<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="I wonder why the ship teleported me here alone?"translation="Cén fáth ar theiliompair an long anseo i m'aonar mé?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="I hope everyone else got out ok..."translation="Tá súil agam gur éalaigh gach duine eile gan dua..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Violet! Is that you?"translation="A Vialait, an tusa atá ann?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Captain! You're ok!"translation="A Chaptaein! Tá tú ceart go leor!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Something has gone horribly wrong with the ship's teleporter!"translation="Caithfidh gur bhris teiliompróir na loinge!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I think everyone has been teleported away randomly! They could be anywhere!"translation="Ceapaim gur teiliompraíodh gach duine go randamach! Is féidir leo bheith áit ar bith!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I'm on the ship - it's damaged badly, but it's still intact!"translation="Tá mé ar an long - rinneadh dochar mór di, ach tá sí ann fós."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Where are you, Captain?"translation="Cá bhfuil tú féin, a Chaptaein?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="I'm on some sort of space station... It seems pretty modern..."translation="Tá mé i stáisiún spáis de shaghas éigin... Tá cuma nua-aimseartha air..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="There seems to be some sort of interference in this dimension..."translation="Is cosúil go bhfuil cur isteach éigin sa diminsean seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I'm broadcasting the coordinates of the ship to you now."translation="Tá mé ag seoladh chomhordanáidí na loinge chugat anois."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I can't teleport you back, but..."translation="Ní féidir liomsa thú a theiliompar ar ais, ach..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="If YOU can find a teleporter anywhere nearby, you should be able to teleport back to me!"translation="Más féidir leatsa teacht ar theiliompróir i ngar duit, déarfainn go mbeidh tú féin in ann teileapórtáil ar ais domsa."/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Ok! I'll try to find one!"translation="Ceart go leor! Lorgfaidh mé ceann!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Good luck, Captain!"translation="Ádh mór ort, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I'll keep trying to find the rest of the crew..."translation="Leanfaidh mé orm ag trial an chuid eile den chriú a aimsiú..."/>
<cutsceneid="trenchwarfare"explanation="player finds Trench Warfare trinket, if no trinkets found yet">
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Ohh! I wonder what that is?"translation="Ó! Céard é sin?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="I probably don't really need it, but it might be nice to take it back to the ship to study..."translation="Ní fheadar an mbainfidh mé mórán tairbhe as, ach is dócha go mbeadh sé go deas é a thabhairt ar ais go dtí an long le staidéar..."/>
<cutsceneid="newtrenchwarfare"explanation="player finds Trench Warfare trinket, if other trinket already found">
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Oh! It's another one of those shiny things!"translation="Ó! Ceann lonrach eile!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="I probably don't really need it, but it might be nice to take it back to the ship to study..."translation="Ní fheadar an mbainfidh mé mórán tairbhe as, ach is dócha go mbeadh sé go deas é a thabhairt ar ais go dtí an long le staidéar..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="So, Doctor - have you any idea what caused the crash?"translation="Muise, a Dhochtúir, an bhfuil cliú ar bith agat céard ba chúis leis an gcraiseáil?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="There's some sort of bizarre signal here that's interfering with our equipment..."translation="Tá comhartha ait anseo atá ag cur isteach ar ár ngléasra."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="It caused the ship to lose its quantum position, collapsing us into this dimension!"translation="Chaill an long a suíomh candamach dá dheasca agus thiteamar isteach sa diminsean seo!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="But I think we should be able to fix the ship and get out of here..."translation="Ceapaim go mbeidh muid in ann an long a dheisiú agus éalú..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="... as long as we can find the rest of the crew."translation="... más féidir linn na daoine eile a fháil."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="We really don't know anything about this place..."translation="Níl eolas ar bith againn ar an áit seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Our friends could be anywhere - they could be lost, or in danger!"translation="Is féidir go bhfuil ár gcairde in áit ar bith - is féidir go bhfuil siad ar strae, nó i mbaol, fiú!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Can they teleport back here?"translation="An féidir leo teileapórtáil ar ais anseo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Not unless they find some way to communicate with us!"translation="Ní féidir mura dtiocfaidh leo dul i dteagmháil linn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="We can't pick up their signal and they can't teleport here unless they know where the ship is..."translation="Ní féidir linne a gcomhartha a fháil agus ní féidir leosan teileapórtáil anseo mura bhfuil a fhios acu cá bhfuil an long..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="So what do we do?"translation="Céard a dhéanfas muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="We need to find them! Head out into the dimension and look for anywhere they might have ended up..."translation="Caithfidh muid iad a fháil. B'fhiú dul isteach sa diminsean agus áiteanna inarbh fhéidir leo a bheith a ransú."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Ok! Where do we start?"translation="Ceart go leor! Cá dtosóidh muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Well, I've been trying to find them with the ship's scanners!"translation="Tá mé féin ag triail iad a fháil le scanóir na loinge."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="It's not working, but I did find something..."translation="Níl sé ag oibriú, ach tháinig mé ar rud éigin..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="These points show up on our scans as having high energy patterns!"translation="Tá leibhéil fuinnimh ard ag na pointí seo sa scanadh."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="There's a good chance they're teleporters - which means they're probably built near something important..."translation="Seans maith gur teiliompróirí iad - rud a chiallaíonn gur dócha go bhfuil siad in aice le rud éigin tábhachtach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="They could be a very good place to start looking."translation="Seans gur áiteanna maithe iad le haghaidh tosú leis an tóraíocht."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Ok! I'll head out and see what I can find!"translation="Ceart go leor! Rachaidh mé amach chun cuardach a dhéanamh!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I'll be right here if you need any help!"translation="Beidh mé anseo má bhíonn cúnamh uait!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I'll be right here if you need any help!"translation="Beidh mé anseo má bhíonn cúnamh uait!"/>
<cutsceneid="talkpurple_intro"explanation="***ENTER is OUTDATED***">
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, Doctor."translation="Tá mé thar mo riocht, a Dhochtúir."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Where do I begin?"translation="Cá dtosóidh mé?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Remember that you can press ENTER to check where you are on the map!"translation="Ná déan dearmad gur féidir ENTER a bhrú le breathnú ar an mapa."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Remember that you can press {b_map} to check where you are on the map!"translation="Ná dearmad go bhfuil tú in ann brú ar {b_map} le breathnú ar an áit ina bhfuil tú ar an mapa!"buttons="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Look for areas where the rest of the crew might be..."translation="Cuardaigh áiteanna arbh fhéidir go bhfuil daoine eile den chriú iontu..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="If you get lost, you can get back to the ship from any teleporter."translation="Má théann tú ar strae, is féidir dul ar ais chun na loinge le haon teiliompróir."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="And don't worry! We'll find everyone!"translation="Ná bíodh imní ort! Gheobhaidh muid gach duine!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Everything will be ok!"translation="Beidh gach rud i gceart!"/>
<cutsceneid="talkpurple_3"explanation="only one player string is shown">
