if they come before csl-right-inline. This ensures that the citation number or label will be separated from the rest by a space, even in formats (like plain) that don't yet have special handling for the display spans.
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csl: 'command/advanced-optical-materials.csl'
- DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2012.20
ISSN: '2047-7538'
- family: Ding
given: K.
- family: Ning
given: C. Z.
container-title: Light Sci. Appl.
id: ding_metallic_2012
issue: 7
- month: 7
year: 2012
page: 'e20-e20'
title: 'Metallic subwavelength-cavity semiconductor nanolasers'
type: 'article-journal'
volume: 1
::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body line-spacing="2"}
::: {#ref-ding_metallic_2012 .csl-entry}
[\[1\] ]{.csl-left-margin}[K. Ding, C. Z. Ning, *Light Sci. Appl.*
**2012**, *1*, e20.]{.csl-right-inline}