Sönke Hahn 9cd47d0ebf wip
2018-05-05 20:00:56 -07:00

218 lines
9.0 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- fixme: document RouteResult better
-- fixme: document phases
-- fixme: document that the req body can only be consumed once
-- fixme: document dependency problem
-- | This module provides convenience functions that make it easy to write
-- 'HasServer' instances for your own custom servant combinators.
-- It is also intended to be a more stable interface for writing
-- combinators than 'Servant.Server.Internal' and its submodules.
-- For examples on how to write combinators see 'makeCaptureCombinator' and friends.
module Servant.Server.Utils.CustomCombinators (
-- * ServerCombinator
-- * Constructing ServerCombinators
-- * Re-exports
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Exception (throwIO, ErrorCall(..))
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text
import Network.Wai
import Servant.API
import Servant.Server
import Servant.Server.Internal
-- | 'ServerCombinator' is a type to encapsulate the implementations
-- of the 'route' method of the 'HasServer' class of your custom combinators.
-- You can create a 'ServerCombinator' using one of the 'make...' functions below.
-- Type parameters:
-- - @combinator@ -- Your custom combinator type, usually an uninhabited dummy type.
-- - @context@ -- The context your combinator (and all other combinators) have access to.
-- In most cases this can be ignored. For further information, see
-- 'Servant.Server.Internal.Context'.
-- - @api@ -- The subapi to be used in @serverType@.
-- - @serverType@ -- The type of the server that implements an api containing your combinator.
-- This should contain a call to 'ServerT' applied to @api@ -- the other type parameter -- and
-- 'Handler'. If your combinator for example supplies an 'Int' to endpoint handlers,
-- @serverType@ would be @'Int' -> 'ServerT' api 'Handler'@.
data ServerCombinator combinator api context serverType where
CI :: (forall env .
Proxy (combinator :> api)
-> Context context
-> Delayed env serverType
-> Router' env RoutingApplication)
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context serverType
-- | 'runServerCombinator' is used to actually implement the method 'route' from the type class
-- 'HasServer'. You can ignore most of the type of this function. All you need to do is to supply
-- a 'ServerCombinator'.
runServerCombinator :: ServerCombinator combinator api context serverType
-> Proxy (combinator :> api)
-> Context context
-> Delayed env serverType
-> Router' env RoutingApplication
runServerCombinator (CI i) = i
-- | 'makeCaptureCombinator' allows you to write a combinator that inspects a path snippet
-- and provides an additional argument to endpoint handlers. You can choose the type of
-- that argument.
-- Here's an example of a combinator 'MyCaptureCombinator' that tries to parse a path snippet as
-- an 'Int' and provides that 'Int' as an argument to the endpoint handler. Note that in case the
-- path snippet cannot be parsed as an 'Int' the combinator errors out (using 'Fail'), which means
-- the endpoint handler will not be called.
-- >>> :set -XTypeFamilies
-- >>> :set -XTypeOperators
-- >>> :set -XFlexibleInstances
-- >>> :set -XMultiParamTypeClasses
-- >>> :set -Wno-missing-methods
-- >>> import Text.Read
-- >>> import Data.String.Conversions
-- >>> :{
-- data MyCaptureCombinator
-- instance HasServer api context => HasServer (MyCaptureCombinator :> api) context where
-- type ServerT (MyCaptureCombinator :> api) m = Int -> ServerT api m
-- route = runServerCombinator $ makeCaptureCombinator getCaptureString
-- getCaptureString :: Context context -> Text -> IO (RouteResult Int)
-- getCaptureString _context pathSnippet = return $ case readMaybe (cs pathSnippet) of
-- Just n -> Route n
-- Nothing -> Fail err404
-- :}
makeCaptureCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Text -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
makeCaptureCombinator = inner -- we use 'inner' to avoid having 'forall' show up in haddock docs
inner ::
forall api combinator arg context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Text -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
inner getArg = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
CaptureRouter $
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addCapture delayed $ \ captured ->
(liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (getArg context captured))
-- | 'makeRequestCheckCombinator' allows you to a combinator that checks a property of the
-- 'Request', while not providing any additional argument to your endpoint handlers.
-- Combinators created with 'makeRequestCheckCombinator' are *not* allowed to access the
-- request body (see 'makeCombinator').
-- This example shows a combinator 'BlockNonSSL' that disallows requests through @http@ and
-- only allows @https@. Note that -- in case of @http@ -- it uses 'FailFatal' to prevent
-- servant from trying out any remaining endpoints.
-- >>> :{
-- data BlockNonSSL
-- instance HasServer api context => HasServer (BlockNonSSL :> api) context where
-- type ServerT (BlockNonSSL :> api) m = ServerT api m
-- route = runServerCombinator $ makeRequestCheckCombinator checkRequest
-- checkRequest :: Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult ())
-- checkRequest _context request = return $ if isSecure request
-- then Route ()
-- else FailFatal err400
-- :}
makeRequestCheckCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult ()))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (ServerT api Handler)
makeRequestCheckCombinator = inner
inner ::
forall api combinator context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult ()))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (ServerT api Handler)
inner check = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addMethodCheck delayed $
withRequest $ \ request ->
liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (check context (protectBody "makeRequestCheckCombinator" request))
-- | 'makeAuthCombinator' allows you to write combinators for authorization.
-- Combinators created with this function are *not* allowed to access the request body
-- (see 'makeCombinator').
makeAuthCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult authInformation))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (authInformation -> ServerT api Handler)
makeAuthCombinator = inner
inner ::
forall api combinator authInformation context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult authInformation))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (authInformation -> ServerT api Handler)
inner authCheck = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addAuthCheck delayed $
withRequest $ \ request ->
liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (authCheck context (protectBody "makeAuthCombinator" request))
-- | 'makeCombinator' allows you to write combinators that have access to the whole request
-- (including the request body) while providing an additional argument to the endpoint handler.
-- This includes writing combinators that allow you to stream the request body. Here's a simple
-- example for that using a very simple stream implementation @Source@:
-- >>> import Data.ByteString
-- >>> :{
-- data Source = Source (IO ByteString)
-- data Stream
-- instance HasServer api context => HasServer (Stream :> api) context where
-- type ServerT (Stream :> api) m = Source -> ServerT api m
-- route = runServerCombinator $ makeCombinator requestToSource
-- requestToSource :: Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult Source)
-- requestToSource _context request =
-- return $ Route $ Source $ requestBody request
-- :}
makeCombinator ::
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
makeCombinator = inner
inner ::
forall api combinator arg context .
(HasServer api context) =>
(Context context -> Request -> IO (RouteResult arg))
-> ServerCombinator combinator api context (arg -> ServerT api Handler)
inner getArg = CI $ \ Proxy context delayed ->
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $ addBodyCheck delayed
(return ())
(\ () -> withRequest $ \ request ->
liftRouteResult =<< liftIO (getArg context request))
protectBody :: String -> Request -> Request
protectBody name request = request{
requestBody = throwIO $ ErrorCall $
"ERROR: " ++ name ++ ": combinator must not access the request body"