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Are you doing ok, Captain?"translation="An bhfuil tú ceart go leor, a Chaptaein?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I'm worried about Victoria, Doctor!"translation="Tá imní orm faoi Victoria, a Dhochtúir!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I'm worried about Vitellary, Doctor!"translation="Tá imní orm faoi Vitellary, a Dhochtúir!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I'm worried about Verdigris, Doctor!"translation="Tá imní orm faoi Verdigiris, a Dhochtúir!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I'm worried about Vermilion, Doctor!"translation="Tá imní orm faoi Vermilion, a Dhochtúir!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I'm worried about you, Doctor!"translation="Tá imní orm fútsa, a Dhochtúir!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Oh - well, don't worry, they'll show up!"translation="Bhuel, ná bíodh imní ort - gheobhaidh muid iad!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Here! Have a lollipop!"translation="Féach! Tóg líreacán!"/>
<cutsceneid="trinketcollector"explanation="if no trinkets found yet">
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="This seems like a good place to store anything I find out there..."translation="Áit mhaith é seo le rud ar bith a gheobhfas mé a stóráil..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Victoria loves to study the interesting things we find on our adventures!"translation="Is breá le Victoria staidéar a dhéanamh ar rudaí suimiúla a fhaigheann muid."/>
<cutsceneid="newtrinketcollector"explanation="if at least one trinket found">
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="This seems like a good place to store those shiny things."translation="Áit mhaith é seo leis na rudaí lonracha úd a stóráil."/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Victoria loves to study the interesting things we find on our adventures!"translation="Is breá le Victoria staidéar a dhéanamh ar rudaí suimiúla a fhaigheann muid."/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="I hope she's ok..."translation="Tá súil agam go bhfuil sí ceart go leor..."/>
<cutsceneid="rescuegreen"explanation="nuance: `she's BACK on the ship` means more `she's home` and not `she has returned to the ship`. She has never left the ship">
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Captain! I've been so worried!"translation="A Chaptaein! Bhí an-imní orm!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Chief Verdigris! You're ok!"translation="A Cheannaire Verdigiris! Tá tú ceart go leor!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I've been trying to get out, but I keep going around in circles..."translation="Tá mé ag iarraidh éalú, ach bím ag dul i gciorcal."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I've come from the ship. I'm here to teleport you back to it."translation="Tháinig mé ón long. Táim anseo chun tú a theiliompar chuici."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Is everyone else alright? Is Violet..."translation="An bhfuil na daoine eile ceart go leor? An bhfuil Violet..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="She's fine - she's back on the ship!"translation="Tá sí ceart go leor - tá sí ar an long!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Oh! Great - Let's get going, then!"translation="Ó! Go hiontach - ar aghaidh linn, mar sin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Oh no! Captain! Are you stuck here too?"translation="Ná habair! A Chaptaein! An bhfuil tú sáinnithe freisin?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="It's ok - I'm here to rescue you!"translation="Tá sé ceart go leor - tá mé anseo le do tharrtháil!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Let me explain everything..."translation="Míneoidh mé gach rud..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="What? I didn't understand any of that!"translation="Céard sa diabhal? Níor thuig mé tada den mhéid sin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Oh... well, don't worry."translation="Ó... bhuel, ná bí buartha."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Follow me! Everything will be alright!"translation="Lean mé! Beidh gach rud ceart go leor."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Am I ever glad to see you! I thought I was the only one to escape the ship..."translation="Nach áthas an domhain atá orm thú a fheiceáil! Cheap mé gur mise an t-aon duine a d'éalaigh as an long!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Vermilion! I knew you'd be ok!"translation="A Vermilion! Bhí a fhios agam go mbeifeá ceart go leor!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="So, what's the situation?"translation="Muise, céard atá ar siúl?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I see! Well, we'd better get back then."translation="Tuigim! Fillimis, mar sin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="There's a teleporter in the next room."translation="Tá teiliompróir sa chéad seomra eile."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Ah, Viridian! You got off the ship alright too?"translation="Á, a Viridian! D'éalaigh tusa ón long slán sábháilte?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="It's good to see you're alright, Professor!"translation="Is maith go bhfuil tú ceart go leor, a Ollaimh!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Is the ship ok?"translation="An bhfuil an long ceart go leor?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="It's badly damaged, but Violet's been working on fixing it."translation="Rinneadh go leor dochair uirthi, ach tá Violet á deisiú."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We could really use your help..."translation="D'fhéadfá cúnamh a thabhairt dúinn..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Ah, of course!"translation="Á, cinnte!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="The background interference in this dimension prevented the ship from finding a teleporter when we crashed!"translation="Chuir cur isteach an diminsin seo cosc ar an long teiliompróir a fháil nuair a chraiseáil muid."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="We've all been teleported to different locations!"translation="Teiliompraíodh go háiteanna éagsúla muid!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Er, that sounds about right!"translation="Er... tá cuma cheart air sin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Let's get back to the ship, then!"translation="Fillimis ar an long mar sin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="After you, Captain!"translation="Ar aghaidh leat, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Something's gone wrong... We should look for a way back!"translation="Tharla rud éigin... aimsímis an tslí go dtí an long!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Follow me! I'll help you!"translation="Lean mé! Cuideoidh mé leat!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Promise you won't leave without me!"translation="Geall dom nach n-imeoidh tú gan mé i do theannta!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I promise! Don't worry!"translation="Geallaim duit é! Ná bí buartha."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Are you ok down there, Doctor?"translation="An bhfuil tú ceart go leor ansin, a Dhochtúir?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I wanna go home!"translation="Ba mhaith liom dul abhaile!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Where are we? How did we even get here?"translation="Cá bhfuil muid? Cén chaoi ar tharla sé go bhfuil muid anseo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Well, Violet did say that the interference in the dimension we crashed in was causing problems with the teleporters..."translation="Dúirt Violet go raibh an cur isteach sa diminsean inar chraiseáil muid ag cur isteach ar na teiliompróirí."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I guess something went wrong..."translation="Is dóigh go ndeachaigh rud éigin ó rath..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="But if we can find another teleporter, I think we can get back to the ship!"translation="Más féidir linn teacht ar theiliompróir eile, ceapaim gur féidir linn filleadh ar an long."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Captain! Captain! Wait for me!"translation="A Chaptaein! A Chaptaein! Fan liom!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Please don't leave me behind! I don't mean to be a burden!"translation="Ná fág i do dhiaidh mé! Níl mé ag iarraidh a bheith mar ualach!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Oh... don't worry Victoria, I'll look after you!"translation="Ná bíodh imní ort, a Victoria, tabharfaidh mé aire duit!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="We're never going to get out of here, are we?"translation="Níl muid le héalú, an bhfuil?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I.. I don't know..."translation="Níl a fhios agam..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I don't know where we are or how we're going to get out..."translation="Níl a fhios agam cá bhfuil muid nó cén chaoi a n-éalóidh muid..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="We're going to be lost forever!"translation="Beidh muid caillte go deo!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Ok, come on... Things aren't that bad."translation="Níl an scéal chomh dona sin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I have a feeling that we're nearly home!"translation="Ceapaim nach fada go mbeimid ar an long!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We can't be too far from another teleporter!"translation="Caithfidh go bhfuil teiliompróir eile i ngar dúinn."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I hope you're right, captain..."translation="Tá súil agam go bhfuil an ceart agat, a Chaptaein..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Captain! You were right! It's a teleporter!"translation="A Chaptaein! Bhí an ceart agat! Is teiliompróir é!