
981 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-05-26 22:12:37 +02:00
VERSION = 3.5.6git
# use target name which does not use a captital letter at the beginning
contains(CONFIG, "noupcasename") {
message(The target name is jamulus instead of Jamulus.)
TARGET = jamulus
CONFIG += qt \
thread \
2013-01-08 15:51:44 +00:00
QT += widgets \
network \
TRANSLATIONS = src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts \
2020-05-06 16:40:48 +02:00
src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts \
src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts \
2020-05-14 21:30:19 +02:00
src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts \
2020-05-20 17:17:32 +02:00
src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts \
2020-04-21 16:12:55 +02:00
INCLUDEPATH_OPUS = libs/opus/include \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/celt \
libs/opus/silk \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/float \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
win32 {
2013-01-13 19:26:37 +00:00
DEFINES -= UNICODE # fixes issue with ASIO SDK (asiolist.cpp is not unicode compatible)
DEFINES += NOMINMAX # solves a compiler error in qdatetime.h (Qt5)
HEADERS += windows/sound.h
SOURCES += windows/sound.cpp \
windows/ASIOSDK2/common/asio.cpp \
windows/ASIOSDK2/host/asiodrivers.cpp \
RC_FILE = windows/mainicon.rc
INCLUDEPATH += windows/ASIOSDK2/common \
windows/ASIOSDK2/host \
2013-01-10 19:50:31 +00:00
mingw* {
LIBS += -lole32 \
-luser32 \
-ladvapi32 \
-lwinmm \
} else {
QMAKE_LFLAGS += /DYNAMICBASE:NO # fixes crash with libjack64.dll, see https://github.com/corrados/jamulus/issues/93
LIBS += ole32.lib \
user32.lib \
advapi32.lib \
winmm.lib \
# replace ASIO with jack if requested
contains(CONFIG, "jackonwindows") {
message(Using Jack instead of ASIO.)
!exists("C:/Program Files (x86)/Jack/includes/jack/jack.h") {
message(Warning: jack.h was not found at the usual place, maybe jack is not installed)
HEADERS -= windows/sound.h
SOURCES -= windows/sound.cpp
HEADERS += linux/sound.h
SOURCES += linux/sound.cpp
DEFINES += _STDINT_H # supposed to solve compilation error in systemdeps.h
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files (x86)/Jack/includes"
LIBS += "C:/Program Files (x86)/Jack/lib/libjack64.lib"
} else:macx {
2020-04-23 19:12:59 +01:00
contains(CONFIG, "server_bundle") {
message(The generated application bundle will run a server instance.)
QT += macextras
HEADERS += mac/sound.h
SOURCES += mac/sound.cpp
2013-03-24 11:13:01 +00:00
RC_FILE = mac/mainicon.icns
2013-12-21 13:44:49 +00:00
CONFIG += x86
2020-04-23 19:12:59 +01:00
QMAKE_TARGET_BUNDLE_PREFIX = net.sourceforge.llcon
macx-xcode {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = mac/Info-xcode.plist
} else {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = mac/Info-make.plist
2020-04-21 16:12:55 +02:00
LIBS += -framework CoreFoundation \
-framework CoreServices \
-framework CoreAudio \
-framework CoreMIDI \
-framework AudioToolbox \
-framework AudioUnit
2016-07-31 08:02:32 +00:00
# replace coreaudio with jack if requested
contains(CONFIG, "jackonmac") {
message(Using Jack instead of CoreAudio.)
