<xref> elements can also be used to link to <figure> elements. Alas, the
DocBook reader was not aware of this and thus generated a link text
which just said 'figure_title'.
https://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/4.5/figure.html explains that <figure>
elements can contain <title> elements, so let's try to use that if it is
Asciidoctor uses different unicode characters for task
lists; we should recognize them too and be able to convert
them to ascii task lists in formats like gfm.
These commands take optional arguments with () and [],
which can lead to problems if the content of the table
cell begins with these characters.
Previously when generating JATS with the `element_citations`
extension enabled, the references were put in a doubly-nested
ref-list element (`<ref-list><ref-list>...`). This is now fixed.
Citeproc adopted the BibTeX convention to use the author name "others"
when there are additional authors that are not named. JATS uses the
`<etal>` element for this.
This allows `<div>` to be suppressed using `-raw_html`.
Previously `native_divs` was enabled but could
not be suppressed, because it was not in the list of
available extensions for commonmark-based formats.
This used to be necessary to avoid problems with hyperref,
when headings contain strikeout text, but it does not seem to be
necessary any more (tested).
It now comes after header-includes and right before title, author, date,
The hyperref documentation says: “Make sure it comes last of your loaded
packages”. The reason is that it redefines many LaTeX commands.
For example, loading it after titlesec (which might be loaded in
header-includes) causes links in the table of contents to point to
the wrong page (#7960).
Note: Users who presuppose hyperref in their header-includes
will now have to add `\usepackage{hyperref}` to their header-includes
to make it available there. (The redundant `\usepackage` will
do no harm in this case.)
Looking at the definition of `org-element-latex-environment-parser`, one
sees that Org allows arbitrary arguments to LaTeX environments. In fact,
it parses every char just after `\begin{xxx}` until `\end{xxx}` as
content for the environment, so all the following examples are valid
\begin{equation} e = mc^2 \end{equations}
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
A \& B \\
C \& D
\arrow[from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["f", from=2-1, to=2-2]
Footnotes in `<fn-group>` elements are collected and re-inserted into
the document as proper footnotes in the place where they are referenced.
Fixes: #6348
Within each cell, determine the cell alignment as per
https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki:syntax#tables. The current approach, as
per the issue treats the first row's alignment as determining
that of the entire column. Given this, it wastes some work in
determining an alignment for every cell.