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Phew! You had me worried for a while there... I thought we were never going to find one."translation="Bhí imní orm ar feadh tamaill. Cheap mé nach raibh muid le ceann a fháil go deo."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Anyway, let's go back to the ship."translation="Ar aon chaoi, ar ais go dtí an long linn."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Huh? This isn't the ship..."translation="Hea? Ní hé seo an long..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Captain! What's going on?"translation="A Chaptaein, céard atá ar siúl?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I... I don't know!"translation="Níl... Níl a fhios agam..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Where are we?"translation="Cá bhfuil muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Uh oh, this isn't good... Something must have gone wrong with the teleporter!"translation="Níl sé seo go maith... níor oibrigh an teiliompróir i gceart!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Ok... no need to panic!"translation="Ceart go leor - ná tagadh anbhá ort!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Let's look for another teleporter!"translation="Aimsímis teiliompróir eile!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Let's go this way!"translation="Téimis an bealach seo!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="After you, Captain!"translation="Ar aghaidh leat, a Chaptaein!"/>
<cutsceneid="int1green_3"explanation="just like in rescuegreen, `Violet is back on the ship` does not mean she was ever off the ship and has *returned* to it. Or maybe Verdigris thinks Violet was warped off the ship as well just like him and she *has* made her way back to the ship?">
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="So Violet's back on the ship? She's really ok?"translation="Tá Violet ar ais ar an long? An bhfuil sí ceart go leor, i ndáiríre?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="She's fine! She helped me find my way back!"translation="Tá sí thar barr! Chuidigh sí liom agus mé ag filleadh ar an long!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Oh, phew! I was worried about her."translation="Go maith! Bhí imní orm fúithi."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Captain, I have a secret..."translation="A Chaptaein, tá rún agam..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I really like Violet!"translation="Tá nóisean agam do Vialait!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Is that so?"translation="An mar sin é?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Please promise you won't tell her!"translation="Geall dom nach n-inseoidh tú di é!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Are you doing ok?"translation="An bhfuil tú ceart go leor?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I think so! I really hope we can find a way back to the ship..."translation="Ceapaim go bhfuil! Tá an-súil agam gur féidir linn ár mbealach ar ais go dtí an long a fháil..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="So, about Violet..."translation="Féach, maidir le Vialait..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Thanks Captain!"translation="Míle buíochas, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="So, do you think you'll be able to fix the ship?"translation="An gceapann tú go mbeidh tú in ann an long a dheisiú?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Depends on how bad it is... I think so, though!"translation="Braitheann sé ar cé chomh dona is atá sí... ach ceapaim é!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="It's not very hard, really. The basic dimensional warping engine design is pretty simple, and if we can get that working we shouldn't have any trouble getting home."translation="Níl sé róchasta, dáiríre. Tá leagan amach bunúsach an innill freangtha toisigh simplí go leor agus más féidir linn an méid sin a chur i gceart, ní bheimid i bhfad ag dul abhaile."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Oh! Good!"translation="Ó! Go hiontach!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Finally! A teleporter!"translation="Faoi dheireadh! Teiliompróir!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I was getting worried we wouldn't find one..."translation="Bhí imní orm nach dtiocfadh muid ar cheann..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Let's head back to the ship!"translation="Ar ais go dtí an long linn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Wow! Where are we?"translation="M'anam! Cá bhfuil muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="This... isn't right... Something must have gone wrong with the teleporter!"translation="Níl sé seo go maith. Níor oibrigh an teiliompróir i gceart!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Oh well... We can work it out when we get back to the ship!"translation="Oibreoidh muid amach é agus muid ar ais ar an long."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Let's go exploring!"translation="Téimis ag taiscéalaíocht!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Ok then!"translation="Tá go maith!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Aye aye, Captain!"translation="Aidhe, aidhe, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Hey Viridian... how did the crash happen, exactly?"translation="Hóra, a Viridian... cén chaoi ar tharla an chraiseáil?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Oh, I don't really know - some sort of interference..."translation="Níl mé cinnte, i ndáiríre - cur isteach de shaghas éigin faoi deara í..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="...or something sciencey like that. It's not really my area."translation="...nó rud mar sin a bhaineann leis an eolaíocht. Is beag an tuiscint atá agam ar a leithéid."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Ah! Well, do you think we'll be able to fix the ship and go home?"translation="Á. An gceapann tú go ndeiseoidh muid an long agus go ngabhfaidh muid abhaile?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Of course! Everything will be ok!"translation="Ceapaim é! Beidh gach rud ceart go leor."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Hi again! You doing ok?"translation="Hóra! An bhfuil tú ceart go leor?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I think so! But I really want to get back to the ship..."translation="Ceapaim é! Ach, tá mé ag iarraidh filleadh ar an long..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="We'll be ok! If we can find a teleporter somewhere we should be able to get back!"translation="Beidh muid ceart go leor! Beidh muid in ann filleadh más féidir linn teacht ar theiliompróir."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Are we there yet?"translation="An bhfuil muid ann go fóill?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We're getting closer, I think..."translation="Ceapaim go bhfuil muid ag druidim leis..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I wonder where we are, anyway?"translation="Meas tú cá bhfuil muid ar aon chaoi?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="This seems different from that dimension we crashed in, somehow..."translation="Tá an chuma atá ar an áit seo éagsúil le cuma an diminsin inar chraiseáil muid..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I dunno... But we must be close to a teleporter by now..."translation="Níl a fhios agam, ach caithfidh go bhfuil muid in aice le teiliompróir faoi seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We're there!"translation="Tá muid ann!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="See? I told you! Let's get back to the ship!"translation="Dúirt mé leat é! Ar ais go dtí an long linn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Oooh! This is interesting..."translation="Óó! Tá sé seo suimiúil..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Captain! Have you been here before?"translation="A Chaptaein! An raibh tú anseo riamh roimhe seo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="What? Where are we?"translation="Céard é? Cá bhfuil muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I suspect something deflected our teleporter transmission! This is somewhere new..."translation="Is dóigh liom gur sraonadh an traiseoladh teiliompróra! Áit nua é seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We should try to find a teleporter and get back to the ship..."translation="Faighimis teiliompróir le filleadh ar an long..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Right behind you, Captain!"translation="Díreach i do dhiaidh, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="What do you make of all this, Professor?"translation="Céard é do thuairim faoi seo, a Ollaimh?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I'm guessing this dimension has something to do with the interference that caused us to crash!"translation="Déarfainn go bhfuil baint éigin ag an diminsean sin leis an gcur isteach ba chúis leis an gcraiseáil."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Maybe we'll find the cause of it here?"translation="B'fhéidir go dtiocfaimid ar an gcúis anseo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Oh wow! Really?"translation="Ó! I ndáiríre?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Well, it's just a guess. I'll need to get back to the ship before I can do any real tests..."translation="Níl ann ach tomhas. Caithfidh mé filleadh ar an long leis na scrúduithe a dhéanamh."/>
