{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module TensorFlow.GenOps.Core where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Complex (Complex)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Lens.Family2 ((.~), (&))
import TensorFlow.Build
import TensorFlow.BuildOp
import TensorFlow.Tensor
import TensorFlow.Types
-- | 
abort :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => m' (ControlNode)
abort = abort' id
abort' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
          m' (ControlNode)
abort' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Abort"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
attr { name: "error_msg" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "exit_without_error" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
abs :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16,
                               Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
abs = abs' id
abs' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
abs' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Abs"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
-- | 
accumulateNV2 :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) =>
                 Shape -- ^ __shape__
                 -> [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __sum__
accumulateNV2 = accumulateNV2' id
accumulateNV2' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Shape -- ^ __shape__
                  -> [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __sum__
accumulateNV2' op'options shape
               inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "AccumulateNV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "inputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "sum" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
-- | 
accumulatorApplyGradient :: forall v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                               Float] dtype) =>
                            Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __local_step__
                            -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __gradient__
                            -> m' (ControlNode)
accumulatorApplyGradient = accumulatorApplyGradient' id
accumulatorApplyGradient' :: forall v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                Float] dtype) =>
                             OpParams ->
                             Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __local_step__
                             -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __gradient__
                             -> m' (ControlNode)
accumulatorApplyGradient' op'options handle local_step
                          gradient | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs local_step,
                                                             buildInputs gradient]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AccumulatorApplyGradient"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "local_step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "gradient" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
accumulatorNumAccumulated :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                             Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __num_accumulated__
accumulatorNumAccumulated = accumulatorNumAccumulated' id
accumulatorNumAccumulated' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                              Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                              -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __num_accumulated__
accumulatorNumAccumulated' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AccumulatorNumAccumulated"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "num_accumulated" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
accumulatorSetGlobalStep :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                            Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __new_global_step__
                            -> m' (ControlNode)
accumulatorSetGlobalStep = accumulatorSetGlobalStep' id
accumulatorSetGlobalStep' :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                             Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __new_global_step__
                             -> m' (ControlNode)
accumulatorSetGlobalStep' op'options handle new_global_step | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs new_global_step]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AccumulatorSetGlobalStep"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "new_global_step" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
accumulatorTakeGradient :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                          Float] dtype) =>
                           Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_required__
                           -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __average__
accumulatorTakeGradient = accumulatorTakeGradient' id
accumulatorTakeGradient' :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                           Float] dtype) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_required__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __average__
accumulatorTakeGradient' op'options handle num_required | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs num_required]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AccumulatorTakeGradient"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "num_required" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "average" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
acos :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
acos = acos' id
acos' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
acos' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Acos"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
acosh :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
acosh = acosh' id
acosh' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
acosh' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Acosh"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
add :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                   Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.Int.Int16,
                                   Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
add = add' id
add' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.Int.Int16,
                                    Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                    Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
add' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Add"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_STRING
-- | 
addManySparseToTensorsMap :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        TensorType t) =>
                             Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __sparse_handles__
addManySparseToTensorsMap = addManySparseToTensorsMap' id
addManySparseToTensorsMap' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         TensorType t) =>
                              OpParams ->
                              Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                              -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                              -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __sparse_handles__
addManySparseToTensorsMap' op'options sparse_indices sparse_values
                           sparse_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sparse_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_values,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AddManySparseToTensorsMap"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sparse_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sparse_handles" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
addN :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                Float, Variant] t) =>
        [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __sum__
addN = addN' id
addN' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                 Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                 Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                 Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                 Float, Variant] t) => OpParams ->
         [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __sum__
addN' op'options inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "AddN"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "inputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "sum" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
      type: DT_VARIANT
-- | 
addSparseToTensorsMap :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorType t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                         -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __sparse_handle__
addSparseToTensorsMap = addSparseToTensorsMap' id
addSparseToTensorsMap' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorType t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                          -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __sparse_handle__
addSparseToTensorsMap' op'options sparse_indices sparse_values
                       sparse_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sparse_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_values,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AddSparseToTensorsMap"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sparse_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sparse_handle" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
addV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
addV2 = addV2' id
addV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
addV2' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "AddV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
adjustContrast :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __contrast_factor__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_value__
                  -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_value__
                  -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustContrast = adjustContrast' id
adjustContrast' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t) => OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __contrast_factor__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_value__
                   -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_value__
                   -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustContrast' op'options images contrast_factor min_value
                max_value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs contrast_factor,
                                                             buildInputs min_value,
                                                             buildInputs max_value]
        return (opDef "AdjustContrast"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "contrast_factor" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_value" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_value" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
adjustContrastv2 :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __images__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __contrast_factor__
                    -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustContrastv2 = adjustContrastv2' id
adjustContrastv2' :: OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __images__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __contrast_factor__
                     -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustContrastv2' op'options images contrast_factor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs contrast_factor]
        return (opDef "AdjustContrastv2"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "contrast_factor" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
adjustHue :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __images__
             -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __delta__
             -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustHue = adjustHue' id
adjustHue' :: OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __images__
              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __delta__
              -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustHue' op'options images delta | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs delta]
        return (opDef "AdjustHue"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "delta" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
adjustSaturation :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __images__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scale__
                    -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustSaturation = adjustSaturation' id
adjustSaturation' :: OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __images__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scale__
                     -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
adjustSaturation' op'options images scale | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs scale]
        return (opDef "AdjustSaturation"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "scale" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
all :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
       Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
       -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
all = all' id
all' :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
        -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
all' op'options input reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "All"
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_BOOL }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_BOOL }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
allCandidateSampler :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                       -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                       -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                       -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Value Float,
                               Tensor Value Float))
                       -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                       -- * __sampled_candidates__
                       -- * __true_expected_count__
                       -- * __sampled_expected_count__
allCandidateSampler = allCandidateSampler' id
allCandidateSampler' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                        -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                        -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                        -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Value Float,
                                Tensor Value Float))
                        -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                        -- * __sampled_candidates__
                        -- * __true_expected_count__
                        -- * __sampled_expected_count__
allCandidateSampler' op'options num_sampled num_true unique
                     true_classes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs true_classes]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AllCandidateSampler"
                    & opAttr "num_sampled" .~ num_sampled
                    & opAttr "num_true" .~ num_true
                    & opAttr "unique" .~ unique
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "true_classes" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sampled_candidates" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "true_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "sampled_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_true" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "num_sampled" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "unique" type: "bool" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
angle :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                              OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __output__
angle = angle' id
angle' :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                               OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __output__
angle' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Angle"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
attr {
  name: "Tout"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
anonymousIterator :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
anonymousIterator = anonymousIterator' id
anonymousIterator' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
anonymousIterator' op'options output_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "AnonymousIterator"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
any :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
       Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
       -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
any = any' id
any' :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
        -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
any' op'options input reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "Any"
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_BOOL }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_BOOL }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
applyAdaMax :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                              Float] t) =>
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __v__
               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
               -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta1__
               -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta2__
               -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
               -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdaMax = applyAdaMax' id
applyAdaMax' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                               Float] t) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __v__
                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta1__
                -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta2__
                -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdaMax' op'options var m v beta1_power lr beta1 beta2 epsilon
             grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs v,
                                                             buildInputs beta1_power,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs beta1,
                                                             buildInputs beta2,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyAdaMax"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "m" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "beta1_power" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyAdadelta :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                        Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                        Float] t) =>
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                 -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                 -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum_update__
                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                 -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                 -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdadelta = applyAdadelta' id
applyAdadelta' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                         Double, Float] t) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                  -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                  -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum_update__
                  -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                  -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                  -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                  -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                  -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdadelta' op'options var accum accum_update lr rho epsilon
               grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs accum_update,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyAdadelta"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum_update" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyAdagrad :: forall v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) =>
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdagrad = applyAdagrad' id
applyAdagrad' :: forall v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                        OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                 -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdagrad' op'options var accum lr grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "update_slots" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
applyAdagradDA :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                             Float] t) =>
                  Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                  -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                  -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                  -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                  -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                  -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                  -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                  -> Tensor v'8 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                  -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdagradDA = applyAdagradDA' id
applyAdagradDA' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                              Float] t) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                   -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                   -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                   -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                   -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                   -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                   -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                   -> Tensor v'8 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                   -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdagradDA' op'options var gradient_accumulator gradient_squared_accumulator
                grad lr l1 l2 global_step | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_squared_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs global_step]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyAdagradDA"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg {
  name: "gradient_accumulator" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true
input_arg {
  name: "gradient_squared_accumulator" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "global_step" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyAdam :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                 Float] t) =>
             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
             -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
             -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __v__
             -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
             -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __beta2_power__
             -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
             -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta1__
             -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __beta2__
             -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __epsilon__
             -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __grad__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdam = applyAdam' id
applyAdam' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                          OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                  Float] t) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __v__
              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __beta2_power__
              -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
              -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta1__
              -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __beta2__
              -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __epsilon__
              -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __grad__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAdam' op'options var m v beta1_power beta2_power lr beta1 beta2 epsilon
           grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs v,
                                                             buildInputs beta1_power,
                                                             buildInputs beta2_power,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs beta1,
                                                             buildInputs beta2,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyAdam"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "m" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "beta1_power" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta2_power" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "use_nesterov" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyAddSign :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                           Double, Float] t) =>
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __alpha__
                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAddSign = applyAddSign' id
applyAddSign' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                 -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __alpha__
                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                 -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                 -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyAddSign' op'options var m lr alpha sign_decay beta
              grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs sign_decay,
                                                             buildInputs beta,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyAddSign"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "m" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sign_decay" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyCenteredRMSProp :: forall v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                   Float] t) =>
                        Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mg__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                        -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                        -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                        -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyCenteredRMSProp = applyCenteredRMSProp' id
applyCenteredRMSProp' :: forall v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                    Float] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mg__
                         -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                         -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                         -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                         -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                         -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyCenteredRMSProp' op'options var mg ms mom lr rho momentum epsilon
                      grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs mg,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyCenteredRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "mg" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "ms" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "mom" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyFtrl :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                        Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                        Float] t) =>
             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
             -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
             -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
             -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
             -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
             -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
             -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
             -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __lr_power__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyFtrl = applyFtrl' id
applyFtrl' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                         Double, Float] t) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
              -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
              -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
              -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __lr_power__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyFtrl' op'options var accum linear grad lr l1 l2
           lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyFtrl"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "linear" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyFtrlV2 :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                              Float] t) =>
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
               -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
               -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
               -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
               -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyFtrlV2 = applyFtrlV2' id
applyFtrlV2' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                               Float] t) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
                -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyFtrlV2' op'options var accum linear grad lr l1 l2 l2_shrinkage
             lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs l2_shrinkage,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyFtrlV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "linear" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2_shrinkage" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyGradientDescent :: forall v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t) =>
                        Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __delta__
                        -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyGradientDescent = applyGradientDescent' id
applyGradientDescent' :: forall v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                        Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                        Float] t) => OpParams ->
                         Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __delta__
                         -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyGradientDescent' op'options var alpha delta | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs delta]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyGradientDescent"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "delta" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyMomentum :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                    Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                    Float] t) =>
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                 -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __momentum__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyMomentum = applyMomentum' id
applyMomentum' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                  -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                  -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                  -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __momentum__
                  -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyMomentum' op'options var accum lr grad momentum | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs momentum]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyMomentum"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "use_nesterov" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyPowerSign :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                             Float] t) =>
                  Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                  -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                  -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __logbase__
                  -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                  -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                  -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                  -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyPowerSign = applyPowerSign' id
applyPowerSign' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                              Float] t) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                   -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __m__
                   -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                   -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __logbase__
                   -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                   -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                   -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                   -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyPowerSign' op'options var m lr logbase sign_decay beta
                grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs logbase,
                                                             buildInputs sign_decay,
                                                             buildInputs beta,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyPowerSign"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "m" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "logbase" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sign_decay" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyProximalAdagrad :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                               Float] t) =>
                        Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyProximalAdagrad = applyProximalAdagrad' id
applyProximalAdagrad' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                Float] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                         -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyProximalAdagrad' op'options var accum lr l1 l2 grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyProximalAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyProximalGradientDescent :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] t) =>
                                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __delta__
                                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyProximalGradientDescent = applyProximalGradientDescent' id
applyProximalGradientDescent' :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                        Float] t) =>
                                 OpParams ->
                                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __delta__
                                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyProximalGradientDescent' op'options var alpha l1 l2
                              delta | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs delta]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyProximalGradientDescent"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "delta" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
applyRMSProp :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                           Double, Float] t) =>
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyRMSProp = applyRMSProp' id
applyRMSProp' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                 -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                 -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                 -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                 -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                 -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
applyRMSProp' op'options var ms mom lr rho momentum epsilon
              grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ApplyRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "ms" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "mom" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
approximateEqual :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                    -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
approximateEqual = approximateEqual' id
approximateEqual' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                 Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                     -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
approximateEqual' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "ApproximateEqual"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "tolerance" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-5 }
-- | 
argMax :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx
          output_type . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                 Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                 Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                 Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                 Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] output_type) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __dimension__
          -> Tensor Build output_type -- ^ __output__
argMax = argMax' id
argMax' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx
           output_type . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                  Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                  Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                  Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Int.Int64] output_type) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __dimension__
           -> Tensor Build output_type -- ^ __output__
argMax' op'options input dimension | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs dimension]
        return (opDef "ArgMax"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "output_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: output_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dimension" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "output_type" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "output_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
argMin :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx
          output_type . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                 Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                 Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                 Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                 Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] output_type) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __dimension__
          -> Tensor Build output_type -- ^ __output__
argMin = argMin' id
argMin' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx
           output_type . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                  Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                  Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                  Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Int.Int64] output_type) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __dimension__
           -> Tensor Build output_type -- ^ __output__
argMin' op'options input dimension | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs dimension]
        return (opDef "ArgMin"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "output_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: output_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dimension" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "output_type" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "output_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
asString :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                    Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Data.Int.Int8, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
asString = asString' id
asString' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                     Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                     Data.Int.Int8, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
asString' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "AsString"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_BOOL
      type: DT_INT8
attr { name: "precision" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "scientific" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "shortest" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "width" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "fill" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
asin :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
asin = asin' id
asin' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
asin' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Asin"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
asinh :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
asinh = asinh' id
asinh' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
asinh' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Asinh"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
assert :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes t) =>
          Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __condition__
          -> TensorList (v'2) t -- ^ __data__
          -> m' (ControlNode)
assert = assert' id
assert' :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __condition__
           -> TensorList (v'2) t -- ^ __data__
           -> m' (ControlNode)
assert' op'options condition data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs condition,
                                                             buildInputs data']
        buildOp [] (opDef "Assert"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "condition" type: DT_BOOL }
input_arg { name: "data" type_list_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "summarize" type: "int" default_value { i: 3 } }
-- | 
assign :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
          Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
          -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
assign = assign' id
assign' :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
           -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
assign' op'options ref value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "Assign"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "validate_shape" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
assignAdd :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
assignAdd = assignAdd' id
assignAdd' :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
assignAdd' op'options ref value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AssignAdd"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
assignAddVariableOp :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorType dtype) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __value__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
assignAddVariableOp = assignAddVariableOp' id
assignAddVariableOp' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorType dtype) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                        -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __value__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
assignAddVariableOp' op'options resource value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AssignAddVariableOp"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
assignSub :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
assignSub = assignSub' id
assignSub' :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
assignSub' op'options ref value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AssignSub"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
assignSubVariableOp :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorType dtype) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __value__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
assignSubVariableOp = assignSubVariableOp' id
assignSubVariableOp' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorType dtype) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                        -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __value__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
assignSubVariableOp' op'options resource value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AssignSubVariableOp"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
assignVariableOp :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               TensorType dtype) =>
                    Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                    -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __value__
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
assignVariableOp = assignVariableOp' id
assignVariableOp' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                     -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __value__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
assignVariableOp' op'options resource value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "AssignVariableOp"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
atan :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
atan = atan' id
atan' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
atan' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Atan"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
atan2 :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
atan2 = atan2' id
atan2' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
atan2' op'options y x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Atan2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
atanh :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
atanh = atanh' id
atanh' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
atanh' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Atanh"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
audioSpectrogram :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stride__
                    -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __window_size__
                    -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __spectrogram__
audioSpectrogram = audioSpectrogram' id
audioSpectrogram' :: OpParams ->
                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stride__
                     -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __window_size__
                     -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __spectrogram__
audioSpectrogram' op'options stride window_size input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "AudioSpectrogram"
                & opAttr "stride" .~ stride
                & opAttr "window_size" .~ window_size
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "spectrogram" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "window_size" type: "int" }
attr { name: "stride" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "magnitude_squared" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
audioSummary :: Float -- ^ __sample_rate__
                -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __tensor__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
audioSummary = audioSummary' id
audioSummary' :: OpParams ->
                 Float -- ^ __sample_rate__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __tensor__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
audioSummary' op'options sample_rate tag tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs tensor]
        return (opDef "AudioSummary"
                & opAttr "sample_rate" .~ sample_rate
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "sample_rate" type: "float" }
attr {
  name: "max_outputs"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 3 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
audioSummaryV2 :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __tensor__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __sample_rate__
                  -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
audioSummaryV2 = audioSummaryV2' id
audioSummaryV2' :: OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __tensor__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __sample_rate__
                   -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
audioSummaryV2' op'options tag tensor sample_rate | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs sample_rate]
        return (opDef "AudioSummaryV2"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "sample_rate" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "max_outputs"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 3 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
avgPool :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPool = avgPool' id
avgPool' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPool' op'options value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value]
        return (opDef "AvgPool"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
avgPool3D :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPool3D = avgPool3D' id
avgPool3D' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPool3D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "AvgPool3D"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
avgPool3DGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                             Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __orig_input_shape__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPool3DGrad = avgPool3DGrad' id
avgPool3DGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                              Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __orig_input_shape__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPool3DGrad' op'options orig_input_shape grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input_shape,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "AvgPool3DGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input_shape" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
avgPoolGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                           Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __orig_input_shape__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPoolGrad = avgPoolGrad' id
avgPoolGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                            Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __orig_input_shape__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
avgPoolGrad' op'options orig_input_shape grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input_shape,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "AvgPoolGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input_shape" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
barrier :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
           -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
barrier = barrier' id
barrier' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
            [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
            -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
barrier' op'options component_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Barrier"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ component_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
barrierClose :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
barrierClose = barrierClose' id
barrierClose' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
barrierClose' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BarrierClose"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "cancel_pending_enqueues"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
-- | 
barrierIncompleteSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                         Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                         -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
barrierIncompleteSize = barrierIncompleteSize' id
barrierIncompleteSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                          Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                          -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
barrierIncompleteSize' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BarrierIncompleteSize"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
barrierInsertMany :: forall v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __component_index__
                     -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __keys__
                     -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __values__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
barrierInsertMany = barrierInsertMany' id
barrierInsertMany' :: forall v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __component_index__
                      -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __keys__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __values__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
barrierInsertMany' op'options component_index handle keys
                   values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BarrierInsertMany"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "component_index" .~ component_index
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "keys" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "component_index" type: "int" }
-- | 
barrierReadySize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
barrierReadySize = barrierReadySize' id
barrierReadySize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
barrierReadySize' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BarrierReadySize"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
barrierTakeMany :: forall v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorTypes component_types) =>
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_elements__
                   -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                           Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                           TensorList (Value) component_types))
                   -- ^ (__indices__, __keys__, __values__)
                   -- * __indices__
                   -- * __keys__
                   -- * __values__
barrierTakeMany = barrierTakeMany' id
barrierTakeMany' :: forall v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorTypes component_types) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_elements__
                    -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                            Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                            TensorList (Value) component_types))
                    -- ^ (__indices__, __keys__, __values__)
                    -- * __indices__
                    -- * __keys__
                    -- * __values__
barrierTakeMany' op'options handle num_elements | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs num_elements]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BarrierTakeMany"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy component_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "num_elements" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "keys" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "component_types" }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "allow_small_batch" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "wait_for_incomplete" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
batch :: forall v'1 t . (TensorTypes t) =>
         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_timeout_micros__
         -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __grad_timeout_micros__
         -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __max_batch_size__
         -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_batch_threads__
         -> TensorList (v'1) t -- ^ __in_tensors__
         -> (TensorList (Build) t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
             Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
         -- ^ (__batched_tensors__, __batch_index__, __id__)
         -- * __batched_tensors__
         -- * __batch_index__
         -- * __id__
batch = batch' id
batch' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorTypes t) => OpParams ->
          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_timeout_micros__
          -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __grad_timeout_micros__
          -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __max_batch_size__
          -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_batch_threads__
          -> TensorList (v'1) t -- ^ __in_tensors__
          -> (TensorList (Build) t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
              Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
          -- ^ (__batched_tensors__, __batch_index__, __id__)
          -- * __batched_tensors__
          -- * __batch_index__
          -- * __id__
batch' op'options batch_timeout_micros grad_timeout_micros max_batch_size
       num_batch_threads in_tensors | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs in_tensors]
        return (opDef "Batch"
                & opAttr "T" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy t)
                & opAttr "batch_timeout_micros" .~ batch_timeout_micros
                & opAttr "grad_timeout_micros" .~ grad_timeout_micros
                & opAttr "max_batch_size" .~ max_batch_size
                & opAttr "num_batch_threads" .~ num_batch_threads
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "in_tensors" type_list_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "batched_tensors" type_list_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "batch_index" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "id" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "num_batch_threads" type: "int" }
attr { name: "max_batch_size" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "max_enqueued_batches" type: "int" default_value { i: 10 }
attr { name: "batch_timeout_micros" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "allowed_batch_sizes"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { } }
attr { name: "grad_timeout_micros" type: "int" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "batching_queue" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
attr { name: "T" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
batchCholesky :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchCholesky = batchCholesky' id
batchCholesky' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchCholesky' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchCholesky"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
batchCholeskyGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __l__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchCholeskyGrad = batchCholeskyGrad' id
batchCholeskyGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __l__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchCholeskyGrad' op'options l grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs l,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "BatchCholeskyGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "l" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
batchDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
batchDataset = batchDataset' id
batchDataset' :: OpParams ->
                 [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                 -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
batchDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset
              batch_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs batch_size]
        return (opDef "BatchDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "batch_size" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
batchFFT :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchFFT = batchFFT' id
batchFFT' :: OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchFFT' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchFFT"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
batchFFT2D :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchFFT2D = batchFFT2D' id
batchFFT2D' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchFFT2D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchFFT2D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
batchFFT3D :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchFFT3D = batchFFT3D' id
batchFFT3D' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchFFT3D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchFFT3D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
batchIFFT :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchIFFT = batchIFFT' id
batchIFFT' :: OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchIFFT' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchIFFT"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
batchIFFT2D :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchIFFT2D = batchIFFT2D' id
batchIFFT2D' :: OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchIFFT2D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchIFFT2D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
batchIFFT3D :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchIFFT3D = batchIFFT3D' id
batchIFFT3D' :: OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
batchIFFT3D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchIFFT3D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
batchMatMul :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                           Data.Int.Int32, Data.Word.Word16,
                                           Double, Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatMul = batchMatMul' id
batchMatMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int32, Data.Word.Word16,
                                            Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatMul' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "BatchMatMul"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
attr { name: "adj_x" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "adj_y" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
-- | 
batchMatrixBandPart :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_lower__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_upper__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __band__
batchMatrixBandPart = batchMatrixBandPart' id
batchMatrixBandPart' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_lower__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_upper__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __band__
batchMatrixBandPart' op'options input num_lower num_upper | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs num_lower,
                                                             buildInputs num_upper]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixBandPart"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "num_lower" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "num_upper" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "band" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
batchMatrixDeterminant :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                  Double, Float] t) =>
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixDeterminant = batchMatrixDeterminant' id
batchMatrixDeterminant' :: forall v'1
                           t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                        Float] t) => OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixDeterminant' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixDeterminant"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
batchMatrixDiag :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __diagonal__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixDiag = batchMatrixDiag' id
batchMatrixDiag' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __diagonal__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixDiag' op'options diagonal | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs diagonal]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixDiag"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
batchMatrixDiagPart :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __diagonal__
batchMatrixDiagPart = batchMatrixDiagPart' id
batchMatrixDiagPart' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __diagonal__
batchMatrixDiagPart' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixDiagPart"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
batchMatrixInverse :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixInverse = batchMatrixInverse' id
batchMatrixInverse' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixInverse' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixInverse"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "adjoint" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
batchMatrixSetDiag :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __diagonal__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixSetDiag = batchMatrixSetDiag' id
batchMatrixSetDiag' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __diagonal__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixSetDiag' op'options input diagonal | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs diagonal]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixSetDiag"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
batchMatrixSolve :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixSolve = batchMatrixSolve' id
batchMatrixSolve' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixSolve' op'options matrix rhs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs matrix,
                                                             buildInputs rhs]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixSolve"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "matrix" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rhs" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "adjoint" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
batchMatrixSolveLs :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Double -- ^ __l2_regularizer__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixSolveLs = batchMatrixSolveLs' id
batchMatrixSolveLs' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Double -- ^ __l2_regularizer__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixSolveLs' op'options matrix rhs l2_regularizer | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs matrix,
                                                             buildInputs rhs,
                                                             buildInputs l2_regularizer]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixSolveLs"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "matrix" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rhs" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2_regularizer" type: DT_DOUBLE }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { name: "fast" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
batchMatrixTriangularSolve :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixTriangularSolve = batchMatrixTriangularSolve' id
batchMatrixTriangularSolve' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchMatrixTriangularSolve' op'options matrix rhs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs matrix,
                                                             buildInputs rhs]
        return (opDef "BatchMatrixTriangularSolve"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "matrix" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rhs" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "lower" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr { name: "adjoint" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
batchNormWithGlobalNormalization :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5
                                    t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                 Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                 Float] t) =>
                                    Bool -- ^ __scale_after_normalization__
                                    -> Float -- ^ __variance_epsilon__
                                    -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
                                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __m__
                                    -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
                                    -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta__
                                    -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __gamma__
                                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __result__
batchNormWithGlobalNormalization = batchNormWithGlobalNormalization' id
batchNormWithGlobalNormalization' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5
                                     t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                  Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                  Float] t) => OpParams ->
                                     Bool -- ^ __scale_after_normalization__
                                     -> Float -- ^ __variance_epsilon__
                                     -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
                                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __m__
                                     -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
                                     -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta__
                                     -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __gamma__
                                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __result__
batchNormWithGlobalNormalization' op'options scale_after_normalization
                                  variance_epsilon t m v beta
                                  gamma | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs t,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs v,
                                                             buildInputs beta,
                                                             buildInputs gamma]
        return (opDef "BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "scale_after_normalization" .~ scale_after_normalization
                & opAttr "variance_epsilon" .~ variance_epsilon
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "t" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "m" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "gamma" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "result" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr { name: "variance_epsilon" type: "float" }
attr { name: "scale_after_normalization" type: "bool" }
-- | 
batchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5
                                        t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t) =>
                                        Bool -- ^ __scale_after_normalization__
                                        -> Float -- ^ __variance_epsilon__
                                        -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
                                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __m__
                                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
                                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __gamma__
                                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __backprop__
                                        -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                                            Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                                            Tensor Build t)
                                        -- ^ (__dx__, __dm__, __dv__, __db__, __dg__)
                                        -- * __dx__
                                        -- * __dm__
                                        -- * __dv__
                                        -- * __db__
                                        -- * __dg__
batchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad = batchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad' id
batchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5
                                         t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                                         Bool -- ^ __scale_after_normalization__
                                         -> Float -- ^ __variance_epsilon__
                                         -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
                                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __m__
                                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
                                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __gamma__
                                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __backprop__
                                         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                                             Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                                             Tensor Build t)
                                         -- ^ (__dx__, __dm__, __dv__, __db__, __dg__)
                                         -- * __dx__
                                         -- * __dm__
                                         -- * __dv__
                                         -- * __db__
                                         -- * __dg__
batchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad' op'options scale_after_normalization
                                      variance_epsilon t m v gamma
                                      backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs t,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs v,
                                                             buildInputs gamma,
                                                             buildInputs backprop]
        return (opDef "BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "scale_after_normalization" .~ scale_after_normalization
                & opAttr "variance_epsilon" .~ variance_epsilon
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "t" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "m" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "gamma" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "dx" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "dm" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "dv" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "db" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "dg" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr { name: "variance_epsilon" type: "float" }
attr { name: "scale_after_normalization" type: "bool" }
-- | 
batchSelfAdjointEig :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchSelfAdjointEig = batchSelfAdjointEig' id
batchSelfAdjointEig' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchSelfAdjointEig' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchSelfAdjointEig"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
batchSelfAdjointEigV2 :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t) -- ^ (__e__, __v__)
                         -- * __e__
                         -- * __v__
batchSelfAdjointEigV2 = batchSelfAdjointEigV2' id
batchSelfAdjointEigV2' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                          -- ^ (__e__, __v__)
                          -- * __e__
                          -- * __v__
batchSelfAdjointEigV2' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchSelfAdjointEigV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "e" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "compute_v" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
batchSvd :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                    Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
            -- ^ (__s__, __u__, __v__)
            -- * __s__
            -- * __u__
            -- * __v__
batchSvd = batchSvd' id
batchSvd' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
             -- ^ (__s__, __u__, __v__)
             -- * __s__
             -- * __u__
             -- * __v__
batchSvd' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "BatchSvd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "s" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "u" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "compute_uv" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "full_matrices" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
batchToSpace :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __crops__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchToSpace = batchToSpace' id
batchToSpace' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                 -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __crops__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchToSpace' op'options block_size input crops | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs crops]
        return (opDef "BatchToSpace"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "block_size" .~ block_size
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "crops" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "block_size" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
batchToSpaceND :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tblock_shape tcrops . (TensorType t,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tblock_shape,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tcrops) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tblock_shape -- ^ __block_shape__
                  -> Tensor v'3 tcrops -- ^ __crops__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchToSpaceND = batchToSpaceND' id
batchToSpaceND' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tblock_shape tcrops . (TensorType t,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tblock_shape,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tcrops) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tblock_shape -- ^ __block_shape__
                   -> Tensor v'3 tcrops -- ^ __crops__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
batchToSpaceND' op'options input block_shape crops | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs block_shape,
                                                             buildInputs crops]
        return (opDef "BatchToSpaceND"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tblock_shape" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tblock_shape)
                & opAttr "Tcrops" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tcrops)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "block_shape" type_attr: "Tblock_shape" }
input_arg { name: "crops" type_attr: "Tcrops" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tblock_shape"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tcrops"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
betainc :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __b__
           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
betainc = betainc' id
betainc' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __b__
            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
betainc' op'options a b x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs b,
                                                             buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Betainc"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "b" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
biasAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __bias__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
biasAdd = biasAdd' id
biasAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __bias__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
biasAdd' op'options value bias | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs bias]
        return (opDef "BiasAdd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "bias" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
-- | 
biasAddGrad :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
biasAddGrad = biasAddGrad' id
biasAddGrad' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
biasAddGrad' op'options out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "BiasAddGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
-- | 
biasAddV1 :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __bias__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
biasAddV1 = biasAddV1' id
biasAddV1' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __bias__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
biasAddV1' op'options value bias | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs bias]
        return (opDef "BiasAddV1"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "bias" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | A Reader that outputs rows from a BigQuery table as tensorflow Examples.
bigQueryReader :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                  Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __timestamp_millis__: Table snapshot timestamp in millis since epoch. Relative
                                 -- (negative or zero) snapshot times are not allowed. For more details, see
                                 -- 'Table Decorators' in BigQuery docs.
                  -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__: The handle to reference the Reader.
bigQueryReader = bigQueryReader' id
bigQueryReader' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                   Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __timestamp_millis__: Table snapshot timestamp in millis since epoch. Relative
                                  -- (negative or zero) snapshot times are not allowed. For more details, see
                                  -- 'Table Decorators' in BigQuery docs.
                   -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__: The handle to reference the Reader.
bigQueryReader' op'options timestamp_millis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "BigQueryReader"
                    & opAttr "timestamp_millis" .~ timestamp_millis
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "reader_handle"
  description: "The handle to reference the Reader."
  type: DT_STRING
  is_ref: true
attr {
  name: "container"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "If non-empty, this reader is placed in the given container.\nOtherwise, a default container is used."
attr {
  name: "shared_name"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "If non-empty, this reader is named in the given bucket\nwith this shared_name. Otherwise, the node name is used instead."
attr {
  name: "project_id" type: "string" description: "GCP project ID."
attr {
  name: "dataset_id"
  type: "string"
  description: "BigQuery Dataset ID."
attr {
  name: "table_id" type: "string" description: "Table to read."
attr {
  name: "columns"
  type: "list(string)"
  description: "List of columns to read. Leave empty to read all columns."
attr {
  name: "timestamp_millis"
  type: "int"
  description: "Table snapshot timestamp in millis since epoch. Relative\n(negative or zero) snapshot times are not allowed. For more details, see\n\'Table Decorators\' in BigQuery docs."
attr {
  name: "test_end_point"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "Do not use. For testing purposes only."
-- | 
bincount :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                            Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __arr__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __weights__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __bins__
bincount = bincount' id
bincount' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                             Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __arr__
             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
             -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __weights__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __bins__
bincount' op'options arr size weights | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs arr,
                                                             buildInputs size,
                                                             buildInputs weights]
        return (opDef "Bincount"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "arr" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "weights" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "bins" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
bitcast :: forall v'1 t type' . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t,
                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] type') =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor Build type' -- ^ __output__
bitcast = bitcast' id
bitcast' :: forall v'1 t type' . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t,
                                  OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] type') => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build type' -- ^ __output__
bitcast' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Bitcast"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: type')
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "type" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
      type: DT_QINT32
attr {
  name: "type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
      type: DT_QINT32
-- | 
bitwiseAnd :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
bitwiseAnd = bitwiseAnd' id
bitwiseAnd' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
bitwiseAnd' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "BitwiseAnd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
bitwiseOr :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
bitwiseOr = bitwiseOr' id
bitwiseOr' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
bitwiseOr' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "BitwiseOr"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
bitwiseXor :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
bitwiseXor = bitwiseXor' id
bitwiseXor' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
bitwiseXor' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "BitwiseXor"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
boostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __max_splits__
                                            -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __node_id_range__
                                            -> [Tensor v'2 Float] -- ^ __stats_summary_list__
                                            -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __l1__
                                            -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __l2__
                                            -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __tree_complexity__
                                            -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __min_node_weight__
                                            -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32],
                                                [Tensor Build Float],
                                                [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32],
                                                [Tensor Build Float],
                                                [Tensor Build Float])
                                            -- ^ (__node_ids_list__, __gains_list__, __thresholds_list__, __left_node_contribs_list__, __right_node_contribs_list__)
                                            -- * __node_ids_list__
                                            -- * __gains_list__
                                            -- * __thresholds_list__
                                            -- * __left_node_contribs_list__
                                            -- * __right_node_contribs_list__
boostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature = boostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature' id
boostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature' :: OpParams ->
                                             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __max_splits__
                                             -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __node_id_range__
                                             -> [Tensor v'2 Float] -- ^ __stats_summary_list__
                                             -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __l1__
                                             -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __l2__
                                             -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __tree_complexity__
                                             -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __min_node_weight__
                                             -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32],
                                                 [Tensor Build Float],
                                                 [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32],
                                                 [Tensor Build Float],
                                                 [Tensor Build Float])
                                             -- ^ (__node_ids_list__, __gains_list__, __thresholds_list__, __left_node_contribs_list__, __right_node_contribs_list__)
                                             -- * __node_ids_list__
                                             -- * __gains_list__
                                             -- * __thresholds_list__
                                             -- * __left_node_contribs_list__
                                             -- * __right_node_contribs_list__
boostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature' op'options max_splits node_id_range
                                          stats_summary_list l1 l2
                                          min_node_weight | eqLengthGuard [("num_features", [("stats_summary_list", length stats_summary_list)])] =
    pureOp [num_features, num_features, num_features, num_features,
            num_features] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs node_id_range,
                                                             buildInputs stats_summary_list,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs tree_complexity,
                                                             buildInputs min_node_weight]
        return (opDef "BoostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature"
                & opAttr "max_splits" .~ max_splits
                & opAttr "num_features" .~ num_features
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_features = fromIntegral (length stats_summary_list) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "node_id_range" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg {
  name: "stats_summary_list"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_features"
input_arg { name: "l1" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "l2" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "tree_complexity" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_node_weight" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg {
  name: "node_ids_list" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "num_features"
output_arg {
  name: "gains_list" type: DT_FLOAT number_attr: "num_features"
output_arg {
  name: "thresholds_list" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "num_features"
output_arg {
  name: "left_node_contribs_list"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_features"
output_arg {
  name: "right_node_contribs_list"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_features"
attr {
  name: "max_splits" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "num_features" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
boostedTreesCreateEnsemble :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stamp_token__
                              -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tree_ensemble_serialized__
                              -> m' (ControlNode)
boostedTreesCreateEnsemble = boostedTreesCreateEnsemble' id
boostedTreesCreateEnsemble' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stamp_token__
                               -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tree_ensemble_serialized__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
boostedTreesCreateEnsemble' op'options tree_ensemble_handle stamp_token
                            tree_ensemble_serialized | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle,
                                                             buildInputs stamp_token,
                                                             buildInputs tree_ensemble_serialized]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesCreateEnsemble"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "stamp_token" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_serialized" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
boostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                   Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stamp_token__
                                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tree_ensemble_serialized__
                                   -> m' (ControlNode)
boostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble = boostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble' id
boostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                    OpParams ->
                                    Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stamp_token__
                                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tree_ensemble_serialized__
                                    -> m' (ControlNode)
boostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble' op'options tree_ensemble_handle stamp_token
                                 tree_ensemble_serialized | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle,
                                                             buildInputs stamp_token,
                                                             buildInputs tree_ensemble_serialized]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "stamp_token" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_serialized" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
boostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                        m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource__
boostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp = boostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp' id
boostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                         OpParams ->
                                         m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource__
boostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
boostedTreesGetEnsembleStates :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                 -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                         Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
                                 -- ^ (__stamp_token__, __num_trees__, __num_finalized_trees__, __num_attempted_layers__, __last_layer_nodes_range__)
                                 -- * __stamp_token__
                                 -- * __num_trees__
                                 -- * __num_finalized_trees__
                                 -- * __num_attempted_layers__
                                 -- * __last_layer_nodes_range__
boostedTreesGetEnsembleStates = boostedTreesGetEnsembleStates' id
boostedTreesGetEnsembleStates' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                  -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                          Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
                                  -- ^ (__stamp_token__, __num_trees__, __num_finalized_trees__, __num_attempted_layers__, __last_layer_nodes_range__)
                                  -- * __stamp_token__
                                  -- * __num_trees__
                                  -- * __num_finalized_trees__
                                  -- * __num_attempted_layers__
                                  -- * __last_layer_nodes_range__
boostedTreesGetEnsembleStates' op'options
                               tree_ensemble_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesGetEnsembleStates"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "stamp_token" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "num_trees" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "num_finalized_trees" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "num_attempted_layers" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "last_layer_nodes_range" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
boostedTreesMakeStatsSummary :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __max_splits__
                                -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                                -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __node_ids__
                                -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __hessians__
                                -> [Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __bucketized_features_list__
                                -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __stats_summary__
boostedTreesMakeStatsSummary = boostedTreesMakeStatsSummary' id
boostedTreesMakeStatsSummary' :: OpParams ->
                                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __max_splits__
                                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                                 -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __node_ids__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __hessians__
                                 -> [Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __bucketized_features_list__
                                 -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __stats_summary__
boostedTreesMakeStatsSummary' op'options max_splits num_buckets node_ids
                              gradients hessians
                              bucketized_features_list | eqLengthGuard [("num_features", [("bucketized_features_list", length bucketized_features_list)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs node_ids,
                                                             buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs hessians,
                                                             buildInputs bucketized_features_list]
        return (opDef "BoostedTreesMakeStatsSummary"
                & opAttr "max_splits" .~ max_splits
                & opAttr "num_buckets" .~ num_buckets
                & opAttr "num_features" .~ num_features
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_features = fromIntegral (length bucketized_features_list) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "node_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "gradients" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "hessians" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg {
  name: "bucketized_features_list"
  type: DT_INT32
  number_attr: "num_features"
output_arg { name: "stats_summary" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "max_splits" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "num_buckets" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "num_features" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
boostedTreesPredict :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __logits_dimension__
                       -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                       -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __bucketized_features__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __logits__
boostedTreesPredict = boostedTreesPredict' id
boostedTreesPredict' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __logits_dimension__
                        -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                        -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __bucketized_features__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __logits__
boostedTreesPredict' op'options logits_dimension tree_ensemble_handle
                     bucketized_features | eqLengthGuard [("num_bucketized_features", [("bucketized_features", length bucketized_features)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle,
                                                             buildInputs bucketized_features]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesPredict"
                    & opAttr "logits_dimension" .~ logits_dimension
                    & opAttr "num_bucketized_features" .~ num_bucketized_features
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_bucketized_features = fromIntegral (length bucketized_features) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg {
  name: "bucketized_features"
  type: DT_INT32
  number_attr: "num_bucketized_features"
output_arg { name: "logits" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "num_bucketized_features"
  type: "int"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "logits_dimension" type: "int" }
-- | 
boostedTreesSerializeEnsemble :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                 -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                         Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                                 -- ^ (__stamp_token__, __tree_ensemble_serialized__)
                                 -- * __stamp_token__
                                 -- * __tree_ensemble_serialized__
boostedTreesSerializeEnsemble = boostedTreesSerializeEnsemble' id
boostedTreesSerializeEnsemble' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                  -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                          Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                                  -- ^ (__stamp_token__, __tree_ensemble_serialized__)
                                  -- * __stamp_token__
                                  -- * __tree_ensemble_serialized__
boostedTreesSerializeEnsemble' op'options
                               tree_ensemble_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesSerializeEnsemble"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "stamp_token" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_serialized" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
boostedTreesTrainingPredict :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                               Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __logits_dimension__
                               -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __cached_tree_ids__
                               -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __cached_node_ids__
                               -> [Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __bucketized_features__
                               -> m' ((Tensor Value Float,
                                       Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
                               -- ^ (__partial_logits__, __tree_ids__, __node_ids__)
                               -- * __partial_logits__
                               -- * __tree_ids__
                               -- * __node_ids__
boostedTreesTrainingPredict = boostedTreesTrainingPredict' id
boostedTreesTrainingPredict' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                OpParams ->
                                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __logits_dimension__
                                -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __cached_tree_ids__
                                -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __cached_node_ids__
                                -> [Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __bucketized_features__
                                -> m' ((Tensor Value Float,
                                        Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
                                -- ^ (__partial_logits__, __tree_ids__, __node_ids__)
                                -- * __partial_logits__
                                -- * __tree_ids__
                                -- * __node_ids__
boostedTreesTrainingPredict' op'options logits_dimension tree_ensemble_handle
                             cached_tree_ids cached_node_ids
                             bucketized_features | eqLengthGuard [("num_bucketized_features", [("bucketized_features", length bucketized_features)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle,
                                                             buildInputs cached_tree_ids,
                                                             buildInputs cached_node_ids,
                                                             buildInputs bucketized_features]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesTrainingPredict"
                    & opAttr "logits_dimension" .~ logits_dimension
                    & opAttr "num_bucketized_features" .~ num_bucketized_features
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_bucketized_features = fromIntegral (length bucketized_features) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "cached_tree_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "cached_node_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg {
  name: "bucketized_features"
  type: DT_INT32
  number_attr: "num_bucketized_features"
output_arg { name: "partial_logits" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "tree_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "node_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "num_bucketized_features"
  type: "int"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "logits_dimension" type: "int" }
-- | 
boostedTreesUpdateEnsemble :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9
                              m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __pruning_mode__
                              -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __feature_ids__
                              -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __node_ids__
                              -> [Tensor v'4 Float] -- ^ __gains__
                              -> [Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __thresholds__
                              -> [Tensor v'6 Float] -- ^ __left_node_contribs__
                              -> [Tensor v'7 Float] -- ^ __right_node_contribs__
                              -> Tensor v'8 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_depth__
                              -> Tensor v'9 Float -- ^ __learning_rate__
                              -> m' (ControlNode)
boostedTreesUpdateEnsemble = boostedTreesUpdateEnsemble' id
boostedTreesUpdateEnsemble' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9
                               m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                               Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __pruning_mode__
                               -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __feature_ids__
                               -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __node_ids__
                               -> [Tensor v'4 Float] -- ^ __gains__
                               -> [Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __thresholds__
                               -> [Tensor v'6 Float] -- ^ __left_node_contribs__
                               -> [Tensor v'7 Float] -- ^ __right_node_contribs__
                               -> Tensor v'8 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_depth__
                               -> Tensor v'9 Float -- ^ __learning_rate__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
boostedTreesUpdateEnsemble' op'options pruning_mode tree_ensemble_handle
                            feature_ids node_ids gains thresholds
                            left_node_contribs right_node_contribs max_depth
                            learning_rate | eqLengthGuard [("num_features", [("node_ids", length node_ids),
                                                                             ("gains", length gains),
                                                                             ("thresholds", length thresholds),
                                                                             ("left_node_contribs", length left_node_contribs),
                                                                             ("right_node_contribs", length right_node_contribs)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle,
                                                             buildInputs feature_ids,
                                                             buildInputs node_ids,
                                                             buildInputs gains,
                                                             buildInputs thresholds,
                                                             buildInputs left_node_contribs,
                                                             buildInputs right_node_contribs,
                                                             buildInputs max_depth,
                                                             buildInputs learning_rate]
        buildOp [] (opDef "BoostedTreesUpdateEnsemble"
                    & opAttr "pruning_mode" .~ pruning_mode
                    & opAttr "num_features" .~ num_features
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_features = fromIntegral (length node_ids) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "feature_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg {
  name: "node_ids" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "num_features"
input_arg {
  name: "gains" type: DT_FLOAT number_attr: "num_features"
input_arg {
  name: "thresholds" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "num_features"
input_arg {
  name: "left_node_contribs"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_features"
input_arg {
  name: "right_node_contribs"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_features"
input_arg { name: "max_depth" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "learning_rate" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "pruning_mode" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "num_features" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
-- | 
broadcastArgs :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __s0__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __s1__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __r0__
broadcastArgs = broadcastArgs' id
broadcastArgs' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __s0__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __s1__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __r0__
broadcastArgs' op'options s0 s1 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs s0,
                                                             buildInputs s1]
        return (opDef "BroadcastArgs"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "s0" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "s1" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "r0" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
broadcastGradientArgs :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __s0__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __s1__
                         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                         -- ^ (__r0__, __r1__)
                         -- * __r0__
                         -- * __r1__
broadcastGradientArgs = broadcastGradientArgs' id
broadcastGradientArgs' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __s0__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __s1__
                          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                          -- ^ (__r0__, __r1__)
                          -- * __r0__
                          -- * __r1__
broadcastGradientArgs' op'options s0 s1 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs s0,
                                                             buildInputs s1]
        return (opDef "BroadcastGradientArgs"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "s0" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "s1" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "r0" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "r1" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
broadcastTo :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __shape__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
broadcastTo = broadcastTo' id
broadcastTo' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __shape__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
broadcastTo' op'options input shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs shape]
        return (opDef "BroadcastTo"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
bucketize :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Double,
                                     Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output__
bucketize = bucketize' id
bucketize' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Double,
                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output__
bucketize' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Bucketize"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "boundaries" type: "list(float)" }
-- | 
bytesProducedStatsDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                             -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                             -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
bytesProducedStatsDataset = bytesProducedStatsDataset' id
bytesProducedStatsDataset' :: OpParams ->
                              [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                              -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                              -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
bytesProducedStatsDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset
                           tag | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs tag]
        return (opDef "BytesProducedStatsDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
cTCBeamSearchDecoder :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __beam_width__
                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __top_paths__
                        -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sequence_length__
                        -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                            [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                            [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64], Tensor Build Float)
                        -- ^ (__decoded_indices__, __decoded_values__, __decoded_shape__, __log_probability__)
                        -- * __decoded_indices__
                        -- * __decoded_values__
                        -- * __decoded_shape__
                        -- * __log_probability__
cTCBeamSearchDecoder = cTCBeamSearchDecoder' id
cTCBeamSearchDecoder' :: OpParams ->
                         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __beam_width__
                         -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __top_paths__
                         -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sequence_length__
                         -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                             [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                             [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64], Tensor Build Float)
                         -- ^ (__decoded_indices__, __decoded_values__, __decoded_shape__, __log_probability__)
                         -- * __decoded_indices__
                         -- * __decoded_values__
                         -- * __decoded_shape__
                         -- * __log_probability__
cTCBeamSearchDecoder' op'options beam_width top_paths inputs
                      sequence_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [top_paths, top_paths, top_paths] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs sequence_length]
        return (opDef "CTCBeamSearchDecoder"
                & opAttr "beam_width" .~ beam_width
                & opAttr "top_paths" .~ top_paths
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "sequence_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg {
  name: "decoded_indices" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "top_paths"
output_arg {
  name: "decoded_values" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "top_paths"
output_arg {
  name: "decoded_shape" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "top_paths"
output_arg { name: "log_probability" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "beam_width" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "top_paths" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "merge_repeated" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
cTCGreedyDecoder :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sequence_length__
                    -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                        Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                        Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__decoded_indices__, __decoded_values__, __decoded_shape__, __log_probability__)
                    -- * __decoded_indices__
                    -- * __decoded_values__
                    -- * __decoded_shape__
                    -- * __log_probability__
cTCGreedyDecoder = cTCGreedyDecoder' id
cTCGreedyDecoder' :: OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sequence_length__
                     -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                         Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                         Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build Float)
                     -- ^ (__decoded_indices__, __decoded_values__, __decoded_shape__, __log_probability__)
                     -- * __decoded_indices__
                     -- * __decoded_values__
                     -- * __decoded_shape__
                     -- * __log_probability__
cTCGreedyDecoder' op'options inputs sequence_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs sequence_length]
        return (opDef "CTCGreedyDecoder"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "sequence_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "decoded_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "decoded_values" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "decoded_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "log_probability" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "merge_repeated" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
cTCLoss :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __labels_indices__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __labels_values__
           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sequence_length__
           -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
           -- ^ (__loss__, __gradient__)
           -- * __loss__
           -- * __gradient__
cTCLoss = cTCLoss' id
cTCLoss' :: OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __labels_indices__
            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __labels_values__
            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sequence_length__
            -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
            -- ^ (__loss__, __gradient__)
            -- * __loss__
            -- * __gradient__
cTCLoss' op'options inputs labels_indices labels_values
         sequence_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs labels_indices,
                                                             buildInputs labels_values,
                                                             buildInputs sequence_length]
        return (opDef "CTCLoss"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "labels_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "labels_values" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "sequence_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "loss" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "gradient" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "preprocess_collapse_repeated"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "ctc_merge_repeated" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "ignore_longer_outputs_than_inputs"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
-- | 
cacheDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
cacheDataset = cacheDataset' id
cacheDataset' :: OpParams ->
                 [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                 -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
cacheDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset
              filename | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs filename]
        return (opDef "CacheDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
cast :: forall v'1 srcT dstT . (TensorType srcT, TensorType dstT) =>
        Tensor v'1 srcT -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build dstT -- ^ __y__
cast = cast' id
cast' :: forall v'1 srcT dstT . (TensorType srcT, TensorType dstT) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 srcT -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build dstT -- ^ __y__
cast' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Cast"
                & opAttr "SrcT" .~ tensorType (undefined :: srcT)
                & opAttr "DstT" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dstT)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "SrcT" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "DstT" }
attr { name: "SrcT" type: "type" }
attr { name: "DstT" type: "type" }
-- | 
ceil :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
ceil = ceil' id
ceil' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
ceil' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Ceil"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
checkNumerics :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
checkNumerics = checkNumerics' id
checkNumerics' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
checkNumerics' op'options tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor]
        return (opDef "CheckNumerics"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "message" type: "string" }
-- | 
cholesky :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                    Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
cholesky = cholesky' id
cholesky' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
cholesky' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Cholesky"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
choleskyGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __l__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
choleskyGrad = choleskyGrad' id
choleskyGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __l__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
choleskyGrad' op'options l grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs l,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "CholeskyGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "l" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
clipByValue :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __clip_value_min__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __clip_value_max__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
clipByValue = clipByValue' id
clipByValue' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __clip_value_min__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __clip_value_max__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
clipByValue' op'options t clip_value_min clip_value_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs t,
                                                             buildInputs clip_value_min,
                                                             buildInputs clip_value_max]
        return (opDef "ClipByValue"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "t" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "clip_value_min" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "clip_value_max" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
closeSummaryWriter :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
closeSummaryWriter = closeSummaryWriter' id
closeSummaryWriter' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
closeSummaryWriter' op'options writer | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CloseSummaryWriter"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
-- | 
collectiveBcastRecv :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Float] t) =>
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_key__
                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_size__
                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __instance_key__
                       -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __data__
collectiveBcastRecv = collectiveBcastRecv' id
collectiveBcastRecv' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_key__
                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_size__
                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __instance_key__
                        -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __data__
collectiveBcastRecv' op'options group_key group_size instance_key
                     shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "CollectiveBcastRecv"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "group_key" .~ group_key
                    & opAttr "group_size" .~ group_size
                    & opAttr "instance_key" .~ instance_key
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr { name: "group_size" type: "int" }
attr { name: "group_key" type: "int" }
attr { name: "instance_key" type: "int" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
-- | 
collectiveBcastSend :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Float] t) =>
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_key__
                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_size__
                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __instance_key__
                       -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                       -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __data__
collectiveBcastSend = collectiveBcastSend' id
collectiveBcastSend' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                   Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_key__
                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_size__
                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __instance_key__
                        -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                        -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __data__
collectiveBcastSend' op'options group_key group_size instance_key shape
                     input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CollectiveBcastSend"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "group_key" .~ group_key
                    & opAttr "group_size" .~ group_size
                    & opAttr "instance_key" .~ instance_key
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr { name: "group_size" type: "int" }
attr { name: "group_key" type: "int" }
attr { name: "instance_key" type: "int" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
-- | 
collectiveReduce :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                    Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_key__
                    -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_size__
                    -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __instance_key__
                    -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __data__
collectiveReduce = collectiveReduce' id
collectiveReduce' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Float] t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_key__
                     -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __group_size__
                     -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __instance_key__
                     -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __data__
collectiveReduce' op'options group_key group_size instance_key
                  input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CollectiveReduce"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "group_key" .~ group_key
                    & opAttr "group_size" .~ group_size
                    & opAttr "instance_key" .~ instance_key
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr { name: "group_size" type: "int" }
attr { name: "group_key" type: "int" }
attr { name: "instance_key" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "merge_op"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "Min" s: "Max" s: "Mul" s: "Add" } }
attr {
  name: "final_op"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "Id" s: "Div" } }
attr { name: "subdiv_offsets" type: "list(int)" }
-- | 
compareAndBitpack :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Bool, Data.Int.Int16,
                                                 Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                                 Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                 Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __threshold__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __output__
compareAndBitpack = compareAndBitpack' id
compareAndBitpack' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Bool, Data.Int.Int16,
                                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                  Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __threshold__
                      -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __output__
compareAndBitpack' op'options input threshold | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs threshold]
        return (opDef "CompareAndBitpack"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "threshold" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BOOL
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
-- | 
complex :: forall v'1 v'2 t tout . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tout) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __real__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __imag__
           -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __out__
complex = complex' id
complex' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tout . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tout) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __real__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __imag__
            -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __out__
complex' op'options real imag | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs real,
                                                             buildInputs imag]
        return (opDef "Complex"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "real" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "imag" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "Tout"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
complexAbs :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                                   OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __y__
complexAbs = complexAbs' id
complexAbs' :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                                    OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __y__
complexAbs' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "ComplexAbs"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
attr {
  name: "Tout"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
computeAccidentalHits :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                         -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sampled_candidates__
                         -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32,
                             Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build Float)
                         -- ^ (__indices__, __ids__, __weights__)
                         -- * __indices__
                         -- * __ids__
                         -- * __weights__
computeAccidentalHits = computeAccidentalHits' id
computeAccidentalHits' :: OpParams ->
                          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                          -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sampled_candidates__
                          -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32,
                              Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build Float)
                          -- ^ (__indices__, __ids__, __weights__)
                          -- * __indices__
                          -- * __ids__
                          -- * __weights__
computeAccidentalHits' op'options num_true true_classes
                       sampled_candidates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs true_classes,
                                                             buildInputs sampled_candidates]
        return (opDef "ComputeAccidentalHits"
                & opAttr "num_true" .~ num_true
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "true_classes" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sampled_candidates" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "ids" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "weights" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_true" type: "int" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
concat :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
          Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __concat_dim__
          -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __values__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
concat = concat' id
concat' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __concat_dim__
           -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __values__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
concat' op'options concat_dim
        values | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("values", length values)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs concat_dim,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        return (opDef "Concat"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length values) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "concat_dim" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
concatOffset :: Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __concat_dim__
                -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __shape__
                -> [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __offset__
concatOffset = concatOffset' id
concatOffset' :: OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __concat_dim__
                 -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __shape__
                 -> [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __offset__
concatOffset' op'options concat_dim
              shape | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("shape", length shape)])] =
    pureOp [n] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs concat_dim,
                                                             buildInputs shape]
        return (opDef "ConcatOffset"
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length shape) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "concat_dim" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "shape" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "offset" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "N" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2 }
-- | 
concatV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
            [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __values__
            -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
concatV2 = concatV2' id
concatV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
             OpParams ->
             [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __values__
             -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
concatV2' op'options values
          axis | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("values", length values)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "ConcatV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length values) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
concatenateDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                      -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Variant -- ^ __another_dataset__
                      -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
concatenateDataset = concatenateDataset' id
concatenateDataset' :: OpParams ->
                       [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                       -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Variant -- ^ __another_dataset__
                       -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
concatenateDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset
                    another_dataset | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs another_dataset]
        return (opDef "ConcatenateDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "another_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
conditionalAccumulator :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                          -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                          -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
conditionalAccumulator = conditionalAccumulator' id
conditionalAccumulator' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                           DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                           -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                           -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
conditionalAccumulator' op'options dtype shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "ConditionalAccumulator"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ dtype
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | An op that sets up the centralized structures for a distributed TPU
-- system.
configureDistributedTPU :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                           m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __topology__: A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU
                           -- topology.
configureDistributedTPU = configureDistributedTPU' id
configureDistributedTPU' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                            m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __topology__: A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU
                            -- topology.
configureDistributedTPU' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "ConfigureDistributedTPU"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "topology"
  description: "A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU\ntopology."
  type: DT_STRING
attr {
  name: "embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "Reserved. Do not use."
attr {
  name: "tpu_embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "Serialized tensorflow.tpu.TPUEmbeddingConfiguration that\ndescribes the embedding lookups of the program."
attr {
  name: "is_global_init"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "Reserved. Do not use."
