With the new (default) line wrapping of HTML, in conjunction with the default CSS which includes `code { whitespace: pre-wrap; }`, spurious line breaks could be introduced into inline code. Closes #7858.
383 B
383 B
% pandoc -t html --columns=50 --wrap=auto
`neuth asontue stheuosnt aeosunth asnoetuh asneotuh snatehou snatoehu sntahe ousntahoe unstaheou sntaheou aoeu sthoeu sntaoeusnth ansoetuhs atoeuh saonteu`
<p><code>neuth asontue stheuosnt aeosunth asnoetuh asneotuh snatehou snatoehu sntahe ousntahoe unstaheou sntaheou aoeu sthoeu sntaoeusnth ansoetuhs atoeuh saonteu</code></p>