- An image alone in its paragraph (but not a figure) is now rendered as an independent image, with an `alt` attribute if a description is supplied. - An inline image that is not alone in its paragraph will be rendered, as before, using a substitution. Such an image cannot have a "center", "left", or "right" alignment, so the classes `align-center`, `align-left`, or `align-right` are ignored. However, `align-top`, `align-middle`, `align-bottom` will generate a corresponding `align` attribute. Closes #6948.
1,019 B
1,019 B
Treat an image alone in its paragraph (but not a figure) as an independent image:
% pandoc -f native -t rst
[Para [Image ("",["align-center"],[]) [Str "https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg"] ("https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg","")]]
.. image:: https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg
:alt: https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg
:align: center
Here we just omit the center attribute as it's not valid:
% pandoc -f native -t rst
[Para [Str "hi",Space,Image ("",["align-center"],[]) [Str "https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg"] ("https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg","")]]
hi |https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg|
.. |https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg| image:: https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg
But we can use top, middle, or bottom alignment:
% pandoc -f native -t rst
[Para [Str "hi",Space,Image ("",["align-top"],[]) [Str "https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg"] ("https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg","")]]
hi |https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg|
.. |https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg| image:: https://pandoc.org/diagram.jpg
:align: top