OFF" translation="Pausa de audio por desenfoque DESACTIVADA" explanation="Making another window active will leave the music keep playing." max="38*2"/>
<string english="Unfocus audio pause is ON" translation="Pausa de audio por desenfoque ACTIVADA" explanation="Making another window active will pause the music." max="38*2"/>
<string english="toggle in-game timer" translation="temporizador dentro del juego" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="In-Game Timer" translation="Temporiz. en juego" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Toggle the in-game timer outside of time trials." translation="Muestra u oculta el temporizador fuera de las pruebas contrarreloj." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="In-Game Timer is ON" translation="Temporizador ACTIVADO" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="In-Game Timer is OFF" translation="Temporizador DESACTIVADO" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="english sprites" translation="sprites en inglés" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="English Sprites" translation="Sprites en inglés" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Show the original English word enemies regardless of your language setting." translation="Muestra la palabra enemiga original en inglés sin importar el idioma que tengas seleccionado." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Sprites are currently translated" translation="Los sprites se muestran traducidos" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Sprites are currently ALWAYS ENGLISH" translation="Los sprites se muestran SIEMPRE EN INGLÉS" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="interact button" translation="botón de interacción" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Interact Button" translation="Botón de interacción" explanation="title, lets the user change the key for interacting with objects or crewmates" max="20"/>
<string english="Toggle whether you interact with prompts using ENTER or E." translation="Cambia el botón de interacción entre las teclas ENTRAR o E." explanation="prompts: see the `Press {button} to talk to .../activate terminal/teleport` below" max="38*3"/>
<string english="E" translation="E" explanation="keyboard key E. Speedrunner options menu"/>
<string english="ENTER" translation="ENTRAR" explanation="keyboard key ENTER. Speedrunner options menu"/>
<string english="ESC" translation="ESC" explanation="keyboard key ESC"/>
<string english="ACTION" translation="ACCIÓN" explanation="the ACTION key is either the SPACE key, Z or V (this is explained on the title screen). It&apos;s used in strings like `Press ACTION to advance text`"/>
<string english="Interact button: {button}" translation="Botón de interacción: {button}" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) is filled in for {button}. Speedrunner options menu" max="38*2"/>
<string english="fake load screen" translation="pantalla de carga" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Fake Load Screen" translation="Pantalla de carga" explanation="title, allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off" max="20"/>
<string english="Disable the fake loading screen which appears on game launch." translation="Desactiva la pantalla de carga falsa que aparece cuando se inicia el juego." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Fake loading screen is OFF" translation="Pantalla de carga DESACTIVADA" explanation="allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Fake loading screen is ON" translation="Pantalla de carga ACTIVADA" explanation="allows the loading screen which counts to 100% to be turned off" max="38*2"/>
<string english="room name background" translation="fondos de nombres de sala" explanation="menu option, background behind room names"/>
<string english="Room Name BG" translation="Fondos nombres sala" explanation="title, background behind room names" max="20"/>
<string english="Lets you see through what is behind the name at the bottom of the screen." translation="Permite ver qué hay detrás del nombre que aparece en la parte inferior de la pantalla." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Room name background is TRANSLUCENT" translation="El fondo de los nombres de sala es TRASLÚCIDO" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Room name background is OPAQUE" translation="El fondo de los nombres de sala es OPACO" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="speedrun options" translation="opciones de speedrun" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Speedrunner Options" translation="Opciones de speedrun" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Access some advanced settings that might be of interest to speedrunners." translation="Accede a opciones avanzadas que podrían interesarte si haces speedrun." explanation="description for speedrunner options" max="38*5"/>
<string english="glitchrunner mode" translation="modo con fallos" explanation="menu option, a glitchrunner is a speedrunner who takes advantage of glitches to run through the game faster"/>
<string english="Glitchrunner Mode" translation="Modo con fallos" explanation="title, a glitchrunner is a speedrunner who takes advantage of glitches to run through the game faster" max="20"/>
<string english="Re-enable glitches that existed in previous versions of the game." translation="Reactiva errores que existían en versiones anteriores del juego." explanation="glitchrunner mode" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Glitchrunner mode is OFF" translation="Modo con fallos DESACTIVADO" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Glitchrunner mode is {version}" translation="Modo con fallos de {version}" explanation="a version number is filled in for {version}, such as 2.0 or 2.2" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Select a new glitchrunner version below." translation="Elige una nueva versión con fallos más abajo." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="none" translation="ninguna" explanation="menu option, do not emulate any older version"/>
<string english="2.0" translation="2.0" explanation="VVVVVV version number for glitchrunner mode"/>
<string english="2.2" translation="2.2" explanation="VVVVVV version number for glitchrunner mode"/>
<string english="input delay" translation="demorar respuesta" explanation="menu option, enable 1 frame of delay after pressing input"/>
<string english="Input Delay" translation="Demorar respuesta" explanation="title, enable 1 frame of delay after pressing input" max="20"/>
<string english="Re-enable the 1-frame input delay from previous versions of the game." translation="Reactiva la demora de un fotograma de respuesta de versiones anteriores del juego." explanation="input delay" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Input delay is ON" translation="Demora de respuesta ACTIVADA" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Input delay is OFF" translation="Demora de respuesta DESACTIVADA" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="accessibility" translation="accesibilidad" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Accessibility" translation="Accesibilidad" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Disable screen effects, enable slowdown modes or invincibility." translation="Desactiva los efectos de pantalla y activa los modos de ralentización o invencibilidad." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="animated backgrounds" translation="fondos animados" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Backgrounds" translation="Fondos" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Disable animated backgrounds in menus and during gameplay." translation="Desactiva los fondos animados en los menús y durante el juego." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Backgrounds are ON." translation="Fondos ACTIVADOS." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Backgrounds are OFF." translation="Fondos DESACTIVADOS." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="screen effects" translation="efectos de pantalla" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Screen Effects" translation="Efectos de pantalla" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Disables screen shakes and flashes." translation="Desactiva los temblores y los destellos de la pantalla." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Screen Effects are ON." translation="Efectos de pantalla ACTIVADOS." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Screen Effects are OFF." translation="Efectos de pantalla DESACTIVADOS." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="text outline" translation="contorno de texto" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Text Outline" translation="Contorno de texto" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Disables outline on game text." translation="Desactiva el contorno en los textos del juego." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Text outlines are ON." translation="Contornos de texto ACTIVADOS." explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Text outlines are OFF." translation="Contornos de texto DESACTIVADOS." explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="invincibility" translation="invencibilidad" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Invincibility" translation="Invencibilidad" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Explore the game freely without dying. (Can cause glitches.)" translation="Explora el juego libremente sin morir (puede provocar fallos)." explanation="invincibility mode" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Invincibility is ON." translation="Invencibilidad ACTIVADA." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Invincibility is OFF." translation="Invencibilidad DESACTIVADA." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Are you sure you want to enable invincibility?" translation="¿Confirmas que quieres activar la invencibilidad?" explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="no, return to options" translation="no, volver a opciones" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="yes, enable" translation="sí, activar" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="slowdown" translation="ralentización" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Slowdown" translation="Ralentización" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Game Speed" translation="Velocidad de juego" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Reduce the game speed." translation="Reduce la velocidad del juego." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Select a new game speed below." translation="Elige una nueva velocidad de juego a continuación." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Game speed is normal." translation="La velocidad de juego está a nivel normal." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Game speed is at 80%" translation="La velocidad de juego está al 80 %" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Game speed is at 60%" translation="La velocidad de juego está al 60 %" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Game speed is at 40%" translation="La velocidad de juego está al 40 %" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="normal speed" translation="velocidad normal" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="80% speed" translation="velocidad al 80 %" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="60% speed" translation="velocidad al 60 %" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="40% speed" translation="velocidad al 40 %" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="play intermission 1" translation="jugar al interludio 1" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="play intermission 2" translation="jugar al interludio 2" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Who do you want to play the level with?" translation="¿Con quién quieres jugar el nivel?" explanation="choose your NPC companion" max="38*8"/>
<string english="time trials" translation="pruebas contrarreloj" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Time Trials" translation="Pruebas contrarreloj" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Replay any level in the game in a competitive time trial mode." translation="Vuelve a jugar cualquier nivel en modo contrarreloj competitivo." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="Time Trials are not available with slowdown or invincibility." translation="No se puede jugar pruebas contrarreloj con ralentización o invencibilidad." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="unlock time trials" translation="desbloquear contrarreloj" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Unlock Time Trials" translation="Desbl. contrarreloj" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="You can unlock each time trial separately." translation="Puedes desbloquear cada prueba contrarreloj por separado." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="intermissions" translation="interludios" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Intermissions" translation="Interludios" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Replay the intermission levels." translation="Vuelve a jugar los niveles de interludio." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="unlock intermissions" translation="desbloquea interludios" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="TO UNLOCK: Complete the intermission levels in-game." translation="Para desbloquear: Completa los niveles de interludio en el juego." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="no death mode" translation="modo sin muerte" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="No Death Mode" translation="Modo sin muerte" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Play the entire game without dying once." translation="Juega al juego completo sin morir ni una vez." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="No Death Mode is not available with slowdown or invincibility." translation="El modo sin muerte no está disponible con ralentización o invencibilidad." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="unlock no death mode" translation="desbloquea el modo sin muerte" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="TO UNLOCK: Achieve an S-rank or above in at least 4 time trials." translation="Para desbloquear: Logra un rango S o superior en al menos cuatro pruebas contrarreloj." explanation="ranks are B A S V, see below" max="38*3"/>
<string english="flip mode" translation="modo volteo" explanation="menu option, mirrors the entire game vertically"/>
<string english="Flip Mode" translation="Modo volteo" explanation="title, mirrors the entire game vertically" max="20"/>
<string english="Flip the entire game vertically." translation="Voltea todo el juego verticalmente." explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Flip the entire game vertically. Compatible with other game modes." translation="Voltea todo el juego verticalmente. Es compatible con otros modos de juego." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="unlock flip mode" translation="desbloquea el modo volteo" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="Currently ENABLED!" translation="¡Está ACTIVADO!" explanation="flip mode" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Currently Disabled." translation="Está DESACTIVADO." explanation="flip mode" max="38*3"/>
<string english="TO UNLOCK: Complete the game." translation="Para desbloquear: Completa el juego." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Are you sure you want to quit?" translation="¿Confirmas que quieres salir?" explanation="quit the program" max="38*4"/>
<string english="GAME OVER" translation="FIN PARTIDA" explanation="bigger title" max="13"/>
<string english="You managed to reach:" translation="Llegaste hasta:" explanation="you managed to reach the following room" max="40"/>
<string english="Keep trying! You&apos;ll get there!" translation="¡Sigue participando y lo conseguirás!" explanation="player died before managing to save anybody" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Nice one!" translation="¡Muy bien!" explanation="player died after saving one crewmate" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Wow! Congratulations!" translation="¡Guau! ¡Felicitaciones!" explanation="player died after saving two crewmates" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Incredible!" translation="¡Espectacular!" explanation="player died after saving three crewmates" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Unbelievable! Well done!" translation="¡Increíble! ¡Bien hecho!" explanation="player died after saving four crewmates" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Er, how did you do that?" translation="Eh... ¿Cómo hiciste eso?" explanation="player died even though they were finished, lol" max="38*2"/>
<string english="WOW" translation="GUAU" explanation="even bigger title" max="10"/>
<string english="You rescued all the crewmates!" translation="¡Rescataste a todos los tripulantes!" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="A new trophy has been awarded and placed in the secret lab to acknowledge your achievement!" translation="¡Conseguiste un trofeo nuevo! Lo dejamos en el laboratorio secreto para conmemorar tu logro." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="[Trinkets found]" translation="[Baratijas encontradas]" explanation="amount of shiny trinkets found" max="40"/>
<string english="[Number of Deaths]" translation="[Cantidad de muertes]" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="[Time Taken]" translation="[Tiempo transcurrido]" explanation="stopwatch time" max="40"/>
<string english="Trinkets Found:" translation="Baratijas encontradas:" explanation="game complete screen" max="22"/>
<string english="Game Time:" translation="Tiempo de partida:" explanation="game complete screen" max="22"/>
<string english="Total Flips:" translation="Volteos totales:" explanation="game complete screen" max="22"/>
<string english="Total Deaths:" translation="Muertes totales:" explanation="game complete screen" max="22"/>
<string english="Results" translation="Resultados" explanation="bigger title" max="13"/>
<string english="TIME TAKEN:" translation="TIEMPO TRANSCURRIDO:" explanation="time the player took playing the level" max="32"/>
<string english="NUMBER OF DEATHS:" translation="CANTIDAD DE MUERTES:" explanation="amount of times the player died" max="32"/>
<string english="SHINY TRINKETS:" translation="BARATIJAS BRILLANTES:" explanation="amount of trinkets collected" max="32"/>
<string english=" / " translation=" / " explanation="inserted between two times, ex: 0:46.90 / 1:15.99. Time trial results"/>
<string english="{n_trinkets}/{max_trinkets}" translation="{n_trinkets}/{max_trinkets}" explanation="ex: 2/5"/>
<string english="{n_trinkets} of {max_trinkets}" translation="{n_trinkets} de {max_trinkets}" explanation="ex: 2 of 5"/>
<string english="{n_trinkets|wordy} out of {max_trinkets|wordy}" translation="{n_trinkets|wordy|upper} de {max_trinkets|wordy}" explanation="ex: One out of Twenty, see numbers.xml. You can add |upper for an uppercase letter." max="34"/>
<string english="{savebox_n_trinkets|wordy}" translation="{savebox_n_trinkets|wordy}" explanation="trinket count in telesave/quicksave information box. You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."/>
<string english="{gamecomplete_n_trinkets|wordy}" translation="{gamecomplete_n_trinkets|wordy}" explanation="trinket count on Game Complete screen (after Trinkets Found:) You can add |upper for an uppercase letter."/>
<string english="+1 Rank!" translation="¡+1 rango!" explanation="time trial rank was upgraded (B → A → S → V). B is minimum, which is purposefully high (see it as 7/10) - S is a popular rank above A in a lot of games, so VVVVVV added a rank above that." max="12"/>
<string english="Rank:" translation="Rango:" explanation="time trial rank" max="9"/>
<string english="B" translation="B" explanation="time trial rank" max="5"/>
<string english="A" translation="A" explanation="time trial rank" max="5"/>
<string english="S" translation="S" explanation="time trial rank" max="5"/>
<string english="V" translation="V" explanation="time trial rank" max="5"/>