<cutsceneid="int1yellow_4"explanation="the split paths merge, and Vitellary sees a checkpoint">
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Ohh! What was that?"translation="Ó! Céard a bhí ann?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="What was what?"translation="Céard a bhí ann?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Em... I don't really know how to answer that question..."translation="Em... Níl mé cinnte cén chaoi an cheist sin a fhreagairt..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="It's probably best not to acknowledge that it's there at all."translation="Is fearr gan aird ar bith a thabhairt air."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Maybe we should take it back to the ship to study it?"translation="B'fhéidir go mba cheart dúinn é a thabhairt ar ais go dtí an long lena staidéar?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We really shouldn't think about it too much... Let's keep moving!"translation="Ná smaoiníodh muid róchruinn air... Bogadh muid!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="You know, there's something really odd about this dimension..."translation="An bhfuil a fhios agat... tá rud éigin an-aisteach faoin diminsean seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="We shouldn't really be able to move between dimensions with a regular teleporter..."translation="Níor cheart go mbeadh muid in ann aistriú idir diminsin le teiliompróir."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Maybe this isn't a proper dimension at all?"translation="B'fhéidir nach diminsean ceart é seo ar chor ar bith?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Maybe it's some kind of polar dimension? Something artificially created for some reason?"translation="B'fhéidir gur diminsean polach é? Rud a cruthaíodh go saorga ar chúis éigin?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I can't wait to get back to the ship. I have a lot of tests to run!"translation="Tá mé ar bís le filleadh ar an long! Tá a lán scrúduithe le déanamh agam!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I wonder if there's anything else in this dimension worth exploring?"translation="Ní fheadar an bhfuil aon rud eile sa diminsean seo arbh fhiú féachaint thart air?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Maybe... but we should probably just focus on finding the rest of the crew for now..."translation="B'fhéidir é... ach ba cheart dúinn díriú ar an gcriú a bhailiú ar dtús."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="If you can find him, he'd be a big help fixing the ship!"translation="Más féidir leat teacht air, cúnamh mór a bheas ann agus an long á dheisiú!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Chief Verdigris is so brave and ever so smart!"translation="Tá an Ceannaire Verdigris an-chróga agus an-éirimiúil ar fad."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Welcome back, Captain!"translation="Fáilte ar ais, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I think Victoria is quite happy to be back on the ship."translation="Ceapaim go bhfuil Victoria an-sásta le bheith ar ais ar an long."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="She really doesn't like adventuring. She gets very homesick!"translation="Ní duine eachtrúil í. Bíonn cumha uirthi i ndiaidh an baile."/>
<cutsceneid="talkpurple_5"explanation="only one of the last 6 strings is shown">
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Vermilion called in to say hello!"translation="Chuir Vermilion glaoch orainn le heileo a rá!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He's really looking forward to helping you find the rest of the crew!"translation="Tá sé ag súil le bheith ag cuidiú leat agus tú ar thóir an chriú"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Victoria!"translation="Tá sé ag súil le bheith ag cuidiú leat agus tú ar thóir Victoria"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Vitellary!"translation="Tá sé ag súil le bheith ag cuidiú leat agus tú ar thóir Vitellary"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Verdigris!"translation="Tá sé ag súil le bheith ag cuidiú leat agus tú ar thóir Verdigris"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Vermilion!"translation="Tá sé ag súil le bheith ag cuidiú leat agus tú ar thóir Vermillion"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He's really looking forward to helping you find you!"translation="Tá sé ag súil le bheith ag cuidiú leat agus tú ar do thóir féin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Captain! You found Verdigris!"translation="A Chaptaein! Tháinig tú ar Verdigris!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Thank you so much!"translation="Míle buíochas!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I'm glad Professor Vitellary is ok!"translation="Tá áthas orm go bhfuil an tOllamh Vitellary ceart go leor!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He had lots of questions for me about this dimension."translation="Bhí ceisteanna go leor aige orm maidir leis an diminsean seo."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="He's already gotten to work with his research!"translation="Thosaigh sé a chuid taighde cheana féin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Doctor, something strange happened when we teleported back to the ship..."translation="A Dhochtúir, tharla rud éigin agus muid ag teileapórtáil ar ais chuig an long."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We got lost in another dimension!"translation="Bhí muid caillte i ndiminsean eile."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Maybe that dimension has something to do with the interference that caused us to crash here?"translation="B'fhéidir go bhfuil baint éigin ag an diminsean sin leis an gcur isteach ba chúis leis an gcraiseáil?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="I'll look into it..."translation="Iniúchfaidh mé é..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Doctor! Doctor! It happened again!"translation="A Dhochtúir! A Dhochtúir! Tharla an rud céanna arís!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="The teleporter brought us to that weird dimension..."translation="D'iompair an teiliompróir muid go dtí an diminsean aisteach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Hmm, there's definitely something strange happening..."translation="Hmm... is cinnte go bhfuil rud éigin aisteach ag tarlú."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="If only we could find the source of that interference!"translation="Dá mbeadh muid in ann teacht ar fhoinse an chur isteach!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Doctor, something strange has been happening when we teleport back to the ship..."translation="A Dhochtúir, bíonn rud éigin aisteach ag tarlú agus muid ag teileapórtáil ar ais go dtí an long."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We keep getting brought to another weird dimension!"translation="Iompraíonn sé muid go dtí diminsean aisteach eile!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Maybe that dimension has something to do with the interference that caused us to crash here?"translation="B'fhéidir go bhfuil baint éigin ag an diminsean sin leis an gcur isteach ba chúis leis an gcraiseáil?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Hmm, there's definitely something strange happening..."translation="Hmm... is cinnte go bhfuil rud éigin aisteach ag tarlú."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="If only we could find the source of that interference!"translation="Dá mbeadh muid in ann teacht ar fhoinse an chur isteach!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Hey Captain! Now that you've turned off the source of the interference, we can warp everyone back to the ship instantly, if we need to!"translation="A Chaptaein! Anois agus foinse an chur isteach múchta agat, is féidir gach uile dhuine a theiliompar ar ais go dtí an long, más gá!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Any time you want to come back to the ship, just select the new SHIP option in your menu!"translation="Am ar bith a mbeidh tú ag iarraidh filleadh ar an long, roghnaigh an rogha nua, Long, sa roghchlár."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I'm an engineer!"translation="Is innealtóir mé!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I think I can get this ship moving again, but it's going to take a while..."translation="Is féidir liom an long seo a dheisiú, ach tógfaidh sé tamall..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Victoria mentioned something about a lab? I wonder if she found anything down there?"translation="Luaigh Victoria saotharlann? Meas tú ar tháinig sí ar rud ar bith ann?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Vermilion's back! Yey!"translation="Tá Vermilion ar ais! Thar cionn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="The Professor had lots of questions about this dimension for me..."translation="Bhí ceisteanna go leor ag an Ollamh orm maidir leis an diminsean seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="We still don't really know that much, though."translation="Ach fós féin níl mórán ar eolas againn."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Until we work out what's causing that interference, we can't go anywhere."translation="Ní féidir linn dul go háit ar bith go dtí go bhfaighidh muid amach céard is cúis leis an gcur isteach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I'm so glad that Violet's alright!"translation="Tá an-áthas orm go bhfuil Vialait ceart go leor!