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22 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sönke Hahn
9cd47d0ebf wip 2018-05-05 20:00:56 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
72a5ec61ba remove ghc warnings 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
e9a68cea0c add documentation 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
e92bac0803 Switched order of type parameters 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
775b239f7f remove redundant function 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
e27ea01049 add doctests 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
fe2df30386 remove WithArg simplify types 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
397815fe06 rename ServerCombinator 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
a4bb467446 remove 'forall's from haddock docs 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
d7587d1df9 allow to access contexts 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
f9085b6b7a reorder test code 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
ea43025d65 reorder tests 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
6a5256c3ff throw an exception in case of unallowed request body access 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
833551e2ea allow IO 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
e5f46e8ba0 renamed modules 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
698ca2b430 rename util functions 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
cee7b1ffd1 add implementRequestStreamingCombinator 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
be5e6e59c7 add implementAuthCombinator and implementRequestCheck 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
7177f0a729 add CombinatorImplementation 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
16cffc7d69 add captureCombinator 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Sönke Hahn
447a807cf0 add argumentCombinator 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
Oleg Grenrus
d80994067d Update .travis.yml 2018-05-05 18:38:12 -07:00
6 changed files with 527 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ branches:
- master
- release-0.12
- release-0.13

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
folds: all-but-test
branches: master release-0.12
branches: master release-0.12 release-0.13
-- We have inplace packages (servant-js) so we skip installing dependencies in a separate step
install-dependencies-step: False

View file

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ library
@ -132,10 +133,12 @@ test-suite spec
main-is: Spec.hs
@ -149,11 +152,13 @@ test-suite spec
, base-compat
, aeson
, base64-bytestring
, blaze-builder
, bytestring
, deepseq
, directory
, exceptions
, http-types
, mtl
, network
, resourcet
, safe
, servant

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type RoutingApplication =
Request -- ^ the request, the field 'pathInfo' may be modified by url routing
-> (RouteResult Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
-- | The result of matching against a path in the route tree.
-- | The result of running an endpoint handler. On success this will contains an @a@.
data RouteResult a =
Fail ServantErr -- ^ Keep trying other paths. The @ServantErr@
-- should only be 404, 405 or 406.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- fixme: document RouteResult better
-- fixme: document phases
-- fixme: document that the req body can only be consumed once
-- fixme: document dependency problem
-- | This module provides convenience functions that make it easy to write
-- 'HasServer' instances for your own custom servant combinators.
-- It is also intended to be a more stable interface for writing
-- combinators than 'Servant.Server.Internal' and its submodules.
-- For examples on how to write combinators see 'makeCaptureCombinator' and friends.
module Servant.Server.Utils.CustomCombinators (
-- * ServerCombinator
-- * Constructing ServerCombinators
-- * Re-exports
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Exception (throwIO, ErrorCall(..))
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text
import Network.Wai
import Servant.API
import Servant.Server
import Servant.Server.Internal
-- | 'ServerCombinator' is a type to encapsulate the implementations
-- of the 'route' method of the 'HasServer' class of your custom combinators.
-- You can create a 'ServerCombinator' using one of the 'make...' functions below.
-- Type parameters:
-- - @combinator@ -- Your custom combinator type, usually an uninhabited dummy type.
-- - @context@ -- The context your combinator (and all other combinators) have access to.
-- In most cases this can be ignored. For further information, see
-- 'Servant.Server.Internal.Context'.
-- - @api@ -- The subapi to be used in @serverType@.
-- - @serverType@ -- The type of the server that implements an api containing your combinator.
-- This should contain a call to 'ServerT' applied to @api@ -- the other type parameter -- and
-- 'Handler'. If your combinator for example supplies an 'Int' to endpoint handlers,
-- @serverType@ would be @'Int' -> 'ServerT' api 'Handler'@.
data ServerCombinator combinator api context serverType where
CI :: (forall env .
Proxy (combinator :> api)
-> Context context
-> Delayed env serverType
-> Router' env RoutingApplication)
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context serverType
-- | 'runServerCombinator' is used to actually implement the method 'route' from the type class
-- 'HasServer'. You can ignore most of the type of this function. All you need to do is to supply
-- a 'ServerCombinator'.
runServerCombinator :: ServerCombinator combinator api context serverType
-> Proxy (combinator :> api)
-> Context context
-> Delayed env serverType
-> Router' env RoutingApplication
runServerCombinator (CI i) = i
-- | 'makeCaptureCombinator' allows you to write a combinator that inspects a path snippet
-- and provides an additional argument to endpoint handlers. You can choose the type of
-- that argument.