!exists(/usr/include/jack/jack.h) {
!exists(/usr/local/include/jack/jack.h) {
message(Warning: jack.h was not found at the usual place, maybe jack is not installed)
HEADERS -= mac/sound.h
SOURCES -= mac/sound.cpp
HEADERS += linux/sound.h
SOURCES += linux/sound.cpp
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include
LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libjack.dylib
2013-12-28 12:00:21 +00:00
} else:android {
# we want to compile with C++14
CONFIG += c++14
QT += androidextras
# enabled only for debugging on android devices
target.path = /tmp/your_executable # path on device
INSTALLS += target
2013-12-28 12:00:21 +00:00
HEADERS += android/sound.h
2020-05-11 17:10:38 +02:00
SOURCES += android/sound.cpp \
2013-12-28 12:00:21 +00:00
LIBS += -lOpenSLES
OTHER_FILES += android/AndroidManifest.xml
2020-05-23 15:42:49 +02:00
# if compiling for android you need to use Oboe library which is included as a git submodule
# make sure you git pull with submodules to pull the latest Oboe library
OBOE_SOURCES = libs/oboe/src/aaudio/AAudioLoader.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/aaudio/AudioStreamAAudio.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/AudioSourceCaller.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/AudioStream.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/AudioStreamBuilder.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/DataConversionFlowGraph.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/FilterAudioStream.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/FixedBlockAdapter.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/FixedBlockReader.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/FixedBlockWriter.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/LatencyTuner.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/QuirksManager.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/SourceFloatCaller.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/SourceI16Caller.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/StabilizedCallback.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/Trace.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/Utilities.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/common/Version.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoBuffer.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoController.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoControllerBase.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoControllerIndirect.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/ClipToRange.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/FlowGraphNode.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/ManyToMultiConverter.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/MonoToMultiConverter.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/RampLinear.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SampleRateConverter.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SinkFloat.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SinkI16.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SinkI24.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SourceFloat.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SourceI16.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SourceI24.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/IntegerRatio.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/LinearResampler.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/MultiChannelResampler.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResampler.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResamplerMono.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResamplerStereo.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/SincResampler.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/SincResamplerStereo.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioInputStreamOpenSLES.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioOutputStreamOpenSLES.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioStreamBuffered.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioStreamOpenSLES.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/EngineOpenSLES.cpp \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/OpenSLESUtilities.cpp \
OBOE_HEADERS = libs/oboe/src/aaudio/AAudioLoader.h \
libs/oboe/src/aaudio/AudioStreamAAudio.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/AudioClock.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/AudioSourceCaller.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/DataConversionFlowGraph.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/FilterAudioStream.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/FixedBlockAdapter.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/FixedBlockReader.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/FixedBlockWriter.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/MonotonicCounter.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/OboeDebug.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/QuirksManager.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/SourceFloatCaller.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/SourceI16Caller.h \
libs/oboe/src/common/Trace.h \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoBuffer.h \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoController.h \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoControllerBase.h \
libs/oboe/src/fifo/FifoControllerIndirect.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/ClipToRange.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/FlowGraphNode.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/ManyToMultiConverter.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/MonoToMultiConverter.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/RampLinear.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SampleRateConverter.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SinkFloat.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SinkI16.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SinkI24.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SourceFloat.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SourceI16.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/SourceI24.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/HyperbolicCosineWindow.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/IntegerRatio.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/LinearResampler.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/MultiChannelResampler.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResampler.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResamplerMono.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResamplerStereo.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/SincResampler.h \
libs/oboe/src/flowgraph/resampler/SincResamplerStereo.h \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioInputStreamOpenSLES.h \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioOutputStreamOpenSLES.h \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioStreamBuffered.h \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/AudioStreamOpenSLES.h \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/EngineOpenSLES.h \
libs/oboe/src/opensles/OpenSLESUtilities.h \
INCLUDEPATH_OBOE = libs/oboe/include/ \
libs/oboe/CONTRIBUTING \
libs/oboe/LICENSE \
} else:unix {
# we want to compile with C++11
CONFIG += c++11
# we assume to have lrintf() one moderately modern linux distributions
# would be better to have that tested, though
# we assume that stdint.h is always present in a Linux system
2011-06-28 19:16:52 +00:00
# only include jack support if CONFIG nosound is not set
nosoundoption = $$find(CONFIG, "nosound")
count(nosoundoption, 0) {
message(Jack Audio Interface Enabled.)
2020-05-03 19:12:46 +02:00
contains(CONFIG, "raspijamulus") {
message(Using Jack Audio in raspijamulus.sh mode.)