-- | 
conj :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Variant] t) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conj = conj' id
conj' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Variant] t) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conj' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Conj"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
conjugateTranspose :: forall v'1 v'2 t tperm . (TensorType t,
                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tperm) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tperm -- ^ __perm__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
conjugateTranspose = conjugateTranspose' id
conjugateTranspose' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tperm . (TensorType t,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tperm) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tperm -- ^ __perm__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
conjugateTranspose' op'options x perm | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs perm]
        return (opDef "ConjugateTranspose"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tperm" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tperm)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "perm" type_attr: "Tperm" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tperm"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
const :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) => Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
const = const' id
const' :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
          Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
const' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        return (opDef "Const"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "value" type: "tensor" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
consumeMutexLock :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __mutex_lock__
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
consumeMutexLock = consumeMutexLock' id
consumeMutexLock' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __mutex_lock__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
consumeMutexLock' op'options mutex_lock | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs mutex_lock]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ConsumeMutexLock"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "mutex_lock" type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
controlTrigger :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => m' (ControlNode)
controlTrigger = controlTrigger' id
controlTrigger' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                   m' (ControlNode)
controlTrigger' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "ControlTrigger"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)

-- | 
conv2D :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv2D = conv2D' id
conv2D' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv2D' op'options input filter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter]
        return (opDef "Conv2D"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "use_cudnn_on_gpu" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
conv2DBackpropFilter :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                        Double, Float] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __filter_sizes__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv2DBackpropFilter = conv2DBackpropFilter' id
conv2DBackpropFilter' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                         Double, Float] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __filter_sizes__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv2DBackpropFilter' op'options input filter_sizes
                      out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter_sizes,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Conv2DBackpropFilter"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter_sizes" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "use_cudnn_on_gpu" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
conv2DBackpropInput :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                       Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_sizes__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv2DBackpropInput = conv2DBackpropInput' id
conv2DBackpropInput' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                        Double, Float] t) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_sizes__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv2DBackpropInput' op'options input_sizes filter
                     out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_sizes,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Conv2DBackpropInput"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_sizes" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "use_cudnn_on_gpu" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
conv3D :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3D = conv3D' id
conv3D' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3D' op'options input filter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter]
        return (opDef "Conv3D"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
conv3DBackpropFilter :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                        Double, Float] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropFilter = conv3DBackpropFilter' id
conv3DBackpropFilter' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                         Double, Float] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropFilter' op'options input filter out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Conv3DBackpropFilter"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
conv3DBackpropFilterV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                          Double, Float] t) =>
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __filter_sizes__
                          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropFilterV2 = conv3DBackpropFilterV2' id
conv3DBackpropFilterV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                           Double, Float] t) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __filter_sizes__
                           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropFilterV2' op'options input filter_sizes
                        out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter_sizes,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Conv3DBackpropFilterV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter_sizes" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
conv3DBackpropInput :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                       Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropInput = conv3DBackpropInput' id
conv3DBackpropInput' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                        Double, Float] t) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropInput' op'options input filter out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Conv3DBackpropInput"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
conv3DBackpropInputV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t
                         tshape . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t,
                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64] tshape) =>
                         Tensor v'1 tshape -- ^ __input_sizes__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropInputV2 = conv3DBackpropInputV2' id
conv3DBackpropInputV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t
                          tshape . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tshape) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 tshape -- ^ __input_sizes__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
conv3DBackpropInputV2' op'options input_sizes filter
                       out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_sizes,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Conv3DBackpropInputV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tshape" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tshape)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_sizes" type_attr: "Tshape" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
attr {
  name: "Tshape"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | Copy Op.
-- Performs CPU-to-CPU or GPU-to-GPU deep-copying of tensor, depending on the
-- device on which the tensor is allocated.
-- N.B.: If the all downstream attached debug ops are disabled given the current
-- gRPC gating status, the output will simply forward the input tensor without
-- deep-copying. See the documentation of Debug* ops for more details.
-- Unlike the CopyHost Op, this op does not have HostMemory constraint on its
-- input or output.
copy :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor.
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: Output tensor, deep-copied from input.
copy = copy' id
copy' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor.
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: Output tensor, deep-copied from input.
copy' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Copy"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input" description: "Input tensor." type_attr: "T"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "Output tensor, deep-copied from input."
  type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "The name of the input tensor."
attr {
  name: "debug_ops_spec"
  type: "list(string)"
  default_value { list { } }
  description: "A list of debug op spec (op, url, gated_grpc) for attached debug\nops. Each element of the list has the format\n<debug_op>;<grpc_url>;<gated_grpc>, wherein gated_grpc is boolean represented\nas 0/1. E.g., \"DebugIdentity;grpc://foo:3333;1\",\n\"DebugIdentity;file:///tmp/tfdbg_1;0\"."
-- | Copy Host Op.
-- Performs CPU-to-CPU deep-copying of tensor.
-- N.B.: If the all downstream attached debug ops are disabled given the current
-- gRPC gating status, the output will simply forward the input tensor without
-- deep-copying. See the documentation of Debug* ops for more details.
-- Unlike the Copy Op, this op has HostMemory constraint on its input or output.
copyHost :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor.
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: Output tensor, deep-copied from input.
copyHost = copyHost' id
copyHost' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor.
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: Output tensor, deep-copied from input.
copyHost' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "CopyHost"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input" description: "Input tensor." type_attr: "T"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "Output tensor, deep-copied from input."
  type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "The name of the input tensor."
attr {
  name: "debug_ops_spec"
  type: "list(string)"
  default_value { list { } }
  description: "A list of debug op spec (op, url, gated_grpc) for attached debug\nops. Each element of the list has the format\n<debug_op>;<grpc_url>;<gated_grpc>, wherein gated_grpc is boolean represented\nas 0/1. E.g., \"DebugIdentity;grpc://foo:3333;1\",\n\"DebugIdentity;file:///tmp/tfdbg_1;0\"."
-- | 
cos :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                               Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
cos = cos' id
cos' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
cos' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Cos"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
cosh :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
cosh = cosh' id
cosh' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
cosh' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Cosh"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
countUpTo :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __limit__
             -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
             -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
countUpTo = countUpTo' id
countUpTo' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
              OpParams ->
              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __limit__
              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
countUpTo' op'options limit ref | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CountUpTo"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "limit" .~ limit
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "limit" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
createSummaryDbWriter :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __db_uri__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __experiment_name__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __run_name__
                         -> Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __user_name__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
createSummaryDbWriter = createSummaryDbWriter' id
createSummaryDbWriter' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __db_uri__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __experiment_name__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __run_name__
                          -> Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __user_name__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
createSummaryDbWriter' op'options writer db_uri experiment_name run_name
                       user_name | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs db_uri,
                                                             buildInputs experiment_name,
                                                             buildInputs run_name,
                                                             buildInputs user_name]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CreateSummaryDbWriter"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "db_uri" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "experiment_name" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "run_name" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "user_name" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
createSummaryFileWriter :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __logdir__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_queue__
                           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __flush_millis__
                           -> Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename_suffix__
                           -> m' (ControlNode)
createSummaryFileWriter = createSummaryFileWriter' id
createSummaryFileWriter' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __logdir__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_queue__
                            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __flush_millis__
                            -> Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename_suffix__
                            -> m' (ControlNode)
createSummaryFileWriter' op'options writer logdir max_queue flush_millis
                         filename_suffix | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs logdir,
                                                             buildInputs max_queue,
                                                             buildInputs flush_millis,
                                                             buildInputs filename_suffix]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CreateSummaryFileWriter"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "logdir" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "max_queue" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "flush_millis" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "filename_suffix" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
cropAndResize :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __box_ind__
                 -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __crop_size__
                 -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __crops__
cropAndResize = cropAndResize' id
cropAndResize' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __box_ind__
                  -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __crop_size__
                  -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __crops__
cropAndResize' op'options image boxes box_ind crop_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs image,
                                                             buildInputs boxes,
                                                             buildInputs box_ind,
                                                             buildInputs crop_size]
        return (opDef "CropAndResize"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "image" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "box_ind" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "crop_size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "crops" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "method"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "bilinear" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "bilinear" s: "nearest" } }
attr {
  name: "extrapolation_value" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 }
-- | 
cropAndResizeGradBoxes :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                          Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __image__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __box_ind__
                          -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
cropAndResizeGradBoxes = cropAndResizeGradBoxes' id
cropAndResizeGradBoxes' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                               Float] t) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __image__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __box_ind__
                           -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
cropAndResizeGradBoxes' op'options grads image boxes
                        box_ind | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs grads,
                                                             buildInputs image,
                                                             buildInputs boxes,
                                                             buildInputs box_ind]
        return (opDef "CropAndResizeGradBoxes"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "grads" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "image" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "box_ind" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "method"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "bilinear" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "bilinear" } }
-- | 
cropAndResizeGradImage :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                          Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __box_ind__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __image_size__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
cropAndResizeGradImage = cropAndResizeGradImage' id
cropAndResizeGradImage' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                               Float] t) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __box_ind__
                           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __image_size__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
cropAndResizeGradImage' op'options grads boxes box_ind
                        image_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs grads,
                                                             buildInputs boxes,
                                                             buildInputs box_ind,
                                                             buildInputs image_size]
        return (opDef "CropAndResizeGradImage"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "grads" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "box_ind" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "image_size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_HALF type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "method"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "bilinear" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "bilinear" s: "nearest" } }
-- | 
cross :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __b__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __product__
cross = cross' id
cross' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __b__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __product__
cross' op'options a b | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs b]
        return (opDef "Cross"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "b" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "product" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | An Op to sum inputs across replicated TPU instances. Each
-- instance supplies its own input, and the output of each is the sum of
-- all the inputs.
crossReplicaSum :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: The local input to the sum.
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: The sum of all the distributed inputs.
crossReplicaSum = crossReplicaSum' id
crossReplicaSum' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: The local input to the sum.
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: The sum of all the distributed inputs.
crossReplicaSum' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "CrossReplicaSum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input"
  description: "The local input to the sum."
  type_attr: "T"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "The sum of all the distributed inputs."
  type_attr: "T"
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  description: "The type of elements to be summed."
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
cudnnRNN :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                           OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                   Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
            -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
            -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                    Tensor Value t))
            -- ^ (__output__, __output_h__, __output_c__, __reserve_space__)
            -- * __output__
            -- * __output_h__
            -- * __output_c__
            -- * __reserve_space__
cudnnRNN = cudnnRNN' id
cudnnRNN' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
             -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
             -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
             -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                     Tensor Value t))
             -- ^ (__output__, __output_h__, __output_c__, __reserve_space__)
             -- * __output__
             -- * __output_h__
             -- * __output_c__
             -- * __reserve_space__
cudnnRNN' op'options input input_h input_c params | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_h,
                                                             buildInputs input_c,
                                                             buildInputs params]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CudnnRNN"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_h" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_c" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_h" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_c" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "rnn_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "lstm" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "rnn_relu" s: "rnn_tanh" s: "lstm" s: "gru" }
attr {
  name: "input_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "linear_input" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "linear_input" s: "skip_input" s: "auto_select" }
attr {
  name: "direction"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "unidirectional" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "unidirectional" s: "bidirectional" } }
attr { name: "dropout" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "is_training" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
cudnnRNNBackprop :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 v'11 t
                    m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                 Float] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
                    -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
                    -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
                    -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __output__
                    -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __output_h__
                    -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __output_c__
                    -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __output_backprop__
                    -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __output_h_backprop__
                    -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __output_c_backprop__
                    -> Tensor v'11 t -- ^ __reserve_space__
                    -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                            Tensor Value t))
                    -- ^ (__input_backprop__, __input_h_backprop__, __input_c_backprop__, __params_backprop__)
                    -- * __input_backprop__
                    -- * __input_h_backprop__
                    -- * __input_c_backprop__
                    -- * __params_backprop__
cudnnRNNBackprop = cudnnRNNBackprop' id
cudnnRNNBackprop' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 v'11 t
                     m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                  Float] t) => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
                     -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
                     -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
                     -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __output__
                     -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __output_h__
                     -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __output_c__
                     -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __output_backprop__
                     -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __output_h_backprop__
                     -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __output_c_backprop__
                     -> Tensor v'11 t -- ^ __reserve_space__
                     -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                             Tensor Value t))
                     -- ^ (__input_backprop__, __input_h_backprop__, __input_c_backprop__, __params_backprop__)
                     -- * __input_backprop__
                     -- * __input_h_backprop__
                     -- * __input_c_backprop__
                     -- * __params_backprop__
cudnnRNNBackprop' op'options input input_h input_c params output output_h
                  output_c output_backprop output_h_backprop output_c_backprop
                  reserve_space | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_h,
                                                             buildInputs input_c,
                                                             buildInputs params,
                                                             buildInputs output,
                                                             buildInputs output_h,
                                                             buildInputs output_c,
                                                             buildInputs output_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs output_h_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs output_c_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs reserve_space]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CudnnRNNBackprop"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_h" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_c" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_h" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_c" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_h_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_c_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reserve_space" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "input_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "input_h_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "input_c_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "params_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "rnn_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "lstm" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "rnn_relu" s: "rnn_tanh" s: "lstm" s: "gru" }
attr {
  name: "input_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "linear_input" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "linear_input" s: "skip_input" s: "auto_select" }
attr {
  name: "direction"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "unidirectional" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "unidirectional" s: "bidirectional" } }
attr { name: "dropout" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
cudnnRNNBackpropV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 v'11 v'12
                      t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                     Float] t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __output__
                      -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __output_h__
                      -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __output_c__
                      -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __output_backprop__
                      -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __output_h_backprop__
                      -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __output_c_backprop__
                      -> Tensor v'11 t -- ^ __reserve_space__
                      -> Tensor v'12 Data.Int.Int8 -- ^ __host_reserved__
                      -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                              Tensor Value t))
                      -- ^ (__input_backprop__, __input_h_backprop__, __input_c_backprop__, __params_backprop__)
                      -- * __input_backprop__
                      -- * __input_h_backprop__
                      -- * __input_c_backprop__
                      -- * __params_backprop__
cudnnRNNBackpropV2 = cudnnRNNBackpropV2' id
cudnnRNNBackpropV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 v'11 v'12
                       t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __output__
                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __output_h__
                       -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __output_c__
                       -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __output_backprop__
                       -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __output_h_backprop__
                       -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __output_c_backprop__
                       -> Tensor v'11 t -- ^ __reserve_space__
                       -> Tensor v'12 Data.Int.Int8 -- ^ __host_reserved__
                       -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                               Tensor Value t))
                       -- ^ (__input_backprop__, __input_h_backprop__, __input_c_backprop__, __params_backprop__)
                       -- * __input_backprop__
                       -- * __input_h_backprop__
                       -- * __input_c_backprop__
                       -- * __params_backprop__
cudnnRNNBackpropV2' op'options input input_h input_c params output output_h
                    output_c output_backprop output_h_backprop output_c_backprop
                    reserve_space host_reserved | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_h,
                                                             buildInputs input_c,
                                                             buildInputs params,
                                                             buildInputs output,
                                                             buildInputs output_h,
                                                             buildInputs output_c,
                                                             buildInputs output_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs output_h_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs output_c_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs reserve_space,
                                                             buildInputs host_reserved]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CudnnRNNBackpropV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_h" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_c" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_h" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_c" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_h_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_c_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reserve_space" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "host_reserved" type: DT_INT8 }
output_arg { name: "input_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "input_h_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "input_c_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "params_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "rnn_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "lstm" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "rnn_relu" s: "rnn_tanh" s: "lstm" s: "gru" }
attr {
  name: "input_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "linear_input" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "linear_input" s: "skip_input" s: "auto_select" }
attr {
  name: "direction"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "unidirectional" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "unidirectional" s: "bidirectional" } }
attr { name: "dropout" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
cudnnRNNCanonicalToParams :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5
                             t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
                             Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_layers__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_units__
                             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_size__
                             -> [Tensor v'4 t] -- ^ __weights__
                             -> [Tensor v'5 t] -- ^ __biases__
                             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __params__
cudnnRNNCanonicalToParams = cudnnRNNCanonicalToParams' id
cudnnRNNCanonicalToParams' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5
                              t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                           Float] t) => OpParams ->
                              Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_layers__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_units__
                              -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_size__
                              -> [Tensor v'4 t] -- ^ __weights__
                              -> [Tensor v'5 t] -- ^ __biases__
                              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __params__
cudnnRNNCanonicalToParams' op'options num_layers num_units input_size weights
                           biases | eqLengthGuard [("num_params", [("weights", length weights),
                                                                   ("biases", length biases)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs num_layers,
                                                             buildInputs num_units,
                                                             buildInputs input_size,
                                                             buildInputs weights,
                                                             buildInputs biases]
        return (opDef "CudnnRNNCanonicalToParams"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "num_params" .~ num_params
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_params = fromIntegral (length weights) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "num_layers" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "num_units" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "input_size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg {
  name: "weights" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_params"
input_arg {
  name: "biases" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_params"
output_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "num_params" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "rnn_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "lstm" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "rnn_relu" s: "rnn_tanh" s: "lstm" s: "gru" }
attr {
  name: "input_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "linear_input" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "linear_input" s: "skip_input" s: "auto_select" }
attr {
  name: "direction"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "unidirectional" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "unidirectional" s: "bidirectional" } }
attr { name: "dropout" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
cudnnRNNParamsSize :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 s . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] s) =>
                      DataType -- ^ __T__
                      -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_layers__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_units__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_size__
                      -> Tensor Build s -- ^ __params_size__
cudnnRNNParamsSize = cudnnRNNParamsSize' id
cudnnRNNParamsSize' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 s . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] s) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       DataType -- ^ __T__
                       -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_layers__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_units__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_size__
                       -> Tensor Build s -- ^ __params_size__
cudnnRNNParamsSize' op'options t num_layers num_units
                    input_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs num_layers,
                                                             buildInputs num_units,
                                                             buildInputs input_size]
        return (opDef "CudnnRNNParamsSize"
                & opAttr "S" .~ tensorType (undefined :: s)
                & opAttr "T" .~ t
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "num_layers" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "num_units" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "input_size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "params_size" type_attr: "S" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "S"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "rnn_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "lstm" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "rnn_relu" s: "rnn_tanh" s: "lstm" s: "gru" }
attr {
  name: "input_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "linear_input" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "linear_input" s: "skip_input" s: "auto_select" }
attr {
  name: "direction"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "unidirectional" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "unidirectional" s: "bidirectional" } }
attr { name: "dropout" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
cudnnRNNParamsToCanonical :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                             t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
                             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_params__
                             -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_layers__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_units__
                             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_size__
                             -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
                             -> ([Tensor Build t], [Tensor Build t])
                             -- ^ (__weights__, __biases__)
                             -- * __weights__
                             -- * __biases__
cudnnRNNParamsToCanonical = cudnnRNNParamsToCanonical' id
cudnnRNNParamsToCanonical' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                              t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                           Float] t) => OpParams ->
                              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_params__
                              -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_layers__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_units__
                              -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_size__
                              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
                              -> ([Tensor Build t], [Tensor Build t])
                              -- ^ (__weights__, __biases__)
                              -- * __weights__
                              -- * __biases__
cudnnRNNParamsToCanonical' op'options num_params num_layers num_units input_size
                           params | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num_params, num_params] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs num_layers,
                                                             buildInputs num_units,
                                                             buildInputs input_size,
                                                             buildInputs params]
        return (opDef "CudnnRNNParamsToCanonical"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "num_params" .~ num_params
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "num_layers" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "num_units" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "input_size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg {
  name: "weights" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_params"
output_arg {
  name: "biases" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_params"
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "num_params" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "rnn_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "lstm" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "rnn_relu" s: "rnn_tanh" s: "lstm" s: "gru" }
attr {
  name: "input_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "linear_input" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "linear_input" s: "skip_input" s: "auto_select" }
attr {
  name: "direction"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "unidirectional" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "unidirectional" s: "bidirectional" } }
attr { name: "dropout" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
cudnnRNNV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                     Float] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
              -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                      Tensor Value t, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int8))
              -- ^ (__output__, __output_h__, __output_c__, __reserve_space__, __host_reserved__)
              -- * __output__
              -- * __output_h__
              -- * __output_c__
              -- * __reserve_space__
              -- * __host_reserved__
cudnnRNNV2 = cudnnRNNV2' id
cudnnRNNV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_h__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_c__
               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __params__
               -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                       Tensor Value t, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int8))
               -- ^ (__output__, __output_h__, __output_c__, __reserve_space__, __host_reserved__)
               -- * __output__
               -- * __output_h__
               -- * __output_c__
               -- * __reserve_space__
               -- * __host_reserved__
cudnnRNNV2' op'options input input_h input_c params | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_h,
                                                             buildInputs input_c,
                                                             buildInputs params]
        buildOp [] (opDef "CudnnRNNV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_h" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_c" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_h" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_c" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "host_reserved" type: DT_INT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "rnn_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "lstm" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "rnn_relu" s: "rnn_tanh" s: "lstm" s: "gru" }
attr {
  name: "input_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "linear_input" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "linear_input" s: "skip_input" s: "auto_select" }
attr {
  name: "direction"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "unidirectional" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "unidirectional" s: "bidirectional" } }
attr { name: "dropout" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "is_training" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
cumprod :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __out__
cumprod = cumprod' id
cumprod' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __out__
cumprod' op'options x axis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "Cumprod"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "exclusive" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "reverse" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
cumsum :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                           Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                           Double, Float] t,
                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __out__
cumsum = cumsum' id
cumsum' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tidx) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __out__
cumsum' op'options x axis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "Cumsum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "exclusive" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "reverse" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
dataFormatDimMap :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
dataFormatDimMap = dataFormatDimMap' id
dataFormatDimMap' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] t) => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
dataFormatDimMap' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "DataFormatDimMap"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "src_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NHWC" }
attr {
  name: "dst_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NCHW" }
-- | 
dataFormatVecPermute :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
dataFormatVecPermute = dataFormatVecPermute' id
dataFormatVecPermute' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
dataFormatVecPermute' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "DataFormatVecPermute"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "src_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NHWC" }
attr {
  name: "dst_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NCHW" }
-- | 
datasetToSingleElement :: forall v'1
                          output_types . (TensorTypes output_types) =>
                          Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __dataset__
                          -> TensorList (Build) output_types -- ^ __components__
datasetToSingleElement = datasetToSingleElement' id
datasetToSingleElement' :: forall v'1
                           output_types . (TensorTypes output_types) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __dataset__
                           -> TensorList (Build) output_types -- ^ __components__
datasetToSingleElement' op'options dataset | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs dataset]
        return (opDef "DatasetToSingleElement"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy output_types)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "output_types" }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
datasetToTFRecord :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __compression_type__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
datasetToTFRecord = datasetToTFRecord' id
datasetToTFRecord' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __compression_type__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
datasetToTFRecord' op'options input_dataset filename
                   compression_type | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs filename,
                                                             buildInputs compression_type]
        buildOp [] (opDef "DatasetToTFRecord"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "compression_type" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
debugGradientIdentity :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
debugGradientIdentity = debugGradientIdentity' id
debugGradientIdentity' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
debugGradientIdentity' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "DebugGradientIdentity"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
debugGradientRefIdentity :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                            Tensor Ref t -- ^ __input__
                            -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
debugGradientRefIdentity = debugGradientRefIdentity' id
debugGradientRefIdentity' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                             OpParams ->
                             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __input__
                             -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
debugGradientRefIdentity' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "DebugGradientRefIdentity"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | Debug Identity Op.
-- Provides an identity mapping of the non-Ref type input tensor for debugging.
debugIdentity :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor, non-Reference type.
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: Output tensor that equals the input tensor.
debugIdentity = debugIdentity' id
debugIdentity' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor, non-Reference type.
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: Output tensor that equals the input tensor.
debugIdentity' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "DebugIdentity"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input"
  description: "Input tensor, non-Reference type."
  type_attr: "T"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "Output tensor that equals the input tensor."
  type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "device_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "Name of the input tensor."
attr {
  name: "debug_urls"
  type: "list(string)"
  default_value { list { } }
  description: "List of URLs to debug targets, e.g.,\nfile:///foo/tfdbg_dump, grpc:://localhost:11011"
attr {
  name: "gated_grpc"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "Whether this op will be gated. If any of the debug_urls of this\ndebug node is of the grpc:// scheme, when the value of this attribute is set\nto True, the data will not actually be sent via the grpc stream unless this\ndebug op has been enabled at the debug_url. If all of the debug_urls of this\ndebug node are of the grpc:// scheme and the debug op is enabled at none of\nthem, the output will be an empty Tensor."
-- | Debug NaN Value Counter Op
-- Counts number of NaNs in the input tensor, for debugging.
debugNanCount :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor, non-Reference type.
                 -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__: An integer output tensor that is the number of NaNs in the input.
debugNanCount = debugNanCount' id
debugNanCount' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor, non-Reference type.
                  -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__: An integer output tensor that is the number of NaNs in the input.
debugNanCount' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "DebugNanCount"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input"
  description: "Input tensor, non-Reference type."
  type_attr: "T"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "An integer output tensor that is the number of NaNs in the input."
  type: DT_INT64
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "device_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "Name of the input tensor."
attr {
  name: "debug_urls"
  type: "list(string)"
  default_value { list { } }
  description: "List of URLs to debug targets, e.g.,\nfile:///foo/tfdbg_dump, grpc:://localhost:11011."
attr {
  name: "gated_grpc"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "Whether this op will be gated. If any of the debug_urls of this\ndebug node is of the grpc:// scheme, when the value of this attribute is set\nto True, the data will not actually be sent via the grpc stream unless this\ndebug op has been enabled at the debug_url. If all of the debug_urls of this\ndebug node are of the grpc:// scheme and the debug op is enabled at none of\nthem, the output will be an empty Tensor."
-- | Debug Numeric Summary Op.
-- Provide a basic summary of numeric value types, range and distribution.
debugNumericSummary :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor, non-Reference type, float or double.
                       -> Tensor Build Double -- ^ __output__: A double tensor of shape [14 + nDimensions], where nDimensions is the
                       --   the number of dimensions of the tensor's shape. The elements of output are:
                       --   [0]: is initialized (1.0) or not (0.0).
                       --   [1]: total number of elements
                       --   [2]: NaN element count
                       --   [3]: generalized -inf count: elements <= lower_bound. lower_bound is -inf by
                       --     default.
                       --   [4]: negative element count (excluding -inf), if lower_bound is the default
                       --     -inf. Otherwise, this is the count of elements > lower_bound and < 0.
                       --   [5]: zero element count
                       --   [6]: positive element count (excluding +inf), if upper_bound is the default
                       --     -inf. Otherwise, this is the count of elements < upper_bound and > 0.
                       --   [7]: generalized +inf count, elements >= upper_bound. upper_bound is +inf by
                       --     default.
                       -- Output elements [1:8] are all zero, if the tensor is uninitialized.
                       --   [8]: minimum of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                       --        If uninitialized or no such element exists: +inf.
                       --   [9]: maximum of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                       --        If uninitialized or no such element exists: -inf.
                       --   [10]: mean of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                       --         If uninitialized or no such element exists: NaN.
                       --   [11]: variance of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                       --         If uninitialized or no such element exists: NaN.
                       --   [12]: Data type of the tensor encoded as an enum integer. See the DataType
                       --         proto for more details.
                       --   [13]: Number of dimensions of the tensor (ndims).
                       --   [14+]: Sizes of the dimensions.
debugNumericSummary = debugNumericSummary' id
debugNumericSummary' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: Input tensor, non-Reference type, float or double.
                        -> Tensor Build Double -- ^ __output__: A double tensor of shape [14 + nDimensions], where nDimensions is the
                        --   the number of dimensions of the tensor's shape. The elements of output are:
                        --   [0]: is initialized (1.0) or not (0.0).
                        --   [1]: total number of elements
                        --   [2]: NaN element count
                        --   [3]: generalized -inf count: elements <= lower_bound. lower_bound is -inf by
                        --     default.
                        --   [4]: negative element count (excluding -inf), if lower_bound is the default
                        --     -inf. Otherwise, this is the count of elements > lower_bound and < 0.
                        --   [5]: zero element count
                        --   [6]: positive element count (excluding +inf), if upper_bound is the default
                        --     -inf. Otherwise, this is the count of elements < upper_bound and > 0.
                        --   [7]: generalized +inf count, elements >= upper_bound. upper_bound is +inf by
                        --     default.
                        -- Output elements [1:8] are all zero, if the tensor is uninitialized.
                        --   [8]: minimum of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                        --        If uninitialized or no such element exists: +inf.
                        --   [9]: maximum of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                        --        If uninitialized or no such element exists: -inf.
                        --   [10]: mean of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                        --         If uninitialized or no such element exists: NaN.
                        --   [11]: variance of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.
                        --         If uninitialized or no such element exists: NaN.
                        --   [12]: Data type of the tensor encoded as an enum integer. See the DataType
                        --         proto for more details.
                        --   [13]: Number of dimensions of the tensor (ndims).
                        --   [14+]: Sizes of the dimensions.
debugNumericSummary' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "DebugNumericSummary"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input"
  description: "Input tensor, non-Reference type, float or double."
  type_attr: "T"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "A double tensor of shape [14 + nDimensions], where nDimensions is the\n  the number of dimensions of the tensor\'s shape. The elements of output are:\n  [0]: is initialized (1.0) or not (0.0).\n  [1]: total number of elements\n  [2]: NaN element count\n  [3]: generalized -inf count: elements <= lower_bound. lower_bound is -inf by\n    default.\n  [4]: negative element count (excluding -inf), if lower_bound is the default\n    -inf. Otherwise, this is the count of elements > lower_bound and < 0.\n  [5]: zero element count\n  [6]: positive element count (excluding +inf), if upper_bound is the default\n    -inf. Otherwise, this is the count of elements < upper_bound and > 0.\n  [7]: generalized +inf count, elements >= upper_bound. upper_bound is +inf by\n    default.\nOutput elements [1:8] are all zero, if the tensor is uninitialized.\n  [8]: minimum of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.\n       If uninitialized or no such element exists: +inf.\n  [9]: maximum of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.\n       If uninitialized or no such element exists: -inf.\n  [10]: mean of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.\n        If uninitialized or no such element exists: NaN.\n  [11]: variance of all non-inf and non-NaN elements.\n        If uninitialized or no such element exists: NaN.\n  [12]: Data type of the tensor encoded as an enum integer. See the DataType\n        proto for more details.\n  [13]: Number of dimensions of the tensor (ndims).\n  [14+]: Sizes of the dimensions."
  type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "device_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "Name of the input tensor."
attr {
  name: "debug_urls"
  type: "list(string)"
  default_value { list { } }
  description: "List of URLs to debug targets, e.g.,\nfile:///foo/tfdbg_dump, grpc:://localhost:11011"
attr {
  name: "lower_bound"
  type: "float"
  default_value { f: -Infinity }
  description: "(float) The lower bound <= which values will be included in the\ngeneralized -inf count. Default: -inf."
attr {
  name: "upper_bound"
  type: "float"
  default_value { f: Infinity }
  description: "(float) The upper bound >= which values will be included in the\ngeneralized +inf count. Default: +inf."
attr {
  name: "mute_if_healthy"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "(bool) Do not send data to the debug URLs unless at least one\nof elements [2], [3] and [7] (i.e., the nan count and the generalized -inf and\ninf counts) is non-zero."
attr {
  name: "gated_grpc"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "Whether this op will be gated. If any of the debug_urls of this\ndebug node is of the grpc:// scheme, when the value of this attribute is set\nto True, the data will not actually be sent via the grpc stream unless this\ndebug op has been enabled at the debug_url. If all of the debug_urls of this\ndebug node are of the grpc:// scheme and the debug op is enabled at none of\nthem, the output will be an empty Tensor."
-- | 
decodeAndCropJpeg :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __crop_window__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeAndCropJpeg = decodeAndCropJpeg' id
decodeAndCropJpeg' :: OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __crop_window__
                      -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeAndCropJpeg' op'options contents crop_window | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs contents,
                                                             buildInputs crop_window]
        return (opDef "DecodeAndCropJpeg"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "crop_window" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "image" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr { name: "channels" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "ratio" type: "int" default_value { i: 1 } }
attr {
  name: "fancy_upscaling" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "try_recover_truncated"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "acceptable_fraction" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0 }
attr { name: "dct_method" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
decodeBase64 :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
decodeBase64 = decodeBase64' id
decodeBase64' :: OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
decodeBase64' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "DecodeBase64"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
decodeBmp :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
             -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeBmp = decodeBmp' id
decodeBmp' :: OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
              -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeBmp' op'options contents | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs contents]
        return (opDef "DecodeBmp"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "image" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr { name: "channels" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
decodeCSV :: forall v'1 v'2 oUT_TYPE . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                 Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                                 Double, Float] oUT_TYPE) =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __records__
             -> TensorList (v'2) oUT_TYPE -- ^ __record_defaults__
             -> TensorList (Build) oUT_TYPE -- ^ __output__
decodeCSV = decodeCSV' id
decodeCSV' :: forall v'1 v'2 oUT_TYPE . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                  Data.Int.Int64, Double,
                                                  Float] oUT_TYPE) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __records__
              -> TensorList (v'2) oUT_TYPE -- ^ __record_defaults__
              -> TensorList (Build) oUT_TYPE -- ^ __output__
decodeCSV' op'options records record_defaults | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs records,
                                                             buildInputs record_defaults]
        return (opDef "DecodeCSV"
                & opAttr "OUT_TYPE" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy oUT_TYPE)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "records" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "record_defaults" type_list_attr: "OUT_TYPE" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_list_attr: "OUT_TYPE" }
attr {
  name: "OUT_TYPE"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_STRING
attr {
  name: "field_delim" type: "string" default_value { s: "," }
attr {
  name: "use_quote_delim" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "na_value" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "select_cols" type: "list(int)" default_value { list { } }
-- | 
decodeCompressed :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
decodeCompressed = decodeCompressed' id
decodeCompressed' :: OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
decodeCompressed' op'options bytes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs bytes]
        return (opDef "DecodeCompressed"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "bytes" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "compression_type" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
decodeGif :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
             -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeGif = decodeGif' id
decodeGif' :: OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
              -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeGif' op'options contents | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs contents]
        return (opDef "DecodeGif"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "image" type: DT_UINT8 }
-- | 
decodeJSONExample :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __json_examples__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __binary_examples__
decodeJSONExample = decodeJSONExample' id
decodeJSONExample' :: OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __json_examples__
                      -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __binary_examples__
decodeJSONExample' op'options json_examples | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs json_examples]
        return (opDef "DecodeJSONExample"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "json_examples" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "binary_examples" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
decodeJpeg :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
              -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeJpeg = decodeJpeg' id
decodeJpeg' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
               -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
decodeJpeg' op'options contents | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs contents]
        return (opDef "DecodeJpeg"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "image" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr { name: "channels" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "ratio" type: "int" default_value { i: 1 } }
attr {
  name: "fancy_upscaling" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "try_recover_truncated"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "acceptable_fraction" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0 }
attr { name: "dct_method" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
decodePng :: forall v'1 dtype . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                         Data.Word.Word8] dtype) =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
             -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __image__
decodePng = decodePng' id
decodePng' :: forall v'1 dtype . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] dtype) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
              -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __image__
decodePng' op'options contents | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs contents]
        return (opDef "DecodePng"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "image" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "channels" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_UINT8 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_UINT8 type: DT_UINT16 } }
-- | 
decodeProtoV2 :: forall v'1 output_types . (TensorTypes output_types) =>
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
                 -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32,
                     TensorList (Build) output_types)
                 -- ^ (__sizes__, __values__)
                 -- * __sizes__
                 -- * __values__
decodeProtoV2 = decodeProtoV2' id
decodeProtoV2' :: forall v'1 output_types . (TensorTypes output_types) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
                  -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32,
                      TensorList (Build) output_types)
                  -- ^ (__sizes__, __values__)
                  -- * __sizes__
                  -- * __values__
decodeProtoV2' op'options bytes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs bytes]
        return (opDef "DecodeProtoV2"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy output_types)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "bytes" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "sizes" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "output_types" }
attr { name: "message_type" type: "string" }
attr { name: "field_names" type: "list(string)" }
attr { name: "output_types" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true }
attr {
  name: "descriptor_source"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "local://" }
attr {
  name: "message_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "binary" }
attr { name: "sanitize" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
-- | 
decodeRaw :: forall v'1 out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] out_type) =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
             -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
decodeRaw = decodeRaw' id
decodeRaw' :: forall v'1 out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] out_type) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
              -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
decodeRaw' op'options bytes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs bytes]
        return (opDef "DecodeRaw"
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "bytes" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
attr {
  name: "little_endian" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
decodeWav :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
             -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
             -- ^ (__audio__, __sample_rate__)
             -- * __audio__
             -- * __sample_rate__
decodeWav = decodeWav' id
decodeWav' :: OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
              -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
              -- ^ (__audio__, __sample_rate__)
              -- * __audio__
              -- * __sample_rate__
decodeWav' op'options contents | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs contents]
        return (opDef "DecodeWav"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "audio" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "sample_rate" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "desired_channels" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 }
attr {
  name: "desired_samples" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 }
-- | 
deepCopy :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __y__
deepCopy = deepCopy' id
deepCopy' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __y__
deepCopy' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        buildOp [] (opDef "DeepCopy"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
deleteSessionTensor :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
deleteSessionTensor = deleteSessionTensor' id
deleteSessionTensor' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
deleteSessionTensor' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "DeleteSessionTensor"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
denseToDenseSetOperation :: forall v'1 v'2
                            t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __set1__
                            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __set2__
                            -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                                Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                            -- ^ (__result_indices__, __result_values__, __result_shape__)
                            -- * __result_indices__
                            -- * __result_values__
                            -- * __result_shape__
denseToDenseSetOperation = denseToDenseSetOperation' id
denseToDenseSetOperation' :: forall v'1 v'2
                             t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
                             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __set1__
                             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __set2__
                             -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                                 Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                             -- ^ (__result_indices__, __result_values__, __result_shape__)
                             -- * __result_indices__
                             -- * __result_values__
                             -- * __result_shape__
denseToDenseSetOperation' op'options set1 set2 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs set1,
                                                             buildInputs set2]
        return (opDef "DenseToDenseSetOperation"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "set1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "set2" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "result_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "result_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "result_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "set_operation" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "validate_indices" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_STRING
-- | 
denseToSparseBatchDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                             -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_shape__
                             -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
denseToSparseBatchDataset = denseToSparseBatchDataset' id
denseToSparseBatchDataset' :: OpParams ->
                              [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                              -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                              -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_shape__
                              -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
denseToSparseBatchDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset batch_size
                           row_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs batch_size,
                                                             buildInputs row_shape]
        return (opDef "DenseToSparseBatchDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "batch_size" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "row_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
denseToSparseSetOperation :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                             t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __set1__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_indices__
                             -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __set2_values__
                             -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_shape__
                             -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                                 Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                             -- ^ (__result_indices__, __result_values__, __result_shape__)
                             -- * __result_indices__
                             -- * __result_values__
                             -- * __result_shape__
denseToSparseSetOperation = denseToSparseSetOperation' id
denseToSparseSetOperation' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                              t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                           Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
                              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __set1__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_indices__
                              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __set2_values__
                              -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_shape__
                              -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                                  Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                              -- ^ (__result_indices__, __result_values__, __result_shape__)
                              -- * __result_indices__
                              -- * __result_values__
                              -- * __result_shape__
denseToSparseSetOperation' op'options set1 set2_indices set2_values
                           set2_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs set1,
                                                             buildInputs set2_indices,
                                                             buildInputs set2_values,
                                                             buildInputs set2_shape]
        return (opDef "DenseToSparseSetOperation"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "set1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "set2_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "set2_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "set2_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "result_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "result_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "result_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "set_operation" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "validate_indices" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_STRING
-- | 
depthToSpace :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthToSpace = depthToSpace' id
depthToSpace' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                 -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthToSpace' op'options block_size input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "DepthToSpace"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "block_size" .~ block_size
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "block_size" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" s: "NCHW_VECT_C" } }
-- | 
depthwiseConv2dNative :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                     Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthwiseConv2dNative = depthwiseConv2dNative' id
depthwiseConv2dNative' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthwiseConv2dNative' op'options input filter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter]
        return (opDef "DepthwiseConv2dNative"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3
                                       t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                    Float] t) =>
                                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __filter_sizes__
                                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter = depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter' id
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3
                                        t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
                                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __filter_sizes__
                                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter' op'options input filter_sizes
                                     out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter_sizes,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter_sizes" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3
                                      t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                   Float] t) =>
                                      Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_sizes__
                                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput = depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput' id
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3
                                       t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
                                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __input_sizes__
                                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
depthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput' op'options input_sizes filter
                                    out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_sizes,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_sizes" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
dequantize :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_range__
              -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_range__
              -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
dequantize = dequantize' id
dequantize' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_range__
               -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_range__
               -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
dequantize' op'options input min_range max_range | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs min_range,
                                                             buildInputs max_range]
        return (opDef "Dequantize"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "min_range" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_range" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "MIN_COMBINED" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "MIN_COMBINED" s: "MIN_FIRST" s: "SCALED" }
-- | 
deserializeIterator :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource_handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Variant -- ^ __serialized__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
deserializeIterator = deserializeIterator' id
deserializeIterator' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource_handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Variant -- ^ __serialized__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
deserializeIterator' op'options resource_handle serialized | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource_handle,
                                                             buildInputs serialized]
        buildOp [] (opDef "DeserializeIterator"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "serialized" type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
deserializeManySparse :: forall v'1 dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
                         Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
                         -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build dtype,
                             Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                         -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shape__)
                         -- * __sparse_indices__
                         -- * __sparse_values__
                         -- * __sparse_shape__
deserializeManySparse = deserializeManySparse' id
deserializeManySparse' :: forall v'1 dtype . (TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
                          -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build dtype,
                              Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                          -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shape__)
                          -- * __sparse_indices__
                          -- * __sparse_values__
                          -- * __sparse_shape__
deserializeManySparse' op'options serialized_sparse | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs serialized_sparse]
        return (opDef "DeserializeManySparse"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "serialized_sparse" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "sparse_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
deserializeSparse :: forall v'1 dtype tserialized . (TensorType dtype,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                             Variant] tserialized) =>
                     Tensor v'1 tserialized -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
                     -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build dtype,
                         Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                     -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shape__)
                     -- * __sparse_indices__
                     -- * __sparse_values__
                     -- * __sparse_shape__
deserializeSparse = deserializeSparse' id
deserializeSparse' :: forall v'1 dtype tserialized . (TensorType dtype,
                                                      OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                              Variant] tserialized) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 tserialized -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
                      -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build dtype,
                          Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                      -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shape__)
                      -- * __sparse_indices__
                      -- * __sparse_values__
                      -- * __sparse_shape__
deserializeSparse' op'options serialized_sparse | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs serialized_sparse]
        return (opDef "DeserializeSparse"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & opAttr "Tserialized" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tserialized)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "serialized_sparse" type_attr: "Tserialized" }
output_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "sparse_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tserialized"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_STRING }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_STRING type: DT_VARIANT } }
-- | 
destroyResourceOp :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
destroyResourceOp = destroyResourceOp' id
destroyResourceOp' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
destroyResourceOp' op'options resource | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource]
        buildOp [] (opDef "DestroyResourceOp"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "ignore_lookup_error" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
destroyTemporaryVariable :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                            Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __value__
destroyTemporaryVariable = destroyTemporaryVariable' id
destroyTemporaryVariable' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                             OpParams ->
                             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __value__
destroyTemporaryVariable' op'options ref | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref]
        buildOp [] (opDef "DestroyTemporaryVariable"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "var_name" type: "string" }
-- | 
diag :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __diagonal__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
diag = diag' id
diag' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __diagonal__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
diag' op'options diagonal | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs diagonal]
        return (opDef "Diag"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
diagPart :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __diagonal__
diagPart = diagPart' id
diagPart' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __diagonal__
diagPart' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "DiagPart"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
digamma :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
digamma = digamma' id
digamma' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
digamma' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Digamma"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
dilation2D :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
dilation2D = dilation2D' id
dilation2D' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                           Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
dilation2D' op'options input filter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter]
        return (opDef "Dilation2D"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "rates" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
dilation2DBackpropFilter :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __filter_backprop__
dilation2DBackpropFilter = dilation2DBackpropFilter' id
dilation2DBackpropFilter' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                             Float] t) =>
                             OpParams ->
                             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                             -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __filter_backprop__
dilation2DBackpropFilter' op'options input filter
                          out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Dilation2DBackpropFilter"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "filter_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "rates" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
dilation2DBackpropInput :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                           Double, Float] t) =>
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __in_backprop__
dilation2DBackpropInput = dilation2DBackpropInput' id
dilation2DBackpropInput' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __filter__
                            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __in_backprop__
dilation2DBackpropInput' op'options input filter
                         out_backprop | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop]
        return (opDef "Dilation2DBackpropInput"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "in_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "rates" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
div :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                   Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
div = div' id
div' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
div' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Div"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
drawBoundingBoxes :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
drawBoundingBoxes = drawBoundingBoxes' id
drawBoundingBoxes' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
drawBoundingBoxes' op'options images boxes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs boxes]
        return (opDef "DrawBoundingBoxes"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_HALF } }
-- | 
dynamicPartition :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
                    Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_partitions__
                    -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __partitions__
                    -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __outputs__
dynamicPartition = dynamicPartition' id
dynamicPartition' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_partitions__
                     -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __partitions__
                     -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __outputs__
dynamicPartition' op'options num_partitions data'
                  partitions | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num_partitions] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs partitions]
        return (opDef "DynamicPartition"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "num_partitions" .~ num_partitions
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "partitions" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg {
  name: "outputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_partitions"
attr {
  name: "num_partitions" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
dynamicStitch :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
                 [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __indices__
                 -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __data__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __merged__
dynamicStitch = dynamicStitch' id
dynamicStitch' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __indices__
                  -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __data__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __merged__
dynamicStitch' op'options indices
               data' | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("indices", length indices),
                                             ("data", length data')])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs data']
        return (opDef "DynamicStitch"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length indices) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "merged" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
editDistance :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t . (TensorType t) =>
                Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __hypothesis_indices__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __hypothesis_values__
                -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __hypothesis_shape__
                -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __truth_indices__
                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __truth_values__
                -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __truth_shape__
                -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
editDistance = editDistance' id
editDistance' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t . (TensorType t) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __hypothesis_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __hypothesis_values__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __hypothesis_shape__
                 -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __truth_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __truth_values__
                 -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __truth_shape__
                 -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
editDistance' op'options hypothesis_indices hypothesis_values hypothesis_shape
              truth_indices truth_values truth_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs hypothesis_indices,
                                                             buildInputs hypothesis_values,
                                                             buildInputs hypothesis_shape,
                                                             buildInputs truth_indices,
                                                             buildInputs truth_values,
                                                             buildInputs truth_shape]
        return (opDef "EditDistance"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "hypothesis_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "hypothesis_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "hypothesis_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "truth_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "truth_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "truth_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "normalize" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
elu :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
elu = elu' id
elu' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
elu' op'options features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "Elu"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
eluGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __outputs__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
eluGrad = eluGrad' id
eluGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __outputs__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
eluGrad' op'options gradients outputs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs outputs]
        return (opDef "EluGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "outputs" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprops" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
empty :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
         Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __shape__
         -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
empty = empty' id
empty' :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __shape__
          -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
empty' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "Empty"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "init" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
-- | 
emptyTensorList :: forall v'1 shape_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                   DataType -- ^ __element_dtype__
                   -> Tensor v'1 shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
                   -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
emptyTensorList = emptyTensorList' id
emptyTensorList' :: forall v'1 shape_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    DataType -- ^ __element_dtype__
                    -> Tensor v'1 shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
                    -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
emptyTensorList' op'options element_dtype element_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs element_shape]
        return (opDef "EmptyTensorList"
                & opAttr "shape_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: shape_type)
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ element_dtype
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "element_shape" type_attr: "shape_type" }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "shape_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
encodeBase64 :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
encodeBase64 = encodeBase64' id
encodeBase64' :: OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
encodeBase64' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "EncodeBase64"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "pad" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
-- | 
encodeJpeg :: Tensor v'1 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
              -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
encodeJpeg = encodeJpeg' id
encodeJpeg' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __image__
               -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
encodeJpeg' op'options image | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs image]
        return (opDef "EncodeJpeg"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "image" type: DT_UINT8 }
output_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "" s: "grayscale" s: "rgb" } }
attr { name: "quality" type: "int" default_value { i: 95 } }
attr {
  name: "progressive" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "optimize_size" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "chroma_downsampling" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "density_unit"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "in" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "in" s: "cm" } }
attr { name: "x_density" type: "int" default_value { i: 300 } }
attr { name: "y_density" type: "int" default_value { i: 300 } }
attr {
  name: "xmp_metadata" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
encodePng :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image__
             -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
encodePng = encodePng' id
encodePng' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image__
              -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
encodePng' op'options image | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs image]
        return (opDef "EncodePng"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "image" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "compression" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_UINT8 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_UINT8 type: DT_UINT16 } }
-- | 
encodeProto :: forall v'1 v'2 tinput_types . (TensorTypes tinput_types) =>
               Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sizes__
               -> TensorList (v'2) tinput_types -- ^ __values__
               -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
encodeProto = encodeProto' id
encodeProto' :: forall v'1 v'2 tinput_types . (TensorTypes tinput_types) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sizes__
                -> TensorList (v'2) tinput_types -- ^ __values__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __bytes__
encodeProto' op'options sizes values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sizes,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        return (opDef "EncodeProto"
                & opAttr "Tinput_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tinput_types)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sizes" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "Tinput_types" }
output_arg { name: "bytes" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "field_names" type: "list(string)" }
attr { name: "message_type" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "descriptor_source"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "local://" }
attr {
  name: "Tinput_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
encodeWav :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __audio__
             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sample_rate__
             -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
encodeWav = encodeWav' id
encodeWav' :: OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __audio__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sample_rate__
              -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
encodeWav' op'options audio sample_rate | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs audio,
                                                             buildInputs sample_rate]
        return (opDef "EncodeWav"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "audio" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "sample_rate" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
enqueueInQueueDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                          TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                         Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __queue__
                         -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
enqueueInQueueDataset = enqueueInQueueDataset' id
enqueueInQueueDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __queue__
                          -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
enqueueInQueueDataset' op'options queue components | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs queue,
                                                             buildInputs components]
        buildOp [] (opDef "EnqueueInQueueDataset"
                    & opAttr "Tcomponents" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tcomponents)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "queue" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "Tcomponents" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomponents" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
enter :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
enter = enter' id
enter' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
enter' op'options data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data']
        return (opDef "Enter"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "frame_name" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "is_constant" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "parallel_iterations" type: "int" default_value { i: 10 }
-- | 
equal :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                     Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.Int.Int16,
                                     Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                     Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
         -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
equal = equal' id
equal' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
          -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
equal' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Equal"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_STRING
      type: DT_BOOL
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
erf :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
erf = erf' id
erf' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
erf' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Erf"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
erfc :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
erfc = erfc' id
erfc' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
erfc' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Erfc"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
exit :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
exit = exit' id
exit' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
exit' op'options data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data']
        return (opDef "Exit"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
exp :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                               Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
exp = exp' id
exp' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
exp' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Exp"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
expandDims :: forall v'1 v'2 t tdim . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tdim) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 tdim -- ^ __dim__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
expandDims = expandDims' id
expandDims' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tdim . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tdim) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 tdim -- ^ __dim__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
expandDims' op'options input dim | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs dim]
        return (opDef "ExpandDims"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tdim" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tdim)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dim" type_attr: "Tdim" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tdim"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
expm1 :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
expm1 = expm1' id
expm1' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
expm1' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Expm1"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
extractGlimpse :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __offsets__
                  -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __glimpse__
extractGlimpse = extractGlimpse' id
extractGlimpse' :: OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __offsets__
                   -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __glimpse__
extractGlimpse' op'options input size offsets | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs size,
                                                             buildInputs offsets]
        return (opDef "ExtractGlimpse"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "offsets" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "glimpse" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "centered" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr { name: "normalized" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "uniform_noise" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
extractImagePatches :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __patches__
extractImagePatches = extractImagePatches' id
extractImagePatches' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __patches__
extractImagePatches' op'options images | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images]
        return (opDef "ExtractImagePatches"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "patches" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksizes" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "rates" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
extractJpegShape :: forall v'1 output_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] output_type) =>
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
                    -> Tensor Build output_type -- ^ __image_shape__
extractJpegShape = extractJpegShape' id
extractJpegShape' :: forall v'1 output_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] output_type) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
                     -> Tensor Build output_type -- ^ __image_shape__
extractJpegShape' op'options contents | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs contents]
        return (opDef "ExtractJpegShape"
                & opAttr "output_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: output_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "image_shape" type_attr: "output_type" }
attr {
  name: "output_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
fFT :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
       Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
fFT = fFT' id
fFT' :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
fFT' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "FFT"
                & opAttr "Tcomplex" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tcomplex)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomplex"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
fFT2D :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
         Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
fFT2D = fFT2D' id
fFT2D' :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
fFT2D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "FFT2D"
                & opAttr "Tcomplex" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tcomplex)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomplex"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
fFT3D :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
         Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
fFT3D = fFT3D' id
fFT3D' :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
fFT3D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "FFT3D"
                & opAttr "Tcomplex" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tcomplex)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomplex"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
fIFOQueue :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
fIFOQueue = fIFOQueue' id
fIFOQueue' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
fIFOQueue' op'options component_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "FIFOQueue"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ component_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
fIFOQueueV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
               [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
               -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
fIFOQueueV2 = fIFOQueueV2' id
fIFOQueueV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
fIFOQueueV2' op'options component_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "FIFOQueueV2"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ component_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
fact :: Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __fact__
fact = fact' id
fact' :: OpParams ->
         Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __fact__
fact' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        return (opDef "Fact"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "fact" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                           -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __outputs__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs = fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs' id
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs' :: OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                            -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __outputs__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs' op'options inputs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "outputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "min" type: "float" default_value { f: -6.0 } }
attr { name: "max" type: "float" default_value { f: 6.0 } }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "narrow_range" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                   -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __backprops__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient = fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient' id
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient' :: OpParams ->
                                    Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                    -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __backprops__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient' op'options gradients
                                 inputs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "backprops" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "min" type: "float" default_value { f: -6.0 } }
attr { name: "max" type: "float" default_value { f: 6.0 } }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "narrow_range" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVars :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max__
                           -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __outputs__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVars = fakeQuantWithMinMaxVars' id
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVars' :: OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max__
                            -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __outputs__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVars' op'options inputs min max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs min,
                                                             buildInputs max]
        return (opDef "FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "outputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "narrow_range" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min__
                                   -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max__
                                   -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float,
                                       Tensor Build Float)
                                   -- ^ (__backprops_wrt_input__, __backprop_wrt_min__, __backprop_wrt_max__)
                                   -- * __backprops_wrt_input__
                                   -- * __backprop_wrt_min__
                                   -- * __backprop_wrt_max__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient = fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient' id
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient' :: OpParams ->
                                    Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min__
                                    -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max__
                                    -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float,
                                        Tensor Build Float)
                                    -- ^ (__backprops_wrt_input__, __backprop_wrt_min__, __backprop_wrt_max__)
                                    -- * __backprops_wrt_input__
                                    -- * __backprop_wrt_min__
                                    -- * __backprop_wrt_max__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient' op'options gradients inputs min
                                 max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs min,
                                                             buildInputs max]
        return (opDef "FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "backprops_wrt_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "backprop_wrt_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "backprop_wrt_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "narrow_range" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min__
                                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max__
                                     -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __outputs__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel = fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel' id
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel' :: OpParams ->
                                      Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min__
                                      -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max__
                                      -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __outputs__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel' op'options inputs min
                                   max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs min,
                                                             buildInputs max]
        return (opDef "FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "outputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "narrow_range" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                             -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                             -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min__
                                             -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max__
                                             -> (Tensor Build Float,
                                                 Tensor Build Float,
                                                 Tensor Build Float)
                                             -- ^ (__backprops_wrt_input__, __backprop_wrt_min__, __backprop_wrt_max__)
                                             -- * __backprops_wrt_input__
                                             -- * __backprop_wrt_min__
                                             -- * __backprop_wrt_max__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient = fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient' id
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient' :: OpParams ->
                                              Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __gradients__
                                              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __inputs__
                                              -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min__
                                              -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max__
                                              -> (Tensor Build Float,
                                                  Tensor Build Float,
                                                  Tensor Build Float)
                                              -- ^ (__backprops_wrt_input__, __backprop_wrt_min__, __backprop_wrt_max__)
                                              -- * __backprops_wrt_input__
                                              -- * __backprop_wrt_min__
                                              -- * __backprop_wrt_max__
fakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient' op'options gradients inputs min
                                           max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs min,
                                                             buildInputs max]
