John MacFarlane d226a35c0a Switch back from HsYAML to yaml.

- Performance: HsYAML is around 20 times slower in parsing
  large YAML bibliographies ().
- An issue was submitted to HsYAML, but it hasn't gotten
  any attention.  HsYAML seems borderline unmaintained; it hasn't
  had a commit in over a year.
- Unfortunately this goes back on our attempts to free ourselves
  from C dependencies ().  But I don't see a better alternative
  until a better pure Haskell parser is available.

Closes .


- We've removed the FromYAML instances for all types that had
  them, since this is a HsYAML-specific typeclass [API change].
  (The yaml package just uses From/ToJSON.)
- Unlike HsYAML (in the configuration we were using), yaml
  parses 'Y', 'N', 'Yes', 'No', 'On', 'Off' as boolean values.
  Users may need to quote these when they are meant to be
  interpreted as strings.  Similarly, 'null' is parsed as
  a YAML null value (and will be treated as an empty string
  by pandoc rather than the string 'null').  Quoting it will
  force it to be interpreted as a string.
- Some tests had to be adjusted accordingly.
- Pandoc now behaves better when the YAML metadata contains
  escaping errors: instead of just falling back on treating
  the section as a table, it raises a YAML parsing error.
2021-10-27 12:50:51 -07:00

3.6 KiB
Raw Blame History

% pandoc --citeproc --csl command/ieee.csl -t plain
title: 'A Simple Citations Test'
author: 'Joanna Doe'
- author:
  - family: Mathôt
    given: S
  container-title: Annual review of vision science
  DOI: 10.1146/annurev-vision-030320-062352
  id: mathot2020
  issued: 2020
  title: "Tuning the senses: How the pupil shapes vision at the earliest
  title-short: Tuning the senses
  type: article-journal
- author:
  - family: Zokaei
    given: Nahid
  - family: Board
    given: Alexander G.
  - family: Manohar
    given: Sanjay G.
  - family: Nobre
    given: Anna C.
  container-title: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
    the United States of America
  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1909959116
  id: zokaei2019
  issued: 2019
  page: 201909959
  title: Modulation of the pupillary response by the content of visual
    working memory
  type: article-journal
- author:
  - family: Suzuki
    given: Y.
  - family: Minami
    given: T.
  - family: Laeng
    given: B.
  - family: Nakauchi
    given: S.
  container-title: Acta Psychologica
  DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.102882
  id: suzuki2019
  issued: 2019
  page: 102882
  title: "Colorful glares: Effects of colors on brightness illusions
    measured with pupillometry."
  title-short: Colorful glares
  type: article-journal
  volume: 198
- author:
  - family: Brainard
    given: David H.
  - family: Hurlbert
    given: Anya
  container-title: Current Biology
  DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.05.020
  id: brainard2015a
  issue: 13
  issued: 2015
  page: R551-R554
  title: "Colour vision: Understanding \\#TheDress"
  title-short: Colour vision
  type: article-journal
  volume: 25
- author:
  - family: Cavanagh
    given: Patrick
  container-title: Limits of vision
  - family: Crody-Dillon
    given: John R.
  id: cavanagh1991
  issued: 1991
  page: 234-250
  publisher: CRC Press
  title: Vision at equiluminance
  type: chapter
- author:
  - family: Brainard
    given: David H.
  container-title: Annual Review of Vision Science
  DOI: 10.1146/annurev-vision-082114-035341
  id: brainard2015
  issued: 2015
  page: 519-546
  title: Color and the cone mosaic
  type: article-journal
  volume: 1

# First Heading #
Here is some **text**. And a reference [@brainard2015;@brainard2015a].

# Second Heading #
Here is some *text*[@cavanagh1991]. And a reference [@cavanagh1991;@brainard2015].

# Third Heading #
Here is some [text]{.underline}. And a reference [@mathot2020;@zokaei2019;@suzuki2019].

::: {#refs}
## Bibliography ##
First Heading

Here is some text. And a reference [1], [2].

Second Heading

Here is some text[3]. And a reference [1], [3].

Third Heading

Here is some text. And a reference [4][6].


[1] D. H. Brainard, “Color and the cone mosaic,” Annual Review of Vision
Science, vol. 1, pp. 519546, 2015.

[2] D. H. Brainard and A. Hurlbert, “Colour vision: Understanding
#TheDress,” Current Biology, vol. 25, no. 13, pp. R551R554, 2015.

[3] P. Cavanagh, “Vision at equiluminance,” in Limits of vision, J. R.
Crody-Dillon, Ed. CRC Press, 1991, pp. 234250.

[4] S. Mathôt, “Tuning the senses: How the pupil shapes vision at the
earliest stage.” Annual review of vision science, 2020.

[5] N. Zokaei, A. G. Board, S. G. Manohar, and A. C. Nobre, “Modulation
of the pupillary response by the content of visual working memory,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, p. 201909959, 2019.

[6] Y. Suzuki, T. Minami, B. Laeng, and S. Nakauchi, “Colorful glares:
Effects of colors on brightness illusions measured with pupillometry.”
Acta Psychologica, vol. 198, p. 102882, 2019.