LIBS += -ljack
} else {
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
HEADERS += linux/sound.h
SOURCES += linux/sound.cpp
isEmpty(PREFIX) {
PREFIX = /usr/local
isEmpty(BINDIR) {
BINDIR = bin
BINDIR = $$absolute_path($$BINDIR, $$PREFIX)
INSTALLS += target
target.path = $$BINDIR
RCC_DIR = src/res
RESOURCES += src/resources.qrc
2013-03-24 10:49:25 +00:00
FORMS += src/clientdlgbase.ui \
src/serverdlgbase.ui \
src/clientsettingsdlgbase.ui \
src/chatdlgbase.ui \
src/connectdlgbase.ui \
HEADERS += src/audiomixerboard.h \
src/buffer.h \
src/channel.h \
src/chatdlg.h \
src/client.h \
src/clientsettingsdlg.h \
src/connectdlg.h \
src/global.h \
2013-03-24 10:49:25 +00:00
src/clientdlg.h \
src/serverdlg.h \
src/multicolorled.h \
src/multicolorledbar.h \
src/protocol.h \
src/server.h \
src/serverlist.h \
src/serverlogging.h \
src/settings.h \
src/socket.h \
src/soundbase.h \
src/testbench.h \
src/util.h \
Add recording support with Reaper Project generation Includes the following changes * Initial .gitignore Administrative * Fix up warning message * Not all Windows file systems are case insensitive Bugfixes * (Qt5) Use QCoreApplication for headless Possible solution to get the application to run as a headless server but it loses the nice history graph, so not ideal. * Avoid ESC closing chat Because ESC shouldn't close the chat window. Or the main app window. * Add console logging support for Windows Whilst looking for the headless support, I found this idea for Windows logging. New improved version. This makes far fewer changes. ---- * Add recording support with Reaper Project generation The main feature! * New -r option to enable recording of PCM files and conversion to Reaper RPP with WAV files * New -R option to set the directory in which to create recording sessions You need to specify the -R option, there's no default... so I guess -r and -R could be combined. * New -T option to convert a session directory with PCM files into a Reaper RPP with WAV files You can use -T on "failed" sessions, if the -r option captures the PCMs but the RPP converter doesn't run for some reaon. (It was useful during development, maybe less so once things seem stable.) The recorder is implemented as a new thread with queuing from the main "real time" server thread. When a new client connects or if its audio format changes (e.g. mono to stereo), a new RIFF WAVE file is started. Each frame of decompressed audio for each client written out as LPCM to the file. When the client disconnects, the RIFF WAVE headers are updated to reflect the file length. Once all clients disconnect, the session is considered ended and a Reaper RPP file is written.
2019-04-03 18:12:45 +01:00
src/analyzerconsole.h \
src/recorder/jamrecorder.h \
src/recorder/creaperproject.h \
2019-05-20 20:00:09 +01:00
src/recorder/cwavestream.h \
src/historygraph.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
HEADERS_OPUS = libs/opus/celt/arch.h \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/celt/bands.h \
libs/opus/celt/celt.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/celt/celt_lpc.h \
2013-12-21 13:44:49 +00:00
libs/opus/celt/cpu_support.h \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/celt/cwrs.h \
libs/opus/celt/ecintrin.h \
libs/opus/celt/entcode.h \
libs/opus/celt/entdec.h \
libs/opus/celt/entenc.h \
libs/opus/celt/float_cast.h \
libs/opus/celt/kiss_fft.h \
libs/opus/celt/laplace.h \
libs/opus/celt/mathops.h \
libs/opus/celt/mdct.h \
libs/opus/celt/mfrngcod.h \
libs/opus/celt/modes.h \
libs/opus/celt/os_support.h \
libs/opus/celt/pitch.h \
libs/opus/celt/quant_bands.h \
libs/opus/celt/rate.h \
libs/opus/celt/stack_alloc.h \
libs/opus/celt/static_modes_float.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/celt/vq.h \
libs/opus/celt/_kiss_fft_guts.h \
libs/opus/include/opus.h \