        return (opDef "FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "backprops_wrt_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "backprop_wrt_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "backprop_wrt_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "narrow_range" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
fakeQueue :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
             Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
fakeQueue = fakeQueue' id
fakeQueue' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
fakeQueue' op'options resource | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource]
        buildOp [] (opDef "FakeQueue"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
-- | 
fill :: forall v'1 v'2 t index_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] index_type) =>
        Tensor v'1 index_type -- ^ __dims__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fill = fill' id
fill' :: forall v'1 v'2 t index_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] index_type) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 index_type -- ^ __dims__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fill' op'options dims value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs dims,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        return (opDef "Fill"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "index_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: index_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "dims" type_attr: "index_type" }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "index_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
fixedLengthRecordDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                            Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __header_bytes__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __record_bytes__
                            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __footer_bytes__
                            -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
fixedLengthRecordDataset = fixedLengthRecordDataset' id
fixedLengthRecordDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                             OpParams ->
                             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __header_bytes__
                             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __record_bytes__
                             -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __footer_bytes__
                             -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
fixedLengthRecordDataset' op'options filenames header_bytes record_bytes
                          footer_bytes buffer_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs filenames,
                                                             buildInputs header_bytes,
                                                             buildInputs record_bytes,
                                                             buildInputs footer_bytes,
                                                             buildInputs buffer_size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "FixedLengthRecordDataset"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "filenames" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "header_bytes" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "record_bytes" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "footer_bytes" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "buffer_size" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
fixedLengthRecordReader :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __record_bytes__
                           -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
fixedLengthRecordReader = fixedLengthRecordReader' id
fixedLengthRecordReader' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                            Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __record_bytes__
                            -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
fixedLengthRecordReader' op'options record_bytes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "FixedLengthRecordReader"
                    & opAttr "record_bytes" .~ record_bytes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "header_bytes" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "record_bytes" type: "int" }
attr { name: "footer_bytes" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "hop_bytes" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
fixedLengthRecordReaderV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __record_bytes__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
fixedLengthRecordReaderV2 = fixedLengthRecordReaderV2' id
fixedLengthRecordReaderV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __record_bytes__
                              -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
fixedLengthRecordReaderV2' op'options record_bytes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "FixedLengthRecordReaderV2"
                    & opAttr "record_bytes" .~ record_bytes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "header_bytes" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "record_bytes" type: "int" }
attr { name: "footer_bytes" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "hop_bytes" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "encoding" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
fixedUnigramCandidateSampler :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                                -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                                -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                                -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                                -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                                -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                        Tensor Value Float, Tensor Value Float))
                                -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                                -- * __sampled_candidates__
                                -- * __true_expected_count__
                                -- * __sampled_expected_count__
fixedUnigramCandidateSampler = fixedUnigramCandidateSampler' id
fixedUnigramCandidateSampler' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                                 -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                                 -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                                 -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                         Tensor Value Float,
                                         Tensor Value Float))
                                 -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                                 -- * __sampled_candidates__
                                 -- * __true_expected_count__
                                 -- * __sampled_expected_count__
fixedUnigramCandidateSampler' op'options num_sampled num_true range_max unique
                              true_classes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs true_classes]
        buildOp [] (opDef "FixedUnigramCandidateSampler"
                    & opAttr "num_sampled" .~ num_sampled
                    & opAttr "num_true" .~ num_true
                    & opAttr "range_max" .~ range_max
                    & opAttr "unique" .~ unique
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "true_classes" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sampled_candidates" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "true_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "sampled_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_true" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "num_sampled" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "unique" type: "bool" }
attr { name: "range_max" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "vocab_file" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "distortion" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0 } }
attr {
  name: "num_reserved_ids" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
attr {
  name: "num_shards"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 1 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shard" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "unigrams" type: "list(float)" default_value { list { } }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
floor :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
floor = floor' id
floor' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
floor' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Floor"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
floorDiv :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
floorDiv = floorDiv' id
floorDiv' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
floorDiv' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "FloorDiv"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
floorMod :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
floorMod = floorMod' id
floorMod' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
floorMod' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "FloorMod"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
flushSummaryWriter :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
flushSummaryWriter = flushSummaryWriter' id
flushSummaryWriter' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
flushSummaryWriter' op'options writer | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer]
        buildOp [] (opDef "FlushSummaryWriter"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
-- | 
fractionalAvgPool :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                             Double, Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                         Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                     -- ^ (__output__, __row_pooling_sequence__, __col_pooling_sequence__)
                     -- * __output__
                     -- * __row_pooling_sequence__
                     -- * __col_pooling_sequence__
fractionalAvgPool = fractionalAvgPool' id
fractionalAvgPool' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                              Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                          Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                      -- ^ (__output__, __row_pooling_sequence__, __col_pooling_sequence__)
                      -- * __output__
                      -- * __row_pooling_sequence__
                      -- * __col_pooling_sequence__
fractionalAvgPool' op'options value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value]
        return (opDef "FractionalAvgPool"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "row_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "col_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "pooling_ratio"
  type: "list(float)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "pseudo_random" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "overlapping" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "deterministic" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64
-- | 
fractionalAvgPoolGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __orig_input_tensor_shape__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_pooling_sequence__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __col_pooling_sequence__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fractionalAvgPoolGrad = fractionalAvgPoolGrad' id
fractionalAvgPoolGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __orig_input_tensor_shape__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_pooling_sequence__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __col_pooling_sequence__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fractionalAvgPoolGrad' op'options orig_input_tensor_shape out_backprop
                       col_pooling_sequence | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input_tensor_shape,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs row_pooling_sequence,
                                                             buildInputs col_pooling_sequence]
        return (opDef "FractionalAvgPoolGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input_tensor_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "row_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "col_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "overlapping" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64
-- | 
fractionalMaxPool :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                             Double, Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                         Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                     -- ^ (__output__, __row_pooling_sequence__, __col_pooling_sequence__)
                     -- * __output__
                     -- * __row_pooling_sequence__
                     -- * __col_pooling_sequence__
fractionalMaxPool = fractionalMaxPool' id
fractionalMaxPool' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                              Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                          Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                      -- ^ (__output__, __row_pooling_sequence__, __col_pooling_sequence__)
                      -- * __output__
                      -- * __row_pooling_sequence__
                      -- * __col_pooling_sequence__
fractionalMaxPool' op'options value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value]
        return (opDef "FractionalMaxPool"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "row_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "col_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "pooling_ratio"
  type: "list(float)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "pseudo_random" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "overlapping" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "deterministic" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64
-- | 
fractionalMaxPoolGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_pooling_sequence__
                         -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __col_pooling_sequence__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fractionalMaxPoolGrad = fractionalMaxPoolGrad' id
fractionalMaxPoolGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5
                          t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Double,
                                       Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __out_backprop__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_pooling_sequence__
                          -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __col_pooling_sequence__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fractionalMaxPoolGrad' op'options orig_input orig_output out_backprop
                       col_pooling_sequence | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input,
                                                             buildInputs orig_output,
                                                             buildInputs out_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs row_pooling_sequence,
                                                             buildInputs col_pooling_sequence]
        return (opDef "FractionalMaxPoolGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "orig_output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "out_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "row_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "col_pooling_sequence" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "overlapping" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64
-- | 
fusedBatchNorm :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __scale__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __offset__
                  -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __mean__
                  -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __variance__
                  -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                      Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                  -- ^ (__y__, __batch_mean__, __batch_variance__, __reserve_space_1__, __reserve_space_2__)
                  -- * __y__
                  -- * __batch_mean__
                  -- * __batch_variance__
                  -- * __reserve_space_1__
                  -- * __reserve_space_2__
fusedBatchNorm = fusedBatchNorm' id
fusedBatchNorm' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __scale__
                   -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __offset__
                   -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __mean__
                   -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __variance__
                   -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                       Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                   -- ^ (__y__, __batch_mean__, __batch_variance__, __reserve_space_1__, __reserve_space_2__)
                   -- * __y__
                   -- * __batch_mean__
                   -- * __batch_variance__
                   -- * __reserve_space_1__
                   -- * __reserve_space_2__
fusedBatchNorm' op'options x scale offset mean variance | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs scale,
                                                             buildInputs offset,
                                                             buildInputs mean,
                                                             buildInputs variance]
        return (opDef "FusedBatchNorm"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "scale" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "offset" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "mean" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "variance" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "batch_mean" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "batch_variance" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_1" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_2" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T" type: "type" allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { name: "epsilon" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-4 } }
attr {
  name: "data_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NHWC" }
attr { name: "is_training" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
fusedBatchNormGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y_backprop__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __scale__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __reserve_space_1__
                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __reserve_space_2__
                      -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                          Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                      -- ^ (__x_backprop__, __scale_backprop__, __offset_backprop__, __reserve_space_3__, __reserve_space_4__)
                      -- * __x_backprop__
                      -- * __scale_backprop__
                      -- * __offset_backprop__
                      -- * __reserve_space_3__
                      -- * __reserve_space_4__
fusedBatchNormGrad = fusedBatchNormGrad' id
fusedBatchNormGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y_backprop__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __scale__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __reserve_space_1__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __reserve_space_2__
                       -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t,
                           Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                       -- ^ (__x_backprop__, __scale_backprop__, __offset_backprop__, __reserve_space_3__, __reserve_space_4__)
                       -- * __x_backprop__
                       -- * __scale_backprop__
                       -- * __offset_backprop__
                       -- * __reserve_space_3__
                       -- * __reserve_space_4__
fusedBatchNormGrad' op'options y_backprop x scale reserve_space_1
                    reserve_space_2 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs scale,
                                                             buildInputs reserve_space_1,
                                                             buildInputs reserve_space_2]
        return (opDef "FusedBatchNormGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "scale" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reserve_space_1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reserve_space_2" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "x_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "scale_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "offset_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_3" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_4" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T" type: "type" allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { name: "epsilon" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-4 } }
attr {
  name: "data_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NHWC" }
attr { name: "is_training" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
fusedBatchNormGradV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t
                        u . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t,
                             OneOf '[Float] u) =>
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y_backprop__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __scale__
                        -> Tensor v'4 u -- ^ __reserve_space_1__
                        -> Tensor v'5 u -- ^ __reserve_space_2__
                        -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u,
                            Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u)
                        -- ^ (__x_backprop__, __scale_backprop__, __offset_backprop__, __reserve_space_3__, __reserve_space_4__)
                        -- * __x_backprop__
                        -- * __scale_backprop__
                        -- * __offset_backprop__
                        -- * __reserve_space_3__
                        -- * __reserve_space_4__
fusedBatchNormGradV2 = fusedBatchNormGradV2' id
fusedBatchNormGradV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t
                         u . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t,
                              OneOf '[Float] u) => OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y_backprop__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __scale__
                         -> Tensor v'4 u -- ^ __reserve_space_1__
                         -> Tensor v'5 u -- ^ __reserve_space_2__
                         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u,
                             Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u)
                         -- ^ (__x_backprop__, __scale_backprop__, __offset_backprop__, __reserve_space_3__, __reserve_space_4__)
                         -- * __x_backprop__
                         -- * __scale_backprop__
                         -- * __offset_backprop__
                         -- * __reserve_space_3__
                         -- * __reserve_space_4__
fusedBatchNormGradV2' op'options y_backprop x scale reserve_space_1
                      reserve_space_2 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y_backprop,
                                                             buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs scale,
                                                             buildInputs reserve_space_1,
                                                             buildInputs reserve_space_2]
        return (opDef "FusedBatchNormGradV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "U" .~ tensorType (undefined :: u)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "scale" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "reserve_space_1" type_attr: "U" }
input_arg { name: "reserve_space_2" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "x_backprop" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "scale_backprop" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "offset_backprop" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_3" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_4" type_attr: "U" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "U" type: "type" allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { name: "epsilon" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-4 } }
attr {
  name: "data_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NHWC" }
attr { name: "is_training" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
fusedBatchNormV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t u . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                              Float] t,
                                                      OneOf '[Float] u) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                    -> Tensor v'2 u -- ^ __scale__
                    -> Tensor v'3 u -- ^ __offset__
                    -> Tensor v'4 u -- ^ __mean__
                    -> Tensor v'5 u -- ^ __variance__
                    -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u,
                        Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u)
                    -- ^ (__y__, __batch_mean__, __batch_variance__, __reserve_space_1__, __reserve_space_2__)
                    -- * __y__
                    -- * __batch_mean__
                    -- * __batch_variance__
                    -- * __reserve_space_1__
                    -- * __reserve_space_2__
fusedBatchNormV2 = fusedBatchNormV2' id
fusedBatchNormV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t u . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                               Float] t,
                                                       OneOf '[Float] u) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                     -> Tensor v'2 u -- ^ __scale__
                     -> Tensor v'3 u -- ^ __offset__
                     -> Tensor v'4 u -- ^ __mean__
                     -> Tensor v'5 u -- ^ __variance__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u,
                         Tensor Build u, Tensor Build u)
                     -- ^ (__y__, __batch_mean__, __batch_variance__, __reserve_space_1__, __reserve_space_2__)
                     -- * __y__
                     -- * __batch_mean__
                     -- * __batch_variance__
                     -- * __reserve_space_1__
                     -- * __reserve_space_2__
fusedBatchNormV2' op'options x scale offset mean variance | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs scale,
                                                             buildInputs offset,
                                                             buildInputs mean,
                                                             buildInputs variance]
        return (opDef "FusedBatchNormV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "U" .~ tensorType (undefined :: u)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "scale" type_attr: "U" }
input_arg { name: "offset" type_attr: "U" }
input_arg { name: "mean" type_attr: "U" }
input_arg { name: "variance" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "batch_mean" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "batch_variance" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_1" type_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "reserve_space_2" type_attr: "U" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "U" type: "type" allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { name: "epsilon" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-4 } }
attr {
  name: "data_format" type: "string" default_value { s: "NHWC" }
attr { name: "is_training" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
fusedPadConv2D :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __paddings__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __filter__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fusedPadConv2D = fusedPadConv2D' id
fusedPadConv2D' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) => OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __paddings__
                   -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __filter__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fusedPadConv2D' op'options input paddings filter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs paddings,
                                                             buildInputs filter]
        return (opDef "FusedPadConv2D"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T" type: "type" allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr {
  name: "mode"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "REFLECT" s: "SYMMETRIC" } }
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
fusedResizeAndPadConv2D :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __paddings__
                           -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __filter__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fusedResizeAndPadConv2D = fusedResizeAndPadConv2D' id
fusedResizeAndPadConv2D' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __paddings__
                            -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __filter__
                            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
fusedResizeAndPadConv2D' op'options input size paddings
                         filter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs size,
                                                             buildInputs paddings,
                                                             buildInputs filter]
        return (opDef "FusedResizeAndPadConv2D"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T" type: "type" allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr {
  name: "resize_align_corners"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "mode"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "REFLECT" s: "SYMMETRIC" } }
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
gather :: forall v'1 v'2 tparams tindices . (TensorType tparams,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
          Tensor v'1 tparams -- ^ __params__
          -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
          -> Tensor Build tparams -- ^ __output__
gather = gather' id
gather' :: forall v'1 v'2 tparams tindices . (TensorType tparams,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 tparams -- ^ __params__
           -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
           -> Tensor Build tparams -- ^ __output__
gather' op'options params indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs params,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        return (opDef "Gather"
                & opAttr "Tparams" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tparams)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "Tparams" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tparams" }
attr {
  name: "validate_indices" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "Tparams" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
gatherNd :: forall v'1 v'2 tparams tindices . (TensorType tparams,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
            Tensor v'1 tparams -- ^ __params__
            -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
            -> Tensor Build tparams -- ^ __output__
gatherNd = gatherNd' id
gatherNd' :: forall v'1 v'2 tparams tindices . (TensorType tparams,
                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 tparams -- ^ __params__
             -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
             -> Tensor Build tparams -- ^ __output__
gatherNd' op'options params indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs params,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        return (opDef "GatherNd"
                & opAttr "Tparams" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tparams)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "Tparams" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tparams" }
attr { name: "Tparams" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
gatherV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tparams tindices taxis . (TensorType tparams,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] taxis) =>
            Tensor v'1 tparams -- ^ __params__
            -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
            -> Tensor v'3 taxis -- ^ __axis__
            -> Tensor Build tparams -- ^ __output__
gatherV2 = gatherV2' id
gatherV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tparams tindices taxis . (TensorType tparams,
                                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                  Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                  Data.Int.Int64] taxis) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 tparams -- ^ __params__
             -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
             -> Tensor v'3 taxis -- ^ __axis__
             -> Tensor Build tparams -- ^ __output__
gatherV2' op'options params indices axis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs params,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "GatherV2"
                & opAttr "Tparams" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tparams)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & opAttr "Taxis" .~ tensorType (undefined :: taxis)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "params" type_attr: "Tparams" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Taxis" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tparams" }
attr { name: "Tparams" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Taxis"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
gcsConfigureBlockCache :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                          Tensor v'1 Data.Word.Word64 -- ^ __max_cache_size__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Word.Word64 -- ^ __block_size__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word64 -- ^ __max_staleness__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
gcsConfigureBlockCache = gcsConfigureBlockCache' id
gcsConfigureBlockCache' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 Data.Word.Word64 -- ^ __max_cache_size__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Word.Word64 -- ^ __block_size__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word64 -- ^ __max_staleness__
                           -> m' (ControlNode)
gcsConfigureBlockCache' op'options max_cache_size block_size
                        max_staleness | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs max_cache_size,
                                                             buildInputs block_size,
                                                             buildInputs max_staleness]
        buildOp [] (opDef "GcsConfigureBlockCache"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "max_cache_size" type: DT_UINT64 }
input_arg { name: "block_size" type: DT_UINT64 }
input_arg { name: "max_staleness" type: DT_UINT64 }
-- | 
gcsConfigureCredentials :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                           Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __json__
                           -> m' (ControlNode)
gcsConfigureCredentials = gcsConfigureCredentials' id
gcsConfigureCredentials' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __json__
                            -> m' (ControlNode)
gcsConfigureCredentials' op'options json | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs json]
        buildOp [] (opDef "GcsConfigureCredentials"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "json" type: DT_STRING }
-- | Generates serialized partition messages suitable for batch reads.
-- This op should not be used directly by clients. Instead, the
-- bigquery_reader_ops.py file defines a clean interface to the reader.
generateBigQueryReaderPartitions :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_partitions__: Number of partitions to split the table into.
                                    -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __timestamp_millis__: Table snapshot timestamp in millis since epoch. Relative
                                                      -- (negative or zero) snapshot times are not allowed. For more details, see
                                                      -- 'Table Decorators' in BigQuery docs.
                                    -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __partitions__: Serialized table partitions.
generateBigQueryReaderPartitions = generateBigQueryReaderPartitions' id
generateBigQueryReaderPartitions' :: OpParams ->
                                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_partitions__: Number of partitions to split the table into.
                                     -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __timestamp_millis__: Table snapshot timestamp in millis since epoch. Relative
                                                       -- (negative or zero) snapshot times are not allowed. For more details, see
                                                       -- 'Table Decorators' in BigQuery docs.
                                     -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __partitions__: Serialized table partitions.
generateBigQueryReaderPartitions' op'options num_partitions
                                  timestamp_millis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        return (opDef "GenerateBigQueryReaderPartitions"
                & opAttr "num_partitions" .~ num_partitions
                & opAttr "timestamp_millis" .~ timestamp_millis
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "partitions"
  description: "Serialized table partitions."
  type: DT_STRING
attr {
  name: "project_id" type: "string" description: "GCP project ID."
attr {
  name: "dataset_id"
  type: "string"
  description: "BigQuery Dataset ID."
attr {
  name: "table_id" type: "string" description: "Table to read."
attr {
  name: "columns"
  type: "list(string)"
  description: "List of columns to read. Leave empty to read all columns."
attr {
  name: "timestamp_millis"
  type: "int"
  description: "Table snapshot timestamp in millis since epoch. Relative\n(negative or zero) snapshot times are not allowed. For more details, see\n\'Table Decorators\' in BigQuery docs."
attr {
  name: "num_partitions"
  type: "int"
  description: "Number of partitions to split the table into."
attr {
  name: "test_end_point"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "" }
  description: "Do not use. For testing purposes only."
-- | 
generateVocabRemapping :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __new_vocab_offset__
                          -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_new_vocab__
                          -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __new_vocab_file__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __old_vocab_file__
                          -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                              Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
                          -- ^ (__remapping__, __num_present__)
                          -- * __remapping__
                          -- * __num_present__
generateVocabRemapping = generateVocabRemapping' id
generateVocabRemapping' :: OpParams ->
                           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __new_vocab_offset__
                           -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_new_vocab__
                           -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __new_vocab_file__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __old_vocab_file__
                           -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                               Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
                           -- ^ (__remapping__, __num_present__)
                           -- * __remapping__
                           -- * __num_present__
generateVocabRemapping' op'options new_vocab_offset num_new_vocab new_vocab_file
                        old_vocab_file | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs new_vocab_file,
                                                             buildInputs old_vocab_file]
        return (opDef "GenerateVocabRemapping"
                & opAttr "new_vocab_offset" .~ new_vocab_offset
                & opAttr "num_new_vocab" .~ num_new_vocab
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "new_vocab_file" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "old_vocab_file" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "remapping" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "num_present" type: DT_INT32 }
attr { name: "new_vocab_offset" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "num_new_vocab" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr {
  name: "old_vocab_size"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: -1
-- | 
getSessionHandle :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
getSessionHandle = getSessionHandle' id
getSessionHandle' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
getSessionHandle' op'options value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "GetSessionHandle"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
getSessionHandleV2 :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
getSessionHandleV2 = getSessionHandleV2' id
getSessionHandleV2' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
getSessionHandleV2' op'options value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "GetSessionHandleV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
getSessionTensor :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
getSessionTensor = getSessionTensor' id
getSessionTensor' :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
getSessionTensor' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "GetSessionTensor"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
greater :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
greater = greater' id
greater' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
greater' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Greater"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
greaterEqual :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
greaterEqual = greaterEqual' id
greaterEqual' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                 -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
greaterEqual' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "GreaterEqual"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
guaranteeConst :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
guaranteeConst = guaranteeConst' id
guaranteeConst' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
guaranteeConst' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "GuaranteeConst"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
hSVToRGB :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
hSVToRGB' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
hSVToRGB' op'options images | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images]
        return (opDef "HSVToRGB"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
hashTable :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
             -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
hashTable = hashTable' id
hashTable' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
              -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
hashTable' op'options key_dtype value_dtype | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "HashTable"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ key_dtype
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
hashTableV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
               -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
               -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
hashTableV2 = hashTableV2' id
hashTableV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
hashTableV2' op'options key_dtype value_dtype | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "HashTableV2"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ key_dtype
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
histogramFixedWidth :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t dtype . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Double, Float] t,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] dtype) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __values__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value_range__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __nbins__
                       -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __out__
histogramFixedWidth = histogramFixedWidth' id
histogramFixedWidth' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t dtype . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Double, Float] t,
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] dtype) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __values__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value_range__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __nbins__
                        -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __out__
histogramFixedWidth' op'options values value_range nbins | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs value_range,
                                                             buildInputs nbins]
        return (opDef "HistogramFixedWidth"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "value_range" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "nbins" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
histogramSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
histogramSummary = histogramSummary' id
histogramSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
histogramSummary' op'options tag values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        return (opDef "HistogramSummary"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
iFFT :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
        Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
iFFT = iFFT' id
iFFT' :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
iFFT' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "IFFT"
                & opAttr "Tcomplex" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tcomplex)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomplex"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
iFFT2D :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
          Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
iFFT2D = iFFT2D' id
iFFT2D' :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
iFFT2D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "IFFT2D"
                & opAttr "Tcomplex" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tcomplex)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomplex"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
iFFT3D :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
          Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
iFFT3D = iFFT3D' id
iFFT3D' :: forall v'1 tcomplex . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] tcomplex) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 tcomplex -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor Build tcomplex -- ^ __output__
iFFT3D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "IFFT3D"
                & opAttr "Tcomplex" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tcomplex)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tcomplex" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomplex"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
iRFFT :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
         -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
iRFFT = iRFFT' id
iRFFT' :: OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
          -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
iRFFT' op'options input fft_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs fft_length]
        return (opDef "IRFFT"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
input_arg { name: "fft_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
iRFFT2D :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
           -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
iRFFT2D = iRFFT2D' id
iRFFT2D' :: OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
            -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
iRFFT2D' op'options input fft_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs fft_length]
        return (opDef "IRFFT2D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
input_arg { name: "fft_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
iRFFT3D :: Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
           -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
iRFFT3D = iRFFT3D' id
iRFFT3D' :: OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
            -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
iRFFT3D' op'options input fft_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs fft_length]
        return (opDef "IRFFT3D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
input_arg { name: "fft_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
identity :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
identity = identity' id
identity' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
identity' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Identity"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
identityN :: forall v'1 t . (TensorTypes t) => TensorList (v'1) t -- ^ __input__
             -> TensorList (Build) t -- ^ __output__
identityN = identityN' id
identityN' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorTypes t) => OpParams ->
              TensorList (v'1) t -- ^ __input__
              -> TensorList (Build) t -- ^ __output__
identityN' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "IdentityN"
                & opAttr "T" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_list_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_list_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
identityReader :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                  m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
identityReader = identityReader' id
identityReader' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                   m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
identityReader' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "IdentityReader"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
identityReaderV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
identityReaderV2 = identityReaderV2' id
identityReaderV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
identityReaderV2' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "IdentityReaderV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
igamma :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
igamma = igamma' id
igamma' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
igamma' op'options a x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Igamma"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
igammac :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
igammac = igammac' id
igammac' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
igammac' op'options a x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Igammac"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
imag :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                             OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __output__
imag = imag' id
imag' :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                              OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __output__
imag' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Imag"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
attr {
  name: "Tout"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
imageSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __tensor__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
imageSummary = imageSummary' id
imageSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __tensor__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
imageSummary' op'options tag tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs tensor]
        return (opDef "ImageSummary"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "max_images"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 3 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_HALF type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "bad_color"
  type: "tensor"
  default_value {
    tensor {
      dtype: DT_UINT8
      tensor_shape { dim { size: 4 } }
      int_val: 255
      int_val: 0
      int_val: 0
      int_val: 255
-- | 
immutableConst :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) => Shape -- ^ __shape__
                  -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __tensor__
immutableConst = immutableConst' id
immutableConst' :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                   Shape -- ^ __shape__
                   -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __tensor__
immutableConst' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        return (opDef "ImmutableConst"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "memory_region_name" type: "string" }
-- | 
importEvent :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __event__
               -> m' (ControlNode)
importEvent = importEvent' id
importEvent' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __event__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
importEvent' op'options writer event | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs event]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ImportEvent"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "event" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
inTopK :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __k__
          -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __predictions__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __targets__
          -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __precision__
inTopK = inTopK' id
inTopK' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
           OpParams ->
           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __k__
           -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __predictions__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __targets__
           -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __precision__
inTopK' op'options k predictions targets | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs predictions,
                                                             buildInputs targets]
        return (opDef "InTopK"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "k" .~ k
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "predictions" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "targets" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "precision" type: DT_BOOL }
attr { name: "k" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
inTopKV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __predictions__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __targets__
            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __k__
            -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __precision__
inTopKV2 = inTopKV2' id
inTopKV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __predictions__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __targets__
             -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __k__
             -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __precision__
inTopKV2' op'options predictions targets k | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs predictions,
                                                             buildInputs targets,
                                                             buildInputs k]
        return (opDef "InTopKV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "predictions" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "targets" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "k" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "precision" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | A placeholder op for a value that will be fed into the computation.
infeedDequeue :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                 Shape -- ^ __shape__: The shape of the tensor.
                 -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__: A tensor that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
infeedDequeue = infeedDequeue' id
infeedDequeue' :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Shape -- ^ __shape__: The shape of the tensor.
                  -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__: A tensor that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
infeedDequeue' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "InfeedDequeue"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "A tensor that will be provided using the infeed mechanism."
  type_attr: "dtype"
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  description: "The type of elements in the tensor."
attr {
  name: "shape" type: "shape" description: "The shape of the tensor."
-- | A placeholder op for multiple values that will be fed into the computation
-- simultaneously as an XLA tuple.
infeedDequeueTuple :: forall dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                      m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __outputs__: A list of tensors that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
infeedDequeueTuple = infeedDequeueTuple' id
infeedDequeueTuple' :: forall dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __outputs__: A list of tensors that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
infeedDequeueTuple' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "InfeedDequeueTuple"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "outputs"
  description: "A list of tensors that will be provided using the infeed mechanism."
  type_list_attr: "dtypes"
attr {
  name: "dtypes"
  type: "list(type)"
  description: "The element types of each element in `outputs`."
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  description: "The shapes of each tensor in `outputs`."
-- | An op which feeds a single Tensor value into the computation.
infeedEnqueue :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                 Tensor v'1 dtype -- ^ __input__: A tensor that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
infeedEnqueue = infeedEnqueue' id
infeedEnqueue' :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 dtype -- ^ __input__: A tensor that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
                  -> m' (ControlNode)
infeedEnqueue' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "InfeedEnqueue"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input"
  description: "A tensor that will be provided using the infeed mechanism."
  type_attr: "dtype"
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  description: "The type of elements in the tensor."
attr {
  name: "shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { } }
  description: "The shape of the tensor."
attr {
  name: "device_ordinal"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  description: "The TPU device to use. This should be -1 when the Op\nis running on a TPU device, and >= 0 when the Op is running on the CPU\ndevice."
-- | An op which feeds multiple Tensor values into the computation as an XLA tuple.
infeedEnqueueTuple :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                      TensorList (v'1) dtypes -- ^ __inputs__: A list of tensors that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
infeedEnqueueTuple = infeedEnqueueTuple' id
infeedEnqueueTuple' :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       TensorList (v'1) dtypes -- ^ __inputs__: A list of tensors that will be provided using the infeed mechanism.
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
infeedEnqueueTuple' op'options inputs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        buildOp [] (opDef "InfeedEnqueueTuple"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "inputs"
  description: "A list of tensors that will be provided using the infeed mechanism."
  type_list_attr: "dtypes"
attr {
  name: "dtypes"
  type: "list(type)"
  description: "The element types of each element in `inputs`."
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  description: "The shapes of each tensor in `inputs`."
attr {
  name: "device_ordinal"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  description: "The TPU device to use. This should be -1 when the Op\nis running on a TPU device, and >= 0 when the Op is running on the CPU\ndevice."
-- | 
initializeTable :: forall v'2 v'3 tkey tval m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorType tkey,
                                                  TensorType tval) =>
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tkey -- ^ __keys__
                   -> Tensor v'3 tval -- ^ __values__
                   -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTable = initializeTable' id
initializeTable' :: forall v'2 v'3 tkey tval m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorType tkey,
                                                   TensorType tval) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tkey -- ^ __keys__
                    -> Tensor v'3 tval -- ^ __values__
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTable' op'options table_handle keys values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "InitializeTable"
                    & opAttr "Tkey" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tkey)
                    & opAttr "Tval" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tval)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tkey" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tval" }
attr { name: "Tkey" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tval" type: "type" }
-- | 
initializeTableFromTextFile :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                               Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key_index__
                               -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __value_index__
                               -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                               -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTableFromTextFile = initializeTableFromTextFile' id
initializeTableFromTextFile' :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key_index__
                                -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __value_index__
                                -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                                -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                                -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTableFromTextFile' op'options key_index value_index table_handle
                             filename | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs filename]
        buildOp [] (opDef "InitializeTableFromTextFile"
                    & opAttr "key_index" .~ key_index
                    & opAttr "value_index" .~ value_index
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "key_index" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: -2
attr {
  name: "value_index" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: -2
attr {
  name: "vocab_size"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: -1
attr { name: "delimiter" type: "string" default_value { s: "\t" } }
-- | 
initializeTableFromTextFileV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key_index__
                                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __value_index__
                                 -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                                 -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTableFromTextFileV2 = initializeTableFromTextFileV2' id
initializeTableFromTextFileV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                  OpParams ->
                                  Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key_index__
                                  -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __value_index__
                                  -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
                                  -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTableFromTextFileV2' op'options key_index value_index table_handle
                               filename | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs filename]
        buildOp [] (opDef "InitializeTableFromTextFileV2"
                    & opAttr "key_index" .~ key_index
                    & opAttr "value_index" .~ value_index
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "key_index" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: -2
attr {
  name: "value_index" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: -2
attr {
  name: "vocab_size"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: -1
attr { name: "delimiter" type: "string" default_value { s: "\t" } }
-- | 
initializeTableV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tkey tval m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        TensorType tkey,
                                                        TensorType tval) =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tkey -- ^ __keys__
                     -> Tensor v'3 tval -- ^ __values__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTableV2 = initializeTableV2' id
initializeTableV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tkey tval m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         TensorType tkey,
                                                         TensorType tval) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tkey -- ^ __keys__
                      -> Tensor v'3 tval -- ^ __values__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
initializeTableV2' op'options table_handle keys values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "InitializeTableV2"
                    & opAttr "Tkey" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tkey)
                    & opAttr "Tval" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tval)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tkey" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tval" }
attr { name: "Tkey" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tval" type: "type" }
-- | 
inplaceAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __i__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inplaceAdd = inplaceAdd' id
inplaceAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __i__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inplaceAdd' op'options x i v | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs i,
                                                             buildInputs v]
        return (opDef "InplaceAdd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "i" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
inplaceSub :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __i__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inplaceSub = inplaceSub' id
inplaceSub' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __i__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inplaceSub' op'options x i v | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs i,
                                                             buildInputs v]
        return (opDef "InplaceSub"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "i" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
inplaceUpdate :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __i__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inplaceUpdate = inplaceUpdate' id
inplaceUpdate' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __i__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __v__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inplaceUpdate' op'options x i v | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs i,
                                                             buildInputs v]
        return (opDef "InplaceUpdate"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "i" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
inv :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                               Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inv = inv' id
inv' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
inv' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Inv"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
invGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
invGrad = invGrad' id
invGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
invGrad' op'options y dy | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs dy]
        return (opDef "InvGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dy" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
invert :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                  Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
invert = invert' id
invert' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                   Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
invert' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Invert"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
invertPermutation :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
invertPermutation = invertPermutation' id
invertPermutation' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
invertPermutation' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "InvertPermutation"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
isBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                     -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_initialized__
isBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized = isBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized' id
isBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                      OpParams ->
                                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __tree_ensemble_handle__
                                      -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_initialized__
isBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized' op'options
                                   tree_ensemble_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tree_ensemble_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "IsBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tree_ensemble_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "is_initialized" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
isFinite :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
isFinite = isFinite' id
isFinite' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
isFinite' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "IsFinite"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
isInf :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
isInf = isInf' id
isInf' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
isInf' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "IsInf"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
isNan :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
isNan = isNan' id
isNan' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
isNan' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "IsNan"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
isVariableInitialized :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                         Tensor Ref dtype -- ^ __ref__
                         -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_initialized__
isVariableInitialized = isVariableInitialized' id
isVariableInitialized' :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor Ref dtype -- ^ __ref__
                          -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_initialized__
isVariableInitialized' op'options ref | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref]
        buildOp [] (opDef "IsVariableInitialized"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "dtype" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "is_initialized" type: DT_BOOL }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
iterator :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
            -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
iterator = iterator' id
iterator' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
             [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
             -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
iterator' op'options output_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Iterator"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
iteratorFromStringHandle :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                            Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __string_handle__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource_handle__
iteratorFromStringHandle = iteratorFromStringHandle' id
iteratorFromStringHandle' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __string_handle__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource_handle__
iteratorFromStringHandle' op'options string_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs string_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "IteratorFromStringHandle"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "string_handle" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "resource_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
-- | 
iteratorGetNext :: forall v'1 output_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorTypes output_types) =>
                   Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                   -> m' (TensorList (Value) output_types) -- ^ __components__
iteratorGetNext = iteratorGetNext' id
iteratorGetNext' :: forall v'1 output_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorTypes output_types) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                    -> m' (TensorList (Value) output_types) -- ^ __components__
iteratorGetNext' op'options iterator | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs iterator]
        buildOp [] (opDef "IteratorGetNext"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy output_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "iterator" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "output_types" }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
iteratorGetNextSync :: forall v'1 output_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorTypes output_types) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                       -> m' (TensorList (Value) output_types) -- ^ __components__
iteratorGetNextSync = iteratorGetNextSync' id
iteratorGetNextSync' :: forall v'1 output_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorTypes output_types) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                        -> m' (TensorList (Value) output_types) -- ^ __components__
iteratorGetNextSync' op'options iterator | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs iterator]
        buildOp [] (opDef "IteratorGetNextSync"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy output_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "iterator" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "output_types" }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
iteratorToStringHandle :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource_handle__
                          -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __string_handle__
iteratorToStringHandle = iteratorToStringHandle' id
iteratorToStringHandle' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource_handle__
                           -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __string_handle__
iteratorToStringHandle' op'options resource_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "IteratorToStringHandle"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "string_handle" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
l2Loss :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
l2Loss = l2Loss' id
l2Loss' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __t__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
l2Loss' op'options t | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs t]
        return (opDef "L2Loss"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "t" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
lMDBReader :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
              m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
lMDBReader = lMDBReader' id
lMDBReader' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
               m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
lMDBReader' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "LMDBReader"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
lRN :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
lRN = lRN' id
lRN' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
lRN' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "LRN"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "depth_radius" type: "int" default_value { i: 5 } }
attr { name: "bias" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0 } }
attr { name: "alpha" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0 } }
attr { name: "beta" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.5 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
lRNGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input_grads__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_image__
           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __output_image__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
lRNGrad = lRNGrad' id
lRNGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input_grads__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_image__
            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __output_image__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
lRNGrad' op'options input_grads input_image output_image | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_grads,
                                                             buildInputs input_image,
                                                             buildInputs output_image]
        return (opDef "LRNGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_grads" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_image" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "output_image" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "depth_radius" type: "int" default_value { i: 5 } }
attr { name: "bias" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0 } }
attr { name: "alpha" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0 } }
attr { name: "beta" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.5 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
latencyStatsDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                       -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                       -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
latencyStatsDataset = latencyStatsDataset' id
latencyStatsDataset' :: OpParams ->
                        [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                        -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                        -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
latencyStatsDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset
                     tag | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs tag]
        return (opDef "LatencyStatsDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
learnedUnigramCandidateSampler :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                  Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                                  -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                                  -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                                  -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                                  -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                                  -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                          Tensor Value Float,
                                          Tensor Value Float))
                                  -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                                  -- * __sampled_candidates__
                                  -- * __true_expected_count__
                                  -- * __sampled_expected_count__
learnedUnigramCandidateSampler = learnedUnigramCandidateSampler' id
learnedUnigramCandidateSampler' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                   OpParams ->
                                   Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                                   -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                                   -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                                   -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                                   -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                                   -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                           Tensor Value Float,
                                           Tensor Value Float))
                                   -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                                   -- * __sampled_candidates__
                                   -- * __true_expected_count__
                                   -- * __sampled_expected_count__
learnedUnigramCandidateSampler' op'options num_sampled num_true range_max unique
                                true_classes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs true_classes]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LearnedUnigramCandidateSampler"
                    & opAttr "num_sampled" .~ num_sampled
                    & opAttr "num_true" .~ num_true
                    & opAttr "range_max" .~ range_max
                    & opAttr "unique" .~ unique
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "true_classes" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sampled_candidates" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "true_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "sampled_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_true" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "num_sampled" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "unique" type: "bool" }
attr { name: "range_max" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
leftShift :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
leftShift = leftShift' id
leftShift' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
leftShift' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "LeftShift"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
less :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
        -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
less = less' id
less' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
         -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
less' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Less"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
lessEqual :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
lessEqual = lessEqual' id
lessEqual' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
lessEqual' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "LessEqual"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
lgamma :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
lgamma = lgamma' id
lgamma' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
lgamma' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Lgamma"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
linSpace :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                 Float] t,
                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __start__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __stop__
            -> Tensor v'3 tidx -- ^ __num__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
linSpace = linSpace' id
linSpace' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                  Float] t,
                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                  Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __start__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __stop__
             -> Tensor v'3 tidx -- ^ __num__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
linSpace' op'options start stop num | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs start,
                                                             buildInputs stop,
                                                             buildInputs num]
        return (opDef "LinSpace"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "start" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "stop" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "num" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
listDiff :: forall v'1 v'2 t out_idx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__out__, __idx__)
            -- * __out__
            -- * __idx__
listDiff = listDiff' id
listDiff' :: forall v'1 v'2 t out_idx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
             -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__out__, __idx__)
             -- * __out__
             -- * __idx__
listDiff' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "ListDiff"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_idx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_idx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "idx" type_attr: "out_idx" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_idx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
loadAndRemapMatrix :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_cols__
                      -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_rows__
                      -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __ckpt_path__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __old_tensor_name__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_remapping__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __col_remapping__
                      -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __initializing_values__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __output_matrix__
loadAndRemapMatrix = loadAndRemapMatrix' id
loadAndRemapMatrix' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_cols__
                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_rows__
                       -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __ckpt_path__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __old_tensor_name__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __row_remapping__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __col_remapping__
                       -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __initializing_values__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __output_matrix__
loadAndRemapMatrix' op'options num_cols num_rows ckpt_path old_tensor_name
                    row_remapping col_remapping
                    initializing_values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ckpt_path,
                                                             buildInputs old_tensor_name,
                                                             buildInputs row_remapping,
                                                             buildInputs col_remapping,
                                                             buildInputs initializing_values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LoadAndRemapMatrix"
                    & opAttr "num_cols" .~ num_cols
                    & opAttr "num_rows" .~ num_rows
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ckpt_path" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "old_tensor_name" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "row_remapping" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "col_remapping" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "initializing_values" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_matrix" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_rows" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "num_cols" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "max_rows_in_memory" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 }
-- | 
log :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                               Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
log = log' id
log' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
log' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Log"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
log1p :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
log1p = log1p' id
log1p' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
log1p' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Log1p"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
logMatrixDeterminant :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Double, Float] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                        -- ^ (__sign__, __log_abs_determinant__)
                        -- * __sign__
                        -- * __log_abs_determinant__
logMatrixDeterminant = logMatrixDeterminant' id
logMatrixDeterminant' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                 Double, Float] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                         -- ^ (__sign__, __log_abs_determinant__)
                         -- * __sign__
                         -- * __log_abs_determinant__
logMatrixDeterminant' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "LogMatrixDeterminant"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "sign" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "log_abs_determinant" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
logSoftmax :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __logsoftmax__
logSoftmax = logSoftmax' id
logSoftmax' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __logsoftmax__
logSoftmax' op'options logits | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs logits]
        return (opDef "LogSoftmax"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "logits" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "logsoftmax" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
logUniformCandidateSampler :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                              -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                              -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                              -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                              -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                              -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                      Tensor Value Float, Tensor Value Float))
                              -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                              -- * __sampled_candidates__
                              -- * __true_expected_count__
                              -- * __sampled_expected_count__
logUniformCandidateSampler = logUniformCandidateSampler' id
logUniformCandidateSampler' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                               Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                               -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                               -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                               -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                               -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                               -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                       Tensor Value Float, Tensor Value Float))
                               -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                               -- * __sampled_candidates__
                               -- * __true_expected_count__
                               -- * __sampled_expected_count__
logUniformCandidateSampler' op'options num_sampled num_true range_max unique
                            true_classes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs true_classes]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LogUniformCandidateSampler"
                    & opAttr "num_sampled" .~ num_sampled
                    & opAttr "num_true" .~ num_true
                    & opAttr "range_max" .~ range_max
                    & opAttr "unique" .~ unique
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "true_classes" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sampled_candidates" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "true_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "sampled_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_true" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "num_sampled" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "unique" type: "bool" }
attr { name: "range_max" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
logicalAnd :: Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
logicalAnd = logicalAnd' id
logicalAnd' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
logicalAnd' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "LogicalAnd"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type: DT_BOOL }
input_arg { name: "y" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
logicalNot :: Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
logicalNot = logicalNot' id
logicalNot' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __y__
logicalNot' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "LogicalNot"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "y" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
logicalOr :: Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
logicalOr = logicalOr' id
logicalOr' :: OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
logicalOr' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "LogicalOr"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type: DT_BOOL }
input_arg { name: "y" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
lookupTableExport :: forall tkeys tvalues m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType tkeys,
                                                TensorType tvalues) =>
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                     -> m' ((Tensor Value tkeys, Tensor Value tvalues))
                     -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                     -- * __keys__
                     -- * __values__
lookupTableExport = lookupTableExport' id
lookupTableExport' :: forall tkeys tvalues m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorType tkeys,
                                                 TensorType tvalues) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                      -> m' ((Tensor Value tkeys, Tensor Value tvalues))
                      -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                      -- * __keys__
                      -- * __values__
lookupTableExport' op'options table_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableExport"
                    & opAttr "Tkeys" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tkeys)
                    & opAttr "Tvalues" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tvalues)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tkeys" }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tvalues" }
attr { name: "Tkeys" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tvalues" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableExportV2 :: forall v'1 tkeys tvalues m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorType tkeys,
                                                      TensorType tvalues) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                       -> m' ((Tensor Value tkeys, Tensor Value tvalues))
                       -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                       -- * __keys__
                       -- * __values__
lookupTableExportV2 = lookupTableExportV2' id
lookupTableExportV2' :: forall v'1 tkeys tvalues m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorType tkeys,
                                                       TensorType tvalues) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                        -> m' ((Tensor Value tkeys, Tensor Value tvalues))
                        -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                        -- * __keys__
                        -- * __values__
lookupTableExportV2' op'options table_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableExportV2"
                    & opAttr "Tkeys" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tkeys)
                    & opAttr "Tvalues" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tvalues)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tkeys" }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tvalues" }
attr { name: "Tkeys" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tvalues" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableFind :: forall v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType tin,
                                                 TensorType tout) =>
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                   -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __default_value__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value tout) -- ^ __values__
lookupTableFind = lookupTableFind' id
lookupTableFind' :: forall v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType tin,
                                                  TensorType tout) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                    -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __default_value__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value tout) -- ^ __values__
lookupTableFind' op'options table_handle keys default_value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs default_value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableFind"
                    & opAttr "Tin" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tin)
                    & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tin" }
input_arg { name: "default_value" type_attr: "Tout" }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr { name: "Tin" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tout" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableFindV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorType tin,
                                                       TensorType tout) =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                     -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __default_value__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value tout) -- ^ __values__
lookupTableFindV2 = lookupTableFindV2' id
lookupTableFindV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        TensorType tin,
                                                        TensorType tout) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                      -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __default_value__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value tout) -- ^ __values__
lookupTableFindV2' op'options table_handle keys
                   default_value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs default_value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableFindV2"
                    & opAttr "Tin" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tin)
                    & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tin" }
input_arg { name: "default_value" type_attr: "Tout" }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr { name: "Tin" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tout" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableImport :: forall v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorType tin,
                                                   TensorType tout) =>
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                     -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableImport = lookupTableImport' id
lookupTableImport' :: forall v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorType tin,
                                                    TensorType tout) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                      -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableImport' op'options table_handle keys values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableImport"
                    & opAttr "Tin" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tin)
                    & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tin" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr { name: "Tin" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tout" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableImportV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         TensorType tin,
                                                         TensorType tout) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                       -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableImportV2 = lookupTableImportV2' id
lookupTableImportV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                          TensorType tin,
                                                          TensorType tout) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                        -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableImportV2' op'options table_handle keys values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableImportV2"
                    & opAttr "Tin" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tin)
                    & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tin" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr { name: "Tin" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tout" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableInsert :: forall v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorType tin,
                                                   TensorType tout) =>
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                     -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableInsert = lookupTableInsert' id
lookupTableInsert' :: forall v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorType tin,
                                                    TensorType tout) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                      -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableInsert' op'options table_handle keys values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableInsert"
                    & opAttr "Tin" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tin)
                    & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tin" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr { name: "Tin" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tout" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableInsertV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         TensorType tin,
                                                         TensorType tout) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                       -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableInsertV2 = lookupTableInsertV2' id
lookupTableInsertV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tin tout m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                          TensorType tin,
                                                          TensorType tout) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 tin -- ^ __keys__
                        -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __values__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
lookupTableInsertV2' op'options table_handle keys values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle,
                                                             buildInputs keys,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableInsertV2"
                    & opAttr "Tin" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tin)
                    & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "keys" type_attr: "Tin" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr { name: "Tin" type: "type" }
attr { name: "Tout" type: "type" }
-- | 
lookupTableSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __size__
lookupTableSize = lookupTableSize' id
lookupTableSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __table_handle__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __size__
lookupTableSize' op'options table_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableSize"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
lookupTableSizeV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __size__
lookupTableSizeV2 = lookupTableSizeV2' id
lookupTableSizeV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __table_handle__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __size__
lookupTableSizeV2' op'options table_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs table_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "LookupTableSizeV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
loopCond :: Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
loopCond = loopCond' id
loopCond' :: OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
loopCond' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "LoopCond"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
makeIterator :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __dataset__
                -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
makeIterator = makeIterator' id
makeIterator' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __dataset__
                 -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
makeIterator' op'options dataset iterator | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs dataset,
                                                             buildInputs iterator]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MakeIterator"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "iterator" type: DT_RESOURCE }
-- | 
mapClear :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
            -> m' (ControlNode)
mapClear = mapClear' id
mapClear' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
             [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
             -> m' (ControlNode)
mapClear' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MapClear"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
mapIncompleteSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
mapIncompleteSize = mapIncompleteSize' id
mapIncompleteSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
mapIncompleteSize' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MapIncompleteSize"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
mapPeek :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
           Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
           -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
mapPeek = mapPeek' id
mapPeek' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
            -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
mapPeek' op'options key indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs key,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MapPeek"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
mapSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
           -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
mapSize = mapSize' id
mapSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
            [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
            -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
mapSize' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MapSize"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
mapStage :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 fake_dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorTypes fake_dtypes) =>
            [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
            -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
            -> TensorList (v'3) fake_dtypes -- ^ __values__
            -> m' (ControlNode)
mapStage = mapStage' id
mapStage' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 fake_dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorTypes fake_dtypes) =>
             OpParams ->
             [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
             -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
             -> TensorList (v'3) fake_dtypes -- ^ __values__
             -> m' (ControlNode)
mapStage' op'options dtypes key indices values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs key,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MapStage"
                    & opAttr "fake_dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy fake_dtypes)
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "fake_dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr {
  name: "fake_dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
mapUnstage :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
              Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
              -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
mapUnstage = mapUnstage' id
mapUnstage' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
               -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
mapUnstage' op'options key indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs key,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MapUnstage"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
mapUnstageNoKey :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                   -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                           TensorList (Value) dtypes))
                   -- ^ (__key__, __values__)
                   -- * __key__
                   -- * __values__
mapUnstageNoKey = mapUnstageNoKey' id
mapUnstageNoKey' :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            TensorTypes dtypes) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                    -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                            TensorList (Value) dtypes))
                    -- ^ (__key__, __values__)
                    -- * __key__
                    -- * __values__
mapUnstageNoKey' op'options indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MapUnstageNoKey"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
matMul :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int32, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                      Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __b__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __product__
matMul = matMul' id
matMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int32, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                       Float] t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __b__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __product__
matMul' op'options a b | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs b]
        return (opDef "MatMul"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "b" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "product" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "transpose_a" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "transpose_b" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
matchingFiles :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __pattern__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
matchingFiles = matchingFiles' id
matchingFiles' :: OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __pattern__
                  -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
matchingFiles' op'options pattern | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs pattern]
        return (opDef "MatchingFiles"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "pattern" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "filenames" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
matrixBandPart :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindex . (TensorType t,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindex) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tindex -- ^ __num_lower__
                  -> Tensor v'3 tindex -- ^ __num_upper__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __band__
matrixBandPart = matrixBandPart' id
matrixBandPart' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindex . (TensorType t,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tindex) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tindex -- ^ __num_lower__
                   -> Tensor v'3 tindex -- ^ __num_upper__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __band__
matrixBandPart' op'options input num_lower num_upper | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs num_lower,
                                                             buildInputs num_upper]
        return (opDef "MatrixBandPart"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindex" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindex)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "num_lower" type_attr: "Tindex" }
input_arg { name: "num_upper" type_attr: "Tindex" }
output_arg { name: "band" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindex"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
matrixDeterminant :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Double, Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixDeterminant = matrixDeterminant' id
matrixDeterminant' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixDeterminant' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MatrixDeterminant"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
matrixDiag :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __diagonal__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixDiag = matrixDiag' id
matrixDiag' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __diagonal__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixDiag' op'options diagonal | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs diagonal]
        return (opDef "MatrixDiag"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
matrixDiagPart :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __diagonal__
matrixDiagPart = matrixDiagPart' id
matrixDiagPart' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __diagonal__
matrixDiagPart' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MatrixDiagPart"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
matrixExponential :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Double, Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixExponential = matrixExponential' id
matrixExponential' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixExponential' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MatrixExponential"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
matrixInverse :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                         Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixInverse = matrixInverse' id
matrixInverse' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                          Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixInverse' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MatrixInverse"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "adjoint" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
matrixLogarithm :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixLogarithm = matrixLogarithm' id
matrixLogarithm' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixLogarithm' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MatrixLogarithm"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
-- | 
matrixSetDiag :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __diagonal__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixSetDiag = matrixSetDiag' id
matrixSetDiag' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __diagonal__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixSetDiag' op'options input diagonal | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs diagonal]
        return (opDef "MatrixSetDiag"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "diagonal" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
matrixSolve :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                           Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixSolve = matrixSolve' id
matrixSolve' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixSolve' op'options matrix rhs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs matrix,
                                                             buildInputs rhs]
        return (opDef "MatrixSolve"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "matrix" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rhs" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "adjoint" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
matrixSolveLs :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                 Double, Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Double -- ^ __l2_regularizer__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixSolveLs = matrixSolveLs' id
matrixSolveLs' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                  Double, Float] t) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Double -- ^ __l2_regularizer__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixSolveLs' op'options matrix rhs l2_regularizer | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs matrix,
                                                             buildInputs rhs,
                                                             buildInputs l2_regularizer]
        return (opDef "MatrixSolveLs"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "matrix" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rhs" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2_regularizer" type: DT_DOUBLE }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
attr { name: "fast" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
matrixTriangularSolve :: forall v'1 v'2
                         t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                      Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixTriangularSolve = matrixTriangularSolve' id
matrixTriangularSolve' :: forall v'1 v'2
                          t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                       Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __matrix__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __rhs__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
matrixTriangularSolve' op'options matrix rhs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs matrix,
                                                             buildInputs rhs]
        return (opDef "MatrixTriangularSolve"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "matrix" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rhs" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "lower" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr { name: "adjoint" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
max :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t,
                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
max = max' id
max' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64] tidx) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
max' op'options input reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "Max"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
maxPool :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                   Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool = maxPool' id
maxPool' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MaxPool"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_QINT8
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" s: "NCHW_VECT_C" } }
-- | 
maxPool3D :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool3D = maxPool3D' id
maxPool3D' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool3D' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MaxPool3D"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
maxPool3DGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tInput . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                        Float] t,
                                                OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                        Float] tInput) =>
                 Tensor v'1 tInput -- ^ __orig_input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tInput -- ^ __orig_output__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool3DGrad = maxPool3DGrad' id
maxPool3DGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tInput . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                         Float] t,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                         Float] tInput) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 tInput -- ^ __orig_input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tInput -- ^ __orig_output__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool3DGrad' op'options orig_input orig_output grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input,
