Update tests. Reason: it turns out that the native output generated by pretty-simple isn't always readable by the native reader. According to https://github.com/cdepillabout/pretty-simple/issues/99 it is not a design goal of the library that the rendered values be readable using 'read'. This makes it unsuitable for our purposes. pretty-show is a bit slower and it uses 4-space indents (non-configurable), but it doesn't have this serious drawback.
360 B
360 B
% pandoc -f latex -t native
\lettrine{A}{category} is
\lettrine[lhang=0.17]{A}{category} is
[ Para
[ Span ( "" , [ "lettrine" ] , [] ) [ Str "A" ]
, SmallCaps [ Str "category" ]
, Space
, Str "is"
, Para
[ Span ( "" , [ "lettrine" ] , [] ) [ Str "A" ]
, SmallCaps [ Str "category" ]
, Space
, Str "is"