<string english="space station 1" translation="estación espacial 1" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="Space Station 1" translation="Estación espacial 1" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="space station 2" translation="estación espacial 2" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="Space Station 2" translation="Estación espacial 2" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="the laboratory" translation="el laboratorio" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="The Laboratory" translation="El laboratorio" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="the tower" translation="la torre" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="The Tower" translation="La torre" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="the warp zone" translation="la zona cíclica" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="The Warp Zone" translation="La Zona cíclica" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="the final level" translation="el último nivel" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="The Final Level" translation="El último nivel" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="intermission 1" translation="interludio 1" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="Intermission 1" translation="Interludio 1" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="intermission 2" translation="interludio 2" explanation="area name as menu option"/>
<string english="Intermission 2" translation="Interludio 2" explanation="area name as title" max="20"/>
<string english="???" translation="???" explanation="locked area" max="20"/>
<string english="Not yet attempted" translation="Todavía no lo intentaste" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="TO UNLOCK:" translation="Para desbloquear:" explanation="followed by `Rescue XX`/`Complete the game`, and then `Find XX trinkets`" max="40"/>
<string english="Rescue Violet" translation="Rescata a Violeta" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Rescue Victoria" translation="Rescata a Victoria" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Rescue Vermilion" translation="Rescata a Viñal" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Rescue Vitellary" translation="Rescata a Vainilla" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Rescue Verdigris" translation="Rescata a Verdigrís" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Complete the game" translation="Completa el juego" case="0" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Find three trinkets" translation="Encuentra tres baratijas" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Find six trinkets" translation="Encuentra seis baratijas" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Find nine trinkets" translation="Encuentra nueve baratijas" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Find twelve trinkets" translation="Encuentra veinte baratijas" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Find fifteen trinkets" translation="Encuentra quince baratijas" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Find eighteen trinkets" translation="Encuentra dieciocho baratijas" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="RECORDS" translation="RÉCORDS" explanation="followed by a list of personal bests for TIME, SHINY and LIVES. So `records` as in `world records`, except for yourself" max="15"/>
<string english="TIME" translation="TIEMPO" explanation="record time" max="8"/>
<string english="SHINY" translation="BRILL." explanation="record number of trinkets" max="8"/>
<string english="LIVES" translation="VIDAS" explanation="record lowest number of deaths" max="8"/>
<string english="PAR TIME" translation="TIEMPO IDEAL" explanation="followed by the goal time for this time trial" max="14"/>
<string english="TIME:" translation="TIEMPO:" explanation="in time trial. Stopwatch time, not too long"/>
<string english="DEATH:" translation="MUERTES:" explanation="in time trial. Number of times player died, not too long"/>
<string english="SHINY:" translation="BRILL.:" explanation="in time trial. Number of shiny trinkets collected, not too long"/>
<string english="PAR TIME:" translation="TIEMPO IDEAL:" explanation="in time trial. Goal time for time trial"/>
<string english="BEST RANK" translation="MEJOR RANGO" explanation="ranks are B A S V" max="17"/>
<string english="GO!" translation="¡YA!" explanation="3, 2, 1, GO!" max="13"/>
<string english="Go!" translation="¡Ya!" explanation="3, 2, 1, Go!" max="10"/>
<string english="Congratulations!" translation="¡Felicitaciones!" explanation="title" max="20"/>
<string english="Your save files have been updated." translation="Se actualizaron tus partidas guardas." explanation="player completed game" max="38*6"/>
<string english="If you want to keep exploring the game, select CONTINUE from the play menu." translation="Si quieres seguir explorando el juego, elige CONTINUAR en el menú de juego." explanation="" max="38*9"/>
<string english="You have unlocked a new Time Trial." translation="Desbloqueaste una nueva prueba contrarreloj." explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="You have unlocked some new Time Trials." translation="Desbloqueaste nuevas pruebas contrarreloj." explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="You have unlocked No Death Mode." translation="Desbloqueaste el modo sin muerte." explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="You have unlocked Flip Mode." translation="Desbloqueaste el modo volteo." explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="You have unlocked the intermission levels." translation="Desbloqueaste los niveles de interludio." explanation="" max="38*7"/>
<string english="play a level" translation="juega a un nivel" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="level editor" translation="editor de niveles" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="open level folder" translation="abre la carpeta de niveles" explanation="menu option. Button that opens the folder with level files in a file explorer"/>
<string english="show level folder path" translation="muestra la ruta de la carpeta" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="return" translation="volver" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="return to levels" translation="volver a los niveles" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="no, don&apos;t show me" translation="no, no la muestres" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="yes, reveal the path" translation="sí, a ver la ruta" explanation="menu option. Path to the levels folder"/>
<string english="return to play menu" translation="vuelve al menú de juego" explanation="menu option" max="36"/>
<string english="try again" translation="volver a intentar" explanation="menu option, retry time trial" max="36"/>
<string english="ok" translation="aceptar" explanation="button, which is a menu option, so lowercase"/>
<string english="next page" translation="página siguiente" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="previous page" translation="página anterior" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="first page" translation="primera página" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="last page" translation="última página" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="silence" translation="no volver a mostrar" explanation="menu option, silence error message - do not show this message again"/>
<string english="continue from save" translation="continuar desde la partida guardada" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="start from beginning" translation="empezar desde el principio" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="delete save" translation="eliminar partida" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="back to levels" translation="volver a los niveles" explanation="menu option"/>
<string english="The level editor is not currently supported on Steam Deck, as it requires a keyboard and mouse to use." translation="El editor de niveles no está disponible en Steam Deck, ya que es necesario usar un teclado y un mouse." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="The level editor is not currently supported on this device, as it requires a keyboard and mouse to use." translation="El editor de niveles no está disponible en este dispositivo, ya que es necesario usar un teclado y un mouse." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="To install new player levels, copy the .vvvvvv files to the levels folder." translation="Para instalar niveles personalizados, copia los archivos .vvvvvv en la carpeta &quot;levels&quot;." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Are you sure you want to show the levels path? This may reveal sensitive information if you are streaming." translation="¿Confirmas que quieres mostrar la ruta de los niveles? Esta opción podría revelar información delicada si estás transmitiendo en directo." explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="The levels path is:" translation="La ruta de los niveles es:" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="[ Press ACTION to Start ]" translation="[ Oprime ACCIÓN para empezar ]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="38*2"/>
<string english="[ Press {button} to Start ]" translation="[ Oprime {button} para empezar ]" explanation="title screen. Expect `ACTION`" max="38*2"/>
<string english="ACTION = Space, Z, or V" translation="ACCIÓN = Espacio, Z o V" explanation="title screen" max="38*3"/>
<string english="[Press ENTER to return to editor]" translation="[Oprime ENTRAR para volver al editor]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to return to editor]" translation="[Oprime {button} para volver al editor]" explanation="`to editor` is sorta redundant" max="40"/>
<string english="- Press ACTION to advance text -" translation="- Oprime ACCIÓN para avanzar el texto -" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="- Press {button} to advance text -" translation="- Oprime {button} para avanzar el texto -" explanation="to dismiss a textbox. Expect `ACTION`" max="40"/>
<string english="Press ACTION to continue" translation="Oprime ACCIÓN para continuar" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="34"/>
<string english="Press {button} to continue" translation="Oprime {button} para continuar" explanation="Expect `ACTION`" max="34"/>
<string english="Current Time" translation="Tiempo actual" explanation="super gravitron, stopwatch time" max="20"/>
<string english="Best Time" translation="Mejor tiempo" explanation="super gravitron, best stopwatch time" max="20"/>