                                                             buildInputs orig_output,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "MaxPool3DGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "TInput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tInput)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input" type_attr: "TInput" }
input_arg { name: "orig_output" type_attr: "TInput" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "TInput"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT }
-- | 
maxPool3DGradGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                     -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool3DGradGrad = maxPool3DGradGrad' id
maxPool3DGradGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPool3DGradGrad' op'options orig_input orig_output grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input,
                                                             buildInputs orig_output,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "MaxPool3DGradGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "orig_output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 5
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NDHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NDHWC" s: "NCDHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T" type: "type" allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
maxPoolGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGrad = maxPoolGrad' id
maxPoolGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGrad' op'options orig_input orig_output grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input,
                                                             buildInputs orig_output,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "orig_output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
maxPoolGradGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                   Float] t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                   -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradGrad = maxPoolGradGrad' id
maxPoolGradGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                    Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                    -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradGrad' op'options orig_input orig_output grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input,
                                                             buildInputs orig_output,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolGradGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "orig_output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
maxPoolGradGradV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                             Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                     -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                     -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __ksize__
                     -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __strides__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradGradV2 = maxPoolGradGradV2' id
maxPoolGradGradV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __ksize__
                      -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __strides__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradGradV2' op'options orig_input orig_output grad ksize
                   strides | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input,
                                                             buildInputs orig_output,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs ksize,
                                                             buildInputs strides]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolGradGradV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "orig_output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "ksize" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "strides" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
maxPoolGradGradWithArgmax :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 targmax
                             t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64] targmax,
                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) =>
                             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                             -> Tensor v'3 targmax -- ^ __argmax__
                             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradGradWithArgmax = maxPoolGradGradWithArgmax' id
maxPoolGradGradWithArgmax' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 targmax
                              t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64] targmax,
                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                           Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                              -> Tensor v'3 targmax -- ^ __argmax__
                              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradGradWithArgmax' op'options input grad argmax | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs argmax]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolGradGradWithArgmax"
                & opAttr "Targmax" .~ tensorType (undefined :: targmax)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "argmax" type_attr: "Targmax" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "Targmax"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
maxPoolGradV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                         Double, Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                 -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __ksize__
                 -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __strides__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradV2 = maxPoolGradV2' id
maxPoolGradV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                          Double, Float] t) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __orig_input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __orig_output__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                  -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __ksize__
                  -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __strides__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradV2' op'options orig_input orig_output grad ksize
               strides | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs orig_input,
                                                             buildInputs orig_output,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs ksize,
                                                             buildInputs strides]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolGradV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "orig_input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "orig_output" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "ksize" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "strides" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
maxPoolGradWithArgmax :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 targmax t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] targmax,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                 Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> Tensor v'3 targmax -- ^ __argmax__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradWithArgmax = maxPoolGradWithArgmax' id
maxPoolGradWithArgmax' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 targmax
                          t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] targmax,
                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad__
                          -> Tensor v'3 targmax -- ^ __argmax__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolGradWithArgmax' op'options input grad argmax | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs argmax]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolGradWithArgmax"
                & opAttr "Targmax" .~ tensorType (undefined :: targmax)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "argmax" type_attr: "Targmax" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "Targmax"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
maxPoolV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __ksize__
             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __strides__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolV2 = maxPoolV2' id
maxPoolV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __ksize__
              -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __strides__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
maxPoolV2' op'options input ksize strides | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs ksize,
                                                             buildInputs strides]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "ksize" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "strides" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_QINT8
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" s: "NCHW_VECT_C" } }
-- | 
maxPoolWithArgmax :: forall v'1 targmax t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] targmax,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build targmax)
                     -- ^ (__output__, __argmax__)
                     -- * __output__
                     -- * __argmax__
maxPoolWithArgmax = maxPoolWithArgmax' id
maxPoolWithArgmax' :: forall v'1 targmax t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] targmax,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                      -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build targmax)
                      -- ^ (__output__, __argmax__)
                      -- * __output__
                      -- * __argmax__
maxPoolWithArgmax' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "MaxPoolWithArgmax"
                & opAttr "Targmax" .~ tensorType (undefined :: targmax)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "argmax" type_attr: "Targmax" }
attr {
  name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "strides" type: "list(int)" has_minimum: true minimum: 4
attr {
  name: "Targmax"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
maximum :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
maximum = maximum' id
maximum' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
maximum' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Maximum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
-- | 
mean :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
mean = mean' id
mean' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t,
                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64] tidx) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
mean' op'options input reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "Mean"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
merge :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
         -- ^ (__output__, __value_index__)
         -- * __output__
         -- * __value_index__
merge = merge' id
merge' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
          [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
          -- ^ (__output__, __value_index__)
          -- * __output__
          -- * __value_index__
merge' op'options inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "Merge"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "inputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "value_index" type: DT_INT32 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
mergeSummary :: [Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __inputs__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
mergeSummary = mergeSummary' id
mergeSummary' :: OpParams ->
                 [Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __inputs__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
mergeSummary' op'options
              inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "MergeSummary"
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_STRING number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
mergeV2Checkpoints :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __checkpoint_prefixes__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __destination_prefix__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
mergeV2Checkpoints = mergeV2Checkpoints' id
mergeV2Checkpoints' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __checkpoint_prefixes__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __destination_prefix__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
mergeV2Checkpoints' op'options checkpoint_prefixes
                    destination_prefix | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs checkpoint_prefixes,
                                                             buildInputs destination_prefix]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MergeV2Checkpoints"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "checkpoint_prefixes" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "destination_prefix" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "delete_old_dirs" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
mfcc :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __spectrogram__
        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sample_rate__
        -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
mfcc = mfcc' id
mfcc' :: OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __spectrogram__
         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __sample_rate__
         -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
mfcc' op'options spectrogram sample_rate | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs spectrogram,
                                                             buildInputs sample_rate]
        return (opDef "Mfcc"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "spectrogram" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "sample_rate" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "upper_frequency_limit"
  type: "float"
  default_value { f: 4000.0 }
attr {
  name: "lower_frequency_limit"
  type: "float"
  default_value { f: 20.0 }
attr {
  name: "filterbank_channel_count"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 40 }
attr {
  name: "dct_coefficient_count" type: "int" default_value { i: 13 }
-- | 
min :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t,
                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
min = min' id
min' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64] tidx) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
min' op'options input reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "Min"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
minimum :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
minimum = minimum' id
minimum' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
minimum' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Minimum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
-- | 
mirrorPad :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
mirrorPad = mirrorPad' id
mirrorPad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
mirrorPad' op'options input paddings | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs paddings]
        return (opDef "MirrorPad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tpaddings" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tpaddings)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type_attr: "Tpaddings" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tpaddings"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "mode"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "REFLECT" s: "SYMMETRIC" } }
-- | 
mirrorPadGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
mirrorPadGrad = mirrorPadGrad' id
mirrorPadGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
mirrorPadGrad' op'options input paddings | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs paddings]
        return (opDef "MirrorPadGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tpaddings" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tpaddings)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type_attr: "Tpaddings" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tpaddings"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "mode"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "REFLECT" s: "SYMMETRIC" } }
-- | 
mod :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
mod = mod' id
mod' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
mod' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Mod"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
mul :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                   Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
mul = mul' id
mul' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
mul' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Mul"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
multinomial :: forall v'1 v'2 t output_dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                           Double, Float] t,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] output_dtype) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_samples__
               -> m' (Tensor Value output_dtype) -- ^ __output__
multinomial = multinomial' id
multinomial' :: forall v'1 v'2 t output_dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                            Double, Float] t,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] output_dtype) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_samples__
                -> m' (Tensor Value output_dtype) -- ^ __output__
multinomial' op'options logits num_samples | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs logits,
                                                             buildInputs num_samples]
        buildOp [] (opDef "Multinomial"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "output_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: output_dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "logits" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "num_samples" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "output_dtype" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "output_dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
mutableDenseHashTable :: forall v'1 key_dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorType key_dtype) =>
                         DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                         -> Tensor v'1 key_dtype -- ^ __empty_key__
                         -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableDenseHashTable = mutableDenseHashTable' id
mutableDenseHashTable' :: forall v'1 key_dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorType key_dtype) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                          -> Tensor v'1 key_dtype -- ^ __empty_key__
                          -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableDenseHashTable' op'options value_dtype empty_key | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs empty_key]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutableDenseHashTable"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: key_dtype)
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "empty_key" type_attr: "key_dtype" }
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "value_shape" type: "shape" default_value { shape { } }
attr {
  name: "initial_num_buckets" type: "int" default_value { i: 131072 }
attr {
  name: "max_load_factor" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.8 }
-- | 
mutableDenseHashTableV2 :: forall v'1 key_dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorType key_dtype) =>
                           DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                           -> Tensor v'1 key_dtype -- ^ __empty_key__
                           -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableDenseHashTableV2 = mutableDenseHashTableV2' id
mutableDenseHashTableV2' :: forall v'1 key_dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorType key_dtype) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                            -> Tensor v'1 key_dtype -- ^ __empty_key__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableDenseHashTableV2' op'options value_dtype empty_key | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs empty_key]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutableDenseHashTableV2"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: key_dtype)
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "empty_key" type_attr: "key_dtype" }
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "value_shape" type: "shape" default_value { shape { } }
attr {
  name: "initial_num_buckets" type: "int" default_value { i: 131072 }
attr {
  name: "max_load_factor" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.8 }
-- | 
mutableHashTable :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                    -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                    -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTable = mutableHashTable' id
mutableHashTable' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                     -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                     -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTable' op'options key_dtype value_dtype | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutableHashTable"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ key_dtype
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
mutableHashTableOfTensors :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                             DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                             -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                             -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTableOfTensors = mutableHashTableOfTensors' id
mutableHashTableOfTensors' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                              DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                              -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                              -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTableOfTensors' op'options key_dtype value_dtype | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutableHashTableOfTensors"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ key_dtype
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "value_shape" type: "shape" default_value { shape { } }
-- | 
mutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                               DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                               -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                               -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 = mutableHashTableOfTensorsV2' id
mutableHashTableOfTensorsV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                                -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                                -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTableOfTensorsV2' op'options key_dtype
                             value_dtype | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ key_dtype
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "value_shape" type: "shape" default_value { shape { } }
-- | 
mutableHashTableV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                      -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTableV2 = mutableHashTableV2' id
mutableHashTableV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       DataType -- ^ __key_dtype__
                       -> DataType -- ^ __value_dtype__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __table_handle__
mutableHashTableV2' op'options key_dtype value_dtype | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutableHashTableV2"
                    & opAttr "key_dtype" .~ key_dtype
                    & opAttr "value_dtype" .~ value_dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "table_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "use_node_name_sharing"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "key_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "value_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
mutexLock :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
             Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mutex__
             -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __mutex_lock__
mutexLock = mutexLock' id
mutexLock' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mutex__
              -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __mutex_lock__
mutexLock' op'options mutex | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs mutex]
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutexLock"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "mutex" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "mutex_lock" type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
mutexV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
           m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource__
mutexV2 = mutexV2' id
mutexV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
            m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource__
mutexV2' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "MutexV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
neg :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                               Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
neg = neg' id
neg' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
neg' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Neg"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
negTrain :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
            Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_negative_samples__
            -> Tensor Ref Float -- ^ __w_in__
            -> Tensor Ref Float -- ^ __w_out__
            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __examples__
            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __labels__
            -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __lr__
            -> m' (ControlNode)
negTrain = negTrain' id
negTrain' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_negative_samples__
             -> Tensor Ref Float -- ^ __w_in__
             -> Tensor Ref Float -- ^ __w_out__
             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __examples__
             -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __labels__
             -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __lr__
             -> m' (ControlNode)
negTrain' op'options num_negative_samples w_in w_out examples labels
          lr | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs w_in,
                                                             buildInputs w_out,
                                                             buildInputs examples,
                                                             buildInputs labels,
                                                             buildInputs lr]
        buildOp [] (opDef "NegTrain"
                    & opAttr "num_negative_samples" .~ num_negative_samples
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "w_in" type: DT_FLOAT is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "w_out" type: DT_FLOAT is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "examples" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "labels" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "lr" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "vocab_count" type: "list(int)" }
attr { name: "num_negative_samples" type: "int" }
-- | 
nextIteration :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
nextIteration = nextIteration' id
nextIteration' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
nextIteration' op'options data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data']
        return (opDef "NextIteration"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
noOp :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => m' (ControlNode)
noOp = noOp' id
noOp' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
         m' (ControlNode)
noOp' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "NoOp"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)

-- | 
nonMaxSuppression :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scores__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_output_size__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __selected_indices__
nonMaxSuppression = nonMaxSuppression' id
nonMaxSuppression' :: OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scores__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_output_size__
                      -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __selected_indices__
nonMaxSuppression' op'options boxes scores max_output_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs boxes,
                                                             buildInputs scores,
                                                             buildInputs max_output_size]
        return (opDef "NonMaxSuppression"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "scores" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_output_size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "selected_indices" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "iou_threshold" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.5 }
-- | 
nonMaxSuppressionV2 :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scores__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_output_size__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __iou_threshold__
                       -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __selected_indices__
nonMaxSuppressionV2 = nonMaxSuppressionV2' id
nonMaxSuppressionV2' :: OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scores__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_output_size__
                        -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __iou_threshold__
                        -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __selected_indices__
nonMaxSuppressionV2' op'options boxes scores max_output_size
                     iou_threshold | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs boxes,
                                                             buildInputs scores,
                                                             buildInputs max_output_size,
                                                             buildInputs iou_threshold]
        return (opDef "NonMaxSuppressionV2"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "scores" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_output_size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "iou_threshold" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "selected_indices" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
nonMaxSuppressionV3 :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scores__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_output_size__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __iou_threshold__
                       -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __score_threshold__
                       -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __selected_indices__
nonMaxSuppressionV3 = nonMaxSuppressionV3' id
nonMaxSuppressionV3' :: OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __boxes__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __scores__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_output_size__
                        -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __iou_threshold__
                        -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __score_threshold__
                        -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __selected_indices__
nonMaxSuppressionV3' op'options boxes scores max_output_size iou_threshold
                     score_threshold | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs boxes,
                                                             buildInputs scores,
                                                             buildInputs max_output_size,
                                                             buildInputs iou_threshold,
                                                             buildInputs score_threshold]
        return (opDef "NonMaxSuppressionV3"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "scores" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_output_size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "iou_threshold" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "score_threshold" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "selected_indices" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
notEqual :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
notEqual = notEqual' id
notEqual' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __z__
notEqual' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "NotEqual"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type: DT_BOOL }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_STRING
      type: DT_BOOL
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
nthElement :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __values__
nthElement = nthElement' id
nthElement' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                           Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __values__
nthElement' op'options input n | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs n]
        return (opDef "NthElement"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "n" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "reverse" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
oneHot :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tI . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Word.Word8] tI) =>
          Tensor v'1 tI -- ^ __indices__
          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __depth__
          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __on_value__
          -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __off_value__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
oneHot = oneHot' id
oneHot' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tI . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Word.Word8] tI) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 tI -- ^ __indices__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __depth__
           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __on_value__
           -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __off_value__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
oneHot' op'options indices depth on_value off_value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs depth,
                                                             buildInputs on_value,
                                                             buildInputs off_value]
        return (opDef "OneHot"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "TI" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tI)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "TI" }
input_arg { name: "depth" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "on_value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "off_value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "axis" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "TI"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_UINT8 type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
onesLike :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
onesLike = onesLike' id
onesLike' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
onesLike' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "OnesLike"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_BOOL
-- | 
orderedMapClear :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                   -> m' (ControlNode)
orderedMapClear = orderedMapClear' id
orderedMapClear' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
orderedMapClear' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "OrderedMapClear"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
orderedMapIncompleteSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                            [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
orderedMapIncompleteSize = orderedMapIncompleteSize' id
orderedMapIncompleteSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                             [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
orderedMapIncompleteSize' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "OrderedMapIncompleteSize"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
orderedMapPeek :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                  Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                  -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
orderedMapPeek = orderedMapPeek' id
orderedMapPeek' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                   -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
orderedMapPeek' op'options key indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs key,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "OrderedMapPeek"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
orderedMapSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
orderedMapSize = orderedMapSize' id
orderedMapSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                   [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
orderedMapSize' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "OrderedMapSize"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
orderedMapStage :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 fake_dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        TensorTypes fake_dtypes) =>
                   [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                   -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                   -> TensorList (v'3) fake_dtypes -- ^ __values__
                   -> m' (ControlNode)
orderedMapStage = orderedMapStage' id
orderedMapStage' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 fake_dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         TensorTypes fake_dtypes) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
                    -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                    -> TensorList (v'3) fake_dtypes -- ^ __values__
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
orderedMapStage' op'options dtypes key indices values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs key,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "OrderedMapStage"
                    & opAttr "fake_dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy fake_dtypes)
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "fake_dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr {
  name: "fake_dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
orderedMapUnstage :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                     Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                     -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
orderedMapUnstage = orderedMapUnstage' id
orderedMapUnstage' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __key__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                      -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
orderedMapUnstage' op'options key indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs key,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "OrderedMapUnstage"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
orderedMapUnstageNoKey :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                          Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                          -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                  TensorList (Value) dtypes))
                          -- ^ (__key__, __values__)
                          -- * __key__
                          -- * __values__
orderedMapUnstageNoKey = orderedMapUnstageNoKey' id
orderedMapUnstageNoKey' :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                           -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                   TensorList (Value) dtypes))
                           -- ^ (__key__, __values__)
                           -- * __key__
                           -- * __values__
orderedMapUnstageNoKey' op'options indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "OrderedMapUnstageNoKey"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "key" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | Retrieves a single tensor from the computation outfeed.  This operation will
-- block indefinitely until data is available.
outfeedDequeue :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                  Shape -- ^ __shape__: The shape of the tensor.
                  -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__: A tensor that will be read from the device outfeed.
outfeedDequeue = outfeedDequeue' id
outfeedDequeue' :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Shape -- ^ __shape__: The shape of the tensor.
                   -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__: A tensor that will be read from the device outfeed.
outfeedDequeue' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "OutfeedDequeue"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "A tensor that will be read from the device outfeed."
  type_attr: "dtype"
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  description: "The type of elements in the tensor."
attr {
  name: "shape" type: "shape" description: "The shape of the tensor."
attr {
  name: "device_ordinal"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  description: "The TPU device to use. This should be -1 when the Op\nis running on a TPU device, and >= 0 when the Op is running on the CPU\ndevice."
-- | Retrieve multiple values that will be emitted by the computation as an XLA
-- tuple.  This operations will block indefinitely until data is available.
-- Output `i` corresponds to XLA tuple element `i`.
outfeedDequeueTuple :: forall dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                       m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __outputs__: A list of tensors that will be read from the outfeed.
outfeedDequeueTuple = outfeedDequeueTuple' id
outfeedDequeueTuple' :: forall dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            TensorTypes dtypes) => OpParams ->
                        m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __outputs__: A list of tensors that will be read from the outfeed.
outfeedDequeueTuple' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "OutfeedDequeueTuple"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "outputs"
  description: "A list of tensors that will be read from the outfeed."
  type_list_attr: "dtypes"
attr {
  name: "dtypes"
  type: "list(type)"
  description: "The element types of each element in `outputs`."
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  description: "The shapes of each tensor in `outputs`."
attr {
  name: "device_ordinal"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  description: "The TPU device to use. This should be -1 when the Op\nis running on a TPU device, and >= 0 when the Op is running on the CPU\ndevice."
-- | An op which emits a single Tensor value from an XLA computation.
outfeedEnqueue :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                  Tensor v'1 dtype -- ^ __input__: A tensor that will be inserted into the outfeed queue.
                  -> m' (ControlNode)
outfeedEnqueue = outfeedEnqueue' id
outfeedEnqueue' :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 dtype -- ^ __input__: A tensor that will be inserted into the outfeed queue.
                   -> m' (ControlNode)
outfeedEnqueue' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "OutfeedEnqueue"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input"
  description: "A tensor that will be inserted into the outfeed queue."
  type_attr: "dtype"
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | An op which emits multiple Tensor values from an XLA computation.
outfeedEnqueueTuple :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                       TensorList (v'1) dtypes -- ^ __inputs__: A list of tensors that will be inserted into the outfeed queue as an
                                               -- XLA tuple.
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
outfeedEnqueueTuple = outfeedEnqueueTuple' id
outfeedEnqueueTuple' :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                TensorTypes dtypes) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        TensorList (v'1) dtypes -- ^ __inputs__: A list of tensors that will be inserted into the outfeed queue as an
                                                -- XLA tuple.
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
outfeedEnqueueTuple' op'options inputs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        buildOp [] (opDef "OutfeedEnqueueTuple"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "inputs"
  description: "A list of tensors that will be inserted into the outfeed queue as an\nXLA tuple."
  type_list_attr: "dtypes"
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
pack :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __values__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
pack = pack' id
pack' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
         [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __values__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
pack' op'options values | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("values", length values)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs values]
        return (opDef "Pack"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length values) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "axis" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
pad :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
pad = pad' id
pad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
pad' op'options input paddings | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs paddings]
        return (opDef "Pad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tpaddings" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tpaddings)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type_attr: "Tpaddings" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tpaddings"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
padV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tpaddings . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __constant_values__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
padV2 = padV2' id
padV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __constant_values__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
padV2' op'options input paddings constant_values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs paddings,
                                                             buildInputs constant_values]
        return (opDef "PadV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tpaddings" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tpaddings)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type_attr: "Tpaddings" }
input_arg { name: "constant_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tpaddings"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
paddedBatchDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                      toutput_types . (TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                      Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                      -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __padded_shapes__
                      -> TensorList (v'4) toutput_types -- ^ __padding_values__
                      -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
paddedBatchDataset = paddedBatchDataset' id
paddedBatchDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                       toutput_types . (TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                       -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __padded_shapes__
                       -> TensorList (v'4) toutput_types -- ^ __padding_values__
                       -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
paddedBatchDataset' op'options input_dataset batch_size padded_shapes
                    padding_values | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("padded_shapes", length padded_shapes)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs batch_size,
                                                             buildInputs padded_shapes,
                                                             buildInputs padding_values]
        return (opDef "PaddedBatchDataset"
                & opAttr "Toutput_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy toutput_types)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length padded_shapes) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "batch_size" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "padded_shapes" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "N" }
input_arg {
  name: "padding_values" type_list_attr: "Toutput_types"
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "Toutput_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
paddingFIFOQueue :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                    -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
paddingFIFOQueue = paddingFIFOQueue' id
paddingFIFOQueue' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                     -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
paddingFIFOQueue' op'options component_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "PaddingFIFOQueue"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ component_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
paddingFIFOQueueV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
paddingFIFOQueueV2 = paddingFIFOQueueV2' id
paddingFIFOQueueV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
paddingFIFOQueueV2' op'options component_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "PaddingFIFOQueueV2"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ component_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
parallelConcat :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Shape -- ^ __shape__
                  -> [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __values__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
parallelConcat = parallelConcat' id
parallelConcat' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                   Shape -- ^ __shape__
                   -> [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __values__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
parallelConcat' op'options shape
                values | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("values", length values)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs values]
        return (opDef "ParallelConcat"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length values) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
-- | 
parallelDynamicStitch :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
                         [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __indices__
                         -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __data__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __merged__
parallelDynamicStitch = parallelDynamicStitch' id
parallelDynamicStitch' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                          [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __indices__
                          -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __data__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __merged__
parallelDynamicStitch' op'options indices
                       data' | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("indices", length indices),
                                                     ("data", length data')])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs data']
        return (opDef "ParallelDynamicStitch"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length indices) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "merged" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
parameterizedTruncatedNormal :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 dtype t
                                m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                             Float] dtype,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                                -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __means__
                                -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __stdevs__
                                -> Tensor v'4 dtype -- ^ __minvals__
                                -> Tensor v'5 dtype -- ^ __maxvals__
                                -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
parameterizedTruncatedNormal = parameterizedTruncatedNormal' id
parameterizedTruncatedNormal' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 dtype t
                                 m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                              Float] dtype,
                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] t) => OpParams ->
                                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __means__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __stdevs__
                                 -> Tensor v'4 dtype -- ^ __minvals__
                                 -> Tensor v'5 dtype -- ^ __maxvals__
                                 -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
parameterizedTruncatedNormal' op'options shape means stdevs minvals
                              maxvals | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs means,
                                                             buildInputs stdevs,
                                                             buildInputs minvals,
                                                             buildInputs maxvals]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ParameterizedTruncatedNormal"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "means" type_attr: "dtype" }
input_arg { name: "stdevs" type_attr: "dtype" }
input_arg { name: "minvals" type_attr: "dtype" }
input_arg { name: "maxvals" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
parseExample :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 sparse_types
                tdense . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Float] sparse_types,
                          OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Float] tdense) =>
                Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __names__
                -> [Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __sparse_keys__
                -> [Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __dense_keys__
                -> TensorList (v'5) tdense -- ^ __dense_defaults__
                -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                    TensorList (Build) sparse_types,
                    [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64], TensorList (Build) tdense)
                -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shapes__, __dense_values__)
                -- * __sparse_indices__
                -- * __sparse_values__
                -- * __sparse_shapes__
                -- * __dense_values__
parseExample = parseExample' id
parseExample' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 sparse_types
                 tdense . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Float] sparse_types,
                           OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Float] tdense) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __names__
                 -> [Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __sparse_keys__
                 -> [Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __dense_keys__
                 -> TensorList (v'5) tdense -- ^ __dense_defaults__
                 -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                     TensorList (Build) sparse_types,
                     [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64], TensorList (Build) tdense)
                 -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shapes__, __dense_values__)
                 -- * __sparse_indices__
                 -- * __sparse_values__
                 -- * __sparse_shapes__
                 -- * __dense_values__
parseExample' op'options serialized names sparse_keys dense_keys
              dense_defaults | eqLengthGuard [("Nsparse", [("sparse_keys", length sparse_keys)]),
                                              ("Ndense", [("dense_keys", length dense_keys)])] =
    pureOp [nsparse, nsparse] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs serialized,
                                                             buildInputs names,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_keys,
                                                             buildInputs dense_keys,
                                                             buildInputs dense_defaults]
        return (opDef "ParseExample"
                & opAttr "sparse_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy sparse_types)
                & opAttr "Tdense" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tdense)
                & opAttr "Nsparse" .~ nsparse
                & opAttr "Ndense" .~ ndense
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    nsparse = fromIntegral (length sparse_keys) :: Int64
    ndense = fromIntegral (length dense_keys) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "serialized" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "names" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg {
  name: "sparse_keys" type: DT_STRING number_attr: "Nsparse"
input_arg {
  name: "dense_keys" type: DT_STRING number_attr: "Ndense"
input_arg { name: "dense_defaults" type_list_attr: "Tdense" }
output_arg {
  name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "Nsparse"
output_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_list_attr: "sparse_types" }
output_arg {
  name: "sparse_shapes" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "Nsparse"
output_arg { name: "dense_values" type_list_attr: "Tdense" }
attr { name: "Nsparse" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "Ndense" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr {
  name: "sparse_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "Tdense"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "dense_shapes" type: "list(shape)" has_minimum: true }
-- | 
parseSingleExample :: forall v'1 v'2 sparse_types
                      tdense . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Float] sparse_types,
                                OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Float] tdense) =>
                      Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sparse__
                      -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
                      -> TensorList (v'2) tdense -- ^ __dense_defaults__
                      -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                          TensorList (Build) sparse_types,
                          [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                          TensorList (Build) tdense)
                      -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shapes__, __dense_values__)
                      -- * __sparse_indices__
                      -- * __sparse_values__
                      -- * __sparse_shapes__
                      -- * __dense_values__
parseSingleExample = parseSingleExample' id
parseSingleExample' :: forall v'1 v'2 sparse_types
                       tdense . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Float] sparse_types,
                                 OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Float] tdense) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sparse__
                       -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
                       -> TensorList (v'2) tdense -- ^ __dense_defaults__
                       -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                           TensorList (Build) sparse_types,
                           [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                           TensorList (Build) tdense)
                       -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shapes__, __dense_values__)
                       -- * __sparse_indices__
                       -- * __sparse_values__
                       -- * __sparse_shapes__
                       -- * __dense_values__
parseSingleExample' op'options num_sparse serialized
                    dense_defaults | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num_sparse, num_sparse] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs serialized,
                                                             buildInputs dense_defaults]
        return (opDef "ParseSingleExample"
                & opAttr "sparse_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy sparse_types)
                & opAttr "Tdense" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tdense)
                & opAttr "num_sparse" .~ num_sparse
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "serialized" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "dense_defaults" type_list_attr: "Tdense" }
output_arg {
  name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "num_sparse"
output_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_list_attr: "sparse_types" }
output_arg {
  name: "sparse_shapes" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "num_sparse"
output_arg { name: "dense_values" type_list_attr: "Tdense" }
attr { name: "num_sparse" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "sparse_keys" type: "list(string)" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "dense_keys" type: "list(string)" has_minimum: true }
attr {
  name: "sparse_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "Tdense"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "dense_shapes" type: "list(shape)" has_minimum: true }
-- | 
parseSingleSequenceExample :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8
                              context_sparse_types tcontext_dense
                              feature_list_sparse_types . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                    Float] context_sparse_types,
                                                           OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                    Float] tcontext_dense,
                                                           OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                    Float] feature_list_dense_types,
                                                           OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                    Float] feature_list_sparse_types) =>
                              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __feature_list_dense_missing_assumed_empty__
                              -> [Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __context_sparse_keys__
                              -> [Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __context_dense_keys__
                              -> [Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __feature_list_sparse_keys__
                              -> [Tensor v'6 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __feature_list_dense_keys__
                              -> TensorList (v'7) tcontext_dense -- ^ __context_dense_defaults__
                              -> Tensor v'8 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __debug_name__
                              -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                  TensorList (Build) context_sparse_types,
                                  [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                  TensorList (Build) tcontext_dense,
                                  [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                  TensorList (Build) feature_list_sparse_types,
                                  [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                  TensorList (Build) feature_list_dense_types)
                              -- ^ (__context_sparse_indices__, __context_sparse_values__, __context_sparse_shapes__, __context_dense_values__, __feature_list_sparse_indices__, __feature_list_sparse_values__, __feature_list_sparse_shapes__, __feature_list_dense_values__)
                              -- * __context_sparse_indices__
                              -- * __context_sparse_values__
                              -- * __context_sparse_shapes__
                              -- * __context_dense_values__
                              -- * __feature_list_sparse_indices__
                              -- * __feature_list_sparse_values__
                              -- * __feature_list_sparse_shapes__
                              -- * __feature_list_dense_values__
parseSingleSequenceExample = parseSingleSequenceExample' id
parseSingleSequenceExample' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8
                               context_sparse_types tcontext_dense
                               feature_list_sparse_types . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                     Float] context_sparse_types,
                                                            OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                     Float] tcontext_dense,
                                                            OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                     Float] feature_list_dense_types,
                                                            OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                     Float] feature_list_sparse_types) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
                               -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __feature_list_dense_missing_assumed_empty__
                               -> [Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __context_sparse_keys__
                               -> [Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __context_dense_keys__
                               -> [Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __feature_list_sparse_keys__
                               -> [Tensor v'6 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __feature_list_dense_keys__
                               -> TensorList (v'7) tcontext_dense -- ^ __context_dense_defaults__
                               -> Tensor v'8 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __debug_name__
                               -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                   TensorList (Build) context_sparse_types,
                                   [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                   TensorList (Build) tcontext_dense,
                                   [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                   TensorList (Build) feature_list_sparse_types,
                                   [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64],
                                   TensorList (Build) feature_list_dense_types)
                               -- ^ (__context_sparse_indices__, __context_sparse_values__, __context_sparse_shapes__, __context_dense_values__, __feature_list_sparse_indices__, __feature_list_sparse_values__, __feature_list_sparse_shapes__, __feature_list_dense_values__)
                               -- * __context_sparse_indices__
                               -- * __context_sparse_values__
                               -- * __context_sparse_shapes__
                               -- * __context_dense_values__
                               -- * __feature_list_sparse_indices__
                               -- * __feature_list_sparse_values__
                               -- * __feature_list_sparse_shapes__
                               -- * __feature_list_dense_values__
parseSingleSequenceExample' op'options serialized
                            context_sparse_keys context_dense_keys
                            feature_list_sparse_keys feature_list_dense_keys
                            debug_name | eqLengthGuard [("Ncontext_sparse", [("context_sparse_keys", length context_sparse_keys)]),
                                                        ("Ncontext_dense", [("context_dense_keys", length context_dense_keys)]),
                                                        ("Nfeature_list_sparse", [("feature_list_sparse_keys", length feature_list_sparse_keys)]),
                                                        ("Nfeature_list_dense", [("feature_list_dense_keys", length feature_list_dense_keys)])] =
    pureOp [ncontext_sparse, ncontext_sparse, nfeature_list_sparse,
            nfeature_list_sparse] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs serialized,
                                                             buildInputs feature_list_dense_missing_assumed_empty,
                                                             buildInputs context_sparse_keys,
                                                             buildInputs context_dense_keys,
                                                             buildInputs feature_list_sparse_keys,
                                                             buildInputs feature_list_dense_keys,
                                                             buildInputs context_dense_defaults,
                                                             buildInputs debug_name]
        return (opDef "ParseSingleSequenceExample"
                & opAttr "context_sparse_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy context_sparse_types)
                & opAttr "Tcontext_dense" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tcontext_dense)
                & opAttr "feature_list_dense_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy feature_list_dense_types)
                & opAttr "feature_list_sparse_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy feature_list_sparse_types)
                & opAttr "Ncontext_sparse" .~ ncontext_sparse
                & opAttr "Ncontext_dense" .~ ncontext_dense
                & opAttr "Nfeature_list_sparse" .~ nfeature_list_sparse
                & opAttr "Nfeature_list_dense" .~ nfeature_list_dense
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    ncontext_sparse = fromIntegral (length context_sparse_keys) :: Int64
    ncontext_dense = fromIntegral (length context_dense_keys) :: Int64
    nfeature_list_sparse = fromIntegral (length feature_list_sparse_keys) :: Int64
    nfeature_list_dense = fromIntegral (length feature_list_dense_keys) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "serialized" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg {
  name: "feature_list_dense_missing_assumed_empty" type: DT_STRING
input_arg {
  name: "context_sparse_keys"
  type: DT_STRING
  number_attr: "Ncontext_sparse"
input_arg {
  name: "context_dense_keys"
  type: DT_STRING
  number_attr: "Ncontext_dense"
input_arg {
  name: "feature_list_sparse_keys"
  type: DT_STRING
  number_attr: "Nfeature_list_sparse"
input_arg {
  name: "feature_list_dense_keys"
  type: DT_STRING
  number_attr: "Nfeature_list_dense"
input_arg {
  name: "context_dense_defaults" type_list_attr: "Tcontext_dense"
input_arg { name: "debug_name" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg {
  name: "context_sparse_indices"
  type: DT_INT64
  number_attr: "Ncontext_sparse"
output_arg {
  name: "context_sparse_values"
  type_list_attr: "context_sparse_types"
output_arg {
  name: "context_sparse_shapes"
  type: DT_INT64
  number_attr: "Ncontext_sparse"
output_arg {
  name: "context_dense_values" type_list_attr: "Tcontext_dense"
output_arg {
  name: "feature_list_sparse_indices"
  type: DT_INT64
  number_attr: "Nfeature_list_sparse"
output_arg {
  name: "feature_list_sparse_values"
  type_list_attr: "feature_list_sparse_types"
output_arg {
  name: "feature_list_sparse_shapes"
  type: DT_INT64
  number_attr: "Nfeature_list_sparse"
output_arg {
  name: "feature_list_dense_values"
  type_list_attr: "feature_list_dense_types"
attr {
  name: "Ncontext_sparse"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "Ncontext_dense"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "Nfeature_list_sparse"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "Nfeature_list_dense"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "context_sparse_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "Tcontext_dense"
  type: "list(type)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "feature_list_dense_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "context_dense_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "feature_list_sparse_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "feature_list_dense_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
-- | 
parseTensor :: forall v'1 out_type . (TensorType out_type) =>
               Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
               -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
parseTensor = parseTensor' id
parseTensor' :: forall v'1 out_type . (TensorType out_type) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
                -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
parseTensor' op'options serialized | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs serialized]
        return (opDef "ParseTensor"
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "serialized" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr { name: "out_type" type: "type" }
-- | 
placeholder :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
               Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
placeholder = placeholder' id
placeholder' :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
placeholder' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        return (opDef "Placeholder"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
placeholderV2 :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) => Shape -- ^ __shape__
                 -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
placeholderV2 = placeholderV2' id
placeholderV2' :: forall dtype . (TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                  Shape -- ^ __shape__
                  -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
placeholderV2' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        return (opDef "PlaceholderV2"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
-- | 
placeholderWithDefault :: forall v'1 dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
                          Shape -- ^ __shape__
                          -> Tensor v'1 dtype -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
placeholderWithDefault = placeholderWithDefault' id
placeholderWithDefault' :: forall v'1 dtype . (TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                           Shape -- ^ __shape__
                           -> Tensor v'1 dtype -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
placeholderWithDefault' op'options shape input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "PlaceholderWithDefault"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
-- | 
polygamma :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
polygamma = polygamma' id
polygamma' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __a__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
polygamma' op'options a x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Polygamma"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
populationCount :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                   -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __y__
populationCount = populationCount' id
populationCount' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __y__
populationCount' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "PopulationCount"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
pow :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                   Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
pow = pow' id
pow' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
pow' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Pow"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
prefetchDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                   -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                   -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
prefetchDataset = prefetchDataset' id
prefetchDataset' :: OpParams ->
                    [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                    -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                    -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
prefetchDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset
                 buffer_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs buffer_size]
        return (opDef "PrefetchDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "buffer_size" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
prependFromQueueAndPaddedBatchDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                                         toutput_types . (TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                                         Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                                         -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __padded_shapes__
                                         -> TensorList (v'4) toutput_types -- ^ __padding_values__
                                         -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
prependFromQueueAndPaddedBatchDataset = prependFromQueueAndPaddedBatchDataset' id
prependFromQueueAndPaddedBatchDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                                          toutput_types . (TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                                          OpParams ->
                                          Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
                                          -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __padded_shapes__
                                          -> TensorList (v'4) toutput_types -- ^ __padding_values__
                                          -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
prependFromQueueAndPaddedBatchDataset' op'options input_dataset batch_size
                                       padding_values | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("padded_shapes", length padded_shapes)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs batch_size,
                                                             buildInputs padded_shapes,
                                                             buildInputs padding_values]
        return (opDef "PrependFromQueueAndPaddedBatchDataset"
                & opAttr "Toutput_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy toutput_types)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length padded_shapes) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "batch_size" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "padded_shapes" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "N" }
input_arg {
  name: "padding_values" type_list_attr: "Toutput_types"
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "Toutput_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
preventGradient :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
preventGradient = preventGradient' id
preventGradient' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
preventGradient' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "PreventGradient"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "message" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
print :: forall v'1 v'2 t u m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t, TensorTypes u) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> TensorList (v'2) u -- ^ __data__
         -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
print = print' id
print' :: forall v'1 v'2 t u m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t,
                                   TensorTypes u) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> TensorList (v'2) u -- ^ __data__
          -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
print' op'options input data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs data']
        buildOp [] (opDef "Print"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "U" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy u)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "data" type_list_attr: "U" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "U" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "message" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "first_n" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "summarize" type: "int" default_value { i: 3 } }
-- | 
priorityQueue :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                 m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
priorityQueue = priorityQueue' id
priorityQueue' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                  m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
priorityQueue' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "PriorityQueue"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "shapes" type: "list(shape)" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
priorityQueueV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
priorityQueueV2 = priorityQueueV2' id
priorityQueueV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
priorityQueueV2' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "PriorityQueueV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "shapes" type: "list(shape)" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
prod :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
prod = prod' id
prod' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                          Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t,
                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64] tidx) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
prod' op'options input reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "Prod"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
qr :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double, Float] t) =>
      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
      -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t) -- ^ (__q__, __r__)
      -- * __q__
      -- * __r__
qr = qr' id
qr' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                               Float] t) => OpParams ->
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
       -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t) -- ^ (__q__, __r__)
       -- * __q__
       -- * __r__
qr' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Qr"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "q" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "r" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "full_matrices" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
quantizeAndDequantize :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                 Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
quantizeAndDequantize = quantizeAndDequantize' id
quantizeAndDequantize' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                  Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
quantizeAndDequantize' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "QuantizeAndDequantize"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "signed_input" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "range_given" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "input_min" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "input_max" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
quantizeAndDequantizeV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                           Double, Float] t) =>
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_min__
                           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_max__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
quantizeAndDequantizeV2 = quantizeAndDequantizeV2' id
quantizeAndDequantizeV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_min__
                            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_max__
                            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
quantizeAndDequantizeV2' op'options input input_min
                         input_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_min,
                                                             buildInputs input_max]
        return (opDef "QuantizeAndDequantizeV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_min" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_max" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "signed_input" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "num_bits" type: "int" default_value { i: 8 } }
attr {
  name: "range_given" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
quantizeAndDequantizeV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                               Float] t) =>
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_min__
                           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_max__
                           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_bits__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
quantizeAndDequantizeV3 = quantizeAndDequantizeV3' id
quantizeAndDequantizeV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                            t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_min__
                            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __input_max__
                            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_bits__
                            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
quantizeAndDequantizeV3' op'options input input_min input_max
                         num_bits | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_min,
                                                             buildInputs input_max,
                                                             buildInputs num_bits]
        return (opDef "QuantizeAndDequantizeV3"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_min" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_max" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "num_bits" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "signed_input" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "range_given" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
quantizeDownAndShrinkRange :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput
                              out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                  Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                  Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                              Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __input_min__
                              -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_max__
                              -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                                  Tensor Build Float)
                              -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
                              -- * __output__
                              -- * __output_min__
                              -- * __output_max__
quantizeDownAndShrinkRange = quantizeDownAndShrinkRange' id
quantizeDownAndShrinkRange' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput
                               out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                   Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                   Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
                               -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __input_min__
                               -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_max__
                               -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                                   Tensor Build Float)
                               -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
                               -- * __output__
                               -- * __output_min__
                               -- * __output_max__
quantizeDownAndShrinkRange' op'options input input_min
                            input_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_min,
                                                             buildInputs input_max]
        return (opDef "QuantizeDownAndShrinkRange"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "input_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "input_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "output_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizeV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_range__
              -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_range__
              -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
              -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
              -- * __output__
              -- * __output_min__
              -- * __output_max__
quantizeV2 = quantizeV2' id
quantizeV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_range__
               -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_range__
               -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
               -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
               -- * __output__
               -- * __output_min__
               -- * __output_max__
quantizeV2' op'options input min_range max_range | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs min_range,
                                                             buildInputs max_range]
        return (opDef "QuantizeV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_range" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_range" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "MIN_COMBINED" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "MIN_COMBINED" s: "MIN_FIRST" s: "SCALED" }
attr {
  name: "round_mode"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "HALF_AWAY_FROM_ZERO" }
  allowed_values {
    list { s: "HALF_AWAY_FROM_ZERO" s: "HALF_TO_EVEN" }
-- | 
quantizedAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                toutput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word8] toutput) =>
                Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __x__
                -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_x__
                -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_x__
                -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_y__
                -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_y__
                -> (Tensor Build toutput, Tensor Build Float,
                    Tensor Build Float) -- ^ (__z__, __min_z__, __max_z__)
                -- * __z__
                -- * __min_z__
                -- * __max_z__
quantizedAdd = quantizedAdd' id
quantizedAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                 toutput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Word.Word8] toutput) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __x__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __y__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_x__
                 -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_x__
                 -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_y__
                 -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_y__
                 -> (Tensor Build toutput, Tensor Build Float,
                     Tensor Build Float) -- ^ (__z__, __min_z__, __max_z__)
                 -- * __z__
                 -- * __min_z__
                 -- * __max_z__
quantizedAdd' op'options x y min_x max_x min_y max_y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs min_x,
                                                             buildInputs max_x,
                                                             buildInputs min_y,
                                                             buildInputs max_y]
        return (opDef "QuantizedAdd"
                & opAttr "T1" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t1)
                & opAttr "T2" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t2)
                & opAttr "Toutput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: toutput)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T1" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T2" }
input_arg { name: "min_x" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_x" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_y" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_y" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "Toutput" }
output_arg { name: "min_z" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_z" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T1"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "T2"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "Toutput"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QINT32 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizedAvgPool :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                    Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                    -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__output__, __min_output__, __max_output__)
                    -- * __output__
                    -- * __min_output__
                    -- * __max_output__
quantizedAvgPool = quantizedAvgPool' id
quantizedAvgPool' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                     Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                     -- ^ (__output__, __min_output__, __max_output__)
                     -- * __output__
                     -- * __min_output__
                     -- * __max_output__
quantizedAvgPool' op'options input min_input max_input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs min_input,
                                                             buildInputs max_input]
        return (opDef "QuantizedAvgPool"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "min_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "min_output" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr { name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" }
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
quantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7
                                             v'8 v'9 v'10 v'11 v'12 v'13 v'14
                                             v'15 tinput
                                             out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                 Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                 Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                                             Bool -- ^ __scale_after_normalization__
                                             -> Float -- ^ __variance_epsilon__
                                             -> Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __t__
                                             -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __t_min__
                                             -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __t_max__
                                             -> Tensor v'4 tinput -- ^ __m__
                                             -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __m_min__
                                             -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __m_max__
                                             -> Tensor v'7 tinput -- ^ __v__
                                             -> Tensor v'8 Float -- ^ __v_min__
                                             -> Tensor v'9 Float -- ^ __v_max__
                                             -> Tensor v'10 tinput -- ^ __beta__
                                             -> Tensor v'11 Float -- ^ __beta_min__
                                             -> Tensor v'12 Float -- ^ __beta_max__
                                             -> Tensor v'13 tinput -- ^ __gamma__
                                             -> Tensor v'14 Float -- ^ __gamma_min__
                                             -> Tensor v'15 Float -- ^ __gamma_max__
                                             -> (Tensor Build out_type,
                                                 Tensor Build Float,
                                                 Tensor Build Float)
                                             -- ^ (__result__, __result_min__, __result_max__)
                                             -- * __result__
                                             -- * __result_min__
                                             -- * __result_max__
quantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization = quantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization' id
quantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7
                                              v'8 v'9 v'10 v'11 v'12 v'13 v'14
                                              v'15 tinput
                                              out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                  Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                  Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                                              OpParams ->
                                              Bool -- ^ __scale_after_normalization__
                                              -> Float -- ^ __variance_epsilon__
                                              -> Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __t__
                                              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __t_min__
                                              -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __t_max__
                                              -> Tensor v'4 tinput -- ^ __m__
                                              -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __m_min__
                                              -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __m_max__
                                              -> Tensor v'7 tinput -- ^ __v__
                                              -> Tensor v'8 Float -- ^ __v_min__
                                              -> Tensor v'9 Float -- ^ __v_max__
                                              -> Tensor v'10 tinput -- ^ __beta__
                                              -> Tensor v'11 Float -- ^ __beta_min__
                                              -> Tensor v'12 Float -- ^ __beta_max__
                                              -> Tensor v'13 tinput -- ^ __gamma__
                                              -> Tensor v'14 Float -- ^ __gamma_min__
                                              -> Tensor v'15 Float -- ^ __gamma_max__
                                              -> (Tensor Build out_type,
                                                  Tensor Build Float,
                                                  Tensor Build Float)
                                              -- ^ (__result__, __result_min__, __result_max__)
                                              -- * __result__
                                              -- * __result_min__
                                              -- * __result_max__
quantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization' op'options scale_after_normalization
                                           variance_epsilon t t_min t_max m
                                           m_min m_max v v_min v_max beta
                                           beta_min beta_max gamma gamma_min
                                           gamma_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs t,
                                                             buildInputs t_min,
                                                             buildInputs t_max,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs m_min,
                                                             buildInputs m_max,
                                                             buildInputs v,
                                                             buildInputs v_min,
                                                             buildInputs v_max,
                                                             buildInputs beta,
                                                             buildInputs beta_min,
                                                             buildInputs beta_max,
                                                             buildInputs gamma,
                                                             buildInputs gamma_min,
                                                             buildInputs gamma_max]
        return (opDef "QuantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & opAttr "scale_after_normalization" .~ scale_after_normalization
                & opAttr "variance_epsilon" .~ variance_epsilon
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "t" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "t_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "t_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "m" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "m_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "m_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "v_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "v_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "beta" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "beta_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "beta_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "gamma" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "gamma_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "gamma_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "result" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "result_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "result_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr { name: "variance_epsilon" type: "float" }
attr { name: "scale_after_normalization" type: "bool" }
-- | 
quantizedBiasAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                    out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __bias__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                    -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_bias__
                    -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_bias__
                    -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                        Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__output__, __min_out__, __max_out__)
                    -- * __output__
                    -- * __min_out__
                    -- * __max_out__
quantizedBiasAdd = quantizedBiasAdd' id
quantizedBiasAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                     out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __bias__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                     -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                     -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_bias__
                     -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_bias__
                     -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                         Tensor Build Float)
                     -- ^ (__output__, __min_out__, __max_out__)
                     -- * __output__
                     -- * __min_out__
                     -- * __max_out__
quantizedBiasAdd' op'options input bias min_input max_input min_bias
                  max_bias | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs bias,
                                                             buildInputs min_input,
                                                             buildInputs max_input,
                                                             buildInputs min_bias,
                                                             buildInputs max_bias]
        return (opDef "QuantizedBiasAdd"
                & opAttr "T1" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t1)
                & opAttr "T2" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t2)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T1" }
input_arg { name: "bias" type_attr: "T2" }
input_arg { name: "min_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_bias" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_bias" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "min_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T1"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "T2"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizedConcat :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __concat_dim__
                   -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __values__
                   -> [Tensor v'3 Float] -- ^ __input_mins__
                   -> [Tensor v'4 Float] -- ^ __input_maxes__
                   -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                   -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
                   -- * __output__
                   -- * __output_min__
                   -- * __output_max__
quantizedConcat = quantizedConcat' id
quantizedConcat' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __concat_dim__
                    -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __values__
                    -> [Tensor v'3 Float] -- ^ __input_mins__
                    -> [Tensor v'4 Float] -- ^ __input_maxes__
                    -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
                    -- * __output__
                    -- * __output_min__
                    -- * __output_max__
quantizedConcat' op'options concat_dim values input_mins
                 input_maxes | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("values", length values),
                                                     ("input_mins", length input_mins),
                                                     ("input_maxes", length input_maxes)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs concat_dim,
                                                             buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs input_mins,
                                                             buildInputs input_maxes]
        return (opDef "QuantizedConcat"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length values) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "concat_dim" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "input_mins" type: DT_FLOAT number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "input_maxes" type: DT_FLOAT number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
quantizedConv2D :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 tinput tfilter
                   out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word8] tfilter,
                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                   Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tfilter -- ^ __filter__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                   -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                   -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_filter__
                   -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_filter__
                   -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                       Tensor Build Float)
                   -- ^ (__output__, __min_output__, __max_output__)
                   -- * __output__
                   -- * __min_output__
                   -- * __max_output__
quantizedConv2D = quantizedConv2D' id
quantizedConv2D' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 tinput tfilter
                    out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Word.Word8] tfilter,
                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tfilter -- ^ __filter__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                    -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_filter__
                    -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_filter__
                    -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                        Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__output__, __min_output__, __max_output__)
                    -- * __output__
                    -- * __min_output__
                    -- * __max_output__
quantizedConv2D' op'options input filter min_input max_input min_filter
                 max_filter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs filter,
                                                             buildInputs min_input,
                                                             buildInputs max_input,
                                                             buildInputs min_filter,
                                                             buildInputs max_filter]
        return (opDef "QuantizedConv2D"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & opAttr "Tfilter" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tfilter)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "filter" type_attr: "Tfilter" }
input_arg { name: "min_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_filter" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_filter" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "min_output" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "Tfilter"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QINT32 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
attr {
  name: "dilations"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
-- | 
quantizedInstanceNorm :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                         Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __x_min__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __x_max__
                         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float,
                             Tensor Build Float)
                         -- ^ (__y__, __y_min__, __y_max__)
                         -- * __y__
                         -- * __y_min__
                         -- * __y_max__
quantizedInstanceNorm = quantizedInstanceNorm' id
quantizedInstanceNorm' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __x_min__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __x_max__
                          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float,
                              Tensor Build Float)
                          -- ^ (__y__, __y_min__, __y_max__)
                          -- * __y__
                          -- * __y_min__
                          -- * __y_max__
quantizedInstanceNorm' op'options x x_min x_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs x_min,
                                                             buildInputs x_max]
        return (opDef "QuantizedInstanceNorm"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "x_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "x_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "y_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "output_range_given" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr { name: "given_y_min" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr { name: "given_y_max" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.0 } }
attr {
  name: "variance_epsilon" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-5 }
attr {
  name: "min_separation" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-3 }
-- | 
quantizedMatMul :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                   toutput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Word.Word8] toutput) =>
                   Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __a__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __b__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_a__
                   -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_a__
                   -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_b__
                   -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_b__
                   -> (Tensor Build toutput, Tensor Build Float,
                       Tensor Build Float)
                   -- ^ (__out__, __min_out__, __max_out__)
                   -- * __out__
                   -- * __min_out__
                   -- * __max_out__
quantizedMatMul = quantizedMatMul' id
quantizedMatMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                    toutput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word8] toutput) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __a__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __b__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_a__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_a__
                    -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_b__
                    -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_b__
                    -> (Tensor Build toutput, Tensor Build Float,
                        Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__out__, __min_out__, __max_out__)
                    -- * __out__
                    -- * __min_out__
                    -- * __max_out__
quantizedMatMul' op'options a b min_a max_a min_b max_b | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs b,
                                                             buildInputs min_a,
                                                             buildInputs max_a,
                                                             buildInputs min_b,
                                                             buildInputs max_b]
        return (opDef "QuantizedMatMul"
                & opAttr "T1" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t1)
                & opAttr "T2" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t2)
                & opAttr "Toutput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: toutput)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "T1" }
input_arg { name: "b" type_attr: "T2" }
input_arg { name: "min_a" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_a" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_b" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_b" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "Toutput" }
output_arg { name: "min_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T1"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "T2"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "Toutput"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QINT32 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "transpose_a" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "transpose_b" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "Tactivation"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QUINT8 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizedMaxPool :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                    Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                    -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__output__, __min_output__, __max_output__)
                    -- * __output__
                    -- * __min_output__
                    -- * __max_output__
quantizedMaxPool = quantizedMaxPool' id
quantizedMaxPool' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                     Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_input__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_input__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                     -- ^ (__output__, __min_output__, __max_output__)
                     -- * __output__
                     -- * __min_output__
                     -- * __max_output__
quantizedMaxPool' op'options input min_input max_input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs min_input,
                                                             buildInputs max_input]
        return (opDef "QuantizedMaxPool"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "min_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_input" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "min_output" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr { name: "ksize" type: "list(int)" }
attr { name: "strides" type: "list(int)" }
attr {
  name: "padding"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values { list { s: "SAME" s: "VALID" } }
-- | 
quantizedMul :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                toutput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word8] toutput) =>
                Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __x__
                -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_x__
                -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_x__
                -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_y__
                -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_y__
                -> (Tensor Build toutput, Tensor Build Float,
                    Tensor Build Float) -- ^ (__z__, __min_z__, __max_z__)
                -- * __z__
                -- * __min_z__
                -- * __max_z__
quantizedMul = quantizedMul' id
quantizedMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t1 t2
                 toutput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t1,
                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] t2,
                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Word.Word8] toutput) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t1 -- ^ __x__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t2 -- ^ __y__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_x__
                 -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_x__
                 -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __min_y__
                 -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __max_y__
                 -> (Tensor Build toutput, Tensor Build Float,
                     Tensor Build Float) -- ^ (__z__, __min_z__, __max_z__)
                 -- * __z__
                 -- * __min_z__
                 -- * __max_z__
quantizedMul' op'options x y min_x max_x min_y max_y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs min_x,
                                                             buildInputs max_x,
                                                             buildInputs min_y,
                                                             buildInputs max_y]
        return (opDef "QuantizedMul"
                & opAttr "T1" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t1)
                & opAttr "T2" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t2)
                & opAttr "Toutput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: toutput)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T1" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T2" }
input_arg { name: "min_x" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_x" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_y" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_y" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "Toutput" }
output_arg { name: "min_z" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_z" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T1"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "T2"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "Toutput"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QINT32 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizedRelu :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                               Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                               Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                 Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __features__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_features__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_features__
                 -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                     Tensor Build Float)
                 -- ^ (__activations__, __min_activations__, __max_activations__)
                 -- * __activations__
                 -- * __min_activations__
                 -- * __max_activations__
quantizedRelu = quantizedRelu' id
quantizedRelu' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __features__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_features__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_features__
                  -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                      Tensor Build Float)
                  -- ^ (__activations__, __min_activations__, __max_activations__)
                  -- * __activations__
                  -- * __min_activations__
                  -- * __max_activations__
quantizedRelu' op'options features min_features
               max_features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features,
                                                             buildInputs min_features,
                                                             buildInputs max_features]