libs/opus/include/opus_custom.h \
libs/opus/include/opus_defines.h \
libs/opus/include/opus_types.h \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/API.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/control.h \
libs/opus/silk/debug.h \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/define.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/errors.h \
libs/opus/silk/float/main_FLP.h \
libs/opus/silk/float/SigProc_FLP.h \
libs/opus/silk/float/structs_FLP.h \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/Inlines.h \
libs/opus/silk/MacroCount.h \
libs/opus/silk/MacroDebug.h \
libs/opus/silk/macros.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/main.h \
libs/opus/silk/NSQ.h \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/pitch_est_defines.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/PLC.h \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/resampler_private.h \
libs/opus/silk/resampler_rom.h \
libs/opus/silk/resampler_structs.h \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/SigProc_FIX.h \
libs/opus/silk/structs.h \
libs/opus/silk/tables.h \
libs/opus/silk/tuning_parameters.h \
libs/opus/silk/typedef.h \
libs/opus/src/analysis.h \
libs/opus/src/mlp.h \
libs/opus/src/opus_private.h \
HEADERS_OPUS_ARM = libs/opus/celt/arm/armcpu.h \
libs/opus/silk/arm/biquad_alt_arm.h \
libs/opus/celt/arm/fft_arm.h \
libs/opus/silk/arm/LPC_inv_pred_gain_arm.h \
libs/opus/celt/arm/mdct_arm.h \
libs/opus/silk/arm/NSQ_del_dec_arm.h \
HEADERS_OPUS_X86 = libs/opus/celt/x86/celt_lpc_sse.h \
libs/opus/celt/x86/pitch_sse.h \
libs/opus/celt/x86/vq_sse.h \
SOURCES += src/audiomixerboard.cpp \
src/buffer.cpp \
src/channel.cpp \
src/chatdlg.cpp \
src/client.cpp \
src/clientsettingsdlg.cpp \
src/connectdlg.cpp \
2013-03-24 10:49:25 +00:00
src/clientdlg.cpp \
src/serverdlg.cpp \
src/main.cpp \
src/multicolorled.cpp \
src/multicolorledbar.cpp \
src/protocol.cpp \
src/server.cpp \
src/serverlist.cpp \
src/serverlogging.cpp \
src/settings.cpp \
src/signalhandler.cpp \
src/socket.cpp \
src/soundbase.cpp \
src/util.cpp \
Add recording support with Reaper Project generation Includes the following changes * Initial .gitignore Administrative * Fix up warning message * Not all Windows file systems are case insensitive Bugfixes * (Qt5) Use QCoreApplication for headless Possible solution to get the application to run as a headless server but it loses the nice history graph, so not ideal. * Avoid ESC closing chat Because ESC shouldn't close the chat window. Or the main app window. * Add console logging support for Windows Whilst looking for the headless support, I found this idea for Windows logging. New improved version. This makes far fewer changes. ---- * Add recording support with Reaper Project generation The main feature! * New -r option to enable recording of PCM files and conversion to Reaper RPP with WAV files * New -R option to set the directory in which to create recording sessions You need to specify the -R option, there's no default... so I guess -r and -R could be combined. * New -T option to convert a session directory with PCM files into a Reaper RPP with WAV files You can use -T on "failed" sessions, if the -r option captures the PCMs but the RPP converter doesn't run for some reaon. (It was useful during development, maybe less so once things seem stable.) The recorder is implemented as a new thread with queuing from the main "real time" server thread. When a new client connects or if its audio format changes (e.g. mono to stereo), a new RIFF WAVE file is started. Each frame of decompressed audio for each client written out as LPCM to the file. When the client disconnects, the RIFF WAVE headers are updated to reflect the file length. Once all clients disconnect, the session is considered ended and a Reaper RPP file is written.