<string english="Next Trophy at 5 seconds" translation="Siguiente trofeo en 5 segundos" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Next Trophy at 10 seconds" translation="Siguiente trofeo en 10 segundos" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Next Trophy at 15 seconds" translation="Siguiente trofeo en 15 segundos" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Next Trophy at 20 seconds" translation="Siguiente trofeo en 20 segundos" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Next Trophy at 30 seconds" translation="Siguiente trofeo en 30 segundos" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Next Trophy at 1 minute" translation="Siguiente trofeo en 1 minuto" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="All Trophies collected!" translation="¡Conseguiste todos los trofeos!" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="New Record!" translation="¡Nuevo récord!" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="New Trophy!" translation="¡Nuevo trofeo!" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="[Press ENTER to stop]" translation="[Oprime ENTRAR para parar]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to stop]" translation="[Oprime {button} para parar]" explanation="stop super gravitron" max="40"/>
<string english="SUPER GRAVITRON" translation="SUPERGRAVITRÓN" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="SUPER GRAVITRON HIGHSCORE" translation="PUNTUACIÓN MÁXIMA EN SUPERGRAVITRÓN" explanation="" max="38*4"/>
<string english="MAP" translation="MAPA" explanation="in-game menu" max="8"/>
<string english="GRAV" translation="GRAVIT." explanation="in-game menu, Gravitron" max="8"/>
<string english="SHIP" translation="NAVE" explanation="in-game menu, spaceship" max="8"/>
<string english="CREW" translation="TRIPUL." explanation="in-game menu" max="8"/>
<string english="STATS" translation="ESTAD." explanation="in-game menu" max="8"/>
<string english="SAVE" translation="GUARDAR" explanation="in-game menu" max="8"/>
<string english="[ PAUSE ]" translation="[ PAUSA ]" explanation="in-game menu" max="40"/>
<string english="[ QUIT ]" translation="[ SALIR ]" explanation="in-game menu" max="40"/>
<string english="[ GRAVITRON ]" translation="[ GRAVITRÓN ]" explanation="in-game menu" max="40"/>
<string english="NO SIGNAL" translation="SIN SEÑAL" explanation="map screen. So like a TV/computer monitor" max="29"/>
<string english="Press ACTION to warp to the ship." translation="Oprime ACCIÓN para teletransportarte a la nave." explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Press {button} to warp to the ship." translation="{button}: teletransportarte a la nave" explanation="spaceship. Warp = teleport. Expect `ACTION`" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Missing..." translation="No está..." case="1" explanation="this male crew member is missing" max="15"/>
<string english="Missing..." translation="No está..." case="2" explanation="this female crew member is missing" max="15"/>
<string english="Missing..." translation="No está..." case="3" explanation="Viridian is missing (final level). You could even fill in something like `Uh-oh...` here if you really have to specify gender otherwise - everyone else is rescued, but the player is missing" max="15"/>
<string english="Rescued!" translation="¡Rescatado!" case="1" explanation="this male crew member is not missing anymore" max="15"/>
<string english="Rescued!" translation="¡Rescatada!" case="2" explanation="this female crew member is not missing anymore" max="15"/>
<string english="(that&apos;s you!)" translation="(¡eres tú!)" explanation="this crew member is you (Viridian)" max="15"/>
<string english="Cannot Save in Level Replay" translation="No se puede guardar en una repetición de nivel" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Cannot Save in No Death Mode" translation="No se puede guardar en el modo sin muerte" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*7"/>
<string english="How&apos;d you get here?" translation="¿Cómo llegaste hasta aquí?" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*7"/>
<string english="Cannot Save in Secret Lab" translation="No se puede guardar en el laboratorio secreto" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*7"/>
<string english="ERROR: Could not save game!" translation="ERROR: ¡No se puedo guardar la partida!" explanation="in-game menu" max="34*2"/>
<string english="ERROR: Could not save settings file!" translation="ERROR: ¡No se pudo guardar el archivo de ajustes!" explanation="" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Game saved ok!" translation="¡Se guardó la partida guardada!" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*2"/>
<string english="[Press ACTION to save your game]" translation="[Oprime ACCIÓN para guardar la partida]" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="40"/>
<string english="[Press {button} to save your game]" translation="[Oprime {button} para guardar la partida]" explanation="in-game menu. Expect `ACTION`" max="40"/>
<string english="(Note: The game is autosaved at every teleporter.)" translation="(Nota: La partida se guarda automáticamente en cada teletransportador)." explanation="in-game menu" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Last Save:" translation="Último guardado:" explanation="in-game menu" max="40"/>
<string english="Return to main menu?" translation="¿Volver al menú principal?" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*4"/>
<string english="Do you want to quit? You will lose any unsaved progress." translation="¿Quieres salir? Perderás todo el progreso que no se haya guardado." explanation="in-game menu" max="38*4"/>
<string english="Do you want to return to the secret laboratory?" translation="¿Quieres volver al laboratorio secreto?" explanation="in-game menu" max="38*4"/>
<string english="no, keep playing" translation="no, seguir jugando" explanation="in-game menu option" max="28"/>
<string english="[ NO, KEEP PLAYING ]" translation="[ NO, SEGUIR JUGANDO ]" explanation="in-game menu option" max="32"/>
<string english="yes, quit to menu" translation="sí, salir al menú" explanation="in-game menu option" max="24"/>
<string english="[ YES, QUIT TO MENU ]" translation="[ SÍ, SALIR AL MENÚ ]" explanation="in-game menu option" max="28"/>
<string english="yes, return" translation="sí, volver" explanation="in-game menu option" max="24"/>
<string english="[ YES, RETURN ]" translation="[ SÍ, VOLVER ]" explanation="in-game menu option" max="28"/>
<string english="no, return" translation="no, volver" explanation="quit program menu option"/>
<string english="yes, quit" translation="sí, salir" explanation="quit program menu option"/>
<string english="return to game" translation="volver a la partida" explanation="pause menu option" max="27"/>
<string english="quit to menu" translation="salir al menú" explanation="pause menu option" max="19"/>
<string english="Press Left/Right to choose a Teleporter" translation="Elige teletransportador con izq./der." explanation="tight fit, so maybe `Left/Right: choose teleporter`, or use ←/→" max="40"/>
<string english="Press {button} to Teleport" translation="Oprime {button} para teletransportarte" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="40"/>
<string english="- Press {button} to Teleport -" translation="- Oprime {button} para teletransporte -" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}" max="40"/>
<string english="Press {button} to explode" translation="{button}: detonar" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. This was for testing, but people sometimes find it in custom levels" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to talk to Violet" translation="{button}: hablar con Violeta" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to talk to Vitellary" translation="{button}: hablar con Vainilla" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to talk to Vermilion" translation="{button}: hablar con Viñal" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to talk to Verdigris" translation="{button}: hablar con Verdigrís" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to talk to Victoria" translation="{button}: hablar con Victoria" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to activate terminal" translation="{button}: activar terminal" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to activate terminals" translation="{button}: activar terminales" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. there are 3 next to each other in the ship" max="37"/>
<string english="Press {button} to interact" translation="{button}: interactuar" explanation="keyboard key (E or ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed" max="37"/>
<string english="- Press {button} to skip -" translation="- Oprime {button} para saltar -" explanation="keyboard key (ENTER) or controller button glyph is filled in for {button}. max is when displayed. This prompt is for skipping cutscenes" max="40"/>
<string english="Passion for Exploring" translation="Passion for Exploring" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Pushing Onwards" translation="Pushing Onwards" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Positive Force" translation="Positive Force" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Presenting VVVVVV" translation="Presenting VVVVVV" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Potential for Anything" translation="Potential for Anything" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Predestined Fate" translation="Predestined Fate" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Pipe Dream" translation="Pipe Dream" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Popular Potpourri" translation="Popular Potpourri" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Pressure Cooker" translation="Pressure Cooker" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="ecroF evitisoP" translation="ecroF evitisoP" explanation="jukebox prompt. song name should probably not be translated" max="37*2"/>
<string english="Map Settings" translation="Opciones del mapa" explanation="title, editor, Level Settings, map is kinda inconsistent with everything else" max="20"/>
<string english="edit scripts" translation="editar los scripts" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change music" translation="cambiar la música" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="editor ghosts" translation="fantasmas del editor" explanation="level editor menu option. Toggles option to show a repetition of the player&apos;s path after playtesting"/>
<string english="Editor ghost trail is OFF" translation="Rastro de fantasmas DESACTIVADO" explanation="level editor. Repetition of the player&apos;s path after playtesting is disabled" max="40"/>
<string english="Editor ghost trail is ON" translation="Rastro de fantasmas ACTIVADO" explanation="level editor. Repetition of the player&apos;s path after playtesting is enabled" max="40"/>