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="That other dimension we ended up in must be related to this one, somehow..."translation="Ar chaoi éigin, tá baint ag an diminsean eile leis an gceann seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="The antenna's broken! This is going to be very hard to fix..."translation="Tá an aeróg briste! Beidh sé deacair í a dheisiú..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="It looks like we were warped into solid rock when we crashed!"translation="Tá an chuma ar an scéal gur teiliompraíodh muid isteach i gcarraig nuair a chraiseáil muid!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Hmm. It's going to be hard to separate from this..."translation="Is ea, anois. Beidh sé deacair an long a fhuascailt uaidh seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="The ship's all fixed up. We can leave at a moment's notice!"translation="Tá an long deisithe! Is féidir linn imeacht ar ala na huaire!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Don't worry, Sir!"translation="Ná bíodh imní ort, a dhuine uasail!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="We'll find a way out of here!"translation="Gheobhaidh muid slí amach!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I hope Victoria is ok..."translation="Tá súil agam go bhfuil Victoria ceart go leor..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="She doesn't handle surprises very well..."translation="Ní réitíonn eachtraí gan choinne go mór léi..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I don't know how we're going to get this ship working again!"translation="Níl cliú dá laghad agam cén chaoi a ndeiseoidh muid an long seo!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Chief Verdigris would know what to do..."translation="Bheadh a fhios ag an gCeannaire Verdigris..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I wonder what caused the ship to crash here?"translation="Meas tú cén fáth ar chraiseáil an long anseo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="It's the shame the Professor isn't here, huh? I'm sure he could work it out!"translation="Is mór an trua nach bhfuil an tOllamh anseo, nach mór? Tá mé cinnte go mbeadh seisean in ann é a fháil amach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="It's great to be back!"translation="Tá sé go deas a bheith ar ais!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I can't wait to help you find the rest of the crew!"translation="Tá mé ar bís cuidiú leat na daoine eile a fháil!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="It'll be like old times, huh, Captain?"translation="Beidh sé cosúil leis an tseanaimsir, nach mbeidh, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="It's good to have Victoria back with us."translation="Tá sé go breá go bhfuil Victoria ar ais linn."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="She really seems happy to get back to work in her lab!"translation="Tá cuma an-sásta uirthi le bheith ar ais sa tsaotharlann."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I think I saw Verdigris working on the outside of the ship!"translation="Ceapaim go bhfaca mé Verdigris ag obair ar an taobh amuigh den long."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="You found Professor Vitellary! All right!"translation="Tháinig tú ar an Ollamh Vitellary! Thar cionn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="We'll have this interference thing worked out in no time now!"translation="Ní fada go mbeidh an cur isteach curtha amach againn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="That other dimension was really strange, wasn't it?"translation="Bhí an diminsean eile úd an-ait, nach raibh?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I wonder what caused the teleporter to send us there?"translation="Meas tú cén fáth ar sheol an teiliompróir ansiúd muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Heya Captain!"translation="Hóra, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="This way looks a little dangerous..."translation="Tá cuma bhaolach ar an mbealach seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I'm helping!"translation="Táim ag cabhrú leat!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Hey Captain!"translation="Hóra, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I found something interesting around here - the same warp signature I saw when I landed!"translation="Fuair mé rud éigin suimiúil inár dtimpeall -- an t-aitheantas teiliompróra céanna a chonaic mé agus mé ag leaindeáil!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Someone from the ship must be nearby..."translation="Is dóigh go bhfuil duine den chriú gar dúinn..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="This dimension is pretty exciting, isn't it?"translation="Cuireann an diminsean seo an-sceitimíní ort, nach gcuireann?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="I wonder what we'll find?"translation="Níl a fhios agam cad a gheobhaimid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Any signs of Professor Vitellary?"translation="An bhfuil aon tuairisc ar an Ollamh Vitellary?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Sorry, not yet..."translation="Mo leithscéal, ach níl go fóill..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I hope he's ok..."translation="Tá súil agam go bhfuil sé ceart go leor..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Thanks so much for saving me, Captain!"translation="Go raibh míle maith agat as mé a shábháil, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I'm so glad to be back!"translation="Tá an-áthas orm bheith ar ais!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="That lab was so dark and scary! I didn't like it at all..."translation="Bhí an tsaotharlann úd dorcha scanrúil! Níor thaitin sí liom ar chor ar bith..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Vitellary's back? I knew you'd find him!"translation="Tá Vitellary ar ais, an bhfuil? Bhí a fhios agam go bhfaighfeá é!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I mean, I admit I was very worried that you wouldn't..."translation="Admhaím go raibh imní orm nach bhfaighfeá..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="or that something might have happened to him..."translation="nó gur tharla rud éigin dó..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Doctor Victoria? He's ok!"translation="An Dochtúir Victoria? Tá sé ceart go leor!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Oh! Sorry! I was just thinking about what if he wasn't?"translation="Ó! Mo leithscéal! Bhí mé ag smaoineamh ar a mhalairt?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Thank you, Captain!"translation="Míle buíochas, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="You found Vermilion! Great!"translation="Tháinig tú ar Vermilion! Thar cionn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I wish he wasn't so reckless!"translation="Is mairg go bhfuil sé chomh meargánta sin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="He'll get himself into trouble..."translation="Beidh sé i dtrioblóid..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Verdigris is ok! Violet will be so happy!"translation="Tá Verdigris ceart go leor! Beidh an-áthas ar Violet!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Though I was very worried..."translation="Cé go raibh an-imní orm..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Why did the teleporter send us to that scary dimension?"translation="Cén fáth ar sheol an teiliompróir go dtí an diminsean scanrúil úd muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="What happened?"translation="Cad a tharla?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="I don't know, Doctor..."translation="Níl a fhios agam, a Dhochtúir..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Heya Captain!"translation="Hóra, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Are you going to try and find the rest of these shiny things?"translation="An bhfuil tú chun na rudaí lonracha eile a fháil?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Hey Captain, I found this in that lab..."translation="A Chaptaein, tháinig mé air seo sa tsaotharlann úd..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Any idea what it does?"translation="An bhfuil cliú ar bith agat céard a dhéanann sé?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Sorry, I don't know!"translation="Gabh mo leithscéal, níl a fhios agam!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="They seem important, though..."translation="Tá an chuma orthu go bhfuil siad tábhachtach..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Maybe something will happen if we find them all?"translation="B'fhéidir go dtarlódh rud éigin má fhaigheann muid iad uile?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Captain! Come have a look at what I've been working on!"translation="A Chaptaein! Breathnaigh ar na rudaí ar a bhfuil mé ag obair!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="It looks like these shiny things are giving off a strange energy reading!"translation="Tá fuinneamh ait ag teacht ó na rudaí lonracha seo."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="So I analysed it..."translation="Rinne mé anailís air..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Captain! Come have a look at what I've been working on!"translation="A Chaptaein! Breathnaigh ar na rudaí ar a bhfuil mé ag obair!