-- Here's an example of a combinator 'MyCaptureCombinator' that tries to parse a path snippet as
-- an 'Int' and provides that 'Int' as an argument to the endpoint handler. Note that in case the
-- path snippet cannot be parsed as an 'Int' the combinator errors out (using 'Fail'), which means
-- the endpoint handler will not be called.
-- >>> :set -XTypeFamilies
-- >>> :set -XTypeOperators
-- >>> :set -XFlexibleInstances
-- >>> :set -XMultiParamTypeClasses
-- >>> :set -Wno-missing-methods
-- >>> import Text.Read
-- >>> import Data.String.Conversions
-- >>> :{
-- data MyCaptureCombinator
-- instance HasServer api context => HasServer (MyCaptureCombinator :> api) context where
-- type ServerT (MyCaptureCombinator :> api) m = Int -> ServerT api m
-- route = runServerCombinator $ makeCaptureCombinator getCaptureString
-- getCaptureString :: Context context -> Text -> IO (RouteResult Int)
-- getCaptureString _context pathSnippet = return $ case readMaybe (cs pathSnippet) of
-- Just n -> Route n
-- Nothing -> Fail err404
-- :}
makeCaptureCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Text -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
makeCaptureCombinator = inner -- we use 'inner' to avoid having 'forall' show up in haddock docs
inner ::
forall api combinator arg context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Text -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
inner getArg = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
CaptureRouter $
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addCapture delayed $ \ captured ->
(liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (getArg context captured))
-- | 'makeRequestCheckCombinator' allows you to a combinator that checks a property of the
-- 'Request', while not providing any additional argument to your endpoint handlers.
-- Combinators created with 'makeRequestCheckCombinator' are *not* allowed to access the
-- request body (see 'makeCombinator').
-- This example shows a combinator 'BlockNonSSL' that disallows requests through @http@ and
-- only allows @https@. Note that -- in case of @http@ -- it uses 'FailFatal' to prevent
-- servant from trying out any remaining endpoints.
-- >>> :{
-- data BlockNonSSL
-- instance HasServer api context => HasServer (BlockNonSSL :> api) context where
-- type ServerT (BlockNonSSL :> api) m = ServerT api m
-- route = runServerCombinator $ makeRequestCheckCombinator checkRequest
-- checkRequest :: Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult ())
-- checkRequest _context request = return $ if isSecure request
-- then Route ()
-- else FailFatal err400
-- :}
makeRequestCheckCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult ()))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (ServerT api Handler)
makeRequestCheckCombinator = inner
inner ::
forall api combinator context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult ()))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (ServerT api Handler)
inner check = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addMethodCheck delayed $
withRequest $ \ request ->
liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (check context (protectBody "makeRequestCheckCombinator" request))
-- | 'makeAuthCombinator' allows you to write combinators for authorization.
-- Combinators created with this function are *not* allowed to access the request body
-- (see 'makeCombinator').
makeAuthCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult authInformation))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (authInformation -> ServerT api Handler)
makeAuthCombinator = inner
inner ::
forall api combinator authInformation context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult authInformation))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (authInformation -> ServerT api Handler)
inner authCheck = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addAuthCheck delayed $
withRequest $ \ request ->
liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (authCheck context (protectBody "makeAuthCombinator" request))
-- | 'makeCombinator' allows you to write combinators that have access to the whole request
-- (including the request body) while providing an additional argument to the endpoint handler.
