DocBook reader: improve info parsing.
Simplify metadata parsing code. Handle abstract as block-level content. Report skipped info elements with `--verbose`. See #7747.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 82 additions and 35 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.DocBook
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Generics
import Data.List (intersperse,elemIndex)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,fromMaybe,mapMaybe,maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -598,35 +600,81 @@ named s e = qName (elName e) == s
addMetadataFromElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> DB m Blocks
addMetadataFromElement e = do
case filterChild (named "title") e of
Nothing -> return ()
Just z -> do
getInlines z >>= addMeta "title"
addMetaField "subtitle" z
case filterChild (named "authorgroup") e of
Nothing -> return ()
Just z -> addMetaField "author" z
addMetaField "subtitle" e
addAuthor e
addMetaField "date" e
addMetaField "release" e
addMetaField "releaseinfo" e
addMetaField "abstract" e
return mempty
addAuthor elt =
case filterChildren (named "author") elt of
[] -> return ()
[z] -> fromAuthor z >>= addMeta "author"
zs -> mapM fromAuthor zs >>= addMeta "author"
fromAuthor elt =
mconcat . intersperse space <$> mapM getInlines (elChildren elt)
addMetaField fieldname elt =
case filterChildren (named fieldname) elt of
[] -> return ()
[z] -> getInlines z >>= addMeta fieldname
zs -> mapM getInlines zs >>= addMeta fieldname
addMetadataFromElement e =
mempty <$ mapM_ handleMetadataElement
(filterChildren ((isMetadataField . qName . elName)) e)
handleMetadataElement elt =
case qName (elName elt) of
"title" -> addContentsToMetadata "title" elt
"subtitle" -> addContentsToMetadata "subtitle" elt
"abstract" -> addContentsToMetadata "abstract" elt
"date" -> addContentsToMetadata "date" elt
"release" -> addContentsToMetadata "release" elt
"releaseinfo" -> addContentsToMetadata "releaseinfo" elt
"author" -> fromAuthor elt >>= addMeta "author"
"authorgroup" ->
mapM fromAuthor (filterChildren (named "author") elt) >>= addMeta "author"
_ -> report . IgnoredElement . qName . elName $ elt
fromAuthor elt =
mconcat . intersperse space . filter (not . null)
<$> mapM getInlines (elChildren elt)
addContentsToMetadata fieldname elt =
if any ((`Set.member` blockTags) . qName . elName) (elChildren elt)
then getBlocks elt >>= addMeta fieldname
else getInlines elt >>= addMeta fieldname
isMetadataField "abstract" = True
isMetadataField "address" = True
isMetadataField "annotation" = True
isMetadataField "artpagenums" = True
isMetadataField "author" = True
isMetadataField "authorgroup" = True
isMetadataField "authorinitials" = True
isMetadataField "bibliocoverage" = True
isMetadataField "biblioid" = True
isMetadataField "bibliomisc" = True
isMetadataField "bibliomset" = True
isMetadataField "bibliorelation" = True
isMetadataField "biblioset" = True
isMetadataField "bibliosource" = True
isMetadataField "collab" = True
isMetadataField "confgroup" = True
isMetadataField "contractnum" = True
isMetadataField "contractsponsor" = True
isMetadataField "copyright" = True
isMetadataField "cover" = True
isMetadataField "date" = True
isMetadataField "edition" = True
isMetadataField "editor" = True
isMetadataField "extendedlink" = True
isMetadataField "issuenum" = True
isMetadataField "itermset" = True
isMetadataField "keywordset" = True
isMetadataField "legalnotice" = True
isMetadataField "mediaobject" = True
isMetadataField "org" = True
isMetadataField "orgname" = True
isMetadataField "othercredit" = True
isMetadataField "pagenums" = True
isMetadataField "printhistory" = True
isMetadataField "productname" = True
isMetadataField "productnumber" = True
isMetadataField "pubdate" = True
isMetadataField "publisher" = True
isMetadataField "publishername" = True
isMetadataField "releaseinfo" = True
isMetadataField "revhistory" = True
isMetadataField "seriesvolnums" = True
isMetadataField "subjectset" = True
isMetadataField "subtitle" = True
isMetadataField "title" = True
isMetadataField "titleabbrev" = True
isMetadataField "volumenum" = True
isMetadataField _ = False
addMeta :: PandocMonad m => ToMetaValue a => Text -> a -> DB m ()
addMeta field val = modify (setMeta field val)
@ -636,11 +684,11 @@ instance HasMeta DBState where
deleteMeta field s = s {dbMeta = deleteMeta field (dbMeta s)}
isBlockElement :: Content -> Bool
isBlockElement (Elem e) = qName (elName e) `elem` blockTags
isBlockElement (Elem e) = qName (elName e) `Set.member` blockTags
isBlockElement _ = False
blockTags :: [Text]
blockTags =
blockTags :: Set.Set Text
blockTags = Set.fromList $
[ "abstract"
, "ackno"
, "answer"
@ -902,7 +950,7 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
"?xml" -> return mempty
"title" -> return mempty -- handled in parent element
"subtitle" -> return mempty -- handled in parent element
_ -> skip >> getBlocks e
_ -> skip >> getBlocks e
where skip = do
let qn = qName $ elName e
let name = if "pi-" `T.isPrefixOf` qn
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ Pandoc
[ ( "author"
, MetaList
[ MetaInlines
[ Str "John" , SoftBreak , Str "MacFarlane" ]
[ MetaInlines [ Str "John" , Space , Str "MacFarlane" ]
, MetaInlines [ Str "Anonymous" ]
Add table
Reference in a new issue