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I found this in that lab..."translation="Fuair mé é seo sa tsaotharlann úd..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="It seemed to be giving off a weird energy reading..."translation="Bhí fuinneamh ait ag teacht uaidh..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="So I analysed it..."translation="Rinne mé anailís air..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="...and I was able to find more of them with the ship's scanner!"translation="agus bhí mé in ann níos mó a fháil le scanóir na loinge."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="If you get a chance, it might be worth finding the rest of them!"translation="Má tá seans agat, is dóigh gurbh fhiú na cinn eile a fháil."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Don't put yourself in any danger, though!"translation="Ná cuir tú féin i mbaol!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="...but it looks like you've already found all of them in this dimension!"translation=".. ach tá an chuma air go bhfuair tú iad uile sa diminsean seo."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Oh? Really?"translation="Ó? I ndáiríre?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Yeah, well done! That can't have been easy!"translation="Dáiríre píre, maith thú! Ní gan straidhn a bhain tú an méid sin amach, is dócha!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="...and they're related. They're all a part of something bigger!"translation="...tá gaol eatarthu. Codanna de rud éigin is mó ná iad féin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Oh? Really?"translation="Ó? I ndáiríre?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Yeah! There seem to be twenty variations of the fundamental energy signature..."translation="Dáiríre! Tá an chuma ar an scéal go bhfuil fiche leagan den bunaitheantas fuinnimh..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Does that mean you've found all of them?"translation="An é go bhfuair tú iad uile?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I'm making some fascinating discoveries, captain!"translation="Táim i ndiaidh teacht ar go leor rudaí a chuirfidh go mór leis an eolas atá againn, a Chaptaein!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="This isn't like any other dimension we've been to, Captain."translation="Níl sé seo cosúil le diminsean ar bith eile ina raibh muid, a Chaptaein."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="There's something strange about this place..."translation="Tá rud éigin aisteach faoin áit seo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Captain, have you noticed that this dimension seems to wrap around?"translation="A Chaptaein, ar thug tú faoi deara go bhfuil an diminsean seo ag dul ar ais air féin?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Yeah, it's strange..."translation="Thug, tá sé aisteach..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="It looks like this dimension is having the same stability problems as our own!"translation="Tá an chuma ar an scéal go bhfuil na fadhbanna cobhsaíochta céanna ag an diminsean seo is atá ag ár gceannsa."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I hope we're not the ones causing it..."translation="Tá súil agam nach muidne is cúis leo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="What? Do you think we might be?"translation="Céard é sin? An gceapann tú é?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="No no... that's very unlikely, really..."translation="Ní cheapaim... is beag an baol, dáiríre..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="My guess is that whoever used to live here was experimenting with ways to stop the dimension from collapsing."translation="Bhuel, pé daoine a bhí ina gcónaí anseo, bhí siad ag déanamh turgnamh i gcomhair titim isteach an diminsin a sheachaint, dar liom."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="It would explain why they've wrapped the edges..."translation="Léireodh an méid sin staid na n-imeall..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Hey, maybe that's what's causing the interference?"translation="Féach, seans gurb é sin is cúis leis an gcur isteach, nach ea?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I wonder where the people who used to live here have gone?"translation="Ní fheadar cá bhfuil na daoine a bhí ina gcónaí anseo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I think it's no coincidence that the teleporter was drawn to that dimension..."translation="Ní chreidim gur trí sheans a tarraingíodh an teiliompróir i dtreo an diminsin úd..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="There's something there. I think it might be causing the interference that's stopping us from leaving..."translation="Tá rud éigin anseo. Ceapaim gurb é is cúis leis an gcur isteach atá ag cur cosc imeachta orainn."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I'm glad Verdigris is alright."translation="Tá áthas orm go bhfuil Verdigris ceart go leor."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="It'll be a lot easier to find some way out of here now that we can get the ship working again!"translation="Beidh sé i bhfad Éireann níos fusa éalú ón áit seo anois agus muid in ann an long a dheisiú!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Ah, you've found Doctor Victoria? Excellent!"translation="Á, fuair tú an Dochtúir Victoria? Ar fheabhas!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I have lots of questions for her!"translation="Tá go leor ceisteanna agam uirthi!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Vermilion says that he was trapped in some sort of tunnel?"translation="Dúirt Vermilion go raibh sé sáinnithe i dtollán de shaghas éigin?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Yeah, it just seemed to keep going and going..."translation="Díreach é, lean sé ar aghaidh agus ar aghaidh..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Interesting... I wonder why it was built?"translation="Suimiúil... meas tú cén fáth gur tógadh é?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="It's good to be back!"translation="Tá sé ar fheabhas le bheith ar ais!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I've got so much work to catch up on..."translation="Tá a lán oibre le déanamh agam..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I know it's probably a little dangerous to stay here now that this dimension is collapsing..."translation="Tá a fhios agam go bhfuil baol ag baint le fanacht anseo agus an diminsean ag titim isteach air féin..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="...but it's so rare to find somewhere this interesting!"translation="...ach is annamh a fhaightear áit chomh suimiúil seo!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Maybe we'll find the answers to our own problems here?"translation="B'fhéidir go bhfaighimis réiteach ár bhfadhbanna anseo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Captain! I've been meaning to give this to you..."translation="A Chaptaein, bhí sé ar intinn agam é seo a thabhairt duit..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Professor! Where did you find this?"translation="A Ollaimh! Cá bhfuair tú é seo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Oh, it was just lying around that space station."translation="Ó, bhí sé sa stáisiún spáis sin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="It's a pity Doctor Victoria isn't here, she loves studying that sort of thing..."translation="Is mór an trua nach bhfuil an Dochtúir Victoria anseo, is breá léi bheith staidéar a dhéanamh ar a leithéid."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Any idea what it does?"translation="An bhfuil cliú ar bith agat céard a dhéanann sé?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Nope! But it is giving off a strange energy reading..."translation="Níl! Ach táim ag glacadh leamh fuinnimh ait uaidh..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="...so I used the ship's scanner to find more of them!"translation="...mar sin, bhain mé úsáid as scanóir na loinge chun tuilleadh dóibh a aimsiú!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="...Please don't let them distract you from finding Victoria, though!"translation="...ach ná baineadh sé d'aire ó bheith ar thóir Victoria!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I hope she's ok..."translation="Tá súil agam go bhfuil sí ceart go leor..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Can't seem to detect any more of them nearby, though."translation="Ní féidir liom tuilleadh dóibh a mhothú i ngar dúinn, áfach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Maybe you've found them all?"translation="B'fhéidir go bhfuair tú iad uile?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Aha! This must be what's causing the interference!"translation="Á! Ní foláir nó is é seo is cúis leis an gcur isteach!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="I wonder if I can turn it off?"translation="An féidir liom é a mhúchadh?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="WARNING: Disabling the Dimensional Stability Generator may lead to instability! Are you sure you want to do this?"translation="RABHADH: Má mhúchtar an Gineadóir Cobhsaíochta Diminsin, seans go dtitfidh an diminsean isteach air féin. An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil a mhúchadh uait?"/>
Are you really sure you want to do this?" translation="I ndáiríre! Tá seans ann go dtitfidh an diminsean seo isteach air féin. Smaoinigh air seo ar feadh soicind!
