John MacFarlane 834da53058 Add rebase_relative_paths extension.
- Add manual entry for (non-default) extension
- Add constructor `Ext_rebase_relative_paths` to `Extensions`
  in Text.Pandoc.Extensions [API change]. When enabled, this
  extension rewrites relative image and link paths by prepending
  the (relative) directory of the containing file.
- Make Markdown reader sensitive to the new extension.
- Add tests for #3752.

Closes #3752.

NB. currently the extension applies to markdown and associated
readers but not commonmark/gfm.
2021-05-27 10:38:25 -07:00

1.1 KiB

% pandoc command/chap1/ command/chap2/ -f markdown+rebase_relative_paths --verbose -t docx | pandoc -f docx -t plain
[INFO] Loaded command/chap1/spider.png from ./command/chap1/spider.png
[INFO] Loaded command/chap1/../../lalune.jpg from ./command/chap1/../../lalune.jpg
[INFO] Loaded command/chap2/spider.png from ./command/chap2/spider.png
Chapter one

A spider: [spider]

The moon: [moon]

Link to spider picture.

URL left alone: manual.

Absolute path left alone: absolute.

Chapter two

A spider: [spider]
% pandoc command/chap1/ command/chap2/ -f markdown+rebase_relative_paths -t html
<h1 id="chapter-one">Chapter one</h1>
<p>A spider: <img src="command/chap1/spider.png" alt="spider" /></p>
<p>The moon: <img src="command/chap1/../../lalune.jpg" alt="moon" /></p>
<p>Link to <a href="command/chap1/spider.png">spider picture</a>.</p>
<p>URL left alone: <a href="">manual</a>.</p>
<p>Absolute path left alone: <a href="/foo/bar/baz.png">absolute</a>.</p>
<h1 id="chapter-two">Chapter two</h1>
<p>A spider: <img src="command/chap2/spider.png" alt="spider" /></p>