        return (opDef "QuantizedRelu"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "min_features" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_features" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "min_activations" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_activations" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QUINT8 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizedRelu6 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                  Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __features__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_features__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_features__
                  -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                      Tensor Build Float)
                  -- ^ (__activations__, __min_activations__, __max_activations__)
                  -- * __activations__
                  -- * __min_activations__
                  -- * __max_activations__
quantizedRelu6 = quantizedRelu6' id
quantizedRelu6' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                 Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                 Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __features__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __min_features__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __max_features__
                   -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                       Tensor Build Float)
                   -- ^ (__activations__, __min_activations__, __max_activations__)
                   -- * __activations__
                   -- * __min_activations__
                   -- * __max_activations__
quantizedRelu6' op'options features min_features
                max_features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features,
                                                             buildInputs min_features,
                                                             buildInputs max_features]
        return (opDef "QuantizedRelu6"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "min_features" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_features" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "min_activations" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_activations" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QUINT8 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizedReluX :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 tinput
                  out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
                  Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __features__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __max_value__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_features__
                  -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_features__
                  -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                      Tensor Build Float)
                  -- ^ (__activations__, __min_activations__, __max_activations__)
                  -- * __activations__
                  -- * __min_activations__
                  -- * __max_activations__
quantizedReluX = quantizedReluX' id
quantizedReluX' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 tinput
                   out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Word.Word8] out_type) => OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __features__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __max_value__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_features__
                   -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max_features__
                   -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                       Tensor Build Float)
                   -- ^ (__activations__, __min_activations__, __max_activations__)
                   -- * __activations__
                   -- * __min_activations__
                   -- * __max_activations__
quantizedReluX' op'options features max_value min_features
                max_features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features,
                                                             buildInputs max_value,
                                                             buildInputs min_features,
                                                             buildInputs max_features]
        return (opDef "QuantizedReluX"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "max_value" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_features" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max_features" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "min_activations" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "max_activations" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_QUINT8 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
quantizedReshape :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tshape . (TensorType t,
                                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] tshape) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tshape -- ^ __shape__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_min__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __input_max__
                    -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                    -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
                    -- * __output__
                    -- * __output_min__
                    -- * __output_max__
quantizedReshape = quantizedReshape' id
quantizedReshape' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tshape . (TensorType t,
                                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Int.Int64] tshape) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tshape -- ^ __shape__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_min__
                     -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __input_max__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                     -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
                     -- * __output__
                     -- * __output_min__
                     -- * __output_max__
quantizedReshape' op'options tensor shape input_min
                  input_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs input_min,
                                                             buildInputs input_max]
        return (opDef "QuantizedReshape"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tshape" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tshape)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "Tshape" }
input_arg { name: "input_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "input_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tshape"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
quantizedResizeBilinear :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Float] t) =>
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min__
                           -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max__
                           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float,
                               Tensor Build Float)
                           -- ^ (__resized_images__, __out_min__, __out_max__)
                           -- * __resized_images__
                           -- * __out_min__
                           -- * __out_max__
quantizedResizeBilinear = quantizedResizeBilinear' id
quantizedResizeBilinear' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Float] t) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min__
                            -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __max__
                            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Float,
                                Tensor Build Float)
                            -- ^ (__resized_images__, __out_min__, __out_max__)
                            -- * __resized_images__
                            -- * __out_min__
                            -- * __out_max__
quantizedResizeBilinear' op'options images size min max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs size,
                                                             buildInputs min,
                                                             buildInputs max]
        return (opDef "QuantizedResizeBilinear"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "resized_images" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "out_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_QUINT8 type: DT_QINT32 type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
queueClose :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
              Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
              -> m' (ControlNode)
queueClose = queueClose' id
queueClose' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
               -> m' (ControlNode)
queueClose' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueClose"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "cancel_pending_enqueues"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
-- | 
queueCloseV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
queueCloseV2 = queueCloseV2' id
queueCloseV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
queueCloseV2' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueCloseV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "cancel_pending_enqueues"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
-- | 
queueDequeue :: forall component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             TensorTypes component_types) =>
                Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeue = queueDequeue' id
queueDequeue' :: forall component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              TensorTypes component_types) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                 -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeue' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueDequeue"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy component_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "component_types" }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueDequeueMany :: forall v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorTypes component_types) =>
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                    -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueMany = queueDequeueMany' id
queueDequeueMany' :: forall v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorTypes component_types) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                     -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueMany' op'options handle n | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs n]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueDequeueMany"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy component_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "n" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "component_types" }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueDequeueManyV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           TensorTypes component_types) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                      -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueManyV2 = queueDequeueManyV2' id
queueDequeueManyV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            TensorTypes component_types) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                       -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueManyV2' op'options handle n | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs n]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueDequeueManyV2"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy component_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "n" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "component_types" }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueDequeueUpTo :: forall v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorTypes component_types) =>
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                    -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueUpTo = queueDequeueUpTo' id
queueDequeueUpTo' :: forall v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorTypes component_types) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                     -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueUpTo' op'options handle n | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs n]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueDequeueUpTo"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy component_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "n" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "component_types" }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueDequeueUpToV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           TensorTypes component_types) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                      -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueUpToV2 = queueDequeueUpToV2' id
queueDequeueUpToV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            TensorTypes component_types) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __n__
                       -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueUpToV2' op'options handle n | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs n]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueDequeueUpToV2"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy component_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "n" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "component_types" }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueDequeueV2 :: forall v'1 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorTypes component_types) =>
                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                  -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueV2 = queueDequeueV2' id
queueDequeueV2' :: forall v'1 component_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorTypes component_types) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                   -> m' (TensorList (Value) component_types) -- ^ __components__
queueDequeueV2' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueDequeueV2"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy component_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "component_types" }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueEnqueue :: forall v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueue = queueEnqueue' id
queueEnqueue' :: forall v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                 -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueue' op'options handle components | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs components]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueEnqueue"
                    & opAttr "Tcomponents" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tcomponents)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "Tcomponents" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomponents" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueEnqueueMany :: forall v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueueMany = queueEnqueueMany' id
queueEnqueueMany' :: forall v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueueMany' op'options handle components | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs components]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueEnqueueMany"
                    & opAttr "Tcomponents" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tcomponents)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "Tcomponents" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomponents" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueEnqueueManyV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueueManyV2 = queueEnqueueManyV2' id
queueEnqueueManyV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueueManyV2' op'options handle components | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs components]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueEnqueueManyV2"
                    & opAttr "Tcomponents" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tcomponents)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "Tcomponents" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomponents" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueEnqueueV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                  -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                  -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueueV2 = queueEnqueueV2' id
queueEnqueueV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 tcomponents m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorTypes tcomponents) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                   -> TensorList (v'2) tcomponents -- ^ __components__
                   -> m' (ControlNode)
queueEnqueueV2' op'options handle components | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs components]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueEnqueueV2"
                    & opAttr "Tcomponents" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tcomponents)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "Tcomponents" }
attr {
  name: "Tcomponents" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "timeout_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
queueIsClosed :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                 Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_closed__
queueIsClosed = queueIsClosed' id
queueIsClosed' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                  Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_closed__
queueIsClosed' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueIsClosed"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "is_closed" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
queueIsClosedV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_closed__
queueIsClosedV2 = queueIsClosedV2' id
queueIsClosedV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_closed__
queueIsClosedV2' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueIsClosedV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "is_closed" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
queueSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
             Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
             -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
queueSize = queueSize' id
queueSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
              -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
queueSize' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueSize"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
queueSizeV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
               -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
queueSizeV2 = queueSizeV2' id
queueSizeV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
queueSizeV2' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "QueueSizeV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
rFFT :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
        -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
rFFT = rFFT' id
rFFT' :: OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
         -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
rFFT' op'options input fft_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs fft_length]
        return (opDef "RFFT"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "fft_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
rFFT2D :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
          -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
rFFT2D = rFFT2D' id
rFFT2D' :: OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
           -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
rFFT2D' op'options input fft_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs fft_length]
        return (opDef "RFFT2D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "fft_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
rFFT3D :: Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
          -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
rFFT3D = rFFT3D' id
rFFT3D' :: OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __fft_length__
           -> Tensor Build (Data.Complex.Complex Float) -- ^ __output__
rFFT3D' op'options input fft_length | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs fft_length]
        return (opDef "RFFT3D"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "fft_length" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
-- | 
rGBToHSV :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
rGBToHSV' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
rGBToHSV' op'options images | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images]
        return (opDef "RGBToHSV"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
randomCrop :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                            Double, Float] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __size__
              -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
randomCrop = randomCrop' id
randomCrop' :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                             Float] t) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __size__
               -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
randomCrop' op'options image size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs image,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomCrop"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "image" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
randomDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                 [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed2__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
randomDataset = randomDataset' id
randomDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                  [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                  -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed2__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
randomDataset' op'options output_types seed seed2 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs seed,
                                                             buildInputs seed2]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomDataset"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "seed" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "seed2" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
randomGamma :: forall v'1 v'2 s t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] s,
                                        OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 s -- ^ __shape__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
               -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
randomGamma = randomGamma' id
randomGamma' :: forall v'1 v'2 s t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Int.Int64] s,
                                         OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 s -- ^ __shape__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
randomGamma' op'options shape alpha | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs alpha]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomGamma"
                    & opAttr "S" .~ tensorType (undefined :: s)
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "S" }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "S"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
-- | 
randomPoisson :: forall v'1 v'2 s dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] s,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                      Float] dtype) =>
                 Tensor v'1 s -- ^ __shape__
                 -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __rate__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomPoisson = randomPoisson' id
randomPoisson' :: forall v'1 v'2 s dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] s,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                       Float] dtype) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 s -- ^ __shape__
                  -> Tensor v'2 dtype -- ^ __rate__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomPoisson' op'options shape rate | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs rate]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomPoisson"
                    & opAttr "S" .~ tensorType (undefined :: s)
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "S" }
input_arg { name: "rate" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "S"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
-- | 
randomPoissonV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 s r dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] s,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Double, Float] r,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Float] dtype) =>
                   Tensor v'1 s -- ^ __shape__
                   -> Tensor v'2 r -- ^ __rate__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomPoissonV2 = randomPoissonV2' id
randomPoissonV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 s r dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] s,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Double, Float] r,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Float] dtype) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 s -- ^ __shape__
                    -> Tensor v'2 r -- ^ __rate__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomPoissonV2' op'options shape rate | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs rate]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomPoissonV2"
                    & opAttr "S" .~ tensorType (undefined :: s)
                    & opAttr "R" .~ tensorType (undefined :: r)
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "S" }
input_arg { name: "rate" type_attr: "R" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "S"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "R"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_DOUBLE }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
-- | 
randomShuffle :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
randomShuffle = randomShuffle' id
randomShuffle' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
randomShuffle' op'options value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomShuffle"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
randomShuffleQueue :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                      -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
randomShuffleQueue = randomShuffleQueue' id
randomShuffleQueue' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                       -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
randomShuffleQueue' op'options component_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomShuffleQueue"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ component_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr {
  name: "min_after_dequeue" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
randomShuffleQueueV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                        [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
randomShuffleQueueV2 = randomShuffleQueueV2' id
randomShuffleQueueV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                         [DataType] -- ^ __component_types__
                         -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
randomShuffleQueueV2' op'options component_types | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomShuffleQueueV2"
                    & opAttr "component_types" .~ component_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "component_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "capacity" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
attr {
  name: "min_after_dequeue" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
randomStandardNormal :: forall v'1 dtype t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                         Double, Float] dtype,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomStandardNormal = randomStandardNormal' id
randomStandardNormal' :: forall v'1 dtype t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                          Double, Float] dtype,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                         -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomStandardNormal' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomStandardNormal"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
randomUniform :: forall v'1 dtype t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                          OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                  Float] dtype,
                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                  Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomUniform = randomUniform' id
randomUniform' :: forall v'1 dtype t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                           OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                   Float] dtype,
                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
randomUniform' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomUniform"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
randomUniformInt :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tout t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tout,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tout -- ^ __minval__
                    -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __maxval__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value tout) -- ^ __output__
randomUniformInt = randomUniformInt' id
randomUniformInt' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tout t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tout,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tout -- ^ __minval__
                     -> Tensor v'3 tout -- ^ __maxval__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value tout) -- ^ __output__
randomUniformInt' op'options shape minval maxval | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs minval,
                                                             buildInputs maxval]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RandomUniformInt"
                    & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "minval" type_attr: "Tout" }
input_arg { name: "maxval" type_attr: "Tout" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "Tout"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
range :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                            Float] tidx) =>
         Tensor v'1 tidx -- ^ __start__
         -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __limit__
         -> Tensor v'3 tidx -- ^ __delta__
         -> Tensor Build tidx -- ^ __output__
range = range' id
range' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                             Float] tidx) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 tidx -- ^ __start__
          -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __limit__
          -> Tensor v'3 tidx -- ^ __delta__
          -> Tensor Build tidx -- ^ __output__
range' op'options start limit delta | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs start,
                                                             buildInputs limit,
                                                             buildInputs delta]
        return (opDef "Range"
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "start" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "limit" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "delta" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tidx" }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
-- | 
rangeDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __start__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stop__
                -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
rangeDataset = rangeDataset' id
rangeDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                 [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __start__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stop__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
rangeDataset' op'options output_types start stop step | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs start,
                                                             buildInputs stop,
                                                             buildInputs step]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RangeDataset"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "start" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "stop" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "step" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
rank :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output__
rank = rank' id
rank' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output__
rank' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Rank"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_INT32 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
readFile :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
            -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
readFile = readFile' id
readFile' :: OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
             -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
readFile' op'options filename | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs filename]
        return (opDef "ReadFile"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readVariableOp :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
readVariableOp = readVariableOp' id
readVariableOp' :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
readVariableOp' op'options resource | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReadVariableOp"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
readerNumRecordsProduced :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                            Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __records_produced__
readerNumRecordsProduced = readerNumRecordsProduced' id
readerNumRecordsProduced' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                             Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __records_produced__
readerNumRecordsProduced' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderNumRecordsProduced"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "records_produced" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
readerNumRecordsProducedV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                              -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __records_produced__
readerNumRecordsProducedV2 = readerNumRecordsProducedV2' id
readerNumRecordsProducedV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                               -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __records_produced__
readerNumRecordsProducedV2' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderNumRecordsProducedV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "records_produced" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
readerNumWorkUnitsCompleted :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                               Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                               -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __units_completed__
readerNumWorkUnitsCompleted = readerNumWorkUnitsCompleted' id
readerNumWorkUnitsCompleted' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                                -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __units_completed__
readerNumWorkUnitsCompleted' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "units_completed" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
readerNumWorkUnitsCompletedV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                                 -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __units_completed__
readerNumWorkUnitsCompletedV2 = readerNumWorkUnitsCompletedV2' id
readerNumWorkUnitsCompletedV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                                  -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64) -- ^ __units_completed__
readerNumWorkUnitsCompletedV2' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompletedV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "units_completed" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
readerRead :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
              Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
              -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __queue_handle__
              -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                      Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
              -- ^ (__key__, __value__)
              -- * __key__
              -- * __value__
readerRead = readerRead' id
readerRead' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
               -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __queue_handle__
               -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                       Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
               -- ^ (__key__, __value__)
               -- * __key__
               -- * __value__
readerRead' op'options reader_handle queue_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle,
                                                             buildInputs queue_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderRead"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "queue_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "key" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "value" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readerReadUpTo :: forall v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                  Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                  -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __queue_handle__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_records__
                  -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                          Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                  -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                  -- * __keys__
                  -- * __values__
readerReadUpTo = readerReadUpTo' id
readerReadUpTo' :: forall v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                   -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __queue_handle__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_records__
                   -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                           Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                   -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                   -- * __keys__
                   -- * __values__
readerReadUpTo' op'options reader_handle queue_handle
                num_records | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle,
                                                             buildInputs queue_handle,
                                                             buildInputs num_records]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderReadUpTo"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "queue_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "num_records" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "keys" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "values" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readerReadUpToV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __queue_handle__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_records__
                    -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                            Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                    -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                    -- * __keys__
                    -- * __values__
readerReadUpToV2 = readerReadUpToV2' id
readerReadUpToV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __queue_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_records__
                     -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                             Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                     -- ^ (__keys__, __values__)
                     -- * __keys__
                     -- * __values__
readerReadUpToV2' op'options reader_handle queue_handle
                  num_records | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle,
                                                             buildInputs queue_handle,
                                                             buildInputs num_records]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderReadUpToV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "queue_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "num_records" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "keys" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "values" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readerReadV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __queue_handle__
                -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                        Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                -- ^ (__key__, __value__)
                -- * __key__
                -- * __value__
readerReadV2 = readerReadV2' id
readerReadV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                 -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __queue_handle__
                 -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                         Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
                 -- ^ (__key__, __value__)
                 -- * __key__
                 -- * __value__
readerReadV2' op'options reader_handle queue_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle,
                                                             buildInputs queue_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderReadV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "queue_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "key" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "value" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readerReset :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
               Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
               -> m' (ControlNode)
readerReset = readerReset' id
readerReset' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
readerReset' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderReset"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
-- | 
readerResetV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
readerResetV2 = readerResetV2' id
readerResetV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                  -> m' (ControlNode)
readerResetV2' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderResetV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
-- | 
readerRestoreState :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __state__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
readerRestoreState = readerRestoreState' id
readerRestoreState' :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __state__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
readerRestoreState' op'options reader_handle state | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle,
                                                             buildInputs state]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderRestoreState"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "state" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readerRestoreStateV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __state__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
readerRestoreStateV2 = readerRestoreStateV2' id
readerRestoreStateV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __state__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
readerRestoreStateV2' op'options reader_handle state | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle,
                                                             buildInputs state]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderRestoreStateV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "state" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readerSerializeState :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                        Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __state__
readerSerializeState = readerSerializeState' id
readerSerializeState' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                         Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __reader_handle__
                         -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __state__
readerSerializeState' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderSerializeState"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "state" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
readerSerializeStateV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                          -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __state__
readerSerializeStateV2 = readerSerializeStateV2' id
readerSerializeStateV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __reader_handle__
                           -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __state__
readerSerializeStateV2' op'options reader_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reader_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ReaderSerializeStateV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "state" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
real :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                             OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __output__
real = real' id
real' :: forall v'1 t tout . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float)] t,
                              OneOf '[Double, Float] tout) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build tout -- ^ __output__
real' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Real"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tout" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tout)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tout" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_COMPLEX64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_COMPLEX64 type: DT_COMPLEX128 } }
attr {
  name: "Tout"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
realDiv :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
realDiv = realDiv' id
realDiv' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
realDiv' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "RealDiv"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
reciprocal :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
reciprocal = reciprocal' id
reciprocal' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
reciprocal' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Reciprocal"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
reciprocalGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                              Float] t) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
reciprocalGrad = reciprocalGrad' id
reciprocalGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                               Float] t) => OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
reciprocalGrad' op'options y dy | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs dy]
        return (opDef "ReciprocalGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dy" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
recordInput :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
               m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __records__
recordInput = recordInput' id
recordInput' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __records__
recordInput' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "RecordInput"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "records" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "file_pattern" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "file_random_seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 301 }
attr {
  name: "file_shuffle_shift_ratio"
  type: "float"
  default_value { f: 0.0 }
attr {
  name: "file_buffer_size" type: "int" default_value { i: 10000 }
attr {
  name: "file_parallelism" type: "int" default_value { i: 16 }
attr { name: "batch_size" type: "int" default_value { i: 32 } }
attr {
  name: "compression_type" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
reduceJoin :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __inputs__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_indices__
              -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
reduceJoin = reduceJoin' id
reduceJoin' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __inputs__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_indices__
               -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
reduceJoin' op'options inputs reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "ReduceJoin"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "separator" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
refEnter :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
            Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
            -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refEnter = refEnter' id
refEnter' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refEnter' op'options data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data']
        buildOp [] (opDef "RefEnter"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "frame_name" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "is_constant" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "parallel_iterations" type: "int" default_value { i: 10 }
-- | 
refExit :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
           Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
           -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refExit = refExit' id
refExit' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
            -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refExit' op'options data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data']
        buildOp [] (opDef "RefExit"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
refIdentity :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __input__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refIdentity = refIdentity' id
refIdentity' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __input__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refIdentity' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RefIdentity"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
refMerge :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
            [Tensor Ref t] -- ^ __inputs__
            -> m' ((Tensor Ref t, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
            -- ^ (__output__, __value_index__)
            -- * __output__
            -- * __value_index__
refMerge = refMerge' id
refMerge' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
             [Tensor Ref t] -- ^ __inputs__
             -> m' ((Tensor Ref t, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
             -- ^ (__output__, __value_index__)
             -- * __output__
             -- * __value_index__
refMerge' op'options
          inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RefMerge"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "N" .~ n
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "inputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" is_ref: true
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "value_index" type: DT_INT32 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
refNextIteration :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                    Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
                    -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refNextIteration = refNextIteration' id
refNextIteration' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
                     -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refNextIteration' op'options data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data']
        buildOp [] (opDef "RefNextIteration"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
refSelect :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
             -> [Tensor Ref t] -- ^ __inputs__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refSelect = refSelect' id
refSelect' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
              -> [Tensor Ref t] -- ^ __inputs__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output__
refSelect' op'options index
           inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs inputs]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RefSelect"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "N" .~ n
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg {
  name: "inputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" is_ref: true
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
refSwitch :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
             Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
             -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __pred__
             -> m' ((Tensor Ref t, Tensor Ref t))
             -- ^ (__output_false__, __output_true__)
             -- * __output_false__
             -- * __output_true__
refSwitch = refSwitch' id
refSwitch' :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __data__
              -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __pred__
              -> m' ((Tensor Ref t, Tensor Ref t))
              -- ^ (__output_false__, __output_true__)
              -- * __output_false__
              -- * __output_true__
refSwitch' op'options data' pred | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs pred]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RefSwitch"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "pred" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "output_false" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "output_true" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
regexFullMatch :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __pattern__
                  -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
regexFullMatch = regexFullMatch' id
regexFullMatch' :: OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __pattern__
                   -> Tensor Build Bool -- ^ __output__
regexFullMatch' op'options input pattern | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs pattern]
        return (opDef "RegexFullMatch"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "pattern" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
regexReplace :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __pattern__
                -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __rewrite__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
regexReplace = regexReplace' id
regexReplace' :: OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __pattern__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __rewrite__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
regexReplace' op'options input pattern rewrite | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs pattern,
                                                             buildInputs rewrite]
        return (opDef "RegexReplace"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "pattern" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "rewrite" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "replace_global" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
relu :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
relu = relu' id
relu' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                 Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
relu' op'options features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "Relu"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
relu6 :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                 Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
relu6 = relu6' id
relu6' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                  Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                  Float] t) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
relu6' op'options features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "Relu6"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
relu6Grad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
relu6Grad = relu6Grad' id
relu6Grad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
relu6Grad' op'options gradients features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "Relu6Grad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprops" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
reluGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
reluGrad = reluGrad' id
reluGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
reluGrad' op'options gradients features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "ReluGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprops" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
remoteFusedGraphExecute :: forall v'1 tinputs toutputs . (TensorTypes tinputs,
                                                          TensorTypes toutputs) =>
                           TensorList (v'1) tinputs -- ^ __inputs__
                           -> TensorList (Build) toutputs -- ^ __outputs__
remoteFusedGraphExecute = remoteFusedGraphExecute' id
remoteFusedGraphExecute' :: forall v'1 tinputs toutputs . (TensorTypes tinputs,
                                                           TensorTypes toutputs) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            TensorList (v'1) tinputs -- ^ __inputs__
                            -> TensorList (Build) toutputs -- ^ __outputs__
remoteFusedGraphExecute' op'options inputs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "RemoteFusedGraphExecute"
                & opAttr "Tinputs" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tinputs)
                & opAttr "Toutputs" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy toutputs)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "inputs" type_list_attr: "Tinputs" }
output_arg { name: "outputs" type_list_attr: "Toutputs" }
attr { name: "Tinputs" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "Toutputs" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true }
attr {
  name: "serialized_remote_fused_graph_execute_info" type: "string"
-- | 
repeatDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
                 -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
repeatDataset = repeatDataset' id
repeatDataset' :: OpParams ->
                  [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                  -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
                  -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
repeatDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset count | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs count]
        return (opDef "RepeatDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "count" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
requantizationRange :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                            Data.Word.Word8] tinput) =>
                       Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __input_min__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_max__
                       -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                       -- ^ (__output_min__, __output_max__)
                       -- * __output_min__
                       -- * __output_max__
requantizationRange = requantizationRange' id
requantizationRange' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tinput . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                             Data.Word.Word8] tinput) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __input_min__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_max__
                        -> (Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
                        -- ^ (__output_min__, __output_max__)
                        -- * __output_min__
                        -- * __output_max__
requantizationRange' op'options input input_min input_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_min,
                                                             buildInputs input_max]
        return (opDef "RequantizationRange"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "input_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "input_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
requantize :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 tinput
              out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Word.Word8] out_type) =>
              Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __input_min__
              -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_max__
              -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __requested_output_min__
              -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __requested_output_max__
              -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float, Tensor Build Float)
              -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
              -- * __output__
              -- * __output_min__
              -- * __output_max__
requantize = requantize' id
requantize' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 tinput
               out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8] tinput,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Word.Word8] out_type) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 tinput -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __input_min__
               -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __input_max__
               -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __requested_output_min__
               -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __requested_output_max__
               -> (Tensor Build out_type, Tensor Build Float,
                   Tensor Build Float)
               -- ^ (__output__, __output_min__, __output_max__)
               -- * __output__
               -- * __output_min__
               -- * __output_max__
requantize' op'options input input_min input_max requested_output_min
            requested_output_max | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs input_min,
                                                             buildInputs input_max,
                                                             buildInputs requested_output_min,
                                                             buildInputs requested_output_max]
        return (opDef "Requantize"
                & opAttr "Tinput" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tinput)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "Tinput" }
input_arg { name: "input_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "input_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "requested_output_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "requested_output_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "output_min" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "output_max" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "Tinput"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_QINT16
      type: DT_QUINT16
-- | 
reshape :: forall v'1 v'2 t tshape . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tshape) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
           -> Tensor v'2 tshape -- ^ __shape__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reshape = reshape' id
reshape' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tshape . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tshape) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
            -> Tensor v'2 tshape -- ^ __shape__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reshape' op'options tensor shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs shape]
        return (opDef "Reshape"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tshape" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tshape)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "Tshape" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tshape"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resizeArea :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                          Double, Float] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
              -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeArea = resizeArea' id
resizeArea' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                           Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
               -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeArea' op'options images size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        return (opDef "ResizeArea"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "resized_images" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resizeBicubic :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                 -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeBicubic = resizeBicubic' id
resizeBicubic' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                  -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeBicubic' op'options images size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        return (opDef "ResizeBicubic"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "resized_images" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resizeBicubicGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __original_image__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
resizeBicubicGrad = resizeBicubicGrad' id
resizeBicubicGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __original_image__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
resizeBicubicGrad' op'options grads original_image | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs grads,
                                                             buildInputs original_image]
        return (opDef "ResizeBicubicGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "grads" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "original_image" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resizeBilinear :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                  -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeBilinear = resizeBilinear' id
resizeBilinear' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) => OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                   -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeBilinear' op'options images size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        return (opDef "ResizeBilinear"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "resized_images" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resizeBilinearGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                  Float] t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __original_image__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
resizeBilinearGrad = resizeBilinearGrad' id
resizeBilinearGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                   Float] t) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __grads__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __original_image__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
resizeBilinearGrad' op'options grads original_image | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs grads,
                                                             buildInputs original_image]
        return (opDef "ResizeBilinearGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "grads" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "original_image" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resizeNearestNeighbor :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeNearestNeighbor = resizeNearestNeighbor' id
resizeNearestNeighbor' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __images__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __resized_images__
resizeNearestNeighbor' op'options images size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs images,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        return (opDef "ResizeNearestNeighbor"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "images" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "resized_images" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resizeNearestNeighborGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Double, Float] t) =>
                             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __grads__
                             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
resizeNearestNeighborGrad = resizeNearestNeighborGrad' id
resizeNearestNeighborGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Double, Float] t) =>
                              OpParams ->
                              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __grads__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
resizeNearestNeighborGrad' op'options grads size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs grads,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        return (opDef "ResizeNearestNeighborGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "grads" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "align_corners" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyAdaMax :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                       m' . (MonadBuild m',
                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                       -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                       -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __v__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta1__
                       -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta2__
                       -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                       -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdaMax = resourceApplyAdaMax' id
resourceApplyAdaMax' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                        m' . (MonadBuild m',
                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                        -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __v__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta1__
                        -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta2__
                        -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                        -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdaMax' op'options var m v beta1_power lr beta1 beta2 epsilon
                     grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs v,
                                                             buildInputs beta1_power,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs beta1,
                                                             buildInputs beta2,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyAdaMax"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "m" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "v" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "beta1_power" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyAdadelta :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                         m' . (MonadBuild m',
                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                         -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum_update__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                         -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                         -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdadelta = resourceApplyAdadelta' id
resourceApplyAdadelta' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                          m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                          -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                          -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum_update__
                          -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                          -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                          -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                          -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdadelta' op'options var accum accum_update lr rho epsilon
                       grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs accum_update,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyAdadelta"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum_update" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyAdagrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                               Float] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdagrad = resourceApplyAdagrad' id
resourceApplyAdagrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                Float] t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdagrad' op'options var accum lr grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "update_slots" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
resourceApplyAdagradDA :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t
                          m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) =>
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                          -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                          -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                          -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                          -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                          -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                          -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                          -> Tensor v'8 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdagradDA = resourceApplyAdagradDA' id
resourceApplyAdagradDA' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t
                           m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                           -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                           -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                           -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                           -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                           -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                           -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                           -> Tensor v'8 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                           -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdagradDA' op'options var gradient_accumulator
                        gradient_squared_accumulator grad lr l1 l2
                        global_step | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_squared_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs global_step]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyAdagradDA"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "gradient_accumulator" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg {
  name: "gradient_squared_accumulator" type: DT_RESOURCE
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "global_step" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyAdam :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t
                     m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                  Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                  Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                     -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                     -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __v__
                     -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
                     -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __beta2_power__
                     -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                     -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta1__
                     -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __beta2__
                     -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                     -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __grad__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdam = resourceApplyAdam' id
resourceApplyAdam' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t
                      m' . (MonadBuild m',
                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                      -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                      -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __v__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __beta1_power__
                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __beta2_power__
                      -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                      -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __beta1__
                      -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __beta2__
                      -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                      -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAdam' op'options var m v beta1_power beta2_power lr beta1 beta2
                   epsilon grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs v,
                                                             buildInputs beta1_power,
                                                             buildInputs beta2_power,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs beta1,
                                                             buildInputs beta2,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyAdam"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "m" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "v" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "beta1_power" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta2_power" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "use_nesterov" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyAddSign :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                        m' . (MonadBuild m',
                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __alpha__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                        -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAddSign = resourceApplyAddSign' id
resourceApplyAddSign' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                         m' . (MonadBuild m',
                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __alpha__
                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                         -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                         -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyAddSign' op'options var m lr alpha sign_decay beta
                      grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs sign_decay,
                                                             buildInputs beta,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyAddSign"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "m" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sign_decay" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyCenteredRMSProp :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                                m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t) =>
                                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mg__
                                -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                                -> Tensor v'4 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                                -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                                -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                                -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                                -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyCenteredRMSProp = resourceApplyCenteredRMSProp' id
resourceApplyCenteredRMSProp' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                                 m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) => OpParams ->
                                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mg__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                                 -> Tensor v'4 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                                 -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                                 -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                                 -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                                 -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                                 -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyCenteredRMSProp' op'options var mg ms mom lr rho momentum epsilon
                              grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs mg,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyCenteredRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "mg" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "ms" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "mom" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyFtrl :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t
                     m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                  Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                  Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                     -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                     -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                     -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                     -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                     -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                     -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                     -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyFtrl = resourceApplyFtrl' id
resourceApplyFtrl' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t
                      m' . (MonadBuild m',
                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                      -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                      -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                      -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                      -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                      -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyFtrl' op'options var accum linear grad lr l1 l2
                   lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyFtrl"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "linear" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyFtrlV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                       m' . (MonadBuild m',
                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                       -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                       -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                       -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                       -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
                       -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyFtrlV2 = resourceApplyFtrlV2' id
resourceApplyFtrlV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                        m' . (MonadBuild m',
                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                        -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __l1__
                        -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l2__
                        -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
                        -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyFtrlV2' op'options var accum linear grad lr l1 l2 l2_shrinkage
                     lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs l2_shrinkage,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyFtrlV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "linear" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2_shrinkage" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyGradientDescent :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                   Float] t) =>
                                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __delta__
                                -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyGradientDescent = resourceApplyGradientDescent' id
resourceApplyGradientDescent' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                    Float] t) =>
                                 OpParams ->
                                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __delta__
                                 -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyGradientDescent' op'options var alpha delta | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs delta]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyGradientDescent"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "delta" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyMomentum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                    Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __momentum__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyMomentum = resourceApplyMomentum' id
resourceApplyMomentum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                     Float] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                          -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                          -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                          -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __momentum__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyMomentum' op'options var accum lr grad
                       momentum | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs momentum]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyMomentum"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "use_nesterov" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyPowerSign :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                          m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) =>
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                          -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                          -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __logbase__
                          -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                          -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                          -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyPowerSign = resourceApplyPowerSign' id
resourceApplyPowerSign' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                           m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                           -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __m__
                           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                           -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __logbase__
                           -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __sign_decay__
                           -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __beta__
                           -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                           -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyPowerSign' op'options var m lr logbase sign_decay beta
                        grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs m,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs logbase,
                                                             buildInputs sign_decay,
                                                             buildInputs beta,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyPowerSign"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "m" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "logbase" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sign_decay" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "beta" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyProximalAdagrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t
                                m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t) =>
                                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                                -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyProximalAdagrad = resourceApplyProximalAdagrad' id
resourceApplyProximalAdagrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t
                                 m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) => OpParams ->
                                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                                 -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                                 -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                                 -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyProximalAdagrad' op'options var accum lr l1 l2
                              grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyProximalAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyProximalGradientDescent :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t
                                        m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t) =>
                                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __delta__
                                        -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyProximalGradientDescent = resourceApplyProximalGradientDescent' id
resourceApplyProximalGradientDescent' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t
                                         m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t) => OpParams ->
                                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __delta__
                                         -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyProximalGradientDescent' op'options var alpha l1 l2
                                      delta | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs delta]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyProximalGradientDescent"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "delta" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceApplyRMSProp :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t
                        m' . (MonadBuild m',
                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                        -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                        -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                        -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyRMSProp = resourceApplyRMSProp' id
resourceApplyRMSProp' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t
                         m' . (MonadBuild m',
                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                         -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                         -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                         -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                         -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceApplyRMSProp' op'options var ms mom lr rho momentum epsilon
                      grad | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceApplyRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "ms" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "mom" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceCountUpTo :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __limit__
                     -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
resourceCountUpTo = resourceCountUpTo' id
resourceCountUpTo' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __limit__
                      -> Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
resourceCountUpTo' op'options limit resource | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceCountUpTo"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "limit" .~ limit
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "limit" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceGather :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorType dtype,
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
resourceGather = resourceGather' id
resourceGather' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorType dtype,
                                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
resourceGather' op'options resource indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceGather"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "validate_indices" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceScatterAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                      Float] dtype,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterAdd = resourceScatterAdd' id
resourceScatterAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] dtype,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterAdd' op'options resource indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterAdd"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceScatterDiv :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                      Float] dtype,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterDiv = resourceScatterDiv' id
resourceScatterDiv' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] dtype,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterDiv' op'options resource indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterDiv"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceScatterMax :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                      Float] dtype,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterMax = resourceScatterMax' id
resourceScatterMax' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] dtype,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterMax' op'options resource indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterMax"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceScatterMin :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                      Float] dtype,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterMin = resourceScatterMin' id
resourceScatterMin' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] dtype,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterMin' op'options resource indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterMin"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceScatterMul :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                      Float] dtype,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterMul = resourceScatterMul' id
resourceScatterMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] dtype,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterMul' op'options resource indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterMul"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceScatterNdUpdate :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               TensorType t,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ref__
                           -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                           -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterNdUpdate = resourceScatterNdUpdate' id
resourceScatterNdUpdate' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                                TensorType t,
                                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ref__
                            -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                            -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterNdUpdate' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterNdUpdate"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
resourceScatterSub :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                      Float] dtype,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterSub = resourceScatterSub' id
resourceScatterSub' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] dtype,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterSub' op'options resource indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterSub"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceScatterUpdate :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                                 TensorType dtype,
                                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                         -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                         -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterUpdate = resourceScatterUpdate' id
resourceScatterUpdate' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                                  TensorType dtype,
                                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                          -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                          -> Tensor v'3 dtype -- ^ __updates__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceScatterUpdate' op'options resource indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceScatterUpdate"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyAdadelta :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t tindices
                               m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                               -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                               -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum_update__
                               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                               -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                               -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                               -> Tensor v'8 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyAdadelta = resourceSparseApplyAdadelta' id
resourceSparseApplyAdadelta' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t
                                tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                OpParams ->
                                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                                -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum_update__
                                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                                -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                                -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                                -> Tensor v'8 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyAdadelta' op'options var accum accum_update lr rho epsilon
                             grad indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs accum_update,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyAdadelta"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum_update" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyAdagrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t tindices
                              m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                    OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                              -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                              -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                              -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyAdagrad = resourceSparseApplyAdagrad' id
resourceSparseApplyAdagrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t tindices
                               m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                               -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                               -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyAdagrad' op'options var accum lr grad
                            indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "update_slots" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyAdagradDA :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                                tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                                -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                                -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                                -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                                -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                                -> Tensor v'9 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                                -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyAdagradDA = resourceSparseApplyAdagradDA' id
resourceSparseApplyAdagradDA' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                                 tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                        Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                        Float] t,
                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                 OpParams ->
                                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                                 -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                 -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                                 -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                                 -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                                 -> Tensor v'9 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                                 -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyAdagradDA' op'options var gradient_accumulator
                              gradient_squared_accumulator grad indices lr l1 l2
                              global_step | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_squared_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs global_step]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyAdagradDA"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "gradient_accumulator" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg {
  name: "gradient_squared_accumulator" type: DT_RESOURCE
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "global_step" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSProp :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9
                                      v'10 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                    Float] t,
                                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                      -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mg__
                                      -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                                      -> Tensor v'4 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                                      -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                                      -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                                      -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                                      -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                                      -> Tensor v'10 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSProp = resourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSProp' id
resourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSProp' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8
                                       v'9 v'10 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                         Float] t,
                                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                       OpParams ->
                                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                       -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mg__
                                       -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                                       -> Tensor v'4 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                                       -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                                       -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                                       -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                                       -> Tensor v'10 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSProp' op'options var mg ms mom lr rho momentum
                                    epsilon grad indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs mg,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "mg" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "ms" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "mom" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyFtrl :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t tindices
                           m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                           -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                           -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                           -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                           -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                           -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                           -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                           -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                           -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                           -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyFtrl = resourceSparseApplyFtrl' id
resourceSparseApplyFtrl' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                            tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                           OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                   Float] t,
                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                            -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                            -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                            -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                            -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                            -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                            -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                            -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                            -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                            -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyFtrl' op'options var accum linear grad indices lr l1 l2
                         lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyFtrl"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "linear" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyFtrlV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t
                             tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                    Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                    Float] t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                             Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                             -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                             -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                             -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                             -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                             -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                             -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                             -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                             -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
                             -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                             -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyFtrlV2 = resourceSparseApplyFtrlV2' id
resourceSparseApplyFtrlV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t
                              tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                              OpParams ->
                              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                              -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                              -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __linear__
                              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                              -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                              -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                              -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                              -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                              -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
                              -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                              -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyFtrlV2' op'options var accum linear grad indices lr l1 l2
                           l2_shrinkage lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs l2_shrinkage,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyFtrlV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "linear" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2_shrinkage" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyMomentum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t tindices
                               m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                               -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                               -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                               -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyMomentum = resourceSparseApplyMomentum' id
resourceSparseApplyMomentum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t tindices
                                m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                OpParams ->
                                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                                -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                                -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                                -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyMomentum' op'options var accum lr grad indices
                             momentum | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs momentum]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyMomentum"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "use_nesterov" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyProximalAdagrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                                      tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                             Double, Float] t,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                      -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                                      -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                                      -> Tensor v'7 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                      -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyProximalAdagrad = resourceSparseApplyProximalAdagrad' id
resourceSparseApplyProximalAdagrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
                                       tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                              Double, Float] t,
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                       OpParams ->
                                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                       -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __accum__
                                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                                       -> Tensor v'7 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                       -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyProximalAdagrad' op'options var accum lr l1 l2 grad
                                    indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyProximalAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "accum" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescent :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t
                                              tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                     Float] t,
                                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                     Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __grad__
                                              -> Tensor v'6 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                              -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescent = resourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescent' id
resourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescent' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t
                                               tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                      Float] t,
                                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                               OpParams ->
                                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                                               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __grad__
                                               -> Tensor v'6 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                               -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescent' op'options var alpha l1 l2 grad
                                            indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescent"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceSparseApplyRMSProp :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                              tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                              -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                              -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                              -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                              -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                              -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                              -> Tensor v'9 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                              -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyRMSProp = resourceSparseApplyRMSProp' id
resourceSparseApplyRMSProp' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t
                               tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __var__
                               -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ms__
                               -> Tensor v'3 ResourceHandle -- ^ __mom__
                               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                               -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                               -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                               -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                               -> Tensor v'9 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceSparseApplyRMSProp' op'options var ms mom lr rho momentum epsilon grad
                            indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceSparseApplyRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "ms" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "mom" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
resourceStridedSliceAssign :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t index
                              m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ref__
                              -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                              -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                              -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __value__
                              -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceStridedSliceAssign = resourceStridedSliceAssign' id
resourceStridedSliceAssign' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t index
                               m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __ref__
                               -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                               -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                               -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __value__
                               -> m' (ControlNode)
resourceStridedSliceAssign' op'options ref begin end strides
                            value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs begin,
                                                             buildInputs end,
                                                             buildInputs strides,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ResourceStridedSliceAssign"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Index" .~ tensorType (undefined :: index)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "begin" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "end" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "strides" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Index"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "begin_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "end_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "ellipsis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "new_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "shrink_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
-- | 
restore :: forall v'1 v'2 dt m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dt) =>
           Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __file_pattern__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_name__
           -> m' (Tensor Value dt) -- ^ __tensor__
restore = restore' id
restore' :: forall v'1 v'2 dt m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dt) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __file_pattern__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_name__
            -> m' (Tensor Value dt) -- ^ __tensor__
restore' op'options file_pattern tensor_name | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs file_pattern,
                                                             buildInputs tensor_name]
        buildOp [] (opDef "Restore"
                    & opAttr "dt" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dt)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "file_pattern" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor_name" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "dt" }
attr { name: "dt" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "preferred_shard" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 }
-- | 
restoreSlice :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dt m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dt) =>
                Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __file_pattern__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_name__
                -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shape_and_slice__
                -> m' (Tensor Value dt) -- ^ __tensor__
restoreSlice = restoreSlice' id
restoreSlice' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dt m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dt) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __file_pattern__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_name__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shape_and_slice__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value dt) -- ^ __tensor__
restoreSlice' op'options file_pattern tensor_name
              shape_and_slice | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs file_pattern,
                                                             buildInputs tensor_name,
                                                             buildInputs shape_and_slice]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RestoreSlice"
                    & opAttr "dt" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dt)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "file_pattern" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor_name" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "shape_and_slice" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "dt" }