An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil tú ag iarraidh é seo a dhéanamh?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="You're alright!"translation="Tá tú ceart go leor!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I knew you'd be ok!"translation="Bhí a fhios agam go mbeifeá togha!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="We were very worried when you didn't come back..."translation="Bhí an-imní orainn nuair nár tháinig tú ar ais..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="...but when you turned off the source of the interference..."translation="...ach nuair a mhúch tú foinse an chur isteach ..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="...we were able to find you with the ship's scanners..."translation="...bhí muid in ann thú a fháil le scanóir na loinge..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="...and teleport you back on board!"translation="...agus thú a theiliompar ar ais."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="That was lucky!"translation="Bhí an t-ádh orainn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Thanks guys!"translation="Go raibh maith agaibh!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="...it looks like this dimension is starting to destabilise, just like our own..."translation="...is cosúil go bhfuil an diminsean seo ag dul as cothrom, díreach ar nós ár gcinn féin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="...we can stay and explore for a little longer, but..."translation="...is féidir linn fanacht agus beagáinín níos mó taiscéalaíochta a dhéanamh, ach..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="...eventually, it'll collapse completely."translation="... titfidh sé isteach air féin sa deireadh."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="There's no telling exactly how long we have here. But the ship's fixed, so..."translation="Níl mé cinnte cé chomh fada is a bheidh muid in ann fanacht. Ach tá an long deisithe agus mar sin..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="...as soon as we're ready, we can go home!"translation="...chomh luath is a bheas muid réidh, is féidir linn dul abhaile!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="What now, Captain?"translation="Céard atá de dhíth ort anois, a Chaptaein?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Let's find a way to save this dimension!"translation="Faighimis caoi ar an diminsean seo a shábháil!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="And a way to save our home dimension too!"translation="Agus caoi ar ár gceannsa a shábháil chomh maith!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="The answer is out there, somewhere!"translation="Tá an freagra ann, in áit éigin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Let's go!"translation="Ar aghaidh linn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Wow! You found all of them!"translation="Ar fheabhas! Fuair tú gach ceann díobh!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Really? Great!"translation="I ndáiríre? Go hiontach!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="I'll run some tests and see if I can work out what they're for..."translation="Cuirfidh mé cúpla tástáil ar siúl chun fáil amach cad é an fheidhm a bhaineann leo..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="That... that didn't sound good..."translation="Níor thaitin sin liom..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="This is where we were storing those shiny things? What happened?"translation="An é seo an áit a raibh muid ag coinneáil na rudaí lasracha úd? Céard a tharla?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We were just playing with them, and..."translation="Bhíomar ag súgradh leo, agus..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="...they suddenly exploded!"translation="...phléasc siad go tobann!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="But look what they made! Is that a teleporter?"translation="Féach ar an rud a chruthaigh siad! An teiliompróir é sin?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I think so, but..."translation="Ceapaim gurb ea ach..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="I've never seen a teleporter like that before..."translation="Ní fhaca mé a leithéid de theiliompróir riamh..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="We should investigate!"translation="Ba chóir dúinn é seo a fhiosrú!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="What do you think, Captain?"translation="Céard é do thuairim, a Chaptaein?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Should we find out where it leads?"translation="Ar cheart dúinn é a leanúint?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Let's go!"translation="Ar aghaidh linn!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="Oh no! We're trapped!"translation="Mo léan! Tá muid sáinnithe!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Hmm... how should we get out of this?"translation="Is ea, anois... conas a éalóimid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="COMBINE!"translation="LE CHÉILE LINN!"case="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="COMBINE!"translation="LE CHÉILE LINN!"case="2"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="COMBINE!"translation="LE CHÉILE LINN!"case="3"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="COMBINE!"translation="LE CHÉILE LINN!"case="4"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="COMBINE!"translation="LE CHÉILE LINN!"case="5"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="COMBINE!"translation="LE CHÉILE LINN!"case="6"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Or, you know... we could have just warped back to the ship..."translation="Nó, tá a fhios agaibh... d'fhéadfaimis teileapórtáil ar ais go dtí an long..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Wow! What is this?"translation="M'anam! Céard é seo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="It looks like another laboratory!"translation="Is cosúil gur saotharlann eile í."/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Let's have a look around!"translation="Breathnóidh muid thart!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="purple"english="Look at all this research! This is going to be a big help back home!"translation="Féach ar an méid taighde! Cúnamh an-mhór a bheas ann!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="I wonder why they abandoned this dimension? They were so close to working out how to fix it..."translation="Ní fheadar cad ina thaobh ar thréig siad an diminsean seo? Bhí réiteach na faidhbe beagnach faighte acu..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="green"english="Maybe we can fix it for them? Maybe they'll come back?"translation="B'fhéidir gur féidir linn é a dheisiú ar a son? B'fhéidir go dtiocfadh siad ar ais?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="blue"english="This lab is amazing! The scientists who worked here know a lot more about warp technology than we do!"translation="Tá an tsaotharlann seo thar cionn! Is léir gur thuig na heolaithe a d'oibrigh anseo i bhfad níos mó i dtaobh teicneolaíocht fhreangtha ná a thuigimid féin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="Captain! Have you seen this?"translation="A Chaptaein! An bhfaca tú é seo?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="With their research and ours, we should be able to stabilise our own dimension!"translation="Ag cur a gcuid taighde lenar gcuidse, ba cheart go mbeidh muid in ann ár ndiminseasn a shábháil."/>
<dialoguespeaker="yellow"english="We're saved!"translation="Tá muid sábháilte!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="Look what I found!"translation="Féach ar a bhfuair mé!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="red"english="It's pretty hard, I can only last for about 10 seconds..."translation="Tá sé deacair go leor, ní mhairim ach 10 soicind nó mar sin..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-=JUKEBOX =-
Songs will continue to play until you leave the ship.
Collect trinkets to unlock new songs!" translation="-= JÚCBHOSCA =-
Beidh na hamhráin á gcasadh go dtí go n-imeoidh tú as an long.