2019-04-03 18:12:45 +01:00
src/analyzerconsole.cpp \
src/recorder/jamrecorder.cpp \
src/recorder/creaperproject.cpp \
2019-05-20 20:00:09 +01:00
src/recorder/cwavestream.cpp \
2019-05-26 19:16:45 +01:00
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
SOURCES_OPUS = libs/opus/celt/bands.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/celt/celt.c \
2013-12-21 13:44:49 +00:00
libs/opus/celt/celt_decoder.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/celt/celt_encoder.c \
libs/opus/celt/celt_lpc.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/celt/cwrs.c \
libs/opus/celt/entcode.c \
libs/opus/celt/entdec.c \
libs/opus/celt/entenc.c \
libs/opus/celt/kiss_fft.c \
libs/opus/celt/laplace.c \
libs/opus/celt/mathops.c \
libs/opus/celt/mdct.c \
libs/opus/celt/modes.c \
libs/opus/celt/pitch.c \
libs/opus/celt/quant_bands.c \
libs/opus/celt/rate.c \
libs/opus/celt/vq.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/A2NLSF.c \
libs/opus/silk/ana_filt_bank_1.c \
libs/opus/silk/biquad_alt.c \
libs/opus/silk/bwexpander.c \
libs/opus/silk/bwexpander_32.c \
libs/opus/silk/check_control_input.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/CNG.c \
libs/opus/silk/code_signs.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/control_audio_bandwidth.c \
libs/opus/silk/control_codec.c \
libs/opus/silk/control_SNR.c \
libs/opus/silk/debug.c \
libs/opus/silk/decoder_set_fs.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/decode_core.c \
libs/opus/silk/decode_frame.c \
libs/opus/silk/decode_indices.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/decode_parameters.c \
libs/opus/silk/decode_pitch.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/decode_pulses.c \
libs/opus/silk/dec_API.c \
libs/opus/silk/encode_indices.c \
libs/opus/silk/encode_pulses.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/enc_API.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/apply_sine_window_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/autocorrelation_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/burg_modified_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/bwexpander_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/corrMatrix_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/encode_frame_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/energy_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/find_LPC_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/find_LTP_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/find_pitch_lags_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/find_pred_coefs_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/inner_product_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/k2a_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/LPC_analysis_filter_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/LTP_analysis_filter_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/noise_shape_analysis_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/pitch_analysis_core_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/process_gains_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/residual_energy_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/scale_copy_vector_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/scale_vector_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/schur_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/sort_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/warped_autocorrelation_FLP.c \
libs/opus/silk/float/wrappers_FLP.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/gain_quant.c \
libs/opus/silk/HP_variable_cutoff.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/init_decoder.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/init_encoder.c \
libs/opus/silk/inner_prod_aligned.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/interpolate.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/lin2log.c \
libs/opus/silk/log2lin.c \
libs/opus/silk/LPC_analysis_filter.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/LPC_fit.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/LPC_inv_pred_gain.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/LP_variable_cutoff.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/NLSF2A.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/NLSF_decode.c \
libs/opus/silk/NLSF_del_dec_quant.c \
