Reasons: - Performance: HsYAML is around 20 times slower in parsing large YAML bibliographies (#6084). - An issue was submitted to HsYAML, but it hasn't gotten any attention. HsYAML seems borderline unmaintained; it hasn't had a commit in over a year. - Unfortunately this goes back on our attempts to free ourselves from C dependencies (#4535). But I don't see a better alternative until a better pure Haskell parser is available. Closes #6084. Notes: - We've removed the FromYAML instances for all types that had them, since this is a HsYAML-specific typeclass [API change]. (The yaml package just uses From/ToJSON.) - Unlike HsYAML (in the configuration we were using), yaml parses 'Y', 'N', 'Yes', 'No', 'On', 'Off' as boolean values. Users may need to quote these when they are meant to be interpreted as strings. Similarly, 'null' is parsed as a YAML null value (and will be treated as an empty string by pandoc rather than the string 'null'). Quoting it will force it to be interpreted as a string. - Some tests had to be adjusted accordingly. - Pandoc now behaves better when the YAML metadata contains escaping errors: instead of just falling back on treating the section as a table, it raises a YAML parsing error.
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% pandoc --citeproc -t markdown-citations
csl: 'command/chinese-gb7714-2005-numeric.csl'
- ISSN: '1003-1111'
URL: ''
abstract: '为了解辽东湾海域底栖动物次级生产力水平和时空分布特点,根据2007年的4月和10月辽东湾海域大型底栖动物调查数据,运用Brey经验公式计算大型底栖动物次级生产力和P/B值,并结合海洋生物指数方法对辽东湾海域进行生境适宜性评价。分析结果表明,该海域大型底栖动物年平均次级生产力为5.59g/(m\~2·年),年平均P/B值为3.16,辽东湾大型底栖动物次级生产力空间分布呈现出自沿岸向中部递增的趋势,P/B值空间分布与底栖动物次级生产力相反,呈现出自沿岸向中部递减的趋势,群落组成中以个体小、生活史短、代谢快的底栖动物为主。'
- day: 27
month: 3
year: 2018
- family: 李
given: 轶平
- family: 于
given: 旭光
- family: 孙
given: 明
- family: 郭
given: 栋
- family: 段
given: 妍
- family: 董
given: 婧
container-title: 水产科学
id: LiLiaoDongWanHaiYuDiQiDongWuCiJiShengChanLiYanJiuJiShengJingGuaYiXingPingJie2017
issue: 06
- year: 2017
keyword: '次级生产力,大型底栖动物,海洋生物指数方法,AMBI,macrozoobenthos,P/B
value,P/B值,secondary productivity'
language: 中文;
page: '728-734'
title: 辽东湾海域底栖动物次级生产力研究及生境适宜性评价
type: 'article-journal'
I referenced something here
I referenced something here^\[1\]^
::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body}
::: {#ref-LiLiaoDongWanHaiYuDiQiDongWuCiJiShengChanLiYanJiuJiShengJingGuaYiXingPingJie2017 .csl-entry}
[\[1\] ]{.csl-left-margin}[李轶平, 于旭光, 孙明, 等.
水产科学, 2017(6): 728--734.]{.csl-right-inline}