Bailigh ornáidí le hamhráin nua a dhíghlasáil!" centertext="1" padtowidth="264"/>
5 Trinkets
Pushing Onwards" translation="AN CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE
5 ornáid
Pushing Onwards" tt="1" pad="1"/>
8 Trinkets
Positive Force" translation="AN CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE:
8 n-ornáid
Positive Force" tt="1" pad="1"/>
10 Trinkets
Presenting VVVVVV" translation="An CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE:
10 n-ornáid
Presenting VVVVVV" tt="1" pad="1"/>
12 Trinkets
Potential for Anything" translation="AN CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE:
Pressure Cooker" translation="AN CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE:
14 ornáid
Pressure Cooker" tt="1" pad="1"/>
16 Trinkets
Predestined Fate" translation="AN CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE:
16 ornáid
Predestined Fate" tt="1" pad="1"/>
18 Trinkets
Popular Potpourri" translation="AN CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE:
18 n-ornáid
Popular Potpourri" tt="1" pad="1"/>
20 Trinkets
Pipe Dream" translation="AN CHÉAD DÍGHLASÁIL EILE:
20 ornáid
Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-"translation="-= CUNTAS PEARSANTA =-"padtowidth="280"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="Almost everyone has been evacuated from the space station now. The rest of us are leaving in a couple of days, once our research has been completed."translation="Is beag duine nach bhfuil aistrithe amach anois. Imeoidh an chuid eile againn i gceann cúpla lá, nuair a bheas an taighde curtha i gcrích."pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= Research Notes =-"translation="-= Nótaí Taighde =-"padtowidth="264"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="...everything collapses, eventually. It's the way of the universe."translation="...titeann gach rud isteach air féin, sa deireadh. Sin mar a bhíonn an chruinne..."centertext="1"pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="I wonder if the generator we set up in the polar dimension is what's affecting our teleporters?"translation="Ní mé an é an diminsean polach a chruthaigh muid atá ag cur isteach ar ár gcuid teiliompróirí?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="No, it's probably just a glitch."translation="Ní dóigh liom é, is dóigh gur fabht é."/>
<cutsceneid="terminal_station_4"explanation="a trinket that's difficult to get">
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-"translation="-= CUNTAS PEARSANTA =-"padtowidth="280"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="Hah! Nobody will ever get this one."translation="Há! Ní bhfaighidh aon duine an ceann seo go deo!"pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="...The other day I was chased down a hallway by a giant cube with the word AVOID on it."translation="...An lá faoi dheireadh cuireadh an ruaig orm síos an halla ag ciúb ollmhór ar a raibh an focal "FAINIC"."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="These security measures go too far!"translation="Téann na bearta slándála seo thar fóir!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="The only way into my private lab anymore is by teleporter."translation="Níl aon slí isteach chun mo shaotharlainne pearsanta ach le teiliompróir."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="I've made sure that it's difficult for unauthorised personnel to gain access."translation="Dhein mé cinnte de go mbeidh sé deacair do dhaoine teacht isteach gan chead."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= Research Notes =-"translation="-= Nótaí Taighde =-"padtowidth="264"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="... our first breakthrough was the creation of the inversion plane, which creates a mirrored dimension beyond a given event horizon ..."translation="...is é céad dul chun cinn a dheineamar ná an plána inbhéartaithe a chruthú, rud a chruthaíonn diminsean frithchaite lastall de léaslíne theagmhais áirithe..."pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= Research Notes =-"translation="-= Nótaí Taighde =-"padtowidth="264"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="...with just a small modification to the usual parameters, we were able to stabilise an infinite tunnel!"translation="...trí athrú beag a dhéanamh ar na gnáthpharaiméadair, bhíomar ábalta ar thollán gan chríoch a chobhsú!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= Research Notes =-"translation="-= Nótaí Taighde =-"padtowidth="264"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="... the final step in creating the dimensional stabiliser was to create a feedback loop ..."translation="... an chéim dheireanach leis an ngineadóir cobhsaíochta diminsin a chruthú ná lúb aischothaithe a chruthú..."pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= Research Notes =-"translation="-= Nótaí Taighde =-"padtowidth="264"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="...despite our best efforts, the dimensional stabiliser won't hold out forever. Its collapse is inevitable..."translation="D'ainneoin ár seacht ndícheall, ní mhairfidh an gineadóir cobhsaíochta diminsin go deo. Is cinnte go dtitfidh sé isteach air féin..."pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="Huh? These coordinates aren't even in this dimension!"translation="Hea? Níl na comhordanáidí seo sa diminsean seo, fiú."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= Personal Log =-"translation="-= Cuntas Pearsanta =-"padtowidth="232"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="... I've had to seal off access to most of our research. Who knows what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands? ..."translation="... Chuir mé an chuid is mó dár dtaighde i bhfolach. Cá bhfios céard a tharlódh dá mbeadh sé ag daoine contráilte."centertext="1"pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-= Research Notes =-"translation="-= Nótaí Taighde =-"padtowidth="264"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="... access to the control center is still possible through the main atmospheric filters ..."translation="... tá slí isteach go dtí an t-ionad rialúcháin trí na príomhscagairí atmaisféir go fóill..."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="... it turns out the key to stabilising this dimension was to create a balancing force outside of it!"translation="... rún chobhsú an diminsin seo ná fórsa cothromaithe a chruthú taobh amuigh de!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="Though it looks like that's just a temporary solution, at best."translation="Is cosúil nach ann san ach réiteach sealadach, áfach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="I've been working on something more permanent, but it seems it's going to be too late..."translation="Tá mé ag obair ar rud níos buaine, ach is cosúil go mbeidh sé ródhéanach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Now that the ship is fixed, we can leave anytime we want!"translation="Anois agus an long deisithe, is féidir linn imeacht am ar bith!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="We've all agreed to keep exploring this dimension, though."translation="Shocraíomar go léir ar leanúint ar aghaidh ag déanamh taiscéalaíocht ar an diminsean seo, áfach."/>
<dialoguespeaker="player"english="Who knows what we'll find?"translation="Cá bhfios céard a gheobhaidh muid?"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-=SHIPRADIO =-
[ Status ]
Broadcasting" translation="-= Raidió na Loinge =-
[ Stádas ]
Ag Craoladh" tt="1" centertext="1" pad="2"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="-=WARNING =-
The Super-Gravitron is intended for entertainment purposes only." translation="-= RABHADH =-
Is le haghaidh siamsa amháin atá an Super-Gravitron." centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="Anyone found using the Super Gravitron for educational purposes may be asked to stand in the naughty corner."translation="Seans go múinfear fios a bhéas don té a gheofar ag baint úsáid as an Super Gravitron le haghaidh oideachais."/>
Gléas Stiúrtha na Loinge" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="Error! Error! Cannot isolate dimensional coordinates! Interference detected!"translation="Earráid! Earráid! Ní féidir na comhordanáidí toiseacha a scaradh amach! Braitheadh cur isteach éigin!"/>
<dialoguespeaker="cyan"english="...oh, I've already found this."translation="... ó, fuair mé é seo cheana féin."/>
<dialoguespeaker="gray"english="Please disable invincibility and/or slowdown before entering the Super Gravitron."translation="Cuir maolú agus/nó dochloíteacht as feidhm sula dtéann tú isteach sa Super Gravitron."/>