2018-08-14 00:05:49 -04:00
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2018-08-14 00:05:49 -04:00
< / script > < / head > < body > < div id = "package-header" > < ul class = "links" id = "page-menu" > < li > < a href = "src/TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse.html" > Source< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "index.html" > Contents< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "doc-index.html" > Index< / a > < / li > < / ul > < p class = "caption" > tensorflow-mnist- TensorFlow demo application for learning MNIST model.< / p > < / div > < div id = "content" > < div id = "module-header" > < table class = "info" > < tr > < th > Safe Haskell< / th > < td > None< / td > < / tr > < tr > < th > Language< / th > < td > Haskell2010< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p class = "caption" > TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse< / p > < / div > < div id = "synopsis" > < p id = "control.syn" class = "caption expander" onclick = "toggleSection('syn')" > Synopsis< / p > < ul id = "section.syn" class = "hide" onclick = "toggleSection('syn')" > < li class = "src short" > < span class = "keyword" > type< / span > < a href = "#t:MNIST" > MNIST< / a > = Vector < a href = "../base-" > Word8< / a > < / li > < li class = "src short" > < a href = "#v:drawMNIST" > drawMNIST< / a > :: < a href = "TensorFlow-Examples-MNIST-Parse.html#t:MNIST" > MNIST< / a > -> Text< / li > < li class = "src short" > < a href = "#v:checkEndian" > checkEndian< / a > :: < a href = "../binary-" > Get< / a > ()< / li > < li class = "src short" > < a href = "#v:readMNISTSamples" > readMNISTSamples< / a > :: < a href = "../base-" > FilePath< / a > -> < a href = "../base-" > IO< / a > [< a href = "TensorFlow-Examples-MNIST-Parse.html#t:MNIST" > MNIST< / a > ]< / li > < li class = "src short" > < a href = "#v:readMNISTLabels" > readMNISTLabels< / a > :: < a href = "../base-" > FilePath< / a > -> < a href = "../base-" > IO< / a > [< a href = "../base-" > Word8< / a > ]< / li > < li class = "src short" > < a href = "#v:readMessageFromFileOrDie" > readMessageFromFileOrDie< / a > :: Message m => < a href = "../base-" > FilePath< / a > -> < a href = "../base-" > IO< / a > m< / li > < / ul > < / div > < div id = "interface" > < h1 > Documentation< / h1 > < div class = "top" > < p class = "src" > < span class = "keyword" > type< / span > < a id = "t:MNIST" class = "def" > MNIST< / a > = Vector < a href = "../base-" > Word8< / a > < a href = "src/TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse.html#MNIST" class = "link" > Source< / a > < a href = "#t:MNIST" class = "selflink" > #< / a > < / p > < div class = "doc" > < p > Utilities specific to MNIST.< / p > < / div > < / div > < div class = "top" > < p class = "src" > < a id = "v:drawMNIST" class = "def" > drawMNIST< / a > :: < a href = "TensorFlow-Examples-MNIST-Parse.html#t:MNIST" > MNIST< / a > -> Text < a href = "src/TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse.html#drawMNIST" class = "link" > Source< / a > < a href = "#v:drawMNIST" class = "selflink" > #< / a > < / p > < div class = "doc" > < p > Produces a unicode rendering of the MNIST digit sample.< / p > < / div > < / div > < div class = "top" > < p class = "src" > < a id = "v:checkEndian" class = "def" > checkEndian< / a > :: < a href = "../binary-" > Get< / a > () < a href = "src/TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse.html#checkEndian" class = "link" > Source< / a > < a href = "#v:checkEndian" class = "selflink" > #< / a > < / p > < div class = "doc" > < p > Check's the file's endianess, throwing an error if it's not as expected.< / p > < / div > < / div > < div class = "top" > < p class = "src" > < a id = "v:readMNISTSamples" class = "def" > readMNISTSamples< / a > :: < a href = "../base-" > FilePath< / a > -> < a href = "../base-" > IO< / a > [< a href = "TensorFlow-Examples-MNIST-Parse.html#t:MNIST" > MNIST< / a > ] < a href = "src/TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse.html#readMNISTSamples" class = "link" > Source< / a > < a href = "#v:readMNISTSamples" class = "selflink" > #< / a > < / p > < div class = "doc" > < p > Reads an MNIST file and returns a list of samples.< / p > < / div > < / div > < div class = "top" > < p class = "src" > < a id = "v:readMNISTLabels" class = "def" > readMNISTLabels< / a > :: < a href = "../base-" > FilePath< / a > -> < a href = "../base-" > IO< / a > [< a href = "../base-" > Word8< / a > ] < a href = "src/TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse.html#readMNISTLabels" class = "link" > Source< / a > < a href = "#v:readMNISTLabels" class