This affected author-in-text citations in footnotes. It didn't cause problems for the printed output, but for filters that expected the citation id and other information. Closes #6890.
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% pandoc -t native --citeproc
- author:
- family: Früchtel
given: Frank
- family: Budde
given: Wolfgang
- family: Cyprian
given: Gudrun
edition: 3
id: fruchtel-sozialer-2013a
issued: 2013
language: de-DE
publisher: Springer VS
publisher-place: Wiesbaden, Germany
title: "Sozialer Raum und Soziale Arbeit Fieldbook: Methoden und
title-short: Sozialer Raum und Soziale Arbeit Fieldbook
type: book
Some text [^1].
[^1]: @fruchtel-sozialer-2013a
[Para [Cite [Citation {citationId = "fruchtel-sozialer-2013a", citationPrefix = [], citationSuffix = [], citationMode = AuthorInText, citationNoteNum = 1, citationHash = 0}] [Str "Fr\252chtel,",Space,Str "Budde,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "Cyprian",Space,Str "(2013)"]]
,Para [Str "Some",Space,Str "text",Str ".",Note [Para [Cite [Citation {citationId = "fruchtel-sozialer-2013a", citationPrefix = [], citationSuffix = [], citationMode = AuthorInText, citationNoteNum = 2, citationHash = 0}] [Str "Fr\252chtel,",Space,Str "Budde,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "Cyprian",Space,Str "(2013)"]]],Str ""]
,Div ("refs",["references","csl-bib-body","hanging-indent"],[])
[Div ("ref-fruchtel-sozialer-2013a",["csl-entry"],[])
[Para [Str "Fr\252chtel,",Space,Str "Frank,",Space,Str "Wolfgang",Space,Str "Budde,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "Gudrun",Space,Str "Cyprian.",Space,Str "2013.",Space,Emph [Str "Sozialer",Space,Str "Raum",Space,Str "und",Space,Str "Soziale",Space,Str "Arbeit",Space,Str "Fieldbook:",Space,Str "Methoden",Space,Str "und",Space,Str "Techniken"],Str ".",Space,Str "3rd",Space,Str "ed.",Space,Str "Wiesbaden,",Space,Str "Germany:",Space,Str "Springer",Space,Str "VS."]]]]