This fixes a bug, which caused the writer to look at the LAST rather than the FIRST character in determining whether quotes were needed. So we got spurious quotes in some cases and didn't get necessary quotes in others. Closes #7245. Updated a number of test cases accordingly.
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@comment{adapted from}
@string{cup = {Cambridge University Press}}
Annotation = {This is a typical inproceedings entry. Note the booksubtitle, shorttitle, indextitle, and indexsorttitle fields. Also note the eventdate field.},
Author = {Moraux, Paul},
Booktitle = {Aristotle on Mind and the Senses},
Booktitleaddon = {Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium Aristotelicum},
Date = 1979,
Editor = {Lloyd, G. E. R. and Owen, G. E. L.},
Eventdate = 1975,
Hyphenation = {french},
Indexsorttitle = {De Anima dans la tradition grecque},
Indextitle = {\emph{De Anima} dans la tradition grècque, Le},
Keywords = {secondary},
Location = {Cambridge},
Pages = {281-324},
Publisher = cup,
Shorttitle = {\emph{De Anima} dans la tradition grècque},
Subtitle = {Quelques aspects de l'interpretation du traité, de Theophraste à Themistius},
Title = {Le \emph{De Anima} dans la tradition grècque}}
Author = {Salam, Abdus},
Booksubtitle = {Relativistic groups and analyticity},
Booktitle = {Elementary particle theory},
Booktitleaddon = {Proceedings of the Eighth {Nobel} Symposium},
Date = 1968,
Editor = {Svartholm, Nils},
Eventdate = {1968-05-19/1968-05-25},
Location = {Stockholm},
Pages = {367-377},
Publisher = {Almquist \& Wiksell},
Title = {Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions},
Venue = {Aspenäsgarden, Lerum}}
nocite: "[@*]"
- annote: This is a typical inproceedings entry. Note the booksubtitle,
shorttitle, indextitle, and indexsorttitle fields. Also note the
eventdate field.
- family: Moraux
given: Paul
container-title: Aristotle on Mind and the Senses. Proceedings of the
Seventh Symposium Aristotelicum
- family: Lloyd
given: G. E. R.
- family: Owen
given: G. E. L.
event-date: 1975
id: moraux
issued: 1979
keyword: secondary
language: fr-FR
page: 281-324
publisher: Cambridge University Press
publisher-place: Cambridge
title: "Le *De Anima* dans la tradition grècque: Quelques aspects de
l'interpretation du traité, de Theophraste à Themistius"
title-short: "*De Anima* dans la tradition grècque"
type: paper-conference
- author:
- family: Salam
given: Abdus
container-title: "Elementary particle theory: Relativistic groups and
analyticity. Proceedings of the eighth Nobel symposium"
- family: Svartholm
given: Nils
event-date: 1968-05-19/1968-05-25
event-place: Aspenäsgarden, Lerum
id: salam
issued: 1968
page: 367-377
publisher: Almquist & Wiksell
publisher-place: Stockholm
title: Weak and electromagnetic interactions
type: paper-conference