libs/opus/silk/NLSF_encode.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/NLSF_stabilize.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/NLSF_unpack.c \
libs/opus/silk/NLSF_VQ.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/NSQ.c \
libs/opus/silk/NSQ_del_dec.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/pitch_est_tables.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/PLC.c \
libs/opus/silk/process_NLSFs.c \
libs/opus/silk/quant_LTP_gains.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/resampler.c \
libs/opus/silk/resampler_down2.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/resampler_down2_3.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/resampler_private_AR2.c \
libs/opus/silk/resampler_private_down_FIR.c \
libs/opus/silk/resampler_private_IIR_FIR.c \
libs/opus/silk/resampler_private_up2_HQ.c \
libs/opus/silk/resampler_rom.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/shell_coder.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/sigm_Q15.c \
libs/opus/silk/sort.c \
libs/opus/silk/stereo_decode_pred.c \
libs/opus/silk/stereo_encode_pred.c \
libs/opus/silk/stereo_find_predictor.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/stereo_LR_to_MS.c \
libs/opus/silk/stereo_MS_to_LR.c \
2013-02-16 08:23:32 +00:00
libs/opus/silk/stereo_quant_pred.c \
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
libs/opus/silk/sum_sqr_shift.c \
libs/opus/silk/tables_gain.c \
libs/opus/silk/tables_LTP.c \
libs/opus/silk/tables_NLSF_CB_NB_MB.c \
libs/opus/silk/tables_NLSF_CB_WB.c \
libs/opus/silk/tables_other.c \
libs/opus/silk/tables_pitch_lag.c \
libs/opus/silk/tables_pulses_per_block.c \
libs/opus/silk/table_LSF_cos.c \
libs/opus/silk/VAD.c \
libs/opus/silk/VQ_WMat_EC.c \
libs/opus/src/analysis.c \
libs/opus/src/mlp.c \
libs/opus/src/mlp_data.c \
libs/opus/src/opus.c \
libs/opus/src/opus_decoder.c \
libs/opus/src/opus_encoder.c \
SOURCES_OPUS_ARM = libs/opus/celt/arm/armcpu.c \
libs/opus/celt/arm/arm_celt_map.c \
SOURCES_OPUS_X86 = libs/opus/celt/x86/celt_lpc_sse4_1.c \
libs/opus/celt/x86/pitch_sse.c \
libs/opus/celt/x86/pitch_sse2.c \
libs/opus/celt/x86/pitch_sse4_1.c \
libs/opus/celt/x86/vq_sse2.c \
libs/opus/celt/x86/x86_celt_map.c \
android {
contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, arm) | contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, arm64) {
2020-05-22 18:55:07 +02:00
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
} else:contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, x86) | contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, x86_64) {
2020-05-22 18:55:07 +02:00
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
} else:win32 | unix | macx {
contains(QT_ARCH, arm) | contains(QT_ARCH, arm64) {
2020-05-22 18:55:07 +02:00
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
} else:contains(QT_ARCH, x86) | contains(QT_ARCH, x86_64) {
2020-05-22 18:55:07 +02:00
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
2020-05-22 18:55:07 +02:00
win32 {
HEADERS_OPUS += libs/opus/win32/config.h
2020-04-04 12:30:33 +01:00
2020-03-25 20:54:26 +01:00
DISTFILES += ChangeLog \
2020-03-25 20:54:26 +01:00
2020-05-22 08:50:03 +02:00
src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.qm \
src/res/CLEDBlack.png \
src/res/CLEDBlackSmall.png \
src/res/CLEDDisabledSmall.png \
src/res/CLEDGreen.png \
2011-05-06 20:19:30 +00:00
src/res/CLEDGreenArrow.png \
src/res/CLEDGreenSmall.png \
src/res/CLEDGrey.png \
2011-05-06 20:19:30 +00:00
src/res/CLEDGreyArrow.png \
src/res/CLEDGreySmall.png \
src/res/CLEDRed.png \
src/res/CLEDRedSmall.png \
src/res/CLEDYellow.png \
src/res/CLEDYellowSmall.png \
src/res/faderbackground.png \
src/res/faderhandle.png \
src/res/faderhandlesmall.png \
src/res/HLEDGreen.png \
src/res/HLEDGreenSmall.png \
src/res/HLEDGrey.png \
src/res/HLEDGreySmall.png \
src/res/HLEDRed.png \
src/res/HLEDRedSmall.png \
src/res/HLEDYellow.png \
src/res/HLEDYellowSmall.png \
src/res/ledbuttonnotpressed.png \
src/res/ledbuttonpressed.png \
2013-03-24 11:24:43 +00:00
src/res/fronticon.png \
src/res/mainicon.png \
src/res/mixerboardbackground.png \
src/res/VLEDBlack.png \
src/res/VLEDBlackSmall.png \
src/res/VLEDDisabledSmall.png \
src/res/VLEDGreen.png \
src/res/VLEDGreenSmall.png \
src/res/VLEDGrey.png \
src/res/VLEDGreySmall.png \
src/res/VLEDRed.png \
src/res/VLEDRedSmall.png \
src/res/VLEDYellow.png \
src/res/VLEDYellowSmall.png \
src/res/VRLEDBlack.png \
src/res/VRLEDBlackSmall.png \