-- This includes writing combinators that allow you to stream the request body. Here's a simple
-- example for that using a very simple stream implementation @Source@:
-- >>> import Data.ByteString
-- >>> :{
-- data Source = Source (IO ByteString)
-- data Stream
-- instance HasServer api context => HasServer (Stream :> api) context where
-- type ServerT (Stream :> api) m = Source -> ServerT api m
-- route = runServerCombinator $ makeCombinator requestToSource
-- requestToSource :: Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult Source)
-- requestToSource _context request =
-- return $ Route $ Source $ requestBody request
-- :}
makeCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
makeCombinator = inner
inner ::
forall api combinator arg context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
inner getArg = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addBodyCheck delayed
(return ())
(\ () -> withRequest $ \ request ->
liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (getArg context request))
protectBody :: String -> Request -> Request
protectBody name request = request{
requestBody = throwIO $ ErrorCall $
"ERROR: " ++ name ++ ": combinator must not access the request body"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.Server.Utils.CustomCombinatorsSpec where
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString as SBS hiding (map)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS hiding (map)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Proxy
import Data.String.Conversions
import Data.Text hiding (map)
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Internal
import Test.Hspec hiding (context)
import Servant.API
import Servant.Server
import Servant.Server.Utils.CustomCombinators
runApp :: Application -> Request -> IO Response
runApp app req = do
mvar <- newMVar Nothing
ResponseReceived <- app req $ \ response -> do
modifyMVar mvar $ \ Nothing ->
return $ (Just response, ResponseReceived)
modifyMVar mvar $ \mResponse -> do
case mResponse of
Nothing -> error "shouldn't happen"
Just response -> return (Just response, response)
responseBodyLbs :: Response -> IO LBS.ByteString
responseBodyLbs response = do
let (_, _, action) = responseToStream response
action $ \ streamingBody -> do
mvar <- newMVar ""
(\ builder -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ \ acc ->
return $ acc <> toLazyByteString builder)
(return ())
readMVar mvar
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "makeCaptureCombinator" $ do
it "allows to write capture combinators" $ do
let server = return
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (StringCapture :> Get' String)) server
request = defaultRequest{
rawPathInfo = "/foo",
pathInfo = ["foo"]
response <- runApp app request
responseBodyLbs response `shouldReturn` "\"foo\""
it "allows to write a combinator that errors out" $ do
let server = return
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (StringCapture :> Get' String)) server
request = defaultRequest {
rawPathInfo = "/error",
pathInfo = ["error"]
response <- runApp app request
responseStatus response `shouldBe` status418
describe "makeRequestCheckCombinator" $ do
it "allows to write request check combinators" $ do
let server = return ()
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (CheckFooHeader :> Get' ())) server
request = defaultRequest{
requestHeaders =
("Foo", "foo") :
requestHeaders defaultRequest
response <- runApp app request
responseBodyLbs response `shouldReturn` "[]"
it "disallows to access the request body" $ do
let server = return ()
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (InvalidRequestCheckCombinator :> Get' ())) server
request = defaultRequest
runApp app request `shouldThrow`
errorCall "ERROR: makeRequestCheckCombinator: combinator must not access the request body"
describe "makeAuthCombinator" $ do
it "allows to write an auth combinator" $ do
let server (User name) = return name
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (AuthCombinator :> Get' String)) server
request = defaultRequest{
requestHeaders =
("Auth", "secret") :
requestHeaders defaultRequest
response <- runApp app request
responseStatus response `shouldBe` ok200
responseBodyLbs response `shouldReturn` "\"Alice\""
it "disallows to access the request body" $ do
let server _user = return "foo"
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (InvalidAuthCombinator :> Get' String)) server
request = defaultRequest
runApp app request `shouldThrow`
errorCall "ERROR: makeAuthCombinator: combinator must not access the request body"
it "allows to access the context" $ do
let server (User name) = return name
context :: Context '[ [(SBS.ByteString, User)] ]
context = [("secret", User "Bob")] :. EmptyContext
app = serveWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy (AuthWithContext :> Get' String)) context server
request = defaultRequest{
requestHeaders =
("Auth", "secret") :
requestHeaders defaultRequest
response <- runApp app request
responseStatus response `shouldBe` ok200
responseBodyLbs response `shouldReturn` "\"Bob\""
describe "makeCombinator" $ do
it "allows to write a combinator by providing a function (Request -> a)" $ do
let server = return
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (FooHeader :> Get' String)) server
request = defaultRequest{
requestHeaders =
("Foo", "foo") :