<string english="load level" translation="cargar nivel" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="save level" translation="guardar nivel" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="quit to main menu" translation="salir al menú prin." explanation="level editor menu option" max="22"/>
<string english="change name" translation="cambiar nombre" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change author" translation="cambiar autor" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change description" translation="cambiar descripción" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change website" translation="cambiar sitio web" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="change font" translation="cambiar fuente" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="Level Font" translation="Fuente del nivel" explanation="title, editor, font that a custom level will show up in. You can select a language name here (like Chinese or Japanese which have different fonts, or `other`)" max="20"/>
<string english="Select the language in which the text in this level is written." translation="Elige el idioma del texto del nivel." explanation="" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Font: " translation="Fuente: " explanation="level options, followed by name of font (mind the space)" max="15"/>
<string english="Map Music" translation="Música del mapa" explanation="title, editor, music that starts playing when a level is started. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music" max="20"/>
<string english="Current map music:" translation="Música del mapa actual:" explanation="editor, followed by the number and name of a song, or `No background music`. Can be changed with scripting later, so this is really just initial music" max="38*2"/>
<string english="No background music" translation="Sin música de fondo" explanation="editor, level starts with no song playing" max="38*2"/>
<string english="1: Pushing Onwards" translation="1: Pushing Onwards" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="2: Positive Force" translation="2: Positive Force" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="3: Potential for Anything" translation="3: Potential for Anything" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="4: Passion for Exploring" translation="4: Passion for Exploring" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="N/A: Pause" translation="N/A: Pause" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="5: Presenting VVVVVV" translation="5: Presenting VVVVVV" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="N/A: Plenary" translation="N/A: Plenary" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="6: Predestined Fate" translation="6: Predestined Fate" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="N/A: ecroF evitisoP" translation="N/A: ecroF evitisoP" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="7: Popular Potpourri" translation="7: Popular Potpourri" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="8: Pipe Dream" translation="8: Pipe Dream" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="9: Pressure Cooker" translation="9: Pressure Cooker" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="10: Paced Energy" translation="10: Paced Energy" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="11: Piercing the Sky" translation="11: Piercing the Sky" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="N/A: Predestined Fate Remix" translation="N/A: Predestined Fate Remix" explanation="editor, song name should probably not be translated" max="38*2"/>
<string english="?: something else" translation="?: No se reconoció" explanation="editor, song was not recognized" max="38*2"/>
<string english="next song" translation="siguiente canción" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="previous song" translation="canción anterior" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="back" translation="atrás" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="Save before quitting?" translation="¿Guardar antes de salir?" explanation="level editor" max="38*4"/>
<string english="yes, save and quit" translation="sí, guardar y salir" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="no, quit without saving" translation="no, salir sin guardar" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="return to editor" translation="volver al editor" explanation="level editor menu option"/>
<string english="Untitled Level" translation="Nivel sin nombre" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="Unknown" translation="Desconocido" explanation="by Unknown [author]"/>
<string english="Tile:" translation="Casilla:" explanation="editor, selected " max="34"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on top left" translation="CAJA DE SCRIPT: clic en parte superior izquierda" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the first corner" translation="CAJA SCRIPT: clic en primera esquina" explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="39*3"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on bottom right" translation="CAJA DE SCRIPT: clic en parte inferior derecha" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="SCRIPT BOX: Click on the last corner" translation="CAJA SCRIPT: clic en última esquina" explanation="editor, a script box is an invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="39*3"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on top left" translation="LÍMITES DE ENEMIGO: clic en parte superior izquierda" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the first corner" translation="LÍMITES DE ENEMIGO: clic en primera esquina" explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on bottom right" translation="LÍMITES DE ENEMIGO: clic en parte inferior derecha" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on the last corner" translation="LÍMITES DE ENEMIGO: clic en última esquina" explanation="editor, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on top left" translation="LÍMITES DE PLATAFORMA: clic en parte superior izquierda" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the first corner" translation="LÍMITES DE PLATAFORMA: clic en primera esquina" explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on bottom right" translation="LÍMITES DE PLATAFORMA: clic en parte inferior derecha" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on the last corner" translation="LÍMITES DE PLATAFORMA: clic en última esquina" explanation="editor, invisible box which moving platforms always stay inside of" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Click on top left" translation="Clic en parte superior izquierda" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="Click on the first corner" translation="Clic en primera esquina" explanation="" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Click on bottom right" translation="Clic en parte inferior derecha" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="Click on the last corner" translation="Clic en última esquina" explanation="" max="39*3"/>
<string english="**** VVVVVV SCRIPT EDITOR ****" translation="*** EDITOR DE SCRIPTS DE VVVVVV ***" explanation="supposed to look like a Commodore 64 screen" max="36"/>
<string english="PRESS ESC TO RETURN TO MENU" translation="PULSA ESC PARA VOLVER AL MENÚ" explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor, TO MENU is redundant" max="36"/>
<string english="NO SCRIPT IDS FOUND" translation="NO HAY NINGÚN ID DE SCRIPT" explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor, basically NO SCRIPTS FOUND" max="36"/>
<string english="CREATE A SCRIPT WITH EITHER THE TERMINAL OR SCRIPT BOX TOOLS" translation="CREA UN SCRIPT CON LA TERMINAL O CON LAS HERRAMIENTAS DE CAJA DE SCRIPT" explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor" max="36*5"/>
<string english="CURRENT SCRIPT: {name}" translation="SCRIPT ACTUAL: {name}" explanation="Commodore 64-style script editor. Char limit is soft, but the longer this is, the more often users&quot; script names run offscreen. Consider SCRIPT: instead" max="20"/>
<string english="Left click to place warp destination" translation="Clic izq.: Destino del teletransporte" explanation="warp token: small teleporter with entrance and destination" max="39"/>
<string english="Right click to cancel" translation="Clic der.: Cancelar" explanation="" max="39"/>
<string english="{button1} and {button2} keys change tool" translation="Cambia herram. con {button1} y {button2}" explanation="These keys can be used to switch between tools" max="36"/>
<string english="1: Walls" translation="1: Paredes" explanation="editor tool. Solid tiles" max="32"/>
<string english="2: Backing" translation="2: Fondos" explanation="editor tool. Non-solid background tiles" max="32"/>
<string english="3: Spikes" translation="3: Pinchos" explanation="editor tool" max="32"/>
<string english="4: Trinkets" translation="4: Baratijas" explanation="editor tool. Shiny trinkets/collectibles" max="32"/>
<string english="5: Checkpoint" translation="5: Punto de control" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="5: Checkpoints" translation="5: Puntos de control" explanation="editor tool. You restart at the last checkpoint after death" max="32"/>
<string english="6: Disappear" translation="6: Plataforma fugaz" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="6: Disappearing Platforms" translation="6: Plataformas fugaces" explanation="editor tool. Platform that disappears when you step on it (disappearing platform, crumbling platform)" max="32"/>
<string english="7: Conveyors" translation="7: Cinta transportadora" explanation="editor tool. Conveyor belt" max="32"/>
<string english="8: Moving" translation="8: Plataforma móvil" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="8: Moving Platforms" translation="8: Plataformas móviles" explanation="editor tool. Moving platform" max="32"/>
<string english="9: Enemies" translation="9: Enemigos" explanation="editor tool" max="32"/>
<string english="0: Grav Line" translation="0: Línea de gravedad" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="0: Gravity Lines" translation="0: Líneas de gravedad" explanation="editor tool. Gravity line, which flips your gravity when touching it" max="32"/>
<string english="R: Roomtext" translation="R: Textos en la sala" explanation="editor tool. Freely typed text, consider just Text" max="32"/>