attr { name: "dt" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "preferred_shard" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 }
-- | 
restoreV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             TensorTypes dtypes) =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __prefix__
             -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
             -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shape_and_slices__
             -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __tensors__
restoreV2 = restoreV2' id
restoreV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              TensorTypes dtypes) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __prefix__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
              -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shape_and_slices__
              -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __tensors__
restoreV2' op'options prefix tensor_names shape_and_slices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs prefix,
                                                             buildInputs tensor_names,
                                                             buildInputs shape_and_slices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "RestoreV2"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "prefix" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor_names" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "shape_and_slices" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "tensors" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
reverse :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
           -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __dims__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reverse = reverse' id
reverse' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
            -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __dims__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reverse' op'options tensor dims | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs dims]
        return (opDef "Reverse"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dims" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BOOL
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_STRING
-- | 
reverseSequence :: forall v'1 v'2 t tlen . (TensorType t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tlen) =>
                   Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seq_dim__
                   -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tlen -- ^ __seq_lengths__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reverseSequence = reverseSequence' id
reverseSequence' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tlen . (TensorType t,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] tlen) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seq_dim__
                    -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tlen -- ^ __seq_lengths__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reverseSequence' op'options seq_dim input seq_lengths | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs seq_lengths]
        return (opDef "ReverseSequence"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tlen" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tlen)
                & opAttr "seq_dim" .~ seq_dim
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "seq_lengths" type_attr: "Tlen" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "seq_dim" type: "int" }
attr { name: "batch_dim" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tlen"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
reverseV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                      OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Bool, Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                              Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
             -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reverseV2 = reverseV2' id
reverseV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                       OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Bool, Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
              -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __axis__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
reverseV2' op'options tensor axis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "ReverseV2"
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BOOL
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_STRING
-- | 
rightShift :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                          Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
rightShift = rightShift' id
rightShift' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                           Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
rightShift' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "RightShift"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
rint :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
rint = rint' id
rint' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
rint' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Rint"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
roll :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tshift taxis . (TensorType t,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] tshift,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] taxis) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tshift -- ^ __shift__
        -> Tensor v'3 taxis -- ^ __axis__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
roll = roll' id
roll' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tshift taxis . (TensorType t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tshift,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] taxis) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 tshift -- ^ __shift__
         -> Tensor v'3 taxis -- ^ __axis__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
roll' op'options input shift axis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs shift,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "Roll"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tshift" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tshift)
                & opAttr "Taxis" .~ tensorType (undefined :: taxis)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "shift" type_attr: "Tshift" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Taxis" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tshift"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Taxis"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
round :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                 Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
round = round' id
round' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                  Float] t) => OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
round' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Round"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
rpc :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __address__
       -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __method__
       -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __request__
       -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __response__
rpc = rpc' id
rpc' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __address__
        -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __method__
        -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __request__
        -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __response__
rpc' op'options address method request | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs address,
                                                             buildInputs method,
                                                             buildInputs request]
        buildOp [] (opDef "Rpc"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "address" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "method" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "request" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "response" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "protocol" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "fail_fast" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr { name: "timeout_in_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
rsqrt :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
rsqrt = rsqrt' id
rsqrt' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
rsqrt' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Rsqrt"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
rsqrtGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
rsqrtGrad = rsqrtGrad' id
rsqrtGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                          (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                          Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
rsqrtGrad' op'options y dy | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs dy]
        return (opDef "RsqrtGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dy" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
sampleDistortedBoundingBox :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                             Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image_size__
                              -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __bounding_boxes__
                              -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                                      Tensor Value Float))
                              -- ^ (__begin__, __size__, __bboxes__)
                              -- * __begin__
                              -- * __size__
                              -- * __bboxes__
sampleDistortedBoundingBox = sampleDistortedBoundingBox' id
sampleDistortedBoundingBox' :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                              Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image_size__
                               -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __bounding_boxes__
                               -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                                       Tensor Value Float))
                               -- ^ (__begin__, __size__, __bboxes__)
                               -- * __begin__
                               -- * __size__
                               -- * __bboxes__
sampleDistortedBoundingBox' op'options image_size
                            bounding_boxes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs image_size,
                                                             buildInputs bounding_boxes]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SampleDistortedBoundingBox"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "image_size" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "bounding_boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "begin" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "size" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "bboxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "min_object_covered" type: "float" default_value { f: 0.1 }
attr {
  name: "aspect_ratio_range"
  type: "list(float)"
  default_value { list { f: 0.75 f: 1.33 } }
attr {
  name: "area_range"
  type: "list(float)"
  default_value { list { f: 5.0e-2 f: 1.0 } }
attr { name: "max_attempts" type: "int" default_value { i: 100 } }
attr {
  name: "use_image_if_no_bounding_boxes"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                   Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image_size__
                                -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __bounding_boxes__
                                -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_object_covered__
                                -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                                        Tensor Value Float))
                                -- ^ (__begin__, __size__, __bboxes__)
                                -- * __begin__
                                -- * __size__
                                -- * __bboxes__
sampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 = sampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2' id
sampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                    Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                                 OpParams ->
                                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __image_size__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __bounding_boxes__
                                 -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __min_object_covered__
                                 -> m' ((Tensor Value t, Tensor Value t,
                                         Tensor Value Float))
                                 -- ^ (__begin__, __size__, __bboxes__)
                                 -- * __begin__
                                 -- * __size__
                                 -- * __bboxes__
sampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2' op'options image_size bounding_boxes
                              min_object_covered | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs image_size,
                                                             buildInputs bounding_boxes,
                                                             buildInputs min_object_covered]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "image_size" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "bounding_boxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "min_object_covered" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "begin" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "size" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "bboxes" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "aspect_ratio_range"
  type: "list(float)"
  default_value { list { f: 0.75 f: 1.33 } }
attr {
  name: "area_range"
  type: "list(float)"
  default_value { list { f: 5.0e-2 f: 1.0 } }
attr { name: "max_attempts" type: "int" default_value { i: 100 } }
attr {
  name: "use_image_if_no_bounding_boxes"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
-- | 
save :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes t) =>
        Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
        -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
        -> TensorList (v'3) t -- ^ __data__
        -> m' (ControlNode)
save = save' id
save' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
         -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
         -> TensorList (v'3) t -- ^ __data__
         -> m' (ControlNode)
save' op'options filename tensor_names data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs filename,
                                                             buildInputs tensor_names,
                                                             buildInputs data']
        buildOp [] (opDef "Save"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor_names" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "data" type_list_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
saveSlices :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes t) =>
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
              -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shapes_and_slices__
              -> TensorList (v'4) t -- ^ __data__
              -> m' (ControlNode)
saveSlices = saveSlices' id
saveSlices' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes t) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
               -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shapes_and_slices__
               -> TensorList (v'4) t -- ^ __data__
               -> m' (ControlNode)
saveSlices' op'options filename tensor_names shapes_and_slices
            data' | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs filename,
                                                             buildInputs tensor_names,
                                                             buildInputs shapes_and_slices,
                                                             buildInputs data']
        buildOp [] (opDef "SaveSlices"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor_names" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "shapes_and_slices" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "data" type_list_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | 
saveV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              TensorTypes dtypes) =>
          Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __prefix__
          -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
          -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shape_and_slices__
          -> TensorList (v'4) dtypes -- ^ __tensors__
          -> m' (ControlNode)
saveV2 = saveV2' id
saveV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               TensorTypes dtypes) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __prefix__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor_names__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __shape_and_slices__
           -> TensorList (v'4) dtypes -- ^ __tensors__
           -> m' (ControlNode)
saveV2' op'options prefix tensor_names shape_and_slices
        tensors | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs prefix,
                                                             buildInputs tensor_names,
                                                             buildInputs shape_and_slices,
                                                             buildInputs tensors]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SaveV2"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "prefix" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor_names" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "shape_and_slices" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensors" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
scalarSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tags__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
scalarSummary = scalarSummary' id
scalarSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tags__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
                  -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
scalarSummary' op'options tags values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tags,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        return (opDef "ScalarSummary"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tags" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
scatterAdd :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterAdd = scatterAdd' id
scatterAdd' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterAdd' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterAdd"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterDiv :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterDiv = scatterDiv' id
scatterDiv' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterDiv' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterDiv"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterMax :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                      Float] t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterMax = scatterMax' id
scatterMax' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterMax' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterMax"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterMin :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                      Float] t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterMin = scatterMin' id
scatterMin' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterMin' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterMin"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterMul :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterMul = scatterMul' id
scatterMul' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterMul' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterMul"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterNd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices . (TensorType t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
             Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __indices__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __updates__
             -> Tensor v'3 tindices -- ^ __shape__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
scatterNd = scatterNd' id
scatterNd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices . (TensorType t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __indices__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __updates__
              -> Tensor v'3 tindices -- ^ __shape__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
scatterNd' op'options indices updates shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates,
                                                             buildInputs shape]
        return (opDef "ScatterNd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
scatterNdAdd :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                        Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                        Float] t,
                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterNdAdd = scatterNdAdd' id
scatterNdAdd' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                         Double, Float] t,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterNdAdd' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterNdAdd"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterNdNonAliasingAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t
                           tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
scatterNdNonAliasingAdd = scatterNdNonAliasingAdd' id
scatterNdNonAliasingAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t
                            tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t,
                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                            -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                            -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
scatterNdNonAliasingAdd' op'options input indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        return (opDef "ScatterNdNonAliasingAdd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
scatterNdSub :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                        Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                        Float] t,
                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterNdSub = scatterNdSub' id
scatterNdSub' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                         Double, Float] t,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterNdSub' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterNdSub"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterNdUpdate :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                   Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                   -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                   -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterNdUpdate = scatterNdUpdate' id
scatterNdUpdate' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                    -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                    -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterNdUpdate' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterNdUpdate"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
scatterSub :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                      Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                      Float] t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterSub = scatterSub' id
scatterSub' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterSub' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterSub"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
scatterUpdate :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                 Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                 -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterUpdate = scatterUpdate' id
scatterUpdate' :: forall v'2 v'3 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __updates__
                  -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
scatterUpdate' op'options ref indices updates | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs updates]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ScatterUpdate"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "updates" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
sdcaFprint :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
              -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
sdcaFprint = sdcaFprint' id
sdcaFprint' :: OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
sdcaFprint' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "SdcaFprint"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
sdcaOptimizer :: Float -- ^ __l1__
                 -> Float -- ^ __l2__
                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_inner_iterations__
                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_loss_partitions__
                 -> [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __sparse_example_indices__
                 -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __sparse_feature_indices__
                 -> [Tensor v'3 Float] -- ^ __sparse_feature_values__
                 -> [Tensor v'4 Float] -- ^ __dense_features__
                 -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __example_weights__
                 -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __example_labels__
                 -> [Tensor v'7 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                 -> [Tensor v'8 Float] -- ^ __sparse_weights__
                 -> [Tensor v'9 Float] -- ^ __dense_weights__
                 -> Tensor v'10 Float -- ^ __example_state_data__
                 -> (Tensor Build Float, [Tensor Build Float],
                     [Tensor Build Float])
                 -- ^ (__out_example_state_data__, __out_delta_sparse_weights__, __out_delta_dense_weights__)
                 -- * __out_example_state_data__
                 -- * __out_delta_sparse_weights__
                 -- * __out_delta_dense_weights__
sdcaOptimizer = sdcaOptimizer' id
sdcaOptimizer' :: OpParams ->
                  Float -- ^ __l1__
                  -> Float -- ^ __l2__
                  -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_inner_iterations__
                  -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_loss_partitions__
                  -> [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __sparse_example_indices__
                  -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __sparse_feature_indices__
                  -> [Tensor v'3 Float] -- ^ __sparse_feature_values__
                  -> [Tensor v'4 Float] -- ^ __dense_features__
                  -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __example_weights__
                  -> Tensor v'6 Float -- ^ __example_labels__
                  -> [Tensor v'7 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                  -> [Tensor v'8 Float] -- ^ __sparse_weights__
                  -> [Tensor v'9 Float] -- ^ __dense_weights__
                  -> Tensor v'10 Float -- ^ __example_state_data__
                  -> (Tensor Build Float, [Tensor Build Float],
                      [Tensor Build Float])
                  -- ^ (__out_example_state_data__, __out_delta_sparse_weights__, __out_delta_dense_weights__)
                  -- * __out_example_state_data__
                  -- * __out_delta_sparse_weights__
                  -- * __out_delta_dense_weights__
sdcaOptimizer' op'options l1 l2 num_inner_iterations num_loss_partitions
               sparse_example_indices sparse_feature_indices
               sparse_feature_values dense_features example_weights
               example_labels sparse_indices sparse_weights dense_weights
               example_state_data | eqLengthGuard [("num_sparse_features", [("sparse_example_indices", length sparse_example_indices),
                                                                            ("sparse_feature_indices", length sparse_feature_indices),
                                                                            ("sparse_indices", length sparse_indices),
                                                                            ("sparse_weights", length sparse_weights)]),
                                                   ("num_sparse_features_with_values", [("sparse_feature_values", length sparse_feature_values)]),
                                                   ("num_dense_features", [("dense_features", length dense_features),
                                                                           ("dense_weights", length dense_weights)])] =
    pureOp [num_sparse_features, num_dense_features] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sparse_example_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_feature_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_feature_values,
                                                             buildInputs dense_features,
                                                             buildInputs example_weights,
                                                             buildInputs example_labels,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_weights,
                                                             buildInputs dense_weights,
                                                             buildInputs example_state_data]
        return (opDef "SdcaOptimizer"
                & opAttr "l1" .~ l1
                & opAttr "l2" .~ l2
                & opAttr "num_inner_iterations" .~ num_inner_iterations
                & opAttr "num_loss_partitions" .~ num_loss_partitions
                & opAttr "num_sparse_features" .~ num_sparse_features
                & opAttr "num_sparse_features_with_values" .~ num_sparse_features_with_values
                & opAttr "num_dense_features" .~ num_dense_features
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_sparse_features = fromIntegral (length sparse_example_indices) :: Int64
    num_sparse_features_with_values = fromIntegral (length sparse_feature_values) :: Int64
    num_dense_features = fromIntegral (length dense_features) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "sparse_example_indices"
  type: DT_INT64
  number_attr: "num_sparse_features"
input_arg {
  name: "sparse_feature_indices"
  type: DT_INT64
  number_attr: "num_sparse_features"
input_arg {
  name: "sparse_feature_values"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_sparse_features_with_values"
input_arg {
  name: "dense_features"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_dense_features"
input_arg { name: "example_weights" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "example_labels" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg {
  name: "sparse_indices"
  type: DT_INT64
  number_attr: "num_sparse_features"
input_arg {
  name: "sparse_weights"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_sparse_features"
input_arg {
  name: "dense_weights"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_dense_features"
input_arg { name: "example_state_data" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "out_example_state_data" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg {
  name: "out_delta_sparse_weights"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_sparse_features"
output_arg {
  name: "out_delta_dense_weights"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_dense_features"
attr {
  name: "loss_type"
  type: "string"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      s: "logistic_loss"
      s: "squared_loss"
      s: "hinge_loss"
      s: "smooth_hinge_loss"
attr { name: "adaptative" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "num_sparse_features" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr {
  name: "num_sparse_features_with_values"
  type: "int"
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "num_dense_features" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "l1" type: "float" }
attr { name: "l2" type: "float" }
attr {
  name: "num_loss_partitions"
  type: "int"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "num_inner_iterations"
  type: "int"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
sdcaShrinkL1 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => Float -- ^ __l1__
                -> Float -- ^ __l2__
                -> [Tensor Ref Float] -- ^ __weights__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
sdcaShrinkL1 = sdcaShrinkL1' id
sdcaShrinkL1' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                 Float -- ^ __l1__
                 -> Float -- ^ __l2__
                 -> [Tensor Ref Float] -- ^ __weights__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
sdcaShrinkL1' op'options l1 l2
              weights | eqLengthGuard [("num_features", [("weights", length weights)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs weights]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SdcaShrinkL1"
                    & opAttr "l1" .~ l1
                    & opAttr "l2" .~ l2
                    & opAttr "num_features" .~ num_features
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_features = fromIntegral (length weights) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "weights"
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_features"
  is_ref: true
attr { name: "num_features" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "l1" type: "float" }
attr { name: "l2" type: "float" }
-- | 
segmentMax :: forall v'1 v'2 t tindices . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                   Float] t,
                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentMax = segmentMax' id
segmentMax' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tindices . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                    Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                    Float] t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentMax' op'options data' segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SegmentMax"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
segmentMean :: forall v'1 v'2 t
               tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                   Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                   Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentMean = segmentMean' id
segmentMean' :: forall v'1 v'2 t
                tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentMean' op'options data' segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SegmentMean"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
segmentMin :: forall v'1 v'2 t tindices . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                   Float] t,
                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentMin = segmentMin' id
segmentMin' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tindices . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                    Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                    Float] t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentMin' op'options data' segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SegmentMin"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
segmentProd :: forall v'1 v'2 t
               tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                   Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                   Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentProd = segmentProd' id
segmentProd' :: forall v'1 v'2 t
                tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentProd' op'options data' segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SegmentProd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
segmentSum :: forall v'1 v'2 t
              tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                  Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                  Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                  Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
              -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentSum = segmentSum' id
segmentSum' :: forall v'1 v'2 t
               tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                   Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                   Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
               OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
               -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
segmentSum' op'options data' segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SegmentSum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
select :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) =>
          Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __condition__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __t__
          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __e__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
select = select' id
select' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Bool -- ^ __condition__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __t__
           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __e__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
select' op'options condition t e | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs condition,
                                                             buildInputs t,
                                                             buildInputs e]
        return (opDef "Select"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "condition" type: DT_BOOL }
input_arg { name: "t" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "e" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
selfAdjointEig :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
selfAdjointEig = selfAdjointEig' id
selfAdjointEig' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
selfAdjointEig' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "SelfAdjointEig"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_FLOAT } }
-- | 
selfAdjointEigV2 :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                    -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t) -- ^ (__e__, __v__)
                    -- * __e__
                    -- * __v__
selfAdjointEigV2 = selfAdjointEigV2' id
selfAdjointEigV2' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t) -- ^ (__e__, __v__)
                     -- * __e__
                     -- * __v__
selfAdjointEigV2' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "SelfAdjointEigV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "e" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "compute_v" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
selu :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
selu = selu' id
selu' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
selu' op'options features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "Selu"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
seluGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __outputs__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
seluGrad = seluGrad' id
seluGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __outputs__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
seluGrad' op'options gradients outputs | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs outputs]
        return (opDef "SeluGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "outputs" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprops" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
serializeIterator :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource_handle__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __serialized__
serializeIterator = serializeIterator' id
serializeIterator' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource_handle__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __serialized__
serializeIterator' op'options resource_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource_handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SerializeIterator"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "serialized" type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
serializeManySparse :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t out_type . (TensorType t,
                                                        OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                Variant] out_type) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                       -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
serializeManySparse = serializeManySparse' id
serializeManySparse' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t out_type . (TensorType t,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                                 Variant] out_type) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                        -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
serializeManySparse' op'options sparse_indices sparse_values
                     sparse_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sparse_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_values,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_shape]
        return (opDef "SerializeManySparse"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sparse_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "serialized_sparse" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_STRING }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_STRING type: DT_VARIANT } }
-- | 
serializeSparse :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t out_type . (TensorType t,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                            Variant] out_type) =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                   -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
serializeSparse = serializeSparse' id
serializeSparse' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t out_type . (TensorType t,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                                             Variant] out_type) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_shape__
                    -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __serialized_sparse__
serializeSparse' op'options sparse_indices sparse_values
                 sparse_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sparse_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_values,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_shape]
        return (opDef "SerializeSparse"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sparse_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "serialized_sparse" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_STRING }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_STRING type: DT_VARIANT } }
-- | 
serializeTensor :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                   -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
serializeTensor = serializeTensor' id
serializeTensor' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized__
serializeTensor' op'options tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor]
        return (opDef "SerializeTensor"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "serialized" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
setSize :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                           Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set_indices__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __set_values__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set_shape__
           -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
setSize = setSize' id
setSize' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set_indices__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __set_values__
            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set_shape__
            -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
setSize' op'options set_indices set_values set_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs set_indices,
                                                             buildInputs set_values,
                                                             buildInputs set_shape]
        return (opDef "SetSize"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "set_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "set_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "set_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "validate_indices" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_STRING
-- | 
setStatsAggregatorDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                             [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                             -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                             -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __stats_aggregator__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
setStatsAggregatorDataset = setStatsAggregatorDataset' id
setStatsAggregatorDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                              [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                              -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                              -> Tensor v'2 ResourceHandle -- ^ __stats_aggregator__
                              -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
setStatsAggregatorDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset
                           stats_aggregator | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs stats_aggregator]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SetStatsAggregatorDataset"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "stats_aggregator" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
shape :: forall v'1 t out_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
shape = shape' id
shape' :: forall v'1 t out_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
shape' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Shape"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
shapeN :: forall v'1 t out_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
          [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __input__
          -> [Tensor Build out_type] -- ^ __output__
shapeN = shapeN' id
shapeN' :: forall v'1 t out_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
           OpParams ->
           [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __input__
           -> [Tensor Build out_type] -- ^ __output__
shapeN' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("input", length input)])] =
    pureOp [n] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "ShapeN"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length input) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg {
  name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" number_attr: "N"
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
shardedFilename :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __basename__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __shard__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_shards__
                   -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
shardedFilename = shardedFilename' id
shardedFilename' :: OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __basename__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __shard__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_shards__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
shardedFilename' op'options basename shard num_shards | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs basename,
                                                             buildInputs shard,
                                                             buildInputs num_shards]
        return (opDef "ShardedFilename"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "basename" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "shard" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "num_shards" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
shardedFilespec :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __basename__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_shards__
                   -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
shardedFilespec = shardedFilespec' id
shardedFilespec' :: OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __basename__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_shards__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
shardedFilespec' op'options basename num_shards | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs basename,
                                                             buildInputs num_shards]
        return (opDef "ShardedFilespec"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "basename" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "num_shards" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
shuffleAndRepeatDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                           -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed__
                           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed2__
                           -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
                           -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
shuffleAndRepeatDataset = shuffleAndRepeatDataset' id
shuffleAndRepeatDataset' :: OpParams ->
                            [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                            -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed__
                            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed2__
                            -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
                            -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
shuffleAndRepeatDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset buffer_size seed
                         seed2 count | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs buffer_size,
                                                             buildInputs seed,
                                                             buildInputs seed2,
                                                             buildInputs count]
        return (opDef "ShuffleAndRepeatDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "buffer_size" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "seed" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "seed2" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "count" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
shuffleDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                  -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed__
                  -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed2__
                  -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
shuffleDataset = shuffleDataset' id
shuffleDataset' :: OpParams ->
                   [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                   -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed__
                   -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __seed2__
                   -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
shuffleDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset buffer_size seed
                seed2 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs buffer_size,
                                                             buildInputs seed,
                                                             buildInputs seed2]
        return (opDef "ShuffleDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "buffer_size" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "seed" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "seed2" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "reshuffle_each_iteration"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | An op that shuts down a running distributed TPU system. The Op returns
-- an error if no system is running.
shutdownDistributedTPU :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => m' (ControlNode)
shutdownDistributedTPU = shutdownDistributedTPU' id
shutdownDistributedTPU' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                           m' (ControlNode)
shutdownDistributedTPU' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "ShutdownDistributedTPU"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)

-- | 
sigmoid :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sigmoid = sigmoid' id
sigmoid' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sigmoid' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Sigmoid"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
sigmoidGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                           Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
sigmoidGrad = sigmoidGrad' id
sigmoidGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                            Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
sigmoidGrad' op'options y dy | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs dy]
        return (opDef "SigmoidGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dy" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
sign :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sign = sign' id
sign' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sign' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Sign"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
sin :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                               Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sin = sin' id
sin' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sin' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Sin"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
sinh :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sinh = sinh' id
sinh' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sinh' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Sinh"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
size :: forall v'1 t out_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
size = size' id
size' :: forall v'1 t out_type . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
size' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Size"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
skipDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
               -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
               -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
skipDataset = skipDataset' id
skipDataset' :: OpParams ->
                [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
                -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
skipDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset count | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs count]
        return (opDef "SkipDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "count" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
skipgram :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
            -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                    Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                    Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                    Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
            -- ^ (__vocab_word__, __vocab_freq__, __words_per_epoch__, __current_epoch__, __total_words_processed__, __examples__, __labels__)
            -- * __vocab_word__
            -- * __vocab_freq__
            -- * __words_per_epoch__
            -- * __current_epoch__
            -- * __total_words_processed__
            -- * __examples__
            -- * __labels__
skipgram = skipgram' id
skipgram' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_size__
             -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                     Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                     Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                     Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32))
             -- ^ (__vocab_word__, __vocab_freq__, __words_per_epoch__, __current_epoch__, __total_words_processed__, __examples__, __labels__)
             -- * __vocab_word__
             -- * __vocab_freq__
             -- * __words_per_epoch__
             -- * __current_epoch__
             -- * __total_words_processed__
             -- * __examples__
             -- * __labels__
skipgram' op'options batch_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Skipgram"
                    & opAttr "batch_size" .~ batch_size
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "vocab_word" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "vocab_freq" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "words_per_epoch" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "current_epoch" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "total_words_processed" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "examples" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "labels" type: DT_INT32 }
attr { name: "filename" type: "string" }
attr { name: "batch_size" type: "int" }
attr { name: "window_size" type: "int" default_value { i: 5 } }
attr { name: "min_count" type: "int" default_value { i: 5 } }
attr {
  name: "subsample" type: "float" default_value { f: 1.0e-3 }
-- | 
slice :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t index . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
         -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __size__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
slice = slice' id
slice' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t index . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
          OpParams ->
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
          -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __size__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
slice' op'options input begin size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs begin,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        return (opDef "Slice"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Index" .~ tensorType (undefined :: index)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "begin" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "size" type_attr: "Index" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Index"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
slideDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __window_size__
                -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stride__
                -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
slideDataset = slideDataset' id
slideDataset' :: OpParams ->
                 [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __window_size__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __stride__
                 -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
slideDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset window_size
              stride | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs window_size,
                                                             buildInputs stride]
        return (opDef "SlideDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "window_size" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "stride" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
snapshot :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
snapshot = snapshot' id
snapshot' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
snapshot' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Snapshot"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
softmax :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __softmax__
softmax = softmax' id
softmax' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __softmax__
softmax' op'options logits | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs logits]
        return (opDef "Softmax"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "logits" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "softmax" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
softmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                             Float] t) =>
                                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __labels__
                                 -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                                 -- ^ (__loss__, __backprop__)
                                 -- * __loss__
                                 -- * __backprop__
softmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits = softmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits' id
softmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                                  OpParams ->
                                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
                                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __labels__
                                  -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                                  -- ^ (__loss__, __backprop__)
                                  -- * __loss__
                                  -- * __backprop__
softmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits' op'options features labels | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features,
                                                             buildInputs labels]
        return (opDef "SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "labels" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "loss" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprop" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
softplus :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
softplus = softplus' id
softplus' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
softplus' op'options features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "Softplus"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
softplusGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
softplusGrad = softplusGrad' id
softplusGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
softplusGrad' op'options gradients features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "SoftplusGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprops" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
softsign :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
softsign = softsign' id
softsign' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __activations__
softsign' op'options features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "Softsign"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "activations" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
softsignGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t) =>
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
softsignGrad = softsignGrad' id
softsignGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __gradients__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __features__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __backprops__
softsignGrad' op'options gradients features | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients,
                                                             buildInputs features]
        return (opDef "SoftsignGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "gradients" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprops" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
spaceToBatch :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
spaceToBatch = spaceToBatch' id
spaceToBatch' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                 -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
spaceToBatch' op'options block_size input paddings | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs paddings]
        return (opDef "SpaceToBatch"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tpaddings" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tpaddings)
                & opAttr "block_size" .~ block_size
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type_attr: "Tpaddings" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tpaddings"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "block_size" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2
-- | 
spaceToBatchND :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tblock_shape tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tblock_shape,
                                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tblock_shape -- ^ __block_shape__
                  -> Tensor v'3 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
spaceToBatchND = spaceToBatchND' id
spaceToBatchND' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tblock_shape tpaddings . (TensorType t,
                                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tblock_shape,
                                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tpaddings) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                   -> Tensor v'2 tblock_shape -- ^ __block_shape__
                   -> Tensor v'3 tpaddings -- ^ __paddings__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
spaceToBatchND' op'options input block_shape paddings | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs block_shape,
                                                             buildInputs paddings]
        return (opDef "SpaceToBatchND"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tblock_shape" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tblock_shape)
                & opAttr "Tpaddings" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tpaddings)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "block_shape" type_attr: "Tblock_shape" }
input_arg { name: "paddings" type_attr: "Tpaddings" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tblock_shape"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tpaddings"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
spaceToDepth :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
spaceToDepth = spaceToDepth' id
spaceToDepth' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __block_size__
                 -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
spaceToDepth' op'options block_size input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "SpaceToDepth"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "block_size" .~ block_size
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "block_size" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2
attr {
  name: "data_format"
  type: "string"
  default_value { s: "NHWC" }
  allowed_values { list { s: "NHWC" s: "NCHW" s: "NCHW_VECT_C" } }
-- | 
sparseAccumulatorApplyGradient :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 dtype
                                  m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                        OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] dtype) =>
                                  Bool -- ^ __has_known_shape__
                                  -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __local_step__
                                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __gradient_indices__
                                  -> Tensor v'4 dtype -- ^ __gradient_values__
                                  -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __gradient_shape__
                                  -> m' (ControlNode)
sparseAccumulatorApplyGradient = sparseAccumulatorApplyGradient' id
sparseAccumulatorApplyGradient' :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 dtype
                                   m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                         OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                 Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                 Float] dtype) => OpParams ->
                                   Bool -- ^ __has_known_shape__
                                   -> Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __local_step__
                                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __gradient_indices__
                                   -> Tensor v'4 dtype -- ^ __gradient_values__
                                   -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __gradient_shape__
                                   -> m' (ControlNode)
sparseAccumulatorApplyGradient' op'options has_known_shape handle local_step
                                gradient_indices gradient_values
                                gradient_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs local_step,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_indices,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_values,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseAccumulatorApplyGradient"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "has_known_shape" .~ has_known_shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "local_step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "gradient_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "gradient_values" type_attr: "dtype" }
input_arg { name: "gradient_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr { name: "has_known_shape" type: "bool" }
-- | 
sparseAccumulatorTakeGradient :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                Float] dtype) =>
                                 Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_required__
                                 -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                         Tensor Value dtype,
                                         Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                                 -- ^ (__indices__, __values__, __shape__)
                                 -- * __indices__
                                 -- * __values__
                                 -- * __shape__
sparseAccumulatorTakeGradient = sparseAccumulatorTakeGradient' id
sparseAccumulatorTakeGradient' :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                 Float] dtype) =>
                                  OpParams ->
                                  Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_required__
                                  -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                          Tensor Value dtype,
                                          Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                                  -- ^ (__indices__, __values__, __shape__)
                                  -- * __indices__
                                  -- * __values__
                                  -- * __shape__
sparseAccumulatorTakeGradient' op'options handle
                               num_required | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs num_required]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseAccumulatorTakeGradient"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "num_required" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
             treal . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                              Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                              Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                              Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] treal) =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
             -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
             -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __b_values__
             -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_shape__
             -> Tensor v'7 treal -- ^ __thresh__
             -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                 Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
             -- ^ (__sum_indices__, __sum_values__, __sum_shape__)
             -- * __sum_indices__
             -- * __sum_values__
             -- * __sum_shape__
sparseAdd = sparseAdd' id
sparseAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t
              treal . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                               Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                               Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                               Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                               Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                 Float] treal) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
              -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
              -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __b_values__
              -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_shape__
              -> Tensor v'7 treal -- ^ __thresh__
              -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                  Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
              -- ^ (__sum_indices__, __sum_values__, __sum_shape__)
              -- * __sum_indices__
              -- * __sum_values__
              -- * __sum_shape__
sparseAdd' op'options a_indices a_values a_shape b_indices b_values b_shape
           thresh | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a_indices,
                                                             buildInputs a_values,
                                                             buildInputs a_shape,
                                                             buildInputs b_indices,
                                                             buildInputs b_values,
                                                             buildInputs b_shape,
                                                             buildInputs thresh]
        return (opDef "SparseAdd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Treal" .~ tensorType (undefined :: treal)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "a_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "a_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "b_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "thresh" type_attr: "Treal" }
output_arg { name: "sum_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sum_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "sum_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Treal"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseAddGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                              Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                              Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                              Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __backprop_val_grad__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sum_indices__
                 -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                 -- ^ (__a_val_grad__, __b_val_grad__)
                 -- * __a_val_grad__
                 -- * __b_val_grad__
sparseAddGrad = sparseAddGrad' id
sparseAddGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                  t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                               Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                               Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                               Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                               Float] t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __backprop_val_grad__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
                  -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sum_indices__
                  -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                  -- ^ (__a_val_grad__, __b_val_grad__)
                  -- * __a_val_grad__
                  -- * __b_val_grad__
sparseAddGrad' op'options backprop_val_grad a_indices b_indices
               sum_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs backprop_val_grad,
                                                             buildInputs a_indices,
                                                             buildInputs b_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sum_indices]
        return (opDef "SparseAddGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "backprop_val_grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "a_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sum_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "a_val_grad" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "b_val_grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseApplyAdadelta :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t tindices
                       m' . (MonadBuild m',
                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                       -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                       -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum_update__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                       -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                       -> Tensor v'8 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyAdadelta = sparseApplyAdadelta' id
sparseApplyAdadelta' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 t tindices
                        m' . (MonadBuild m',
                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum_update__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                        -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> Tensor v'8 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                        -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyAdadelta' op'options var accum accum_update lr rho epsilon grad
                     indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs accum_update,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyAdadelta"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum_update" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyAdagrad :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                          OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                  Float] t,
                                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                  Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                      -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyAdagrad = sparseApplyAdagrad' id
sparseApplyAdagrad' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                   Float] t,
                                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                       -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                       -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyAdagrad' op'options var accum lr grad indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "update_slots" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
-- | 
sparseApplyAdagradDA :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t tindices
                        m' . (MonadBuild m',
                              OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                        Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                        -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                        -> Tensor v'9 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                        -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyAdagradDA = sparseApplyAdagradDA' id
sparseApplyAdagradDA' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t tindices
                         m' . (MonadBuild m',
                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                         -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_accumulator__
                         -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __gradient_squared_accumulator__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                         -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                         -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                         -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                         -> Tensor v'9 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __global_step__
                         -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyAdagradDA' op'options var gradient_accumulator
                      gradient_squared_accumulator grad indices lr l1 l2
                      global_step | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs gradient_squared_accumulator,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs global_step]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyAdagradDA"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg {
  name: "gradient_accumulator" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true
input_arg {
  name: "gradient_squared_accumulator" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "global_step" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyCenteredRMSProp :: forall v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t tindices
                              m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                    OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mg__
                              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                              -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                              -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                              -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                              -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                              -> Tensor v'10 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyCenteredRMSProp = sparseApplyCenteredRMSProp' id
sparseApplyCenteredRMSProp' :: forall v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t tindices
                               m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mg__
                               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __lr__
                               -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __rho__
                               -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __momentum__
                               -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                               -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __grad__
                               -> Tensor v'10 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyCenteredRMSProp' op'options var mg ms mom lr rho momentum epsilon
                            grad indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs mg,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyCenteredRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "mg" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "ms" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "mom" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyFtrl :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t tindices
                   m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t,
                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                   Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                   -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                   -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
                   -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                   -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                   -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                   -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                   -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                   -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                   -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyFtrl = sparseApplyFtrl' id
sparseApplyFtrl' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t tindices
                    m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                 Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                 Float] t,
                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                    -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                    -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
                    -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                    -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                    -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                    -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                    -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                    -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                    -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyFtrl' op'options var accum linear grad indices lr l1 l2
                 lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyFtrl"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "linear" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyFtrlV2 :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t tindices
                     m' . (MonadBuild m', OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                  Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                  Float] t,
                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                     Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                     -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                     -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
                     -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                     -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                     -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                     -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                     -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                     -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
                     -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                     -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyFtrlV2 = sparseApplyFtrlV2' id
sparseApplyFtrlV2' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 v'10 t tindices
                      m' . (MonadBuild m',
                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                      -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                      -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __linear__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __lr__
                      -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __l1__
                      -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __l2__
                      -> Tensor v'9 t -- ^ __l2_shrinkage__
                      -> Tensor v'10 t -- ^ __lr_power__
                      -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyFtrlV2' op'options var accum linear grad indices lr l1 l2
                   l2_shrinkage lr_power | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs linear,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs l2_shrinkage,
                                                             buildInputs lr_power]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyFtrlV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "linear" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2_shrinkage" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lr_power" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyMomentum :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                               OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                       Float] t,
                                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                       -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                       -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                       -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyMomentum = sparseApplyMomentum' id
sparseApplyMomentum' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t tindices m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                                OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                                        Float] t,
                                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                        -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __grad__
                        -> Tensor v'5 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                        -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                        -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyMomentum' op'options var accum lr grad indices
                     momentum | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs momentum]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyMomentum"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "use_nesterov" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyProximalAdagrad :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t tindices
                              m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                    OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                              Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                              -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                              -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                              -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                              -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                              -> Tensor v'7 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                              -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyProximalAdagrad = sparseApplyProximalAdagrad' id
sparseApplyProximalAdagrad' :: forall v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 t tindices
                               m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                     OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                               OpParams ->
                               Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                               -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __accum__
                               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __lr__
                               -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l1__
                               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __l2__
                               -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __grad__
                               -> Tensor v'7 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                               -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyProximalAdagrad' op'options var accum lr l1 l2 grad
                            indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs accum,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyProximalAdagrad"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "accum" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyProximalGradientDescent :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t tindices
                                      m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                    Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                    Float] t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                      Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __grad__
                                      -> Tensor v'6 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                      -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyProximalGradientDescent = sparseApplyProximalGradientDescent' id
sparseApplyProximalGradientDescent' :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6 t tindices
                                       m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                     Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                     Float] t,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                                       OpParams ->
                                       Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __alpha__
                                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __l1__
                                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __l2__
                                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __grad__
                                       -> Tensor v'6 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                                       -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyProximalGradientDescent' op'options var alpha l1 l2 grad
                                    indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs alpha,
                                                             buildInputs l1,
                                                             buildInputs l2,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyProximalGradientDescent"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "alpha" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l1" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "l2" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseApplyRMSProp :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t tindices
                      m' . (MonadBuild m',
                            OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                      Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                      -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                      -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                      -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                      -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                      -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                      -> Tensor v'9 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                      -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyRMSProp = sparseApplyRMSProp' id
sparseApplyRMSProp' :: forall v'4 v'5 v'6 v'7 v'8 v'9 t tindices
                       m' . (MonadBuild m',
                             OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor Ref t -- ^ __var__
                       -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ms__
                       -> Tensor Ref t -- ^ __mom__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __lr__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __rho__
                       -> Tensor v'6 t -- ^ __momentum__
                       -> Tensor v'7 t -- ^ __epsilon__
                       -> Tensor v'8 t -- ^ __grad__
                       -> Tensor v'9 tindices -- ^ __indices__
                       -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __out__
sparseApplyRMSProp' op'options var ms mom lr rho momentum epsilon grad
                    indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs var,
                                                             buildInputs ms,
                                                             buildInputs mom,
                                                             buildInputs lr,
                                                             buildInputs rho,
                                                             buildInputs momentum,
                                                             buildInputs epsilon,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseApplyRMSProp"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "var" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "ms" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "mom" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "lr" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "rho" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "momentum" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "epsilon" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
output_arg { name: "out" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "use_locking" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
sparseConcat :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) =>
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __concat_dim__
                -> [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __indices__
                -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __values__
                -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __shapes__
                -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                    Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                -- * __output_indices__
                -- * __output_values__
                -- * __output_shape__
sparseConcat = sparseConcat' id
sparseConcat' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __concat_dim__
                 -> [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __indices__
                 -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __values__
                 -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __shapes__
                 -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                     Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                 -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                 -- * __output_indices__
                 -- * __output_values__
                 -- * __output_shape__
sparseConcat' op'options concat_dim indices values
              shapes | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("indices", length indices),
                                             ("values", length values),
                                             ("shapes", length shapes)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs shapes]
        return (opDef "SparseConcat"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "concat_dim" .~ concat_dim
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length indices) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "shapes" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "concat_dim" type: "int" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
sparseConditionalAccumulator :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                                -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                                -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
sparseConditionalAccumulator = sparseConditionalAccumulator' id
sparseConditionalAccumulator' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                 DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                                 -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                                 -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
sparseConditionalAccumulator' op'options dtype shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseConditionalAccumulator"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ dtype
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
sparseCross :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 sparse_types dense_types
               out_type . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                    Data.Int.Int64] sparse_types,
                           OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                    Data.Int.Int64] dense_types,
                           OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                   Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
               Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __hash_key__
               -> Bool -- ^ __hashed_output__
               -> DataType -- ^ __internal_type__
               -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
               -> [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __indices__
               -> TensorList (v'2) sparse_types -- ^ __values__
               -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __shapes__
               -> TensorList (v'4) dense_types -- ^ __dense_inputs__
               -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build out_type,
                   Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
               -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
               -- * __output_indices__
               -- * __output_values__
               -- * __output_shape__
sparseCross = sparseCross' id
sparseCross' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 sparse_types dense_types
                out_type . (OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                     Data.Int.Int64] sparse_types,
                            OneOfs '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                     Data.Int.Int64] dense_types,
                            OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                    Data.Int.Int64] out_type) => OpParams ->
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __hash_key__
                -> Bool -- ^ __hashed_output__
                -> DataType -- ^ __internal_type__
                -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                -> [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __indices__
                -> TensorList (v'2) sparse_types -- ^ __values__
                -> [Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64] -- ^ __shapes__
                -> TensorList (v'4) dense_types -- ^ __dense_inputs__
                -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build out_type,
                    Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                -- * __output_indices__
                -- * __output_values__
                -- * __output_shape__
sparseCross' op'options hash_key hashed_output internal_type num_buckets indices
             values shapes
             dense_inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("indices", length indices),
                                                  ("shapes", length shapes)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs shapes,
                                                             buildInputs dense_inputs]
        return (opDef "SparseCross"
                & opAttr "sparse_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy sparse_types)
                & opAttr "dense_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dense_types)
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & opAttr "hash_key" .~ hash_key
                & opAttr "hashed_output" .~ hashed_output
                & opAttr "internal_type" .~ internal_type
                & opAttr "num_buckets" .~ num_buckets
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length indices) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "sparse_types" }
input_arg { name: "shapes" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "N" }
input_arg { name: "dense_inputs" type_list_attr: "dense_types" }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "out_type" }
output_arg { name: "output_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "hashed_output" type: "bool" }
attr { name: "num_buckets" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "hash_key" type: "int" }
attr {
  name: "sparse_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING } }
attr {
  name: "dense_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING } }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING } }
attr {
  name: "internal_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT64 type: DT_STRING } }
-- | 
sparseDenseCwiseAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                       t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __dense__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseDenseCwiseAdd = sparseDenseCwiseAdd' id
sparseDenseCwiseAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                        t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __dense__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseDenseCwiseAdd' op'options sp_indices sp_values sp_shape
                     dense | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sp_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sp_values,
                                                             buildInputs sp_shape,
                                                             buildInputs dense]
        return (opDef "SparseDenseCwiseAdd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sp_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sp_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sp_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "dense" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseDenseCwiseDiv :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                       t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __dense__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseDenseCwiseDiv = sparseDenseCwiseDiv' id
sparseDenseCwiseDiv' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                        t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __dense__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseDenseCwiseDiv' op'options sp_indices sp_values sp_shape
                     dense | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sp_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sp_values,
                                                             buildInputs sp_shape,
                                                             buildInputs dense]
        return (opDef "SparseDenseCwiseDiv"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sp_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sp_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sp_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "dense" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseDenseCwiseMul :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                       t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __dense__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseDenseCwiseMul = sparseDenseCwiseMul' id
sparseDenseCwiseMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                        t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __dense__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseDenseCwiseMul' op'options sp_indices sp_values sp_shape
                     dense | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sp_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sp_values,
                                                             buildInputs sp_shape,
                                                             buildInputs dense]
        return (opDef "SparseDenseCwiseMul"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sp_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sp_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sp_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "dense" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseFillEmptyRows :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __dense_shape__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __default_value__
                       -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                           Tensor Build Bool, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                       -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __empty_row_indicator__, __reverse_index_map__)
                       -- * __output_indices__
                       -- * __output_values__
                       -- * __empty_row_indicator__
                       -- * __reverse_index_map__
sparseFillEmptyRows = sparseFillEmptyRows' id
sparseFillEmptyRows' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __dense_shape__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __default_value__
                        -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                            Tensor Build Bool, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                        -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __empty_row_indicator__, __reverse_index_map__)
                        -- * __output_indices__
                        -- * __output_values__
                        -- * __empty_row_indicator__
                        -- * __reverse_index_map__
sparseFillEmptyRows' op'options indices values dense_shape
                     default_value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs dense_shape,
                                                             buildInputs default_value]
        return (opDef "SparseFillEmptyRows"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dense_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "default_value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "empty_row_indicator" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "reverse_index_map" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
sparseFillEmptyRowsGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
                           Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __reverse_index_map__
                           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad_values__
                           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                           -- ^ (__d_values__, __d_default_value__)
                           -- * __d_values__
                           -- * __d_default_value__
sparseFillEmptyRowsGrad = sparseFillEmptyRowsGrad' id
sparseFillEmptyRowsGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __reverse_index_map__
                            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __grad_values__
                            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                            -- ^ (__d_values__, __d_default_value__)
                            -- * __d_values__
                            -- * __d_default_value__
sparseFillEmptyRowsGrad' op'options reverse_index_map
                         grad_values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs reverse_index_map,
                                                             buildInputs grad_values]
        return (opDef "SparseFillEmptyRowsGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "reverse_index_map" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "grad_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "d_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "d_default_value" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
sparseMatMul :: forall v'1 v'2 ta tb . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] ta,
                                        OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] tb) =>
                Tensor v'1 ta -- ^ __a__
                -> Tensor v'2 tb -- ^ __b__
                -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __product__
sparseMatMul = sparseMatMul' id
sparseMatMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 ta tb . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] ta,
                                         OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Float] tb) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 ta -- ^ __a__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tb -- ^ __b__
                 -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __product__
sparseMatMul' op'options a b | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a,
                                                             buildInputs b]
        return (opDef "SparseMatMul"
                & opAttr "Ta" .~ tensorType (undefined :: ta)
                & opAttr "Tb" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tb)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a" type_attr: "Ta" }
input_arg { name: "b" type_attr: "Tb" }
output_arg { name: "product" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "transpose_a" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "transpose_b" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "a_is_sparse" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "b_is_sparse" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "Ta"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_BFLOAT16 } }
attr {
  name: "Tb"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_BFLOAT16 } }
-- | 
sparseReduceMax :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                       Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                       Float] t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                   -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseReduceMax = sparseReduceMax' id
sparseReduceMax' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                        Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                        Float] t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseReduceMax' op'options input_indices input_values input_shape
                 reduction_axes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_indices,
                                                             buildInputs input_values,
                                                             buildInputs input_shape,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_axes]
        return (opDef "SparseReduceMax"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "input_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "reduction_axes" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseReduceMaxSparse :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                             Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                         -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                             Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                         -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                         -- * __output_indices__
                         -- * __output_values__
                         -- * __output_shape__
sparseReduceMaxSparse = sparseReduceMaxSparse' id
sparseReduceMaxSparse' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                          -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                              Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                          -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                          -- * __output_indices__
                          -- * __output_values__
                          -- * __output_shape__
sparseReduceMaxSparse' op'options input_indices input_values input_shape
                       reduction_axes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_indices,
                                                             buildInputs input_values,
                                                             buildInputs input_shape,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_axes]
        return (opDef "SparseReduceMaxSparse"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "input_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "reduction_axes" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseReduceSum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                   t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                Float] t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                   -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseReduceSum = sparseReduceSum' id
sparseReduceSum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                    t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                 Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                 Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                 Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                 Float] t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseReduceSum' op'options input_indices input_values input_shape
                 reduction_axes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_indices,
                                                             buildInputs input_values,
                                                             buildInputs input_shape,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_axes]
        return (opDef "SparseReduceSum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "input_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "reduction_axes" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseReduceSumSparse :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                         t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                         -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                             Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                         -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                         -- * __output_indices__
                         -- * __output_values__
                         -- * __output_shape__
sparseReduceSumSparse = sparseReduceSumSparse' id
sparseReduceSumSparse' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                          t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __reduction_axes__
                          -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                              Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                          -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                          -- * __output_indices__
                          -- * __output_values__
                          -- * __output_shape__
sparseReduceSumSparse' op'options input_indices input_values input_shape
                       reduction_axes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_indices,
                                                             buildInputs input_values,
                                                             buildInputs input_shape,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_axes]
        return (opDef "SparseReduceSumSparse"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "input_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "reduction_axes" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseReorder :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                 -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t)
                 -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__)
                 -- * __output_indices__
                 -- * __output_values__
sparseReorder = sparseReorder' id
sparseReorder' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __input_values__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                  -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t)
                  -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__)
                  -- * __output_indices__
                  -- * __output_values__
sparseReorder' op'options input_indices input_values
               input_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_indices,
                                                             buildInputs input_values,
                                                             buildInputs input_shape]
        return (opDef "SparseReorder"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "input_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "input_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
sparseReshape :: Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __new_shape__
                 -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                 -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_shape__)
                 -- * __output_indices__
                 -- * __output_shape__
sparseReshape = sparseReshape' id
sparseReshape' :: OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_indices__
                  -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __input_shape__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __new_shape__
                  -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                  -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_shape__)
                  -- * __output_indices__
                  -- * __output_shape__
sparseReshape' op'options input_indices input_shape
               new_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_indices,
                                                             buildInputs input_shape,
                                                             buildInputs new_shape]
        return (opDef "SparseReshape"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "input_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "new_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
-- | 
sparseSegmentMean :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentMean = sparseSegmentMean' id
sparseSegmentMean' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentMean' op'options data' indices segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentMean"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSegmentMeanGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double,
                                                                  Float] t,
                                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                  Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __grad__
                         -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output_dim0__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentMeanGrad = sparseSegmentMeanGrad' id
sparseSegmentMeanGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double,
                                                                   Float] t,
                                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __grad__
                          -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output_dim0__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentMeanGrad' op'options grad indices segment_ids
                       output_dim0 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs output_dim0]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentMeanGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "output_dim0" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx
                                    tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                                    -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                                    -> Tensor v'4 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments = sparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments' id
sparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx
                                     tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                                     OpParams ->
                                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                                     -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                                     -> Tensor v'4 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments' op'options data' indices segment_ids
                                  num_segments | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs num_segments]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "Tnumsegments" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tnumsegments)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "num_segments" type_attr: "Tnumsegments" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tnumsegments"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSegmentSqrtN :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSqrtN = sparseSegmentSqrtN' id
sparseSegmentSqrtN' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSqrtN' op'options data' indices segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentSqrtN"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSegmentSqrtNGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double,
                                                                   Float] t,
                                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                   Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __grad__
                          -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output_dim0__
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSqrtNGrad = sparseSegmentSqrtNGrad' id
sparseSegmentSqrtNGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx . (OneOf '[Double,
                                                                    Float] t,
                                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                    Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __grad__
                           -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __output_dim0__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSqrtNGrad' op'options grad indices segment_ids
                        output_dim0 | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs output_dim0]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentSqrtNGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "output_dim0" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx
                                     tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                                     -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                                     -> Tensor v'4 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments = sparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments' id
sparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx
                                      tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t,
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                                      OpParams ->
                                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                                      -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                                      -> Tensor v'4 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments' op'options data' indices segment_ids
                                   num_segments | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs num_segments]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "Tnumsegments" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tnumsegments)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "num_segments" type_attr: "Tnumsegments" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tnumsegments"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSegmentSum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                         Double, Float] t,
                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                    -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSum = sparseSegmentSum' id
sparseSegmentSum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                          Double, Float] t,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                     -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSum' op'options data' indices segment_ids | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentSum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx
                                   tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                           Double, Float] t,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                                   -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                                   -> Tensor v'4 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                                   -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments = sparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments' id
sparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tidx
                                    tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                            Double, Float] t,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tidx,
                                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                                    OpParams ->
                                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                                    -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __segment_ids__
                                    -> Tensor v'4 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments' op'options data' indices segment_ids
                                 num_segments | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs num_segments]
        return (opDef "SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & opAttr "Tnumsegments" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tnumsegments)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "num_segments" type_attr: "Tnumsegments" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tnumsegments"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSlice :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (TensorType t) =>
               Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
               -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __shape__
               -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __start__
               -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __size__
               -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                   Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
               -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
               -- * __output_indices__
               -- * __output_values__
               -- * __output_shape__
sparseSlice = sparseSlice' id
sparseSlice' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __values__
                -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __shape__
                -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __start__
                -> Tensor v'5 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __size__
                -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                    Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                -- * __output_indices__
                -- * __output_values__
                -- * __output_shape__
sparseSlice' op'options indices values shape start size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs start,
                                                             buildInputs size]
        return (opDef "SparseSlice"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "start" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
sparseSoftmax :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                 Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                 -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSoftmax = sparseSoftmax' id
sparseSoftmax' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_indices__
                  -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __sp_values__
                  -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sp_shape__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseSoftmax' op'options sp_indices sp_values sp_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sp_indices,
                                                             buildInputs sp_values,
                                                             buildInputs sp_shape]
        return (opDef "SparseSoftmax"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sp_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "sp_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "sp_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
sparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits :: forall v'1 v'2 t
                                       tlabels . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                          Double, Float] t,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] tlabels) =>
                                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
                                       -> Tensor v'2 tlabels -- ^ __labels__
                                       -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                                       -- ^ (__loss__, __backprop__)
                                       -- * __loss__
                                       -- * __backprop__
sparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits = sparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits' id
sparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits' :: forall v'1 v'2 t
                                        tlabels . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                           Double, Float] t,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] tlabels) =>
                                        OpParams ->
                                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __features__
                                        -> Tensor v'2 tlabels -- ^ __labels__
                                        -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
                                        -- ^ (__loss__, __backprop__)
                                        -- * __loss__
                                        -- * __backprop__
sparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits' op'options features
                                     labels | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs features,
                                                             buildInputs labels]
        return (opDef "SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tlabels" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tlabels)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "features" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "labels" type_attr: "Tlabels" }
output_arg { name: "loss" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "backprop" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "Tlabels"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseSparseMaximum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6
                       t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __b_values__
                       -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_shape__
                       -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t)
                       -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__)
                       -- * __output_indices__
                       -- * __output_values__
sparseSparseMaximum = sparseSparseMaximum' id
sparseSparseMaximum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6
                        t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
                        -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __b_values__
                        -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_shape__
                        -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t)
                        -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__)
                        -- * __output_indices__
                        -- * __output_values__
sparseSparseMaximum' op'options a_indices a_values a_shape b_indices b_values
                     b_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a_indices,
                                                             buildInputs a_values,
                                                             buildInputs a_shape,
                                                             buildInputs b_indices,
                                                             buildInputs b_values,
                                                             buildInputs b_shape]
        return (opDef "SparseSparseMaximum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "a_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "a_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "b_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseSparseMinimum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6
                       t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                    Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __b_values__
                       -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_shape__
                       -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t)
                       -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__)
                       -- * __output_indices__
                       -- * __output_values__
sparseSparseMinimum = sparseSparseMinimum' id
sparseSparseMinimum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6
                        t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                     (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                     Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                     Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                     Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                     Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                     Float] t) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
                        -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __b_values__
                        -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __b_shape__
                        -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t)
                        -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__)
                        -- * __output_indices__
                        -- * __output_values__
sparseSparseMinimum' op'options a_indices a_values a_shape b_indices b_values
                     b_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a_indices,
                                                             buildInputs a_values,
                                                             buildInputs a_shape,
                                                             buildInputs b_indices,
                                                             buildInputs b_values,
                                                             buildInputs b_shape]
        return (opDef "SparseSparseMinimum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "a_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "a_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "b_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
sparseSplit :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
               Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_split__
               -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __split_dim__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __values__
               -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __shape__
               -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64], [Tensor Build t],
                   [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64])
               -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
               -- * __output_indices__
               -- * __output_values__
               -- * __output_shape__
sparseSplit = sparseSplit' id
sparseSplit' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_split__
                -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __split_dim__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __values__
                -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __shape__
                -> ([Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64], [Tensor Build t],
                    [Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64])
                -- ^ (__output_indices__, __output_values__, __output_shape__)
                -- * __output_indices__
                -- * __output_values__
                -- * __output_shape__
sparseSplit' op'options num_split split_dim indices values
             shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num_split, num_split, num_split] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs split_dim,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs shape]
        return (opDef "SparseSplit"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "num_split" .~ num_split
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "split_dim" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg {
  name: "output_indices" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "num_split"
output_arg {
  name: "output_values" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_split"
output_arg {
  name: "output_shape" type: DT_INT64 number_attr: "num_split"
attr { name: "num_split" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
sparseTensorDenseAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t
                        tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                            Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                        Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __a_indices__
                        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                        -> Tensor v'3 tindices -- ^ __a_shape__
                        -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __b__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseTensorDenseAdd = sparseTensorDenseAdd' id
sparseTensorDenseAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t
                         tindices . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                             (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                             Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                             Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                             Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                             Double, Float] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __a_indices__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                         -> Tensor v'3 tindices -- ^ __a_shape__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __b__
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sparseTensorDenseAdd' op'options a_indices a_values a_shape
                      b | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a_indices,
                                                             buildInputs a_values,
                                                             buildInputs a_shape,
                                                             buildInputs b]
        return (opDef "SparseTensorDenseAdd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a_indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "a_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "a_shape" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "b" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseTensorDenseMatMul :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tindices . (TensorType t,
                                                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                        Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                           Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __a_indices__
                           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
                           -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __b__
                           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __product__
sparseTensorDenseMatMul = sparseTensorDenseMatMul' id
sparseTensorDenseMatMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tindices . (TensorType t,
                                                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                         Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __a_indices__
                            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __a_values__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __a_shape__
                            -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __b__
                            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __product__
sparseTensorDenseMatMul' op'options a_indices a_values a_shape
                         b | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs a_indices,
                                                             buildInputs a_values,
                                                             buildInputs a_shape,
                                                             buildInputs b]
        return (opDef "SparseTensorDenseMatMul"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "a_indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "a_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "a_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "b" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "product" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "adjoint_a" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "adjoint_b" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
-- | 
sparseTensorSliceDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tvalues m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                             TensorType tvalues) =>
                            Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
                            -> Tensor v'2 tvalues -- ^ __values__
                            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __dense_shape__
                            -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
sparseTensorSliceDataset = sparseTensorSliceDataset' id
sparseTensorSliceDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 tvalues m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                              TensorType tvalues) =>
                             OpParams ->
                             Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __indices__
                             -> Tensor v'2 tvalues -- ^ __values__
                             -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __dense_shape__
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
sparseTensorSliceDataset' op'options indices values
                          dense_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs values,
                                                             buildInputs dense_shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SparseTensorSliceDataset"
                    & opAttr "Tvalues" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tvalues)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "Tvalues" }
input_arg { name: "dense_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "Tvalues" type: "type" }
-- | 
sparseToDense :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tindices . (TensorType t,
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                 Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __output_shape__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                 -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __default_value__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __dense__
sparseToDense = sparseToDense' id
sparseToDense' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t tindices . (TensorType t,
                                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                               Data.Int.Int64] tindices) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 tindices -- ^ __sparse_indices__
                  -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __output_shape__
                  -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __sparse_values__
                  -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __default_value__
                  -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __dense__
sparseToDense' op'options sparse_indices output_shape sparse_values
               default_value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sparse_indices,
                                                             buildInputs output_shape,
                                                             buildInputs sparse_values,
                                                             buildInputs default_value]
        return (opDef "SparseToDense"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "output_shape" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "default_value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "dense" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "validate_indices" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sparseToSparseSetOperation :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6
                              t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                           Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word8] t) =>
                              Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set1_indices__
                              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __set1_values__
                              -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set1_shape__
                              -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_indices__
                              -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __set2_values__
                              -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_shape__
                              -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                                  Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                              -- ^ (__result_indices__, __result_values__, __result_shape__)
                              -- * __result_indices__
                              -- * __result_values__
                              -- * __result_shape__
sparseToSparseSetOperation = sparseToSparseSetOperation' id
sparseToSparseSetOperation' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 v'6
                               t . (OneOf '[Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word8] t) => OpParams ->
                               Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set1_indices__
                               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __set1_values__
                               -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set1_shape__
                               -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_indices__
                               -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __set2_values__
                               -> Tensor v'6 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __set2_shape__
                               -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64, Tensor Build t,
                                   Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                               -- ^ (__result_indices__, __result_values__, __result_shape__)
                               -- * __result_indices__
                               -- * __result_values__
                               -- * __result_shape__
sparseToSparseSetOperation' op'options set1_indices set1_values set1_shape
                            set2_indices set2_values
                            set2_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs set1_indices,
                                                             buildInputs set1_values,
                                                             buildInputs set1_shape,
                                                             buildInputs set2_indices,
                                                             buildInputs set2_values,
                                                             buildInputs set2_shape]
        return (opDef "SparseToSparseSetOperation"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "set1_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "set1_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "set1_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "set2_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "set2_values" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "set2_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "result_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "result_values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "result_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "set_operation" type: "string" }
attr {
  name: "validate_indices" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_STRING
-- | 
split :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_split__
         -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __split_dim__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
         -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
split = split' id
split' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_split__
          -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __split_dim__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
          -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
split' op'options num_split split_dim value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num_split] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs split_dim,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        return (opDef "Split"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "num_split" .~ num_split
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "split_dim" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg {
  name: "output" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_split"
attr { name: "num_split" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
splitV :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tlen . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tlen) =>
          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_split__
          -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
          -> Tensor v'2 tlen -- ^ __size_splits__
          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __split_dim__
          -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
splitV = splitV' id
splitV' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tlen . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tlen) =>
           OpParams ->
           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_split__
           -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
           -> Tensor v'2 tlen -- ^ __size_splits__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __split_dim__
           -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
splitV' op'options num_split value size_splits split_dim | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num_split] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs size_splits,
                                                             buildInputs split_dim]
        return (opDef "SplitV"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tlen" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tlen)
                & opAttr "num_split" .~ num_split
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "size_splits" type_attr: "Tlen" }
input_arg { name: "split_dim" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg {
  name: "output" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_split"
attr { name: "num_split" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tlen"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sqlDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
              [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
              -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __driver_name__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __data_source_name__
              -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __query__
              -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
sqlDataset = sqlDataset' id
sqlDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
               [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
               -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __driver_name__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __data_source_name__
               -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __query__
               -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
sqlDataset' op'options output_types driver_name data_source_name
            query | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs driver_name,
                                                             buildInputs data_source_name,
                                                             buildInputs query]
        buildOp [] (opDef "SqlDataset"
                    & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "driver_name" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "data_source_name" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "query" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
sqrt :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sqrt = sqrt' id
sqrt' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
sqrt' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Sqrt"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
sqrtGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
sqrtGrad = sqrtGrad' id
sqrtGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
sqrtGrad' op'options y dy | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs dy]
        return (opDef "SqrtGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dy" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
square :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                  Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
square = square' id
square' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                   Float] t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
square' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Square"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
squaredDifference :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                 Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                                 Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                 Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
squaredDifference = squaredDifference' id
squaredDifference' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                  Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                  Float] t) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
squaredDifference' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "SquaredDifference"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
squeeze :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
squeeze = squeeze' id
squeeze' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
squeeze' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Squeeze"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "squeeze_dims"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { } }
  has_minimum: true
-- | 
stack :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __elem_type__
         -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
stack = stack' id
stack' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
          DataType -- ^ __elem_type__
          -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
stack' op'options elem_type | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Stack"
                    & opAttr "elem_type" .~ elem_type
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "elem_type" type: "type" }
attr { name: "stack_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
stackClose :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
              Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
              -> m' (ControlNode)
stackClose = stackClose' id
stackClose' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
               Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
               -> m' (ControlNode)
stackClose' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StackClose"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
-- | 
stackCloseV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
stackCloseV2 = stackCloseV2' id
stackCloseV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
stackCloseV2' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StackCloseV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
-- | 
stackPop :: forall elem_type m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType elem_type) =>
            Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
            -> m' (Tensor Value elem_type) -- ^ __elem__
stackPop = stackPop' id
stackPop' :: forall elem_type m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType elem_type) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
             -> m' (Tensor Value elem_type) -- ^ __elem__
stackPop' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StackPop"
                    & opAttr "elem_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: elem_type)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
output_arg { name: "elem" type_attr: "elem_type" }
attr { name: "elem_type" type: "type" }
-- | 
stackPopV2 :: forall v'1 elem_type m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType elem_type) =>
              Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
              -> m' (Tensor Value elem_type) -- ^ __elem__
stackPopV2 = stackPopV2' id
stackPopV2' :: forall v'1 elem_type m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                          TensorType elem_type) => OpParams ->
               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
               -> m' (Tensor Value elem_type) -- ^ __elem__
stackPopV2' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StackPopV2"
                    & opAttr "elem_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: elem_type)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "elem" type_attr: "elem_type" }
attr { name: "elem_type" type: "type" }
-- | 
stackPush :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
             Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __elem__
             -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
stackPush = stackPush' id
stackPush' :: forall v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
              -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __elem__
              -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
stackPush' op'options handle elem | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs elem]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StackPush"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "elem" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "swap_memory" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
stackPushV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
               Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __elem__
               -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
stackPushV2 = stackPushV2' id
stackPushV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __elem__
                -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
stackPushV2' op'options handle elem | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs elem]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StackPushV2"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "elem" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "swap_memory" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
-- | 
stackV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __elem_type__
           -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_size__
           -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
stackV2 = stackV2' id
stackV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
            DataType -- ^ __elem_type__
            -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __max_size__
            -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
stackV2' op'options elem_type max_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs max_size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StackV2"
                    & opAttr "elem_type" .~ elem_type
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "max_size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "elem_type" type: "type" }
attr { name: "stack_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
stage :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
         TensorList (v'1) dtypes -- ^ __values__
         -> m' (ControlNode)
stage = stage' id
stage' :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
          OpParams ->
          TensorList (v'1) dtypes -- ^ __values__
          -> m' (ControlNode)
stage' op'options values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "Stage"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
stageClear :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
              -> m' (ControlNode)
stageClear = stageClear' id
stageClear' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
               [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
               -> m' (ControlNode)
stageClear' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "StageClear"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
stagePeek :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
             -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
stagePeek = stagePeek' id
stagePeek' :: forall v'1 dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
              -> m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
stagePeek' op'options index | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs index]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StagePeek"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
stageSize :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
             -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
stageSize = stageSize' id
stageSize' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              [DataType] -- ^ __dtypes__
              -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
stageSize' op'options dtypes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "StageSize"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ dtypes
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr { name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
statelessMultinomial :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tseed
                        output_dtype . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t,
                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64] tseed,
                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64] output_dtype) =>
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_samples__
                        -> Tensor v'3 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                        -> Tensor Build output_dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessMultinomial = statelessMultinomial' id
statelessMultinomial' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tseed
                         output_dtype . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                 Float] t,
                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tseed,
                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                 Data.Int.Int64] output_dtype) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __logits__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_samples__
                         -> Tensor v'3 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                         -> Tensor Build output_dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessMultinomial' op'options logits num_samples seed | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs logits,
                                                             buildInputs num_samples,
                                                             buildInputs seed]
        return (opDef "StatelessMultinomial"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tseed" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tseed)
                & opAttr "output_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: output_dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "logits" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "num_samples" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "seed" type_attr: "Tseed" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "output_dtype" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tseed"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "output_dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
statelessRandomNormal :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype t
                         tseed . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                          Float] dtype, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Int.Int64] t,
                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                          Data.Int.Int64] tseed) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                         -> Tensor v'2 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                         -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessRandomNormal = statelessRandomNormal' id
statelessRandomNormal' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype t
                          tseed . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                           Float] dtype, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] t,
                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64] tseed) => OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                          -> Tensor v'2 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                          -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessRandomNormal' op'options shape seed | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs seed]
        return (opDef "StatelessRandomNormal"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tseed" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tseed)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "seed" type_attr: "Tseed" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tseed"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
statelessRandomUniform :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype t
                          tseed . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                           Float] dtype, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] t,
                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64] tseed) =>
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                          -> Tensor v'2 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                          -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessRandomUniform = statelessRandomUniform' id
statelessRandomUniform' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype t
                           tseed . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                            Float] dtype,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] t,
                                    OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64] tseed) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                           -> Tensor v'2 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                           -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessRandomUniform' op'options shape seed | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs seed]
        return (opDef "StatelessRandomUniform"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tseed" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tseed)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "seed" type_attr: "Tseed" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tseed"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
statelessTruncatedNormal :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype t
                            tseed . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                             Float] dtype,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] t,
                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                             Data.Int.Int64] tseed) =>
                            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                            -> Tensor v'2 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                            -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessTruncatedNormal = statelessTruncatedNormal' id
statelessTruncatedNormal' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype t
                             tseed . (OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                              Float] dtype,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] t,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tseed) =>
                             OpParams ->
                             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                             -> Tensor v'2 tseed -- ^ __seed__
                             -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __output__
statelessTruncatedNormal' op'options shape seed | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs seed]
        return (opDef "StatelessTruncatedNormal"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tseed" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tseed)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "seed" type_attr: "Tseed" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_HALF type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tseed"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
statsAggregatorHandle :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                         m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
statsAggregatorHandle = statsAggregatorHandle' id
statsAggregatorHandle' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                          m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __handle__
statsAggregatorHandle' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "StatsAggregatorHandle"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
statsAggregatorSummary :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                          -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __summary__
statsAggregatorSummary = statsAggregatorSummary' id
statsAggregatorSummary' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __iterator__
                           -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __summary__
statsAggregatorSummary' op'options iterator | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs iterator]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StatsAggregatorSummary"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "iterator" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
stopGradient :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
stopGradient = stopGradient' id
stopGradient' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
stopGradient' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "StopGradient"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
stridedSlice :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t index . (TensorType t,
                                                  OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
stridedSlice = stridedSlice' id
stridedSlice' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t index . (TensorType t,
                                                   OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                 -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                 -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                 -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                 -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
stridedSlice' op'options input begin end strides | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs begin,
                                                             buildInputs end,
                                                             buildInputs strides]
        return (opDef "StridedSlice"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Index" .~ tensorType (undefined :: index)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "begin" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "end" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "strides" type_attr: "Index" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Index"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "begin_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "end_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "ellipsis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "new_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "shrink_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
-- | 
stridedSliceAssign :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t index m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                           TensorType t,
                                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                   Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                      Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                      -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                      -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                      -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                      -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
stridedSliceAssign = stridedSliceAssign' id
stridedSliceAssign' :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t index m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                            TensorType t,
                                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                    Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor Ref t -- ^ __ref__
                       -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                       -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                       -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                       -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> m' (Tensor Ref t) -- ^ __output_ref__
stridedSliceAssign' op'options ref begin end strides value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs ref,
                                                             buildInputs begin,
                                                             buildInputs end,
                                                             buildInputs strides,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "StridedSliceAssign"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "Index" .~ tensorType (undefined :: index)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "begin" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "end" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "strides" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_ref" type_attr: "T" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Index"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "begin_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "end_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "ellipsis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "new_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "shrink_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
-- | 
stridedSliceGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t index . (TensorType t,
                                                          OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                  Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                    Tensor v'1 index -- ^ __shape__
                    -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                    -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                    -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                    -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __dy__
                    -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
stridedSliceGrad = stridedSliceGrad' id
stridedSliceGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t index . (TensorType t,
                                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                   Data.Int.Int64] index) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 index -- ^ __shape__
                     -> Tensor v'2 index -- ^ __begin__
                     -> Tensor v'3 index -- ^ __end__
                     -> Tensor v'4 index -- ^ __strides__
                     -> Tensor v'5 t -- ^ __dy__
                     -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
stridedSliceGrad' op'options shape begin end strides dy | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape,
                                                             buildInputs begin,
                                                             buildInputs end,
                                                             buildInputs strides,
                                                             buildInputs dy]
        return (opDef "StridedSliceGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Index" .~ tensorType (undefined :: index)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "begin" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "end" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "strides" type_attr: "Index" }
input_arg { name: "dy" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Index"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr { name: "begin_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "end_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "ellipsis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "new_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "shrink_axis_mask" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
-- | 
stringJoin :: [Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __inputs__
              -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
stringJoin = stringJoin' id
stringJoin' :: OpParams ->
               [Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString] -- ^ __inputs__
               -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
stringJoin' op'options
            inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "StringJoin"
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "inputs" type: DT_STRING number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "separator" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
stringSplit :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __delimiter__
               -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                   Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                   Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
               -- ^ (__indices__, __values__, __shape__)
               -- * __indices__
               -- * __values__
               -- * __shape__
stringSplit = stringSplit' id
stringSplit' :: OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __delimiter__
                -> (Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64,
                    Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                    Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                -- ^ (__indices__, __values__, __shape__)
                -- * __indices__
                -- * __values__
                -- * __shape__
stringSplit' op'options input delimiter | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs delimiter]
        return (opDef "StringSplit"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "delimiter" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "values" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "skip_empty" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
-- | 
stringStrip :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
               -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
stringStrip = stringStrip' id
stringStrip' :: OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
stringStrip' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "StringStrip"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
stringToHashBucket :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                      -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __string_tensor__
                      -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
stringToHashBucket = stringToHashBucket' id
stringToHashBucket' :: OpParams ->
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                       -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __string_tensor__
                       -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
stringToHashBucket' op'options num_buckets string_tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs string_tensor]
        return (opDef "StringToHashBucket"
                & opAttr "num_buckets" .~ num_buckets
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "string_tensor" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "num_buckets" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
stringToHashBucketFast :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                          -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                          -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
stringToHashBucketFast = stringToHashBucketFast' id
stringToHashBucketFast' :: OpParams ->
                           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                           -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                           -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
stringToHashBucketFast' op'options num_buckets input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "StringToHashBucketFast"
                & opAttr "num_buckets" .~ num_buckets
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "num_buckets" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | 
stringToHashBucketStrong :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                            -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                            -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
stringToHashBucketStrong = stringToHashBucketStrong' id
stringToHashBucketStrong' :: OpParams ->
                             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_buckets__
                             -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
                             -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __output__
stringToHashBucketStrong' op'options num_buckets input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "StringToHashBucketStrong"
                & opAttr "num_buckets" .~ num_buckets
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "num_buckets" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "key" type: "list(int)" }
-- | 
stringToNumber :: forall v'1 out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                                 Double, Float] out_type) =>
                  Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __string_tensor__
                  -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
stringToNumber = stringToNumber' id
stringToNumber' :: forall v'1 out_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                  Data.Int.Int64, Double,
                                                  Float] out_type) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __string_tensor__
                   -> Tensor Build out_type -- ^ __output__
stringToNumber' op'options string_tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs string_tensor]
        return (opDef "StringToNumber"
                & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "string_tensor" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64
-- | 
sub :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int16,
                                   Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                   Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
sub = sub' id
sub' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                    (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                    Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                    Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                    Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
sub' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "Sub"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
substr :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
          Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __pos__
          -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __len__
          -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
substr = substr' id
substr' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __pos__
           -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __len__
           -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
substr' op'options input pos len | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs pos,
                                                             buildInputs len]
        return (opDef "Substr"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "pos" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "len" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
sum :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                        Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                        Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                        Double, Float] t,
                                OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
       -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sum = sum' id
sum' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tidx . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                         Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                         Double, Float] t,
                                 OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                         Data.Int.Int64] tidx) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __reduction_indices__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
sum' op'options input reduction_indices | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs reduction_indices]
        return (opDef "Sum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "reduction_indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "keep_dims" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
summaryWriter :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                 m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __writer__
summaryWriter = summaryWriter' id
summaryWriter' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                  m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __writer__
summaryWriter' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "SummaryWriter"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
svd :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                               Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
       -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
       -- ^ (__s__, __u__, __v__)
       -- * __s__
       -- * __u__
       -- * __v__
svd = svd' id
svd' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Double,
                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
        -- ^ (__s__, __u__, __v__)
        -- * __s__
        -- * __u__
        -- * __v__
svd' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Svd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "s" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "u" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "v" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "compute_uv" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "full_matrices" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
switch :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
          -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __pred__
          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
          -- ^ (__output_false__, __output_true__)
          -- * __output_false__
          -- * __output_true__
switch = switch' id
switch' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
           -> Tensor v'2 Bool -- ^ __pred__
           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build t)
           -- ^ (__output_false__, __output_true__)
           -- * __output_false__
           -- * __output_true__
switch' op'options data' pred | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs pred]
        return (opDef "Switch"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "pred" type: DT_BOOL }
output_arg { name: "output_false" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output_true" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tFRecordDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __compression_type__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
tFRecordDataset = tFRecordDataset' id
tFRecordDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __compression_type__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
tFRecordDataset' op'options filenames compression_type
                 buffer_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs filenames,
                                                             buildInputs compression_type,
                                                             buildInputs buffer_size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TFRecordDataset"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "filenames" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "compression_type" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "buffer_size" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
tFRecordReader :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                  m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
tFRecordReader = tFRecordReader' id
tFRecordReader' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                   m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
tFRecordReader' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TFRecordReader"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "compression_type" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
tFRecordReaderV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
tFRecordReaderV2 = tFRecordReaderV2' id
tFRecordReaderV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
tFRecordReaderV2' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TFRecordReaderV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "compression_type" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
tPUCompilationResult :: Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
tPUCompilationResult = tPUCompilationResult' id
tPUCompilationResult' :: OpParams ->
                         Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __output__
tPUCompilationResult' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        return (opDef "TPUCompilationResult"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_STRING }
-- | An op enabling differentiation of TPU Embeddings.
-- This op simply returns its first input, which is assumed to have been sliced
-- from the Tensors returned by TPUEmbeddingDequeueActivations. The presence of this
-- op, and its first argument being a trainable Variable, enables automatic
-- differentiation of graphs containing embeddings via the TPU Embedding Python
-- libraries.
tPUEmbeddingActivations :: Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lookup_id__: Identifier of the set of embedding indices which produced these
                                          -- activations.
                           -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table in the embedding layer configuration from which
                                             -- these activations were computed.
                           -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __embedding_variable__: A trainable variable, enabling optimizers to find this op.
                           -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __sliced_activations__: The embedding activations Tensor to return.
                           -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
tPUEmbeddingActivations = tPUEmbeddingActivations' id
tPUEmbeddingActivations' :: OpParams ->
                            Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lookup_id__: Identifier of the set of embedding indices which produced these
                                           -- activations.
                            -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table in the embedding layer configuration from which
                                              -- these activations were computed.
                            -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __embedding_variable__: A trainable variable, enabling optimizers to find this op.
                            -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __sliced_activations__: The embedding activations Tensor to return.
                            -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __output__
tPUEmbeddingActivations' op'options lookup_id table_id embedding_variable
                         sliced_activations | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs embedding_variable,
                                                             buildInputs sliced_activations]
        return (opDef "TPUEmbeddingActivations"
                & opAttr "lookup_id" .~ lookup_id
                & opAttr "table_id" .~ table_id
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "embedding_variable"
  description: "A trainable variable, enabling optimizers to find this op."
  type: DT_FLOAT
input_arg {
  name: "sliced_activations"
  description: "The embedding activations Tensor to return."
  type: DT_FLOAT
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "table_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "The id of the table in the embedding layer configuration from which\nthese activations were computed."
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "lookup_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "Identifier of the set of embedding indices which produced these\nactivations."
  has_minimum: true
-- | An op that feeds a batch of embedding indices and weights to the TPU.
-- Embedding lookups are equivalent to sparse-dense matrix multiplications: the
-- sparse matrix contains nonzeros in column j in order to retrieve row j from the
-- embedding table.
-- The three Tensor list arguments (sample_indices, embedding_indices, and
-- aggregation_weights) represent these sparse matrices in COO format. The Tensor
-- lists each have one entry for each embedding table specified in the model.
-- For the kth embedding table, the three Tensors at position k in the list
-- specify a COO-format sparse matrix. For the kth table, the row indices,
-- column indices, and nonzero values of the COO sparse matrix are specified by
-- sample_indices[k], embedding_indices[k], and aggregation_weights[k],
-- respectively. Entries must be sorted by row index, then by column index.
-- There should be at most one TPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch op in a signle
-- training step per TPU shard.
tPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                  [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __sample_indices__: A list of rank 1 Tensors specifying row indices of the COO
                                                              -- sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table.
                                  -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __embedding_indices__: A list of rank 1 Tensors  specifying column indices of the
                                                                 -- COO sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table.
                                  -> [Tensor v'3 Float] -- ^ __aggregation_weights__: A list of rank 1 Tensors specifying the nonzero values
                                                        -- of the COO sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table.
                                  -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch = tPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch' id
tPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                   OpParams ->
                                   [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __sample_indices__: A list of rank 1 Tensors specifying row indices of the COO
                                                               -- sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table.
                                   -> [Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __embedding_indices__: A list of rank 1 Tensors  specifying column indices of the
                                                                  -- COO sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table.
                                   -> [Tensor v'3 Float] -- ^ __aggregation_weights__: A list of rank 1 Tensors specifying the nonzero values
                                                         -- of the COO sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table.
                                   -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch' op'options sample_indices embedding_indices
                                aggregation_weights | eqLengthGuard [("num_tables", [("sample_indices", length sample_indices),
                                                                                     ("embedding_indices", length embedding_indices),
                                                                                     ("aggregation_weights", length aggregation_weights)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sample_indices,
                                                             buildInputs embedding_indices,
                                                             buildInputs aggregation_weights]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch"
                    & opAttr "num_tables" .~ num_tables
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_tables = fromIntegral (length sample_indices) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "sample_indices"
  description: "A list of rank 1 Tensors specifying row indices of the COO\nsparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table."
  type: DT_INT32
  number_attr: "num_tables"
input_arg {
  name: "embedding_indices"
  description: "A list of rank 1 Tensors  specifying column indices of the\nCOO sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table."
  type: DT_INT32
  number_attr: "num_tables"
input_arg {
  name: "aggregation_weights"
  description: "A list of rank 1 Tensors specifying the nonzero values\nof the COO sparse matrix representing the embedding lookups for each table."
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_tables"
attr {
  name: "num_tables" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "device_ordinal"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: -1 }
  description: "The TPU device to use. This should be -1 when the Op\nis running on a TPU device, and >= 0 when the Op is running on the CPU\ndevice."
-- | Load an embedding table shard into TensorNode memories for use with Adagrad.
-- TPU embeddings use dedicated per-optimizer Ops for loading and retrieving
-- trainable variables and optimizer state from TPU memory. This op enables
-- functionality equivalent to AdagradOptimizer.
tPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                     -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                     -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in the embedding_config.
                                     -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __parameters__: The shard of the embedding table resident on the host executing this
                                                         -- op. For single-TPU models, this is the entire embedding table.
                                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __accumulators__: Shard of the Adagrad accumulators resident on the host executing
                                                         -- this op.
                                     -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters = tPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters' id
tPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                      OpParams ->
                                      Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                      -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                      -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in the embedding_config.
                                      -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __parameters__: The shard of the embedding table resident on the host executing this
                                                          -- op. For single-TPU models, this is the entire embedding table.
                                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __accumulators__: Shard of the Adagrad accumulators resident on the host executing
                                                          -- this op.
                                      -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters' op'options host_id num_hosts table_id
                                   parameters accumulators | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs parameters,
                                                             buildInputs accumulators]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters"
                    & opAttr "host_id" .~ host_id
                    & opAttr "num_hosts" .~ num_hosts
                    & opAttr "table_id" .~ table_id
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "parameters"
  description: "The shard of the embedding table resident on the host executing this\nop. For single-TPU models, this is the entire embedding table."
  type: DT_FLOAT
input_arg {
  name: "accumulators"
  description: "Shard of the Adagrad accumulators resident on the host executing\nthis op."
  type: DT_FLOAT
attr {
  name: "tpu_embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  description: "Serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto."
attr {
  name: "table_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "The id of the table specified in the embedding_config."
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "num_hosts"
  type: "int"
  description: "The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job."
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "host_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op."
  has_minimum: true
-- | Load an embedding table shard into TPU memory for use with GradientDescent.
-- TPU embeddings use dedicated per-optimizer Ops for loading and retrieving
-- trainable variables and optimizer state from TPU memory. This op enables
-- functionality equivalent to GradientDescentOptimizer.
tPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                             -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                             -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in the tpu_embedding_config.
                                             -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __parameters__: The shard of the embedding table resident on the host executing this
                                                                 -- op. For single-TPU models, this is the entire embedding table.
                                             -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters = tPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters' id
tPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                              OpParams ->
                                              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                              -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                              -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in the tpu_embedding_config.
                                              -> Tensor v'1 Float -- ^ __parameters__: The shard of the embedding table resident on the host executing this
                                                                  -- op. For single-TPU models, this is the entire embedding table.
                                              -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters' op'options host_id num_hosts table_id
                                           parameters | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs parameters]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters"
                    & opAttr "host_id" .~ host_id
                    & opAttr "num_hosts" .~ num_hosts
                    & opAttr "table_id" .~ table_id
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "parameters"
  description: "The shard of the embedding table resident on the host executing this\nop. For single-TPU models, this is the entire embedding table."
  type: DT_FLOAT
attr {
  name: "tpu_embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  description: "Serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto."
attr {
  name: "table_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "The id of the table specified in the tpu_embedding_config."
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "num_hosts"
  type: "int"
  description: "The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job."
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "host_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op."
  has_minimum: true
-- | An op that receives embedding activations on the TPU.
-- The TPU system performs the embedding lookups and aggregations specified by
-- the arguments to TPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch. The results of these
-- aggregations are visible to the Tensorflow Graph as the outputs of a
-- TPUEmbeddingDequeueActivations Op. This op returns a list containing one
-- Tensor of activations per table specified in the model. There can be at most
-- one ReceieveActivations op in the TPU graph.
tPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                  Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_tables__: The number of output activation tensors, equal to the number of
                                                 -- embedding tables in the model.
                                  -> m' ([Tensor Value Float]) -- ^ __outputs__: A TensorList of embedding activations containing one Tensor per
                                  -- embedding table in the model.
tPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations = tPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations' id
tPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                                   Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_tables__: The number of output activation tensors, equal to the number of
                                                  -- embedding tables in the model.
                                   -> m' ([Tensor Value Float]) -- ^ __outputs__: A TensorList of embedding activations containing one Tensor per
                                   -- embedding table in the model.
tPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations' op'options num_tables | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [num_tables] (opDef "TPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations"
                              & opAttr "num_tables" .~ num_tables
                              & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "outputs"
  description: "A TensorList of embedding activations containing one Tensor per\nembedding table in the model."
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_tables"
attr {
  name: "num_tables"
  type: "int"
  description: "The number of output activation tensors, equal to the number of\nembedding tables in the model."
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "tpu_embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  description: "Serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto."
-- | Retrieve an embedding table shard from TPU memory.
-- TPU embeddings use dedicated per-optimizer Ops for loading and retrieving
-- trainable variables and optimizer state from TPU memory. This op enables
-- functionality equivalent to AdagradOptimizer.
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                         -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                         -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in the embedding_config_json.
                                         -> m' ((Tensor Value Float,
                                                 Tensor Value Float))
                                         -- ^ (__parameters__, __accumulators__)
                                         -- * __parameters__
                                         -- * __accumulators__
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters = tPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters' id
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                          OpParams ->
                                          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                          -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                          -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in the embedding_config_json.
                                          -> m' ((Tensor Value Float,
                                                  Tensor Value Float))
                                          -- ^ (__parameters__, __accumulators__)
                                          -- * __parameters__
                                          -- * __accumulators__
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters' op'options host_id num_hosts
                                       table_id | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters"
                    & opAttr "host_id" .~ host_id
                    & opAttr "num_hosts" .~ num_hosts
                    & opAttr "table_id" .~ table_id
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "parameters" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "accumulators" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "tpu_embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  description: "Serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto."
attr {
  name: "table_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "The id of the table specified in the embedding_config_json."
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "num_hosts"
  type: "int"
  description: "The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job."
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "host_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op."
  has_minimum: true
-- | Retrieve an embedding table shard from TPU memory.
-- TPU embeddings use dedicated per-optimizer Ops for loading and retrieving
-- trainable variables and optimizer state from TPU memory. This op enables
-- functionality equivalent to GradientDescentOptimizer.
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                                 -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in tpu_embedding_config.
                                                 -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __parameters__
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters = tPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters' id
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                                  OpParams ->
                                                  Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __host_id__: Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op.
                                                  -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_hosts__: The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job.
                                                  -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __table_id__: The id of the table specified in tpu_embedding_config.
                                                  -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __parameters__
tPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters' op'options host_id num_hosts
                                               table_id | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters"
                    & opAttr "host_id" .~ host_id
                    & opAttr "num_hosts" .~ num_hosts
                    & opAttr "table_id" .~ table_id
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "parameters" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "tpu_embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  description: "Serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto."
attr {
  name: "table_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "The id of the table specified in tpu_embedding_config."
attr {
  name: "num_hosts"
  type: "int"
  description: "The number of CPU hosts in the distributed training job."
attr {
  name: "host_id"
  type: "int"
  description: "Which CPU host in the distributed training job will execute this op."
-- | An op that performs gradient updates of embedding tables.
-- The TensorList argument has the same length and shapes as the return value of
-- TPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations, but contains gradients of the model's loss
-- with respect to the embedding activations. The embedding tables are updated
-- from these gradients via the optimizer specified in the configuration given
-- to tpu.initialize_system.
tPUEmbeddingSendGradients :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                             [Tensor v'1 Float] -- ^ __gradients__: A TensorList of gradients with which to update embedding tables.
                             -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingSendGradients = tPUEmbeddingSendGradients' id
tPUEmbeddingSendGradients' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                              [Tensor v'1 Float] -- ^ __gradients__: A TensorList of gradients with which to update embedding tables.
                              -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUEmbeddingSendGradients' op'options
                           gradients | eqLengthGuard [("num_tables", [("gradients", length gradients)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs gradients]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TPUEmbeddingSendGradients"
                    & opAttr "num_tables" .~ num_tables
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    num_tables = fromIntegral (length gradients) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "gradients"
  description: "A TensorList of gradients with which to update embedding tables."
  type: DT_FLOAT
  number_attr: "num_tables"
attr {
  name: "num_tables" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "tpu_embedding_config"
  type: "string"
  description: "Serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto."
-- | 
tPUReplicateMetadata :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_replicas__
                        -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUReplicateMetadata = tPUReplicateMetadata' id
tPUReplicateMetadata' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_replicas__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
tPUReplicateMetadata' op'options num_replicas | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TPUReplicateMetadata"
                    & opAttr "num_replicas" .~ num_replicas
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
attr { name: "num_replicas" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "topology" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "use_tpu" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "device_assignment"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { } }
attr {
  name: "computation_shape"
  type: "list(int)"
  default_value { list { } }
attr {
  name: "host_compute_core"
  type: "list(string)"
  default_value { list { } }
-- | Operator that connects N unreplicated inputs to an N-way replicated TPU computation.
tPUReplicatedInput :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                      [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
tPUReplicatedInput = tPUReplicatedInput' id
tPUReplicatedInput' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                       [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __inputs__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
tPUReplicatedInput' op'options
                    inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        return (opDef "TPUReplicatedInput"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "inputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | Operator that connects the output of an N-way replicated TPU computation to N separate outputs.
tPUReplicatedOutput :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) =>
                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_replicas__
                       -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                       -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __outputs__
tPUReplicatedOutput = tPUReplicatedOutput' id
tPUReplicatedOutput' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_replicas__
                        -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
                        -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __outputs__
tPUReplicatedOutput' op'options num_replicas input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num_replicas] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "TPUReplicatedOutput"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "num_replicas" .~ num_replicas
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg {
  name: "outputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num_replicas"
attr {
  name: "num_replicas" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
takeDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
               -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
               -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
takeDataset = takeDataset' id
takeDataset' :: OpParams ->
                [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __count__
                -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
takeDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset count | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset,
                                                             buildInputs count]
        return (opDef "TakeDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "count" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
takeManySparseFromTensorsMap :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorType dtype) =>
                                Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_handles__
                                -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                        Tensor Value dtype,
                                        Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                                -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shape__)
                                -- * __sparse_indices__
                                -- * __sparse_values__
                                -- * __sparse_shape__
takeManySparseFromTensorsMap = takeManySparseFromTensorsMap' id
takeManySparseFromTensorsMap' :: forall v'1 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        TensorType dtype) =>
                                 OpParams ->
                                 Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __sparse_handles__
                                 -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                         Tensor Value dtype,
                                         Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                                 -- ^ (__sparse_indices__, __sparse_values__, __sparse_shape__)
                                 -- * __sparse_indices__
                                 -- * __sparse_values__
                                 -- * __sparse_shape__
takeManySparseFromTensorsMap' op'options sparse_handles | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs sparse_handles]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TakeManySparseFromTensorsMap"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "sparse_handles" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sparse_indices" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sparse_values" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "sparse_shape" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
tan :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                               Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
tan = tan' id
tan' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Int.Int32,
                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
tan' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Tan"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
tanh :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
tanh = tanh' id
tanh' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                 (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
tanh' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Tanh"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
tanhGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                        (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                        Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
tanhGrad = tanhGrad' id
tanhGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                         (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                         Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __y__
             -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __dy__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
tanhGrad' op'options y dy | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs dy]
        return (opDef "TanhGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "dy" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
temporaryVariable :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                     Shape -- ^ __shape__
                     -> m' (Tensor Ref dtype) -- ^ __ref__
temporaryVariable = temporaryVariable' id
temporaryVariable' :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Shape -- ^ __shape__
                      -> m' (Tensor Ref dtype) -- ^ __ref__
temporaryVariable' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TemporaryVariable"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "dtype" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "var_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
tensorArray :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __dtype__
               -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
tensorArray = tensorArray' id
tensorArray' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
tensorArray' op'options dtype size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArray"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "dynamic_size" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "clear_after_read" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "tensor_array_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayClose :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
tensorArrayClose = tensorArrayClose' id
tensorArrayClose' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
tensorArrayClose' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayClose"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
-- | 
tensorArrayCloseV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
tensorArrayCloseV2 = tensorArrayCloseV2' id
tensorArrayCloseV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
tensorArrayCloseV2' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayCloseV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
tensorArrayCloseV3 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
tensorArrayCloseV3 = tensorArrayCloseV3' id
tensorArrayCloseV3' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
tensorArrayCloseV3' op'options handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayCloseV3"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
-- | 
tensorArrayConcat :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' ((Tensor Value dtype, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                     -- ^ (__value__, __lengths__)
                     -- * __value__
                     -- * __lengths__
tensorArrayConcat = tensorArrayConcat' id
tensorArrayConcat' :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' ((Tensor Value dtype, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                      -- ^ (__value__, __lengths__)
                      -- * __value__
                      -- * __lengths__
tensorArrayConcat' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayConcat"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "lengths" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape_except0"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayConcatV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> (Tensor Build dtype, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                       -- ^ (__value__, __lengths__)
                       -- * __value__
                       -- * __lengths__
tensorArrayConcatV2 = tensorArrayConcatV2' id
tensorArrayConcatV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype . (TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                        -> (Tensor Build dtype, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64)
                        -- ^ (__value__, __lengths__)
                        -- * __value__
                        -- * __lengths__
tensorArrayConcatV2' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        return (opDef "TensorArrayConcatV2"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "lengths" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape_except0"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayConcatV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorType dtype) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> m' ((Tensor Value dtype, Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                       -- ^ (__value__, __lengths__)
                       -- * __value__
                       -- * __lengths__
tensorArrayConcatV3 = tensorArrayConcatV3' id
tensorArrayConcatV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorType dtype) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                        -> m' ((Tensor Value dtype,
                                Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64))
                        -- ^ (__value__, __lengths__)
                        -- * __value__
                        -- * __lengths__
tensorArrayConcatV3' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayConcatV3"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
output_arg { name: "lengths" type: DT_INT64 }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape_except0"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayGather :: forall v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                TensorType dtype) =>
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayGather = tensorArrayGather' id
tensorArrayGather' :: forall v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorType dtype) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayGather' op'options handle indices flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayGather"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayGatherV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayGatherV2 = tensorArrayGatherV2' id
tensorArrayGatherV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                        -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayGatherV2' op'options handle indices flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        return (opDef "TensorArrayGatherV2"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayGatherV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorType dtype) =>
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayGatherV3 = tensorArrayGatherV3' id
tensorArrayGatherV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorType dtype) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                        -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayGatherV3' op'options handle indices flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayGatherV3"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                   -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __grad_handle__
tensorArrayGrad = tensorArrayGrad' id
tensorArrayGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                    -> m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __grad_handle__
tensorArrayGrad' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayGrad"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "grad_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "source" type: "string" }
-- | 
tensorArrayGradV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __grad_handle__
tensorArrayGradV2 = tensorArrayGradV2' id
tensorArrayGradV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __grad_handle__
tensorArrayGradV2' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayGradV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "grad_handle" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "source" type: "string" }
-- | 
tensorArrayGradV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' ((Tensor Value ResourceHandle, Tensor Value Float))
                     -- ^ (__grad_handle__, __flow_out__)
                     -- * __grad_handle__
                     -- * __flow_out__
tensorArrayGradV3 = tensorArrayGradV3' id
tensorArrayGradV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' ((Tensor Value ResourceHandle, Tensor Value Float))
                      -- ^ (__grad_handle__, __flow_out__)
                      -- * __grad_handle__
                      -- * __flow_out__
tensorArrayGradV3' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayGradV3"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "grad_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "source" type: "string" }
-- | 
tensorArrayPack :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayPack = tensorArrayPack' id
tensorArrayPack' :: forall v'2 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayPack' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayPack"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
-- | 
tensorArrayRead :: forall v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                              TensorType dtype) =>
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayRead = tensorArrayRead' id
tensorArrayRead' :: forall v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                               TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayRead' op'options handle index flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayRead"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayReadV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
                     Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayReadV2 = tensorArrayReadV2' id
tensorArrayReadV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype . (TensorType dtype) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> Tensor Build dtype -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayReadV2' op'options handle index flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        return (opDef "TensorArrayReadV2"
                & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayReadV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorType dtype) =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayReadV3 = tensorArrayReadV3' id
tensorArrayReadV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 dtype m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorType dtype) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __value__
tensorArrayReadV3' op'options handle index flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayReadV3"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayScatter :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayScatter = tensorArrayScatter' id
tensorArrayScatter' :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayScatter' op'options handle indices value flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayScatter"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayScatterV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                        -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                        -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayScatterV2 = tensorArrayScatterV2' id
tensorArrayScatterV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                         -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayScatterV2' op'options handle indices value
                      flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        return (opDef "TensorArrayScatterV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayScatterV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                       TensorType t) =>
                        Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                        -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                        -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                        -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                        -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayScatterV3 = tensorArrayScatterV3' id
tensorArrayScatterV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        TensorType t) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __indices__
                         -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                         -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayScatterV3' op'options handle indices value
                      flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayScatterV3"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArraySize :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
tensorArraySize = tensorArraySize' id
tensorArraySize' :: forall v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
tensorArraySize' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArraySize"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
tensorArraySizeV2 :: Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
tensorArraySizeV2 = tensorArraySizeV2' id
tensorArraySizeV2' :: OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
tensorArraySizeV2' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        return (opDef "TensorArraySizeV2"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
tensorArraySizeV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
tensorArraySizeV3 = tensorArraySizeV3' id
tensorArraySizeV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __size__
tensorArraySizeV3' op'options handle flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArraySizeV3"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
tensorArraySplit :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lengths__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArraySplit = tensorArraySplit' id
tensorArraySplit' :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lengths__
                     -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArraySplit' op'options handle value lengths flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs lengths,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArraySplit"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lengths" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArraySplitV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lengths__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArraySplitV2 = tensorArraySplitV2' id
tensorArraySplitV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lengths__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArraySplitV2' op'options handle value lengths flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs lengths,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        return (opDef "TensorArraySplitV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lengths" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArraySplitV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorType t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lengths__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArraySplitV3 = tensorArraySplitV3' id
tensorArraySplitV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorType t) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __lengths__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArraySplitV3' op'options handle value lengths flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs lengths,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArraySplitV3"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "lengths" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayUnpack :: forall v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayUnpack = tensorArrayUnpack' id
tensorArrayUnpack' :: forall v'2 v'3 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayUnpack' op'options handle value flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayUnpack"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayV2 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
tensorArrayV2 = tensorArrayV2' id
tensorArrayV2' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                  DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                  -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __handle__
tensorArrayV2' op'options dtype size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayV2"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
attr {
  name: "dynamic_size" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "clear_after_read" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "tensor_array_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
tensorArrayV3 :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                 -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                 -> m' ((Tensor Value ResourceHandle, Tensor Value Float))
                 -- ^ (__handle__, __flow__)
                 -- * __handle__
                 -- * __flow__
tensorArrayV3 = tensorArrayV3' id
tensorArrayV3' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                  DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                  -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __size__
                  -> m' ((Tensor Value ResourceHandle, Tensor Value Float))
                  -- ^ (__handle__, __flow__)
                  -- * __handle__
                  -- * __flow__
tensorArrayV3' op'options dtype size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayV3"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ dtype
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "size" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "flow" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "element_shape"
  type: "shape"