requestHeaders defaultRequest
response <- runApp app request
responseBodyLbs response `shouldReturn` "\"foo\""
describe "makeReqBodyCombinator" $ do
let toBody :: [IO SBS.ByteString] -> IO (IO SBS.ByteString)
toBody list = do
mvar <- newMVar list
return $ do
modifyMVar mvar $ \case
(a : r) -> do
chunk <- a
return (r, chunk)
[] -> return ([], "")
it "allows to write combinators" $ do
body <- toBody $ map return ["foo", "bar"]
let server (Source b) = liftIO $ cs <$> fromBody b
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (StreamRequest :> Get' String)) server
request = defaultRequest{
requestBody = body
response <- runApp app request
responseBodyLbs response `shouldReturn` "\"foobar\""
it "allows to stream lazily" $ do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
body <- toBody [return "foo", takeMVar mvar >> return "bar"]
let server (Source b) = liftIO $ do
first <- b
deepseq first (return ())
putMVar mvar ()
cs <$> (first <>) <$> fromBody b
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (StreamRequest :> Get' String)) server
request = defaultRequest{
requestBody = body
response <- runApp app request
responseBodyLbs response `shouldReturn` "\"foobar\""
it "allows to implement combinators in terms of existing combinators" $ do
type Get' = Get '[JSON]
-- * capture combinators
data StringCapture
instance HasServer api context => HasServer (StringCapture :> api) context where
type ServerT (StringCapture :> api) m = String -> ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeCaptureCombinator (const getCapture)
getCapture :: Text -> IO (RouteResult String)
getCapture snippet = return $ case snippet of
"error" -> FailFatal $ ServantErr 418 "I'm a teapot" "" []
text -> Route $ cs text
-- * request check combinators
data CheckFooHeader
instance HasServer api context => HasServer (CheckFooHeader :> api) context where
type ServerT (CheckFooHeader :> api) m = ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeRequestCheckCombinator (const checkFooHeader)
checkFooHeader :: Request -> IO (RouteResult ())
checkFooHeader request = return $
case lookup "Foo" (requestHeaders request) of
Just _ -> Route ()
Nothing -> FailFatal err400
-- | a combinator that tries to access the request body in an invalid way
data InvalidRequestCheckCombinator
instance HasServer api context => HasServer (InvalidRequestCheckCombinator :> api) context where
type ServerT (InvalidRequestCheckCombinator :> api) m = ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeRequestCheckCombinator (const accessReqBody)
accessReqBody :: Request -> IO (RouteResult ())
accessReqBody request = do
body <- fromBody $ requestBody request
deepseq body (return $ Route ())
-- * auth combinators
data AuthCombinator
data User = User String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance HasServer api context => HasServer (AuthCombinator :> api) context where
type ServerT (AuthCombinator :> api) m = User -> ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeAuthCombinator (const checkAuth)
checkAuth :: Request -> IO (RouteResult User)
checkAuth request = return $ case lookup "Auth" (requestHeaders request) of
Just "secret" -> Route $ User "Alice"
Just _ -> FailFatal err401
Nothing -> FailFatal err400
-- | a combinator that tries to access the request body in an invalid way
data InvalidAuthCombinator
instance HasServer api context => HasServer (InvalidAuthCombinator :> api) context where
type ServerT (InvalidAuthCombinator :> api) m = User -> ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeAuthCombinator (const authWithReqBody)
authWithReqBody :: Request -> IO (RouteResult User)
authWithReqBody request = do
body <- fromBody $ requestBody request
deepseq body (return $ Route $ User $ cs body)
data AuthWithContext
instance (HasContextEntry context [(SBS.ByteString, User)], HasServer api context) =>
HasServer (AuthWithContext :> api) context where
type ServerT (AuthWithContext :> api) m = User -> ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeAuthCombinator authWithContext
authWithContext :: (HasContextEntry context [(SBS.ByteString, User)]) =>
Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult User)
authWithContext context request = return $ case lookup "Auth" (requestHeaders request) of
Nothing -> FailFatal err401
Just authToken -> case lookup authToken userDict of
Nothing -> FailFatal err403
Just user -> Route user
userDict = getContextEntry context
-- * general combinators
data FooHeader
instance HasServer api context => HasServer (FooHeader :> api) context where
type ServerT (FooHeader :> api) m = String -> ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeCombinator $ const $ getCustom
getCustom :: Request -> IO (RouteResult String)
getCustom request = return $ case lookup "Foo" (requestHeaders request) of
Nothing -> FailFatal err400
Just l -> Route $ cs l
-- * streaming combinators
data StreamRequest
data Source = Source (IO SBS.ByteString)
instance HasServer api context => HasServer (StreamRequest :> api) context where
type ServerT (StreamRequest :> api) m = Source -> ServerT api m
route = runServerCombinator $ makeCombinator $
\ _context request -> return $ Route $ Source $ requestBody request
-- * utils
fromBody :: IO SBS.ByteString -> IO SBS.ByteString
fromBody getChunk = do
chunk <- getChunk
if chunk == ""
then return ""
else do
rest <- fromBody getChunk
return $ chunk <> rest