<string english="T: Terminal" translation="T: Terminal" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="T: Terminals" translation="T: Terminales" explanation="editor tool. Computer which can be activated by the player to run a script" max="32"/>
<string english="Y: Script Box" translation="Y: Caja de script" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="Y: Script Boxes" translation="Y: Cajas script" explanation="editor tool. Invisible box that runs a script when touched" max="32"/>
<string english="U: Warp Token" translation="U: Portal" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="U: Warp Tokens" translation="U: Portales" explanation="editor tool. Small teleporter with entrance and destination" max="32"/>
<string english="I: Warp Lines" translation="I: Líneas cíclicas" explanation="editor tool. Makes a room edge be connected to its opposite edge" max="32"/>
<string english="O: Crewmate" translation="O: Tripulante" explanation="***OUTDATED***"/>
<string english="O: Crewmates" translation="O: Tripulantes" explanation="editor tool. Crewmate that can be rescued" max="32"/>
<string english="P: Start Point" translation="P: Punto de inicio" explanation="editor tool" max="32"/>
<string english="START" translation="INICIAR" explanation="start point in level editor" max="10"/>
<string english="SPACE ^ SHIFT ^" translation="ESPACIO ^ MAYÚS ^" explanation="editor, indicates both SPACE key and SHIFT key open up menus. ^ is rendered as up arrow" max="32"/>
<string english="F1: Change Tileset" translation="F1: Cambiar casillas" explanation="editor shortcut, switch to different tileset" max="25"/>
<string english="F2: Change Colour" translation="F2: Cambiar color" explanation="editor shortcut, switch to different tileset color/variant" max="25"/>
<string english="F3: Change Enemies" translation="F3: Cambiar enemigos" explanation="editor shortcut, change enemy appearance" max="25"/>
<string english="F4: Enemy Bounds" translation="F4: Límites de enemigos" explanation="editor shortcut, invisible box which enemies always stay inside of" max="25"/>
<string english="F5: Platform Bounds" translation="F5: Límites de plataforma" explanation="editor shortcut, invisible box which platforms always stay inside of" max="25"/>
<string english="F9: Reload Resources" translation="F9: Recargar recursos" explanation="editor shortcut, reload tilesets, sprites, music, etc" max="25"/>
<string english="F10: Direct Mode" translation="F10: Modo directo" explanation="editor shortcut, direct mode is manual tile placing mode, where walls are not automatically made nice" max="25"/>
<string english="W: Change Warp Dir" translation="W: Camb. dir. cíclica" explanation="editor shortcut, dir=direction, change which edges of the room wrap around. Can be horizontal, vertical or all sides" max="25"/>
<string english="E: Change Roomname" translation="E: Cambiar nombre de sala" explanation="editor shortcut, the name of the room appears at the bottom" max="25"/>
<string english="S: Save Map" translation="S: Guardar" explanation="level editor, save level, `Map` is basically redundant" max="12"/>
<string english="L: Load Map" translation="L: Cargar" explanation="level editor, load level, `Map` is basically redundant" max="12"/>
<string english="Enter map filename to save as:" translation="Escribe el nombre de archivo del mapa a guardar:" explanation="level editor text input, save level file as" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Enter map filename to load:" translation="Escribe el nombre de archivo del mapa para cargar:" explanation="level editor text input, load level file" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Enter new room name:" translation="Escribe un nombre de sala nuevo:" explanation="level editor text input, the name of the room appears at the bottom" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Enter room coordinates x,y:" translation="Escribe las coordenadas X e Y de la sala:" explanation="level editor text input, go to another room by its coordinates, for example, 9,15" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Enter script name:" translation="Escribe el nombre de script:" explanation="level editor text input, enter name of newly created script, or edit the script name of a terminal/script box" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Enter roomtext:" translation="Escribe el texto de la sala:" explanation="level editor text input, enter text to place in the room" max="39*3"/>
<string english="Space Station" translation="Estación espacial" explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Space Station Tileset"/>
<string english="Outside" translation="Exterior" explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Outside Tileset"/>
<string english="Lab" translation="Laboratorio" explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Lab Tileset"/>
<string english="Warp Zone" translation="Zona cíclica" explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Warp Zone Tileset. The Warp Zone got its name because its rooms wrap around, but think Star Trek"/>
<string english="Ship" translation="Nave" explanation="editor tileset name, Now using Ship Tileset. Spaceship"/>
<string english="Now using {area} Tileset" translation="Usando casillas de {area}" explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset of the room to {area} (like Ship, Lab, etc)" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Tileset Colour Changed" translation="Color de casillas cambiado" explanation="level editor, user changed the tileset colour/variant of the room" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Enemy Type Changed" translation="Tipo de enemigo cambiado" explanation="level editor, user changed enemy appearance for the room" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Platform speed is now {speed}" translation="Velocidad de las plataformas: {speed}" explanation="level editor, user changed speed of platforms for the room" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Reloaded resources" translation="Recursos recargados" explanation="level editor, reloaded graphics assets/resources, music and sound effects" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: Invalid format" translation="ERROR: Formato no válido" explanation="user was supposed to enter something like `12,12`, but entered `as@df`" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Loaded map: {filename}.vvvvvv" translation="Mapa cargado: {filename}.vvvvvv" explanation="successfully loaded level file" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Saved map: {filename}.vvvvvv" translation="Mapa guardado: {filename}.vvvvvv" explanation="successfully saved level file" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: Could not load level" translation="ERROR: No se pudo cargar el nivel" explanation="that level could not be loaded, maybe it does not exist" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: Could not save level!" translation="ERROR: ¡No se pudo guardar el nivel!" explanation="maybe the filename is too long? exclamation mark because you will lose your data if you quit" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Mapsize is now [{width},{height}]" translation="La medida del mapa es [{width}, {height}]" explanation="editor, the map is now {width} by {height}" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Direct Mode Disabled" translation="Modo directo desactivado" explanation="editor, manual tile placing mode where walls are not automatically made nice, now changed to automatic mode" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Direct Mode Enabled" translation="Modo directo activado" explanation="editor, manual tile placing mode where walls are not automatically made nice, now changed to manual mode" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: Warp lines must be on edges" translation="ERROR: Las líneas cíclicas tienen que estar en los bordes." explanation="level editor, warp lines make a room edge be connected to its opposite edge. So they must be placed on one of the edges, not in the middle" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Room warps in all directions" translation="La sala es cíclica en todas las direcciones" explanation="level editor, all edges of the room are connected with each other. If the player leaves the room they end up on the other side of the same room." max="38*3"/>
<string english="Room warps horizontally" translation="La sala es cíclica horizontalmente" explanation="level editor, the left and right edges of the room are connected with each other. The player can still go to other rooms on the top and bottom" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Room warps vertically" translation="La sala es cíclica verticalmente" explanation="level editor, the top and bottom edges of the room are connected with each other. The player can still go to other rooms on the left and right" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Room warping disabled" translation="La sala no es cíclica" explanation="level editor, no edges are connected and the player can go to other rooms" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: No checkpoint to spawn at" translation="ERROR: No hay punto de control por el que aparecer" explanation="we cannot playtest because there is no checkpoint in this room that the player could start (be spawned) at" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: Max number of trinkets is 100" translation="ERROR: El máximo de baratijas es 100" explanation="editor, user tried to place another trinket" max="38*3"/>
<string english="ERROR: Max number of crewmates is 100" translation="ERROR: El máximo de tripulantes es 100" explanation="editor, user tried to place another crewmate" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Level quits to menu" translation="Salir al menú desde nivel" explanation="editor message, user would have been forcefully returned to title screen but wasn&apos;t" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Level completed" translation="Nivel completado" explanation="editor message, user would have been returned to levels list but wasn&apos;t" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Rolled credits" translation="Créditos" explanation="editor message, credits would have been shown but weren&apos;t" max="38*3"/>
<string english="Time trial completed" translation="Prueba contrarreloj completada" explanation="editor message, time trial complete screen would have been shown but wasn&apos;t" max="38*3"/>
