2022-08-15 09:57:08 -07:00

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pandoc-server 1 August 15, 2022


pandoc-server [options]


pandoc-server is a web server that can perform pandoc conversions. It can be used either as a running server or as a CGI program. To use pandoc-server as a CGI program, rename it as pandoc-server.cgi.


--port NUM
HTTP port on which to run the server. Default: 3030.
--timeout SECONDS
Timeout in seconds, after which a conversion is killed. Default: 2.
Print this help.
Print version.


Root endpoint

The root (/) endpoint accepts only POST requests. It returns a converted document in one of the following formats, depending on Accept headers:

  • text/plain
  • application/json
  • application/octet-stream

If the result is a binary format (e.g., epub or docx) and the content is returned as plain text or JSON, the binary will be base64 encoded.

The body of the POST request should be a JSON object, with the following fields. Only the text field is required; all of the others can be omitted for default values.

text (string)

the document to be converted. Note: if the from format is binary (e.g., epub or docx), then text should be a base64 encoding of the document.

from (string, default "markdown")

the input format, possibly with extensions, just as it is specified on the pandoc command line.

to (string, default "html")

the output format, possibly with extensions, just as it is specified on the pandoc command line.

wrapText              :: Maybe WrapOption
columns               :: Maybe Int
standalone            :: Maybe Bool
template              :: Maybe Text
tabStop               :: Maybe Int
indentedCodeClasses   :: Maybe [Text]
abbreviations         :: Maybe (Set Text)
defaultImageExtension :: Maybe Text
trackChanges          :: Maybe TrackChanges
stripComments         :: Maybe Bool
citeproc              :: Maybe Bool
variables             :: Maybe (DocTemplates.Context Text)
tableOfContents       :: Maybe Bool
incremental           :: Maybe Bool
htmlMathMethod        :: Maybe HTMLMathMethod
numberSections        :: Maybe Bool
numberOffset          :: Maybe [Int]
sectionDivs           :: Maybe Bool
referenceLinks        :: Maybe Bool
dpi                   :: Maybe Int
emailObfuscation      :: Maybe ObfuscationMethod
identifierPrefix      :: Maybe Text
citeMethod            :: Maybe CiteMethod
htmlQTags             :: Maybe Bool
slideLevel            :: Maybe Int
topLevelDivision      :: Maybe TopLevelDivision
listings              :: Maybe Bool
highlightStyle        :: Maybe Text
setextHeaders         :: Maybe Bool
epubSubdirectory      :: Maybe Text
epubFonts             :: Maybe [FilePath]
epubMetadata          :: Maybe Text
epubChapterLevel      :: Maybe Int
tocDepth              :: Maybe Int
referenceDoc          :: Maybe FilePath
referenceLocation     :: Maybe ReferenceLocation
preferAscii           :: Maybe Bool
files                 :: Maybe [(FilePath, Blob)]

/batch endpoint

The /batch endpoint behaves like the root endpoint, except for these two points:

  • It accepts a JSON array, each element of which is a JSON object like the one expected by the root endpoint.
  • It returns a JSON array of results. (It will not return plain text or octet-stream, like the root endpoint.)

This endpoint can be used to convert a sequence of small snippets in one request.

/version endpoint

The /version endpoint accepts a GET request and returns the pandoc version as a plain or JSON-encoded string, depending on Accept headers.

/babelmark endpoint

The /babelmark endpoint accepts a GET request with the following query parameters:

  • text (required string)
  • from (optional string, default is "markdown")
  • to (optional string, default is "html")
  • standalone (optional boolean, default is false)

It returns a JSON object with fields html and version. This endpoint is designed to support the Babelmark website.


Copyright 2022 John MacFarlane ( Released under the GPL, version 2 or greater. This software carries no warranty of any kind. (See COPYRIGHT for full copyright and warranty notices.)