  default_value { shape { unknown_rank: true } }
attr {
  name: "dynamic_size" type: "bool" default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "clear_after_read" type: "bool" default_value { b: true }
attr {
  name: "identical_element_shapes"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
attr {
  name: "tensor_array_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
tensorArrayWrite :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                    Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                    -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                    -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayWrite = tensorArrayWrite' id
tensorArrayWrite' :: forall v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                     -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                     -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayWrite' op'options handle index value flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayWrite"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayWriteV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayWriteV2 = tensorArrayWriteV2' id
tensorArrayWriteV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> Tensor Build Float -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayWriteV2' op'options handle index value flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        return (opDef "TensorArrayWriteV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorArrayWriteV3 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorType t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                      -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayWriteV3 = tensorArrayWriteV3' id
tensorArrayWriteV3' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorType t) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                       -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __flow_in__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value Float) -- ^ __flow_out__
tensorArrayWriteV3' op'options handle index value flow_in | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs handle,
                                                             buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs flow_in]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorArrayWriteV3"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "flow_in" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "flow_out" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorDataset :: forall v'1 toutput_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                 TensorList (v'1) toutput_types -- ^ __components__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
tensorDataset = tensorDataset' id
tensorDataset' :: forall v'1 toutput_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  TensorList (v'1) toutput_types -- ^ __components__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
tensorDataset' op'options components | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs components]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorDataset"
                    & opAttr "Toutput_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy toutput_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "Toutput_types" }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "Toutput_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
tensorListConcatLists :: DataType -- ^ __element_dtype__
                         -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_a__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Variant -- ^ __input_b__
                         -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output__
tensorListConcatLists = tensorListConcatLists' id
tensorListConcatLists' :: OpParams ->
                          DataType -- ^ __element_dtype__
                          -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_a__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Variant -- ^ __input_b__
                          -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output__
tensorListConcatLists' op'options element_dtype input_a
                       input_b | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_a,
                                                             buildInputs input_b]
        return (opDef "TensorListConcatLists"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ element_dtype
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_a" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "input_b" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "output" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorListElementShape :: forall v'1 shape_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                          Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                          -> Tensor Build shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
tensorListElementShape = tensorListElementShape' id
tensorListElementShape' :: forall v'1 shape_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                            Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                           OpParams ->
                           Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                           -> Tensor Build shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
tensorListElementShape' op'options input_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handle]
        return (opDef "TensorListElementShape"
                & opAttr "shape_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: shape_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "element_shape" type_attr: "shape_type" }
attr {
  name: "shape_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
tensorListFromTensor :: forall v'1 v'2 element_dtype
                        shape_type . (TensorType element_dtype,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                        Tensor v'1 element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
                        -> Tensor v'2 shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
                        -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handle__
tensorListFromTensor = tensorListFromTensor' id
tensorListFromTensor' :: forall v'1 v'2 element_dtype
                         shape_type . (TensorType element_dtype,
                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Tensor v'1 element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
                         -> Tensor v'2 shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
                         -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handle__
tensorListFromTensor' op'options tensor element_shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs element_shape]
        return (opDef "TensorListFromTensor"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: element_dtype)
                & opAttr "shape_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: shape_type)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "element_dtype" }
input_arg { name: "element_shape" type_attr: "shape_type" }
output_arg { name: "output_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "shape_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
tensorListGetItem :: forall v'1 v'2
                     element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                     Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                     -> Tensor Build element_dtype -- ^ __item__
tensorListGetItem = tensorListGetItem' id
tensorListGetItem' :: forall v'1 v'2
                      element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                      -> Tensor Build element_dtype -- ^ __item__
tensorListGetItem' op'options input_handle index | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handle,
                                                             buildInputs index]
        return (opDef "TensorListGetItem"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: element_dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "item" type_attr: "element_dtype" }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorListLength :: Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __length__
tensorListLength = tensorListLength' id
tensorListLength' :: OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                     -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __length__
tensorListLength' op'options input_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handle]
        return (opDef "TensorListLength"
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "length" type: DT_INT32 }
-- | 
tensorListPopBack :: forall v'1 element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                     Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                     -> (Tensor Build Variant, Tensor Build element_dtype)
                     -- ^ (__output_handle__, __tensor__)
                     -- * __output_handle__
                     -- * __tensor__
tensorListPopBack = tensorListPopBack' id
tensorListPopBack' :: forall v'1 element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                      -> (Tensor Build Variant, Tensor Build element_dtype)
                      -- ^ (__output_handle__, __tensor__)
                      -- * __output_handle__
                      -- * __tensor__
tensorListPopBack' op'options input_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handle]
        return (opDef "TensorListPopBack"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: element_dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "output_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "element_dtype" }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorListPushBack :: forall v'1 v'2
                      element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                      Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
                      -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handle__
tensorListPushBack = tensorListPushBack' id
tensorListPushBack' :: forall v'1 v'2
                       element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                       -> Tensor v'2 element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
                       -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handle__
tensorListPushBack' op'options input_handle tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handle,
                                                             buildInputs tensor]
        return (opDef "TensorListPushBack"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: element_dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "element_dtype" }
output_arg { name: "output_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorListPushBackBatch :: forall v'1 v'2
                           element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                           Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handles__
                           -> Tensor v'2 element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
                           -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handles__
tensorListPushBackBatch = tensorListPushBackBatch' id
tensorListPushBackBatch' :: forall v'1 v'2
                            element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                            OpParams ->
                            Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handles__
                            -> Tensor v'2 element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
                            -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handles__
tensorListPushBackBatch' op'options input_handles tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handles,
                                                             buildInputs tensor]
        return (opDef "TensorListPushBackBatch"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: element_dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handles" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "element_dtype" }
output_arg { name: "output_handles" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorListReserve :: forall v'1 v'2 shape_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                          Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                     DataType -- ^ __element_dtype__
                     -> Tensor v'1 shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_elements__
                     -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
tensorListReserve = tensorListReserve' id
tensorListReserve' :: forall v'1 v'2 shape_type . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                           Data.Int.Int64] shape_type) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      DataType -- ^ __element_dtype__
                      -> Tensor v'1 shape_type -- ^ __element_shape__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __num_elements__
                      -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
tensorListReserve' op'options element_dtype element_shape
                   num_elements | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs element_shape,
                                                             buildInputs num_elements]
        return (opDef "TensorListReserve"
                & opAttr "shape_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: shape_type)
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ element_dtype
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "element_shape" type_attr: "shape_type" }
input_arg { name: "num_elements" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "shape_type"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
tensorListSetItem :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3
                     element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                     Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                     -> Tensor v'3 element_dtype -- ^ __item__
                     -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handle__
tensorListSetItem = tensorListSetItem' id
tensorListSetItem' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3
                      element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __index__
                      -> Tensor v'3 element_dtype -- ^ __item__
                      -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __output_handle__
tensorListSetItem' op'options input_handle index item | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handle,
                                                             buildInputs index,
                                                             buildInputs item]
        return (opDef "TensorListSetItem"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: element_dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
input_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT32 }
input_arg { name: "item" type_attr: "element_dtype" }
output_arg { name: "output_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
-- | 
tensorListStack :: forall v'1 element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                   Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                   -> Tensor Build element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
tensorListStack = tensorListStack' id
tensorListStack' :: forall v'1 element_dtype . (TensorType element_dtype) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_handle__
                    -> Tensor Build element_dtype -- ^ __tensor__
tensorListStack' op'options input_handle | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_handle]
        return (opDef "TensorListStack"
                & opAttr "element_dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: element_dtype)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "element_dtype" }
attr { name: "element_dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "num_elements" type: "int" default_value { i: -1 } }
-- | 
tensorSliceDataset :: forall v'1 toutput_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                      TensorList (v'1) toutput_types -- ^ __components__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
tensorSliceDataset = tensorSliceDataset' id
tensorSliceDataset' :: forall v'1 toutput_types m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      TensorTypes toutput_types) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       TensorList (v'1) toutput_types -- ^ __components__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
tensorSliceDataset' op'options components | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs components]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TensorSliceDataset"
                    & opAttr "Toutput_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy toutput_types)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "components" type_list_attr: "Toutput_types" }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "Toutput_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
tensorSummary :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                 -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
tensorSummary = tensorSummary' id
tensorSummary' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__
                  -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
tensorSummary' op'options tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor]
        return (opDef "TensorSummary"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "description" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr {
  name: "labels" type: "list(string)" default_value { list { } }
attr {
  name: "display_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" }
-- | 
tensorSummaryV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                   -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __tensor__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized_summary_metadata__
                   -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
tensorSummaryV2 = tensorSummaryV2' id
tensorSummaryV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                    -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __tensor__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __serialized_summary_metadata__
                    -> Tensor Build Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary__
tensorSummaryV2' op'options tag tensor
                 serialized_summary_metadata | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs serialized_summary_metadata]
        return (opDef "TensorSummaryV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "serialized_summary_metadata" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "summary" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
textLineDataset :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
                   -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __compression_type__
                   -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
textLineDataset = textLineDataset' id
textLineDataset' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filenames__
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __compression_type__
                    -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __buffer_size__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Variant) -- ^ __handle__
textLineDataset' op'options filenames compression_type
                 buffer_size | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs filenames,
                                                             buildInputs compression_type,
                                                             buildInputs buffer_size]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TextLineDataset"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "filenames" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "compression_type" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "buffer_size" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
-- | 
textLineReader :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                  m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
textLineReader = textLineReader' id
textLineReader' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                   m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
textLineReader' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TextLineReader"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr {
  name: "skip_header_lines" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
textLineReaderV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                    m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
textLineReaderV2 = textLineReaderV2' id
textLineReaderV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                     m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
textLineReaderV2' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "TextLineReaderV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr {
  name: "skip_header_lines" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
threadUnsafeUnigramCandidateSampler :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                       Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                                       -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                                       -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                                       -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                                       -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                               Tensor Value Float,
                                               Tensor Value Float))
                                       -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                                       -- * __sampled_candidates__
                                       -- * __true_expected_count__
                                       -- * __sampled_expected_count__
threadUnsafeUnigramCandidateSampler = threadUnsafeUnigramCandidateSampler' id
threadUnsafeUnigramCandidateSampler' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                        OpParams ->
                                        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                                        -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                                        -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                                        -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                                        -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                                Tensor Value Float,
                                                Tensor Value Float))
                                        -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                                        -- * __sampled_candidates__
                                        -- * __true_expected_count__
                                        -- * __sampled_expected_count__
threadUnsafeUnigramCandidateSampler' op'options num_sampled num_true range_max
                                     unique true_classes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs true_classes]
        buildOp [] (opDef "ThreadUnsafeUnigramCandidateSampler"
                    & opAttr "num_sampled" .~ num_sampled
                    & opAttr "num_true" .~ num_true
                    & opAttr "range_max" .~ range_max
                    & opAttr "unique" .~ unique
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "true_classes" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sampled_candidates" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "true_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "sampled_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_true" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "num_sampled" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "unique" type: "bool" }
attr { name: "range_max" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
tile :: forall v'1 v'2 t tmultiples . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tmultiples) =>
        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> Tensor v'2 tmultiples -- ^ __multiples__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
tile = tile' id
tile' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tmultiples . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tmultiples) =>
         OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> Tensor v'2 tmultiples -- ^ __multiples__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
tile' op'options input multiples | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs multiples]
        return (opDef "Tile"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tmultiples" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tmultiples)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "multiples" type_attr: "Tmultiples" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tmultiples"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
tileGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __multiples__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
tileGrad = tileGrad' id
tileGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
             -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __multiples__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
tileGrad' op'options input multiples | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs multiples]
        return (opDef "TileGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "multiples" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
timestamp :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => m' (Tensor Value Double) -- ^ __ts__
timestamp = timestamp' id
timestamp' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              m' (Tensor Value Double) -- ^ __ts__
timestamp' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Timestamp"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "ts" type: DT_DOUBLE }
-- | 
topK :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __k__
        -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
        -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
        -- ^ (__values__, __indices__)
        -- * __values__
        -- * __indices__
topK = topK' id
topK' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                 Data.Int.Int8, Data.Word.Word16,
                                 Data.Word.Word32, Data.Word.Word64,
                                 Data.Word.Word8, Double, Float] t) =>
         OpParams ->
         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __k__
         -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
         -- ^ (__values__, __indices__)
         -- * __values__
         -- * __indices__
topK' op'options k input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "TopK"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "k" .~ k
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
attr { name: "k" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "sorted" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
topKV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                      Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                      Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                      Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __k__
          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
          -- ^ (__values__, __indices__)
          -- * __values__
          -- * __indices__
topKV2 = topKV2' id
topKV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                       Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                       Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                       Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int32 -- ^ __k__
           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Int.Int32)
           -- ^ (__values__, __indices__)
           -- * __values__
           -- * __indices__
topKV2' op'options input k | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input,
                                                             buildInputs k]
        return (opDef "TopKV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "k" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "indices" type: DT_INT32 }
attr { name: "sorted" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
transpose :: forall v'1 v'2 t tperm . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                             Data.Int.Int64] tperm) =>
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 tperm -- ^ __perm__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
transpose = transpose' id
transpose' :: forall v'1 v'2 t tperm . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                              Data.Int.Int64] tperm) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor v'2 tperm -- ^ __perm__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
transpose' op'options x perm | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs perm]
        return (opDef "Transpose"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tperm" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tperm)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "perm" type_attr: "Tperm" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Tperm"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
truncateDiv :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                           (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                           Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                           Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                           Double, Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
truncateDiv = truncateDiv' id
truncateDiv' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                            (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                            Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                            Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word8,
                                            Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
truncateDiv' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "TruncateDiv"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | 
truncateMod :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                           Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                           Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
truncateMod = truncateMod' id
truncateMod' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                            Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                            Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
truncateMod' op'options x y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y]
        return (opDef "TruncateMod"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
-- | 
truncatedNormal :: forall v'1 dtype t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                    Float] dtype,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                   Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                   -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
truncatedNormal = truncatedNormal' id
truncatedNormal' :: forall v'1 dtype t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                     Float] dtype,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] t) =>
                    OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __shape__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__
truncatedNormal' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs shape]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TruncatedNormal"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "shape" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "dtype" }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF type: DT_BFLOAT16 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
tryRpc :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
          Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __address__
          -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __method__
          -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __request__
          -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                  Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                  Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
          -- ^ (__response__, __status_code__, __status_message__)
          -- * __response__
          -- * __status_code__
          -- * __status_message__
tryRpc = tryRpc' id
tryRpc' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __address__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __method__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __request__
           -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString,
                   Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32,
                   Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString))
           -- ^ (__response__, __status_code__, __status_message__)
           -- * __response__
           -- * __status_code__
           -- * __status_message__
tryRpc' op'options address method request | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs address,
                                                             buildInputs method,
                                                             buildInputs request]
        buildOp [] (opDef "TryRpc"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "address" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "method" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "request" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "response" type: DT_STRING }
output_arg { name: "status_code" type: DT_INT32 }
output_arg { name: "status_message" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "protocol" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "fail_fast" type: "bool" default_value { b: true } }
attr { name: "timeout_in_ms" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
unbatch :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) =>
           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __timeout_micros__
           -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __batched_tensor__
           -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_index__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
           -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __unbatched_tensor__
unbatch = unbatch' id
unbatch' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
            Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __timeout_micros__
            -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __batched_tensor__
            -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_index__
            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
            -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __unbatched_tensor__
unbatch' op'options timeout_micros batched_tensor batch_index
         id | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs batched_tensor,
                                                             buildInputs batch_index,
                                                             buildInputs id]
        return (opDef "Unbatch"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "timeout_micros" .~ timeout_micros
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "batched_tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "batch_index" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "id" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "unbatched_tensor" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "timeout_micros" type: "int" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
unbatchDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                  -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                  -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
unbatchDataset = unbatchDataset' id
unbatchDataset' :: OpParams ->
                   [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
                   -> Tensor v'1 Variant -- ^ __input_dataset__
                   -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
unbatchDataset' op'options output_types input_dataset | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_dataset]
        return (opDef "UnbatchDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input_dataset" type: DT_VARIANT }
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
unbatchGrad :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __original_input__
               -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_index__
               -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
               -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
               -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __batched_grad__
unbatchGrad = unbatchGrad' id
unbatchGrad' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __original_input__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __batch_index__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __grad__
                -> Tensor v'4 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
                -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __batched_grad__
unbatchGrad' op'options original_input batch_index grad id | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs original_input,
                                                             buildInputs batch_index,
                                                             buildInputs grad,
                                                             buildInputs id]
        return (opDef "UnbatchGrad"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "original_input" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "batch_index" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "grad" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "id" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "batched_grad" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
uniformCandidateSampler :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                           -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                           -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                           -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                           -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                           -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                   Tensor Value Float, Tensor Value Float))
                           -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                           -- * __sampled_candidates__
                           -- * __true_expected_count__
                           -- * __sampled_expected_count__
uniformCandidateSampler = uniformCandidateSampler' id
uniformCandidateSampler' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                            Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_sampled__
                            -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num_true__
                            -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __range_max__
                            -> Bool -- ^ __unique__
                            -> Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __true_classes__
                            -> m' ((Tensor Value Data.Int.Int64,
                                    Tensor Value Float, Tensor Value Float))
                            -- ^ (__sampled_candidates__, __true_expected_count__, __sampled_expected_count__)
                            -- * __sampled_candidates__
                            -- * __true_expected_count__
                            -- * __sampled_expected_count__
uniformCandidateSampler' op'options num_sampled num_true range_max unique
                         true_classes | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs true_classes]
        buildOp [] (opDef "UniformCandidateSampler"
                    & opAttr "num_sampled" .~ num_sampled
                    & opAttr "num_true" .~ num_true
                    & opAttr "range_max" .~ range_max
                    & opAttr "unique" .~ unique
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "true_classes" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "sampled_candidates" type: DT_INT64 }
output_arg { name: "true_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
output_arg { name: "sampled_expected_count" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr { name: "num_true" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "num_sampled" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "unique" type: "bool" }
attr { name: "range_max" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr { name: "seed" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
attr { name: "seed2" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
unique :: forall v'1 t out_idx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                        Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__y__, __idx__)
          -- * __y__
          -- * __idx__
unique = unique' id
unique' :: forall v'1 t out_idx . (TensorType t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                         Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
           OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__y__, __idx__)
           -- * __y__
           -- * __idx__
unique' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "Unique"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_idx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_idx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "idx" type_attr: "out_idx" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_idx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
uniqueV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 t taxis out_idx . (TensorType t,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] taxis,
                                              OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                      Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 taxis -- ^ __axis__
            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__y__, __idx__)
            -- * __y__
            -- * __idx__
uniqueV2 = uniqueV2' id
uniqueV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 t taxis out_idx . (TensorType t,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] taxis,
                                               OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                       Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
             OpParams ->
             Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor v'2 taxis -- ^ __axis__
             -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__y__, __idx__)
             -- * __y__
             -- * __idx__
uniqueV2' op'options x axis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "UniqueV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Taxis" .~ tensorType (undefined :: taxis)
                & opAttr "out_idx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_idx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Taxis" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "idx" type_attr: "out_idx" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Taxis"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "out_idx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
uniqueWithCounts :: forall v'1 t out_idx . (TensorType t,
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
                    Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                    -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx,
                        Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__y__, __idx__, __count__)
                    -- * __y__
                    -- * __idx__
                    -- * __count__
uniqueWithCounts = uniqueWithCounts' id
uniqueWithCounts' :: forall v'1 t out_idx . (TensorType t,
                                             OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                     Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                     -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx,
                         Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__y__, __idx__, __count__)
                     -- * __y__
                     -- * __idx__
                     -- * __count__
uniqueWithCounts' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "UniqueWithCounts"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_idx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_idx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "idx" type_attr: "out_idx" }
output_arg { name: "count" type_attr: "out_idx" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "out_idx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
uniqueWithCountsV2 :: forall v'1 v'2 t taxis out_idx . (TensorType t,
                                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Int.Int64] taxis,
                                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                      -> Tensor v'2 taxis -- ^ __axis__
                      -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx,
                          Tensor Build out_idx) -- ^ (__y__, __idx__, __count__)
                      -- * __y__
                      -- * __idx__
                      -- * __count__
uniqueWithCountsV2 = uniqueWithCountsV2' id
uniqueWithCountsV2' :: forall v'1 v'2 t taxis out_idx . (TensorType t,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] taxis,
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] out_idx) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                       -> Tensor v'2 taxis -- ^ __axis__
                       -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build out_idx,
                           Tensor Build out_idx)
                       -- ^ (__y__, __idx__, __count__)
                       -- * __y__
                       -- * __idx__
                       -- * __count__
uniqueWithCountsV2' op'options x axis | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs axis]
        return (opDef "UniqueWithCountsV2"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Taxis" .~ tensorType (undefined :: taxis)
                & opAttr "out_idx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_idx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "axis" type_attr: "Taxis" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "idx" type_attr: "out_idx" }
output_arg { name: "count" type_attr: "out_idx" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "Taxis"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT64 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "out_idx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
unpack :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num__
          -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
          -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
unpack = unpack' id
unpack' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __num__
           -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__
           -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
unpack' op'options num value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [num] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value]
        return (opDef "Unpack"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "num" .~ num
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "num" }
attr { name: "num" type: "int" has_minimum: true }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "axis" type: "int" default_value { i: 0 } }
-- | 
unravelIndex :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                Tensor v'1 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __dims__
                -> Tensor Build tidx -- ^ __output__
unravelIndex = unravelIndex' id
unravelIndex' :: forall v'1 v'2 tidx . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64] tidx) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 tidx -- ^ __indices__
                 -> Tensor v'2 tidx -- ^ __dims__
                 -> Tensor Build tidx -- ^ __output__
unravelIndex' op'options indices dims | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs indices,
                                                             buildInputs dims]
        return (opDef "UnravelIndex"
                & opAttr "Tidx" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tidx)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "indices" type_attr: "Tidx" }
input_arg { name: "dims" type_attr: "Tidx" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "Tidx" }
attr {
  name: "Tidx"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
unsortedSegmentMax :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                      tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                      -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentMax = unsortedSegmentMax' id
unsortedSegmentMax' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                       tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                       -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentMax' op'options data' segment_ids
                    num_segments | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs num_segments]
        return (opDef "UnsortedSegmentMax"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & opAttr "Tnumsegments" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tnumsegments)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "num_segments" type_attr: "Tnumsegments" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tnumsegments"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
unsortedSegmentMin :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                      tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                      -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentMin = unsortedSegmentMin' id
unsortedSegmentMin' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                       tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                       -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentMin' op'options data' segment_ids
                    num_segments | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs num_segments]
        return (opDef "UnsortedSegmentMin"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & opAttr "Tnumsegments" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tnumsegments)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "num_segments" type_attr: "Tnumsegments" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tnumsegments"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
unsortedSegmentProd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                       tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                       -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentProd = unsortedSegmentProd' id
unsortedSegmentProd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                        tnumsegments . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t,
                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                        OpParams ->
                        Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                        -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                        -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentProd' op'options data' segment_ids
                     num_segments | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs num_segments]
        return (opDef "UnsortedSegmentProd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & opAttr "Tnumsegments" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tnumsegments)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "num_segments" type_attr: "Tnumsegments" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tnumsegments"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
unsortedSegmentSum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                      tnumsegments . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                              (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                              Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                              Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8,
                                              Double, Float] t,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                              Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                      Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                      -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                      -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                      -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentSum = unsortedSegmentSum' id
unsortedSegmentSum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 t tindices
                       tnumsegments . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t, OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                                 Data.Int.Int64] tindices,
                                       OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64] tnumsegments) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __data__
                       -> Tensor v'2 tindices -- ^ __segment_ids__
                       -> Tensor v'3 tnumsegments -- ^ __num_segments__
                       -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__
unsortedSegmentSum' op'options data' segment_ids
                    num_segments | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs data',
                                                             buildInputs segment_ids,
                                                             buildInputs num_segments]
        return (opDef "UnsortedSegmentSum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "Tindices" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tindices)
                & opAttr "Tnumsegments" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tnumsegments)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "data" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "segment_ids" type_attr: "Tindices" }
input_arg { name: "num_segments" type_attr: "Tnumsegments" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
attr {
  name: "Tindices"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
attr {
  name: "Tnumsegments"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
unstage :: forall dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
           m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
unstage = unstage' id
unstage' :: forall dtypes m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorTypes dtypes) =>
            OpParams ->
            m' (TensorList (Value) dtypes) -- ^ __values__
unstage' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Unstage"
                    & opAttr "dtypes" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dtypes)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "values" type_list_attr: "dtypes" }
attr {
  name: "capacity"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "memory_limit"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 0 }
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "dtypes" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
varHandleOp :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => DataType -- ^ __dtype__
               -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
               -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource__
varHandleOp = varHandleOp' id
varHandleOp' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                DataType -- ^ __dtype__
                -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                -> m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __resource__
varHandleOp' op'options dtype shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "VarHandleOp"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ dtype
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
-- | 
varIsInitializedOp :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                      -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_initialized__
varIsInitializedOp = varIsInitializedOp' id
varIsInitializedOp' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __resource__
                       -> m' (Tensor Value Bool) -- ^ __is_initialized__
varIsInitializedOp' op'options resource | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs resource]
        buildOp [] (opDef "VarIsInitializedOp"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "resource" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "is_initialized" type: DT_BOOL }
-- | 
variable :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
            Shape -- ^ __shape__
            -> m' (Tensor Ref dtype) -- ^ __ref__
variable = variable' id
variable' :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) => OpParams ->
             Shape -- ^ __shape__
             -> m' (Tensor Ref dtype) -- ^ __ref__
variable' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "Variable"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "dtype" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
variableShape :: forall v'1 out_type m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                           OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __input__
                 -> m' (Tensor Value out_type) -- ^ __output__
variableShape = variableShape' id
variableShape' :: forall v'1 out_type m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Int.Int64] out_type) =>
                  OpParams ->
                  Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __input__
                  -> m' (Tensor Value out_type) -- ^ __output__
variableShape' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "VariableShape"
                    & opAttr "out_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: out_type)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type: DT_RESOURCE }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "out_type" }
attr {
  name: "out_type"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_INT32 }
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_INT32 type: DT_INT64 } }
-- | 
variableV2 :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
              Shape -- ^ __shape__
              -> m' (Tensor Ref dtype) -- ^ __ref__
variableV2 = variableV2' id
variableV2' :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
               OpParams ->
               Shape -- ^ __shape__
               -> m' (Tensor Ref dtype) -- ^ __ref__
variableV2' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "VariableV2"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "ref" type_attr: "dtype" is_ref: true }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "dtype" type: "type" }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
where' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                  (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                  Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                  Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                  Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                  Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                  Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
          -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __index__
where' = where'' id
where'' :: forall v'1 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                   (Data.Complex.Complex Float), Bool,
                                   Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                   Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                   Data.Word.Word16, Data.Word.Word32,
                                   Data.Word.Word64, Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                   Float] t) => OpParams ->
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__
           -> Tensor Build Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __index__
where'' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "Where"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "index" type: DT_INT64 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_BOOL }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_QINT8
      type: DT_QUINT8
      type: DT_QINT32
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
      type: DT_BOOL
-- | 
wholeFileReader :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
wholeFileReader = wholeFileReader' id
wholeFileReader' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    m' (Tensor Ref Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __reader_handle__
wholeFileReader' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "WholeFileReader"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_STRING is_ref: true }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | 
wholeFileReaderV2 :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
wholeFileReaderV2 = wholeFileReaderV2' id
wholeFileReaderV2' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      m' (Tensor Value ResourceHandle) -- ^ __reader_handle__
wholeFileReaderV2' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "WholeFileReaderV2"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "reader_handle" type: DT_RESOURCE }
attr { name: "container" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
attr { name: "shared_name" type: "string" default_value { s: "" } }
-- | Worker heartbeat op.
-- Heartbeats may be sent periodically to indicate the coordinator is still active,
-- to retrieve the current worker status and to expedite shutdown when necessary.
workerHeartbeat :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                   Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __request__: A string tensor containing a serialized WorkerHeartbeatRequest
                   -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __response__: A string tensor containing a serialized WorkerHeartbeatResponse
workerHeartbeat = workerHeartbeat' id
workerHeartbeat' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __request__: A string tensor containing a serialized WorkerHeartbeatRequest
                    -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __response__: A string tensor containing a serialized WorkerHeartbeatResponse
workerHeartbeat' op'options request | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs request]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WorkerHeartbeat"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "request"
  description: "A string tensor containing a serialized WorkerHeartbeatRequest"
  type: DT_STRING
output_arg {
  name: "response"
  description: "A string tensor containing a serialized WorkerHeartbeatResponse"
  type: DT_STRING
-- | 
writeAudioSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                     -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __tensor__
                     -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __sample_rate__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
writeAudioSummary = writeAudioSummary' id
writeAudioSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                      -> Tensor v'4 Float -- ^ __tensor__
                      -> Tensor v'5 Float -- ^ __sample_rate__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
writeAudioSummary' op'options writer step tag tensor
                   sample_rate | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs step,
                                                             buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs sample_rate]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WriteAudioSummary"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type: DT_FLOAT }
input_arg { name: "sample_rate" type: DT_FLOAT }
attr {
  name: "max_outputs"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 3 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
-- | 
writeFile :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
             Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
             -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
             -> m' (ControlNode)
writeFile = writeFile' id
writeFile' :: forall v'1 v'2 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __filename__
              -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __contents__
              -> m' (ControlNode)
writeFile' op'options filename contents | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs filename,
                                                             buildInputs contents]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WriteFile"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "filename" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "contents" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
writeGraphSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
writeGraphSummary = writeGraphSummary' id
writeGraphSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tensor__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
writeGraphSummary' op'options writer step tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs step,
                                                             buildInputs tensor]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WriteGraphSummary"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type: DT_STRING }
-- | 
writeHistogramSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                         -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                         -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __values__
                         -> m' (ControlNode)
writeHistogramSummary = writeHistogramSummary' id
writeHistogramSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                                 Float] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                          -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                          -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __values__
                          -> m' (ControlNode)
writeHistogramSummary' op'options writer step tag values | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs step,
                                                             buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs values]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WriteHistogramSummary"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "values" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
writeImageSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                        OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                                Float] t) =>
                     Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                     -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                     -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __tensor__
                     -> Tensor v'5 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __bad_color__
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
writeImageSummary = writeImageSummary' id
writeImageSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                         OneOf '[Data.Word.Word16,
                                                                 Float] t) =>
                      OpParams ->
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __tensor__
                      -> Tensor v'5 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __bad_color__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
writeImageSummary' op'options writer step tag tensor
                   bad_color | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs step,
                                                             buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs bad_color]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WriteImageSummary"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "bad_color" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "max_images"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 3 }
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  default_value { type: DT_FLOAT }
  allowed_values {
    list { type: DT_UINT8 type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_HALF }
-- | 
writeScalarSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                     OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                             Float] t) =>
                      Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                      -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                      -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                      -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __value__
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
writeScalarSummary = writeScalarSummary' id
writeScalarSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                      OneOf '[Data.Int.Int16,
                                                              Float] t) =>
                       OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                       -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                       -> Tensor v'3 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                       -> Tensor v'4 t -- ^ __value__
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
writeScalarSummary' op'options writer step tag value | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs step,
                                                             buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs value]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WriteScalarSummary"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "value" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_UINT32
      type: DT_UINT64
-- | 
writeSummary :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                   TensorType t) =>
                Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __tensor__
                -> Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                -> Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary_metadata__
                -> m' (ControlNode)
writeSummary = writeSummary' id
writeSummary' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 v'5 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                    TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                 Tensor v'1 ResourceHandle -- ^ __writer__
                 -> Tensor v'2 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __step__
                 -> Tensor v'3 t -- ^ __tensor__
                 -> Tensor v'4 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __tag__
                 -> Tensor v'5 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __summary_metadata__
                 -> m' (ControlNode)
writeSummary' op'options writer step tensor tag
              summary_metadata | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs writer,
                                                             buildInputs step,
                                                             buildInputs tensor,
                                                             buildInputs tag,
                                                             buildInputs summary_metadata]
        buildOp [] (opDef "WriteSummary"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "writer" type: DT_RESOURCE }
input_arg { name: "step" type: DT_INT64 }
input_arg { name: "tensor" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "tag" type: DT_STRING }
input_arg { name: "summary_metadata" type: DT_STRING }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
zerosLike :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
zerosLike = zerosLike' id
zerosLike' :: forall v'1 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __y__
zerosLike' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "ZerosLike"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
-- | 
zeta :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
        -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __q__
        -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
zeta = zeta' id
zeta' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (OneOf '[Double, Float] t) => OpParams ->
         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __q__
         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __z__
zeta' op'options x q | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs q]
        return (opDef "Zeta"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "q" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values { list { type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_DOUBLE } }
-- | 
zipDataset :: [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
              -> [Tensor v'1 Variant] -- ^ __input_datasets__
              -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
zipDataset = zipDataset' id
zipDataset' :: OpParams ->
               [DataType] -- ^ __output_types__
               -> [Tensor v'1 Variant] -- ^ __input_datasets__
               -> Tensor Build Variant -- ^ __handle__
zipDataset' op'options output_types
            input_datasets | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("input_datasets", length input_datasets)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input_datasets]
        return (opDef "ZipDataset"
                & opAttr "output_types" .~ output_types
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length input_datasets) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "input_datasets" type: DT_VARIANT number_attr: "N"
output_arg { name: "handle" type: DT_VARIANT }
attr {
  name: "output_types"
  type: "list(type)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr {
  name: "output_shapes"
  type: "list(shape)"
  has_minimum: true
  minimum: 1
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | A graph node which represents an argument to a function.
_Arg :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
        Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __index__: This argument is the index-th argument of the function.
        -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__: The argument.
_Arg = _Arg' id
_Arg' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __index__: This argument is the index-th argument of the function.
         -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__: The argument.
_Arg' op'options index | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "_Arg"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "index" .~ index
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "output" description: "The argument." type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "index"
  type: "int"
  description: "This argument is the index-th argument of the function."
  has_minimum: true
-- | Converts an array of tensors to a list of tensors.
_ArrayToList :: forall v'1 t out_types . (TensorType t,
                                          TensorTypes out_types) =>
                [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __input__
                -> TensorList (Build) out_types -- ^ __output__
_ArrayToList = _ArrayToList' id
_ArrayToList' :: forall v'1 t out_types . (TensorType t,
                                           TensorTypes out_types) => OpParams ->
                 [Tensor v'1 t] -- ^ __input__
                 -> TensorList (Build) out_types -- ^ __output__
_ArrayToList' op'options
              input | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("input", length input)])] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "_ArrayToList"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "out_types" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy out_types)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length input) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "input" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_list_attr: "out_types" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
attr {
  name: "out_types" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
-- | An op that sets up the centralized structures for a distributed TPU
-- system.
_ConfigureDistributedTPU :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                            [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __inputs__: A scalar tensor for each host indicating how many TPU chips
                                                        -- there are on the host.
                            -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __output__: A tensor containing a TPUHostConfiguration proto serialized to
                            -- a string, containing the information necessary to initialize the chips
                            -- in a host.
_ConfigureDistributedTPU = _ConfigureDistributedTPU' id
_ConfigureDistributedTPU' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                             [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __inputs__: A scalar tensor for each host indicating how many TPU chips
                                                         -- there are on the host.
                             -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __output__: A tensor containing a TPUHostConfiguration proto serialized to
                             -- a string, containing the information necessary to initialize the chips
                             -- in a host.
_ConfigureDistributedTPU' op'options
                          inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_ConfigureDistributedTPU"
                    & opAttr "N" .~ n
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "inputs"
  description: "A scalar tensor for each host indicating how many TPU chips\nthere are on the host."
  type: DT_INT32
  number_attr: "N"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "A tensor containing a TPUHostConfiguration proto serialized to\na string, containing the information necessary to initialize the chips\nin a host."
  type: DT_STRING
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | An op that disconnects the TPUs on a host from a running distributed
-- TPU system.
_DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                           m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __number_of_tpu_chips__: A scalar tensor containing the number of TPU
                                           -- chips on the host.
_DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem = _DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem' id
_DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                            OpParams ->
                                            m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __number_of_tpu_chips__: A scalar tensor containing the number of TPU
                                            -- chips on the host.
_DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "_DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "number_of_tpu_chips"
  description: "A scalar tensor containing the number of TPU\nchips on the host."
  type: DT_INT32
-- | Cast x of type SrcT to y of DstT.
-- _HostCast requires its input and produces its output in host memory.
_HostCast :: forall v'1 srcT dstT . (TensorType srcT, TensorType dstT) =>
             Tensor v'1 srcT -- ^ __x__
             -> Tensor Build dstT -- ^ __y__
_HostCast = _HostCast' id
_HostCast' :: forall v'1 srcT dstT . (TensorType srcT, TensorType dstT) =>
              OpParams ->
              Tensor v'1 srcT -- ^ __x__
              -> Tensor Build dstT -- ^ __y__
_HostCast' op'options x | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x]
        return (opDef "_HostCast"
                & opAttr "SrcT" .~ tensorType (undefined :: srcT)
                & opAttr "DstT" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dstT)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "SrcT" }
output_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "DstT" }
attr { name: "SrcT" type: "type" }
attr { name: "DstT" type: "type" }
-- | Receives the named tensor from send_device on recv_device.
-- _HostRecv requires its input on host memory whereas _Recv requires its
-- input on device memory.
_HostRecv :: forall tensor_type m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType tensor_type) =>
             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
             -> m' (Tensor Value tensor_type) -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to receive.
_HostRecv = _HostRecv' id
_HostRecv' :: forall tensor_type m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType tensor_type) =>
              OpParams ->
              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
              -> m' (Tensor Value tensor_type) -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to receive.
_HostRecv' op'options send_device_incarnation | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "_HostRecv"
                    & opAttr "tensor_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tensor_type)
                    & opAttr "send_device_incarnation" .~ send_device_incarnation
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "tensor"
  description: "The tensor to receive."
  type_attr: "tensor_type"
attr { name: "tensor_type" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the tensor to receive."
attr {
  name: "send_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device sending the tensor."
attr {
  name: "send_device_incarnation"
  type: "int"
  description: "The current incarnation of send_device."
attr {
  name: "recv_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device receiving the tensor."
attr {
  name: "client_terminated"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "If set to true, this indicates that the node was added\nto the graph as a result of a client-side feed or fetch of Tensor data,\nin which case the corresponding send or recv is expected to be managed\nlocally by the caller."
-- | Sends the named tensor from send_device to recv_device.
-- _HostSend requires its input on host memory whereas _Send requires its
-- input on device memory.
_HostSend :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
             Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
             -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to send.
             -> m' (ControlNode)
_HostSend = _HostSend' id
_HostSend' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
              Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
              -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to send.
              -> m' (ControlNode)
_HostSend' op'options send_device_incarnation tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_HostSend"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "send_device_incarnation" .~ send_device_incarnation
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "tensor" description: "The tensor to send." type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the tensor to send."
attr {
  name: "send_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device sending the tensor."
attr {
  name: "send_device_incarnation"
  type: "int"
  description: "The current incarnation of send_device."
attr {
  name: "recv_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device receiving the tensor."
attr {
  name: "client_terminated"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "If set to true, this indicates that the node was added\nto the graph as a result of a client-side feed or fetch of Tensor data,\nin which case the corresponding send or recv is expected to be managed\nlocally by the caller."
-- | An op that connects each chip on the host to a centralized UberDriver to allow
-- them to operate as a distributed system with chips in other hosts.
_InitializeHostForDistributedTPU :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                    Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__: A string containing the address of the UberDriver to connect to.
                                    -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __tpu_ids__: A vector containing the global TPU id of each TPU on the host.
_InitializeHostForDistributedTPU = _InitializeHostForDistributedTPU' id
_InitializeHostForDistributedTPU' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                                     OpParams ->
                                     Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __input__: A string containing the address of the UberDriver to connect to.
                                     -> m' (Tensor Value Data.Int.Int32) -- ^ __tpu_ids__: A vector containing the global TPU id of each TPU on the host.
_InitializeHostForDistributedTPU' op'options input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_InitializeHostForDistributedTPU"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input"
  description: "A string containing the address of the UberDriver to connect to."
  type: DT_STRING
output_arg {
  name: "tpu_ids"
  description: "A vector containing the global TPU id of each TPU on the host."
  type: DT_INT32
-- | Converts a list of tensors to an array of tensors.
_ListToArray :: forall v'1 tin t . (TensorTypes tin, TensorType t) =>
                Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __N__
                -> TensorList (v'1) tin -- ^ __input__
                -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
_ListToArray = _ListToArray' id
_ListToArray' :: forall v'1 tin t . (TensorTypes tin, TensorType t) =>
                 OpParams ->
                 Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __N__
                 -> TensorList (v'1) tin -- ^ __input__
                 -> [Tensor Build t] -- ^ __output__
_ListToArray' op'options n input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [n] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        return (opDef "_ListToArray"
                & opAttr "Tin" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tin)
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "N" .~ n
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "input" type_list_attr: "Tin" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
attr {
  name: "Tin" type: "list(type)" has_minimum: true minimum: 1
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | Returns x + y element-wise.
-- *NOTE*: `Add` supports broadcasting. `AddN` does not. More about broadcasting
-- [here](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html)
_MklAdd :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
           -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
           -- * __z__
           -- * __mkl_z__
_MklAdd = _MklAdd' id
_MklAdd' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
            -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
            -- * __z__
            -- * __mkl_z__
_MklAdd' op'options x y mkl_x mkl_y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_x,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_y]
        return (opDef "_MklAdd"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "mkl_x" type: DT_UINT8 }
input_arg { name: "mkl_y" type: DT_UINT8 }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "mkl_z" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
      type: DT_STRING
-- | Returns the max of x and y (i.e. x > y ? x : y) element-wise.
-- *NOTE*: `Maximum` supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting
-- [here](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html)
_MklMaximum :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                   Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                   Float] t) =>
               Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
               -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
               -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
               -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
               -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
               -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
               -- * __z__
               -- * __mkl_z__
_MklMaximum = _MklMaximum' id
_MklMaximum' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[Data.Int.Int32,
                                                    Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                    Float] t) => OpParams ->
                Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
                -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
                -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
                -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
                -- * __z__
                -- * __mkl_z__
_MklMaximum' op'options x y mkl_x mkl_y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_x,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_y]
        return (opDef "_MklMaximum"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "mkl_x" type: DT_UINT8 }
input_arg { name: "mkl_y" type: DT_UINT8 }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "mkl_z" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
-- | Returns x * y element-wise.
-- *NOTE*: `Mul` supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting
-- [here](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html)
_MklMul :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                               Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                               Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                               Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
           -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
           -- * __z__
           -- * __mkl_z__
_MklMul = _MklMul' id
_MklMul' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int16, Data.Int.Int32,
                                                Data.Int.Int64, Data.Int.Int8,
                                                Data.Word.Word8, Double,
                                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
            -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
            -- * __z__
            -- * __mkl_z__
_MklMul' op'options x y mkl_x mkl_y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_x,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_y]
        return (opDef "_MklMul"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "mkl_x" type: DT_UINT8 }
input_arg { name: "mkl_y" type: DT_UINT8 }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "mkl_z" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_UINT8
      type: DT_INT8
      type: DT_UINT16
      type: DT_INT16
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | Returns (x - y)(x - y) element-wise.
-- *NOTE*: `SquaredDifference` supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting
-- [here](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html)
_MklSquaredDifference :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                         t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                      (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                      Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                      Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
                         Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                         -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
                         -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
                         -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
                         -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
                         -- * __z__
                         -- * __mkl_z__
_MklSquaredDifference = _MklSquaredDifference' id
_MklSquaredDifference' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4
                          t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                       (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                       Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                       Data.Word.Word16, Double, Float] t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
                          -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
                          -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
                          -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
                          -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
                          -- * __z__
                          -- * __mkl_z__
_MklSquaredDifference' op'options x y mkl_x mkl_y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_x,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_y]
        return (opDef "_MklSquaredDifference"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "mkl_x" type: DT_UINT8 }
input_arg { name: "mkl_y" type: DT_UINT8 }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "mkl_z" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | Returns x - y element-wise.
-- *NOTE*: `Sub` supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting
-- [here](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html)
_MklSub :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                               (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                               Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                               Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                               Float] t) =>
           Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
           -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
           -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
           -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
           -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
           -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
           -- * __z__
           -- * __mkl_z__
_MklSub = _MklSub' id
_MklSub' :: forall v'1 v'2 v'3 v'4 t . (OneOf '[(Data.Complex.Complex Double),
                                                (Data.Complex.Complex Float),
                                                Data.Int.Int32, Data.Int.Int64,
                                                Data.Word.Word16, Double,
                                                Float] t) => OpParams ->
            Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __x__
            -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __y__
            -> Tensor v'3 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_x__
            -> Tensor v'4 Data.Word.Word8 -- ^ __mkl_y__
            -> (Tensor Build t, Tensor Build Data.Word.Word8)
            -- ^ (__z__, __mkl_z__)
            -- * __z__
            -- * __mkl_z__
_MklSub' op'options x y mkl_x mkl_y | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs x,
                                                             buildInputs y,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_x,
                                                             buildInputs mkl_y]
        return (opDef "_MklSub"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg { name: "x" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "y" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "mkl_x" type: DT_UINT8 }
input_arg { name: "mkl_y" type: DT_UINT8 }
output_arg { name: "z" type_attr: "T" }
output_arg { name: "mkl_z" type: DT_UINT8 }
attr {
  name: "T"
  type: "type"
  allowed_values {
    list {
      type: DT_BFLOAT16
      type: DT_HALF
      type: DT_FLOAT
      type: DT_DOUBLE
      type: DT_INT32
      type: DT_INT64
      type: DT_COMPLEX64
      type: DT_COMPLEX128
-- | Creates an empty Tensor with shape `shape` and type `dtype`.
-- The memory can optionally be initialized. This is usually useful in
-- conjunction with inplace operations.
_ParallelConcatStart :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                        Shape -- ^ __shape__: 1-D `Tensor` indicating the shape of the output.
                        -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__: An empty Tensor of the specified type.
_ParallelConcatStart = _ParallelConcatStart' id
_ParallelConcatStart' :: forall dtype m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType dtype) =>
                         OpParams ->
                         Shape -- ^ __shape__: 1-D `Tensor` indicating the shape of the output.
                         -> m' (Tensor Value dtype) -- ^ __output__: An empty Tensor of the specified type.
_ParallelConcatStart' op'options shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "_ParallelConcatStart"
                    & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: dtype)
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "An empty Tensor of the specified type."
  type_attr: "dtype"
attr {
  name: "shape"
  type: "shape"
  description: "1-D `Tensor` indicating the shape of the output."
attr {
  name: "dtype"
  type: "type"
  description: "The element type of the returned tensor."
-- | Updates input `value` at `loc` with `update`.
-- If you use this function you will almost certainly want to add
-- a control dependency as done in the implementation of parallel_stack to
-- avoid race conditions.
_ParallelConcatUpdate :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) =>
                         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __loc__: A scalar indicating the index of the first dimension such that
                                        -- value[loc, :] is updated.
                         -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__: A `Tensor` object that will be updated in-place.
                         -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __update__: A `Tensor` of rank one less than `value` if `loc` is a scalar,
                                         -- otherwise of rank equal to `value` that contains the new values
                                         -- for `value`.
                         -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: `value` that has been updated accordingly.
_ParallelConcatUpdate = _ParallelConcatUpdate' id
_ParallelConcatUpdate' :: forall v'1 v'2 t . (TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __loc__: A scalar indicating the index of the first dimension such that
                                         -- value[loc, :] is updated.
                          -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __value__: A `Tensor` object that will be updated in-place.
                          -> Tensor v'2 t -- ^ __update__: A `Tensor` of rank one less than `value` if `loc` is a scalar,
                                          -- otherwise of rank equal to `value` that contains the new values
                                          -- for `value`.
                          -> Tensor Build t -- ^ __output__: `value` that has been updated accordingly.
_ParallelConcatUpdate' op'options loc value update | eqLengthGuard [] =
    pureOp [] $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs value,
                                                             buildInputs update]
        return (opDef "_ParallelConcatUpdate"
                & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                & opAttr "loc" .~ loc
                & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "value"
  description: "A `Tensor` object that will be updated in-place."
  type_attr: "T"
input_arg {
  name: "update"
  description: "A `Tensor` of rank one less than `value` if `loc` is a scalar,\notherwise of rank equal to `value` that contains the new values\nfor `value`."
  type_attr: "T"
output_arg {
  name: "output"
  description: "`value` that has been updated accordingly."
  type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "loc"
  type: "int"
  description: "A scalar indicating the index of the first dimension such that\nvalue[loc, :] is updated."
-- | Receives the named tensor from send_device on recv_device.
_Recv :: forall tensor_type m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType tensor_type) =>
         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
         -> m' (Tensor Value tensor_type) -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to receive.
_Recv = _Recv' id
_Recv' :: forall tensor_type m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType tensor_type) =>
          OpParams ->
          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
          -> m' (Tensor Value tensor_type) -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to receive.
_Recv' op'options send_device_incarnation | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "_Recv"
                    & opAttr "tensor_type" .~ tensorType (undefined :: tensor_type)
                    & opAttr "send_device_incarnation" .~ send_device_incarnation
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg {
  name: "tensor"
  description: "The tensor to receive."
  type_attr: "tensor_type"
attr { name: "tensor_type" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the tensor to receive."
attr {
  name: "send_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device sending the tensor."
attr {
  name: "send_device_incarnation"
  type: "int"
  description: "The current incarnation of send_device."
attr {
  name: "recv_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device receiving the tensor."
attr {
  name: "client_terminated"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "If set to true, this indicates that the node was added\nto the graph as a result of a client-side feed or fetch of Tensor data,\nin which case the corresponding send or recv is expected to be managed\nlocally by the caller."
-- | A graph node which represents a return value of a function.
_Retval :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __index__: This return value is the index-th return value of the function.
           -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: The return value.
           -> m' (ControlNode)
_Retval = _Retval' id
_Retval' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
            Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __index__: This return value is the index-th return value of the function.
            -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __input__: The return value.
            -> m' (ControlNode)
_Retval' op'options index input | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs input]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_Retval"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "index" .~ index
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "input" description: "The return value." type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "index"
  type: "int"
  description: "This return value is the index-th return value of the function."
  has_minimum: true
-- | Allocates a mutable tensor that becomes available to appropriately annotated
-- downstream Ops as backing store for their output tensor allocations via the
-- ScopedAllocatorMgr.
-- Returns a reference to this value.
-- This is an experimental op for internal use only.  It is possible to use this
-- op in unsafe ways.
-- 'shapes' is a list of the shapes of the tensors that are to be allocated
-- by this ScopedAllocator.
-- 'shape' is the shape of the output of this Op, i.e. the 1D backing tensor
-- from which the individual allocated tensors are aliased.
-- 'sa_name' is the name assigned to the Node, for connectivity specification
-- and debugging.
-- 'id' is a non-negative integer 'scope_id' handled by the ScopedAllocatorMgr.
-- 'expected_call_count' is the number of individual tensors expected to
-- be allocated from the backing tensor.
_ScopedAllocator :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                    Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __expected_call_count__
                    -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
                    -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                    -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
_ScopedAllocator = _ScopedAllocator' id
_ScopedAllocator' :: forall t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __expected_call_count__
                     -> Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
                     -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                     -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
_ScopedAllocator' op'options expected_call_count id shape | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "_ScopedAllocator"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "expected_call_count" .~ expected_call_count
                    & opAttr "id" .~ id
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "shapes" type: "list(shape)" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "sa_name" type: "string" }
attr { name: "id" type: "int" }
attr { name: "expected_call_count" type: "int" }
-- | Acts like a Concat Op that merges multple tensors into one, however it must
-- only be used in conjunction with a ScopedAllocator which is backing the memory
-- of all of its input tensors so that actually it just outputs a read-only
-- reference to that ScopedAllocator's backing tensor.
-- This is an experimental op for internal use only.  It is possible to use this
-- op in unsafe ways.
-- 'backing' is the backing tensor, i.e. the output of an upstream ScopedAllocator.
-- 'inputs' is a list of nominal input tensors, all of which must be aliases
-- to regions of the backing tensor.  These will be outputs of upstream nodes
-- that allocate their outputs from the same ScopedAllocator.
-- 'shape' is the shape of the output, which will usually be the same shape as
-- the input backing tensor.
-- 'reshape' is true iff the output shape is to be different from that of
-- the input backing tensor.
-- 'sa_name' is the Node name of the upstream ScopedAllocator.
-- 'id' is the scope_id identifying the upstream ScopedAllocator.
-- 'N' is the number of nominal inputs to be concatenated.
_ScopedAllocatorConcat :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
                          -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                          -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __backing__
                          -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __inputs__
                          -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
_ScopedAllocatorConcat = _ScopedAllocatorConcat' id
_ScopedAllocatorConcat' :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorType t) => OpParams ->
                           Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
                           -> Shape -- ^ __shape__
                           -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __backing__
                           -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __inputs__
                           -> m' (Tensor Value t) -- ^ __output__
_ScopedAllocatorConcat' op'options id shape backing
                        inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs backing,
                                                             buildInputs inputs]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_ScopedAllocatorConcat"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "id" .~ id
                    & opAttr "shape" .~ shape
                    & opAttr "N" .~ n
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "backing" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "inputs" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" }
attr { name: "shape" type: "shape" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "reshape" type: "bool" default_value { b: false } }
attr { name: "sa_name" type: "string" }
attr { name: "id" type: "int" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2 }
-- | Acts roughly like a SplitV Op that splits one tensor into multiple tensors
-- but must only be used in conjunction with corresponding ScopedAllocator
-- and ScopedAllocatorConcat instances.  In practice it is provided as inputs
-- the backing tensor as first input, which contains the concatenated values,
-- and a list of alias tensors as its other input and it simply outputs that
-- second list.
-- This is an experimental op for internal use only.  It is possible to use this
-- op in unsafe ways.
-- 'concat' is the single output produced by an upstream ScopedAllocatorConcat
-- node.  This is actually the backing tensor from a ScopedAllocator node
-- upstream of the ScopedAllocatorConcat.
-- 'split' is a list of tensors aliased from the backing tensor.  It will
-- become the output of this ScopedAllocatorSplit node.
-- 'type' is the common DataType of all of the input and output tensors.
-- 'sa_name' is the Node name of the upstream ScopedAllocator.
-- 'id' is the scope_id identifying the upstream ScopedAllocator.
-- 'N' is the number of split tensors.
-- 'shapes' is a list of the split tensor shapes.
_ScopedAllocatorSplit :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
                         -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __concat__
                         -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __split__
                         -> m' ([Tensor Value t]) -- ^ __output__
_ScopedAllocatorSplit = _ScopedAllocatorSplit' id
_ScopedAllocatorSplit' :: forall v'1 v'2 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
                          OpParams ->
                          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __id__
                          -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __concat__
                          -> [Tensor v'2 t] -- ^ __split__
                          -> m' ([Tensor Value t]) -- ^ __output__
_ScopedAllocatorSplit' op'options id concat
                       split | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("split", length split)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs concat,
                                                             buildInputs split]
        buildOp [n] (opDef "_ScopedAllocatorSplit"
                     & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                     & opAttr "id" .~ id
                     & opAttr "N" .~ n
                     & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length split) :: Int64
input_arg { name: "concat" type_attr: "T" }
input_arg { name: "split" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
output_arg { name: "output" type_attr: "T" number_attr: "N" }
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr { name: "sa_name" type: "string" }
attr { name: "id" type: "int" }
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 2 }
attr { name: "shapes" type: "list(shape)" }
-- | Sends the named tensor from send_device to recv_device.
_Send :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) =>
         Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
         -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to send.
         -> m' (ControlNode)
_Send = _Send' id
_Send' :: forall v'1 t m' . (MonadBuild m', TensorType t) => OpParams ->
          Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __send_device_incarnation__: The current incarnation of send_device.
          -> Tensor v'1 t -- ^ __tensor__: The tensor to send.
          -> m' (ControlNode)
_Send' op'options send_device_incarnation tensor | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs tensor]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_Send"
                    & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: t)
                    & opAttr "send_device_incarnation" .~ send_device_incarnation
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "tensor" description: "The tensor to send." type_attr: "T"
attr { name: "T" type: "type" }
attr {
  name: "tensor_name"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the tensor to send."
attr {
  name: "send_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device sending the tensor."
attr {
  name: "send_device_incarnation"
  type: "int"
  description: "The current incarnation of send_device."
attr {
  name: "recv_device"
  type: "string"
  description: "The name of the device receiving the tensor."
attr {
  name: "client_terminated"
  type: "bool"
  default_value { b: false }
  description: "If set to true, this indicates that the node was added\nto the graph as a result of a client-side feed or fetch of Tensor data,\nin which case the corresponding send or recv is expected to be managed\nlocally by the caller."
-- | An op that informs a host of the global ids of all the of TPUs in the
-- system.
_SetGlobalTPUArray :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                      Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __topology__: A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU
                                                            -- topology.
                      -> m' (ControlNode)
_SetGlobalTPUArray = _SetGlobalTPUArray' id
_SetGlobalTPUArray' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                       Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __topology__: A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU
                                                             -- topology.
                       -> m' (ControlNode)
_SetGlobalTPUArray' op'options topology | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs topology]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_SetGlobalTPUArray"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "topology"
  description: "A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU\ntopology."
  type: DT_STRING
-- | An op that shuts down a running distributed TPU system. The Op returns
-- an error if no system is running. This Op must be run on the same
-- TPU_SYSTEM device as the corresponding _ConfigureDistributedTPU was run
-- to start the system, and must be run only after
-- _DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem has completed on every host in
-- the system.
_ShutdownDistributedTPU :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => m' (ControlNode)
_ShutdownDistributedTPU = _ShutdownDistributedTPU' id
_ShutdownDistributedTPU' :: forall m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                            m' (ControlNode)
_ShutdownDistributedTPU' op'options | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence []
        buildOp [] (opDef "_ShutdownDistributedTPU"
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)

-- | An op that blocks execution until a distributed TPU system has
-- started up. This Op must be run on the same TPU_SYSTEM device as
-- _ConfigureDistributedTPU, and takes an inputs the outputs from the
-- _InitializeHostForDistributedTPU Ops.
_WaitForDistributedTPU :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') =>
                          [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __inputs__: For each initialized host, a vector giving the global TPU id
                                                      -- of each TPU on the host.
                          -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __topology__: A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU
                          -- topology.
_WaitForDistributedTPU = _WaitForDistributedTPU' id
_WaitForDistributedTPU' :: forall v'1 m' . (MonadBuild m') => OpParams ->
                           [Tensor v'1 Data.Int.Int32] -- ^ __inputs__: For each initialized host, a vector giving the global TPU id
                                                       -- of each TPU on the host.
                           -> m' (Tensor Value Data.ByteString.ByteString) -- ^ __topology__: A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU
                           -- topology.
_WaitForDistributedTPU' op'options
                        inputs | eqLengthGuard [("N", [("inputs", length inputs)])] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_WaitForDistributedTPU"
                    & opAttr "N" .~ n
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
    n = fromIntegral (length inputs) :: Int64
input_arg {
  name: "inputs"
  description: "For each initialized host, a vector giving the global TPU id\nof each TPU on the host."
  type: DT_INT32
  number_attr: "N"
output_arg {
  name: "topology"
  description: "A serialized tensorflow.tpu.TopologyProto that describes the TPU\ntopology."
  type: DT_STRING
attr {
  name: "startup_timeout_sec"
  type: "int"
  default_value { i: 20 }
  description: "The number of seconds to wait for the TPU system\nto stabilize."
attr { name: "N" type: "int" has_minimum: true minimum: 1 }
-- | A placeholder op for multiple values that will be sent to TensorFlow from a
-- running XLA computation.
_XlaRecvAtHost :: forall v'1 toutputs m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                            TensorTypes toutputs) =>
                  Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __device_ordinal__: The device to use.
                  -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __dynamic_key__: The key sent at runtime by the compile node to identify which
                                                           -- execution the transfer corresponds to.
                  -> m' (TensorList (Value) toutputs) -- ^ __outputs__: A list of tensors that will be received from the XLA computation.
_XlaRecvAtHost = _XlaRecvAtHost' id
_XlaRecvAtHost' :: forall v'1 toutputs m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                             TensorTypes toutputs) =>
                   OpParams ->
                   Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __device_ordinal__: The device to use.
                   -> Tensor v'1 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __dynamic_key__: The key sent at runtime by the compile node to identify which
                                                            -- execution the transfer corresponds to.
                   -> m' (TensorList (Value) toutputs) -- ^ __outputs__: A list of tensors that will be received from the XLA computation.
_XlaRecvAtHost' op'options device_ordinal dynamic_key | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs dynamic_key]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_XlaRecvAtHost"
                    & opAttr "Toutputs" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy toutputs)
                    & opAttr "device_ordinal" .~ device_ordinal
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "dynamic_key"
  description: "The key sent at runtime by the compile node to identify which\nexecution the transfer corresponds to."
  type: DT_STRING
output_arg {
  name: "outputs"
  description: "A list of tensors that will be received from the XLA computation."
  type_list_attr: "Toutputs"
attr {
  name: "Toutputs"
  type: "list(type)"
  description: "The element types of each element in `outputs`."
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "key"
  type: "string"
  description: "A key that is unique in the computation and associates the send with the consumer in\nthe XLA computation."
attr {
  name: "device_ordinal"
  type: "int"
  description: "The device to use."
-- | A placeholder op for multiple values that will be sent from TensorFlow to a
-- running XLA computation.
_XlaSendFromHost :: forall v'1 v'2 tinputs m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                 TensorTypes tinputs) =>
                    Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __device_ordinal__: The device to use.
                    -> TensorList (v'1) tinputs -- ^ __inputs__: A list of tensors that will be sent to the XLA computation.
                    -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __dynamic_key__: The key sent at runtime by the compile node to identify which
                                                             -- execution the transfer corresponds to.
                    -> m' (ControlNode)
_XlaSendFromHost = _XlaSendFromHost' id
_XlaSendFromHost' :: forall v'1 v'2 tinputs m' . (MonadBuild m',
                                                  TensorTypes tinputs) =>
                     OpParams ->
                     Data.Int.Int64 -- ^ __device_ordinal__: The device to use.
                     -> TensorList (v'1) tinputs -- ^ __inputs__: A list of tensors that will be sent to the XLA computation.
                     -> Tensor v'2 Data.ByteString.ByteString -- ^ __dynamic_key__: The key sent at runtime by the compile node to identify which
                                                              -- execution the transfer corresponds to.
                     -> m' (ControlNode)
_XlaSendFromHost' op'options device_ordinal inputs
                  dynamic_key | eqLengthGuard [] =
    build $ do
        op'inputs <- fmap Prelude.concat $ Prelude.sequence [buildInputs inputs,
                                                             buildInputs dynamic_key]
        buildOp [] (opDef "_XlaSendFromHost"
                    & opAttr "Tinputs" .~ fromTensorTypes (Proxy :: Proxy tinputs)
                    & opAttr "device_ordinal" .~ device_ordinal
                    & op'options & opInputs .~ op'inputs)
input_arg {
  name: "inputs"
  description: "A list of tensors that will be sent to the XLA computation."
  type_list_attr: "Tinputs"
input_arg {
  name: "dynamic_key"
  description: "The key sent at runtime by the compile node to identify which\nexecution the transfer corresponds to."
  type: DT_STRING
attr {
  name: "Tinputs"
  type: "list(type)"
  description: "The element types of each element in `inputs`."
  has_minimum: true
attr {
  name: "key"
  type: "string"
  description: "A key that is unique in the computation and associates the send with the consumer in\nthe XLA computation."
attr {
  name: "device_ordinal"
  type: "int"
  description: "The device to use."