<string english="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}" translation="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}" explanation="time format H:MM:SS"/>
<string english="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}" translation="{hrs}:{min|digits=2}:{sec|digits=2},{cen|digits=2}" explanation="time format H:MM:SS.CC"/>
<string english="{min}:{sec|digits=2}" translation="{min}:{sec|digits=2}" explanation="time format M:SS"/>
<string english="{min}:{sec|digits=2}.{cen|digits=2}" translation="{min}:{sec|digits=2},{cen|digits=2}" explanation="time format M:SS.CC"/>
<string english="{sec}.{cen|digits=2}" translation="{sec},{cen|digits=2}" explanation="time format S.CC"/>
<string english=".99" translation=",99" explanation="appended to time format for 99/100 seconds (example: 1:15.99). Time trial results"/>
<string english="{area}, {time}" translation="{area}, {time}" explanation="saved game summary, e.g. `Space Station, 12:30:59`"/>
<string english="Level Complete!" translation="¡Nivel completado!" explanation="Might be tight, the exclamation mark may be removed" max="18"/>
<string english="Game Complete!" translation="¡Juego completado!" explanation="Might be tight, the exclamation mark may be removed" max="18"/>
<string english="You have rescued a crew member!" translation="¡Rescataste a un miembro de la tripulación!" explanation="If you need to manually wordwrap: please ensure this has exactly two lines. Ignore the (font-adapted) maximum if it says 1 line." max="30*2"/>
<string english="All Crew Members Rescued!" translation="¡Toda la tripulación rescatada!" explanation="" max="32"/>
<string english="All crewmates rescued!" translation="¡Rescataste a todos!" explanation="" max="32"/>
<string english="Game Saved" translation="Partida guardada" explanation="" max="30"/>
<string english="Press arrow keys or WASD to move" translation="Oprime las teclas de dirección o WASD para moverte" explanation="" max="32*2"/>
<string english="Press left/right to move" translation="Oprime izq./der. para moverte" explanation="" max="32*2"/>
<string english="Press ACTION to flip" translation="Oprime ACCIÓN para voltear a tu personaje" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press {button} to flip" translation="Oprime {button} para voltear a tu personaje" explanation="expect `ACTION`" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press ENTER to view map and quicksave" translation="Oprime ENTRAR para ver el mapa y hacer un guardado rápido" explanation="***OUTDATED***" max="32*3"/>
<string english="Press {button} to view map and quicksave" translation="Oprime {button} para ver el mapa y hacer guardado rápido" explanation="" max="32*3"/>
<string english="If you prefer, you can press UP or DOWN instead of ACTION to flip." translation="Si lo prefieres, puedes oprimir ARRIBA o ABAJO en lugar de ACCIÓN para voltear a tu personaje." explanation="" max="34*3"/>
<string english="Help! Can anyone hear this message?" translation="¡Ayuda! ¿Alguien oye este mensaje?" explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="Verdigris? Are you out there? Are you ok?" translation="¿Verdigrís? ¿Estás ahí? ¿Estás bien?" explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="Please help us! We&apos;ve crashed and need assistance!" translation="¡Ayúdanos! ¡Hemos chocado y necesitamos ayuda!" explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="Hello? Anyone out there?" translation="¿Hola? ¿Hay alguien ahí?" explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="This is Doctor Violet from the D.S.S. Souleye! Please respond!" translation="¡Aquí la doctora Violeta, del D.S.S. Souleye! ¡Por favor, respondan!" explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="Please... Anyone..." translation="Por favor... Alguien..." explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="Please be alright, everyone..." translation="Por favor, que no les haya pasado nada..." explanation="Violet speaking via Comms Relay" max="25*4"/>
<string english="Congratulations!
You have found a shiny trinket!" translation="¡Felicitaciones!
¡Encontraste una baratija brillante!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
<string english="Congratulations!
You have found a lost crewmate!" translation="¡Felicitaciones!
¡Encontraste a un tripulante perdido!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
<string english="Congratulations!
You have found the secret lab!" translation="¡Felicitaciones!
¡Encontraste el laboratorio secreto!" explanation="" max="34*4"/>
<string english="The secret lab is separate from the rest of the game. You can now come back here at any time by selecting the new SECRET LAB option in the play menu." translation="El laboratorio secreto está separado del resto del juego. Ahora puedes volver aquí en cualquier momento con la opción LABORATORIO SECRETO del menú de juego." explanation="" max="36*10"/>
<string english="Viridian" translation="Viridián" explanation="crewmate name (player)" max="15"/>
<string english="Violet" translation="Violeta" explanation="crewmate name" max="15"/>
<string english="Vitellary" translation="Vainilla" case="0" explanation="crewmate name" max="15"/>
<string english="Vermilion" translation="Viñal" case="0" explanation="crewmate name" max="15"/>
<string english="Verdigris" translation="Verdigrís" case="0" explanation="crewmate name" max="15"/>
<string english="Victoria" translation="Victoria" case="0" explanation="crewmate name" max="15"/>
<string english="Vitellary" translation="Vainilla" case="1" explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<string english="Vermilion" translation="Viñal" case="1" explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<string english="Verdigris" translation="Verdigrís" case="1" explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<string english="Victoria" translation="Victoria" case="1" explanation="crewmate name as menu option: Who do you want to play the level with?"/>
<string english="Starring" translation="Protagonistas" explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members" max="20"/>
<string english="Captain Viridian" translation="Comandante Viridián" explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members" max="27"/>
<string english="Doctor Violet" translation="Doctora Violeta" explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members" max="27"/>
<string english="Professor Vitellary" translation="Profesor Vainilla" explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members" max="27"/>
<string english="Officer Vermilion" translation="Agente Viñal" explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members" max="27"/>
<string english="Chief Verdigris" translation="Ingeniero Verdigrís" explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members" max="27"/>
<string english="Doctor Victoria" translation="Doctora Victoria" explanation="credits roll. Starring the following 6 crew members" max="27"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the floor, Vitellary will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el suelo, Vainilla intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the floor, Vermilion will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el suelo, Viñal intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the floor, Verdigris will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el suelo, Verdigrís intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the floor, Victoria will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el suelo, Victoria intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the floor, your companion will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el suelo, tu acompañante intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the ceiling, Vitellary will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el techo, Vainilla intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the ceiling, Vermilion will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el techo, Viñal intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the ceiling, Verdigris will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el techo, Verdigrís intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the ceiling, Victoria will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el techo, Victoria intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re standing on the ceiling, your companion will try to walk to you." translation="Cuando estés en el techo, tu acompañante intentará caminar hacia ti." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the floor, Vitellary will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el suelo, Vainilla se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the floor, Vermilion will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el suelo, Viñal se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the floor, Verdigris will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el suelo, Verdigrís se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the floor, Victoria will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el suelo, Victoria se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the floor, your companion will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el suelo, tu acompañante se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the ceiling, Vitellary will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el techo, Vainilla se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the ceiling, Vermilion will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el techo, Viñal se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the ceiling, Verdigris will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el techo, Verdigrís se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the ceiling, Victoria will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el techo, Victoria se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode" max="34*4"/>
<string english="When you&apos;re NOT standing on the ceiling, your companion will stop and wait for you." translation="Cuando NO estés en el techo, tu acompañante se detendrá para esperarte." explanation="Intermission 1 in flip mode, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels" max="34*4"/>
