Previously we used the following Project Gutenberg conventions for plain output: - extra space before and after level 1 and 2 headings - all-caps for strong emphasis `LIKE THIS` - underscores surrounding regular emphasis `_like this_` This commit makes `plain` output plainer. Strong and Emph inlines are rendered without special formatting. Headings are also rendered without special formatting, and with only one blank line following. To restore the former behavior, use `-t plain+gutenberg`. API change: Add `Ext_gutenberg` constructor to `Extension`. See #5741.
36 lines
622 B
36 lines
622 B
% pandoc -f latex -t plain+gutenberg
\chapter{First chapter}\label{sec:chp1}
The next chapter is Chapter~\ref{sec:chp2}.
\section{First section}\label{sec:chp1sec1}
The next section is Section~\ref{sec:chp2sec1}.
\chapter{Second chapter}\label{sec:chp2}
The previous chapter is Chapter~\ref{sec:chp1}.
\section{First section}\label{sec:chp2sec1}
The previous section is Section~\ref{sec:chp1sec1}.
The next chapter is Chapter 2.
First section
The next section is Section 2.1.
The previous chapter is Chapter 1.
First section
The previous section is Section 1.1.