src/res/VRLEDGreen.png \
src/res/VRLEDGreenSmall.png \
src/res/VRLEDGrey.png \
src/res/VRLEDGreySmall.png \
src/res/VRLEDRed.png \
src/res/VRLEDRedSmall.png \
src/res/VRLEDYellow.png \
2013-02-13 16:40:26 +00:00
src/res/VRLEDYellowSmall.png \
src/res/instruments/accordeon.png \
src/res/instruments/aguitar.png \
src/res/instruments/bassguitar.png \
src/res/instruments/cello.png \
src/res/instruments/clarinet.png \
src/res/instruments/djembe.png \
src/res/instruments/doublebass.png \
src/res/instruments/drumset.png \
src/res/instruments/eguitar.png \
src/res/instruments/flute.png \
src/res/instruments/frenchhorn.png \
src/res/instruments/grandpiano.png \
src/res/instruments/harmonica.png \
src/res/instruments/keyboard.png \
src/res/instruments/listener.png \
src/res/instruments/microphone.png \
src/res/instruments/none.png \
src/res/instruments/recorder.png \
src/res/instruments/saxophone.png \
src/res/instruments/streamer.png \
src/res/instruments/synthesizer.png \
src/res/instruments/trombone.png \
src/res/instruments/trumpet.png \
src/res/instruments/tuba.png \
src/res/instruments/violin.png \
src/res/instruments/vocal.png \
src/res/instruments/guitarvocal.png \
src/res/instruments/keyboardvocal.png \
src/res/instruments/bodhran.svg \
src/res/instruments/bodhran.png \
src/res/instruments/bassoon.svg \
src/res/instruments/bassoon.png \
src/res/instruments/oboe.svg \
src/res/instruments/oboe.png \
src/res/instruments/harp.svg \
src/res/instruments/harp.png \
2020-05-03 19:59:59 +02:00
src/res/instruments/viola.png \
src/res/instruments/congas.svg \
src/res/instruments/congas.png \
src/res/instruments/bongo.svg \
src/res/instruments/bongo.png \
src/res/instruments/vocalbass.png \
src/res/instruments/vocaltenor.png \
src/res/instruments/vocalalto.png \
src/res/instruments/vocalsoprano.png \
src/res/instruments/banjo.png \
src/res/instruments/mandolin.png \
src/res/flags/flagnone.png \
src/res/flags/ad.png \
src/res/flags/ae.png \
src/res/flags/af.png \
src/res/flags/ag.png \
src/res/flags/ai.png \
src/res/flags/al.png \
src/res/flags/am.png \
src/res/flags/an.png \
src/res/flags/ao.png \
src/res/flags/ar.png \
src/res/flags/as.png \
src/res/flags/at.png \
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src/res/flags/ax.png \
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src/res/flags/pr.png \
src/res/flags/ps.png \
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src/res/flags/pw.png \
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src/res/flags/qa.png \
src/res/flags/re.png \
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src/res/flags/rw.png \
src/res/flags/sa.png \
src/res/flags/sb.png \
src/res/flags/sc.png \
src/res/flags/sd.png \
src/res/flags/se.png \
src/res/flags/sg.png \
src/res/flags/sh.png \
src/res/flags/si.png \
src/res/flags/sj.png \
src/res/flags/sk.png \
src/res/flags/sl.png \
src/res/flags/sm.png \
src/res/flags/sn.png \
src/res/flags/so.png \
src/res/flags/sr.png \
src/res/flags/st.png \
src/res/flags/sv.png \
src/res/flags/sy.png \
src/res/flags/sz.png \
src/res/flags/tc.png \
src/res/flags/td.png \
src/res/flags/tf.png \
src/res/flags/tg.png \
src/res/flags/th.png \
src/res/flags/tj.png \
src/res/flags/tk.png \
src/res/flags/tl.png \
src/res/flags/tm.png \
src/res/flags/tn.png \
src/res/flags/to.png \
src/res/flags/tr.png \
src/res/flags/tt.png \
src/res/flags/tv.png \
src/res/flags/tw.png \
src/res/flags/tz.png \
src/res/flags/ua.png \
src/res/flags/ug.png \
src/res/flags/um.png \
src/res/flags/us.png \
src/res/flags/uy.png \
src/res/flags/uz.png \
src/res/flags/va.png \
src/res/flags/vc.png \
src/res/flags/ve.png \
src/res/flags/vg.png \
src/res/flags/vi.png \
src/res/flags/vn.png \
src/res/flags/vu.png \
src/res/flags/wf.png \
src/res/flags/ws.png \
src/res/flags/ye.png \
src/res/flags/yt.png \
src/res/flags/za.png \
src/res/flags/zm.png \
libs/opus/ChangeLog \
libs/opus/COPYING \
libs/opus/INSTALL \
libs/opus/NEWS \
libs/opus/README \
libs/opus/celt/arm/armopts.s.in \
libs/opus/celt/arm/celt_pitch_xcorr_arm.s \
# use external OPUS library if requested
contains(CONFIG, "opus_shared_lib") {
message(OPUS codec is used from a shared library.)
unix {
!exists(/usr/include/opus/opus_custom.h) {
!exists(/usr/local/include/opus/opus_custom.h) {
message(Header opus_custom.h was not found at the usual place. Maybe the opus dev packet is missing.)
2014-07-27 22:19:52 +00:00
LIBS += -lopus
} else {