<string english="You can&apos;t continue to the next room until he is safely across." translation="No puedes pasar a la siguiente sala hasta que él haya conseguido cruzar." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="You can&apos;t continue to the next room until she is safely across." translation="No puedes pasar a la siguiente sala hasta que ella haya conseguido cruzar." explanation="Intermission 1" max="34*4"/>
<string english="You can&apos;t continue to the next room until they are safely across." translation="No puedes pasar a la siguiente sala hasta que los demás hallan conseguido cruzar." explanation="Intermission 1, unknown companion, normally impossible but reproducible in custom levels" max="34*4"/>
<string english="Survive for" translation="¡Sobrevive durante" explanation="Gravitron. Line 1/2: Survive for 60 seconds!" max="20"/>
<string english="60 seconds!" translation="60 segundos!" explanation="Gravitron. Line 2/2: Survive for 60 seconds!" max="20"/>
<string english="Thanks for" translation="¡Gracias por" explanation="credits. Line 1/2: Thanks for playing!" max="20"/>
<string english="playing!" translation="jugar!" explanation="credits. Line 2/2: Thanks for playing!" max="20"/>
<string english="SPACE STATION 1 MASTERED" translation="DOMINASTE LA ESTACIÓN ESPACIAL 1" explanation="achievement/trophy title" max="38*2"/>
<string english="LABORATORY MASTERED" translation="DOMINASTE EL LABORATORIO" explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial" max="38*2"/>
<string english="THE TOWER MASTERED" translation="DOMINASTE LA TORRE" explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial" max="38*2"/>
<string english="SPACE STATION 2 MASTERED" translation="DOMINASTE LA ESTACIÓN ESPACIAL 2" explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial" max="38*2"/>
<string english="WARP ZONE MASTERED" translation="DOMINASTE LA ZONA CÍCLICA" explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial" max="38*2"/>
<string english="FINAL LEVEL MASTERED" translation="DOMINASTE EL ÚLTIMO NIVEL" explanation="achievement/trophy title - V rank in time trial" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial" translation="Obtén un rango V en esta prueba contrarreloj" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="GAME COMPLETE" translation="JUEGO COMPLETADO" explanation="achievement/trophy title" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Complete the game" translation="Completa el juego" case="1" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="FLIP MODE COMPLETE" translation="MODO VOLTEO COMPLETADO" explanation="achievement/trophy title" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Complete the game in flip mode" translation="Completa el juego en el modo volteo" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Win with less than 50 deaths" translation="Gana con menos de 50 muertes" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Win with less than 100 deaths" translation="Gana con menos de 100 muertes" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Win with less than 250 deaths" translation="Gana con menos de 250 muertes" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Win with less than 500 deaths" translation="Gana con menos de 500 muertes" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron" translation="Aguanta 5 segundos en el Supergravitrón" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron" translation="Aguanta 10 segundos en el Supergravitrón" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron" translation="Aguanta 15 segundos en el Supergravitrón" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron" translation="Aguanta 20 segundos en el Supergravitrón" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron" translation="Aguanta 30 segundos en el Supergravitrón" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron" translation="Aguanta 1 minuto en el Supergravitrón" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE" translation="REGENTE DEL UNIVERSO" explanation="achievement/trophy title - no death mode complete" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Complete the game in no death mode" translation="Completa el juego en el modo sin muerte" explanation="achievement/trophy description" max="38*2"/>
<string english="Something went wrong, but we forgot the error message." translation="Hubo un error, pero no hay un mensaje de error redactado." explanation="the message that is printed in case the game detects an error but there&apos;s no error message set" max="38*6"/>
<string english="Could not mount {path}: real directory doesn&apos;t exist" translation="No se pudo montar {path}: el directorio real no existe" explanation="mount: link/attach a directory (folder) in the filesystem into the game&apos;s filesystem so we can access it" max="38*6"/>
<string english="Level {path} not found" translation="No se encontró el nivel {path}" explanation="" max="38*6"/>
<string english="Error parsing {path}: {error}" translation="Error de análisis en {path}: {error}" explanation="we tried to parse the level file, but failed" max="38*6"/>
<string english="{filename} dimensions not exact multiples of {width} by {height}!" translation="¡Las dimensiones de {filename} no son múltiplos exactos de {width} por {height}!" explanation="filename is something like tiles.png, tiles2.png, etc. and width/height are something like 8, 32, etc.; this is used if the dimensions of a graphics file aren&apos;t an exact multiple of the given size (e.g. 8x8, 32x32, etc.)" max="38*6"/>
<string english="ERROR: Could not write to language folder! Make sure there is no &quot;lang&quot; folder next to the regular saves." translation="ERROR: No se pudo escribir en la carpeta de idioma. Comprueba que no haya una carpeta &quot;lang&quot; junto a los archivos de guardado normales." explanation="" max="38*5"/>
<string english="Localisation" translation="Localización" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="Localisation Project Led by" translation="Proyecto de localización dirigido por" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Translations by" translation="Traducciones de" explanation=""/>
<string english="Translators" translation="Traductores" explanation="" max="20"/>
<string english="Pan-European Font Design by" translation="Diseño de fuente paneuropea" explanation="" max="40"/>
<string english="Fonts by" translation="Fuentes de" explanation=""/>
<string english="Other Fonts by" translation="Otras fuentes de" explanation=""/>
<string english="Catalan" translation="Catalán" explanation=""/>
<string english="Welsh" translation="Galés" explanation=""/>
<string english="German" translation="Alemán" explanation=""/>
<string english="Esperanto" translation="Esperanto" explanation=""/>
<string english="Spanish" translation="Español" explanation=""/>
<string english="French" translation="Francés" explanation=""/>
<string english="Irish" translation="Irlandés" explanation=""/>
<string english="Italian" translation="Italiano" explanation=""/>
<string english="Japanese" translation="Japonés" explanation=""/>
<string english="Korean" translation="Coreano" explanation=""/>
<string english="Dutch" translation="Neerlandés" explanation=""/>
<string english="Polish" translation="Polaco" explanation=""/>
<string english="Brazilian Portuguese" translation="Portugués de Brasil" explanation=""/>
<string english="European Portuguese" translation="Portugués de Portugal" explanation=""/>
<string english="Russian" translation="Ruso" explanation=""/>
<string english="Silesian" translation="Silesio" explanation=""/>
<string english="Turkish" translation="Turco" explanation=""/>
<string english="Ukrainian" translation="Ucraniano" explanation=""/>
<string english="Chinese (Simplified)" translation="Chino simplificado" explanation=""/>
<string english="Chinese (Traditional)" translation="Chino tradicional" explanation=""/>
<string english="" translation="" explanation=""/>
<string english="" translation="" explanation=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<string english_plural="You rescued {n_crew|wordy} crewmates" english_singular="You rescued {n_crew|wordy} crewmate" explanation="These two strings are displayed underneath each other (1/2)" max="40" var="n_crew" expect="6">
<translation form="0" translation="Rescataste a {n_crew|wordy} tripulantes"/>
<translation form="1" translation="Rescataste a un tripulante"/>
<string english_plural="and found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinkets." english_singular="and found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinket." explanation="These two strings are displayed underneath each other (2/2)" max="38*2" var="n_trinkets" expect="20">
<translation form="0" translation="y encontraste {n_trinkets|wordy} baratijas."/>
<translation form="1" translation="y encontraste una baratija."/>
<string english_plural="And you found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinkets." english_singular="And you found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinket." explanation="You rescued all the crewmates! And you found XX trinket(s)." max="38*3" var="n_trinkets" expect="20">
<translation form="0" translation="Y encontraste {n_trinkets|wordy} baratijas."/>
<translation form="1" translation="Y encontraste una baratija."/>
<string english_plural="{n_crew|wordy} crewmates remain" english_singular="{n_crew|wordy} crewmate remains" explanation="Reminder: you can add |upper for an uppercase letter." max="38*2" var="n_crew" expect="100">
<translation form="0" translation="Quedan {n_crew|wordy} tripulantes"/>
<translation form="1" translation="Queda un tripulante"/>
<string english_plural="{n_crew|wordy} remain" english_singular="{n_crew|wordy} remains" explanation="You have rescued a crew member! XX remain" max="32*2" var="n_crew" expect="100">
<translation form="0" translation="Quedan {n_crew|wordy}"/>
<translation form="1" translation="Queda uno"/>
<string english_plural="Hardest Room (with {n_deaths} deaths)" english_singular="Hardest Room (with {n_deaths} death)" explanation="game complete screen" max="40" var="n_deaths" expect="1000">
<translation form="0" translation="Sala más difícil (con {n_deaths} muertes)"/>
<translation form="1" translation="Sala más difícil (con una muerte)"/>
<string english_plural="{n} normal room names untranslated" english_singular="{n} normal room name untranslated" explanation="per-area counts for room name translator mode" max="38*4" var="n" expect="48">
<translation form="0" translation="{n} nombres de sala normal sin traducir"/>
<translation form="1" translation="{n} nombre de sala normal sin traducir"/>